Enthusiasts Sentence Examples
Some of the enthusiasts sank into a sceptical, reactionary frame of mind; while others, with deeper convictions or capable of more lasting excitement, attributed the failure to the fact that only halfmeasures and compromises had been adopted by the government.
The Mainz Commission, though hampered by the jealousy of the governments (the king of Prussia refused to allow his subjects to be haled before it), was none the less effective enough in preventing all free expression of opinion; while at the universities the official curators kept Liberal enthusiasts in order.
Even then there were enthusiasts who held him to be a sort of Messiah.
It was with the aid of these youthful enthusiasts that Savonarola arranged the religious carnival of 1496, when the citizens gave their costliest possessions in alms to the poor, and tonsured monks, crowned with flowers, sang lauds and performed wild dances for the glory of God.
In fact the presence of an orgiastic character is as marked a feature in Canaanite religion as the absence of it is in the oldest religion of Israel; but the new Hebrew enthusiasts had at least an external resemblance to the devotees of the Canaanite sanctuaries and this would be enough to determine the choice of a name which in the first instance seems hardly to have been a name of honour.
Pan-Hellenic enthusiasts already saw Philip as the destined captain-general of a national crusade against Persia (Isocrates, Philippus, about 345).
The day passed in confused and savage scuffles between the raw enthusiasts of either side, but by 5.30 P.M.
Whether or not "Celtic" is the right word for it, Mr Yeats's art was quickly identified by enthusiasts with the literary side of the new Irish national movement.
Diogo Ignacio de Pina Manique, organized an elaborate system of espionage which led to the imprisonment or exile of many harmless enthusiasts.
Ranscombe Farm is one of British botany 's classic sites, and a favorite haunt of wild-plant enthusiasts for hundreds of years.
AdvertisementEnthusiasts can also buy Theo's hand-knitted alpaca suit, complete with its own wooden coat hanger.
Rudloe Manor both for rail and UFO enthusiasts has become a dreamers mirror, you see there what you want to see.
Evening course options include car maintenance, repair and restoration - ideal for beginners, budding enthusiasts and more serious DIY'ers.
The FORUM for an exchange of ideas should also attract some enthusiasts.
Aprilia interprets this philosophy, shared by the young, true motorcycling enthusiasts, to perfection.
AdvertisementEndless variety makes Angus a haven for the outdoor enthusiasts.
We welcome members who are not railroad modelers, but who enjoy being in the company of like-minded enthusiasts.
Benissa holidays are popular with watersports enthusiasts, with excellent facilities and conditions for scuba diving, windsurfing, sailing, diving and fishing.
In Kent, Stanley Fish & Co are a must for railroad enthusiasts who find themselves in the area.
Not all people who are electricity pylon enthusiasts collect numbers.
AdvertisementKoh Tao is much quieter and extremely popular with divers and watersports enthusiasts.
Despite being a dyed-in-the-wool Mini adherent, Ian has never adopted the blinkered views so often espoused by dedicated car enthusiasts.
It would appear that there is a distinct group of one in five lurcher owners who do not fraternize with other lurcher enthusiasts.
Mostly these are very good-natured, informal get-togethers, where enthusiasts show off their machines.
The grayling Society In 1977, the Grayling Society was formed by a group of grayling and grayling fishing enthusiasts.
AdvertisementSuch a statement would provoke derisive guffaws from enthusiasts wedded to the myth of England's glorious past.
Actually the Club was delighted too because having a major honey pot for M.G. enthusiasts next door could be nothing but good news.
This is measured using a hygrometer, usually the glass floating type similar to those used by the home brew enthusiasts.
The urban workers fought and died, together with revolutionary enthusiasts from the petty-bourgeois intelligentsia.
An extremely lightweight model to satisfy the last enthusiasts of the leather boot.
But, be warned, even long-standing dance enthusiasts look upon the Tango as one of the hardest dances to master.
For many years it has been enjoyed as an almost Masonic secret among car enthusiasts.
Mecca for outdoors enthusiasts, Chamonix is the ideal place to explore for history lovers too.
How many people are aware tho, that on the outskirts of Rochdale is a veritable Mecca for pylon enthusiasts?
Avid bird watching enthusiasts often look like pack mules hiking to a gold rush in the west.
An isolated case, I hear the new public management enthusiasts mutter.
Their members are drawn from all walks of life, including distinguished naturalists and pure enthusiasts for conservation.
There are a small number of providers in Northern Ireland who offer packages for field sports enthusiasts.
Many of the moderates longed for a compromise with the government by which the Jesuits and other enthusiasts would cease operations.
By mid morning, Widow's Way, the official town sledding hill, was flocked with sledding hill, was flocked with sledding enthusiasts of all ages.
Also, dark sky enthusiasts are interested in reducing obtrusive light, also called ' light trespass ' .
Who knows, you may see the occasional enthusiasts brake van tour round the works to catch the last wisps of Industrial Steam.
