Equality Sentence Examples
In 1828 the free people of colour in the colonies were placed on a footing of legal equality with their fellow-citizens.
He introduced the sign (=) for equality, and the terms binomial and residual.
The two expressions whose equality is stated by an equation or an identity are its members.
In neither case did the allegiance involve strict obedience to orders from the superior, and their loyalty was always in danger of being troubled by their love of independence and equality and their desire for loot.
In politics he advocates absolute equality - a democracy pushed to anarchy.
Women should expect respect, equality, and tenderness.
Under the present constitution they are "fully emancipated from all disability on account of coverture," and are placed on an equality with their husbands in acquiring and disposing of property and in making contracts relative thereto.
Plebeian handicrafts assert their right to be represented on an equality with learned professions and wealthy corporations.
The independent position of the burgesses, who thus assumed a position of equality by the side of the feudal class, is one of the peculiarities of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
The members of each group lived on terms of equality, the families forming a society of worship the rites of which were conducted by the head.
AdvertisementHe spent his whole life fighting for racial equality.
He acknowledged a universal equality of human rights.
Hitherto, in order to prove the equality of two expressions for the same function, it was necessary to transform the one into the other, i.e.
In particular, the equality or inequality of values of two functions is more readily grasped by comparison of the lengths of the ordinates of the graphs than by inspection of the relative positions of their bounding lines.
The resort to the weighbridge should put both on an equality, and its use tends to increase.
AdvertisementThey can raise any issue related to equality of opportunities.
None of them possesses an overwhelming majority, but perfect equality is granted to all religious creeds legally recognized.
Considered in this way, the relations between the coefficients of the powers of x in a series may sometimes be expressed by a formal equality involving the series as a whole.
Latterly certain Catholics have questioned this equality of the concordatory obligation, and have aroused keen discussion.
It was not till 1874 that full religious equality was granted to the Jews of Switzerland.
AdvertisementNapoleon intended it as a protest against the spirit of equality which pervaded revolutionary thought.
Further, Italians were to be admitted to these colonies, and as they were to be burgess colonies, the right of the Italians to equality with the Romans was thereby partially recognized.
But this equality, which took no account of wealth or poverty, was felt to be unjust, and the assessment began to be made according to the resources of each family, "the strong bearing the weak, and the weak relieving the strong."
Beware of making any distinctions which may infringe equality.
The old, traditionally Protestant, industries are in decline or are increasingly being challenged through the equality agenda.
AdvertisementAll that is wanting in his writings, especially in his Isagoge in artem analyticam (1591), in order to make them look like a modern school algebra, is merely the sign of equality - a want which is the more striking because Robert Recorde had made use of our present symbol for this purpose since 1 557, and Xylander had employed vertical parallel lines since 1575.
To investigate the osmotic pressure of a' strong solution we may consider the hydrostatic pressure required to increase its vapour pressure to an equality with that of the solvent.
There are also certain orders, such as the recently instituted Order of Merit (British), and the Pour le Merite (Prussia), which have but one class, all members being on an equality of rank within the order.
On admission all were to swear to co-operate so far as in them lay for the assertion of the principles of liberty and equality.
The tyranny of these nobles drove the peasantry and smaller vassals to seek the protection for life and property, the equality of taxation and of justice, which could be found only inside the walled city and under the rule of the archbishop. Thus Milan grew populous, and learned to govern itself.
In place of the old system of privileges and exemptions were set equality before the law, universal liability to taxation, abolition of serfdom, security of person and property, liberty of conscience and of the press.
By additional articles the equality of religions was guaranteed and the rights of Protestants safeguarded, concessions which were denounced at Rome as a breach of the Concordat, which had been signed immediately before.
The bond between church and state which had been established by the synod of Dort (1618) and the organization of the Low-Dutch Reformed Church (Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk) as the national Protestant church, practically came to an end in the revolution of 1795, and in the revision of the Constitution in 1848 the complete religious liberty and equality of all persons and congregations was guaranteed.
Freedom of worship, freedom of the press, and political equality were principles of the constitution, guaranteed to all.
In 1900 laws were passed regulating the contract of labour, placing the workman on a footing of perfect equality with his employer, assuring the married woman free control of her savings, and organizing a system of old-age pensions.
But literature had ceased to flourish under the patronage of the great, and had not yet begun to flourish under the patronage of the public. One man of letters, indeed, Pope, had acquired by his pen what was then considered as a handsome fortune, and lived on a footing of equality with nobles and ministers of state.
In any reform of the Bund, it ran, Prussia, equally with Austria, must have the right of vetoing war; she must be admitted, in the matter of the presidency, to absolute equality with Austria; and, finally, she will yield no tittle of her rights save to a parliament representing the whole German nation.
They resorted to the help of the government in order to stamp out the opinions with which they disagreed, and the claims of the artisans to practical equality were rejected by them, as in earlier days the claims of the middle class had been by the nobles.
From these it was clear that the German government had for some time past been pressing on its naval armaments with little regard to the ostensible programme, and that in the matter of the newest types of battleships, Great Britain had to reckon with the fact that, before the date fixed for the completion of the programme, Germany might establish at least an equality.
His writings on government and his personal influence among the Liberal politicians of his time determined the change of view from the French Revolution theories of the rights of man and the absolute equality of men to the claiming of securities for good government through a wide extension of the franchise.
The management of the bank and the supervision exercised over it by the state are established on a footing of equality, both states having each the same influence.
The equality of all customary (landesiiblich) languages in school, office and public life, is recognized by the state.
The effect of these laws has been to raise Croatian to equality with Italian.
Garrison countenanced the activity of women in the cause, even to the extent of allowing them to vote and speak in the anti-slavery societies, and appointing them as lecturing agents; moreover, he believed in the political equality of the sexes, to which a strong party was opposed upon social and religious grounds.
