Enormous Sentence Examples
The earth has an enormous molten core that contains vast amounts of energy.
His income is said by Lucian to have reached an enormous figure.
The enormous study was full of things evidently in constant use.
Distributed computing makes enormous computational problems affordable to solve.
Alex was the reluctant heir to an enormous amount of land and money.
His papers were sensational in form and contents and had an enormous popular circulation.
As soon as Rostov heard them, an enormous load of doubt fell from him.
Read the mystical book I am sending you; it has an enormous success here.
This spawn is sometimes so profuse that it is pulled out of the beds in enormous masses and carted away in barrows.
Some of these are of enormous extent, e.g.
AdvertisementThe gains of such a change are enormous.
Enormous numbers of ale-houses were closed - a proceeding which excited intense resentment and was probably no slight cause of the royalist reaction.
Thus all his strenuous efforts, all his enormous sacrifices, came to nothing.
The result is, on the one hand, a clearing away of much fantastic phylogeny, on the other, an enormous reduction of the supposed gaps between groups.
The old count had always kept up an enormous hunting establishment.
AdvertisementThese birds were of enormous size, and reminded Zeb of the rocs he had read about in the Arabian Nights.
Enormous flocks of these sheep are kept in the deserts around Bukhara.
The eighth and largest group, which in its enormous numbers was to the others as ninety-nine to one, consisted of men who desired neither peace nor war, neither an advance nor a defensive camp at the Drissa or anywhere else, neither Barclay nor the Emperor, neither Pfuel nor Bennigsen, but only the one most essential thing--as much advantage and pleasure for themselves as possible.
These were due to an enormous amount of exceedingly fine dust blown to a great height by that terrific explosion, and then universally diffused by the high atmospheric currents.
The World Wide Web will play an enormous role in ending war, on several levels.
AdvertisementThe ship moves independently with its own enormous motion, the boat hook no longer reaches the moving vessel, and suddenly the administrator, instead of appearing a ruler and a source of power, becomes an insignificant, useless, feeble man.
Of the enormous number of bills brought in very few pass.
Thus it has come to pass that the muscles of the hind limbs are, like their framework, more easily compared with those of reptiles and mammals than are the wings, whilst within the class of birds they show an enormous amount of variation in direct correlation with their manifold requirements.
Local authorities are enabled to exercise similar powers for an enormous variety of municipal purposes, e.g.
Formerly Rio led all other ports in the export of coffee, but the enormous increase in production in the state of Sao Paulo has given Santos the lead.
AdvertisementThe loss of property was enormous.
One was an enormous Lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush.
Cromwell thoroughly approved of the enormous scheme of confiscation and colonization, causing great privations and sufferings, which was carried out.
Such profound changes must necessarily have been accompanied by enormous elimination; the migrating hosts were perpetually thinned by falling out on the way.
The extravagance of Frederick drained the resources of his state, but this was amply atoned for by the rigid economy of Frederick William I., who not only paid off the debts accumulated by his father, but amassed an enormous treasure.
Many of the old chambers, some of which are of enormous size, are embellished with portals, candelabra, statues, &c., all hewn in rock-salt.
C. Miall's Aquatic Insects (London, 1895), the special literature of the Coleoptera is enormous.
The infantry was not of good quality; but its cavalry was really an enormous force, numbering fully a hundred thousand in all.
In addition to an enormous body of new information chiefly on the shoulder girdle, the alar muscles and the nerve plexuses of birds, this work contained a critical and descriptive summary of practically the whole pre-existing literature on the structure of birds, and it is hardly necessary for the student of ornithology to refer to earlier literature at first hand.
On the walls of the chief council chambers are a magnificent series of oil-paintings by Tintoretto and other less able Venetians - among them Tintoretto's masterpiece, "Bacchus and Ariadne," and his enormous picture of Paradise, the largest oil-painting in the world.
These early schools, which consist chiefly of one-year and two-year-old fishes, yield sometimes enormous catches, whilst in other years they escape the drift-nets altogether, passing them, for some hitherto Unexplained reason, at a greater depth than that to which the nets reach, 1 The term "Spanish mackerel" is applied in America to Cybium maculatum.
With a capacity for the production of cotton almost boundless, the crop which was so insignificant when the century began had in 1860 reached the enormous extent of 4,824,000 bales.
He also endeavoured to weaken the power of the clergy and to apply a portion of their enormous revenues to purposes of national utility.
