Episode Sentence Examples
One incident of this painful episode is worth mentioning.
Every episode, something exploded.
For him it was nothing more than a brief episode of pleasure.
The episode proved how easy it was to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
The Deans referred to the episode as the storm before the calm.
I've seen every episode a million times, Ingrid said with her normal dramatic flare.
This Norman conquest of the two Sicilies forms the most romantic episode in medieval Italian history.
The growth of the anti-Masonic movement was due to the political and social conditions of the time rather than to the Morgan episode, which was merely the torch that ignited the train.
Not just that you went to a certain address but that the address was a movie theater and—based on where you sat and that you ordered tickets online—you saw Episode VII of Star Wars.
The episode now stands in another connexion, where it is certainly out of place.
AdvertisementThe reason why the flood episode and the interview with the dead Eabani are introduced is quite clear.
Samuel Adams first came into wider prominence at the beginning of the Stamp Act episode, in 1764, when as author of Boston's instructions to its representatives in the general court of Massachusetts he urged strenuous opposition to taxation by act of parliament.
Of this we have a vivid example in the episode 2 Kings xviii.
This was the occasion of an episode, which is of more than merely personal interest.
The third and twelfth labours may be solar, the horned hind representing the moon, and the carrying of Cerberus to the upper world an eclipse, while the last episode of the hero's tragedy is possibly a complete solar myth developed at Trachis.
AdvertisementFinally, the latest episode in Poland still fresh in the captain's memory, and which he narrated with rapid gestures and glowing face, was of how he had saved the life of a Pole (in general, the saving of life continually occurred in the captain's stories) and the Pole had entrusted to him his enchanting wife (parisienne de coeur) while himself entering the French service.
Sheridan's campaign was a famous episode of the war.
The doc finally declared him unfit after his last episode.
Galien, a favourite 15th-century romance, was attached to this episode, for Galien was the son of the amours of Oliver with Jacqueline, Hugon's daughter.
The Vindex episode, referred to in the Six Lessons, becomes intelligible only by going beyond Molesworth to the original Latin edition of 1655 They were composed originally, in a somewhat different and rather more extended form, as the second part of an English treatise on Optics, completed by the year 1646.
AdvertisementBut the whole episode was a warning to Italy, and the result was a national movement for security.
Most of episode two takes place in the middle of a freezing blizzard.
She appeared in a Night Court reunion episode of the comedy show 30 Rock, along with Harry Anderson and Charles Robinson.
It was after this episode that the treaties with Adam Kok and Moshesh were negotiatedl.
The episode forms the prelude to family rivalries.
AdvertisementAn interesting episode was the active intercourse, chiefly commercial, between the Siamese and Japanese governments from 1592 to 1632.
The most famous episode of the town's history is its gallant and successful defence in the war of 1870-1871.
One episode, in especial, has been most charmingly treated by the poets.
Probably the story was first told in the form of short lais, each recounting some special episode, such as the lai known as the chevrefeuille; how old these may be it is impossible to say.
The invention of logarithms and the calculation of the earlier tables form a very striking episode in the history of exact science, and, with the exception of the Principia of Newton, there is no mathematical work published in the country which has produced such important consequences, or to which so much interest attaches as to Napier's Descriptio.
Thenceforward, till the second election of Porfirio Diaz to the presidency in 1884, the history of Mexico is one of almost continuous warfare, in which Maximilian's empire is a mere episode.
But if the inaccuracy of the fragment in this important respect is admitted the historical character of the whole episode breaks down and it is probably to be regarded as an apocryphal elaboration of Matt.
As a single loaf could not satisfy the hunger of many, the rehearsal in these meals of Christ's own action must have been a crowning episode, enhancing their sanctity.
It may represent the agape or Lord's Supper as a whole, of which the one loaf and cup formed an episode.
The most interesting episode of his life was his intimacy with Locke, who in his letters speaks of him with affection and admiration.
On Lord Murray's return to England in 1914 he found it necessary to make a statement in the House of Lords with reference to the part he had played in the Marconi episode, and a select committee, appointed to inquire into his action in the matter, reported that he had acted " without sufficient thought," but acquitted him of "dishonourable conduct."
John's struggle against the barons and Prince Louis (1216), afterwards King Louis VIII., was the most creditable episode of his career.
In the older framework of the M ahabharata he appears as a great chieftain and ally of the Pandava brothers; and it is only in the interpolated episode of the Bhagavad-gita that he is identified with Vishnu and becomes the revealer of the doctrine of bhakti or religious devotion.
Inconsistent with this is the account of the intervention of Hushai, whose counsel of delay (in order to gather all Israel "from Dan to Beersheba"), in spite of popular approbation, was not adopted, and with this episode is connected the tradition that the sagacious counsellor returned to his home and, having disposed of his estate, hanged himself.
The central episode is the battle of Bannockburn.
Contradictory accounts have indeed been given as to this fatal episode, but that it was accidental, and not suicide, is certain.
A most interesting and adventurous episode in connexion with Russian trade was the effort repeated over several successive years by the late Captain Wiggins to convey tea entirely by sea from Chinese ports around the North Cape and through the Kara Sea to the Obi and Yenisei rivers.
This episode, derided at first at Rome as the act of an obscure Augustinian friar intent on scoring a point in a scholastic disputation, was in reality an event of vast significance, for it brought to the front, as the exponent of the national sentiment, one of the mightiest spirits whom Germany has produced.
This episode of the false Guenevere is very perplexing.
Then came the strange episode of the visit of Constans II.
The later story, with its episode of Peeping Tom, has been evolved by later chroniclers.
It is to be hoped that definite light may one day be forthcoming on the whole of this critical episode which had such a profound effect on the character and history of the Egyptian people.
The incidents of this episode were a favorite subject in the sculptures of his temples, where their representation was accompanied by a poetical version of the affair and other explanatory inscriptions.
On his return he was introduced to Pitt, and the episode of the Rolliad, which had not been forgotten, was explained.
The most famous episode in its history is the capture and defence of Arcot by Clive.
The most notable episode in the history of the place is the famous defence by Sir Robert Sale during the first Afghan war, when he held the town from November 1841 to April 1842.
The volcanic episode to which these plateaus owe their origin was one of the most important in the geological history of Great Britain.
It is objected that in the 79th letter of Seneca, which is the chief authority on the question, he apparently asks that Lucilius should introduce the hackneyed theme of Aetna merely as an episode in his contemplated poem, not make it the subject of separate treatment.
Bettina von Arnim came into personal touch with Goethe in 1807, and her Briefwechsel Goethes mit einem Kinde (published in 1835) is, in its mingling of truth and fiction, one of the most delightful products of the Romantic mind; but the episode was of less importance for Goethe's life than Bettina would have us believe.
