Environmental Sentence Examples
These attempts to reject environmental variation rest on several grounds.
The second purpose was to examine the environmental biosafety of the approach.
Lower impact and a smaller environmental footprint doesn't mean austere.
Such cases show in the plainest way the co-operation of external or environmental and internal or constitutional factors.
It has been documented that environmental factors such as air pollution can provoke or aggravate asthma symptoms in those who are already asthmatic.
The provision of these facilities requires careful consideration to ensure they do not create environmental problems.
Use of such black box environmental forecasting can reveal missing structure in the deterministic models.
The significance of Fen Drayton Nature Reserve for its wintering bittern is not recognized in the Environmental Statement.
One of the highest profile objectors to wind farms is Dr. David Bellamy, the internationally known botanist and environmental campaigner.
Environmental concern prior to the mid 19th century is reflected in local authority bylaws relating to public health, nuisances and buildings.
AdvertisementPaper records are shredded beyond practicable reconstruction; tapes are completely degaussed and then disposed of in compliance with local environmental regulations.
The organizers say the stadia used for the event have all been refurbished and offer state-of-the-art environmental features.
Environmental legislation is not sufficient to meet sustainability targets so to achieve them, economic activities must take better account of environmental objectives.
Your local environmental group will be able to help and advise about what facilities are in your local area.
Biodegradable bags are made with materials that speed up the decomposition process, but they can still take up to six months to fully degrade, depending on environmental conditions.
AdvertisementFood miles have been under the spotlight recently as environmental concerns come to the fore.
It was agreed the report should include an appendix on the Dutch system for environmental planning.
The resulting preliminary biotope and sub-biotope groups of records were then checked to ensure cohesion of both the environmental and species data.
Our work will contribute to the modeling work of the MESH project by helping to define the physical environmental conditions that support benthic biotopes.
These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure.
AdvertisementEnvironmental bionanotechnology - for example the use of nanoscale instruments to degrade industrial contaminants in soil.
The consequent decrease in the cost of producing electricity, reduced specific fuel consumption and reduced environmental pollution promises great benefit to the community.
Two contrasting methods for accelerating environmental degradation have been identified.
Due to the volatile nature of all types of video and film the environmental storage conditions must be strictly controlled to minimize degradation.
Perhaps the classic example here is global environmental degradation.
AdvertisementEnvironmental crimes affect significant numbers of people, while the range of laws governing such crimes crosses the public/private law divide.
And Anti-Apathy have been finding ever more entertaining, satisfying and intriguing ways to build social and environmental enterprises.
China has long been criticized by environmentalists for a litany of environmental crimes.
Because these plans are linked with major environmental impacts, they are being vigorously opposed by environmentalists.
The final two sections are broadly concerned with environmental ergonomics.
For anyone with environmental sensitivities, it may seem horrendous.
A newcomer to npn co-founder madeleine didn't fret the environmental lawyerthe dispute.
Copper pipe may need to be sleeved, which brings an extra environmental cost of the plastic sheathing.
This will directly benefit users of radiation thermometry resulting in tighter process control with the associated environmental benefits.
An entire industry of environmental remediation contractors has developed to help home owners resolve these types of problems.
Work begins on The Environmental Audit report with WWF, which helps spur rapid growth in environmental auditing.
The best way to reduce the environmental impact of solvents in a domestic situation is to reduce the use of products containing solvents.
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere of the Earth.
Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.
As the Environmental Protection Agency requires cities to reduce their overall emissions, more cities are looking into ethanol as a fuel source.
For the consumer wishing to reduce their carbon footprint, these foods offer a sound choice which carries less of an environmental burden than other types of pet food.
In particular you will learn how to apply geophysics to geological and environmental problems.
Richard Bowen BSc MSc, Applied Geophysicist Richard has a background in applied environmental geophysics and joined the TerraDat team in 2001.
In some cases students obtain an industrial placement and work on a technical project relevant to environmental geoscience.
Environmental assessment of these deposits identified only occasional burnt grain and possible hammerscale, although this could be natural magnetic material.
The event was supervised by the environmental regeneration charity groundwork on behalf of the East London Business Alliance.
Our range of services has also expanded to provide a totally holistic approach to environmental consultancy.
This suggests that most Mode 1 assemblages are a result of environmental adaptations by Pleistocene hominids in the region.
DfID is currently revising its 1993 policy statement on green housekeeping to reflect the high priority the present Government has placed on environmental matters.
However, the environmental benefits of plug-in hybrids depend somewhat on the source of the electrical power.
He specializes in the field of sediment transport in rivers, including river morphology and environmental hydraulics.
Due to environmental constraints it is unlikely that we will see any further large scale hydropower sites developed in the UK.
Working with diocesan staff to reduce the environmental impact of the diocesan offices.
Any report must examine the wide environmental implications of UK decisions on agricultural biotechnology.
In the last year North Down Boro Council has completed the following environmental improvements.
An environmental incivility is any aspect of the environment about which people may be inclined to feel negatively.
There are perhaps three important issues that anyone interested in developing environmental work, that is genuinely inclusive, needs to think about.
The environmental planning and decision-making system in Finland is somewhat incoherent and disjointed.
Chemical waste disposal comes within environmental protection legislation so appropriate steps must be taken to render waste innocuous before disposal.
Margaret worked in and with many primary schools, providing pastoral support and advice, and delivering in-service in language and environmental studies.
The way we currently produce our energy is leading to enormous and possibly irreversible environmental damage.
In addition, with the proliferation of space flight, launch vehicle noise can also become a significant environmental issue.
Analysis of 2 mesoscale data sets showed that krill, rather than food or environmental factors, were most strongly implicated in copepod distribution.
Recycling glass into new containers has four main environmental benefits - energy saving, lower emissions, reduced landfill and a reduction in quarrying.
The ability to predict human or environmental toxicity without recourse to animal or tissue experiments seems very limited at the moment.
