Entities Sentence Examples
We were competing entities, trying to influence someone.
Individuals are thought of as members of a family, state or religion, rather than as entities with a destiny and rights of their own.
We find ourselves on the verge of a system of abstractions, or " attributes turned into entities," as barren as any excogitated in medieval times.
When once the fixed conditions which any hypothetical group of entities are to satisfy have been precisely formulated, the deduction of the further propositions, which also will hold respecting them, can proceed in complete independence of the question as to whether or no any such group of entities can be found in the world of phenomena.
Both are non-government, not-for-profit entities with a global remit to manage public research funding to deliver specific objectives.
But the desire to obtain general enunciations of theorems without exceptional cases has led mathematicians to employ entities of ever-ascending types of elaboration.
Note that classes are here required in extension, so that the class of human beings and the class of rational featherless bipeds are identical; similarly for relations, which are to be determined by the entities related.
For example, the application of the theory of cardinal numbers to classes of physical entities involves in practice some process of counting.
In pure mathematics the hypotheses which a set of entities are to satisfy are given, and a group of interesting deductions are sought.
Discovery in these various directions then led physicians to regard fever and inflammation not as separable entities, but as fluctuating symptomgroups, due to swervings of function from the normal balance under contingent forces.
AdvertisementA clear majority of the entities created had already matriculated armory by that point in time.
Aggregates are ' substantial entities put together by nature or human artifice ' .
The already defined ITSO product entities include one that can have multiple reservation segments, hardly a " bus concessionary " product.
Matter was not worthy to embody or reflect spiritual entities denoted by the names of Christ and the saints.
The external behavior of entities is characterized using the notion of a bisimulation equivalence.
AdvertisementIn due course 109 separate entities, each created to carry some aspect of truly ghastly past pain, would identify themselves.
Such entities would seem to be causally inert, some philosophers will say.
William of Occam, a 14th century logician, wrote " Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.
Named entities are used to automatically enrich a domain ontology in the KMi semantic Web site.
Divorced from this they are fairly stigmatized as mental figments or branded as ghostly entities that can but block the path.
AdvertisementAgents learn to name entities, individual and states whilst they interact with the world and build sensorimotor representations of it.
Site management competition will be for separate, stand-alone legal entities.
It arises in the estimation of entities such as the fundamental matrix, homography matrix, and the trifocal tensor, among others.
The proposal in the FRED is that the position described above would continue to apply for unlisted entities.
Most of these online games are geared toward testing the expertise of designer-worshipping divas who claim to know the names and highlights of the most notable fashion and makeup entities.
AdvertisementYou might be surprised to learn that the original intention of the Internet was to share research between universities and government defense research entities.
The suit alleges that both entities were aware that the number of fans registered with the site far exceeded the number of tickets available, and that they did nothing to make members aware of the problem or to correct the issue.
However, in the state of Michigan, Northern Michigan University, Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University and Western Michigan University are all separate entities.
The Higher Learning Commission and North Central Association accredit the college, in addition to other state and federal entities.
People are nervous about the safety of food products, and government entities are rushing in to clear up the issues.
This Program is available to all private sector entities, as well as government agencies that are under OSHA jurisdiction.
It is possible to enter a whole new world with a character you create yourself; thousands of gamers spend hours and hours in these imaginary worlds interacting with other people through fictional entities.
However, it's important to look at some of the lesser-known entities in this industry as well.
Fevers are components of many disease entities.
Here, however, these rules transcend individual moral perspectives and become entities in themselves.
A basic understanding of how the various government entities affect hospice regulations and some patience and determination to have your case heard can make a big difference.
They may actually offer such courses or be able to direct you to other local entities that may be able to help.
Officials may be aware of local job opportunities for cleanup workers with BP as well as with companies that provide oil spill recovery services or other local entities.
These entities also have headings on their own websites that link to their respective agency's listings on USAjobs.
Each speciality in the field of nursing has something valuable to offer to legal entities.
Even Donald Trump gets commercial loans through his corporate business entities, but not personally.
In addition to following state specific incorporation procedures, those who are incorporating nonprofit organizations should also be familiar with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements specific to charitable entities.
This can be a great way for schools, sports teams, civic organizations and other nonprofit entities to build a steady revenue stream that brings in funds month after month.
The IRS website also lists all organizations that are approved as 501(c)3 entities.
Help in obtaining materials and implementing the curriculum is available both from local school districts and from state education entities.
George Lutz has photographs of many of the entities and manifestations that many investigators agree appear authentic.
There are also several mischievous entities that like to play pranks on unsuspecting patrons of the house.
Other locations experience activity from unknown entities.
Leap Castle, featured on an episode of Ghost Hunters, reportedly contains several entities including one called an Elemental.
This house is reported to be haunted by numerous entities, and boasts encounters with so-called "shadow people" within its walls.
Yet another potentially haunted asylum that a number of entities most surely call home is the Central State Hospital in Indianapolis.
Other researchers are working on finding ways to help entities manipulate electromagnetic frequency (EMF) with a speech chip that converts the spirit-modulated EMF into words or allophones.
Remember that bugs, especially filmed in the infrared light used on many ghost cameras at night, can appear to be all sorts of odd things like orbs or rapidly moving entities.
These fragrances are not of this world anymore than the entities she communicates with.
Sometimes services overlap with the child receiving occupational therapy from each of the three entities and sometimes the child does not receive necessary services because of conflicts in determining which should provide them.
The state is definitely pro business and on the grow, offering shielded services for corporate entities of all sizes and types.
Additional business entities such as non-profits may also be exempt from a tax on sales, check with your state department of revenue for your tax status.
They help these corporate entities with financial and other matters.
These documents act as a type of resume to tell other corporate entities about the business.
These business entities will have a state resale certificate, which gives them tax-exempt status.
