Ensuing Sentence Examples
In the ensuing presidential campaign he travelled over 18,000 m.
During the ensuing thirty years numerous illustrated books appeared, including the earliest yet known which are illustrated by color-printing.
In the ensuing struggle with the empire, that great city rose to the altitude of patriotic heroism.
In the ensuing presidential election Van Buren and Adams received a popular vote of 291,263, of which 120,510 were cast in New York.
The ensuing silence, however, reminded her once more of their awkward status.
In all Malacocotylea except the Holostomidae the ensuing change is a degenerative one.
Minutes are taken and, if signed at the meeting or the next ensuing meeting, are made evidence.
After the death of Attila in 453 the power of the Huns soon collapsed, but the political divisions of Germany in the ensuing period are far from clear.
The situation, though apparently favourable, was full of difficulty, and only a statesman of uncommon dexterity could have guided Austria with success through the ensuing years.
Although no performances were allowed at the theatre, a sort of rehearsal took place, at which the players for the ensuing dramatic festival were selected.
AdvertisementThe crisis of 1837, and the financial difficulties ensuing, created indebtedness, fluctuating in amount, which at the beginning of the war with Mexico was about 16 millions.
In the ensuing controversy Kingsley was completely discomfited.
The ensuing thirteen years were perhaps the best days of the old Danish absolutism.
The value of exports and imports, which in 1880 was £3,79 2, 99 1 and £5,378,385, and in the ensuing five years averaged £4,638,635 and £4,366,507, had increased in 1905 to £14,861,823 and £19,068,221.
The honors of the ensuing war were with Henry, and when peace was made in 1006 Boleslaus gave up Bohemia, but the struggle was soon renewed and neither side had gained any serious advantage when peace was again made in 1013.
AdvertisementEarly in the eighth month (Shabhn), the Molid of the imam Shfii is observed; and the night of the middle of that month has its peculiar customs, being held by the Moslems to be that on which the fate of all living is decided for the ensuing year.
The three ensuing years were especially favourable for the Reformation, as during that time the king had unlooked-for opportunities for filling the vacant episcopal sees with men after his own heart, and at heart he was a Lutheran.
The ensuing period of eighteen years is the best known in Irish history.
During the ensuing two years (1589-1591) he carried on that remarkable series of experiments by which he established the first principles of dynamics and earned the undying hostility of bigoted Aristotelians.
In the ensuing darkness, red and blue lights flashed his shadow on the wet grass.
AdvertisementFor the chief events of the ensuing campaigns see NAPOLEONIC CAMPAIGNS.
By the ensuing peace of Adrianople, Russia still further enlarged her Transcaucasian territories by the acquisition of the districts of Kars, Batum and Ardahan.
It was decreed that the Benedictine houses of each ecclesiastical province should henceforth be federated for the purposes of mutual help and the maintenance of discipline, and that for these ends the abbots should every third year meet in a provincial chapter (or synod), in order to pass laws binding on all and to appoint visitors who, in addition to the bishops, should canonically visit the monasteries and report on their condition in spirituals and temporals to the ensuing chapter.
After 12 to 15 years the heads become "tired," and should be grubbed up. The first year's crop, known as the "maiden" crop, is of small value but should be cut and the ensuing years of maturity will yield crops of about 130 bolts, green, per acre, worth £9, 15s.
The snowram fails and almost everyone dies from the ensuing cold.
AdvertisementIn the event of the rejection of Prussias motion, Bismarck had made it clear that Prussia would withdraw from the Confederation, and Prussia that in the event of her being victorious in the ensuing withdraws war those states of northern Germany that voted from the against her would cease to exist.
In the settlement of the Egyptian question in 1840, and during the Crimean War and the ensuing peace negotiations, he rendered valuable services to the state.
In the ensuing years Charles's task was extraordinarily difficult.