The third is a list of sites from experts and enthusiasts which are themselves links to sites dealing withy the subject of the search.
Alexander could now accomplish the first part of the task belonging to him as captain-general to the Hellenes, that liberation of the Greek cities of Asia Minor, for which Panhellenic enthusiasts had cried out so long.
Moved only to scorn and indignation by the rhetoric of these presumptuous enthusiasts, Frederick marched into the Leonine city, and took the imperial crown from the hands of Adrian IV.
A staunch Roman Catholic, but belonging to a school of Augustinian enthusiasts (the Jansenists), whom the Church put down as heretics, he stands pretty much apart from the general currents.
The Porte strove by every means at its disposal to thwart their activity; but elsewhere they were regarded as a body of academic enthusiasts, more noisy than dangerous, who devoted their scanty funds to the publication of seditious matter in Paris or Geneva, and sought to achieve the impossible by importing western institutions into a country fit only to be ruled by the sheriat and the sword.
American supporters, who had long been enthusiasts for the Yugoslav idea.
It was formed by men who were fierce Puritan enthusiasts, and who for the very reason that the intensity of their religion separated them from the mass of their countrymen, had learnt to uphold with all the energy of zeal the doctrine that neither church nor state had a right to interfere with the forms of worship which each congregation might select for itself (see CONGREGATIONAL1SM and CROMWElL, OT.lvER).
By mid morning, Widow 's Way, the official town sledding hill, was flocked with sledding enthusiasts of all ages.
A team of dedicated enthusiasts is in the process of compiling a surname index from staff records from 1844 to 1923.
Over 10,000 enthusiasts came to see the 1.6m wonder, which many described as having ' a wafting smell of maggots '.
Watersport enthusiasts are well catered for on these rivers.
It has been the constant backing of the waterways enthusiasts which has really made this possible.
Car enthusiasts can browse through displays of vintage models or inspect weird and whacky vehicles of the future.
Thousands of yachting enthusiasts were also visiting Valencia, which is staging warm-up races for the Americas Cup.
Vintage ad enthusiasts enjoy collecting Curity advertisements that were featured in past magazines and newspapers.
In addition, you can talk to dealers and RV enthusiasts about dependable motor homes, ask for recommendations, and gain lots of valuable information.
Wine investing can be a lot of fun for a wine enthusiasts, and with the right investments, it can be extremely lucrative as well.
Go to the manufacturer's website and read up on it, read various reviews, and if you have any questions, find an online forum for motorcycle enthusiasts.
If you are unsure of the price you should be paying for the used model you want, consult with friends and other motorcycle enthusiasts.
Many enthusiasts prefer belt-driven turntables.
Also talk to people in your life who know a thing or two about baseball (players, coaches, enthusiasts etc.), and ask them for baseball bat recommendations.
It provides its enthusiasts with plenty of time to zone out in a peacefully meditative state, while at the same time challenging them to hook and haul dinner for the evening.
Soccer.com puts soccer enthusiasts at the "center of the soccer universe."
You can also ask other bird enthusiasts where a reputable breeder can be found.
Many enthusiasts choose to take this route, just as tennis players pick their own strings, string tension, and grip, for example.
Marivi's Heraldry teaches origamic architecture enthusiasts how to create a coat of arms.
While some golf enthusiasts frown at the idea of teeing off with an iron, many people do it.
The appeal of the open skies makes model kits and flying supplies surefire hits for airplane and rocket enthusiasts.
The Minis still remain popular with iPod and mp3 enthusiasts.
Collectors and extreme enthusiasts who purchased two may be your best sources, but then again, they are collecting them and/or have purchased them as backups so they may not want to part with them.
Extreme crossword enthusiasts think that you should finish a crossword puzzle without the assistance of a dictionary.
This makes them good for movie buffs or sports enthusiasts because of the heavy amounts of movement.
Those with an interest in electronics and video will clearly have an interest in knowing the difference between the two, whether it be for purchasing used discs or settling arguments with other armchair audio-visual enthusiasts.
This breed is the subject of some particularly interesting lore that makes them a popular topic of conversation among cat enthusiasts.
Although some feline enthusiasts might have some concerns about this breed's wild heritage affecting its personality, today's Bengal has been bred to be a friendly family companion that just happens to look exotic.
Many cat enthusiasts claim Siberians are actually non allergenic cats, and scientific testing seems to bear this information out, at least to a certain extent.
The question of whether or not certain cat breeds are non allergenic or hypoallergenic is the subject of debate among many cat enthusiasts.
You can hardly watch Derby coverage at Churchill Downs without seeing at least a dozen horse racing enthusiasts milling around with the distinctive Mint Julep in their hands, and with good reason.
Here are a few Baileys Irish Cream gift sets that would make nice presents for cocktail enthusiasts.
Some enthusiasts even have pool tables in their homes.
From building a tall base to allow for stacked drawers to keeping the lines simple and spare with no added storage, platform beds have lots to offer woodworking enthusiasts.