Without resorting to this exaggeration, Mommsen can speak with perfect truth of the " enormous space occupied by the burial vaults of Christian Rome, not surpassed even by the cloacae or sewers of Republican Rome," but the data are too vague to warrant any attempt to define their dimensions.
Enormous were the difficulties of Casimir IV.
We may form some idea of its enormous dimensions from the fact recorded, that when, A.D.
At seven in the morning a French convoy in marching trim, wearing shakos and carrying muskets, knapsacks, and enormous sacks, stood in front of the sheds, and animated French talk mingled with curses sounded all along the lines.
By his energy, industry and sound judgment he gradually enlarged his operations, did business in all the fur markets of the world, and amassed an enormous fortune, - the largest up to that time made by any American.
His wealth, arising from property in New York, where also he built the New Netherland hotel and the Waldorf hotel, was enormous.
The appetite of the Welsh people for sermons is enormous, and the preachers are characterized by an exceptionally high order of pulpit power.
During the era of so-called " prosperity " between 1881 and 1890 an enormous amount of bank notes were issued under various authorizations, especially that of the " free banking law " of 1887.
The formation and gradually increasing thickness of its bark are explained by the continually increasing need of adequate protection to the living cortex, under the strain of the increasing framework which the enormous multiplication of its living protoplasts demands, and the development of which leads to continual rupture of the exterior.
The enormous labour required for this work seems scarcely to have been appreciated, though it remains to this day one of the most useful books in an ornithologist's library.
Hull is the principal seat of the industry in Great Britain, and enormous quantities of Indian and Egyptian cotton seed are imported and worked up.
They will hold their arms over their heads until the muscles atrophy, will keep their fists clenched till the nails grow through the palms, will lie on beds of nails, cut and stab themselves, drag, week after week, enormous chains loaded with masses of iron, or hang themselves before a fire near enough to scorch.
The performance, directed by Hans Richter, excited extraordinary attention; but the expenses were enormous, and burdened the management with a debt of £7500.
The enormous sum of i 50o has been paid for a collie, and 000 guineas for a bulldog, both show dogs pure and simple; while L50o is no uncommon price for a fox terrier.
The Newfoundland is simply an enormous spaniel, and shows its origin by the facility with which it takes to water and the readiness with which it mates with spaniels and setters.
First, since the great and growing modern city stands right over the ancient one, it is almost impossible to find any considerable space in which to dig, except at enormous cost.
The improvements effected in Brussels during the 19th century were enormous, and completely transformed the city.
The site of Samaria is an enormous mound of accumulation, one of the largest in Palestine.
Many of these birds, to judge from the enormous size of their hind-limbs, were undoubtedly flightless, e.g.
This question has given rise to an enormous amount of discussion among learned men, and some of the disputants have not yet laid down their arms; but for impartial outsiders who have carefully studied the evidence there can be little doubt that 1 See Researches into the State of Fisheries in Russia (9 vols.), edited by Minister of Finance (1896, Russian); Kusnetzow's Fischerei and Thiererbeutung in den Gewassern Russlands (1898).
The enormous programme of constitutional reform foreshadowed in the manifesto had to be elaborated in haste by Count Witte, the minister of the interior, under circumstances by no means promising.
Clearly such alterations as the construction of railways in nearly all parts of the continent, and the establishment of peace over formerly disturbed areas like India, are of enormous importance, and must change the life of the people.
A whole mass of facts testify to the enormous and extraordinary influence of Potemkin during the next ten years.
His sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.
In one respect the new institution marked an enormous advance on titles of nobility, which had been granted nearly always for warlike exploits, or merely as a mark of the favour of the sovereign.
Vases of all kinds, carved in marble or other stones, cast or beaten in metals or fashioned in clay, the latter in enormous number and variety, richly ornamented with coloured schemes, and sometimes bearing moulded decoration.
It does not seem to have been the author's original intention to publish any letterpress to this enormous work, but to let the plates tell their own story, though finally, with the assistance, as is now known, of William Macgillivray, a text, on the whole more than respectable, was produced in five large Ma egil- octavos under the title of Ornithological Biography, of liyr ay.
One thing, however, is pretty certain, and that is that the enormous dates B.C. assigned to it by de Morgan and Pumpelly cannot be accepted.
Over this line passes an enormous trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean - the railway with its "Empress" steamers on the Pacific and also on the Atlantic Ocean claiming to have as its termini Liverpool and Yokohama.
By 1796 the issues had reached the enormous figure of 45,500,000,000 francs, and even this gigantic total was swollen still more by the numerous counterfeits introduced into France from the neighbouring countries.