Yet behind these unconvincing shadows of an imperial court with its financial difficulties, of the classical Walpurgisnacht, of the fantastic creation of the Homunculus, the noble Helena episode and the impressive mystery-scene of the close, where the centenarian Faust finally triumphs over the powers of evil, there lies a philosophy of life, a ripe wisdom born of experience, such as no European poet had given to the world since the Renaissance.
Lasker's death was the occasion of a curious episode, which caused much discussion at the time.
In its present form this episode appears to be not very ancient; it resembles Ruth in giving a good deal of curious archaeological detail (the feast at Shiloh) in a form which suggests that the usages referred to were already obsolete when the narrative was composed.
In his work entitled France and the Confederate Navy (New York, 1888) he gives an account of this episode.
The following year the Venetian brothers Bandiera, acting in concert with Mazzini, landed in Calabria, believing the whole country to be in a state of revolt; they met with little local support and were quickly captured and shot, but their death aroused much sympathy, and the whole episode was highly significant as being the first attempt made by north Italians to promote revolution in the south.
Sicily being lost, the king directed all his efforts to save Naples; he appealed to Great Britain and France to prevent Garibaldi from crossing the Straits of Messina, and only just failed (for this episode see under Lacaita, G.).
The first years that he spent in France form a curious episode in his life.
The occupation of Monterey for a few hours by a Buenos Aires privateer (1818) was the only incident of actual war that California saw in all these years; and it, in truth, was a ridiculous episode, fit introduction to the bloodless play-wars, soon to be inaugurated in Californian politics.
This episode is known as the " Bear Flag War," inasmuch as there was short-lived talk of making California an independent state, and a flag with a bear as an emblem (California is still popularly known as the Bear Flag State)flew for a few days at Sonoma.
The ninth and last and shortest volume of Tristram, concluding the episode of Toby Shandy's amours, appeared in 1767.
In parts of the state it became impossible to get a jury composed of these small squatters to convict anybody for stealing or killing cattle, and so bad did this become that, in 1892, certain cattlemen formed a small army of mounted men and invaded the central part of the state with the avowed intention of killing all the men generally considered to be stock thieves, an episode known as the Johnson County Raid.
After Paganini he received a fresh impulse from the playing and the compositions of Chopin, who arrived in 1831, and yet another impulse of equal force from a performance of Berlioz's " Symphonie Fantastique, episode de la vie d'un artiste," in 1832.
This episode in the legendary life of Krishna has every appearance of being a later accretion.
The episode is known in American history as the " X Y Z Affair."
The earl's affairs were then at a somewhat critical stage, and as our judgment upon a most important episode in Bacon's life depends upon our knowledge of the events of the ensuing year, it will be requisite to enter somewhat minutely into proceedings with which Bacon himself had nothing to do.
So ends this painful episode, which has given rise to the most severe condemnation of Bacon, and which still presents great and perhaps insuperable difficulties.
Chronology unfortunately forbids us to accept this little episode as true.
Developed out of an episode of the history, it has all its author's peculiarities in the strongest degree.
The second episode gave equal proof of independence.
This was the most distressing episode in all the turbulence of territorial days and border warfare in Kansas.
The year of the birth of Bartos is uncertain, but it is known that he died in 1539 The somewhat later work of Sixt of Ottersdorf (1500-1583) deals with a short but very important episode in the history of Bohemia.
It is said that Rabelais met and quarrelled with Joachim du Bellay the poet at Rome, and with Ronsard at Meudon and elsewhere, that this caused a breach between him and the Pleiade, that he satirized its classicizing tendencies in the episode of the Limousin scholar, and that Ronsard after his death avenged himself by a libellous epitaph.
But it is impossible not to admire the copious variety of thought and language, and the evenly flowing style which carried him safely through the dreariest periods of his history; and still more remarkable is the dramatic power he displays when some great crisis or thrilling episode stirs his blood, such as the sack of Rome by the Gauls, the battle by the Metaurus and the death of Hasdrubal.
It must suffice to say that the separation of Ireland from England was a comparatively recent episode, while the severance of the landconnexion between England and the continent by the formation of the Strait of Dover is still more recent and probably occurred with the human period.
His most famous novels are Une Vieille Maitresse (1851), attacked at the time of its publication on the charge of immorality; L'Ensorcelee (1854), an episode of the royalist rising among the Norman peasants against the first republic; the Chevalier Destouches (1864); and a collection of extraordinary stories entitled Les Diaboliques (1874).
The history of the world's sieges contains no more brilliant episode.
He chose an episode in the victory won by the generals of the republic in 1440 over Niccolo Piccinino near a bridge at Anghiari, in the upper valley of the Tiber.
The laughter thus provoked extinguished the Predictions for three years, and in 1715 Partridge died in fact; but the episode left a permanent trace in classic literature, for when in 2709 Steele was to start the Tatler, it occurred to him that he could secure the public ear in no surer way than by adopting the name of Bickerstaff.
The episode was the beginning of a warm friendship between these distinguished representatives of civil and military engineering.
In the splendid times of the caliphs immense sums were lavished upon the pilgrimage and the holy city; and conversely the decay of the central authority of Islam brought with it a long period of faction, wars and misery, in which the most notable episode was the sack of Mecca by the Carmathians at the pilgrimage season of A.D.
To the ordinary pilgrim the omra has become so much an episode of the hajj that it is described by some European pilgrims as a mere visit to the mosque of Ayesha; a better conception of its original significance is got from the Meccan feast of the seventh month (Rajab), graphically described by Ibn Jubair from his observations in A.D.
The tale, as told in the 1476 chronicle, is clearly an interpolation, for it comes immediately after a distinct statement that "God had helped the Confederates, and that with great labour they had defeated the knights and Duke Leopold," while the passage immediately following joins on to the former quite naturally if we strike out the episode of the "true man," who is not even called Winkelried.
Hofmann and Claus Frey, an anabaptist, were detained in prison, a measure due to the terror excited by the Minster episode of 1533-1534.
But William C. Quantrell, after sacking various small Kansas towns along the Missouri river (1862-63), in August 1863 took Lawrence (q.v.) and put it mercilessly to fire and sword - the most ghastly episode in border history.
The three years regency of Isabella, during the minority of Edward III., formed a disgraceful episode in the history of Regency of England.
These two last years of Edwards reign were filled with an episode of domestic strife, which had considerable constitutional importance.
The episode is important for the light which it throws upon Herod's relations with Rome and with the Jews.
He declared himself very well satisfied with this episode, but nothing in it can really have pleased him, not even the noise it made.
Collier (afterwards Lord Monkswell, q.v.), the Ewelme rectory case,' the significant Odo Russell (Lord Ampthill) episode (to help the government out of a scrape the ambassador was accused of exceeding his instructions) - told yet more.
That this episode belongs to J no one need ever forget, since the only parallel in Scripture to the speaking ass is the serpent that spoke in Eden.
There is no more curious episode in German history than the success with which Bismarck acquired the services of many of the men of 1848, but Liebknecht remained faithful to his principles and resigned his editorship. He became a member of the Arbeiterverein, and after the death of Ferdinand Lassalle he was the chief mouthpiece in Germany of Karl Marx, and was instrumental in spreading the influence of the newlyfounded International.