When in 1861 the Southern states seceded from the Union and took up arms against it, he saw clearly that slavery would perish in the struggle, that the constitution would be purged of its pro-slavery clauses, and that the Union henceforth would rest upon the sure foundations of libert y, justice and equality to all men.
The result of a fairly equal distribution of wealth is a marked tendency towards equality in social intercourse.
On the other hand, the Odense Recess of the 10th of August 1527, which put both confessions on a footing of equality, remained unrepealed; and so long as it remained in force, the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishops, and, consequently, their authority over the " free preachers " (whose ambition convulsed all the important towns of Denmark and aimed at forcibly expelling the Catholic priests from their churches) remained valid, to the great vexation of the reformers.
The nobility at first claimed exemption from taxation altogether, while the clergy and burgesses insisted upon an absolute equality of taxation.
The Hungarians and Szeklers together number 81 4,994, and the Saxons 233,019, but by far the most numerous element, though long excluded from power and political equality, is formed by the Rumanians, 1,397,282 in number, who are spread all over the country.
After 1854 she devoted herself almost exclusively to the agitation for woman's rights, and became recognized as one of the ablest and most zealous advocates, both as a public speaker and as a writer, of the complete legal equality of the two sexes.
Scotland was to have forty-five members and sixteen elected peers at Westminster; the holders of Darien stock were compensated; as a balance to equality of taxation a pecuniary equivalent was to be paid, the kirk and Scottish courts of justice were safeguarded (final appeal being to the British House of Lords), and Scots shared English facilities and privileges of trade, in name, for many years passed before Scotland really began to enjoy the benefits.
In its origin a revolt against feudal oppression, it became, under the leadership of Munzer, a war against all constituted authorities, and an attempt to establish by force his ideal Christian commonwealth, with absolute equality and the community of goods.
Civil marriage and divorce were introduced, and in 1904 all religions were placed on a position of equality in the eye of the law, and the foundation of new monasteries and convents was forbidden.
Important classes among you, representing ideas that have been fostered and encouraged by British rule, claim equality of citizenship, and a greater share in legislation and government.
It is difficult to understand what may be the connexion between stars so widely separated; from the equality of their motions they must have been widely separated for a very long period.
In fact, the circumstances were those which create equality of wealth and condition, as far as civilized men ever can be equal.
The local monarchy of the manorial lords was fast giving way to a central power which maintained its laws, the circuits of its judges, the fiscal claims of its exchequer, the police interference of its civil officers all through the country, and, by prevailing over the franchises of manorial lords, gave shape to a vast dominion of legal equality and legal protection, in which the forces of commercial exchange, of contract, of social intercourse, found a ready and welcome sphere of action.
The symbol of equality (=) is not the same as the copula (is); it means " is equal to," where " equal to " is part of the predicate, leaving " is " as the copula.
The law, e.g., of the equality of the radii of a circle cannot be exhibited to sense, even if equal radii may be so exhibited.
He could not recognize such vocables as the impersonals for what they were, and had perforce to ignore the logical significance of purely reciprocal judgments, such as those of equality.
The vapourmolecules of the solvent are free to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, and will continue to condense in the solution until the hydrostatic pressure is so raised as to produce equality of vapour-pressure.
The result for the nation was in the one case despotism, equality and order, in the other individual liberty and an inability to move as a whole.
Lacordaire strove to show that Catholicism was not bound up with the idea of dynasty, and definitely allied it with a well-defined liberty, equality and fraternity.
Newtons Second Law asserts that change of momentum is equal to the impulse; this is a statement as to equality of vectors and so implies identity of direction as well as of magnitude.
It is assumed that these latter are subject to the law of equality of action and reaction.
Exact equality of the two observed periods (Ti, T2, say) cannot of course be secured in practice, and a modification is necessary.
Principle of the Equality of Energy and Work.FroIn the first law of motion it follows that in a machine whose pieces move with uniform velocities the efforts and resistances must balance each other.
Superior first marks „ equal in equality to some standard mark.
The black man is not simply a morally and intellectually undeveloped European, and education, except in rare instances, does not put him on an equality with the European.
In reply, however, to a second deputation, the emperor Ferdinand declared on the 8th of April that equality of rights would be secured to both nationalities in Bohemia, that the question of the reunion of Moravia and Silesia to Bohemia should be left to a general meeting of representatives of all parts of Austria, and that a new meeting of the estates of Bohemia, which would include representatives of the principal towns, would shortly be convoked.
Of these fundamental ideas, justice, liberty and equality were the.
Proudhon's aim, therefore, was to realize a science of society resting on principles of justice, liberty and equality thus understood; "a science absolute, rigorous, based on the nature of man and of his faculties, 1 The droit d'aubaine was abolished in 1790, revived by Napoleon, and ended in 1819.
As we saw, his distinction between practical and speculative Wisdom belongs to the deepest of his disagreements with his master; and in the case of StKatoQ5vi again he distinguishes the wider use of the term to express Law-observance, which (he says) coincides with the social side of virtue generally, and its narrower use for the virtue that " aims at a kind of equality," whether (I) in the distribution of wealth, honour, &c., or (2) in commercial exchange, or (3) in the reparation of wrong done.
But in his general view of ethical principles as being, like mathematical principles,' essentially truths of relation, Clarke is quite in accordance with Locke; while of the four fundamental rules that he expounds, Piety towards God, Equity, Benevolence and Sobriety (which includes self-preservation), the first is obtained, just as Locke suggests, by " comparing the idea " of man with the idea of an infinitely good and wise being on whom he depends; and the second and third are axioms self-evident on the consideration of the equality or similarity of human individuals as such.
Instead, it possesses an army of placemen and officials; but these being mainly recruited from the peasantry, do not disturb the prevailing social equality.