Foster, the candidate upon whom the Douglas and Breckinridge Democrats and the Constitutional Unionists had united, by 32,000 votes, after a spirited campaign which was watched with intense interest by the entire country as an index of the result of the ensuing presidential election.
Meanwhile the needy and reckless Bothwell, a partisan of Mary of Guise, a Protestant and the foe of England, was accused by Arran of proposing to him a conspiracy to seize the queen, but the ensuing madness of Arran left this plot a mystery, though Bothwell was imprisoned till he escaped in August 1562.
By some authorities it is considered a good plan to remove the bark in the early spring and fell the tree in the ensuing winter.
In the course of the ensuing ten years he published a large amount of original work, much of it dealing with the theory of invariants, which marked him as one of the foremost mathematicians of the time.
During the ensuing ten years he published the works which have made his reputation as a critical philosopher.
The whole history of the ensuing period of south Italian history turns on the claims of the papacy over the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily, based on the recognition of papal suzerainty in 1053.
On the 28th of September 1238 the town of Valencia surrendered, and the whole territory was conquered in the ensuing years.
In the following year the Teutonic Order, in conjunction with the Order of the Sword, succeeded in capturing Pskov; but Alexander recovered it in 1242, advanced into Livonia, and on the 5th of April defeated the knights on the ice of Lake Peipus and compelled them in the ensuing peace to renounce all their conquests.
In the ensuing election he was defeated by James Buchanan by 174 to 114 electoral votes.
Having shared in the fruitiess attack on Damascus, he left Palestine in September 1148, and passed the ensuing winter at Constantinople, where he made fresh plans for an attack on Roger of Sicily.
The female lays an egg in the unripe nut, on the kernel of which the larva subsists till September, when it bores its way through the shell, and enters the earth, to undergo transformation into a chrysalis in the ensuing spring.
Having captured Ancona, he marched to Rome, stormed the Leonine city, and procured the enthronement of Paschal, and the coronation of his wife Beatrix; but his victorious career was stopped by the sudden outbreak of a pestilence which destroyed the German army and drove the emperor as a fugitive to Germany, where he remained for the ensuing six years.
In his reign was begun the reckless system of foreign loans, carried to excess in the ensuing reign, and culminating in default, which led to the alienation of European sympathy from Turkey and, indirectly, to the dethronement and death of Abd-ul-Aziz.
The earl's affairs were then at a somewhat critical stage, and as our judgment upon a most important episode in Bacon's life depends upon our knowledge of the events of the ensuing year, it will be requisite to enter somewhat minutely into proceedings with which Bacon himself had nothing to do.
As a general rule the removal of the " bolls " or capsules by the process of rippling immediately follows the pulling, the operation being performed in the field; but under some systems of cultivation, as, for example, the Courtrai method, alluded to below, the crop is made up into sheaves, dried and stacked, and is only boiled and retted in the early part of the next ensuing season.
In 1377 the reformer appeared before Archbishop Sudbury and Courtenay, when an altercation between the duke and the bishop led to the dispersal of the court, and during the ensuing riot Lancaster probably owed his safety to the good offices of his foe.
The complications ensuing from Louis XIV.'s designs on the Spanish Netherlands led to a bid for the Swedish alliance, both from the French king and his adversaries.
The ensuing period was a melancholy one.
At the ensuing election Riesco was elected president.
In 1037 Seljuk princes were recognized in Merv and Nishapur, and in the ensuing eighteen years the Seljuks conquered Balkh, Jorjan, Tabaristan, Klwarizm, Hamadan, Rai, Isfahan, and finally Bagdad (1055).
The Indian budget, giving the results of income and expenditure in the year ending 31st of December, and the prospective estimates, is laid before the imperial parliament in the course of the ensuing session.
In view of the vast consequences ensuing from this exodus of Dutch families from the Cape a somewhat detailed consideration and in some cases lax sexual morality.
It was delivered on St Thomas's day (1609) before the feast of Christ's nativity, and in it he rebuked sharply "lusory lotts" and the "heathenish debauchery" of the students during the twelve days ensuing.