But, apart from this episode, which he characteristically omits to record, he remained in the background.
The heroic episode of Marignano, when he defeated Cardinal Schinners Swiss troops (1315 of September 1515), made him master of the duchy of Milan and obliged his adversaries to make peace.
The episode of the Spanish marriages forms an important incident in the history of Europe; for it broke the entente cordiale between the two western Liberal powers and accelerated the downfall of the July monarchy in France.
It was a scandalous episode.
A tragedy, Anne Boleyn, followed in 1826; and Milman also wrote "When our heads are bowed with woe," and other hymns; an admirable version of the Sanskrit episode of Nala and Damayanti; and translations of the Agamemnon of Aeschylus and the Bacchae of Euripides.
The salient episode of his career was an attempt to establish a republic at Hakodate.
The newly organized government of the empire, however, instead of inflicting the death penalty on him and his principal followers, as would have been the inevitable sequel of such a drama in previous times, punished them with imprisonment only, and four years after the Hakodate episode, Enomoto received an important post in Hokkaido, the very scene of his wild attempt.
This battle, sung by an unknown trouvere and retold with variations by Froissart, was an episode in the struggle for the succession to the duchy of Brittany between Charles of Blois, supported by the king of France, and John of Montfort, supported by the king of England.
The episode, with the interview between Saul and Samuel, and with its interesting attitude to Saul and to the prophets, was evidently unknown to the writer of xv.
The iconoclastic movement is perhaps the most dramatic episode in Byzantine history, and the above outline of its external events must be completed by an appreciation of its deeper historical and religious significance and results.
Le Chevrefeuille, a short episode of the Tristan story, telling how Tristan makes known his presence in the wood to Iseult, is the best known of them all.
The best known episode of his subsequent life was the "Contestation" with Mabillon on the lawfulness of monks devoting themselves to study, which De Rance denied.
After the conclusion of the financial episode, Gordon proceeded to the province of Harrar, south of Abyssinia, and, finding the administration in a bad condition, dismissed Raouf Pasha, the governor.
A period of retirement followed this episode, but in 1843 he accepted the chair of physics at Leipzig, and six years later returned to Göttingen, where he died on the 23rd of June 1891.
This episode of the story of the Malatesta has been immortalized in Dante's Inferno.
I decided to review a deceptively subtle episode which seems slight on the surface, but actually contains many key themes and moments.
Just watched the first episode of ITV ' s afterlife and as predicted it was gritty and intense.
How many of the twelve apostles wrote an account of the episode?
It was a shameful episode and one that was fully deserving of political and media approbation.
The most recent such episode has given the archipelago a tilt toward the northeast.
The Assemblers in episode 3 are the best baddies.
Episode 3 (19 SEP 84) Alright On The Night Hester has agreed to help with the church bazaar.
The episode also provides a rather good alien spacecraft which certainly bodes well for the return of Doctor Who in 2005.
Episode 4 (27 SEP 76) Baby Talk Mildred has become very broody.
This episode features a cameo by American basketball star Bo Jackson.
Patients with prosthetic heart valves or who have had one previous episode of infective endocarditis should receive chemoprophylaxis according to the current UK recommendations.
In 1922 he survived an episode of severe pneumonia, but the following year he developed acute cholecystitis and peritonitis.
The end of episode 2 is a good cliffhanger which makes you think is Ace really finished this time!
The final episode caused more upset when it ended on one of the most dramatic cliffhangers seen on UK television for many years.
The seat of my pants, slightly damp from the water fetching episode, had frozen to its surface.
I'm waiting up to watch a potentially interesting episode of Horizon, about what killed the dinosaurs.
Galileo Shuttle craft landed on planet surface, based on the Classic Star Trek series episode The Galileo 7. 1/35th scale diorama.
However, the seeds of family disunity are sown from beyond the grave in the opening episode.
Episode 17 In which the bride contemplates divorce and other catastrophes.
To be fair, I may have seen a slightly dodgy episode.
Mission separating dopes have to wait episode which at sums to market.
In fact, the dynamic duo have even appeared in an episode of The Amanda Show.
It should be emphasized that stress echocardiography, which can mimic an ischaemic episode, could potentially increase the risk of SonoVue utilization.
Take the latest episode, an obvious rip-off of the 1980 siege of the Iranian embassy.
An " episode " is something unique and circumscribed, not something ephemeral.
For a major depressive episode, symptoms must appear on a daily basis and last most of the day or all day.
While he was creating the eighth Lilys album, his wife had a psychotic episode and abandoned him.
Thirteen half-hour episodes (titled Episode 1 to Episode 13) were made before the show canceled.
One of the cases has a sibling with a manic episode after isotretinoin treatment.
According to EA, around 100,000 people signed up for the free pilot episode of Majestic.
Later that evening, over eight million viewers tuned into the opening episode of Spooks season two.
For me there were two critical moments in tonight's episode.
Like the Episode I commentary this makes for interesting, if not terribly exciting listening.
Episode 6 (14 FEB 91) " Assassin " attendance figures for the Leisure Center are far too low.
An understanding the genesis of the Salem Witchcraft episode provides a way of understanding the genesis of these latter-day Satanic sexual abuse episodes.
In the first series, the episode on the training day where Brent goes home to get his guitar is particularly gruesome.
Contents include an illustrated three season episode guide, together with an introduction to the themes of the series.
Director Philip Casson went on to direct Louise Gold in her actress ' guise in an episode of Casualty.
Episode 6 (7 OCT 89) " The Fence " Rene, Mimi and the two British airmen are still handcuffed together.
The outline of the series is a hard one to work out and each episode is a real cliff hanger.
The whole episode seems like a bad dream, who could have thought that a simple knock on the arm could cause such heartache!
Worse still, the New York Post lamented that it ' devolves into a best-forgotten clone of an utterly illogical X-Files episode ' .
I never used to miss an episode of Have I Got News For You, but it seems less indispensable now.
Jane smith and k9 back and have mickey in his first episode of series 2!
In 1900 the three lighthouse keepers went missing in a mysterious episode and were never found.
Kev was pretty naff in that episode to be honest, but what was scary was just how big he's become.
Eureka Street is based on a novel anyway, as betrayed by the first episode's opening narration.
Yes, there is the seemingly obligatory cheesy fight scenes in every episode.
Eventually Holly was given the job of recapping at the start of each episode, along with a snappy one-liner.
Episode 2 (16 SEP 93) " Living Together " Diana, now penniless, has moved in with Tom.
This isn't a driving game in the traditional sense in that it follows the plotline from an episode of the series.
The episode was far from standard West Wing, at times it became preachy.
Anakin skywalker episode iii fx lightsaber by master replicas star wars master replicas prop replica from episode iii measures 44 x 2 diameter.