Commercial equality being given to Ireland, the woollen trade at once revived, and a shipping interest sprang up. A legislative union was also effected, and Irish members attended at Westminster.
The general election of 1910 placed the Liberal and Unionist parties in a position of almost exact equality in the House of Commons, and it was at once evident that the Nationalists under Mr Redmond's leadership would hold the balance of power and control the fortunes of Mr Asquith's government.
The increasing number of her adherents, and her inexperience of government on such a vast and complicated scale, obliged her to comply with political necessity and to adopt the system of the state and its social customs. The Church was no longer a fraternity, on a footing of equality, with freedom of belief and tentative as to dogma, but an authoritative aristocratic hierarchy.
They had wished to set up a centralized empire, Catholic and German; but the treaties of Westphalia kept Germany in its passive and fragmentary condition; while the Catholic and Protestant princes obtained formal recognition of their territorial independence and their religious equality.
They wanted the abolition of the feudal system, the establishment of equality and a share in power.
But with views reaching beyond equality of rights to a certain equality of property, the committees, as regards legislation, poor relief and instruction, laid down principles which have never been realized, save in the matter of the metric system; so that the Convention which was dispersed on the 16th of October 1795 made a greater impression on political history and social ideas than on institutions.
He reorganized taxation on a basis of equality for all citizens, thereby abolishing one of the most vexatious privileges of the nobility, reformed the administration of justice and local government, suppressed torture and capital punishment, and substituted a citizen militia for the standing army.
The system was taken up almost bodily by the Arab astronomers, it was embodied in the Kabbalistic lore of Jews and Christians, and through these and other channels came to be the substance of the astrology of the middle ages, forming, as already pointed out, under the designation of "judicial astrology," a pseudo-science which was placed on a perfect footing of equality with "natural astrology" or the more genuine science of the study of the motions and phenomena of the heavenly bodies.
But between 1820 and 1830 a religious movement, having for its object their freedom from the trammels of caste, was inaugurated by a member of the caste, named Ghasi Das, who preached the unity of God and the equality of men.
In religious matters Calvinists and Lutherans were placed upon an equality, but the elector was unable to impress his own spirit of tolerance upon the clergy, who were occupied with ecclesiastical squabbles while the state of education and of public morals left much to be desired.
It led to a certain ambivalence in their attitudes toward the organized labor movement, despite their commitment to greater economic equality.
Does the paper have equality and diversity implications?
Equality mainstreaming occurs when these ideas, attitudes or activities routinely incorporate an equality perspective and become a normal feature of mainstream thinking.
The principle of equality of nations that inhabit our country is strictly adhered by.
My book and my life is founded on equality so a false antithesis has been set up!
Thus ' equality ' remains an empty aspiration when there is cash or power asymmetry between places.
Boolean equals (Object obj) Compares two remote objects for equality.
Method summary Boolean equals (Object obj) Checks two UnresolvedPermission objects for equality.
Moreover, our labor market, with its greater gender equality, makes childbearing a very expensive prospect for successful professionals.
Related sites Reflecting Britain campaign An challenge issued to the Lib Dem leadership contenders from the party's own equality taskforce.
We wish to promote a culture of equality throughout the organization.
Last night's attack is particularly despicable and there should be due equality and respect for all graves.
Method Detail equals public Boolean equals (Object other) Compares this CRL for equals public Boolean equals (Object other) Compares this CRL for equality with the given object.
The Board expects its entire staff to promote race equality in carrying out their duties.
Developing and delivering a strategy for mainstreaming race equality takes time.
Our vision is to ensure government achieves substantive equality for disabled people by 2025.
Finally, the Human Rights Team works to ensure equality in the field of medical care.
This two-year project (2001-2003) aimed to raise awareness about managing staff-related equality and diversity issues in higher education.
For China and Japan, recognition of their sovereign equality by other states became a symbol of having arrived.
The fight for full sexual equality is far from won.
Hence, equality of status between East and West Cameroon in subsequent negotiations was rendered impracticable.
Cultural Equality Kirklees celebrates its cultural diversity, and we try to stock as many relevant, culturally inclusive resources as possible.
All that may be required is an environment in which race equality mainstreaming can develop and succeed.
Trevor Phillips, chair of the Commission for Racial Equality, has been saying multiculturalism has failed for at least two years.
The chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality has called multiculturalism " outdated " .
Instead all equality issues are being brought together in what some fear will be 'an equalities mush ' .
Pattern of how equality in this appears nervous that.
A second consultation paper, which will include the outcome of an Equality Impact Assessment, is due to issue shortly.
Without control of these global profiteers, all the gains of the last century in equality and social support will destroyed.
Select project team Work with specialist support which may include HR, equality advisers, personnel specialists, occupational psychologists, project sponsors.
According to left-wing radicals, the collective equality of citizenship of the Nation-People provided the antidote to the selfish privileges of the private property-owners.
Formal equality of opportunity as characterized in this entry would not rationalize this legal policy.
James Farmer became National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality in 1953 and he helped organize student sit-ins during 1961.
Inayat Bunglawala, media spokesperson for the MCB, has disowned the MCB's advisor on equality issues, Muhammed Aziz.
One proof that the human telos or essence is inviolate is exploitation, the violation of our claims to material equality.
Promoting Racial Equality 2005 - 2006 Tower Hamlets is one of the UK's most culturally vibrant and diverse areas.
The primary government is aristocratic. Patrician tyranny rouses the populace to revolt, and then democratic equality is established under a republic. Democratic excesses cause the rise of an empire, which, becoming corrupt, declines into barbarism, and, again emerging from it, retraces the same course.
The slower propagation of light in gas or water than in air or vacuum may be attributed to a greater density, or to a less rigidity, in the former case; or we may adopt the more complicated supposition that both these quantities vary, subject only to the condition which restricts the ratio of velocities to equality with the known refractive index.