Sigg water bottles are popular with backpackers and other sports enthusiasts.
Off the grid homes are probably the aspiration of many environmental enthusiasts, however it is not always a straight forward option.
Frito-Lay's ground-breaking compostable chip bags allow snack chip enthusiasts to enjoy their crunchy pleasures without the guilt of using a bag that can sit in a landfill for years.
Although this theory still needs to be tested through scientific study, many acai enthusiasts report that the fruit has helped them shed excess pounds.
Still, acai enthusiasts are usually more than happy to share their personal success stories.
It is the largest show of its kind in the U.S. and attracts antique lighting enthusiasts from all over the world.
Professional makeup artists and amateur cosmetic enthusiasts alike praise MAC for producing some of the most appealing shades and longest-lasting lipsticks, eyeshadows and eyeliner on the market.
There are literally thousands of information sites, both free and for pay, for fantasy football enthusiasts to examine.
Now, with the explosion of the Internet and search engines and information sites, like LoveToKnow, tens of millions of fantasy football enthusiasts are flocking to the Internet in search of valuable information.
Here is some detail on just a few fantasy football web sites that enthusiasts might visit for information, places to compete and conversation.
For fantasy football enthusiasts who want league play, statistics, chat and more, ESPN offers the total package.
Known mainly as a popular sports magazine, The Sporting News web site has free fantasy football leagues that give fantasy enthusiasts another opportunity to play for cash, with no entry fee.
Like other fantasy sports, online fantasy basketball is a game in which people join leagues at popular sites, like ESPN, and participate either with friends they invite or with other fantasy basketball enthusiasts nationwide.
Some traditional fantasy sports enthusiasts like this style because it is how most fantasy sports, aside from fantasy football, began.
The NCAA Tournament is not only the most popular college basketball event of the year, it is a great opportunity for online fantasy sports enthusiasts to expand their horizons.
Although a season-long rotisserie style is available at most online sites, classic fantasy sports enthusiasts usually prefer to play head-to-head.
Avid hunting enthusiasts looking for a little entertainment when they're stuck at home because their favorite game is out of season can turn to the many sites offering the opportunity to play hunting games online.
Bank of America offers a great selection of online products and services that are highly desirable to today's digital banking enthusiasts.
AddictingGames.com offers an online arcade-style game to Star Wars enthusiasts.
The Urchin is a heavy-duty Bluetooth speaker is designed for outdoor enthusiasts who like to enjoy tunes during their adventures.
Photography enthusiasts will find DSLRs that meet their photography style.
As with all kinds of picture-taking, photography enthusiasts will have many different schools of thought when it comes to action photography tips.
Most people think of magazines like Playboy when they hear the words "nude photography" but photo enthusiasts know that there are many famous nude photographers who create beautiful art.
This fascination with old-school photography has Polaroid enthusiasts wondering if the company will revitalize its once thriving line of instant film cameras.
Even though Polaroid digital cameras capture candid photos perfectly well, analog enthusiasts feel there's something special about holding a photo and watching it come to life.
The G-Series line of cameras targets photography enthusiasts and semi-professional users who want the latest technology without migrating to a Digital SLR.
Respect for the environment and the implications of food production are of great concern to whole food enthusiasts.
This eBook is a great resource for amateur as well as advanced scrapbook enthusiasts, and it's available as an instant download for about $12.
Scrap Girls has several interesting downloads that intermediate to advanced digital scrapbook enthusiasts will enjoy.
Although digital scrapbooking enthusiasts sometimes refer to Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Elements 6 as interchangeable programs, it's important to realize that these two products are different.
Card makers, bookbinders and scrapbook enthusiasts love the medium punches in the Martha Stewart line, because they serve a dual purpose.
The good news for serious scrapbook enthusiasts is that free scrapbook papers are available for both digital and paper scrapbooking layouts.
This convention is a great place to get together with other scrapbooking enthusiasts and learn fun tips for improving your skills.
While some of these areas are famous, other are "mom and pop" operations that have managed to retain a loyal group of snow sport enthusiasts.
Fischer skis are designed for skiing enthusiasts and for competitive skiers who want their equipment to give them an edge over the rest of the pack.
In addition to the learn to ski and ride events, the Pennsylvania Ski Area Association encourages winter sport enthusiasts to post their skiing and snowboarding blogs, videos and photos on My Ski and Ride Space.
Snow sport enthusiasts who find themselves in Ontario for business or pleasure may want to check out the greater Toronto area ski and snowboard packages.
Every winter, snow sport enthusiasts from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia visit the ski slopes in Pennsylvania.
One can speculate that many people are avoiding destination travel to ski resorts, so the local Pennsylvania areas are tempting snow sport enthusiasts with a variety of appealing features.
Jack Frost Mountain and Big Boulder - These two mountains are owned by the same company and cater to different demographics of ski enthusiasts.