In Episode 12, Gripper incited a race riot which Messrs Hopwood, Baxter and Keating broke up.
The first episode with Christopher Eccleston as the doctor will be aired while I'm at the boxer rebellion gig in Dundee.
Could there be an Abraham and Isaac episode in our era of psychological reductionism and media over-exposure?
Sarah jane smith and k9 back and have mickey in his first episode of series 2!
The episode was over and the Japs turned away, laughing now, like animals satiated after the kill.
Judging from this extended first episode Steel River Blues seems somewhat schizophrenic in nature.
Shame my download of the third episode went screwy halfway through.
In 1981 she returned in an episode of the BBC drama series Angels.
This is when the whole sordid episode turns sinister.
People who have experienced sleepiness or an episode of sudden onset of sleep while taking this medicine should not drive or operate machinary.
Review A deceptively subtle episode which seems slight on the surface but actually contains many key themes and moments.
Quiz This appears on disk 2. Like before just answer all ten questions correctly to see a sneak preview of the next episode.
I am currently investigating the diagnostic specificity of NSS in 320 first episode psychosis patients.
Click for video clip Holly explains the episode title, " A stasis leak is a leak, right, in stasis leak is a leak, right, in stasis.
Episode 3 (4 MAR 85) The Hold Up The staff have to work late to finish stocktaking.
They were due to sail aboard an oil tanker to film for tonight's episode.
The show starts with a title, a refreshing throwback to shows of the past that had a title for each episode.
Whenever I read a TV tie-in novel the last thing I really want to get is an episode in book form.
And i really wish they would stop crowbarring torchwood into every episode.
The signature tune for the Detective pilot episode was composed by John Addison.
In this episode Cleomenes attacks Naxos and removes the tyrant, which shows he is prepared to attack overseas.
Secondly, Janice Nice has a nice videotape of the entire episode with the robot.
Moreover, there's more drama in these brief vignettes than in your average episode of Bad Girls.
Despite one particularly gruesome bout of violence that we see in episode 3, Harry is more than a purely one-dimensional villain.
Content includes character biographies, episode summaries, downloadable wallpapers, video clips and even a competition!
Shortly after this unfortunate episode the Whitleys climbed aboard their camels and resumed their nomadic wanderings, never to be seen again.
In this episode a tornado attacks a power station which derives energy from a giant whirlpool.
Eternal Spring Season 5, Episode 19 - Naughty Nymphs A place where only wood nymphs can open.
There wasn't really any plot to this episode, more a sequence of alternately wry and emotionally-charged conversations.
After resisting every attempt of the French court to draw him into the antiHabsburg league, Sobieski signed the famous treaty of alliance with the emperor Leopold against the Turks (March 31, 1683), which was the prelude to the most glorious episode of his life, the relief of Vienna and the liberation of Hungary from the Ottoman yoke.
The proceedings lasted six months, and the episode is known as les Grands Jours de Clermont.
It was there that he first came into collision with the Bengali Brahman, Nuncomar, whose subsequent fate has supplied more material for controversy than any other episode in his career.
Thomas Campbell's poem, Gertrude of Wyoming (1809), is based on this episode, various liberties being taken with the facts.
Between 1310 and 1315 Jacques de Longuyon (or Langhion) introduced into the account of the Indian war Les Viceux du paon, a romanesque and fantastic episode very loosely connected with Alexander.
The chief episode in his uneventful pontificate was the visit of Constans to Rome; the pope received him "almost with religious honours," a deference which he requited by stripping all the brazen ornaments of the city - even to the tiles of the Pantheon - and sending them to Constantinople.
As to the loess, the usual view is that it was a steppe-deposit due to the drifting of fine sand and dust during a dry episode in the Pleistocene period.
On the 1st of February 1713 he was attacked by the Turks in his camp at Bender, and made prisoner after a contest which reads more like an extravagant episode from some heroic folk-tale than an incident of sober 18th-century history.
Two years later occurred the first important episode in his studious life.
The story of Siegfried in Richard Wagner's famous opera-cycle Der Ring der Nibelungen is mainly taken from the northern version; but many features, especially the characterization of Hagen, are borrowed from the German story, as is also the episode of Siegfried's murder in the forest.
The demand was politely but firmly refused, and Bismarck, judging that the moment had come for applying the match to the powder magazine, published an edited version of the telegram from the king describing the episode, a version which without the addition of a single word turned the refusal into an insult.
The most brilliant episode of the battle was the entire defeat of the French cavalry by the British infantry (with whom there were some Hanoverian troops); but Minden, though it is one of the brightest days in the history of the British army, has its dark side also, for the British cavalry commander Lord George Sackville (see Sackville, Viscount) refused to obey the order to advance, several times sent by Duke Ferdinand, and thereby robbed the victory of the decisive results which were to be expected from the success of the infantry.
The kings majority, solemnly proclaimed on the 28th of October 1614, further strengthened the throne; while owing to the bungling of the third estate, who did not contrive to gain the support of the clergy and the nobility by some sort of concessions, the states-general, the last until 1789, proved like the others a mere historic episode, an impotent and inorganic expedient.
A period of retirement followed this episode, but in 1843 he accepted the chair of physics at Leipzig, and six years later returned to Göttingen, where he died on the 23rd of June 1891.
There is a hiatus of several months in the letters, caused by the depressing effect on Helen and Miss Sullivan of the "Frost King" episode.
One of the traditions of Doctor Who is to start with a short recap of the previous episode.
Finney recounts one episode; When I came to a town to start revival, a lady contacted me.
The whole episode was a salutary reminder of the dangers of the ' incident pit '.
Superb scary monsters in a superb classic Dr. Who adventure - best episode yet in a very high standard series.
Most people need to take their drugs on a long term basis to lessen the risk of onset of another schizophrenic episode.
We should be grateful in this shameful episode that we managed to get anything more than the standard tribunal fee.
The Christmas special was the first GH episode shot entirely on videotape; Harriet returned to regular Grange Hill in 1987.
Unfortunately, this was another short-lived episode in Austin 's annals.
By a huge coincidence, I spotted a highly relevant sight gag in the episode of Futurama I watched today on DVD.
Episode 21 In which the bride 's cloud has a silver lining.
The first lot was a Milnbank Episode sired gimmer, out of a Courthill Valais ewe.
Click for video clip Holly explains the episode title, A stasis leak is a leak, right, in stasis.
Warning - The following episode synopses will contain some spoilers.
They were due to sail aboard an oil tanker to film for tonight 's episode.
Episode 6 (11 NOV 93) Out Of Time The crew encounter an experimental spacecraft surrounded by an ' unreality minefield '.
Moreover, there 's more drama in these brief vignettes than in your average episode of Bad Girls.
Content includes character biographies, episode summaries, downloadable wallpapers, video clips and even a competition !
Do you want to see every episode from the start onwards?
There was n't really any plot to this episode, more a sequence of alternately wry and emotionally-charged conversations.
