Ere Sentence Examples
The area of this trade was ere long further extended.
Ere long the hounds arrived, but here they lost the scent.
At first he entered into the service of a high-born lady; but ere long the amir, hearing of his arrival, called him in as medical attendant, and sent him back with presents to his dwelling.
Ere long his abilities attracted the notice of Cardinal Wolsey, who made him his secretary, and in this capacity he is said to have been with him at More Park in Hertfordshire, when the conclusion of the celebrated treaty of the More brought Henry VIII.
It's yer OL ' mate Wayne ' ere!
The agitation, however, on the Catholic question had quickened the sense of the wrongs of Ireland, and the Irish Catholics were engaged ere long in a crusade against tithes and the established church, the most offensive symbols of their inferiority in the state.
He had to be torn from his seat ere he was removed to prison, and as he sat next to Danton in the tumbrel which conveyed them to the guillotine, the calmness of the great leader failed to impress him.
But Catherine had the happiness of bringing him grandchildren ere he died.
Withdrawal from the active duty of the world must lead to passive endurance, and, ere long, complete indifference.
From Ishkashim northwards the river passes through the narrow rock-bound valleys of Shignan and Roshan ere it sweeps north and west through the mountains and defiles of Darwaz.
AdvertisementShe was reported to have said that she cared not to lose France, England and her own country for him, and would go with him to the world's end in a white petticoat ere she left him.
All these rivers break through the main snowy range ere they twist their way through the southern hills to the plains of India.
At first he was vastly pleased with the city and court of Rome; but his satisfaction ere long turned to discontent, and he gave vent to his ill-humour in a venomous satire on the pope's treasurer, 1MIilliardo Cicala.
Away, then, with the dagger and the pike, ere you become brigands and outlaws!
Firstly dragging the text cursor over the text selects " ere is a " .
AdvertisementPrimarily designed to prevent desertions, the Act was ere long found to have a farther reach than its framers probably dreamt of.
H ere, we offer the following Ten Commitments, which distil the essence of the value base of the Tidal Model.
Sooth, generally for women, A man might strive to make glass malleable, Ere he should make them fixed.
Thanks a lot, Des, for helping me keep moi porkers ' ere!
Ere they departed, the family was welded once more into a fair semblance of unity.
AdvertisementAnd ere the sun rise, the greatest mystery earth knows shall be bare to thy soul!
Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Arsacid princes maintained an inveterate feud with the Sassanids of Persia.
But it was clearly essential to deal with Wellington on the morrow, ere Blucher could again appear on the scene.
In 1526 the male line of the ancient dynasty became extinct, and on the 26th of August Sigismund received the homage of the Masovians at Warsaw, the capital of the duchy and ere long of the whole kingdom.
A large number of Rittera ristocratic schools (Ritt e r-Akademien) w ere founded,, beginning with the Collegium Illustre of Tubingen (1589) and ending with the Hohe Karlschule of Stuttgart (1775).
AdvertisementGardiner had, in fact, ere this remonstrated boldly with his sovereign on some points, and Henry now reminded him of the fact.
They are for old farts who remember when it was all fields ' round ' ere, and woodbines cost thrupence a pack.
At least a hundred years had to pass ere a new edition of the whole Bible was undertaken, nor was the Bible used for private reading, except such passages as were included in the lessons read in church.
Townley had hardly joined the French buccaneers remaining in the South Sea ere he died, and the Frenchmen with their companions crossed New Spain to the West Indies.
Already ere Ecgbert ascended the throne of Kent the new enemy had made his first tentative appearance on the British shore.
Ere long they grew so bold that they would stay ashore for months, braving the forces of a whole kingdom, and sheltering themselves in great palisaded camps on peninsulas or islands when the enemy pressed, them too hard.
King Ecgbert died long ere the invaders had reached this stage of insolence.
N9 one yet openly withstood him, but he was well aware that his position was precarious, and that the claims of Matilda would he brought forward ere long by the section of the baronage which had not yet got from him all they desired.
For a space he was to be duke as well as king; but thi.s meant merely thathe would have two wars, not one, in hand ere long.
Then followed a time of great ethnical confusion in South Africa, during which tribes flourished, split up and disappeared; but ere this the culture represented by the ruins in Rhodesia had waxed and waned.
