Epi Sentence Examples
The EPI has now become a well-established barometer of ethical trends in the UK.
Parker in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal asiatique, Revue numismatique, Asiatic Quarterly, &c. (C. EL.) EPI, the French architectural term for a light finial, generally of metal, but sometimes of terra-cotta, e forming the termination of a spire or the angle of a roof.
Thus the poison of various insects induces in plants the cellular new formation known as a gall-nut; a foreign body implanted in a limb may become encysted in a capsule of fibrous tissue; septic matter introduced into the abdomen will cause proliferation of the lining endo(epi)thelium; and placing an animal (salamander, Galeotti) in an ambient medium at a higher temperature than that to which it is accustomed naturally, increases the rapidity of celldivision of its epithelium with augmentation of the number of karyokinetic figures.
Its Epi leather exterior makes you want to call your driver so he can take you downtown to the nearest Vuitton retailer because this briefcase must be yours!
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