Enrolled Sentence Examples
She needed to get enrolled, but she had done nothing.
Howie enrolled at Keene State College.
It is true that, when the barbarian invasions began in the 3rd century, many captives were made, who, when not enrolled in the army, were employed in agriculture or domestic service; but the regular importation was increasingly diminished.
The landlords on their part organized an agrarian union to defend their interests and enrolled numbers of non-union laborers to carry on the necessary work and save the crops.
A large body of police was enrolled, and order was maintained throughout the town.
Burghers of all denominations are enrolled in one or other of the arts or gilds, and these trading companies furnish the material from which the government or signoria bf the city is composed.
In the school year1907-190877% of all persons of school age were enrolled in the public schools.
Though formally enrolled on the same side during the Peloponnesian War the two cities used the truce of 423 to wage a fierce but indecisive war with each other.
He enrolled himself in the foreign legion and fought gallantly against his former comrades.
The average expenditure in 1906 for tuition per child enrolled was $4.93, and the average length of the school term was only eighty-one days.
AdvertisementAll able-bodied citizens between the ages of seventeen and fiftyfive are compelled to serve one year with the colours and are then enrolled in the reserve.
While in England he had been elected a member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries; and in his own country he was made a corresponding member of the Institute, and was enrolled in the Legion of Honour.
He was almost immediately made the companion and trusted friend of its sovereign, loaded with honours, lodged in a fine house, enrolled among the nobles of the realm, enriched, and placed at the very height of social importance.
After the fall of the tyrants their institutions survived till the end of the 6th century, when the Dorian supremacy was re-established, perhaps by the agency of Sparta, and the city was enrolled in the Peloponnesian League.
In the 3rd century it again passed from tyrant to tyrant, until in 251 it was finally liberated and enrolled in the Achaean League by Aratus.
AdvertisementIn 1902-1903, 92.5% of persons from 5 to 18 years of age were enrolled in the schools.
Enrolled in the Hungarian army during the World War, he was a prisoner of war in Russia, when he was instructed by Lenin for the purposes of Communist propaganda, and after the collapse of the Central Powers he was sent back to Hungary with a commission to set up a Soviet Republic. From March 21 to Aug.
Flavian was soon after his death enrolled among the saints of the Greek Church, and after some opposition he was also canonized by the Latin Church.
The public primary schools numbered 1961 in 1903, with 3608 teachers, 166,928 pupils enrolled, and an average attendance of 108,582.
The military forces of the republic in 1905 included 2890 regulars and an enrolled force of 80,000 men, divided into a first reserve of 30,000, a second reserve of 40,000, and 10,000 territorial guards.
AdvertisementThe enrolled force is, however, both unorganized and unarmed.
By the peace of Luneville (1802) the see was secularized and given to the archduke of Austria and grand-duke of Tuscany in exchange for Tuscany, its new owner being enrolled among the electoral princes.
His ancestors in the Middle Ages were enrolled in the patricians of Genoa, while other branches of his family followed the popes to Avignon in the 14th century, and eventually their sons took service in the army of the king of France, under the name of d'Eglise.
A person so qualified is entitled to be enrolled as a burgess, or registered as a county elector (as the case may be), unless he is alien, has during the qualifying period received union or parochial relief or other alms, or is disentitled under some act of parliament such as the Corrupt Practices Act, the Felony Act, &c. The lists of burgesses and county electors are prepared annually by the overseers of each parish in the borough or county, and are revised by the revising barrister at courts holden by him for the purpose in September or October of each year.
In 1909 there were 685 public schools in the state; the total number of pupils of school age (six to eighteen years) was 102,050, the number enrolled in the public schools was 84,804, and the average daily attendance was 66,774; the total number of teachers was 2255 (1645 women), and the average monthly salary of men teachers was 888.13 and of women $57.44; and the total expenditure for public education was $2,762,581 for the year, being more than twice as much as was expended by the state ten years before.
AdvertisementBy 1472 we find him enrolled in the lists of the painters' gild at Florence.