But their rule was mostly judicious, and when at last they lost control the ensuing mob-rule soon ruined the country.
Sherman, on his march through the Carolinas, entered Columbia, and on the ensuing night a fire broke out which was not extinguished until most of the city was destroyed.
In 1881 appeared his Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism, twice reprinted in 1882 and 16 times in the ensuing 12 years.
Early in 1812 he was made captain, and during the ensuing hostilities with Great Britain distinguished himself by his gallant defence against the Indians of Fort Harrison, a stockade in central Indiana.
Austria-Hungary was producing twice as much as Germany, and about one-half of the total European production, in the 16th century; the yield diminished in the ensuing century, to be subsequently increased.
The war of 1859 convinced the Austrian government, at last, of the necessity of a reconciliation with Hungary; but the ensuing negotiations were conducted not through Deak, but through the Magyar Conservatives.
He is elected for the ensuing year, and holds office until his successor has accepted office.
Boadicea took poison; thousands of Britons fell in the fight or were hunted down in the ensuing guerrilla.
Douglas, and in the ensuing campaign he supported Breckinridge.
At the regular town meeting held in March the electorate of the town assembles, decides what shall be done for the town during the ensuing year, elects officers to execute its decisions with limited discretion, and votes money to meet the expenses.
In an ensuing battle (in January 1831), both Sabagadis and Marie were killed, and Ubie retired to watch events from his own province.
But the ensuing campaign, that of 1717, was still more remarkable on account of the battle of Belgrade.
This notice attracted Swift's attention, and in January 1708 he issued predictions for the ensuing year by Isaac Bickerstaff, written to prevent the people of England being imposed upon by vulgar almanac makers.
In 1818 he read a memoir on diffraction for which in the ensuing year he received the prize of the Academie des Sciences at Paris.
Bombay, however, soon recovered herself, and in 1891 was more prosperous than ever before; but during the ensuing decade great havoc was played by plague (q.v.) with both her population and her trade.
He was successful in the ensuing campaign, and abstained from the worship of the gods of his race.
At the ensuing peace congress at Pereyaslavl he demanded terms so extravagant that the Polish commissioners dared not listen to them.
Under its provisions over 7000 ex-rebels, who would otherwise have had no vote at the ensuing general election, were readmitted to the franchise in 1907.
The secretary of state is required to mail to every voter whose address he has a pamphlet containing the text of the laws to be voted upon at the ensuing election.
During the ensuing forty years no less than ten successive collections of his poems appeared.
France was ruined for a generation, England was exhausted by her effort, and (what was worse) her governing classes learnt in the long find pitiless war lessons of demoralization which were to bear fruit in the ensuing struggle of the two Roses.
Herschel, at the ensuing meeting of the British Association early in September, ventured accordingly to predict that a new planet would shortly be discovered.
At the ensuing diet of 1769, when the Hats returned to power, Fersen was again elected marshal of the diet; but he made no attempt to redeem his pledges to the crown prince Gustavus, as to a very necessary reform of the constitution, which he had made before the elections, and thus involuntarily contributed to the subsequent establishment of absolutism.
In an ensuing book - Ithaka, der Peloponnes, and Troja - he propounded two theories which he was destined eventually to test in practice, viz.
The reformed doctrines were readily accepted in Strassburg about 1523, its foremost champion here being Martin Bucer, and the city was skilfully piloted through the ensuing period of religious dissensions by Jacob Sturm von Sturmeck, who secured for it very favourable terms at the end of the war of the league of Schmalkalden.
During the ensuing period Dublin was the scene of constant family feuds, which weakened 1 In Anglo-Norman times the Scandinavians of Dublin and other cities are always called Ostmen, i.e.
Passing through Wales, Dermod agreed with Robert Fitzstephen and Maurice Fitzgerald to invade Ireland in the ensuing spring.