The motion of the outwardscreeping inland ice will naturally be more independent of the configurations of the underlying land in the interior, where its thickness is so enormous, than near the margin where it is thinner.
Of the first the physical characteristics are a small, thin-limbed body, hair black, short and woolly, projecting jaws, rounded, narrow, retreating forehead, long and narrow head, enormous eyebrow ridges, flat nose and dark skin.
Enormous numbers of animals are caught, chiefly in traps, to supply the demand of the fur trade, Siberia and North America being the principal localities from which they are obtained.
The mullahs, who fix the burial fees, derive an enormous revenue from the faithful.
Those of the redshank, of the golden plover (to a small extent), and enormous numbers of those of the black-headed gull, and in certain places of some of the terns, are, however, sold as lapwings', having a certain similarity of shell to the latter, and a difference of flavour only to be detected by a fine palate.
The volume of his letters and his writings in books, articles for the press and speeches and official messages, is enormous, and yet this work was done in the midst of the executive labours of a long political career.
It is one of the largest distributing centres in the country for coal, which is received by lake, and stored in enormous coal docks for transshipment by rail throughout the west and north-west.
The sarcophagi are of immense size, and the burial must have entailed enormous expense.
The first sources of the enormous wealth he subsequently attained were his introduction of sleeping-cars for railways, and his purchase (1864) of Storey Farm on Oil Creek, where a large profit was secured from the oil-wells.
In consequence of this law the great lords were compelled to put forces in the field proportioned to their enormous fortunes, and Sigismund was able in 1529 to raise 300 foot and 3200 horse from the province of Podolia alone.
But if the object be, as in the case of the greater zoological institutions, to get together as many species as possible, and to exhibit animals that have not been hitherto obtained, the possible range is enormous and the cost very great.
In Wyoming, California and Nevada enormous deposits of carbonates, mixed in some cases with sulphate and with chloride, occur.
He was also a writer in whom the physical wear and tear must have been enormous.
Pennsylvania has extensive areas of limestone rock suitable for making cement, and in Northampton and Lehigh counties enormous quantities of it are used in this industry.
The country suffered enormous territorial losses by the war.
The colossus stood for fifty-six years, till an earthquake prostrated it in 224 B.C. Its enormous fragments continued to excite wonder in the time of Pliny, and were not removed till A.D.
The loss to Spain was enormous, and from this act of the Dominican the commercial decay of Spain dates.
Aepyornis maxima, which laid enormous eggs, and not unnaturally recalls the mythical " roc " that figures so largely in Arabian tales.
They were often of enormous size; that at St Sophia in Constantinople was large enough for the ceremonial of coronation.
The wings are well developed for flight, and there is a tendency in the group, especially among the males, towards an excessive development of the mandibles or the presence of enormous, horn-like processes on the head or pronotum.
Although the administration of the above-mentioned acts of parliament has had a beneficial effect upon the safety of the public, and has enabled an enormous volume of traffic Safety to be handled with celerity, punctuality and absence Y?
This speech, which, according to reports, was extremely radical and denied the right of the king to disallow acts of the colonial legislature, made Henry the idol of the common people of Virginia and procured for him an enormous practice.
Though the geographical extent of Russian territory and influence is enormous, she has always moved along the line of least resistance.
In Mesopotamia more than any other country literary results have been regarded as archaeology, owing to the enormous mass of the written material recovered, which has caused the study of the art and general civilization of different periods to be neglected in comparison with the same subjects in Egypt.
The feet are five-toed, and the third and fourth toes of the front pair armed with enormous claws adapted for digging.
When adjacent burial areas belonged to members of the same Christian confraternity, or by gift or purchase fell into the same hands, communications were opened between the respective cemeteries, which thus spread laterally, and gradually acquired that enormous extent which, " even when their fabulous dimensions are reduced to their right measure, form an immense work."' This could only be executed by a large and powerful Christian community unimpeded by legal enactments or police regulations, " a living witness of its immense development corresponding to the importance of the capital."
The United States (California) after 1848, and Australia after 1851, were responsible for enormous increases in the total production, which has been subsequently enhanced by discoveries in Canada, South Africa, India, China and other countries.
But on the modern theory, which includes the play of electrical phenomena as a function of the aether, there are other considerations which show that this number io 2 is really an enormous overestimate; and it is not impossible that the co-efficient of ultimate inertia of the aether is greater than the co-efficient of inertia (of different kind) of any existing material substance.