In the time of Aristotle the names of the enrolled ephebi were engraved on a bronze pillar (formerly on wooden tablets) in front of the council-chamber.
The first is composed of men between the ages of 21 and 30, enrolled in the field army and its reserves.
In 1634 also, having been selected as the composer of a Latin elegy to Richelieu on the occasion of the cardinal visiting Rouen, he was introduced to the subject of his verses, and was soon after enrolled among the "five poets."
Though enrolled in the Delian League it remained disaffected towards Athens, and in 447 had to be coerced by the settlement of a cleruchy.
Meanwhile the loyal Cape colonists were chafing at the tardy manner in which they were enrolled by the imperial authorities.
The total enrolment of regular students in 1909 was 3980; in addition, 841 students were enrolled in the 1908 summer session (which is especially for teachers) and 364 in the " short winter course in agriculture " in 1909.
In the commencement of his continental war Edward took little profit either from his assumption of the French royal title, or from the lengthy list of princes of the Low Countries - Battle of whom he enrolled beneath his banner.
On the 1st of September the Commune decreed that on the following day the tocsin should be rung, all ablebodied citizens convened in the Champs de Mars, and 60,000 volunteers enrolled for the defence of the country.
In point of education this province is quite among the first in Spain, and as far back as 1880 there were 97, 0 77 children enrolled on the school registers; the figures have since steadily increased.
All the Croats capable of service were enrolled under the French flag; their country was divided for administrative purposes into Croatie civile and Croatie militaire.
He may be enrolled among the band of English statesmen who have distinguished themselves in literature.
In 1907-1908 the total school revenue was $5,027,877 or $22.35 for each child enrolled, the enrolment being 78.51% of the total number of children enumerated under school age.
Story continues advertisement At 26, Robert is a member of a club he would rather not be enrolled in.
A control group of nine men and six women who had never used ecstasy were enrolled in the study for comparison.
Quot a comparison increase in the cshcn enrolled at missing medicaid cases.
All patients enrolled onto the Pediatric trial will receive the trial therapy from the outset.
Results tanf had data are four automatically enrolled in.
Studying health system on december were enrolled in a chartered financial.
Geared to high school students and incoming freshman, the programs have enrolled only African-American, Hispanic, and Native-American students since their inception.
To health insurance impenetrable jungle of cshcn enrolled at three components the.
While enrolled in a photo posing class, Kelly Hu heard about a local beauty pageant called Miss Hawaii Teen USA.
It is therefore permissible for a course instructor to distribute multiple copies of extracts to all students enrolled on the course taught.
He was a wrestler and gridiron football quarterback at high school, and enrolled at Yale to study medicine before transferring to art.
Free language tuition in French, German, Italian or Spanish is offered to students enrolled on the course.
Number of pharmacies and patients at 4 April 2002 - A total of 345 patients from 83 pharmacies enrolled and on follow-up visits.
Cavour's successor, Ricasoli, enrolled the Garibaldians in the regular army; Rattazzi, who succeeded Ricasoli, urged Garibaldi to undertake an expedition in aid of the Hungarians, but Garibaldi, finding his followers ill-disposed towards the idea, decided to turn his arms against Rome.
This is granted (after two examinations) by the faculties of letters and sciences jointly (see below), and in most cases it is necessary for a student to hold this general degree before he may be enrolled in a particular faculty of a university and proceed to a Baccalaurat in a particular subject, such as law, theology or medicine.
Every colonist was enrolled either in the Milicias or Ordenanzas.
The property of the Army in the United Kingdom is held by the General for the time being, for the benefit of the Army exclusively, he being constituted the sole trustee of the property, in the disposal of which and in the appointment of his successor he is placed under the government of a deed poll, executed by Booth while the body was still known as "The Christian Mission," and enrolled in the Court of Chancery in August 1878.