Celebrity Seven enthusiasts include stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Garner.
Some groups, such as Team Delphine and Big Sky Wind Drinkers, are not just for teens, but are open to sports enthusiasts of all ages.
Goneraw.com - This site contains recipes submitted by its visitors, most of whom are raw food enthusiasts.
The diet can be vegan, but some raw food enthusiasts are vegetarian and consume unpasteurized or otherwise untreated dairy products and raw eggs.
Keep in mind that, according to most raw foods enthusiasts, food that is heated about 118F is no longer considered raw.
Even raw food enthusiasts can find a comfortable menu plan within the program if they need to lose a few pounds.
The blender they recommend for raw food enthusiasts is the TurboBlend VS.
Men are traditionally known as sports enthusiasts, which makes a gift in this category not only appreciated and useful, but also personal.
LoveToKnow Cake Decorating is comprised of an experienced team of writers and editors, who also happen to be cake decorating enthusiasts.
Through word of mouth, his custom bikes gained attention from celebrities and motorcycle enthusiasts.
Another popular brand among outdoor enthusiasts, this brand also has a children's department.
Paul Frank is a label worn by many extreme sports enthusiasts such as the skate crowd.
Student government, a campus newspaper, and even a club for Glass Art enthusiasts are all on offer.
The LoveToKnow Cruises community is made up of cruise aficionados and travel enthusiasts.
A cruise to nowhere can be a fun, quick getaway for cruise enthusiasts who aren't concerned about different cruise destinations but who still want to enjoy all the luxury and amenities available on board.
Cruise enthusiasts, who love leaf peeping during autumn, may consider booking a spot on American Cruise Lines eight-day, seven-night fall river cruise.
Help your kids discover how to "save" the earth, become conservationists or wildlife enthusiasts while learning about our fragile ecosystems.
All Breed Clubs, comprised of enthusiasts for all breeds of dogs.
If you're like many dog enthusiasts, you may believe that your dog is doing just fine managing things for himself, but the fact is that many dogs could benefit from a little active fitness management on the part of their caretakers.
The kit retails for less than $200.00, and although most enthusiasts recommend you have the strings changed immediately and the action lowered, it is a reasonably good value.
There is also a collection of bass-related articles on the site for enthusiasts looking for something other than just bass tabs.
White isn't usually at the top of anyone's list unless they're picking out wedding or communion dresses, so why is it that many diamond enthusiasts believe white or "clear" diamonds are the most valuable?
However, for the best selection, most jewelry enthusiasts prefer to shop on the Internet.
There are a variety of retailers, large and small, that cater specifically to equestrian enthusiasts.
Jewelry pieces made from onyx have a distinct look that is appealing to gemstone enthusiasts.
It's easy to understand why this shape is so beloved by locket enthusiasts and your child will surely appreciate such a meaningful gesture.
If you don't own a jewelry business, you might consider forming an organization with a group of jewelry enthusiasts.
If you're a jewelry designer or simply a dedicated jewelry enthusiasts, buying wholesale gems can gave you a significant amount of money over typical retail prices.
Still, true Harley enthusiasts don't think about the price - it's all about the name.
Most motorcycle enthusiasts will claim that the best material for leather vests and other motorcycle apparel is cowhide, mainly because of its durability.
Sports enthusiasts, from amateur to pro, found microfiber had many advantages.
Tennis and golf enthusiasts in particular love them for their comfort and practical design - in fact, it was professional tennis player René Lacoste who designed what we now recognize as the polo shirt today.
Waterproof jackets are common among outdoor enthusiasts, particularly hikers, bikers and campers.
Backpackers and hiking enthusiasts often shop at Wilderness Dining, which offers tried and true favorites such as dried strawberries, apples, bananas, papaya and pomegranate.
Danskin has long been synonymous with yoga, dancing and exercise, so it's no surprise that Danskin Now Organic Cotton is a line that exercise enthusiasts are going crazy over.
At Local Wine Events and Food Reference, you can find local wine enthusiasts and stay up to date on festivals, new release tastings and connoisseur functions.
From seniors that are sports enthusiasts or coffee lovers to those that enjoy gourmet delicacies or a relaxing day at the spa, there are retirement gift baskets to suit the interests or palettes of many people.
With a battery backup, individuals who enjoy outdoor activities such as campers, boaters and motor home enthusiasts can continue their sleep apnea treatments using a battery in lieu of plugging the machine into standard AC current.
Most enthusiasts that are interested in optical devices like glasses and binoculars easily recognize the name Bausch & Lomb as a symbol of the highest quality optics in the industry.
Whether camping, fishing or performing any other outdoor activity in the dark, night vision seems an obvious advancement upon the well known Bushnell binoculars and monoculars that outdoors enthusiasts have been using for many years.
Outdoor recreation enthusiasts have been trusting Bushnell for many years with optical needs, such as binoculars.
Several companies make inexpensive goggles, so sports enthusiasts on a budget should be able to afford a pair with no problem.