Thus, language planning is a very complex process, involving linguistic, social, psychological, environmental and other variables.
In fact, some environmental lobbyists have called for the trade in fat people to be increased.
The environmental impact of the toxic waste is to create a new breed of more savory locust.
But some environmental groups argue that the new policies leave some gaping loopholes.
Cows in cubicles are likely to have more lameness problems and cows in straw yards more cases of environmental mastitis.
Current research activities include linking environmental sustainability metrics with economic and social metrics.
However, the vast majority of environmental data is very small - even microscopic.
Our concerns are legitimate practical, physical, environmental and psychological concerns by those of us who live close to the proposed mortuary.
Such damage occurs under normal physiological conditions and may be exacerbated by environmental mutagens.
Many diseases, including myositis, are likely to develop as a result of the combination of genes and environmental exposures.
Our programs enable people to make the best environmental and economic use of their local natural resources.
Resources developed a case and step-by-step manual to help small nonprofits monitor and evaluate their programs urban environmental programs.
It utilizes sealed silos, transfer conveyor and mixing units to minimize environmental nuisance to the local residents.
Often, these areas are blighted by youth nuisance or environmental problems or there may be a lack of social cohesion.
Unfortunately, burning these fuels creates substantial environmental pollution that damages the ozone layer.
He is a specialist in environmental archeology and forensic palynology.
A major concern is the lack of knowledge regarding the ecotoxicity and the environmental impact of these ultrafine particles.
The danger highlighted by Dr. Kanagawa is that environmental releases of these antimicrobial peptides will lead to the evolution of resistance among microbial pathogens.
According to McKechnie (1977 ), the typology of environmental simulations includes perceptual (experiential, concrete) and conceptual (abstract ).
The Council's Executive Members monitor the performance of the Environmental Health Unit against set standards.
Chain reaction Companies in Nottinghamshire are benefiting from an initiative which helps them to promote better environmental performance to their suppliers.
The environmental changes that led to a selection for lactase persistence especially in Northwestern Europeans is my main interest.
The pest Control Service which is part of the Environmental Health Service can give advice on the best way of controlling pests.
Construction, use and maintenance of pit latrines and refuse pit latrines and refuse pits; environmental hygiene.
Other factors which impact on wound healing will also be addressed, and include psychosocial, political, behavioral, environmental and economic influences.
Indeed, because of environmental disruption and the relative income effects of the rat race, economic growth may make people less happy.
The most competitive ETS industries are found in countries with stringent environmental regulations.
There is one group, of course, for whom tougher environmental regulation is always requested.
These dumps stood entirely open to the weather in 1981 and have now had some environmental remediation done.
With congressional elections seven months away, Democrats said the ANWR vote showed they would not allow republicans to weaken environmental protections.
At that time, decreasing public transport ridership was often just accepted as inevitable and environmental issues were of little concern.
In environmental terms this is a sensitive location located on and around a prominent ridgeline.
They also, along with English Nature, express concern at the potential for second-generation rodenticides to cause environmental problems.
No pathogens, including salmonella, have been isolated from any of the food, water, or environmental samples collected at the school.
In terms of environmental capacity, all these routes are reaching saturation.
Future efforts at conflict prevention and resolution should take the role that environmental scarcity plays into account.
Our sister divisions of Environmental Biology and other groups within the Biomedical sciences are in the adjacent building.
Any environmental provisions should have a broader scope that GM alone.
Southern Water is bringing cleaner seawater to West Sussex with a £ 3.1 million environmental improvement scheme.
The environmental sensitivity of such major development was also self-evident on my short voyage.
Nuclear staff to debate planned sell-off 19/10/2005 The sale of British Nuclear Group must meet safety, environmental and accountability criteria Prospect has warned.
The two elements preserve an environmental fingerprint in the form of an isotope signature.
In business terms, this means keeping utility and waste bill s down, whilst improving environmental performance - a clear 'win-win ' situation.
Impacted by summer typhoons and winter snowstorms, the park requires careful environmental conservation and maintenance of hiking trails.
The conclusion is that to obtain optimal social welfare, part of the negative side effects, such as environmental pollution, will remain.
In 2002 almost 90% of Scotland's shellfish growing waters complied with the minimum environmental quality standards.
There are also strategic investment opportunities in environmental technologies, food and drink processing and in specific areas of the energy market.
Indeed since 1828 this has more or less been the norm, health and environmental issues effectively stymieing alternative options.
Carry out environmental reviews and participate... restructure of the environmental task force.
Councilor Sebastian Kindersley, environmental health portfolio holder said, " We are sure that surveillance work will catch tippers.
Toxline (CSA) - covers toxicology, including chemicals & pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants & mutagens.
Environmental groups say fish spawning grounds are threatened and endangered green turtles will be prevented from reaching the sea after they hatch.
Clement Pickering, toward the costs of his place on a rain forest conservation expedition to Tanzania organized by the Society for Environmental Exploration.
Can the wish to speed up the land use planning process be reconciled with effective environmental protection?
In the past 10 years the refinery industry has had to respond to five sets of new environmental regulations.
Successful reform of the CFP is essential to achieve marine environmental sustainability.
Founded in 1947 by J.I. Rodale, The Rodale Institute promotes organic and regenerative agriculture as a means of renewing environmental and human health.
The Agency have stated that they wish to encourage remediation of contaminated soils where it is the best environmental option.
With congressional elections seven months away, Democrats said the ANWR vote showed they would not allow Republicans to weaken environmental protections.
Whatever the stimulus for erosion and deposition, the sediments within these hollows typically contain an important record of local environmental change.
These phenotypic variations have been shown to relate to the specific mutation generated, to environmental influences and to independently segregating modifier genes.
In 2002 almost 90% of Scotland 's shellfish growing waters complied with the minimum environmental quality standards.
Our objectives include acting as a national focus for statisticians involved in environmental work.