In June 1538 he writes from Louvain (enrolled there as a university student on the, 4th of December 1537 as Michael Villanova) to his father (then resident at San Gil), explains his removal from Paris, early in September, in consequence of the death (8th August) of his master (el senor mi maestro), says he is studying theology and Hebrew, and proposes to return to Paris when peace is proclaimed.
Minutes of these proceedings, in which the duke is stated to have sat "as steward of England," were enrolled by his order.
As in the case of the casket letters, it is alleged that forgery was employed to interpolate sufficient evidence of Mary's complicity in a design of which it is thought credible that she was kept in ignorance by the traitors and murderers who had enrolled themselves in her service, - that one who pensioned the actual murderer of Murray and a would-be murderer of Elizabeth was incapable of approving what her keen and practised intelligence was too blunt and torpid to anticipate as inevitable and inseparable from the general design.
He was enrolled in a trial of a generic schizophrenia drug at the Fabre Research Clinic in Houston.
The first [1] studied all 209 HIV-1 seropositive men enrolled in a Pittsburgh clinic in 1984 and 1985.
These same truckers went on to organize the entire Upper Mid-west trucking industry with more than 250,000 members enrolled.
Your options will most likely be a certified public accountant or an enrolled agent.
If you can afford private lessons, go with them-obviously, you'll get closer, more focused attention from an instructor when enrolled in private yoga lessons.
Apple offers discounted products to students enrolled at accredited institutions within the United States.
The fee to join the program is $99 (plus tax), and you must be enrolled in a relevant major.
Customers are automatically enrolled in the Premier Program when they spend over $600 on a Sears card in a year, but they must continue to spend $600 each year to stay in the program.
Enrolled Agent - either a former IRS professional or a tax professional certified by the IRS.
The agency also encourages individuals to seek the advice of a tax attorney, CPA or enrolled agent to explain the OIC filing process, as there are many reputable tax assistants that will do this for a nominal fee.
Once you have enrolled in the American Express rewards program, you will receive a packet that details all the rules for using the points that you earn.
Once a cardholder, you will be automatically enrolled in TheWorld'sBestTravelClub.com and receive discounts and affordable rates on all your travels.
Identity theft agents are on-call for emergencies, and those enrolled in the program are given up to $1 million in identity theft insurance.
Order your free score and be enrolled in the monthly plan at FreeCreditScore.com.
If you don't cancel within the first seven days, you'll remain enrolled at a cost of $14.95 per month.
Cancel within the first seven days to avoid being charged and automatically enrolled, or let the service continue if you're satisfied with it and expect auto-billing each month thereafter.
When you sign up to receive these pills - even for the "free trial" you're automatically enrolled to receive ongoing shipments of the product.
Be enrolled in a degree program that requires 40 hours of interior design related coursework.
If you have a child who is enrolled in a 4th or 5th grade class at any Pennsylvania public school, he or she may be eligible for free lift tickets at various Pennsylvania ski resorts.
While you are enrolled you can also ask about where to get jobs in your area.
If you attend a Catholic school, or are worried your child is traveling down the wrong path while enrolled in this form of education, you may want to meet with the school and your child separately to get to the bottom of her misbehavior.
Currently be enrolled in and attending school for that semester with a GPA of 2.0 or above.
T. Ross, the Deputy Minister of Education in Alberta and by the end of the year, there were 100 students enrolled.
Full-time students in high school must be enrolled in at least four courses online or on campus.
Junior high students must be enrolled in six courses.
I signed, and the next thing I knew I was enrolled in their 5-day detox program.
Once clean, Kurth applied to Columbia University where he was enrolled despite his average grades and history of arrest.
His dedication to change his life became reality when he graduated with honors and enrolled in medical school at Columbia University.
In fact, she was once enrolled as a pre-med student at York University in Toronto.
After graduation, Lachey enrolled at Miami University in Ohio to study sports medicine.
Her mother enrolled both Hilary and her sister, Haylie, in acting and ballet classes.
After a year, Matthew McConaughey went back to his home state of Texas and enrolled at the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in law.
Once she got back to her native Australia, Cate enrolled at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, Australia.