From this theory, powerful in Great Britain and her colonies, supreme in the United States of America, has resulted an enormous multiplication of sects.
The enormous prices once given for rare varieties of tulip bulbs no longer obtain, though, even now, two and three guineas are asked for special bulbs.
Besides the poems, we possess the prose Tristan, an enormous compilation, akin to the prose Lancelot, where the original story, though still to be traced, is obscured by a mass of later Arthurian adventures.
But he lost 15,000 men in the course of his seven days' retreat, and 20% of the remainder became ineffective from disease contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy, while enormous quantities of valuable stores at White House on the Pamunkey had been burnt to avoid seizure by the enemy.
Sennacherib made Nineveh his court residence and, after his destruction of Babylon and the influx of the enormous booty brought back from his conquests, it must have been the most magnificent and wealthiest city of the East.
The accessions in that decade from Ireland and Germany were enormous, the total immigration rising to 1,713,251 against 599,125 during the decade preceding, and against only 143,439 from 2820 to 1830.
The Civil War caused enormous losses to the merchant marine, and the worldwide substitution about this time of iron steamers for wooden steamers and sailing vessels contributed to prevent a recovery; because, although ship-building was one of the earliest arts developed in the colonies, and one that was prosecuted with the highest success so long as wooden ships were the dominant type, the United States has never achieved marked success with the iron steamer, and the law has precluded the registry as American of vessels built abroad.
More than $250,000,000 has been spent by the national government for the improvement of waterways, yet no general system exists, and a large part of this enormous sum has been wasted on unimportant or impossible projects, especially in recent decades, since the river navigation has been a declining interest.
The great importance of these nominating bodies lies not only in the fact that there are an enormous number of state, county and city offices (including judicial offices) filled by direct popular election, but also in the fact that in the United States a candidate has scarcely any chance of being elected unless he is regularly nominated by his party, that is to say, by the recognised primary or convention.
In the bye-election which followed Laurier's admission to the cabinet he was defeated-- the only personal defeat he ever sustained; but a few weeks later he was returned for Quebec East, a constituency which he held thenceforth by enormous majorities.
This backwater, where it meets and checks the current of the Arkansas, occasions the precipitation of enormous alluvial deposits, and vast quantities of snags.
This, undoubtedly, was the part of his task that Innocent preferred, and it was to this, as well as to his much overrated moral and theological treatises, that he owed his enormous contemporary prestige.
Supreme in Europe, the papacy gathered into a body of doctrine of the decisions given in virtue of its enormous de facto power, and promulgated its collected decrees and oracula to form the immutable law of the Christian world.
Several of them thought of restoring the lost empire by force, and thus giving a pendant to the fourth crusade; but the Curia finally realized the enormous difficulties of such a project, and convinced themselves that the only practical solution of the difficulty was to come to an understanding with the Palaeologi and realize pacifically the long-dreamed Church.
The sovereign direction of this enormous monarchy belonged to the pope alone, who was assisted in important affairs by the advice and collaboration of the College of Cardinals, who had become the sole electors to the papacy.
This enormous edifice, founded on the cathedral rock, is an extraordinary mixture of castle and convent, palace and fortress.
More weighty was the Du Pape of Joseph de Maistre (1819), closely reasoned and fortified with a wealth of learning, which had an enormous influence upon all those who thought that they saw in the union of " altar and throne " the palladium of society.
But of late years there has been an enormous influx of Anglo-Indian rupees, so that these have become practically the currency of the country, even to the frontier of China, and are now counted, instead of being valued as bullion.
In the valley between Ward Hill and the ridge of the Hamars to the south-east is situated the famous Dwarfie Stone, an enormous block of sandstone measuring 28 ft.
One of their objects was the collection of murex, of which an enormous supply was needed for the dyeing industry; specially famous was the purple of the Laconian waters, the isles of Elishah of Ezek.
The invasion of Paraguay then took place, and a struggle involving an enormous sacrifice of life and treasure lasted for five years, only coming to a close when the Paraguayan forces were totally defeated and Lopez was killed at the battle of Aquidaban on the 1st of March 1870.
The nucleus of the invading horde was a small pastoral tribe in Mongolia, the chief of which, known subsequently to Europe as Jenghiz Khan, became a mighty conqueror and created a vast empire stretching from China, across northern and central Asia, to the shores of the Baltic and the valley of the Danube - a heterogeneous state containing many nationalities held together by purely administrative ties and by an enormous military force.