Throughout the episode when MULDER and SCULLY are in front of others they act like a very friendly yuppie couple, always smiling.
Each episode includes Dora and her monkey friend Boots and follows them on a journey filled with puzzle-like problems based on a specific word and phrases while teaching preschoolers Spanish as a second language.
If you want to buy Simpsons DVDs so you can own every episode of the show, then you'll need to pick up the season boxsets.
One final alternative to the traditional gift card is to send a song, album, episode from a television show, a whole television show, a movie, or a special collection of songs.
Their attitude may be more relaxed when it comes to a single vomiting episode.
Although one episode of vomiting may not seem like a reason to fret, it never hurts to call the veterinarian office and ask whether or not the cat should be seen.
After your kids watch an episode of their favorite show, check for related books to motivate them to read.
Herbal preparations may be helpful for mild depression, but a major depressive episode warrants prompt attention from a medical professional.When depression becomes overwhelming, attempting self-treatment can be dangerous.
After seeing the presentations and reviewing all three designs, the homeowners decide on one design that is then brought to life in the last half of the episode.
Each episode of this fun show features a team of three designers who provide room makeovers for a budget of just $1,000.
Each episode of this hip show features three different crafters who each specialize in creating one-of-a-kind contemporary crafts.
Each episode of this unique show features several small homes under 1,000 square feet that are stylishly decorated.
In episode one, the designers got to check out their new townhouse, and we immediately hit with their first challenge - redesign the whole house in 24 hours.
Episode 2 of Design Star aired July 30 on HGTV.
Episode four of HGTV's Design Star aired on Sunday, August 14.
Episode five of HGTV's Design Star, which aired on August 20, started out with the four remaining contestants taking a moment to appreciate how far they had come in the competition - and worry that the stakes were only getting higher.
Episode number 6 of HGTV's Design Star aired Sunday, August 27.
Episode eight of the first season of HGTV's Design Star - the final episode of this interior design reality TV show - aired September 11.
She complained about their decision to get rid of Joseph on Episode Two - a strange move, considering she sold him up the river during that elimination ceremony!
The following tips can help keep your teen's bedroom a safe, inhabitable space that won't bring to mind the last episode of "Hoarders" you watched.
Each episode ends with the revelation that the true cause of the excitement rests with a human perpetrator who was pretending to be a ghost or a monster.
They gave it the go ahead without even filming a pilot episode.
If you missed this week's episode of Grey's Anatomy, The Bachelorette or Modern Family you can catch up at your convenience on the Internet.
Do you have a favorite episode or story line?
Each episode also includes project templates and design guides to help you work on the featured project at your own convenience.
Take another piece of paper, write down every anger episode, and then write down the reason why you became upset.
Go back to your journal and read about the physiological responses you had to each episode.
After all, when you are in the middle of an episode, the symptoms of a mild anxiety attack are usually more than one.
Not everyone will have the same symptoms if they experience panic attacks, and the severity of the symptoms can vary from person to person and episode to episode.
The symptoms of an anxiety attack often mimic those of a heart attack, and the body's physical responses to the episode can bring on overwhelming fear.
Executive producer Mike Lazzo, believing that the episode featured too little of the Space Ghost, elected to nix the script for production.
Each episode focuses on a teen being "made" into something they aspire to, from a cheerleader to a breakdancer.
In the premier episode, Miley reveals to Lilly that she is the teen pop star, and shows her a closet filled with fun clothes, accessories and tons and tons of shoes.
Medicine takes care of the biological roots of the illness while therapy helps you discover and face the underlying issues that may have triggered the episode.
The raw food movement was done no favors by the episode of Sex and the City where the friends went to the trendy new raw restaurant and hated the food.
In fact, the actual raw food restaurant in New York closed not many months after this episode aired.
In one episode Doug's favorite band "The Beets" sings a song called "Killer Tofu."
Be sure your doctor knows whether you have ever had an episode of depression (whether you were ever treated for this condition or not).
The person who is in a depressive episode experiences something other than sadness or even grief.
When the individual is no longer using the addictive substance, he or she may begin to experience mood swings or even a full-blown episode of depression.
It follows the adventures of Dora, a little girl who goes on a mission in each episode to help someone solve a problem or locate something with her best friend, Boots, a five-year-old monkey.
He has acted in several projects, including a Simpsons episode and the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin', and appeared in the films Home of the Brave, Spectacular Regret, and Righteous Kill.
Ok, they actually got married on May 29, but the wedding episode of their show aired July 23.
It's like an episode of Maury Povich, only better looking.
Lauren Conrad and Jason Wahler - One for everyone who watched the last episode of The Hills and shook their heads wondering how Lauren could pass up an internship with Vogue in Paris to send the summer with…Jason.
The duets won't be the same every week, however, as each episode will showcase different professional singers.
Jeff departed the show during episode three for rehab.
Jeff was shipped off to rehab and retuned during episode six, claiming to be clean and sober - and still blaming Benadryl.
Comedy Central is rerunning the episode of South Park in which the writers took a few shots a Scientology, outraging Tom Cruise and leading to Issac Hayes departure from the show.
It is rumored that Cruise demanded the episode be pulled or he would pull out of promotion duties for Mission Impossible III.
Aaron's late nights just don't agree with Nick's beauty rest, and it all came to a head on an episode of HOC.
Ferguson even appeared in one episode of his TV series, titled Montecito Lancers.
Tawny Kitaen seemed to make a small comeback when she guest-starred on an episode of Seinfeld and hosted the show America's Funniest People in the early nineties.
An incoherent appearance on a 1997 episode of The Late Show with David Letterman sparked rumors that Fawcett had a drug problem.
In each action-packed episode, viewers see the seedy underside of crime, as Dog gives chase through questionable motels, dark alleys, and drug-infested neighborhoods.
Barbara Walters read a statement prepared by ABC on Wednesday's episode of The View.
In 2000, Eric got to do one episode of a comedy called Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane.
The following is an overview of each episode, noting the celebrity cast and where the investigations took place.
Titled "In Sanatorium," episode one took place at Waverly Hills Sanatorium located in Louisville, Kentucky.
Titled "Pearl," episode two took place at Norwich State Hospital in Norwich, Connecticut.
Titled "The First Warden," episode three took place at Tennessee State Prison which opened on February 12, 1898.
Titled "Mad Ray," episode four took place at Norwich State Hospital.
Titled "Tanner's Ghost," episode five took place at Ayers Island Mill in Orono, Maine.
Titled "Wooden Lucy," episode six took place at Ayers Island Mill in Orono, Maine.
Titled "Cult Commune," episode seven took place at the remote Sussurro Canyon in southern California.
Titled "Dead Man Walking," episode eight took place in the Tennessee State Prison.
The show was a big hit on the kid's network, with 2.3 million viewers per episode.
Trebek appeared on Ferrell's final episode of SNL as himself.
The most recent celebrity lineup celebrated Jeopardy!'s 5,000 episode.