Taking the often natural course of things, after graduation, Kimmel enrolled at UNLV.
After leaving UNLV, Kimmel enrolled at Arizona State University but dropped out before completing his degree.
Noticing her talents early, her parents enrolled Leona in the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School at the age of five and later at the equally as prestigious schools, the Italia Conti Academy and the BRIT school.
Taylor has one younger sister, named Makena.When he was six years old, Lautner enrolled in karate lessons.
When her family moved back to L.A. when she was 11 years old, she enrolled in the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute.
In fact, nearly 60% of all currently enrolled students are receiving some form of federal financial aid.
These links will get you started on choosing a school and getting enrolled.
Deferment is also in effect while you are still enrolled in college.
Columbia University of New York enrolled 23, 813 in the 2005 school year.
For just a small snapshot of student achievement at the college, the current range of SAT verbal and math scores for enrolled freshmen is 700 to 790 out of 800 possible points.
Costs can be higher or lower, and financial aid is available for most degrees, although available aid may depend on whether you're enrolled as a part-time or full-time student.
The community college supports distance, online and traditional brick-and-mortar education for students enrolled in associate degree and certificate programs.
More than 10,000 students were enrolled at Bucks County Community College as of 2008.
Kaplan University has grown significantly over the years, and now educates more than 48,000 enrolled students.
The classes focused on mechnical drawing and bookkeeping and enrolled just 55 men.
Nearly 4,000 students were enrolled in the 2008-2009 academic year.
The University is located in Statesboro on a 700 acre campus and has over 11,000 enrolled students.
Over 14,500 students are enrolled at SFCC with nearly 800 full and part-time faculty members.
About 5,000 students are enrolled annually, most of those attending on campus.
Students with currently enrolled siblings, biological or legally adopted, are eligible for the Sibling Discount.
Paradise Valley Community College, located in Phoenix, Arizona, serves close to 10,000 students enrolled in degree programs, alongside more than 4,500 residents taking advantage of continuing education opportunities.
In a typical Blackboard discussion, a student will log in and have the opportunity to view areas for different classes in which he or she is enrolled.
The university system has nearly 200,000 enrolled students as of 2010.
A common question amongst students that are enrolled in any degree program is how long it will take to finish.
Students who are enrolled in online courses spend just as much time studying and working as on-site students do.
The majority of students at most universities are also undergraduates, but they may not be enrolled full-time, and some may not even be working toward degrees.
It is very common for students who were previously enrolled at UT to use the McLennan distance courses to finish their studies, as the courses held at McLennan satisfy most senior-year requirements from UT Waco.
Your first two weeks of enrollment are no-cost and on a trial basis, and you're not obligated to remain enrolled or pay any fees if the program doesn't suit you.
I clearly had forgotten just how much work having a puppy is and I am, of course, already enrolled into our puppy class.
Several other companies sell organic vitamins which you can investigate which are enrolled in the Non-GMO Project and in the process of verification.
If a medical emergency occurs, members enrolled in the Classic plan are able to contact company dispatchers with a simple touch of a button.
Candidates for emotional growth boarding schools are enrolled from therapeutic wilderness programs or undergo psychological and educational testing to determine their academic and therapeutic needs.
Children who participate in these clinical trials receive complete immunological and neurological evaluations as part of being enrolled in the study.
In the school year of 2001-2002 approximately 300,000 children benefiting from Title I services were enrolled in preschool.
Children living in low-income households are less likely to be enrolled in ECE than those children in families living above the poverty line.
One 1984 study found that more than 11 percent of six year olds were enrolled in kindergarten or pre-first classes rather than in first grade.
Preschoolers are often enrolled in classes or activities outside of preschool.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, about 11 percent of school-aged children were enrolled in special education programs for students with mental retardation.
About one-third of children enrolled in urban schools speak a primary language other than English in their homes.
Previously California had withheld all of the $133 million provided by NCLB from ELLs enrolled in alternative bilingual programs.