A new seminary of logic and theology sprang up at Nisibis, not far from the old locality; and at Gandisapora (or Nishapur), in the east of Persia, there arose a medical school, whence Greek medicine, and in its company Greek science and philosophy, ere long spread over the lands of Iran.
The value of the idea at once struck him; he set to work on utilizing the principle involved, and ere long had constructed a machine admirably adapted to serve its purpose.
Aglauros and Heise disobeyed the injufiction, an&when they saw the child (which had the form of a snake, or round which a snake was coiled) they went mad with fright, and threw themselves from the rock of the Acropolis (or ere killed by the snake).
Twelve o'clock had scarce rung out over London, ere the knocker sounded very gently on the door.
No longer armed or wearing their former singular dress, the remnant of them in Lebanon seems likely ere long to be assimilated to the "Osmanli" Moslems. Their feud with the Maronites, whose accentuation in the middle of the 19th century was largely due to the tergiversations of the ruling Shehab family, now reduced to low estate, is dying away, but they retain something of their old clan feeling and feudal organization, especially in Shuf.
A famous passage, and one short enough to quote, is that describing the old blind doge Dandolo, who had "Grant ochoison de remanoir (reason for staying at home), car viels hom ere, et si avoit les yaulx en la teste biaus et n'en veoit gote (goutte)," and yet was the foremost in fight.
Ere long Arianism and Socinianism were general among English Presbyterians (see Unitarianism).
Johnston had, long ere this, fallen back from Manassas towards Richmond, and the two armies were in touch when a serious check was given to McClellan by the brilliant successes of Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley.
To this More answered, " Alas, Meg, it pitieth me to remember unto what misery, poor soul, she will .shortly come; these dances of hers will prove such dances that she will spurn our heads off like footballs; but it will not be long ere her head will dance the like dance."
Valtelline by papal troops, a diplomatic victory destined, however, to lead ere long to humiliation.
Three or four leading shoots should be selected to pass ere long into boughs and form a well-balanced framework for the tree; these boughs, however, will soon grow beyond any artificial system the pruner may adopt.
He was warmly welcomed by Louis XV., and ere long he was again vigorously intriguing in Paris, and even in Madrid.
More fateful was the attitude of the Orthodox Ruthenian peasantry, who w ere divided from their Catholic Polish over-lords by centuries of religious and feudal oppression.
By 886 Mowaffaq found it expedient to grant Khomaruya the possession of Egypt, Syria, and the frontier towns for a period of thirty years, and ere long, owing to the disputes of the provincial governors, Khomgruya found it possible to extend his domain to the Euphrates and even the Tigris.
During the revolution of 1848, of which he took an unduly sanguine view, he once more turned journalist for a short time in the Ere nouvelle and other papers.
To the west lies the Kharan desert, with intermittent river channels enclosed and often lost in sand-waves ere they reach the Mashkel swamps on the far borders of Persia.
Yielding to necessity, the Bulgarian forces on the Vardar withdrew, ere it was too late, into the Belashitsa valley, while those pursuing Timok II.
Ere rationalismus vulgaris fell before the combined assault of Schleiermacher's subjective theology and the deeper historical insight of the Hegelians, it had found a refuge successively in the Kantian postulates of the practical reason, and in the vague but earnest faith-philosophy of Jacobi.
There he healed Eudemus, a celebrated peripatetic philosopher, and other persons of distinction; and ere long, by his learning and unparalleled success as a physician, earned for himself the titles of "Paradoxologus," the wonder-speaker, and "Paradoxopoeus," the wonder-worker, thereby incurring the jealousy and envy of his fellow-practitioners.
He often surprised his hearers by the quietness of his beginnings, and these were very often the speeches which turned out most brilliant and most irresistible ere the close.
Ere long the reaction came; this straw-fire of revolution burnt itself out in a couple of years.
There was but one feeling in the British public and the nation as to the dishonest character of that unprovoked aggression, and it was foreseen that Austria would ere long have reason to repent her share in it.
Confucius was in his fifty-sixth year when he left Lu; and thirteen years elapsed ere he returned to it.
His lyrical poetry was mainly the product of his exile, if we are to believe Ben Jonson, who told Drummond of Hawthornden that Donne "wrote all his best pieces ere he was 25 years old."