She also appeared in one episode of the comedy Malcolm in the Middle, and had a recurring role on television's 7th Heaven.
Simpson's two year relationship with actor Josh Henderson ended during the first episode of The Ashlee Simpson Show.
Entertainment television began the first episode of their new series, Blvd. of Broken Dreams, with a feature about Niki Taylor.
In the episode, the former supermodel's story of hardship is examined, including the death of her sister, a near-fatal car accident, and an addiction to pain medication.
Taylor's attorneys ordered the entertainment network to pull the episode featuring Taylor, but the show still aired.
The success of the series secured a third season and a pay increase for Carell, who now earns $175,000 per episode.
Oprah Winfrey's upcoming appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show is sure to be a thrilling episode for fans of both hosts.
She will unveil her photos during an episode of her talk show.
He earns at least $375,000 for each episode of The Apprentice.
The final episode was watched by 76 million viewers, making it the third most watched series finale in television history.
Ray coordinated donations for this event, which was taped for an episode of her talk show that will air April 30, 2007.
Lefebvre was fired by Donald Trump on the April 15 episode of the series, which just finished its sixth season.
He also appeared on an episode of The Lyon's Den as well as a small role on That 70's Show.
The producer decided that it would make an interesting episode to focus on my leaving Beverly Hills to return back home to Michigan.
It's no secret Danny DeVito loves to drink; he even admitted that while being a little tipsy on a November 2006 episode of The View.
Britney Spears poked fun of the breast implant rumors on an episode of Saturday Night Live.
He also appeared on a 2006 episode of CSI, as well as on the game show 1 vs 100.
She made her debut on a 1987 episode of The Hogan Family before being cast on the family friendly series Full House.
The American Dialect Society named the word "truthiness," which he used in the first episode of The Colbert Report, as the 2005 Word of the Year.
Mendes made her screen debut in 1998, appearing in several television programs including one episode of ER, and was cast as a bridesmaid in A Night at the Roxbury.
Following her turn on the long-running series in 1989, Yothers all but left acting behind, with the exception of a made-for-TV film about skater Tonya Harding and an appearance on an episode of Perry Mason.
Well, aside from (ahem) intimate knowledge of the Playboy Empire, Madison got her feet wet when she served as a photo editor apprentice in one episode of The Girls Next Door, assisting with the design of a 2007 Girls Next Door calendar.
Seth Rogen also appeared in the film Donnie Darko (2001), starring Jake Gyllenhaal, and an episode of Dawson's Creek (2003).
The millions of viewers that tuned into Hannah Montana a week after its inaugural episode proved the show was a hit.
It now averages an estimated 3.5 million viewers per episode.
He also appeared on a 1984 episode of Knight Rider.
He hosted the February 12, 2005 episode of Saturday Night Live.
He voiced a character for an episode of The Simpsons.
Although not everybody is a reality TV buff, if you haven't tuned in to a Dancing with the Stars episode, you've missed out on a whole lot of fun and suspense.
The actress appeared in another episode in 2003.
Appearing on the first season of The Bachelor, Alex Michel chose Amanda Marsh over Trista in the final episode.
Each episode features a different teen and his or her parents, as Dr. Drew guides them through the initial awkwardness of starting up such a conversation and assigns each family a variety of tasks to get them to open up.
Regardless of whether her job is real or fake, there were reportedly one million less viewers for the premiere episode of The City than there were for The Hills season finale.
On the February 13th episode, the family requesting Frost's help was Phil and Debbra Davis, and their five children, whose ages range from 14 to 2.
He had a few guest roles on television, including a small part in an episode of M*A*S*H, before his first truly memorable movie parts came along.
One celebrity must complete a task in each episode and viewers get to vote on which star they want to see face the challenge.
The show, which was a spoof on soap operas but set in a school, is unique in that it lasts only five minutes per episode, and is made up of a series of comedy skits.
West, along with Jerry Seinfeld, Rihanna and Oprah (via satellite), was among the first guests on his inaugural episode of The Jay Leno Show.
Fox also hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live, kicking off its 34th season in September, 2009.
Most of these roles have been single episode appearances or short-lived recurring roles.
When Kenny Rogers made an appearance on an episode of American Idol he surprised many people with his new look.
Coleman, who was reportedly making upwards of $100,000 per episode, was broke by the time the show ended, claiming his parents and advisors pilfered his trust fund.
In fact, the couple appeared on an episode of Divorce Court, though they weren't seeking a divorce, instead they were seeking reconciliation.
Gervais and Merchant produce the U.S. version and have written one episode together.
Ricky Gervais Meets… - This short-lived series focused on one special guest per episode.
The once highest-paid actor on television boasted a $2 million paycheck-per episode of Two and a Half Men.
These are people who can make millions of dollars on each movie, hundreds of thousands of dollars on each television episode, or millions in one sports season.
According to USA Today, by 2010 Sheen was the highest paid comedy actor on television earning nearly two million dollars per episode.
You'll also find a haunted house necktie, and even a Peanuts tie themed on The Great Pumpkin episode.
Treat your favorite youngster to a pair of Wow Wow Wubbzy pajamas to wear while he is watching the latest Wubbzy episode.
Whether they're watching a Saved By The Bell marathon to mock the early 90's fashions and cheesy acting or the latest episode of The Simpsons, viewings can become events if not outright parties.
Anyone who has ever viewed an episode of Animal Precinct has seen the wide range of acts that abusive behavior toward animals can cover.
Previous episodes and show specials run later on Friday nights, so you can catch up on any episode that you may have missed.
They were used to great humorous effect in an episode of Sex and the City when Samantha ran up several flights of stairs wearing a pair and had to remove them at once upon reaching her destination.
As anyone who has seen even one episode of Mad Men knows, women of any size look better when wearing the right foundation garments.
Even a minor food poisoning episode could put you out of commission for about 24 hours.
Each episode features a journey full of wonderful sights, surprises and memorable moments.
Each episode is filled with fun and adventure.
Tests in sleep labs seem to show that an episode is most like to begin about ninety minutes after falling asleep.
Despite being mentioned on an episode of House, no recorded cases of African trypanosomiasis have been reportedly transmitted via sexual contact.
Bedwetting can wake the child during the night and the episode may lead to the child's inability to fall back asleep.
The child may have heightened stress after having a bedwetting episode, making falling asleep subsequent nights difficult.
During an episode, there is usually an appearance of being awake, yet the person is groggy, has a glazed over appearance, and may appear confused.
Sleepwalking in kids happens when a child falls asleep and then moves or walks around without remembering the episode the next morning.
Your child might dislike being awoken during an episode, or may become very uncomfortable if woken up.
The next morning have a talk together and see if your child remembers the episode.
A full bladder can sometimes cause a sleepwalking episode.
As a matter of fact, it looks like you are play one long episode of Family Guy.
