Epidote Sentence Examples
Often they contain quartz and felspar, sometimes pyroxene, amphibole, garnet or epidote.
Some of the "porphyroids" which have grains of quartz and felspar in a finely schistose micaceous matrix are intermediate between porphyries and micaschists of this group. Still more numerous are orthoschists of hornblendic character (hornblende-schists) consisting of green hornblende with often felspar, quartz and sphene (also rutile, garnet, epidote or zoisite, biotite and iron oxides).
Other minerals which occur in the rocks of this group are calcite, garnet, biotite, chloritoid, epidote, tourmaline and graphite or dark carbonaceous materials.
The copper is also accompanied by epidote, calcite, prehnite, analcite and other zeolitic minerals.
The neighbourhood is remarkable for the number of beautiful and rare minerals found there; one of these, a variety of epidote, was formerly called Arendalite.
Further local retrograde metamorphism (possibly by dislocation) has resulted in the formation of epidote.
The Dalradian comprises quartzose schists, grits, limestone beds and the " green beds " (chlorite epidote schists ).