In contrast, carbon fibers and their composites have excellent resistance to environmental stress corrosion.
In order to reduce environmental pollution, the level of sulfur in fuels is being progressively reduced by European legislation.
Describe briefly to the Magistrate 's bench that you need a summons under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
We also want to support green technology and environmental sunrise industries.
Does he agree that the issue is symptomatic of a failure properly to examine the potential environmental impact of green taxes across the board?
Recent environmental surveys along the Norwegian coast indicate a six-fold increase in technetium concentrations in seaweed since 1996.
The continued use of thermosetting matrix composite materials is under threat from new environmental initiatives.
This time it 's an environmental subplot about some unscrupulous businessmen who like exploiting places for raw materials.
The environmental argument for a motorway speed limit enforcement has a terminally unsound basis in fact.
But do n't forget that we can easily ignore the vagaries of environmental constraints on behavior.
Two lawsuits filed by former workers at the facility allege that the Air Force used the veil of secrecy to cover up environmental crimes.
In Britain, this strain dominant in the environmental movement of the early 1970s has waned considerably.
The wise stewardship of environmental resources is a key issue facing us in the 21st Century.
After Andrew took a course on physical geography in high school, he decided to go to college for environmental science.
Pre-fold cloth diapers are an economical option for keeping your baby's bottom clean and dry while also being very conscientious about the environmental impact of diapering your baby.
Changing cloth diapers is actually a simple process, and you may love the economic and environmental benefits of using cloth diapers as well.
Many parents choose these types of diapers because of health, environmental and economic reasons.
They are also a factor in environmental problems, though you can now buy disposable diapers made from sustainable materials and with a minimum of chemical processing and components.
Respect their views and beliefs, particularly with regards to issues such as environmental awareness, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, and other issues that can be sensitive with farmers.
Some cats lose hair as a result of environmental allergies.
On the environmental front, bentonite litters are so good at clumping that many cities now ban them because they are clogging sewers and water treatment systems.
Cat diseases are vastly numerous and very common amongst feline pets due to lifestyle, genetics and environmental factors.
Other feline ailments appear later in a cat's life due to aging or repeated exposure to environmental toxins.
When the hatching occurs depends on the temperature, humidity level and other environmental conditions.
This stage will last from five days to three weeks or longer (again, depending on environmental conditions).
This may seem like a difficult feat, but you will save your cat from a horde of communicable diseases, mites, fleas and many types of environmental threats.
The risks of incorrect use have prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate these products and their labeling more closely.
According to the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, silica had been classified under California's Proposition 65 as a material that is known to cause cancer.
You can read the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's release regarding the stipulations and safety issues of crystalline silica at the official OEHHA site.
However, if you are concerned about your environmental impact, Yesterday's News cat litter is a viable option for you.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans generated about 83 million tons of paper in 2007, of which over 54 percent was recycled.
Using a product such as Yesterday's News is a good way for you to take your responsibility as a pet owner one step further by reducing your environmental impact.
The answer may depend on many factors, some lifestyle and some environmental.
However, when microorganism causes are thoroughly ruled out, your vet will likely want to investigate environmental factors.
Feeding your cat the best diet possible and keeping him free from environmental stress may help extend his longevity.
Some consumers also take the environmental impact of junk mail into consideration, which may compel them to minimize all forms of unsolicited mail.
New or existing buildings that are aiming for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification may be eligible for points by reusing office furniture.
Burl wood is found on trees that have an abnormal growth caused by environmental stress, fungus or insects.
The company strives to be environmentally responsible, and you can find out more details on their environmental policies by visiting their environmental stewardship page.
The environmental impact is highly controversial.
The Environmental Protection Agency has tested the emissions on light duty compressed natural gas vehicles and heavy duty compressed natural gas vehicles (such as city buses) to study the benefits of natural gas as an alternative fuel.
One result of this rise in temperature is an increase in the severity of hurricanes, according to the scientific research papers cited by the Environmental Defense Fund.
For drivers concerned about the economic and environmental impact of fossil fuels, hybrid cars present a great option for affordable, green transportation.
Additionally, concerns about the environmental impact of fossil fuels have caused many car buyers to switch to hybrids.
An environmental educator and sustainability consultant, McPherson launched the magazine in order to make sure that unbiased information is available via the Internet.
As environmental issues increasingly take center stage, the focus on sustainability and the importance and need to reduce, reuse, and recycle become clear.
There are several environmental issues that currently take center stage in several domains.
Changing how resources are consumed and how much waste is created can help move the planet back to a time where these critical environmental concerns were not yet issues.
Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to these products is important, as is ensuring they are disposed of in a way that minimizes any environmental harm.
Most solvents carry a health and safety risk along with other environmental issues.
There are many ways to recycle paper products, and doing so has a wide range of environmental and economic benefits for eco-conscious consumers.
Bamboo sheets are an interesting innovation and one that balances environmental issues with comfort.
Knowing what are the benefits of composting can help encourage you to take this simple environmental step.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, almost one quarter of landfill waste could be composted.
Here is a list of environmental problems.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States emitted more than 7.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2005.
This is only a partial list of environmental challenges the human race faces.
Our planet faces many other challenges not included on this list of environmental problems.
Manufacturers are adding new models rapidly as they work to address environmental concerns and fluctuating gasoline prices.
For this reason, their environmental impact is far less over time than paper or plastic cups, as well as other water bottles.
Currently, SIGG also offers a one percent donation to "1% For The Planet", an agency that seeks better environmental standards.
The Greenbuild Boston 2008 event was organized by the U.S. Green Build Council (USGBC), the organization behind the popular Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating program.
Our modern lifestyle, riddled with large industrial sites, factory farms, power plants, and countless automobiles, produces quite a few types of environmental pollution.
There are many different types of environmental pollution.
Noise pollution, while not frequently listed among the top concerns of those involved with environmental issues, is nevertheless a serious problem on a number of levels.