Children are most commonly enrolled in preschool between the ages of three and five, though those as young as two can attend some schools.
Research has shown that children enrolled in Head Start enjoy immediate, measurable gains in cognitive test scores; however, researchers disagree as to the long-term impact.
The center also features a youth dance program for children enrolled in grades kindergarten through seventh.
But what can you learn at a beauty college, and what can you expect when you're enrolled?
Among the many reasons that home schooled children tend to do better in academics than those enrolled in public schools is flexibility.
Many children who learn at home are enrolled in a variety of dance classes, such as Irish step dance, tap, ballet and modern.
They may even be enrolled in several classes at one time.
This gives the children an opportunity to interact with other children their age that have similar interests.A child may also be enrolled in other classes such as foreign language, singing, music lessons and art classes.
The book can also be used to help you supplement your child's education if he is enrolled in a public or private school.
The website has forums where you can connect with other families that are using the book in their homeschool, as well as for enrichment for their children enrolled in other schools.
These benefits occur on the condition that the individual be looking for work or be enrolled in an approved training program.
The Canadian federal government offers employment opportunities for people who are currently enrolled in high school, college or university.
Students who are enrolled in computer networking degree programs learn how to design, install, and configure computer networks.
This is for low income individuals enrolled in the rental voucher program.
For example, there is evidence to suggest that babies who are enrolled in day care have a decreased risk of developing asthma as adults.
Obviously, you should be a college student currently enrolled in the school you'd like to model for.
Aside from their intricate dance routines and high energy performances, these cheerleaders are all either enrolled in college (as full-time students), or are full or part-time employees that participate in numerous charitable events.
Those that are still currently enrolled at school have majors that vary from biology to nursing.
Born April 9, 1963, he graduated from the High School of Art and Design in 1981, whereupon he enrolled in Parson's School of Design.
If you sign up for the free trial you will be automatically enrolled in the auto-shipment program.
You will need to qualify to be enrolled.
Most grants go to students enrolled in post secondary education, including universities.
Many teen lesbians have enrolled on the site and have formed communities with others around the world.
Fortunately enough, his mother was supportive of Michael's penchant, and in time he enrolled in New York City's Fashion Institute of Technology as a fashion design major.
When considering this option, look for a provider who is licensed and accredited, who has a low number of children enrolled, and who has an updated criminal records check and child abuse and neglect clearance.
About six million children ages three to 21 (14 percent of public school students) are enrolled in a special education program.
The majority of students enrolled in programs have mild to moderate special needs.
Children enrolled in a school with a uniform dress code need to make sure their attire falls within the district guidelines.
If your child is enrolled in sports, make arrangements to take time off from work or your social life to make sure you're present for his most important moments.
Child care centers are facilities staffed with professionals who attend to the needs of children enrolled in their programs.
There are many different manufacturers, including Microsoft, that offer significant savings to students who are enrolled in colleges, universities, and other types of schools.
College students and people enrolled in substance-abuse recovery programs may also obtain exemption from the job-search requirement.
Befriended by Belle Black and Shawn Brady, the twins learned to speak English and eventually enrolled in the local university.
He enrolled at Salem High School after returning to the states from Switzerland.
The first program takes around nine months to complete, while the students enrolled in the second program have completed this course in four months.
He further points out that girls are more likely to be enrolled in speech, drama, or dance lessons, thus providing them with the skills to become socially adept in many facets of their environment.
If you are enrolled in a college or university, visit the career services office and ask to see samples of effective cover letters.
If you're enrolled in Weight Watchers as a means to help you lose weight, you're probably doing so with the assistance of Weight Watchers points calculators.
Look for a class that meets at least twice a week, as once-weekly classes tend to lose momentum, as do the students enrolled in them.
Since member dentists have access to a large pool of potential patients who have enrolled in the plan, they agree to be paid at a lower rate than if they were providing treatment to an individual patient.
Because Healthy Families does not deny coverage to children who have an existing medical condition, a medical exam is not necessary to become enrolled in the plan.