He was murdered in 415, but after the speedily ensuing murder of his murderer and successor Sigeric, Wallia (415419), who was elected to the kingdom, continued his work.
He took a prominent part in the ensuing civil war and was rewarded by Wladislaus III.
Beating the bounds had a religious side in the practice which originated the term Rogation, the accompanying clergy being supposed to beseech (rogare) the divine blessing upon the parish lands for the ensuing harvest.
Gustavus had made extensive preparations for the ensuing campaign and took the field with 32,000 men.
During the ensuing campaign of 1629 Gustavus had to contend against the combined forces of Koniecpolski and ro,000 of Wallenstein's mercenaries.
She felt the uneasy truce between the two parties in the ensuing silence, understood their hospitality toward Taran was dangerously tepid.
In the ensuing chapter the reader will become more fully acquainted with my fresh conquest.
The rebel forces were defeated in the ensuing battle and the mighty Warwick himself slain fleeing the battlefield.
Tony took three bisques in the ensuing turns to score only one hoop.
The Michael Else crew reports being caught in an ensuing wind shear " that very nearly capsized us.
The ensuing chaos can be seen in the photo below.
We grew weary of the ensuing confusion and eventually relinquished the name.
The ensuing lengthy convalescence from the required surgery in Dublin, served as an incubator for Darby's discontent.
Council has ad interim administrative authority until the next ensuing annual convocation.
Keble must have been concerned at the cost as reflected in the ensuing correspondence.
The ensuing debacle played a prominent part in the fomenting of the 1917 mutinies in the French Army.
The ensuing explosion then caused fires to start in two nearby tanks, with a combined capacity of around 700,000 liters.
Some of the vehicles in the convoy were disabled, and Capt Philippson was shot and killed in the ensuing firefight.
The greatest danger was, we were told, the ensuing firestorm.
For the comet flyby, most of this data will be played back slowly over ensuing days or weeks.
The ensuing investigation could lead to the discovery of The Holy Grail and threatens to undermine the foundations of Christianity.
Kaunitz confronts Candy, and in the ensuing fracas Candy insults the German Army.
In the ensuing hubbub, the clearest voice I could hear was asking, " what's VHS?
The ensuing 86 minutes unfold in a slow, meandering fashion, yet somehow remain likeable even if nothing much happens.
The sole survivor of the team becomes chief suspect in the ensuing international manhunt.
Nikki flips out and in the ensuing melee, slaps Dominic.
But yet again, Honda go one-step beyond in ensuing pedestrians are safe and for this they gained a three star rating.
In the ensuing panic, the criminal makes his getaway.
In the ensuing 70 years, only three more planetary nebulae have been discovered in globular clusters.
A member not having tendered his/her resignation prior to 31 st December shall be liable for the ensuing year's subscription.
From the ensuing ruck, however, center Steve Leach galloped over for his fourth try of the season.
The ensuing silence was even harder to endure than the revelations had been.
Their video documents the ensuing chaos, including the smashing up of a piano.
In the ensuing folk rock stampede, Vanguard never did reap the huge folk rock sales of Columbia or even its indie rival Elektra.
Accordingly I hid myself in some thick underwood, determining to devote the ensuing hours to reflection on my situation.
Don't hang out the ensuing uproar the air force scary place to be.
Even more striking is that the ensuing days showed just how much vigor I'd lost over those two weeks.
The ensuing two years were spent by him with his family at Bifrons, and in 1725 he married, with the paternal approbation, Sabetta, daughter of Mr Sawbridge of Olantigh, Kent, who, by a strange fatality, died also in childbed in 1730; in this case, however, the infant, a daughter, survived.
With progressive territorial extensions during the ensuing fifty years, and embracing the grand-duchy of Luxemburg, it had in 1871, when the German empire was founded, an area of about 209,281 sq.
One bey and two others paid their ransom and were released; the rest, without exception, were tortured and put to death in the course of the ensuing night.