These are but a few of the many types of environmental pollution that affect our heath and well-being in today's world.
It's up to individuals to continue to press for recycling programs to guard against spiraling future costs and environmental catastrophe.
Some of the biggest environmental disasters are the plastic bags we receive at grocery and drugstores.
Keeping electronics out of landfills is vital to environmental health.
Beyond these important environmental considerations, there are circumstances in which composting toilets are simply more convenient and practical than those that require a reliable water supply to operate.
Bottled water is implicated in a lot of environmental and economic concerns.
American houses have been trending ever larger the last few decades and this is clearly having an environmental impact.
The costs are continually coming down and environmental activists are working with architects to develop cheaper eco home plans so that they can be more widely implemented.
A vegetable that is grown in a container on the windowsill, for instance, will not incur delivery costs that are expensive in terms of money as well as environmental cost.
In a larger environmental sense, landfills emit methane gas, which is a more dangerous greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Despite regulations and the effort of environmental organizations to educate the public, many hazardous items that require special handling when being discarded end up in landfills.
The main benefits of biofuels are environmental in nature.
If there is an accident that results in some kind of spill or leak, biofuels would present much less of a health and environmental hazard.
There are still more beneficial aspects to the production and use of biofuels, in addition to the environmental pluses.
Polluted air from chemicals and other substances causes a chain reaction, affecting many other environmental elements.
Humans breathe an average of over 3,000 gallons of air every day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Planet Earth is currently undergoing many changes caused by major environmental issues.
Sad to say, there are quite a few major environmental issues currently underway on our planet.
Environmental health concerns start with the elements used to make Styrofoam.
Wind power is a free, renewable resource that has minimal environmental impact.
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - The NIEHS also has an excellent and informative website that addresses the BPA issue.
To build a connection to a public system would be then and is now so expensive in terms of initial build and maintenance that it would be an environmental and economic impossibility to even to initiate.
These hybrid systems are perfect for difficult environmental situations.
As children learn more about recycling and recycling facts, they can share their knowledge with others and help to raise awareness of important environmental issues.
Many environmental groups are also very happy to work with schools to support recycling programs.
The Environmental Protection Agency has gone on record to call geothermal energy the cleanest and most cost effective form of air conditioning system available to consumers.
The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA offers great tips on making your own compost.
The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most reputable environmental organizations in the United States, and they are interested in joining with Clorox to help make environmentally sound cleaning products more mainstream.
Available for very little money, sometimes less than one dollar, these bags are offered to shoppers as a more environmental option to taking their groceries home in plastic bags.
Researching how to reduce waste or what the options are for recycling certain items will help to produce a top quality list while also helping to widen your general knowledge about environmental issues.
Keeping a reduce, reuse and recycle list gives a focus to the important environmental issues raised through waste.
A recycling office, environmental group or an officer within the local authority will be able to help provide specific information about recycling issues in a particular area.
High efficiency water heaters use as much as 50 percent less energy than standard models, according the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The degree of environmental benefit depends on the type of high efficiency tank used and the household demand for hot water.
Regardless of the type of tank, the environmental and financial savings are substantial.
The Klean Kanteen logo is standard on every bottle, but often the company will release a promotional bottle that advertises issues they believe in such as environmental awareness.
Off the grid homes are probably the aspiration of many environmental enthusiasts, however it is not always a straight forward option.
The Environmental Protection Agency offers a list of ways to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stop global warming at home, school, work, and on the road.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a useful compost guide that looks in detail at all aspects of home composting.
One of the major environmental issues that faces us all is the issue of waste.
This is also a good way to meet like minded people and to help to spread the environmental message.
Every step, however small, has a far reaching environmental benefit.
The Environmental Defense Fund estimates that cars and trucks in the United States account for 45 percent of the world's entire carbon dioxide emissions.
Your compost should be ready in around six months, depending on the environmental conditions.
Environmental interest groups in your area will be able to provide more information.
Wasting water is a significant environmental problem, at both consumer and industrial levels.
This symbol indicates that a particular fixture meets specific criteria established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for efficient water usage.
Perhaps more than any other environmental issue, the true facts about global warming have created their own controversy.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Earth's temperature has risen 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years.
Research has linked carbon dioxide emissions to some of the more serious environmental issues, including climate change and the greenhouse effect.
Therefore, ways to reduce your energy demands also cut your contribution to these environmental ills.
In addition to choosing the best type of diaper that fits in with the family's lifestyle and budget, the environmental impact also needs to be considered.
Also, biodegradable disposable diapers have been developed which counter some of the environmental concerns.
Environmental impact - washing cloth diapers uses energy.
Environmental impact - disposable diapers are one of the major contributors to landfill.
One key environmental concern is the continual requirement for landfill space to meet our growing demands.
Use them in conjunction with recycling to really help reduce your environmental impact.
When used properly, biodegradable plastic can be a great way to help reduce your environmental impact in a way that won't inconvenience your life.
You may be taking steps already to get your kids involved in reducing their environmental impact.
Sending your kids to the Friends for Change webpage, or encouraging them to tune into the Disney channel on TV will help drive the environmental message home in a number of ways.
Kids are encouraged to sign-up to do their part in a number of environmental issues.
Parents who are already teaching their children to be aware of their environmental impact, and parents who are just getting started can use the Disney Channel Friends for Change movement as a tool to assist their efforts.
While global warming and other environmental issues are politically hot topics, you should learn the basics before you choose your position.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists several recycling options as part of their Plug-InTo eCycling partners program, which includes many major nation-wide retailers.
The facts about water pollution reveal that the phenomenon is a serious environmental issue to humans and to the ecosystem in general.
Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates many sources of water under the Clean Water Act in the United States, monitoring pollution is still a great challenge.
By making small lifestyle changes and being mindful of the environmental impact of the decisions you make, you can make a difference.