Keeping these three criteria in mind, point-and-click games, puzzle games, and hidden objects games are perhaps the best to play when you're looking to overcome a mind-numbing episode of boredom.
You are a scared, freaked out little boy of a man, trying to survive this horrible episode.
One short focuses on the stunts from Episode III and the other covers the Anakin Skywalker prophecy.
A flood of games only loosely based on the Star Wars universe were released around the time Episode 1 was coming to theaters.
Sometimes they may experience withdrawal, an episode in which symptoms may actually worsen before they subside.
Risk factors for this paralytic illness include older age, pregnancy, abnormalities of the immune system, and a recent episode of excessively strenuous exercise concurrent with the onset of the CNS phase.
A binge is defined as a time-limited (usually under two hours) episode of compulsive eating in which the individual consumes a significantly larger amount of food than most people would eat in similar circumstances.
All infants and children who experience a choking episode severe enough to require the Heimlich maneuver should be taken to the hospital emergency room to be examined for airway injuries.
In many cases the foreign material is dislodged from the throat, and the choking victim suffers no permanent effects of the episode.
Major depressive disorder is a moderate to severe episode of depression lasting two or more weeks.
The average age a first depressive episode occurs is in the mid-20s, although the disorder strikes all age groups indiscriminately, from children to the elderly.
Individuals experiencing a major depressive episode have a depressed mood and/or a diminished interest or pleasure in activities.
Children experiencing a major depressive episode may appear or feel irritable rather than depressed.
Sometimes infants, as well as older children and adults, have a transient lactose deficiency after an episode of diarrhea.
These, however, are for use after an episode and not for an extended period.
The other testicle is also secured during the surgery to prevent future testicular torsion, because children who have had one episode of testicular torsion are likely to experience it again.
One study estimates that about 5 percent of menstruating women have an episode of secondary amenorrhea each year.
Some children have a serious primary (first episode) herpes infection called gingivostomatitis, which causes fever, swollen lymph glands, and several blisters inside the mouth and on the lips and tongue that may form large, open sores.
One episode of acid reflux is considered having a pH of less than 4 for at least 15 to 30 seconds.
Aura-A subjective sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and indicates the onset of a neurological episode, such as a migraine or an epileptic seizure.
Someone at school should also be trained in how to administer a glucagon injection, an emergency treatment for a hypoglycemic episode when a child loses consciousness.
In a severe episode, though, breathing may cease for 20 seconds or longer.
Rubbing the infant with a finger or striking the soles of the feet may be all that is needed to end a short episode of apnea.
Many exams are the same as for an acute episode, as some infections and parasites cause both types of diarrhea.
The length of an episode is related to the underlying cause.
During the initial medical examination, an individual with dizziness should provide a detailed description of the type of dizziness experienced, when it occurs, and how often each episode lasts.
Values above 8 percent indicate that a hyperglycemic episode occurred sometime during the window monitored by the test (two to three months beginning four weeks prior to the time of blood collection).
The degree of aggressiveness during each episode is grossly out of proportion to any stresses.
Kleptomania is diagnosed when repetitive stealing is not better explained by anger or vengeance, peer pressure, delusions or hallucinations, conduct disorder, a manic episode, or antisocial personality disorder.
An episode of spontaneous panic is usually the initial trigger for the development of agoraphobia.
Also, dogs trained to attack may bite repeatedly during a single episode.
Birth control pills work only if taken every day; the diaphragm is effective only if used during every episode of sexual intercourse.
In children, most cases of renal vein thrombosis are thought to be caused by an episode of severe dehydration.
Cataplexy-A symptom of narcolepsy in which there is a sudden episode of muscle weakness triggered by emotions.
Sleep paralysis-An abnormal episode of sleep in which the patient cannot move for a few minutes, usually occurring on falling asleep or waking up.
The entire episode usually lasts less than one minute.
Most affected children have had their first episode before the age of 18 months and almost all affected children have had an episode by the age of two.
If past breath holding spells have earned children lavish attention or enabled them to get their own way, the children may intentionally cause the spells to trigger an episode.
Most children recover completely within less than one minute after the start of the episode and resume normal activities.
He or she may fall asleep again and not remember the episode the next morning.
If the child is awakened during a sleepwalking episode, he or she may be disoriented and have no memory of the behavior.
It is estimated that 10 to 30 percent of children have at least one episode of sleepwalking.
Severe complex motor tics carry the risk of physical injury, as the child may damage muscles or joints, fracture bones, or fall down during an episode of these tics.
The child has recently had an episode of strep throat or other streptococcal infection.
Statistically, 7 percent of all children that develop Bell's palsy will have a recurrent episode in the future.
The anaphylactic episode is over for that particular exposure.
It is estimated that about 5 percent of women in the United States in their childbearing years experience an episode of oligomenorrhea each year.
Like all herpes viruses, the varicella-zoster virus never leaves the body after an episode of chickenpox.
About 20 percent of children have an episode of acute otitis media every year.
A tantrum is an episode of extreme anger and frustration characterized by crying, screaming, and violent body motions, including throwing things, falling to the floor, and banging one's head, hands, and feet against the floor.
Researchers have found that as many as 15-30 percent of children experience at least one sleepwalking episode.
The child is physically endangered during an episode.
It is estimated that 50 percent of adult women experience at least one episode of dysuria (painful urination); half of these people have a bacterial UTI.
They may experience racing thoughts or a heightened energy level during the aggressive episode, with fatigue and depression developing shortly afterward.
However, it is not uncommon to have a second episode of symptoms about a month after the first; this is called a relapse.
Most children have had at least one episode of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae.
The child may vomit as often as six to 12 times an hour over a period of one to five days, although cases have been reported in which the episode lasts for ten days.
The vomiting and other symptoms associated with CVS are so severe that parents will usually call the doctor during the first episode, before a pattern has been identified.
The first episode of cyclic vomiting syndrome may be diagnosed as stomach flu when nothing more serious turns up.
For some individuals, episodes of dizziness may still occur months after the main episode is over.
Symptoms can last for several weeks, but the first episode of herpes is usually worse than subsequent outbreaks.
Usually this manic period is followed by a period of depression, although a few bipolar I individuals may not experience a major depressive episode.
Bipolar depression may be difficult to distinguish from a unipolar major depressive episode.
Because the drug takes four to ten days to reach a therapeutic level in the bloodstream, it sometimes is prescribed in conjunction with neuroleptics and/or benzodiazepines to provide more immediate relief of a manic episode.
According to the American Psychiatric Association, bipolar children and adolescents experiencing a manic episode have a one-year recovery rate of 37.1 percent and a relapse rate of 38.3 percent.
Children with minimal dehydration weighing less than 10 kilograms (22 pounds) should be given 60 to 120 mL (2-4 ounces) of an oral rehydration solution (ORS) for each episode of vomiting or diarrheal stool.
If the factor VIII concentrates are unable to manage a severe bleeding episode, then blood products called cryoprecipitates, which contain concentrated amounts of vWF, or platelet concentrates should be considered.