Humanism, a word which will often recur in the ensuing paragraphs, denotes a specific bias which the forces liberated in the Renaissance took from contact with the ancient world, - the particular form assumed by human self-esteem at that epoch, - the ideal of life and civilization evolved by the modern nations.
A member not having tendered his/her resignation prior to 31 st December shall be liable for the ensuing year 's subscription.
The Proctors were forced to give evidence at the ensuing trial of nine people for inciting riotous assembly.
In the ensuing chaos, Yersin received a saber slash to his right hand and a crippling blow from a rifle butt.
Even more striking is that the ensuing days showed just how much vigor I 'd lost over those two weeks.
If a couple can't find just the right Oahu beach, there are many locations within view of the beautiful sandy stretches that can be used for weddings or the ensuing receptions.
During the ensuing pages, Max's imagination takes him on a fantastic journey to the land of the wild things, where he becomes king.
The old leaves remain fine until the new ones appear in the ensuing spring.
Seeds should be sown in autumn, in order to secure strong plants for the ensuing summer.
Hardily grown subsequently they will be ready for bedding out in March or early April, and will flower long and continuously during the ensuing summer and early autumn months.
The original Ocarina of Time was released on the Nintendo 64 in November 1998, but the game had four major re-releases on other Nintendo consoles in the ensuing years.
The stories consist of a number of "scenes", which encompass static cutscene sequences and their ensuing battles.
Instead, you go through the ensuing chaos trying to prevent the spread of destruction.
Select "Start" from this ensuing page to begin playing.
If you are looking for help with the Motorola DROID Pro, for example, you would then look for that particular device on the ensuing screen.
Williams syndrome cannot be cured, but the ensuing symptoms, developmental delays, learning problems, and behaviors can be treated.
In the ensuing half-century, butoh has joined the other forms such as kagura, bon-odori, and others in spreading all over the world through movies, festivals, and touring performers.
As the water is heated, the ensuing air pushes the water out of the airtight chamber which forces it over the coffee grounds where it drips into the bottom of the top side reservoir.
The following year gave us The Mummy and there were plenty of others to come and go in the ensuing years.
After the release of The Dark Knight and the ensuing hype based around Heath Ledger's posthumous Academy Award win, the new Batman movie cast members have become a popular topic.
Many people interpret this to mean a combination of civil unrest and earth changes, with the latter being responsible for the ensuing war.
The painstaking work of the ensuing decades realized clocks with ever-increasing accuracy, and the technology expanded to include wrist watches and clock radios as well as industry timepieces and wall clocks.
Over the ensuing decades, military groups, pilots and filmmakers adopted the brand, helping to establish the company's success.
If you do not receive a referral from your primary care physician, the PPO plan may not cover any of the ensuing medical charges.
It is his intention, not to forestall the fall, which is already too far advanced, but to curtail the ensuing Dark Ages.
A provisional government was formed, led by Ubaldino Peruzzi, and was strengthened on the 8th of May by the inclusion of Baron Bettino Ricasoli, a man of great force of character, who became the real head of the administration, and all through the ensuing critical period aimed unswervingly at Italian unity.
The foreign policy of ViscontiVenosta may be said to have reinforced the international position of Italy without sacrifice of dignity, and without the vacillation and short-sightedness which was to characterize the ensuing administrations of the Left.
Shortly afterwards his term of office was brought to a close by the failure of an attempt to secure for Italy a coaling station at Sanmen and a sphere of influence in China; but his policy of active participation in Chinese affairs was continued in a modified form by his successor, the Marquis Visconti Venosta, who, entering the reconstructed Pelloux cabinet in May 1899, retained the portfolio of foreign affairs in the ensuing Saracco administration, and secured the despatch of an Italian expedition, 2000 strong, to aid in repressing the Chinese outbreak and in protecting Italian interests in the Far East (July 1900).
In Great Britain the beetle, after completing its development, winters in the seed, waiting to emerge and lay its eggs on the blossom in the ensuing spring.