Her hatred of Germans showed itself likewise in her persistent struggle with Frederick the Great, which cost Russia 300,000 men and 30 millions of roubles - an enormous sum for those days - but in the choice of a successor she could not follow her natural inclinations, for among the few descendants of Michael Romanov there was no one, even in the female line, who could be called a genuine Russian.
He was elected a Perse scholar in 1628, and fellow of his college in 1633, but the best evidence of his diligence as a student is the enormous learning of which he showed so easy a command in after years.
Local governing authorities now discharge economic functions of enormous importance and complexity, involving sums of money larger than sufficed to run important states a generation ago.
Mr. Churchill had shown enormous vigour, industry, imagination and patriotism; but insufficient judgment and discretion.
By the union of great moral qualities with high, though not the highest, intellectual faculties, he carried the Indian empire safely through the stress of the storm, and, what was perhaps a harder task still, he dealt wisely with the enormous difficulties arising at the close of such a war, established a more liberal policy and a sounder financial system, and left the people more contented than they were before.
These vines are less satisfactory than trees as rubber producers, owing to the readiness with which they are injured and destroyed by careless tapping, and to the difficulty of regulating these methods in the case of vines distributed over enormous areas of forest.
It led, among other consequences, to an enormous misuse of bleeding.
When the World War broke out he secured an enormous share in the war profits which flowed into the coffers of the great industrialists.
At the beginning of the 19th century black bears were killed in enormous numbers for their furs, which at that time were highly valued.
Until 1811 the Calvinistic Methodists had no ministers ordained by themselves; their enormous growth in numbers and the scarcity of ministers to administer the Sacrament - only three in North Wales, two of whom had joined only at the dawn of the century - made the question of ordination a matter of urgency.
The whole surrounding country is seamed with miles of tunnels in granite, and the hillsides are dotted everywhere with enormous dumps.
The duration of the war was due to the nature of the country and the enormous distances to be traversed, not to any want of energy, for the armies were in deadly earnest and their battles and combats (of which two thousand four hundred can be named) sterner than those of almost any war in modern history.
The enormous mound of Kuyunjik now separated from that of Nebi-Yunus by the deep and rapid Khausar, marks the site of the palace of Sennacherib and Assur-bani-pal.
Coal was produced in 1908 in 30 states out of the 46 of the Union; and occurs also in enormous quantities in Alaska; 690,438 men were employed in this year in the coal mines.
The climate of Tibet varies so greatly over the enormous area and different altitudes of the country that no two travellers agree precisely in their records.
In 1716 two Jesuits, P. Ipolito Desideri, of Pistoia, and P. Freyre, a Portuguese, reached Lhasa by way of Kashmir, Ladak, and the enormous journey from Ladak by the holy lakes and the valley of the Tsangpo.
The old sacrificial hymns were probably obscene and certainly nonsensical, and the substitution for them of the psalms, and of lections of the prophets and New Testament, was an enormous gain.
He died in London on the 25th of January 1824, in the house of John Finlayson, who had secured his release, and who afterwards pestered the government with an enormous claim for Brothers's maintenance.
Her pensions and money allowances of various kinds were enormous.
The fur upon the necks usually runs dark, almost black, and in some cases the fur is black halfway down the length of the skin, in rarer cases three-quarters of the length and, in the most exceptional instances, the whole length, and when this is the case they are known as "Natural Black Foxes" and fetch enormous prices.
Financially Athens had an enormous apparent advantage.
Practically all the company's servants were traders in their private capacity, and as they claimed various privileges and exemptions this system was detrimental to the interests of the native princes and gave rise to an enormous amount of corruption.
The Chenier literature of late years has become enormous.
Their faces are remarkable for the long upper lip and the depressed broad nose with enormous alae.
The enormous influx of pilgrims naturally creates a brisk trade in Kerbela and the towns along the route from Persia to that place and beyond to Nejef.
Salamanders, far from being able to withstand the action of fire, as was believed by the ancients, are only found in damp places, and emerge in misty weather only or after thunderstorms, when they may appear in enormous numbers in localities where at other times their presence would not be suspected.
The losses were enormous on both sides, Johnston himself being amongst the killed.
There are still enormous glaciers about the head of the Brahmaputra, but the glacial epoch of the Chang-t'ang highlands has passed away, though comparatively recently.
Not only is the respiratory centre stimulated but the cardiac centre is acted upon both directly by the drug and indirectly for a time by the enormous rise in blood pressure due to the contraction of the arterioles all over the body.