The process of branding a business involves differentiating the organization from competitors and other entities by establishing a unique identity for the company.
This is because they operate as legal entities that are separate from shareholders or partners.
Certain other companies are also known for doing good for environments and communities, while on the other end of the spectrum, some big-box corporate entities are viewed as evil to employees and as destroyers of small-town shops.
Business letters are broadly defined as any communication between corporate entities or between customers, clients, employees or potential employees, and a business.
Contact the state agency in charge of business entities in the state where your business is based and inquire about the notification requirements that apply in your particular situation.
When you purchase from government entities like the U.S. Marshall or the State police, it's important to recognize that the former owner of the vehicle was most likely a criminal.
They also provide services to larger entities such as multinational corporations and research institutions.
Insurance companies operating under the name First National Insurance are completely separate entities.
Otherwise, physicians cannot release any information due to HIPAA's Privacy Rule, which requires that entities such as a health-care provider, a health plan, or a health-care clearinghouse must protect the privacy of patient information.
Another division, Specialty Markets, caters to the self-employed and other alternative entities that may need niche insurance not very readily available.
Name-conscious consumers are now seeking out smaller upscale entities like the flirty Italian designs of Cosabella.
It cleverly marked the era of pop with references to such entities as MTV, heard in 'Money For Nothing' featuring Sting, and the newly created CD and video technological capabilities.
Unfortunately, much remains the same, including entrenched bureaucracy and the overwhelming need of business entities to make a buck.
Is a totalitarian society controlled by overpowering soul-less entities, whether government, religion or corporation?
For many, they represent entities that ward against those evils.
There are legends and folklore of many different cultures that mention entities that could be defined as a fairy.
The earliest mention of fairies comes from Greek mythology, in the form of supernatural entities called nymphs.
Social networks connect not only individuals, but help form relationships between groups, businesses, organizations, computers, Web sites and other information-processing entities.
You may have only heard of one or two social networking sites, but there are actually dozens of such entities on the Web.
Mortgages for all of us were quickly processed through a private bank owned by one of Merrill Cooms' entities.
The Rival Kingdoms. - The Palestine of the Hebrews was but part of a great area breathing the same atmosphere, and there was little to distinguish Judah from Israel except when they were distinct political entities.
The ordinal number is the class whose sole member is the null relation - that is, the relation which never holds between any pair of entities.
These entities are not created by mathematicians, they are employed by them, and their definitions should point out the construction of the new entities in terms of those already on hand.
Indeed, it is only by experience that we can know that any definite process of counting will give the true cardinal number of some class of entities.
As regards the existence (if we may so speak) of the universal in mente, Occam indicates his preference, on the ground of simplicity, for the view which identifies the concept with the actus intelligendi, rather than for that which treats ideas as distinct entities within the mind.
It may be convenient to use the terms "vitality" and "vital force" to denote the causes of certain great groups of natural operations, as we employ the names of "electricity" and "electrical force" to denote others; but it ceases to be proper to do so, if such a name implies the absurd assumption that "electricity" and "vitality" are entities playing the part of efficient causes of electrical or vital phenomena.
Thus defined, idealism is opposed to ordinary common-sense dualism, which regards knowledge or experience as the result of the more or less accidental relation between two separate and independent entities - the mind and its ideas on one side, the thing with its attributes on the other - that serve to limit and condition each other from without.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about various locations and other geographical entities.
The Rabbis apparently dreaded the possibility of such terms becoming hypostasized into personal entities distinct from God.
The Ideas of Plato are no longer self-subsistent entities; they are the elements which constitute the content of spiritual activity.
Hence he attains salvation, being delivered from sin and fear and death, for the divine attributes are not ontological entities to be discussed and defined in the schools, but they are realities, entering into the practical daily life.
This conception has been extended by analogy to phenomena different in kind, such as the activities of masses of water or of air, or of machinery, or by another analogy, to the duration of a composite structure, and by imagination to real or supposed phenomena such as the manifestations of incorporeal entities.
But, nevertheless, the new light thrown upon the unity of the self and the more careful and accurate scrutiny made by recent psychologists of the phenomena of decision have rendered it no longer possible either for determinists to deny the fact of choice (whatever be their theory as to its nature) or for libertarians to regard the self or the will as isolated from and unaffected by other mental constituents and antecedents, and hence, by an appeal to wholly fictitious entities, to prove the truth of freedom.
The report - or rather the collection of minority reports - gave some countenance to those who held that Ireland was overtaxed, and there was a strong agitation on the subject, in which some Irish Unionists joined without perceiving the danger of treating the two islands as " separate entities."
The hope is that the Original Being will oversee the transition and make sure none of the immortal entities interfere.
During 2001, Russian entities remained a significant source of dual-use biotechnology, chemicals, production technology, and equipment for Iran.
They are not discrete entities which could do this.
They are supervenience theses that take the supervening set A to be the identity facts for particular entities of whatever kind is in question.
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
I've tried researching this philanthropist's various entities but they are multitudinous and present a task I'd prefer not to undertake.
Even apart from the impossibility of conceiving a whole of relations which are relations and nothing else (this objection is perhaps largely verbal), no explanation is given of the fact (obvious in experience) that the spiritual entities of which the Universe is composed appear material.
The arithmetic of rational numbers is now established by means of appropriate definitions, which indicate the entities meant by the operations of addition and multiplication.
Arrhenius pointed out that these exceptions would be brought into line if the ions of electrolytes were imagined to be separate entities each capable of producing its own pressure effects just as would an ordinary dissolved molecule.
These epistles took their form at once from a natural progression of thought and from a new phase of controversy, a sort of Gnosticizing theory, or theories, which perverted Christian practice and impaired the supremacy of Christ by placing other beings or entities by His side.