The matter leaving the conductor, whether the products of combustion or the drops of a liquid, supplies the means of securing equality of potential between the conductor and the air at the spot where the matter quits electrical connexion with the conductor.
A prism half silvered in this way is provided, which enables the observer to compare the equality of scale of both photographs.
Until the beginning of the 17th century the Byzantine tradition that in all matters outside the sphere of dogma the ecclesiastical is subordinate to the civil power had been observed in Russia; but the traditional conceptions had been to some extent undermined during the reign of Michael, when the metropolitan Philaret, who was the tsar's father (vide supra), became patriarch and was associated with his son in the government on a footing of equality.
It sought as well to encourage revolutionary measures against the monarchy and the old regime, and it was it especially which popularized the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
In a speech delivered at Graaf Reinet, a Bond stronghold, on the 3rd of March 1898, he made it clear that he was determined to secure freedom and equality for the British subjects in the Transvaal, and he urged the Dutch colonists to induce the Pretoria government to assimilate its institutions, and the temper and spirit of its administration, to those of the free communities of South Africa.
It was therefore no sudden revolution when, on the 15th of November 1839 Abd-ul-Mejid signalized his accession by promulgating the Tanzimat, or Hatti-Sherif of Gulhane, a decree abolishing the arbitrary and unlimited power hitherto exercised by the state and its officials, laying down the doctrine of the perfect equality of all Ottoman subjects of whatever race or creed, and providing for the regular, orderly and legal government of the country and the security of life, property and honour for all its inhabitants.
In each case, the first sign of equality comes under (iv.) above, the second under (iii.), and the fourth under (i.); but the third sign comes under (i.) in the first case (the statement being that z of £io=£5) and under (ii.) in the second.
There was no attempt in Haeckel's use of these terms to make them exactly or more than approximately equal in significance; such attempts were clearly futile and unimportant where the purpose was the exhibition of lines of descent, and where no natural equality of groups was to be expected ex hypothesi.
But what Barnabas did see with full reasoned conviction, he was staunch in upholding; thus he upheld the general cause of Gentile freedom from the obligation of circumcision (as distinct from perfect religious equality with Jewish believers) at the Jerusalem conference (Acts xv.).
Venality and the extortion of the tax-gatherer flourished anew after the departure of Gordon, while the feebleness of his successors inspired in the Baggara a contempt for the authority which prohibited them pursuing their most lucrative traffic. When Mahommed Ahmed (q.v.), a Dongolese, proclaimed himself the long-looked-for Mandi (guide) of Islam, he found most of his original followers among the grossly superstitious villagers of Kordofan, to whom he preached universal equality and a community of goods, while denouncing the Turks 2 as unworthy Moslems on whom God would execute judgment.
Even our Saviour preached liberty and equality.
And corresponding to the event its justification appears in people's belief that this was necessary for the welfare of France, for liberty, and for equality.
Promoting Racial Equality 2005 - 2006 Tower Hamlets is one of the UK 's most culturally vibrant and diverse areas.
The equality of representation, granted at the union, at first unfair to Lower Canada, became still more unfair to Upper Canada, as her population first equalled and then surpassed that of her sister province.
When a machine undergoes alternate acceleration and retardation, so that at certain instants of time, occurring at the end of intervals called periods or cycles, it returns to its original speed, then in each of those periods or cycles the alternate excesses of energy and of work neutralize each other; and at the end of each cycle the principle of the equality of energy and work stated in 87, with all, its consequences, is verified exactly as in the case of machines of uniform speed.
Principle of the Conservation of Energy in Machines.The following principle, expressing the general law of the action of machines with a velocity uniform or varying, includes the law of the equality of energy and work stated in 89 for machines of uniform speed.
In particular it is significant, in conjunction with the reference to the Holy Spirit, that Sabellius regards the Father also as merely a form of manifestation of the one God - in other words, has formally put Him in a position of complete equality with the other Persons.
Mechanical uniformity and minute regulation are inadequate substitutes for observance of the canons of equality, certainty and economy in the operation of the tax system.
With the Tudor dynasty firmly seated on the throne, a number of constitutional changes intended to place Welsh subjects on a complete social and political equality with Englishmen have to be recorded.
Much more serious difficulties met his attempts to introduce equality in the pressure of the taxes on the various classes.
Such a distinction of caste is regarded by Ballanche as the original state of historical society; and history, as a whole, he considers to have followed the same course as that taken by the Roman plebs in its attempts to attain equality with the patriciate.
Among the Baptist leaders gained from Congregationalism as a result of the awakening was Isaac Backus (1724-1806), who became the New England champion in the cause of religious liberty and equality, and the historian of his denomination.
Its chief work was to continue the agitation in which for some years the body had been successfully engaged in favour of religious equality and the entire separation of church and state.
Since 1780 the "Separate" Baptists had had the hearty co-operation of the "s Regular" Baptists in their struggle for religious liberty and equality.
Carlson, of the High School of Gothenburg, succeeded in forming a party of Liberals and Radicals to the number of about 90 members, who, besides being in favour of the extension of the franchise, advocated the full equality of Norway with Sweden in the management of foreign affairs.
Crown Prince Gustaf, who during the illness of King Oscar was appointed regent, took the initiative of renewing the negotiations between the two countries, and on the 5th of April in a combined Swedish and Norwegian council of state made a proposal for a reform both of the administration of diplomatic affairs and of the consular service on the basis of full equality between the two kingdoms, with the express reservation, however, of a joint foreign minister - Swedish or Norwegian - as a condition for the existence of the union.
Officially throughout the Union of South Africa both languages are now on a footing of equality.
With regard to bills the two houses are not in a position of equality.
Among the general provisions of the constitution the most im portant is that both the English and Dutch languages are official languages of the Union and are treated on a footing of equality; all records of parliament, and all notices of general public importance or interest issued by the government of the Union must be in both languages.