Subsequently, in the Tertiary period, there were two enormous outpourings of volcanic material - first andesitic lava, and later, after a long interval of quiet, rhyolitic - which nearly half filled the basin, converted it into a plateau and broke up the mountain rim.
Although enormous quantities of water are required during the summer season, great care must be exercised in applying water to the winter crops.
Besides an abundance of water in summer there must also be an enormous quantity of good stable manure available during the winter months.
In China, at the close of the period, there were enormous eruptions of melaphyre, porphyrite and quartz-porphyry.
In their lower courses some of them form enormous intercommunicating deltas.
The iron blast furnace, a crude but very efficient piece of apparatus, is an enormous shaft usually about 80 ft.
The car casting system deserves description chiefly because it shows how, when the scale of operations is as enormous as it is in the Bessemer process, even a slight simplification and a slight heatsaving may be of great economic importance.
Raccoons are used in enormous quantities in Canada for men's coats, the fur outside.
The enormous quantities of pieces admit of good selection and where odd colours prevail in a lining it is dyed.
Another great source of inexpensive furs is China, and for many years past enormous quantities of dressed furs, many of which are made up in the form of linings and Chinese looseshaped garments, have been imported by England, Germany and France for the lower class of business; the garments are only regarded as so much fur and are reworked.
The Grotte des Chevres has been regarded as an enormous gas-bubble in the lava.
Its construction was completed at enormous expense, and it was opened for ships by the emperor in June 1869 under the name of Wilhelmshaven.
France had been irritated by the enormous increase of Prussian power, and even.
For an increase in the navy there was, indeed, sufficient excuse in the enormous expansion of German over-sea commerce and the consequent growth of the mercantile marine; the value of foreign trade, which in 1894 was 365,000,000, had risen in 1904 to 610,000,000, and in the same period the tonnage of German merchant shipping had increased by 234%.
With the enormous extension of Greek territory a great shifting took place in the old centres of gravity.
There may seem to be a great abundance of Egyptian monuments, but they have to cover an enormous space of time, and even in the periods which are best represented, gravestones recording the names of private persons with a prayer or two are scarcely material for history.
Of the invertebrata the number is unknown, but it must be enormous.
Pythons occur throughout the group, and sometimes attain enormous size.
The discovery of gold in that year attracted enormous numbers of immigrants annually.
Accordingly on the morning of the 16th of August 1717 Prince Eugene ordered a general attack, which resulted in the total defeat of the enemy with an enormous loss, and in the capitulation of the city six days afterwards.
Similarly the depressant action on the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata occurs only after the administration of enormous doses.
Like most of the lesser apartments, it is lined with white Italian marble, and in spite of its enormous dimensions the roof is unsupported by pillars.
The royal palace, begun in 1600 by the Count de Lemos, from designs by Domenico Fontana, partly burned in 1837, and since repaired and enlarged by Ferdinand II., is an enormous building with a sea frontage of Boo ft.
The advantages that led to the very rapid introduction of this system were not only the power of greatly reducing the size of the piers, but the enormous facility afforded for quick construction, the small amount of materials relatively used and the proportionately small load upon the foundations, and the fact that as the walls are supported at each storey directly from the cage, the masonry can be begun at any storey independently of the masonry below it.
Hardly known outside of Holland, among his own people for nearly two centuries he enjoyed an enormous popularity.
A great fire broke out in the fort in the same year and caused enormous loss; but it enabled the government to open wider thoroughfares in the more congested parts, and greatly stimulated the tendency of the natives to build their houses and 1 See Hunter, op. cit.
The largest, attaining an enormous bulk and a length of 20 ft., is the C. niger, the jacare-assu or large caiman of the Amazons.
This palm will grow to a height of 100 ft., and shows enormous fern-like leaves.
In 1882, before the Physical Society of London, he gave a description of the diffraction gratings with which his name is specially associated, and which have been of enormous advantage to astronomical spectroscopy.
Michael withdrew to the mountains before this overwhelming force, but, being joined by Báthory with a Transylvanian contingent, the voivode resumed the offensive, stormed Bucharest, where Sinan had entrenched a Turkish detachment, and, pursuing the main body of his forces to the Danube, overtook the rearguard and cut it to pieces, capturing enormous booty.
A large region was sunken, enormous fissures were opened in the earth, the surface soil was displaced 3 In 1804, the District of Louisiana, in the administrative system of the Territory of Indiana; in 1805, an independent government, renamed the Territory of Louisiana; in 1812, the Territory of Missouri; in 1816, another grade of territorial government.
