Ept Sentence Examples
The Jewish War (I Ept Tou'IovIcdKoli 7ro%Egov), the oldest of Josephus' extant writings, was written towards the end of Vespasian's reign (69-79) The Aramaic original has not been preserved; but the Greek version was prepared by Josephus himself in conjunction with competent Greek scholars.
For the average individual, the EPT is decreased by half following a rapid decompression.
The EPT pregnancy test, which is available in two types, is a home pregnancy test manufactured by Pfizer.
The EPT Certainty digital home pregnancy test offers unmistakable results with a digital readout when you follow the instructions.
The Certainty version of the EPT pregnancy test is sold in single and double packs.
The +/- version of the EPT pregnancy test is also 99 percent accurate from as soon as the first day of your missed period, provided you have detectable amounts hCG in your urine.
If the EPT pregnancy test of your choice shows you are pregnant, it is important to schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.
The EPT pregnancy test, First Response pregnancy test, and Clear Blue pregnancy test are three of the most popular brands of home pregnancy tests.
There are several reliable home tests to choose from including EPT, Clear Blue Easy, and First Response.
Brands such as EPT and First Response are well known because of their extensive advertising campaigns, not necessarily because they are any more or less accurate than their competitors.