Entrepreneurship Sentence Examples
Entrepreneurship isn't easy, but it can offer many rewards to the ambitious crafter.
The Financial Times describes him as ' the entrepreneurship guru ' .
This led toward an illustrative typology of entrepreneurship educators.
An MBA for social entrepreneurs The Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship is committed to nurturing the social entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
If you're good with computers, you can probably find plenty of local residents in need of affordable tech support.If you're interested in starting your own business, many schools offer elective courses in entrepreneurship.
It stands as a tribute to the spirit of entrepreneurship.
College of Business and Entrepreneurship - The college provides undergraduate and graduate degrees for the business leaders of tomorrow.
For example, you may like titles like Diner Dash or Grimm's Hatchery, because they give you an opportunity to experience the excitement of entrepreneurship without having to take any sort of real life risk.
Since work at home moms are relatively rare, you may struggle to find support for your dreams of entrepreneurship.
To learn more about being a WAHM, visit your local library for books on entrepreneurship, time management, and starting a home-based business.
AdvertisementIf you have never owned your own business, this might be the time to enroll in marketing, entrepreneurship or business finance classes.
The recycled cards program is operated by Kids Corp., a program established by St. Jude's to allow residents who have an interested in entrepreneurship to learn what it's like to run a business enterprise firsthand.
In 1998, Michael Kobold founded the company for an entrepreneurship course at Carnegie Mellon University.
It's probably the most enjoyable step on the path to entrepreneurship.
Good luck, and enjoy the path to entrepreneurship.
AdvertisementAs you're taking that first step into the wide world of entrepreneurship, explore franchise options.