Outside this again is an envelope of matter of enormous extent and extreme tenuity, whether gaseous or partly minute liquid or solid drops, which is called the corona.
Thereupon President Kruger arbitrarily closed the drifts (fords) on the Vaal river, and thus prevented through waggon traffic, causing an enormous block of waggons on the banks of the Vaal.
It brought in the enormous sum of £1,000,312,950 from no fewer than 5,289,000 subscribers; and Mr. Law justly hailed it both as an expression of the will of the people to win the war and also as evidence of the financial ability of the country to see it to a successful conclusion.
These illustrations of the enormous variability of discharge serve to explain what is popularly so little understood, namely, the advantage which riparian owners, or other persons Comperei nterested in a given stream, may derive from works cation water.
This illustration gives some idea of the enormous increase of yield of such a well, if, by any means, we can get rid of the frictional sand, even from Artificial within the 16 in.
As an arithmetical calculator he was not only wonderfully expert, but he seems to have occasionally found a positive delight in working out to an enormous number of places of decimals the result of some irksome calculation.
But not to speak of his enormous collection of MS. books, full to overflowing with new and original matter, which have been handed over to Trinity College, Dublin, the works we have already called attention to barely form the greater portion of what he has published.
A fragment of the once enormous Palazzo Mocenigo, of the 16th century, is now occupied by the important archaeological museum (see Ateste).
It is not found in nature in the free state to any extent, and although enormous quantities of its salts, especially calcium and barium sulphate, are found in many localities, the free acid is never prepared from these salts, as it is more easily obtainable in another way, viz.
We need mention only the chief of them - the Collectio Anselmo dedicata, by an unknown author of the end of the 9th century; the Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis, 3 compiled about 906 by Regino, abbot of Pram, and dedicated to Hatto of Mainz, relatively a very original treatise; the enormous compilation surchard.
Its head is of enormous size, broad, flat and depressed, the remainder of the body appearing merely like an appendage.
The angler is believed to attract other fishes by means of its lure, and then to seize them with its enormous jaws.
Atahuallpa, thus treacherously captured, offered an enormous sum of money as a ransom, and fulfilled his engagement; but Pizarro still detained him, until the Spaniards 'should have arrived in sufficient numbers to secure the country.
During the early years an enormous amount was wasted; this was soon prohibited by law, and a realization that the supply was not unlimited resulted in a better appreciation of its great value.
Its vogue was instant and enormous.
As the result of all these efforts there has been an enormous increase in the demand for fruit trees of all kinds.
On the eastern side of the Kilia delta the coast-line is constantly advancing and the sea becoming shallower, owing to the enormous amount of solid deposits brought down by the river.
Though this process is now largely supplemented, and even displaced, by various rivals, at the time it was brought out it was of enormous industrial importance, since it effected a great cheapening in the price of steel, and led to that material being widely substituted for others which were inferior in almost every respect but that of cost.
Gabe sensed Rhyn's words came from an enormous amount of thought.
Enormous sky blue eyes gazed back at her hauntingly from a face too thin to be attractive.
They appreciated the enormous effort you put into the photos of the day.
The enormous furry pink aardvark quickly picked over the moldy old scotch egg.
Depending on budget, there's an enormous amount of choice.
Declan Quigley was part of the enormous Irish contingent at the Festival.
Combine the two buildings and you have a potentially enormous event.
It is absolutely enormous, but if you have the time, it's definitely worth a scan.
There was great expressivity, enormous power and much grace and elegance.
Can become faulty leading to enormous potential data loss!
The early fifties was a period of enormous intellectual ferment.
Also, I'm absolutely sure I spotted an enormous goof.
The Bolsheviks took the lead and won enormous prestige.
A great self publicist he had enormous energy and charm.
From here visit the enticing colonial town of Taxco or the enormous Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacán.
The action covers two days, but in memory many decades, for the members of this enormous family are wonderful raconteurs.
This would, of course, have enormous social ramifications, at every level.
Why do text-based games still retain the enormous appeal they have?
We also use enormous slingshots to hurl rocks at our enemies.
What if tomorrow morning, you walked out of your door and saw an enormous spaceship hovering over your entire city?
In the UK for example, the sector as a whole consistently undervalues the enormous contribution made over the years by the co-operative movement.
From the back of his jumbo limo, he produced champagne, enormous king prawns and salmon to feed us great unwashed.