The infinite or non-finite is not necessarily known, ere the finite is negated, or in order to negate it; all that needs be known is the finite itself; and the contradictory negation of it implies no positive.
And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that ere slain upon the earth.
And ere the sun rise, the greatest mystery earth knows shall be bare to thy soul !
The wakeful shepherd, tending his flocks, beholds from the mountain 's top the first faint morning beam ere cometh the risen day.
He had married while in London, but ere long had reason to suspect his wife's relations with a certain Englishman.
Long ere this last event, however, Aleppo had been declining from internal causes.
Ere he had been many months on the throne he divorced his wife, Isabella of Gloucester, alleging that their marriage had been illegal because they were within the prohibited degrees.
As the process of the partition of lands continued, the fractions grew smaller and smaller, and many of the tenants-in-chief were ere long very small and unimportant persons.
Its first leader was none of the great barons, but a Renfrewshire knight, Sir William Wallace; but ere long more important persons, including Robert Bruce, earl of Carrick (grandson of Robert Bruce of Annandale, one of the competitors for the crown of Scotland), and the bishop of Glasgow, were found to be in communication with the rebels.
Such severity was most impolitic, and Lancaster was ere long hailed as a saint and a martyr.
Edward III., who thus commenced his reign ere he was out of his boyhood, was, as might have been foretold from his prompt action against Mortimer, a prince of great vigour and enterprise.
The temptation was too great for the young king to refuse; he accepted the homage, and offered the aid of his arms. It was soon required, for Baliol was ere long expelled from Scotland.
He and his disciples were expelled from Oxford, and ere long the bishops began to arrest and try them for heresy.
Ere Edward turned south he had bereprisals headed two earlsDevon and Wiltshireand fortyof the two knights, and had hanged many prisoners of lesser Vorkists.
They ere categorized mostly as schizophrenic, often chronic (especially if inherited from the previous regime ).
Aquinas died ere he had finished his great work, and what has been added to complete the scheme is appended as a Supplementum Tertiae Partis.
In the light of present knowledge concerning the trade-routes of Asia, which had been in existence for thousands of years ere ever Europeans attempted to make use of them, it is safe to identify Ptolemy's Sinus Perimulicus with the Gulf of Siam, the Sinus Sabaricus with the Straits of Malacca from their southern portals to the Gulf of Martaban, the Aurea Chersonesus with the Malay Peninsula, and the island of Iabadius or Sabadius - the reading of the name is doubtful - with Sumatra, not as has often been mistakenly attempted with Java.
These, however, were ere long rivalled and afterwards superseded by the Shorthorn or Durham breed, which the brothers Charles and Robert Coiling obtained from the useful race of cattle that had long existed in the valley of the Tees, by applying to them the principle of breeding which Bakewell had already established.
This question was being seriously studied, and it was hoped that a comprehensive scheme would be presented ere long.
The gods did not reveal all things to mortals in the beginning; long is the search ere man findeth that which is better."
In the partition of the Eastern empire by the Latins which followed that event the island was divided into three fiefs, the occupants of which ere long found it expedient to place themselves under the protection of the Venetian republic, which thenceforward became the sovereign power in the country.
Ere long permissive legislation strove to disseminate the new principles.
The highest point, Mount Ere, so called (according to Miaoules) from the Albanian word for wind, is 1958 ft.
The pure Culdees Were Albyn's earliest priests of God, Ere yet an island of her seas By foot of Saxon monk was trod."
Llewelyn's brother, now David III., designated by the English " the last survivor of that race of traitors," for a few months defied the English forces amongst the fastnesses of Snowdon, but ere long he was captured, tried as a disloyal English baron by a parliament at Shrewsbury, and finally executed under circumstances of great barbarity on the 3rd of October 1283.
The Veda, that is to say, had existed in the divine mind ere it was made known to men, and as such it belonged to the realm of the deathless and the infinite.
But from a strong sense of duty he continued at his post; and ere long the general condemnation of the despatch was so strong that the writer felt it necessary to retire from office.
You have probably read, ere this, Helen's second letter to the little girls.
But ere long Cromwell himself arrived with his reserve, and the whole English line advanced again.