Nuclear energy is a controversial form of energy, that produces different kinds of environmental waste than some other power sources currently available.
Energy Star is a program of the United States Federal Government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The negative environmental impact that's the result of drilling for oil and the end result of burning fuel oil makes solar power a very attractive alternative.
These recommendations make research on land use and aesthetic issues more important as more communities embrace the positive environmental effects of wind energy.
The post office also works with the OSRAM SYLVANIA and Veolia Environmental Services to help customers recycle used CFL light bulbs.
To define renewable energy source you have to consider which sources of energy are sustainable and have limited to no environmental damage.
Home energy, which also includes heating and cooling energy needs, account for over one-quarter of your environmental impact, estimates Carbon Footprint Ltd., a company that provides services related to carbon management.
Solar power can help to reduce your environmental impact.
From an environmental perspective, solar power is an earth-friendly form of energy.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that a solar energy system neither produces emissions, nor does it generate any solid waste.
Looking at it from an environmental standpoint, little more is needed to sell this alternative fuel.
This code supports human rights and environmental protection globally.
Moreover, the water station can help reduce environmental waste, saving up to 3,000 disposable plastic bottles per year from ending up in landfills.
The Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC) is the leading environmental advocacy source in the Midwest.
The ELPC develops campaigns to protect and develop environmental resources by advocating various renewable energy sources in Midwest states, including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.
This litter poses harmful environmental impacts with the added complication that plastic bags are resistant to decomposition and may persist for decades.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over four million tons of plastic bags and over 1.4 million tons of paper bags were generated in 2007.
Biodegradable bags are touted as necessary to complement recycling and reduce the environmental harm from disposable, non-biodegradable bags.
The study investigated several aspects of measuring the environmental impact of each type of bag.
The council recommended that banning regular plastic bags would result in more harmful environmental effects and that compostable bags do not offer a viable solution.
While regular plastic bags have less of an environmental cost in terms of total energy usage, they still represent a problem of litter and its negative impact, concerns that will not just go away.
In this respect, they reduce the risk of harmful environmental effects; however, the production process negates the benefits.
This program was established to promote and recognize businesses dedicated to green tourism by reducing the amount of environmental impact they have while conducting business.
Discuss environmental problems with them and listen to their thoughts and ideas.
It is also important to take every opportunity to discuss environmental issues with your children and answer their questions.
However, you can make small changes over time that can help you save money while lessening your environmental impact.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), natural gas and heating oil accounts for six percent of United States greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion.
The answer to the question, "Why do we need to go green?" is as complex as the environmental problems the world population faces.
The first concerns facing those living in the world today are major environmental ones.
Pesticide use is not the only health-related problems associated with environmental problems.
Air pollution is responsible for many health issues such as asthma as well as environmental issues such as acid rain and temperature fluctuations.
Rain runoff from urban communities and cities still poses great environmental pollution threats.
Simple things such as turning down the thermostat or maximizing the use of your appliances helps to reduce your energy costs and lower your environmental impact.
Earth Day was created in 1970 to be an environmental "teach-in" for educating people about their impact on the environment and what they could do to lessen it.
Bringing the idea of political interest in the environment to President Kennedy, Nelson's actions inspired a Conservation Tour by Kennedy to help spread environmental awareness.
Nelson was struck by the effectiveness of these teach-ins and decided to organize a massive grassroots effort of his own, to be known as Earth Day, a major environmental teach-in.
The public was primed for a way to get their environmental concerns addressed and organization began.
The first Earth Day encompassed 20 million people, including thousands of schools that held environmental awareness campaigns aimed at educating the public about current threats to the environment and what could be done about them.
Earth Day 2000 is memorable as the beginning use of the Internet to spread the reach of the environmental message.
A record 183 countries and 5,000 environmental groups participated, making it one of the largest reaching Earth Days to date.
You can participate in Earth Day each spring to help make environmental issues become a part of history.
These natural dyes are important in keeping with the Three Pillars ideology of sustainability and environmental responsibility because they are not toxic to the environment or to humans.
It is a win-winsolutionfor an epidemic environmental issue.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, just over 254 million tons of non-hazardous municipal solid waste was generated in 2008.
Electronic waste or e-waste represents a serious environmental threat.
While these productsare convenient, they also carry a large environmental price.
The content on LoveToKnow Green Living is created by a team of professional writers and editors who are passionate about understanding environmental issues and making wise "green" lifestyle choices on a daily basis.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), About 40 percent of these come from the production of electricity.
Today's world is facing numerous environmental problems that impact every aspect of the planet's eco-systems.
Environmental issues on land go beyond just the simple land pollution caused by uncaring folks throwing trash out of their car windows.
Environmental problems on land encompass GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crops and animals, deforestation and desertification, to name a few.
Currently, there is a great deal of debate of what the environmental impact of genetically engineered organisms could be if people consume genetically engineered plants and animals.
Global environmental problems that affect the air include climate change, air pollution and ozone depletion.
Land, air and water environmental problems are also all threatened by pollution and toxins that are a result of unsustainable industry practices and chemical dumping.
Usually, scientists and workers from government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, measure water pollution by taking samples of water from different sources and analyzing them to see what pollutants the samples contain.
Some companies rarely use their full emissions quota, or they may take part in environmental actions, which earns them credits.
Touted as a rich source of antioxidants, this herb reduces free radical damage caused by environmental factors.
To lessen their environmental impact and gain access to fresher foods, a lot of vegetarians get their produce through community-supported agriculture groups or shop at farmers' markets, health-food stores, or co-ops.
They require rigorous daily exercise and environmental management.
For commercial harvesting to be successful, all these important environmental factors must be in place.
While some worry about the health or environmental impact of using such materials, some studies have shown that there is no danger to plants or humans when these materials are used.
Some forms of fluorescent light bulbs, however, pose an environmental dilemma due to the mercury content within the bulb; the disposal of these types of light bulbs is not as easy as dumping the burned-out bulbs into the trash.