The equality of all free Hottentots and other free persons of colour with the white colonists was decreed in that year (1820).
What, however, was probably the most powerful motive of the Great Trek was the equality established by the British between the black and white races.
Point (c) was decided by placing, for all official purposes, the English and Dutch languages on a footing of perfect equality.
On the other hand, this corporeal thing is veritably and identically reason, mind, and ruling principle (X6-yos, vas, iiyE,uovtKOv); in virtue of its divine origin Cleanthes can say to Zeus, " We too are thy offspring," and a Seneca can calmly insist that, if man and God are not on perfect equality, the superiority rests rather on our side.
On its entering British territory a heavy duty is imposed on Malwa opium, so as to raise its price to an equality with the government article.
From 1707 to 1773 the presidencies were maintained on a footing of equality; but in the latter year the act of parliament was passed, which provided that the presidency of Bengal should exercise a control over the other possessions of the Company; that the chief of that presidency should be styled governor-general; and that a supreme court of judicature should be established at Calcutta.
These demands were urged during the governorships of Sir Thomas Brisbane and General Darling; but they were not finally conceded, together with perfect religious equality, until the regime of Sir Richard Bourke, which lasted from 1831 to 1837.
In the month of May 1347 Cola di Rienzi accomplished that extraordinary revolution which for a short space revived the republic in Rome, and raised this enthusiast to titular equality with kings.
All questions are determined by the votes of the majority of those present and voting, and in case of equality of votes the chairman has a casting vote.
An attempt to illustrate household equality by having the servants sit at table with the rest of the family was frustrated by the dislike of his two sensible domestics for such an inconvenient arrangement.
And as on the river itself, so there shall be collected on these roads, railways, and canals only tolls calculated on the cost of construction, maintenance, and management, and on the profits due to the promoters"; while as regards the tariff of these tolls, strangers and natives of the respective territories were to be treated "on a footing of perfect equality."
Absolute equality of treatment on the railway and at Jibuti was guaranteed to the commerce of all the Powers.
He had it, in fact, fully in his own power to determine his relations with the ministry, and he would be satisfied with nothing short of familiar and ostentatious equality.
What opinion should be held regarding this modern view as to equality in taxation, which differs so widely from anything countenanced by Adam Smith, though his language is echoed in it?
If all who pay income tax are lumped together and contrasted with those who do not pay, then there is a false division to begin with, and there is so far no means of establishing equality or inequality.
In studying equality, moreover, local taxation must be brought into view, with even more impracticable differences of opinion as to the real incidence of the taxation.
The moment rates are brought into question it is seen at once how impossible it would be to establish equality among tax-payers, when.
Adam Smith was thus not altogether badly advised in not carrying his investigations into the equality of taxation farther than he did.
As to progressive taxation based on the assumption that equality requires a larger proportionate charge upon a big income than on one of a smaller amount, the practical application of the principle, if true, would be impossible.
The ideal is equality, and no measure of a minimum of subsistence can really be devised.
With every effort after equality he must fail to satisfy all, but friction may be diminished and the ` work of carrying on government quietly and steadily facilitated.
In 1890 he reaped the fruits of his labours, and nine years later he was destined to witness the abrogation of the old treaties, and the substitution in their place of conventions which place Japan on terms of equality with the European states.
All bodies when heated emit the same kind of radiations which they absorb - an important principle known as the principle of the equality of radiating and absorbing powers.
When a system vibrating in a free period of its own encounters, say through the medium of an enveloping aether, a second system having a different free period, and sets it in vibration, the amplitude of the second vibration is inconsiderable, except when the periods approach equality.
Nor was the dream of equality ever realized for any length of time.
With regard to the family and the relation of the sexes the school of Saint-Simon advocated the complete emancipation of woman and her entire equality with man.
The failure to observe the distinction between an identity and an equality often leads to loose reasoning; and in order to prevent this it is important that definite meanings should be attached to all symbols of operation, and especially to those which represent elementary operations.
There is no satisfactory name for the operation, as distinguished from partition; it is sometimes called measuring, but this implies an equality in the original units, which is not an essential feature of the operation.
The second involves the idea of equality as a necessary characteristic of the units or subunits that are used.
The gramme was intended to be equal to the weight of a cubic centimetre of pure water at a certain temperature, but the equality is only approximate.
But he was also a busy statesman; he probably had a share in the considerable body of legislation which was enacted in Edgars reign, and is said to have encouraged him in his policy of treating Dane and Englishman with exact equality, and Of investing the one no less than the other with the highest offices in church and state.
On the one hand, however, he alienated even reasonable opponents by offering no guarantees that equality so gained would not be converted into superiority by the aid of his own military force and of the assistance of the French king; whilst on the other hand he relied, even more strongly than his father had done, on the technical legality which exalted the prerogative in defiance of the spirit of the law.
He saw that its main aim was equality, not liberty, and that not only would the French nation be ready, in pursuit of equality, to welcome any tyranny which would serve its purpose, but would be the more prone to acts of tyranny over individuals.
Nor did he see that the passion for equality, like every great passion, justified itself, and that the problem was, not how to obtain liberty in defiance of it, but how so to guide it as to obtain liberty by it and through it.
While the Assembly was considering a declaration which might calm revolt, the v i comte de Noailles and the duc d'Aiguillon moved that it should proclaim equality of taxation and the suppression of feudal burdens.
It asserted the principles of civil equality and freedom of conscience, it reformed the criminal law, and laid down a just scheme of taxation.
While bent on preserving the civil equality introduced by the Revolution, many of these men were indifferent as between.
But the desire for uniformity, for equality and for what may be termed civil liberty was the growth of ages, had been in many respects nurtured by the action of the crown and its ministers, and had become intense and general.
What he desiderated, for instance, in an ideal society was the most perfect equality of remuneration.