Thus the confederation of Bar, and the Turkish War thereupon ensuing, took him completely by surprise and considerably weakened his position.
Shortly before this date the palaces both of Cnossus and Phaestus had undergone a great destruction, and though during the ensuing period both these royal residences were partially reoccupied it was for the most part at any rate by poorer denizens, and their great days as palaces were over for ever.
During the ensuing thirteen years Aberdeen took a less prominent part in public affairs, although he succeeded in passing the Entail (Scotland) Act of 1825.
In 1770, during the course of a war between Russia and Turkey, the Russians crossed over the Caucasus and assisted the Imeretians to resist the Turks, and from the time of the ensuing peace of Kuchuk-kainarji the Georgian principalities looked to their powerful northern neighbour as their protector against the southern aggressors the Turks.
During the ensuing interregnum he powerfully contributed, at the head of the nobles of Funen and Jutland, to the election of Christian III.
The course of the ensuing campaigns was to reveal the hardening of his mental powers.
The folly of the monarchs of the Holy Alliance in Europe gained for the writings of Montholon and Las Cases (that of Gourgaud was not published till 1899) a ready reception, with the result that Napoleon reappeared in the literature of the ensuing decades wielding an influence scarcely less potent than that of the grey-coated figure into whose arms France flung herself on his return from Elba.
But a spirit of harmony and energy now breathed within the nation, and in the ensuing wars Athens worsted powerful enemies like Thebes and Chalcis (506).
The ensuing elections resulted in a complete victory of the Progressives.
The ensuing Rudini cabinet lent itself to Cavallotti's campaign, and at the end of 1897 the judicial authorities applied to the chamber for permission to prosecute Crispi for embezzlement.
The grave palsies in such diseases as influenza, diphtheria, beriberi, or ensuing on the absorption of lead, are in the main not central, but due to a symmetrical peripheral neuritis.
He now put the Arthurian legends aside fiat a time, and devoted himself to the composition, in 1862, of "Enoch Arden," which, however, did not appear until 1864, and then in a volume which also contained "Sea Dreams," "Aylmer's Field" and, above all, "The Northern Farmer," the first and finest of Tennyson's remarkable studies in dialect_ In April of this year Garibaldi visited Farringford; in February 1865 Tennyson's mother died at Hampstead in her eighty-fifth year; in the ensuing summer he travelled in Germany.
During the ensuing years, apart from a brief return to the Cimonian policy, the resources of the league, or, as it has now become, the Athenian empire, were directed not so much against Persia as against Sparta, Corinth, Aegina and Boeotia.
In the ensuing "Corinthian War" the city suffered severely, and the war-party only maintained itself by the help of an Argive garrison and a formal annexation to Argos.
In the ensuing trial at Richmond the prisoners were released for lack of sufficient evidence to convict, and Wilkinson himself emerged with a much damaged reputation.
In February 1856, while he was travelling abroad, he was nominated for the presidency by the American or Know Nothing party, and later this nomination was also accepted by the Whigs; but in the ensuing presidential election, the last in which the Know Nothings and the Whigs as such took any part, he received the electoral votes of only one state, Maryland.
At the very threshold of the .Czech renaissance men of science were among the first pioneers of national thought, as for example Dobrovsky the philologist, and in the ensuing generation Purkyne (Purkinje) the physiologist, and Palacky the greatest of Czech historians.
Accordingly in the first ensuing session of the Congress elected in 1892 the tariff act of 1894 was passed, known as the Wilson Tariff, bringing about considerable reductions of duty.
But in the ensuing anarchic period both cities were utterly ruined, and the centre of political gravity was transferred from Great Poland to Little Poland, where Cracow, singularly favoured by her position, soon became the capital of the monarchy, and one of the wealthiest cities in Europe.
Abandoned by Depretis in 1883, he remained in opposition until 1887, when he again joined Depretis as minister of justice, retaining his portfolio throughout the ensuing Crispi ministry until the 31st of January 1891.