Before installing fluorescent lights within the home, check with local environmental regulations to make sure there are suitable methods for local disposal.
If environmental reasons are the only motivation for using fluorescent lights, then it may be better to look into alternative lighting methods, such as solar lighting or other possibilities.
Most manufacturers realize that people seek solar lights in part because of environmental concerns.
Energy Star, a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, has information on its website for the environmentally-sensitive homeowner.
The USGBC is the organization behind the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system for buildings.
Their environmental responsibility extends to their manufacturing facilities where proprietary processing methods eliminate smokestacks, and factory run-off is recycled back into the manufacturing line.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a showerhead leak can waste as much as 3,000 gallons a year, and that's not just water going down the drain; it's money out of your pocket.
Some people have environmental concerns about polyvinyl chloride plastic resin, which is thought to cause cancer.
Subjects such as whether the stains are oil-based or water-based, contain natural or synthetic resins and environmental issues were not brought up when consumers asked for recommendations.
This is a great benefit for those who are trying to reduce their home's environmental footprint.
The energy savings and lower environmental impact can be extremely attractive to those who don't need large volumes of hot water.
Rinnai offers a number of tankless water heaters that meet or exceed the strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
The founders have stuck to their roots and have built a product name on quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental awareness.
Additionally, the company both incorporates recycled fabrics and organics in their products, as well as contributing heavily to environmental groups.
In addition to the environmental benefits of buying organic cotton, many retailers also use fair trade practices to make production of their clothing better for workers as well as the planet.
Environmental Health and Safety Online states that there can be as many as ten million dust mites in a used mattress.
If you suffer from environmental allergies, you probably already know that your bedroom is a haven for dust mites.
The University of Georgia reports what most people all ready knew, a baby is more vulnerable to environmental toxins, including chemicals in clothing and bedding, than adults are.
The UCLA Center for Environmental Studies claims that early childhood health is critical to normal development.
When it comes to sustainable agriculture and organic food, the majority of what you're talking about is environmental.
They work hard to select the most environmental and health-friendly items available so that children can have the healthiest possible start in life.
Organic sustainable furniture is a great choice for a modern home and for people who are interested in living their lives with as little environmental impact as possible.
Sustainability has to do with environmental impact as well as economic and social impact.
On the other hand, too much nitrogen leads to excessive leaf growth with reduced root growth, and makes it harder for the plants to deal with environmental stress.
A potassium deficiency may lead to increased disease and susceptibility to environmental stress.
Some people worry about the environmental impact of shopping online because of the packaging that must be used and the fuel that is used to get the product to your door.
If you can't find what you need locally, buying online is a fine option from an environmental standpoint because your packages are traveling with other people's packages.
This makes the environmental impact of your purchase a little smaller compared to if you drove to the store yourself.
If you want your gift to have less environmental impact, have it shipped directly to the person you are giving it to if possible.
Bombarding your baby with chemicals may encourage the development of environmental sensitivities, asthma, allergies and other health problems.
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends working with nature to create the best lawn you can.
Organic lawn care utilizes different methods that have less of an environmental impact than chemically based lawn care products.
Aside from the obvious health benefits of the fruits and vegetables that come out of a vegan organic garden, there are also the environmental benefit of not adding harmful chemicals into the soil.
On the other hand, the U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted studies that have identified some foods termed the "dirty dozen" by an advocacy group called the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), people can lower pesticide exposures by a whopping 90 percent.
Organic cotton school clothing, made in USA, is a great way to teach children about important environmental issues like sustainable farming and the effects of transportation on the environment.
She chose to design maternity dresses, casual clothing, and organic baby bedding because she felt that babies developing systems were most at risk from environmental toxins.
The company donates 2.5% of their net profits to the Children's Health Environmental Coalition.
Many people also try to shop locally to reduce the environmental implications of shipping products many miles around the country.
It is also naturally pest resistant and grows very quickly, so cultivating it has a low environmental impact.
Understanding who buys organic and natural products is important to us; creating the quality as well as a set of other values such as the environmental preservation, no animals testing, and environmentally friendly packaging.
Surya products are enriched with exotic plants native to the Amazon forest which, in addition to their benefits, are associated with environmental conservation and social responsibility.
The packaging was designed with environmental protection in mind.
Through this branch of the company, we do all sorts of environmental and sustainable projects.
Each month, more than 2,000 of these brooms were manufactured in Brazil by "Tres Rios Cultural and Environmental Association" in Rio de Janeiro as part of its environmental education program which involves the selective collecting of waste.
Our products are environmentally friendly in the use of plant ingredients with sustainability or in the social and environmental actions.
In 2007, TerraChoice, an environmental marketing firm, released the results of a study they conducted on the environmental claims of over a thousand retail products.
You can also take a look at Good Guide, a free website with environmental and safety ratings for retail products.
While you can find many arguments against GMOs in food crops based on health concerns, there are also a number of environmental concerns.
The Environmental Protection Agency asserts that it doesn't, but other groups, like the Organic Consumers Association, say that it can still contain trace amounts.
Studies have yielded mixed results with regards to the health impact GMOs can produce in humans and animals, as well as the environmental impact these types of crops can bring.
Genetically altering crops may have an environmental impact.
It may not seem sensible to spend more money on a food product just because it's organic, but many people, including health-food advocates and those who are concerned about environmental impact, believe organics are a wise choice.
These companies may purchase carbon offsets to balance some of the energy they use in production, build and operate sustainable facilities, or donate a portion of their profits to environmental or humanitarian organizations.
If you like to knit or crochet and you are concerned about environmental toxins, you might be interested in Rowan Purelife organic cotton yarn.
Nothing ever has additives or preservatives included in the ingredients.The company also emphasizes environmental and agricultural sustainability.
For many people, the environmental implications of each fertilizer type are the most important factor.