The angels fell through pride - through desire to raise themselves to equality with God; man fell by lowering himself to the level of nature.
Tony Blair would never appoint someone to a race equality post who had a lukewarm record of opposing racism.
The banner of the church waves above the camp of those who aim at positive prosperity and republican equality.
We see indeed faint traces of distinction among the patricians themselves, which may lead us to guess that the equality of all patricians may have been won by struggles of unrecorded days, not unlike those which in recorded days brought about the equality of patrician and plebeian.
When this relief has been gained by a series of enactments, a second struggle follows, in which the plebeians win political equality with the patricians.
In the old times the grand-prince was simply primes inter pares among the minor princes, and these lived with their boyars almost on a footing of equality.
Since 1814 the latter have been eligible as magistrates, and in 1849 full equality was formally ratified.
Owing to the prohibition of slavery the vast majority of the early immigrants to Ohio came from the North, but, until the Mexican War forced the slavery question into the foreground, the Democrats usually controlled the state, because the principles of that party were more in harmony with frontier ideas of equality.
Speaking at Johannesburg on the eve of his departure, he recommended to all concerned the promotion of the material prosperity of the country and the treatment of Dutch and British on an absolute equality.
The reformists demanded, besides the correction of the above evils, action against slavery, assimilation of rights between peninsulars and creoles and the practical recognition of equality, e.g.
It freed Austria from the humiliating tribute to which the treaty of 1547 had subjected her, and established relations between the two monarchs on a footing of equality.
Tyler then formulated a number of fresh demands, including the confiscation of ecclesiastical estates and the institution of social equality.
The Trialist solution (which would have united the Yugoslav provinces of Austria-Hungary in a third state enjoying equality with the two existing partners) rapidly lost popularity, even among the clerical parties, which had been attracted by the prospect of Catholic predominance in such a State.
After affirming that the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes constitute a single nation and appealing to the right of self-determination, it declared in favour of complete national unity under the Karagjorgjevic dynasty, " a constitutional democratic and parliamentary monarchy, equality of the three national names and flags, of the Cyrilline and Latin alphabets, and of the Orthodox Catholic and Mussulman religions, equal rights for all citizens, universal suffrage in parliamentary and municipal life, and the freedom of the Adriatic to all nations."
It was he who on this occasion obtained privileges for the burgesses of Copenhagen which placed them on a footing of equality with the nobility; and he was the life and soul of the garrison till the arrival of the Dutch fleet practically saved the city.
No equality of coloured people with the white inhabitants would be tolerated either in church or state.
Starting from the unity of God, Nanak and his successors rejected the idols and incarnations of the Hindus, and on the ground of the equality of all men rejected also the system of caste.
He, like his predecessors, openly attacked all distinctions of caste, and taught the equality of all men who would join him, and he instituted a ceremony of initiation with baptismal holy water by which all might enter the Sikh fraternity.
As gravity and the fluid pressure on the sides of the prism act at right angles to AB, the equilibrium requires the equality of thrust on the ends A and B; and as the areas are equal, the pressure must be equal at A and B; and so the pressure is the same at all points in the same horizontal plane.
In considering the motion of a fluid we shall suppose it non-viscous, so that whatever the state of motion the stress across any section is normal, and the principle of the normality and thence of the equality of fluid pressure can be employed, as in hydrostatics.
Of these rights, which included the hereditary right to a seat in the estates, the most valued is that of Ebenbiirtigkeit (equality of birth),which, for purposes of matrimonial alliance, ranks the mediatized princes with the royal houses of Europe.
The charter of 1663 and the franchise law of 1724 established substantial equality of representation among the towns, and restricted the suffrage to freeholders.
In this synod the allies met on an equality under the presidency of Athens.
Strickland, who had been elected while an undergraduate on the cry of equality of rights for Maltese and English, and Mizzi, the leader of the anti-English agitation, were, as soon as elected, given seats in the executive council to co-operate with the government; but their aims were irreconcilable.
One must not infer from this, however, that the two civilizations met on anything like an equality.
Practically the difficulty of making these diaphragms for the different powers of the exact required equality is insuperable; but, if the observer is content to lose a certain amount of light, we see no reason why they may not readily be made slightly less.
The great increase in the size of the pillars in the best modern collieries worked upon this principle has, however, done much to approximate the two systems to an equality in other respects.
Protestants were placed upon a political equality and made eligible to all public offices.
At the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, David was carried away by the flood of enthusiasm that made all the intellect of France believe in a new era of equality and emancipation from all the ills of life.
While, for instance, it may be difficult to realize the equality of area of two plots of ground of different shapes, it may be easy to realize the equality of the amounts of a given material that would be required to cover them to a particular depth.
This method is unconsciously adopted by the teacher who illustrates the equality of area of two geometrical figures by cutting them out of cardboard of uniform thickness and weighing them.
The use of the square bricks familiarizes the scholar with the ideas of parallel lines, of equality of lengths, and of right angles.
The first step is the establishment of the exact equality of congruence of two geometrical figures.
If A denotes the true area of the original trapezette, and B the aggregate area of the substituted figures, we have A B, where 41-denotes approximate equality.
This was one of essential equality among " the saints " or " the brethren," turning on common possession of and by the one Spirit of Christ.
The Committee had, in fact, a definite policy before them for execution; a policy by no means in harmony with the professions of liberty and equality for all Ottoman subjects upon which the revolution had been accomplished.
The old physical attacks on the Jews continued in Russia, but there was added the reluctance of several national groups in Europe to admit the Jews to social equality.
If the jet tube is somewhat longer than half the sounding tube there will be a node in it, and now the condition of equality of pressure requires opposite motions in the two at the nozzle, for their nodes are situated on opposite sides of that point.
Religious equality was extended to the Reformed Church in 1818, and the separate diet of Upper Lusatia was abolished.
