Entitlements Sentence Examples
Governments create entitlements due to public demand for them, and public demand exists where the need is not filled.
Grants are not entitlements or benefits.
Once a lump sum compensation payment has been received, it may affect your client's entitlements to any income-based benefits.
In many cases contractual entitlements simply reflect the statutory minimum.
Workers may complain to an employment tribunal if they are being denied rest periods, breaks or the paid annual leave entitlements.
It seems that as national income rises, people choose to create larger governments that offer more entitlements and have more expansive powers.
This will entail changes to the way statutory redundancy entitlements are calculated.
Statutory maternity leave entitlements are monies paid by United Kingdom employers that allows expecting mothers to take time off work before and after the birth of their babies.
Grants are not benefits or entitlements.
Paying national insurance contributions in the UK can also help you build up entitlements in your home country.
AdvertisementHe notes that the welfare reforms enacted by Bill Clinton in 1996 reduced entitlements to single parents and toughened up child-support enforcement.
But it is important to make sure that the necessary forms are completed if your child is to enjoy their tax-free entitlements.
However, in a joint adoption only one partner is entitled to statutory adoption pay whilst the other has paternity leave entitlements.