They are also ideal for the fashion-conscious men and women out there who'd love the look without worrying about the price connected to the technology that makes them safe eyewear for sports enthusiasts and military personnel.
Based in San Diego County, California, Spy Optic is in a perfect location for sports enthusiasts of all kinds.
However, for outdoor enthusiasts, and in particular aviators who need to block as much glare as possible, polarized lenses are a lifesaver.
The appeal of this type of lens is known by sports enthusiasts who participate in outdoor activities.
Ride enthusiasts also recommend visiting the Big Bad Wolf coaster early on because it has a slow moving line.
In early March, the Winter Coaster Solace provides a unique opportunity for coaster enthusiasts, allowing guests to come before opening and leave after closing.
When word gets out about a new Ohio roller coaster, the buzz excites thrill enthusiasts around the world, but why does this Midwestern state have such appeal for coaster fans?
Today, many park enthusiasts have preserved older maps as valuable collectibles that showcase the changes the park has undergone over the years, and they are often hot commodities to other park fans.
Finding Sea World discounts can help theme park and marine life enthusiasts explore under the sea without sinking their budget.
Despite their age and limitations, these power coasters are nonetheless impressive and well worth a visit from roller coaster enthusiasts.
The LoveToKnow Theme Parks community is made up of travel enthusiasts, roller coaster fanatics, and amusement park aficionados.
Park guests who have their own pictures of Crystal Beach amusement park should consider preserving them carefully in order to share that nostalgia with other park fans and future generations of theme park enthusiasts.
For the best view of a ride, interested coaster enthusiasts should watch a range of different POV videos to get a true feel for the experience.
The Funderstanding roller coaster can be a fun roller coaster game for ride enthusiasts or a great educational tool for science teachers.
Shuttle coasters are a unique ride experience for many coaster enthusiasts, but they're not right for everyone to ride.
It wasn't long after Wind Waker was released that enthusiasts started asking for a new Zelda game for GameCube.
With hi-res graphics and a fast CPU and strong GPU, the PSP is a good choice for handheld gaming enthusiasts, especially those who want to play Sony exclusive games.
For example, Halo fans must purchase an Xbox 360 while Final Fantasy enthusiasts must get a PS3.
While the announcement did come as a surprise to many enthusiasts within the rhythm game genre, the decline of the series had many experts predicting such a move even before the official announcement came from Activision.
When looking at the different army games to play, some enthusiasts may be disheartened by the cost of buying all the different titles released by the various publishers.
Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR to the most hardcore of enthusiasts, is probably the first title that comes to mind when people consider exercise video games.
With so many options for facial features, it can take a lot of time to get the "look" just right.Thankfully, a number of enthusiasts are willing to share their creations through the Mii Parade and through online channels as well.
This is great fun for hardcore enthusiasts, but it's overwhelming for just about everyone else.
The Internet is filled with many helpful video game enthusiasts, so it is usually not that hard to find free Xbox walkthroughs.
With the previous generation of music games, many enthusiasts complained that the instruments could not work across these two popular franchises.
Enthusiasts have followed Master Chief from the original Xbox home gaming machine over to the Xbox 360 and they want to know how the story ends.
Two feature-length movies were released in the 1990s that, though popular among Mortal Kombat enthusiasts, are widely regarded as sub-standard.
Domestic and SUV enthusiasts can even get in on the action, with the inclusion of such vehicles as the Cadillac Escalade and Ford Mustang.
Looking at the PS3 Slim comparison, enthusiasts have wondered about the PS3 Slim backwards compatible features.
Just as there are different ways to play Monopoly online, enthusiasts wanted a way to explore world domination again on a video game console.
The online element is also a major addition to the series, allowing players to engage in Xbox Live-style battles with other enthusiasts all around the globe.
Canflix not only caters to video game enthusiasts, they also rent out movies.
By not having any shoulder buttons, many fighting game enthusiasts found that playing Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat games were easier on the Genesis than on the Super Nintendo.
There will be many opportunities to find unique upgrades and other customizations for your Spore characters, so be sure to be on the lookout and interact with your other online enthusiasts.
This can be great for sharing your Spore experience with other video game enthusiasts.
Enthusiasts are likely familiar with what seemed to be a glitch in ''Street Fighter II'', wherein Guile could freeze an opponent in place.
Look up local forums and other websites where you can get together with gaming enthusiasts in your area, trading video games and keeping your respective libraries fresh.
Not surprisingly, there is a very large group of like-minded enthusiasts out there who are happy to share their love of video game culture with you.
For many enthusiasts, video game importers are an absolute blessing, because it is through them that you can get your hands on a variety of titles and accessories that you may not otherwise have access to in your home country.
So have other Nintendo and Sega enthusiasts.
GameRenders has a huge active community of video game enthusiasts.
By trading titles with your fellow video game enthusiasts, you will reduce the amount you need to pull out of your pocket each time you want to try something new.