The principle of full equality of electoral rights in all three spheres was not carried out till the republic.
He had no great tincture of learning, he was by no means a profound logician, and he was impulsive and emotional in the extreme - characteristics which in political matters predispose the subject to the preference of equality above all political requisites.
With its principle of Christian brotherhood, its emphasis upon the equality of all believers in the sight of God, and its preaching of a new social order to be set up at the return of Christ, it appealed strongly to multitudes, particularly of the poorer classes.
When things came to a deadlock the king tactfully intervened and voluntarily relinquished his hereditary title to Lithuania, thus placing the two countries on a constitutional equality and preparing the way for fresh negotiations in the future.
The liberum veto was based on the assumption of the absolute political equality of every Polish gentleman, with the inevitable corollary that every measure introduced into the Polish diet must be adopted unanimously.
Yet it was for these persons that Repnin, in the name of the empress, now demanded absolute equality, political and religious, with the gentlemen of Poland.
Equality before the law, absolute religious toleration and local autonomy, were its salient features.
Razin proclaimed that his object was to root out the boyars and all officials, to level all ranks and dignities, and establish Cossackdom, with its corollary of absolute equality, throughout Muscovy.
On a hill dominating the town stands the old fortress, which contains a beautiful church in Gothic style built about 1446, where in 1571 the diet was held which proclaimed the equality of the Unitarian Church with the Roman Catholic, the Lutheran, and Calvinistic Churches.
In national affairs Maryland early took a stand of perhaps farreaching consequences in refusing to sign the Articles of Confederation (which required the assent of all the states before coming into effect), after all the other states had done so (in 1779), until those states claiming territory between the Alleghany Mountains and the Mississippi and north of the Ohio - Virginia, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut - should have surrendered such claims. As those states finally yielded, the Union was strengthened by reason of a greater equality and consequently less jealousy among the original states, and the United States came into possession of the first territory in which all the states had a common interest and out of which new states were to be created.
For fifteen years he held the French in check, treating on terms of equality with their government.
It was during his government that the Muscovite church received its patriarchate, which placed it on an equality with the other Eastern churches and emancipated it from the influence of the metropolitan of Kiev.
Iturbide eventually combined with Guerrero, and proclaimed the " Plan of Iguala," which laid down, as the bases of the new state, the maintenance of the Roman Catholic religion and the privileges of the clergy, the establish ment of a limited monarchy, and equality of rights Emperor, for Spaniards and native-born Mexicans.
They extend this idea of equality also to the government authorities, obedience to whom they do not consider binding upon them in those cases when the demands of these authorities are in conflict with their conscience; while in all that does not infringe what they regard as the will of God they willingly fulfil the desire of the authorities.
The newer scheme aimed at a greater equality of voting power; but it has been differently interpreted.
It is the approximate equality in the size of the anterior and posterior adductor muscles which led to the name Isomya for the group to which Anodonta belongs.
Elected to the states-general as deputy for Douai, he was one of the chief of those who applied the principles of liberty and equality embodied in the decree of the 4th of August 1789 to actual conditions.
He carried legislation for the abolition of primogeniture, secured equality of inheritance between relations of the same degree, and between men and women.
Each congregation had a plurality of elders, pastors or bishops, who were chosen according to what were believed to be the instructions of Paul, without regard to previous education or present occupation, and who enjoy a perfect equality in office.
Among the more important legislative changes with which he was principally connected were a reform of the Navigation Acts, admitting other nations to a full equality and reciprocity of shipping duties; the repeal of the labour laws; the introduction of a new sinking fund; the reduction of the duties on manufactures and on the importation of foreign goods, and the repeal of the quarantine duties.
The discussion on the question of the " opendoor " in connexion with the Morocco difficulty was useful in calling general public attention once more to the undesirability of allowing any single power to exclude other nations from trading on territory over which it may be called to exercise a protectorate, especially if equality of treatment of foreign trade had been practised by the authority ruling over the territory in question before its practical annexation under the name of protectorate.
Many stars satisfy the condition of equality of polar distance with that of y Draconis, but few were bright enough to be observed in Molyneux's telescope.
Its distinctive features are pulpit and auditorium, and it is symbolical of the complete equality of ministers and congregation.
A saturated solution is a system in equilibrium, and exhibits the thermodynamic relations which hold for all such systems. Just as two electrified bodies are in equilibrium when their electric potentials are equal, so two parts of a chemical and physical system are in equilibrium when there is equality between the chemical potentials of each component present in the two parts.
In any solution, then, the osmotic pressure represents the excess of hydrostatic pressure which it is necessary to apply to the solution in order to increase its vapour pressure to an equality with that of the solvent in the given conditions.
It is the meeting-place, alternately with Vienna, of the Austro-Hungarian delegations, and it was elected to an equality with Vienna as a royal residence in 1892.
Such too were the laws which took away the power of testation, placed natural children upon an absolute equality with legitimate, and gave a boundless freedom of divorce.
The race equality policy needs to be linked to an action plan.
Toward the end of the project, a disability equality training day was held at one of the forum meetings.
I know there's a vocal and well-funded right wing out there, trying to undermine LGBT equality.
The awards aim to highlight best practice in the use of race equality initiatives, and to celebrate excellence.
Such a formal equality would, he argued, continue to ameliorate the worst excesses of capitalism's ' free market ' .
But I can assure you itâs going to be about leadership, about equality and yes Conference, itâs going to be about ference, itâs going to be about FE.
Or, could it be that men see feminism as nothing more than the propagation of gender equality?
We wish to create, through tactical frivolity, a world of equality, social justice and peace.
Despite the assumed gender equality, however, Soviet notions of private and public were not only constantly changing but also highly gendered.
Equality and diversity Does the paper have equality and diversity implications?