Choosing organic foods and home care products will reduce the amount of environmental toxins your body needs to fight off, reducing the wear-and-tear that manifests as aging skin.
The environmental advantages of organics are many.
The Organic Trade Association defines organic agriculture as a way to minimize negative environmental impacts.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) further defines organic farming as agriculture without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Integrated pest management (IPM) attempts to find the balance between control and environmental safety through several different approaches.
The premise is to minimize the environmental impact of land disturbance through farming.
As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains, organic farming uses no synthetic pesticides.
Organic farming recognizes the environmental risk this action imposes and seeks ways to minimize the impact.
These products release nutrients slowly which help avoid the environmental problems of fertilizer use and leads to more controlled growth.
Organic farming offers a feasible solution to the environmental impacts of farming.
When considering the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming, it is important to realize that any land disturbance can potentially have negative environmental impacts.
For those concerned about their carbon footprint, buying natural and organic foods is one way you can reduce your environmental impact.
You may choose to buy organic over environmental concerns of pesticide and fertilizer use.
Environmental benefits are tougher to pinpoint, but there is some indication that the negative effects of pesticide and chemical runoffs could be lessened.
Lowering the amount of pesticides being used would be a huge environmental benefit, as it would reduce the amount of runoff associated with commercial farms.
Environmental Effects - While some experts point to the benefit of less pesticide runoffs, others question the long term effects these genetically altered foods could have on native species.
By using organic lawn products, you can minimize your negative environmental impact by making choices which are safer for the environment.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency monitors drinking water quality.
To mitigate some environmental impacts, they are often slow release.
Misuse of any chemical can cause serious environmental impacts.
Like other natural and organic food, buying organic meats offers many of the same health and environmental benefits.
You may choose organic ground beef simply because it has less environmental impact than conventionally produced meat.
This in turn, means a lower environmental impact from buying organic versus conventional.
Buying organic allows you to make good choices based on your own regard for you and your family's health as well as your environmental impact.
You also have the satisfaction of knowing that your purchase of organic products has less of an environmental impact than other types of foods.
Organic food labeling is your best guide to making choices which for products which have less of a negative environmental impact.
Few argue with this change in thinking, but some people do question if purchasing organic foods will really solve the environmental issues that we face today.
Because organic farms do not use genetically modified seeds, their produce are far less resistant to pests, climate, and other detrimental environmental factors.
Amy's Organic Foods or Amy's Kitchen is one of several lines of organic products which offer more choices for consumers concerned about the source of their foods as well as their environmental impact.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency warns consumers not to use dog flea and tick products on cats because of the toxicity of permethrin and other ingredients harmful to cats.
Finding organic clothing in general is becoming easier as more of the general population become aware of environmental issues.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers sun safety training to people working as lifeguards, camp counselors or scout leaders.
Other programs include computer training as well as providing opportunities for seniors to assist the Environmental Protection Agency.
Improve the environmental factors in your life such as reducing noise and light and by improving the temperature comfort level.
For some people, environmental factors may play a role.
When traveling to a different time zone, the eyes perceive dawn or dusk based on the amount of environmental light available.
Genetics and environmental stresses are primary causes.
Environmental factors can cause this by interrupting or preventing sleep.
Equipping your child with the knowledge and resources she needs to protect herself from environmental damages is a gift she will take with her into adulthood.
They provide optimal protection against harsh environmental elements, such as sun, wind and cold.
Different track styles, environmental factors, and game goals add unique challenges.
Natural Environments - Improves the quality of the environmental background of the game.
Join this new Prince of Persia adventure, filled with complex puzzle solving and numerous environmental obstacles.
The boxes are also environmental friendly, requiring less energy to produce and transport.
Our St Helena winery in the heart of Napa Valley was the first Gold Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) certified winery in California.
Backpacking is an activity that requires an understanding of your physical health, environmental conditions, first aid preparedness, gear and supplies.
The highly ruggedized cases from OtterBox are a good option, particularly for people who work out in the field where environmental concerns can play a major role.
Many cancers have been shown to result from exposure to environmental toxins (carcinogens) and related alterations in DNA.
Genetic predisposition, environmental causes, and individual developmental problems are responsible for most childhood cancer.
Other well-known risk factors, such as family history, infectious agents, diet, environmental toxins, and pollution, can apply equally to children.
Studies have established links between environmental toxins, such as asbestos, and cancer.
Prevention of cancer means being aware of causes and risks, which involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Known environmental causes can be avoided, however.
In the case of mitochondrial cytopathies that are caused by environmental factors such as certain drugs or toxins, avoidance of these substances may minimize the risk of developing mitochondrial disease.
Most experts, however, think that these susceptibility genes are not sufficient by themselves to account for moles becoming cancerous but are influenced by a combination of other inherited traits and environmental factors.
Sore throat may be caused by either viral or bacterial infections or environmental conditions.
Some sore throats are caused by environmental factors or allergies.
Environmental and other conditions, such as breathing secondhand smoke, breathing polluted air or chemical fumes, or swallowing substances that burn or scratch the throat can also cause pharyngitis.
Sore throat caused by environmental conditions is not contagious.
If a sore throat is caused by environmental factors, the aggravating stimulus should be eliminated from the sufferer's environment.
In childcare centers and hospital settings, the staff should be educated about personal and environmental hygiene.
It would seem that biological and genetic factors may make certain individuals pre-disposed to depressive disorders, but environmental circumstances often may trigger the disorder as well.
The elements of the program are surgery, antibiotic treatment, facial cleansing and improved personal hygiene, and environmental improvements.
Biological and environmental factors that can cause mental retardation include genetics, prenatal illnesses and issues, childhood illnesses and injuries, and environmental factors.
Scientists believe that they may be caused by trauma; environmental factors; or by other genetic, muscle, or central nervous system disorders.
According to the March of Dimes, most birth defects have one or more genetic factors and one or more environmental factors, but what the actual factors are in any given case is often difficult, if not impossible, to pinpoint.