Many video game enthusiasts are not even aware that they are purchasing a Canadian product when they pick certain games off of the store shelf.
At this video game convention in June 2009, press and enthusiasts had the opportunity to demo many of the 12 sports available in this newest iteration.
The World of Pinot Noir brings wine enthusiasts and some of the world's best Pinot Noir producers together annually for a weekend celebration.
But surprisingly, it doesn't take much to get disoriented in the Valley, especially if you are the designated driver and you have a Greek Chorus of wine enthusiasts in the back seat offering their jolly-spirited guidance.
This program is ideal for avid enthusiasts as well as those who have basic wine knowledge.
Chocolate and Wine - Wine enthusiasts are sure to enjoy this event held in February each year.
Because of its medium body, many experts recommend Merlot for new wine enthusiasts.
Wine shops - Local wine shops are typically owned by knowledgeable wine enthusiasts who make wine education a huge part of what they do.
Many serious wine enthusiasts eschew Marilyn Wines because of its kitschy label, but you'll miss a wonderful, affordable American Merlot if you judge a wine by its label.
Touted for its many health benefits, red wine is a popular go-to for wine enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike.
Many enthusiasts spend endless hours at doll conventions and hunting for favorite dolls at antique stores.
Vintage car enthusiasts agree that the era of these beautiful automobiles began in 1919 with the end of World War I.
Although classic car enthusiasts and antique auto trailer lovers have much in common, vintage trailer owners have greater mobility on their side.
In 1955, Airstream enthusiasts formed the Wally Byam Caravan Club International.
The technological age allows easy access to other enthusiasts via the Internet and a plethora of chatboards and specialty sites that are available.
Internal frame backpacks are the most popular among camping enthusiasts, although there are some situations in which external frames might be preferred.
Henri Lloyd boot gaiters are among the most expensive brands of protective footwear you will find, but this price comes with a quality many hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts think is unbeatable.
You'll have opportunities to network with other Monaco enthusiasts, and will even be able to participate in rallies around the country.
The company's motor coaches quickly became very popular among RV enthusiasts, and the organization has evolved into one of the leading motor home manufacturers.
Many RV enthusiasts who enjoy operating and camping in sizeable motor homes find Safari's wide selection of class A and class B models to be very appealing.
You'll have an opportunity to get to know other Safari enthusiasts from all over the world.
Full Throttle Camping carries a number of tents, sleeping bags, and compact cooking accessories that meet the needs of motorcycle camping enthusiasts.
It's a great choice for tent campers and RV enthusiasts who want to enjoy the beauty of New England.
For example, PPL Motor Homes provides a variety of tools to help RV enthusiasts determine the fair market value of units they are thinking about selling or purchasing.
The first story is a true story that's famous among Appalachian enthusiasts, about two women who were shot during their hiking trip on the trail.
There are a number of websites that specialize in catering to Airstream enthusiasts, as well as those that specialize in matching those who have used RVs for sale with potential buyers.
Classic Airstream campers are popular choices for RV enthusiasts who like the idea of camping in a vintage travel trailer.
Camping enthusiasts consider the Ozark Trail brand of camping gear as the low-end alternative to more expensive equipment.
Each year, as the fall gradually transforms into winter, most camping enthusiasts who bought a camper that year start to wonder how to winterize an RV.
Camping World is the largest RV retailer in the United States, offering a full range of products and services designed to meet the needs of recreational vehicle enthusiasts.
Before you submit the form, you'll be able to specify whether or not you want to receive email communications from Camping World and/or about other services and products that may be of interest to RV enthusiasts.
This affordable members-only program provides special discount shopping opportunities with Camping World and other companies that provide products and services of interest to RV owners and camping enthusiasts.
These sites often include used Airstreams, Avions and other types of campers that are popular with recreational vehicle enthusiasts who prefer vintage models.
There are accommodations to suit all types of camping enthusiasts at Bullards Beach.
Motorcycle enthusiasts will find the following websites invaluable in locating a pop up tent trailer for a motorcycle.
Campsites in NC state parks offer camping enthusiasts a variety of activities and accommodations.
Budgetary constraints are probably the number one reason why camping enthusiasts choose to build their own campers as opposed to buying one.
Lightweight travel trailers are a popular choice for many camping enthusiasts for several reasons.
Many RV enthusiasts report that pulling a small lightweight camper can be much easier to get used to that dealing with a large heavy travel trailer.
Summertime invites golfers to play on the Golf & Art course, and nearby Horsethief Trail is great for hiking enthusiasts.
The mobile phone enthusiasts on the Internet have devised some rather clever contraptions that may increase your signal.
Even before the first device has worn out its welcome, countless enthusiasts are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the second generation iPhone.
Perhaps best known for its Sidekick line of messaging phones, T-Mobile has done a great job marketing itself to trendy younger users and tech-savvy enthusiasts.