Once enrolled, children are eligible for all covered services that are medically necessary.
After being enrolled in this California health insurance plan for three years, participants are granted "guaranteed eligibility" for individual health insurance plans and can become enrolled in guaranteed-issue coverage.
Understanding your Medicare benefits is a must for all patients enrolled in the system.
While enrolled in this program, employees can have a portion of their pay placed in a tax-free account that can be used to reimburse the employee for uncovered medical expenses.
The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program is definitely one of the better supplemental dental and vision programs to be enrolled in.
Military members are automatically enrolled in the dental program, but it is up to the military member to enroll all eligible family members into the program.
A group insurance program reduces the cost of premiums for its members due to the number of individuals enrolled in the program.
Certain dental problems may also require you to be enrolled for two years prior to covering any major dental care, such as braces.
However, you do not need to be enrolled in FEHB in order to enroll in FEDVIP.
While enrolled in the program, members are usually required to pay annual or monthly premiums.
As with a PPO, a referral is usually required before you may see another physician, especially if they are outside of the HMO group you are enrolled in.
Many colleges and universities provide basic health insurance coverage for all enrolled students.
The Act also provides some protection for people who are enrolled in an individual health plan.
Eligible people already enrolled in COBRA will receive a substantial reduction in the monthly premiums they have to pay; in some instances the discount will be over half of the amount they are used to paying.
Nearly four million Medicare members are enrolled in Humana, in one or more programs.
Pet insurance for kittens is similar to coverage for puppies in the sense that the pet can be enrolled only if the kitten is six months or younger.
In particular, graduate students enrolled in intense degree programs, such as medical or legal programs, may simply be unable to realistically work full time while also carrying a full time graduate level workload.
Most insurance policies designed for graduate students will cover both currently enrolled graduate students and students who recently graduated.
A couple years later, Gisele's mom enrolled her in the Dilson Steins Mannequin course to help correct her slouching posture along with her sisters Patricia and Gabriela.
When she was five, Amos received a scholarship to the Peabody Conservatory of Music and was the youngest person ever to be enrolled.
Her parents, realizing that their daughter was serious, enrolled Colbie in voice lessons where she met her current producer Mikal Blue.
As someone who always enjoyed singing and performing, she enrolled in performing arts schools such as the Parker Elementary School, where she performed in the choir.
Her parents enrolled her in the Center Stage Performing Arts Studio, where she learned several different dance styles.
She showed an early talent for music, and her parents enrolled her in both guitar and piano lessons.
After graduating high school, he enrolled at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, where he completed the Music Industry Arts program.
Denton enrolled in Queensborough College in the mid-80s intending to become a nurse.
She enrolled in a hair dressing academy as well as a local college and also began working in a salon.
She had enrolled in culinary school but was also very focused on her social life.
Buffy enrolled in a local college along with Willow, while Giles opened a magic store and Xander skipped college altogether having neither the money nor the grades to get in.
At the age of eighteen he was enrolled as a sizar at St John's College, Cambridge, whence he graduated in 1830 as fourth wrangler.
There are collegiate institutes for more advanced education at Winnipeg, Brandon and Portage la Prairie, with a total of 1094 pupils enrolled.
Membership in the church depends solely upon being enrolled as a member of one of these meetings for Christian fellowship, and thus placing oneself under pastoral oversight.
The membership of a Presbyterian Church consists of all who are enrolled as communicants, together with their children.
All French sailors between the ages of eighteen and fifty must be enrolled as members of the armte de me,.
In the 5th century the three cities were enrolled in the Delian League, and democracies became prevalent.
The institute comprises an academic department (in which all students are enrolled) with a seven years' course, the Phelps Hall bible training school (1892), with a three years' course, and departments of mechanical industries, industries for girls, and agriculture.
The priests deserted the Temple for the palaestra and the young nobles wore the Greek cap. The Jews of Jerusalem were enrolled as citizens of Antioch.
But while we recognize these facts, we must not suppose that we have to study the action of men as though they were all enrolled in organized associations, or covered by stringent laws which were always obeyed.