Prenatal care should be clear and comprehensive, so that the mother understands both her genetic risks and her environmental risks.
Other less obvious environmental factors can also play a part in the development of conduct disorder; several long-term studies have found an association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and the development of CD in offspring.
While the exact cause of schizophrenia is not known, it is believed to be caused by a combination of physiological and environmental factors.
Environmental factors associated with schizophrenia include birth complications, viral infections during infancy, and head injuries in childhood.
Some headaches have a genetic link; sensitivities to certain environmental triggers and migraines also have been identified in one or both parents.
Migraines are often triggered by food and environmental factors.
Environmental triggers include weather changes; smoking; strong odors; and bright lights.
While the exact cause of this cell damage is not completely understood, it is thought to be a combination of environmental and autoimmune factors.
Environmental pollutants, such as cigarette smoke, dust, or smog, can also cause a cough.
Information regarding the duration of the cough, what other symptoms may accompany it, and what environmental factors may influence it aid the doctor in his or her diagnosis.
However, doses of radiation received in most x rays are quite similar to the environmental (background) radiation one is exposed to simply by living on Earth.
Genetic and environmental factors, and lifestyle habits can all be involved.
Environmental factors that influence intrauterine growth include maternal use of drugs (including alcohol and tobacco).
Multiple risk factors for development and persistence of antisocial behaviors include genetic, neurobiological, and environmental stressors beginning at the prenatal stage and often continuing throughout the childhood years.
Parents should give careful consideration to events and environmental changes that may have triggered the onset of sleepwalking.
Finally, there are environmental causes following birth such as lead poisoning, anoxia, or meningitis.
For the sake of children's health along with everyone else's, exposure to environmental sources of lead, including lead-based paints, plumbing fixtures, vehicle exhaust, and contaminated soil, should be reduced or eliminated.
As an isolated abnormality, spina bifida is caused by the combination of genetic factors and environmental influences that bring about malformation of the spine and spinal column.
The specific genes and environmental influences that contribute to the many-factored causes of spina bifida were not as of 2004 completely known.
Spina bifida may arise because of chromosome abnormalities, single gene mutations, or specific environmental insults such as maternal diabetes mellitus or prenatal exposure to certain anticonvulsant drugs.
Internal injuries to the nose may be either mechanical (caused by foreign objects in the nose or by picking or scratching the tissues lining the nose) or chemical (caused by environmental irritants or substance abuse).
Environmental factors are also implicated in reoccurrence of psoriasis.
An environmental trigger-such as diet, drugs, or sun exposure-may be necessary before any symptoms develop.
Obesity is the result of a complex interaction of genetics and environmental factors.
Genetics influence how the body regulates appetite and metabolism, while certain environmental factors encourage excess calorie consumption.
Conjunctivitis is an extremely common eye disease because the conjunctiva is continually exposed to microorganisms and environmental agents that can cause infections or allergic reactions.
Conjunctivitis may also be caused by environmental hazards, such as wind, smoke, dust, and allergic reactions caused by pollen, dust, or grass.
This picture is complicated still further by the interaction of possible physical abnormalities with a number of environmental and developmental factors known to increase the risk of SIDS.
There are many different causes of mental retardation, both biological and environmental.
Although genes may be a factor in a child's social competence and level of peer acceptance, environmental factors are also extremely important.
Multifactorial-Describes a disease that is the product of the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors.
Most children with these disorders seem to have a biological vulnerability to stress, making them more susceptible to environmental stimuli than the rest of the population.
This measurement does not normally change with diet, medication, or environmental factors, making it a good diagnostic tool.
The remaining RB1 gene can become non-functional when exposed to environmental triggers such as chemicals and radiation.
This may be due to the interaction of several different inheritance patterns, different patterns of development appearing as the same condition, or a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
Several environmental causes have been proposed for clubfoot.
However, even though the innate temperament of a person cannot be modified, understanding the factors that influence the development of personality disorders (such as genetic risks and environmental factors) may help prevention.
These events are thought to be triggered by various environmental causes, such as infection and/or exposure to certain chemicals.
The severity of the disease is influenced by the exact thalassemia mutations inherited, as well as other genetic and environmental factors.
Other genetic and environmental factors can influence the course of the disease as well.
Individuals with hemoglobin H disease can reduce the likelihood of symptoms by avoiding infections and certain environmental triggers.
Although the cause is unknown, chronic leukemia is linked to genetic abnormalities and environmental factors.
Factors under investigation as a cause of these disorders include immune system problems, allergies, drugs, environmental pollution, and infections.
Pervasive developmental disorders are caused by a complex interaction of genetics, neurological factors, and environmental factors.
Learning theory focuses on the role of environmental factors in shaping the intelligence of children, especially on a child's ability to learn by having certain behaviors rewarded and others discouraged.
However, learning disabilities are not caused by these conditions, nor are they caused by environmental influences such as cultural differences or inappropriate instruction.
Thus, although a child's genetic inheritance is unchangeable, there are definite ways that parents can enhance their child's intellectual development through environmental factors.
The type of inheritance pattern that celiac disease follows is called multifactorial (caused by many factors, both genetic and environmental).
Some forms of substance abuse and dependence seem to run in families; a correlation that may be the result of a genetic predisposition, environmental influences, or a combination of the two.
Other preventative steps include avoiding chemical and environmental irritants, such as air pollution.
Early intervention with at-risk youth to relieve some of the personal and environmental stressors that lead to gang involvement has the best prognosis.
Temperament, with its dependence on genetic factors, is sometimes referred to as "nature," while the environmental factors are called "nurture."
Many psychologists believe that there are certain critical periods in personality development-periods when the child will be more sensitive to certain environmental factors.
Another environmental factor of importance is culture.
Food may be contaminated by bacteria, viruses, environmental toxins, or toxins present within the food itself, such as the poisons in some mushrooms or seafood.