The QWERTY keybord is similar and both phones are geared toward messaging enthusiasts.
Although it has only been a short while since the original Palm Pre was released, many enthusiasts are anxiously awaiting the release of the next Palm Pre or its suitable successor.
This is debatable, in some regards, but the common consensus among iPhone enthusiasts is that this holds up to be largely true.
The Motorola Droid X has all sorts of enticing features for social media mavens, multimedia enthusiasts, and smartphone lovers in general.
At the same time, this is partly why so many enthusiasts are anxious to see a Verizon iPhone in the near future.
To this end, many enthusiasts and pundits are positing that, once again, the issue lies with AT&T and not with Apple.
The slick and sleek appearance on the iPhone, however, is immediately attractive to both tech enthusiasts and gadget novices.
Once reserved to only the most tech-savvy of enthusiasts, the concept of having an unlocked cell phone is becoming more and more mainstream, even among people who are otherwise apprehensive, nervous, or skeptical about new technology.
LoveToKnow's baking and cooking enthusiasts are happy to provide their expertise on a variety of subjects to help you make the most out of your meals.
Fortunately, there are many places online where you can find the steps in order to periodically review ones that are already part of your repertoire, as well as learn and share new moves with swing dance enthusiasts all over the world.
It's a perfect choice for dance enthusiasts.
What is it about this dance from America's heartland that draws so many enthusiasts from around the world?
There is even an International Association of Square Dance Callers, to help square dancing enthusiasts find each other all over the United States.
Even better is a forum of some kind that provides ongoing feedback and interaction between dance enthusiasts.
Don't be intimidated by their skill - at one time, every dancer is a beginner, and usually these hip hop dancers are happy to welcome fellow enthusiasts to learn, laugh, and grow together.
No longer limited to local audiences, people from all countries can learn about dance competition rules, see past and present dancers, and discuss anything at all with other enthusiasts.
From the beginning of the web, printable step sheets were being shared by country dance enthusiasts.
For authentic accessories for swing dancing, the best way to shop may be to lurk in retro and antique stores, or to surf eBay and the many costume pieces available from other swing dance enthusiasts like yourself.
She also runs "Line Dance Fun", a group of enthusiasts who meet in San Francisco.
Communities of swing dance enthusiasts are located all over L.A. proper, as well as surrounding towns and cities.
In an effort to shed some of the scandalous and lascivious reputation of the dance, Middle Eastern dancers and enthusiasts began to suggest more spiritual roots to the art of Arabic belly dance.
So you know a little about feng shui but really want to connect with other feng shui enthusiasts in Athens.
Many feng shui enthusiasts take the designing of the bedroom to an extreme because of the belief that a bedroom is all about yin energy and therefore must have only yin colors.
Many tattoo enthusiasts consider Chinese symbolism as mysterious and exotic.
Ying yang art and art dragons are very popular themes for many tattoo enthusiasts.
The most common item feng shui enthusiasts use to represent wind in their homes are wind chimes.
Genealogy continues to be one of the fast growing hobbies with enthusiasts combining family memories with document search and the knowledge-enlarging search capabilities of the Internet.
In keeping with the creativity of this style, it's rumored that punk enthusiasts have relied on products such as peanut butter, gelatin, and even molasses to create hold and height.
Beginner and intermediate origami enthusiasts will find instructions to printable origami animals a great way to learn new figures without having to look them up in a book.
However, the materials and knowledge needed to make handmade Japanese washi paper have made it a limited resource for origami enthusiasts.
The Origami Instructions article also has links to a variety of instructional resources for novice paper folding enthusiasts.
This is a great resource for origami enthusiasts of all levels.
Origami enthusiasts may want to share their love of folding with others, but may find some people think the task is tedious.
The most experienced origami enthusiasts often enjoy creating their own unique paper airplane models. Pictures of Paper Airplanes has ideas for variations on simple designs.
Flowers are a commonly folded figure for many origami enthusiasts.
Jake also offers wine enthusiasts the chance to customize their tours of wineries in the region according to their tastes in wine.
Over the past three decades, however, sewing enthusiasts have come to understand that they could use today's technologies for this type of sewing.
Although this may seem cumbersome to modern sewing enthusiasts, a properly oiled and maintained treadle machine was actually very easy to operate.
From the time they were introduced until the 1940s, treadle machines sold well with domestic sewing enthusiasts.
With years of experience in hand-sewing and machine-work, LoveToKnow sewing enthusiasts pass on their skill and knowledge.
These pets make great companions for small pet enthusiasts, but their health can be quite delicate.
The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) is the premier organization for domestic rabbit enthusiasts in North America and around the world.
As a service organization, the ARBA is open to anyone interested in these domestic animals, including pet owners, pet shop retailers, rabbit breeders, commercial breeders and rabbit enthusiasts, even if they do not own a rabbit.
The annual convention locations vary to make it easy for different enthusiasts to attend nearby events.
