Envious Sentence Examples
In his comedy of The Envious Man he introduced the manner of Moliere, or more properly that of Holberg.
My future bride looked envious.
I feel quite envious actually, you can escape for weekends whenever you want to.
It's very easy to get envious of someone elses ministry.
Do not display your treasures or people will become envious.
Desire nothing for thyself, seek nothing, be not anxious or envious.
He couldn't help but feel envious of his friend, who wasn't trapped in a world where he didn't belong, fighting demons.
The half-demon shook his head, turned and strode away, disappearing into a portal. Gabriel watched him, envious and proud of his friend. He'd always had faith in Rhyn. Gabe's faith had cost him everything, but it was worth it. If only he could find peace as well.
I am afraid I have no photos - I am very envious of some of the photos you have on your site.
We are allowed to be a little envious of the French.
AdvertisementI am so envious but not enough to not say, " You lucky witch you.
The shooter thing was great fun, actually, the girls were looking quite envious in the garden late this afternoon!
Mr. Kennedy, " said a young midshipman, with envious eyes, " what splendid shots you'll have!
Available in a whole host of colors, styles and fabrics (including satin and leather) exclusivity and envious looks are both guaranteed.
Quite envious that you have seen a tornado, not many people have !
AdvertisementI felt envious, but a local character came to the rescue with green tangerines which tasted surprisingly ripe.
Quite envious that you have seen a tornado, not many people have!
The sun is often in German and Lithuanian legends described as the apple that hangs on the tree of the nightly heaven, while the dragon, the envious power, keeps the light back from men till some beneficent power takes it from him.
But as it is only the envious feeling of Thebuthis which is traced to this early date, Hegesippus doubtless means to place the outbreak later.
Unhappily, a few months after the appearance of the Journey to the Hebrides, Johnson did what none of his envious assailants could have done, and to a certain extent succeeded in writing himself down.
AdvertisementPart of your jealousy may be a result of being envious that this male friend gets to spend 'real' time with your girlfriend.
Gabriel was envious of how refreshed the Immortal managed to appear without sleep.
Most people were going all the way it seemed and we were slightly envious of them as we left the boat.
I think there will be at least 2 more orders as my fellow Xbox owners seem to be extremely envious.
The tackle on his hook would have made donkeys envious worldwide.
AdvertisementWhen England played Wales in Cardiff recently, I felt a bit envious of the Welsh who sang their own national anthem.
Raymond of Provence, the third and last of the great politiques of the First Crusade, was, like Baldwin, envious of Bohemund; and jealousy drove him first to attempt to wrest Antioch from Bohemund, and then to found a principality of Tripoli to the south of Antioch, which would check the growth of his power.
Peter the Great cast an envious eye on Finland and tried to wrest it from Sweden; in 1710 he managed to obtain possession of the towns of Kexholm and Villmanstrand; and by 1716 all the country was in his power.
Another cousin, Devadatta, the son of the raja of Koli, also joined the society, but became envious of the teacher, and stirred up Ajatasattu (who, having killed his father Bimbisara, had become king of Rajagaha) to persecute Gotama.
There is not a word too many nor too strong in the description of him by one of Burke's friends, as "a sullen, vain, proud, selfish, cankered-hearted, envious reptile."
When they won the lottery, their sudden affluence caused old friends to feel envious.
Some of them are so cute, grown women often find themselves envious of their tinier counterparts.
If you find yourself feeling a little envious at your dog's accommodations compared to your own destination for the day, you've likely found a good place to leave your dog while you're gone.
Attached to a gold rectangular piece, the heart is large and done in a rich ruby red; perfect for stealing envious looks no matter where you go!
Donating gives you a fuzzy feeling inside and unlocks different colored feathers, based on the amount you give, for you to proudly display to envious visitors.
I am an expecting adoptive mother myself, and was a bit envious when selling all the fun novelty tees for pregnant women.
From the satchel to the shoulder bag, you'll revel in the envious looks you'll receive while sporting this look!
These lending practices would lead to their downfall, as the King became envious of their power and wealth, and when the Knights Templar refused to lend the King any more money, he decided to end the Knights Templar forever.
Even now, it's hard not to feel a little envious, and it's easy to understand why Celtic butterfly tattoos are so popular.
Hyundai offered these envious luxury consumers everything they longed for but at a price they could afford.
Your coworkers and friends may wonder just what happened to your love handles over the weekend, or other men may be envious that you've maintained your slim and trim figure.
Ippegoo looked on with slightly envious but not malevolent feelings, for he was a harmless lad.
The envious but graphic description of his demeanour conveyed to us by Bishop Kennet attests the real dignity of his position no less than the airs he thought fit to assume in consequence.
Colbertvery envious of Hollands wealthprepared the finances, le Tellier the army and de Lionne the alliances.
The respectable mediocrity of Chapelain might misapprehend him; the lesser geniuses of Scudery and Mairet might feel alarm at his advent; the envious Claverets and D'Aubignacs might snarl and scribble.