The literature of the later republic reflects the sympathies and prejudices of an aristocratic class, sharing in the conduct of national affairs and living on terms of equality with one another; that of the Augustan age, first in its early serious enthusiasm, and then in the licence and levity of its later development, represents the hopes and aspirations with which the new monarchy was ushered into the world, and the pursuit of pleasure and amusement, which becomes the chief interest of a class cut off from the higher energies of practical life, and moving in the refining and enervating atmosphere of an imperial court.
While the ideal of the Unie was an Afrikander state, the Constitutionalists desired the perfect equality of both white races.
The scheme alarmed the Coalition, which saw that universal suffrage might destroy not only the hegemony of the Magyar nobility and gentry in whose hands political power was concentrated, but might, by admitting the non-Magyars to political equality with the Magyars, undermine the supremacy of the Magyar race itself.
Statistical inquiries as to the incidence of taxation or of particular taxes, though ideal or even approximate equality of a palpable arithmetical kind is practically unattainable by governments, are not altogether to be put aside.
Who does not love liberty and equality?
Posters produced by the pupils on the issue of race equality were entered.
Proposed policy must be reconsidered on the basis of full options appraisal and the correct application of the Equality duty.
Equality Act 2006 The Equality Act received royal assent on 16 th February.
Health equality improves when a teenage single mother goes through the hard work of giving up smoking.
Inayat Bunglawala, media spokesperson for the MCB, has disowned the MCB 's advisor on equality issues, Muhammed Aziz.
For many women, sex equality is a thin veneer which vanishes as soon as they take on caring responsibilities.
We are also calling on every part of our union to address bisexual and transgender equality in their work.
Students will review the political and legislative underpinnings of equality practice and examine practical equality work in public service delivery.
The Democrats were snookered because they could n't say that they were against homosexual equality without alienating voters who were already in the bag.
The generation of that decade were spreading their cultural wings, wrapping their minds around concepts like "equality", "equal pay for equal work" and grappling with large numbers of women in the workforce.
Some schools set a theme for the year, like racial equality for example.
When it comes to cigarette smoking, gender equality shouldn't be our goal.
Still, Dylan's early catalog is rich in folk music that promoted the ideals of peace and equality.
Socialist accounts argued that this physical malaise was compounded by the role of clothing in effecting oppressive social stratification; clothes were seen as masking the innate equality of all people.
Beds should be placed diagonal to the door in the corner of the bedroom, with equal space on either side to encourage equality in the relationship.
Strive for an overall sense of fairness, but don't let your children get in the habit of expecting total equality.
Whereas virtually all the musicians who set the styles and played the tunes of glam rock were men, 70s glam fashion allowed for an equality in dress that mirrored the growing equal rights movements of women in the US and UK.
Harassment is often a question of sexual equality.
The coalition works throughout communities to promote social justice, equality, and an end to racism and homophobia.
Their view of relationships is one of equality and balance.
The equality given to unsigned and independent artists gives Myspace an edge, marketing wise.
Again, luck was on Dog's side, as leading racial equality players met with Dog and Beth and realized that much of what was recorded was taken out of context.
While freedom of speech protects hate content, this freedom also affords the educated and those who believe in true equality with the same rights and privileges.
When ministers and elders are associated in the membership of a church court their equality is admitted; no such idea as voting by orders is ever entertained.
In 1677 the fundamental laws of West New Jersey were published, and recognized in a most absolute form the principles of democratic equality and perfect freedom of conscience.
The power of the Bosnian nobles, though shaken by their defeat, remained unbroken; and they resisted vigorously when their kapetanates were abolished in 1837; and again when a measure of equality before the law was conceded to the Christians in 1839.
The yardstick of equality has provided much needed guidance.
In his Common Sense About Women (1881) and his Women and Men (1888) he advocated equality of opportunity and equality of rights for the two sexes.
It was not on legal technicalities, however, but on the broad principle of religious equality, that Campbell supported the abolition of church rates, in which he included the Edinburgh annuity-tax.
The non-Mussulman subjects of the sultan had indeed early been reduced to such a condition of servitude that the idea of their being placed on a footing of equality with their Mussulman rulers seemed unthinkable.
To say, for instance, that X is equal to A -B, is the same thing as to say that X is a quantity such that X and B, when added, make up A; and the above five statements of necessary connexion between two statements of equality are in fact nothing more than definitions of the symbols -, m of, =,, and loga.
The schools which do not obtain equality with government schools are either some of those conducted by religious orders, or else those in which a sufficient standard is not reached.
Janissaries and the suppression of the quasi-indepen dent power of the derebeys had removed the worst disturbing elements; the government had been centralized; a series of enactments had endeavoured to secure economy in the administration, to curb the abuses of official power, and ensure the impartiality of justice; and the sultan had even expressed his personal belief in the principle of the equality of all, Mussulman and non-Mussulman, before the law.
Of all his portraits of adventurous sailors, "Gentleman Chucks" in Peter Simple and "Equality Jack" in Mr Midshipman Easy are the most famous, but he created many other types which take rank among the characteristic figures in English fiction.
Sign of Equality.-The various meanings of the sign of equality (_) must be distinguished.
But the conception of the equality of the king and his peers in the long run led to hereditary monarchy; for if the king held his kingdom as a fief, like other nobles, the laws of descent which applied to a fief applied to the kingdom, and those laws demanded heredity.
She preserved some of the Napoleonic laws and institutions; in 1817 she established the equality of women in heritage, and ordered the compilation of a civil code which was promulgated in January 1820.
Venice, however, in the 14th century took her place at last as an Italian power on an equality at least with the very greatest.
When the state constitution of 1776 was adopted the counties were so nearly equal in population that they were given equal representation in the General Assembly, but the equality in population disappeared in the general westward movement, and in 1790 the West began to urge a new division of the state into representative districts according to population and taxation.