When symptoms indicate nervous system involvement or a severe episode of Lyme disease, an intravenous antibiotic (ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ampicillin) may be given for four to six weeks or longer.
They typically binge alone two or more times a week and often feel depressed and guilty when the episode concludes.
Fifty percent of children have an episode before their first birthday, and 80 percent of children have an occurrence by their third birthday.
Otitis media with effusion may develop within weeks of an acute episode of middle ear infection, but in many cases the cause is unknown.
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the presence of middle ear fluid for six weeks or longer after the initial episode of acute otitis media.
Without effective treatment of the hyperglycemic episode, the child can lapse into a diabetic coma, which sometimes leads to death.
In rare instances, a child may have a hyperglycemic episode that is triggered by a stressful situation or a physically challenging situation such as another illness.
Rhogam should also be given after any episode of bleeding and after amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.
Besides the difficulty of controlling medication and possibly diet, the parents of a child with a seizure disorder must sometimes deal with the public visibility of seizure episode.
In some cases, people may also experience a major depressive episode on top of their dysthymia, a condition sometimes referred to as double depression.
As many as 14 percent of children will experience at least one episode of major depression by age 15.
The various episode formats help keep the show interesting all season long.
While only one couple is crowned the winner at the end of each season, each week's episode of the popular dance show ends with an elimination of at least one couple.
She earned, with her partner Derek Hough, several perfect scores and blew the competition out of the water almost from the first episode of the season.
Every episode of So You Think You Can Dance is structured basically the same.
After the first season, the episode format was changed so now the dancers who make it to callbacks in Las Vegas dance for the judges and the top 20 dancers are selected right then and there.
If you normally tune in but miss an episode for whatever reason, Fox's official website is full of episode videos and recaps for you to view online.
If you've seen even one episode of American Idol, you know exactly what to expect from Abdul.
Although the official website for Homeschool Habitat is still available on the Internet, it would appear that the podcast has now ceased, with the last running episode having been posted on November fifth of 2005.
The first episode is set to premiere on FOX on Friday, April 11, 2008.
She even addressed the issue on an episode of her Disney television show, That's So Raven.
The cartoon is featured on the Cartoon Network, and its very first episode aired in 2005.
The action series' final episode aired in 2008, but the story's popularity continues to inspire new shows as well as fun toys for kids.
In each episode, she goes on an adventure and interacts with the audience as she travels.
The two created a webshow titled iCarly and their show is often the focus of each engaging and humorous episode.
Special Edition Doll "iFight Shelby Marx" iCarly Boxing Outfit included - This doll includes Carly's boxing outfit and celebrates the episode where Carly accidentally incurs the wrath of Shelby Marx.
Sam Doll Special Edition "I Quit iCarly" - This episode inspired a Sam doll with her Planet Purpleonia outfit.
Yes, there are a few out there who have never seen an episode of Desperate Housewives.
The board is based off an episode of Seinfeld where Kramer has the idea to make a coffee table book that is an actual coffee table.
One of the first toes dipped in the water of acceptance was on the Ellen DeGeneres comedy show, which in 1997 had Ellen's character realizing her homosexuality in a famous "coming out" episode.
The episode caused a great deal of controversy, and the actress who played Ellen's girlfriend, Laura Dern, was actually boycotted by Hollywood for over a year after the episode.
During the pilot episode, Ben Tennyson is on a camping trip with his cousin Gwen and their grandfather, Maxwell.
Therefore children who have suffered from a major depressive episode should be closely monitored by parents and pediatrician long after the episode has subsided.
Kids learn basic math concepts in each episode.
On every episode of the show, Dora and her friends have a destination.
If you happen to catch an older episode, the host is Steve.
Each episode features a puzzle that viewers must solve.
Although it is subtle, every episode includes some sign language.
Each episode focuses on one animal and goes far beyond the basics.
Each episode is brightly colored and vibrant.
In each episode, Sportacus must help the citizens of Lazy Town overcome the desire for laziness and junk food.
Each episode is packed with fun, interesting facts.
Each episode of Go Diego Go takes place in Diego's native Latin America.
All of his explorations take place in that region, so there is a bit of Latin American culture exposed in each episode.
Clifford is another PBS Kids program that has a group of experts who work on the content of each episode to ensure that everything is appropriate for preschool children and that nothing on the show is deemed as offensive or controversial.
This one answers all the final questions about how that cute little Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd in Episode I and Hayden Christiansen in Episode II and Episode III) winds up inside the bad black suit with the unmistakable breathing problem.
After being burned enough times by crap like Episode One, who wouldn't want to get back at George Lucas now and again?
Enjoy the first episode of Australian cooking podcast Vineleaves, which covers the basics of how to cook fish perfectly.
Good Eats episode Where There's Smoke, There's Fish includes great ideas for preparing tasty and healthful smoked fish dishes.
If you've missed the latest episode of your favorite television show, you can purchase it from iTunes.
Airing on Sundays, the DVD version would be available to purchase the Tuesday after the final episode.
Leap Castle, featured on an episode of Ghost Hunters, reportedly contains several entities including one called an Elemental.
Fans of the television show Ghost Hunters might recall the episode where the TAPS team investigated the Clovis Avenue Sanitarium in California.
In the Hannum House Ghost Hunters' episode, two investigators heard a young girl say, "Mommy".
In the Moosham Castle episode of International Ghost Hunters, a male voice was heard in the torture chamber.
The world awaits the results of those tests, but the entire episode is beginning to seem like a show worthy of the late great P.T.
When many people accidentally have a first out of body experience, the episode is often frightening and shocking.
The lesson learned from this incredible episode is that even members of the U.S. military are psychologically vulnerable to the terrible magic of the Ouija board.
I also did a consult on an episode of L.A. Law (a parapsychologist was one of the characters) and several other dramatic shows.
They were even mentioned on an episode of hit HBO television show Entourage.
The radio serials were broadcast in 15 minute segments that aired each day, and each segment ended with a dangling thread that was picked up in the next day's episode.
Listeners would need to know what happened in previous episodes to understand what was happening in the newest episode, and that was the hook that kept them tuning in day after day.
Fans can find spoilers, episode guides as well as message boards.
Prior to the advent of the VCR, soap fans needed to be planted in front of their screens during the episode's airing or they would miss it.
While many viewers still parked themselves in front of television screens every day, a growing number recorded the episode to watch when they returned home from work.
Some episodes and episode clips can be found online at authorized sites like iTunes and ABC's official sites.
Fans will also post episode clips and even whole episodes on YouTube.
General Hospital fans may not be able to watch their episodes every day, even with the VCR, the DVR and episode clips that are featured on the Internet.
They can keep their finger on the pulse of the show by reading episode recaps and visiting Internet message boards.
Whether checking out a message board, a soap opera magazine or watching the video clip of what's coming next offered at the end of the episode, previews give fans glimpses into what the future holds for their favorite storylines.