Early in January 1813 the senate promised that 350,000 conscripts should be enrolled; but 150,000 of them were under twenty years of age, and mobile columns had to be used to sweep in the recruits, especially in Brittany, the Netherlands and the newly annexed lands of North Germany.
During the Persian invasion of 480 the Phocians at first joined in the national defence, but by their irresolute conduct at Thermopylae lost that position for the Greeks; in the campaign of Plataea they were enrolled on the Persian side.
Under the dominion of the Roman republic its national league was dissolved, but was revived by Augustus, who also restored to Phocis the votes in the Delphic Amphictyony which it had lost in 346 and enrolled it in the new Achaean synod.
He altered the constitution of the praetorian guard, in which only Italians, formed into nine cohorts, were enrolled.
In the last days of Spanish rule (1894), there were 904 public and 704 private schools, and not more than 60,000 pupils enrolled; in 1900 there were 3550 public schools with an enrolment of 172,273 and an average attendance of 123,362.
Unfortunately, while the new Czechoslovak army was recognized by Italy and took its place in the front line, Baron Sonnino, for political reasons, vetoed the formation of similar Yugoslav legions, though General Diaz had consented, and though the Yugoslays interned at Nocera and elsewhere were clamouring to be enrolled.
The attendance on the 1st of September 1905 was 16,530, the percentage on those enrolled 84.6; the total enrolment was 18,719.
The Order thus reached the highest pinnacle of its fame, and new knights flocked to be enrolled therein from the flower of the nobility of Europe; La Valette refused a cardinal's hat, determined not to impair his independence.
For cities of above 8000 inhabitants (for which alone comparative statistics are annually available), in 1902-1903 the ratio of average attendance to school enrolment, the average number of days' attendance of each pupil enrolled, and the value of school property per capita of pupils in average attendance were higher than in any other state; the average length of the school term was slightly exceeded in eight states; and the total cost of the schools per capita of pupils in average attendance ($39.05) was exceeded in six other states.
In the words of the Gospel of St Luke, he ordered "the whole world to be taxed," or, according to the revised version, to be enrolled.
He enrolled the freedmen and.
The Rev. John Campbell, one of the founders of the Bible Society, also travelled in southern Bechuanaland and the adjoining districts in 1812-1814 and 1819-1821, adding considerably to the knowledge of the river systems. About 1817 Mosilikatze, the founder of the Matabele nation, fleeing from the wrath of Chaka, the Zulu king, began his career of conquest, during which he ravaged a great part of Bechuanaland and enrolled large numbers of Bechuana in his armies.
In this all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 18 and 6!o are nominally enrolled, but the active militia consists of about 45, 00 0 men of all ranks, in a varying state of efficiency.
Though enrolled for a short time in the Aetolian League (about 245 B.C.) Boeotia was generally loyal to Macedonia, and supported its later kings against Rome.
He was ever ready to act, either personally or through his delegates, and never ceased to be the effective leader of all the feudal soldiers he enrolled under the banner of the Holy See.
Of these the China Inland Mission is the largest and most influential; and while it has sent forth many of this class, it has also enrolled not a few men and women of considerable wealth, education and social status.
Conspicuous among their achievements was the conversion of Mexico, 200,000 converts being enrolled within six years after the capture of the capital (1521), and a million baptized by the Franciscans alone within thirty years.
It is possible that the Camilia was situated in the direction of Tibur, inasmuch as this town was afterwards enrolled in this tribe.
The troops were few in number and offered no opposition to the mob, but a burgher guard was enrolled among the influential and middleclass citizens for the protection of life and property.
There are also about 20,000 Indians, many of whom are civilized, enjoy the franchise and are enrolled in the Dominion militia.
In January 1883, within a week of his election to an honorary fellowship at Exeter, Morris was enrolled among its members.
The attendance in some school of all children from 7 to 16 years of age is compulsory, and of the population of school age (1,500,066) 988,078 were enrolled in public schools.