In the ensuing account a constant repetition of the names of the main archipelagoes will be found; it may of course be assumed that each successive voyager added something to the knowledge of them, but on the other hand, as has been said, islands were often rediscovered and renamed in cases where later voyagers took no account of the work of their predecessors, or where the earlier voyagers were unable clearly to define the positions of their discoveries.
But he was again returned for Carnarvon Boroughs; and in the ensuing parliament he came still more to the front by his resistance to the Education Act of 1902.
The two nominees are then deemed to be the candidates of the whole party, entitled to the support, at the ensuing election, of the party organizations and of all sound party men throughout the Union, and the convention thereupon dissolves.
Mention has been made of his war with Malik Shah and of his ensuing death (1073).
Amasis, sent to meet them and quell the revolt, was proclaimed king by the rebels, and Apries, who had now to rely entirely on his mercenaries, was defeated and taken prisoner in the ensuing conflict at Momemphis; the usurper treated the captive prince with great lenity, but was eventually persuaded to give him up to the people, by whom he was strangled and buried in his ancestral tomb at Sais.
The history of Bavaria for the ensuing century is bound up with that of the Carolingian empire.
In the ensuing election Johnson received most of the Democratic electoral votes, but was defeated by the Whig candidate, John Tyler.
The Greek king, on his way back to fight for Tarentum against Rome, had to cut his way through Carthaginians and Mamertines 1 For the ensuing years cf.
The ensuing night in Cairo presented a curious spectacle; many of the inhabitants, believing that this envoy would put an end to their miseries, fired off their weapons as they paraded the streets with bands of music. The silhdgr, imagining the noise to be a fray, marched in.
At the ensuing review at Godollo, Kossuth expressed the sentiments of the whole nation when he doffed his hat as Damjanich's battalions passed by.
In the ensuing party struggles the city passed under a tyrant, Theagenes (about 640), whose rule was too brief to produce great changes.
But reverses followed quickly, and in the ensuing campaigns the British troops suffered the most severe disasters.
When Antigonus Gonatas threatened to restore Macedonian power in Greece, the Athenians, supported perhaps by the king of Egypt, formed a large defensive coalition; but in the ensuing " Chremonidean War " (266-263) a naval defeat off Andros led to their surrender and the imposition of a Macedonian garrison.
In 1442 Hunyadi drove the Turks from Hermannstadt and, at the head of an army of Hungarians, Poles, Servians, Walachians and German crusaders, succeeded in the ensuing year in expelling them from Semendria, penetrating as far as the Balkans, where he inflicted heavy losses on the Turkish general.
The determination of the true relation between the length of a pendulum and the time of its oscillation; the invention of the theory of evolutes; the discovery, hence ensuing, that the cycloid is its own evolute, and is strictly isochronous; the ingenious although practically inoperative idea of correcting the "circular error" of the pendulum by applying cycloidal cheeks to clocks - were all contained in this remarkable treatise.
During the ensuing year Prussia was devastated, and Albert consented early in 1521 to a truce for four years.
But in the ensuing summer, after a terrible outbreak of plague had ravaged the crowded city, the people became thoroughly demoralized.
The part played by Egypt proper in the ensuing anti-Assyrian combinations is not clearly known; with a number of petty dynasts fomenting discontent and revolt, there was an absence -of cohesion in that ancient empire previous to the rise of the Ethiopian dynasty.
The then ensuing war with England carried the debt up to 127 millions in f816.
In the next ensuing session of Congress, in 1889-90, the Republicans passed a new tariff act, known as the McKinley Tariff Act, because Mr McKinley was then chairman of McKffinl o fey the House Committee in charge of the bill.
Cox, but was defeated in the ensuing election.
The extent to which these two attitudes have been combined or separated is discussed in the ensuing article which deals with the various schools of modern metaphysics in relation to the principles of the Aristotelian " first philosophy."