That information is essential for rabbit enthusiasts who hope to enter their animals in registered shows.
It's easy to see that the ARBA has a lot to offer rabbit and cavy enthusiasts.
Daniella Sarahyba in Sports Illustrated is an oft-requested modeling campaign by fans and swimsuit enthusiasts alike.
Henderson wet suits are highly regarded by divers, and other water sport enthusiasts.
Since she was on a sports network, she has appeal to sports enthusiasts who might otherwise not recognize her.
This is probably why rash guards are more popular with beach enthusiasts than they currently are with pool swimmers.
Here are some common bikini fit issues that some swimsuit enthusiasts find when selecting tanga swimwear.
Bodybuilding enthusiasts are familiar with Musclemag, the magazine devoted to information and tips for amateurs and professionals alike.
For Musclemag enthusiasts, it's not just about being sexy, however; models also have to be fit and strong.
These are some Sports Illustrated bikini photos that are 100 percent art, and they are also a favorite amongst swimsuit collectors and photo enthusiasts.
Underwater divers and other aquatic enthusiasts appreciate the usefulness of swimming flippers, or fins, every time they take a dip.
Rei.com is another site that specializes in clothing for the outdoor enthusiasts.
With room for two pilots, light features, sound effects, and missile launchers, this toy is a must-have for many Star Wars enthusiasts.
Keep in mind when buying a Barbie Corvette that it's primarily designed for Barbie fans, not race car enthusiasts.
For video game enthusiasts, games are available for various consoles, including Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3.
There are numerous websites devoted to the collection of this item, and there are many active online communities and message boards that offer toy soldier enthusiasts the opportunity to buy, sell, trade, and discuss these classic toys.
Most people start out with remote control cars or trucks they buy at a toy store, but serious racing enthusiasts graduate to unassembled kits and build their RC vehicles from the ground up.
It's a virtual community for RC enthusiasts.
However, that hardly seems to stop Color Explosion enthusiasts.
That's a question cost-conscious juicing, raw food, and blending enthusiasts have been asking ever since the high-quality features (and high cost) of Vitamix machines have become widely known.
In addition to replacement parts, the company sells many accessories for serious juicing enthusiasts.
Many RV enthusiasts consider electric roaster ovens to be must-have accessories for camping trips.
The Cone system was invented by Melitta Benz in 1908 and according to many coffee enthusiasts it is still the best way to brew a cup of coffee.
With movies like Resident Evil and Zombieland invigorating the zombie movie genre, more and more enthusiasts of the undead want to play board games along the same lines at home.
While today's familiar Parcheesi itself is an American patent, game enthusiasts of many other nations know how to play something similar including Parques of Columbia and Parchis in Spain.
Trivial Pursuit was created during the 1970s by two Canadians who were board game enthusiasts.
The title of grandmaster wasn't official until the early 1900s, but many chess enthusiasts and chess writers gave strong players the moniker anyway.
The LoveToKnow Candles community is made up of candle collectors, experienced crafters, and candle enthusiasts of all levels.
Soy enthusiasts claim that soy wax burns longer and cleaner, and is more natural than paraffin.
Candle discussion boards can be a useful tool for candle makers and enthusiasts.
If you're one of those candle enthusiasts who eagerly anticipates the fall releases, find out which scents should be on your "must have" list.
Craft enthusiasts and families looking for a fun holiday activity might like to try their hand at making their own simple snowman stockings with personalization.
Why are these collections attractive to enthusiasts?
Holiday enthusiasts, in particular, look for quality products and are drawn to the craftsmanship and detail of our Signature Collection trees.
Many Christmas enthusiasts also enjoy decorating for Christmas as early as the day after Thanksgiving.
For many antique jewelry enthusiasts, this only lends additional charm to the piece.
Luckily, car enthusiasts are a rather literate crowd.
Golfers, and golf enthusiasts love this harvest colored Life is Good soft tote featuring Jake playing golf, offered by Ready Golf.
Outdoor enthusiasts may sometimes carry duffles as long as there is an attachment where they can be worn over the shoulders or toted on a bicycle or horse.
With its ample storage capacity, everyone from sports enthusiasts to nature lovers can find a wide array of uses for this big, casual bag type.
Outdoor enthusiasts are likely familiar with Patagonia, a company that specializes in performance apparel and accessories.
Some enthusiasts even claim the charts are up to 93% accurate.
Many Chinese astrology enthusiasts believe so.
Meeting and visiting with other tarot enthusiasts is a fun and effective way to learn about reading the cards and become acquainted with other people who share your hobby.
Therefore, it is important for astrology enthusiasts to have a reliable natal chart on hand so they can see exactly where the sign of Taurus is present in their life.
In fact, Lionel train enthusiasts can join the TCA, Train Collectors Association.
In many cities, parks offer Frisbee enthusiasts disk golf courses that they can enjoy free of charge.
For video game enthusiasts, on the other hand, chairs have become a high tech and absolutely necessary feature.