Practically every Briton of military age in the country was enrolled in the Nyasaland Volunteer Reserve.
In England, after receiving such modifications - attributed to Burke - as adapted it to the purposes of the opposition, this pamphlet ran through many editions, and procured for its author, as he said, "the honour of having his name inserted in a long list of proscriptions enrolled in a bill of attainder commenced in one of the two houses of parliament, but suppressed in embryo by the hasty course of events."
But he gained the goodwill of the Afghans, and enrolled many in his army.
At that time also Clive was enrolled among the nobility of the Mogul empire, with the rank of commander of 6000 foot and 5000 horse.
In 1906 there were 187,836 persons of school age (from 6 to 21) in the state, and of these 144,007 were enrolled in the schools; the annual cost of education was $4.34 per pupil.
Lynda has enrolled on a spinning course and plans to knit a scarf by Christmas!
Denisov then relieved him from drudgery and began taking him with him when he went out on expeditions and had him enrolled among the Cossacks.
Lynda has enrolled on a spinning course and plans to knit a scarf by Christmas !
Maci enrolled in an accelerated high school program so she could finish early.
The ability to network professionally is quite appealing to users who are no longer enrolled in school.
As of May 2011, 9,000 employees had enrolled, with more than 1,000 completing the "certified participant" courses.
And even then, because of the insufficient number of Brazilian vessels it was provided in the regulations that foreign vessels could be enrolled in that trade by using the Brazilian flag and employing a certain proportion of Brazilians on the crew.
He enrolled as his bodyguard fifty-two heroes who burned for the fray.
When the relieving force arrived from Madras under Colonel Clive and Admiral Watson, Hastings enrolled himself as a volunteer, and took part in the action which led to the recovery of Calcutta.
This legal capacity rendered them liable to military service as heavy-armed fighting men, and as such they were enrolled in the military units called centuriae.
The biographies of all the famous men who were enrolled in this academy must be sought in the pages of Didot's Alde Manuce.
He arranged dining and funeral lodge meetings, enrolled new members, and busied himself uniting various lodges and acquiring authentic charters.
Now enrolled in college, he was dressing the part, as if trying to fit in.
Shortly after the battle of Killiecrankie (1689), the Cameronian regiment, enrolled in the same year (afterwards the 26th Foot), was despatched to hold Dunkeld prior to another invasion of the Highlands.
Various alterations were subsequently made and now the qualification of electors at the election of the corporate offices of lord mayor, sheriffs, chamberlain and minor offices in Common Hall is that of being a liveryman of a livery company and an enrolled freeman of London.
It was a convoy of conscripts enrolled from our people and starting to join the army.
The average attendance of enrolled black and white pupils is practically identical, but the enrolment of whites (about 52% in 1902) is somewhat higher and that of the blacks about a third lower than their ratio in the population.
This mission enrolled a very large number of adherents drawn from the old Church, the Protestant Nestorians, and the UniatChaldeans, but it can hardly be said to have commenced any active work, although the Anglican mission withdrew from competition by closing its schools in the dioceses occupied by the Russians.
Of these only 12,525 were enrolled in the army, and of that number 1421 were volunteers, who took an engagement on receipt of a premium.
Thucydides is almost certainly wrong in saying that the amount of the original tribute was 460 talents (about £106,000); this figure cannot have been reached for at least twelve, probably twenty years, when new members had been enrolled (Lycia, Caria, Eion, Lampsacus).
To remedy this defect, a statute (called the Statute of Enrolments) was passed in the same year, which provided that every conveyance by bargain and sale of freehold lands should be enrolled in a court of record or with the custos rotulorum of the county within six months of its date.
He was enrolled as a volunteer in Apsley's company, then encamped before Genep on the Waal, but his commission was apparently complimentary, his military experience being limited to six days of camp life, during which, however, he took his turn at "trailing a pike."
He was a simple, fluent speaker, and was so successful that in 1767 he was enrolled, by John Wesley himself, as a regular itinerant minister.