Continuous grazing encourages an enormous variety of plants including many spectacular flowers.
Throwing off the blanket of communist uniformity, Russia today is a nation of enormous diversity and tremendous vitality.
He is a financier of enormous wealth, which he admittedly intends to use to achieve the destruction of American liberty.
When more than 1.25 billion people become well-off, the demand on everything will be enormous.
There is no doubt that the leaders of the world's eight largest economies still wield enormous power.
Stretching virtually the length of the park is an enormous zip wire.
My sister said that one of her neighbor's cats brought an enormous wood pigeon in after forcing it through the cat flap.
In 1890 the crisis came, the mortgage banks failed, credits were contracted, the value of property declined, defaults were common, imports decreased, and the losses to the country were enormous.
These enormous, mouthwatering steaks are complemented perfectly with delicious side dishes like garlic mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, or sauteed mushrooms.
In coloration it bears some resemblance to a chaffinch, but its much larger size and enormous beak make it easily recognizable, while on closer inspection the singular bull-hook form of some of its wing-feathers will be found to be very remarkable.
He lived much in Lancashire, managed his enormous estates with great skill, and did a great amount of work as a local magnate.
Yet notwithstanding this enormous effect in iron, the action of a current upon nickel and cobalt turned out to be almost inappreciable.
The latter found the effect to be enormous, not only upon the induced magnetization, but in a, still greater degree upon the residual.
The addition of 15.2% of manganese produced an enormous effect C.R., 1897, 124, 176 and 1515; 1897, 125, 235; 1898, 126, 738.2 Ibid., 1898, 126, 741.
The proportionately enormous chelae (chelicerae) of the first pair of appendages are not provided with poison glands; their bite is not venomous.
With such an enormous geographical range the species must of necessity present itself under a considerable number of local phases, differing from one another to a greater or less degree in the matters of size and colouring.
They include oysters, crabs of great size, and a small mussel, found in enormous numbers.
The Amazon region is frequented by the giboia (boa constrictor), and the central plateau by the sucurid (Eunectes murinus), both distinguished for their enormous size.
It is not uncommon to find once cultivated fields abandoned because of their ravages and to see large campos completely covered with enormous ant-hills.
The old system of locating immigrants in colonies, or colonial nuclei, which involved an enormous outlay of money with but slight benefit to the country, has been superseded by a system of locating the immigrants on the large plantations under formal contracts.
In consequence of the large influx of tourists every year the North British and Caledonian railway companies give employment to an enormous staff.
The rivers and lakes yield enormous quantities of fish, and leeches also are plentiful.
Despite the enormous expense of maintaining the army, Matthias, after the first ten years of his reign, was never in want of money.
His debts were enormous, and in 1675 he resolved to make over to his creditors all his income except twenty thousand livres, and, as he said, to "live for" them.
The mass of literature on the Psalms is so enormous that no full list even of recent commentaries can be here attempted, much less an enumeration of treatises on individual psalms and special critical questions.
Common species in the woodbush are three varieties of yellow wood (Podocarpus), often growing to an enormous size, the Cape beech (myrsine), several varieties of the wild pear (Olivia) and of stinkwood (Oreodaphne) ironwood and ebony.
In some seasons the locusts, both red and brown, come in enormous swarms covering an area 5 m.
In addition to goods thus conveyed, enormous quantities of timber are floated down the Elbe; the Ix.
The nails of the fingers, or the hair of the scalp may grow to an enormous length if not trimmed.
The amount of alluvial matter carried is enormous; from Ruwenzori alone the detritus is very great.
The enormous quantities of Roman coins may be accounted for by consideration of the well-known practice of the Romans to make these imperishable monuments subservient towards perpetuating the memory, not only of their conquests, but also of those public works which were the natural result of their successes in remote parts of the world.
During the greater part of the 18th century there was a serious check to the increase of population, but at the end of the century a considerable increase occurred, and in the middle of the 19th century the enormous annual increase became particularly marked.
The quarry mines on the top of the hill near Tawmaw produce enormous quantities, but the quality is not so good.
Outside these reserves enormous tracts of forest and jungle still remain for clearance and cultivation, reservation being mostly confined to forest land unsuitable for crops.
The rise of the Ghazal river in flood time is barely 3 ft., a depth sufficient, however, to place an enormous area of country under water.
The operculum of the normal zooecium has become the mandible, while the occlusor muscles have become enormous.
The necropolis of the old Lydian city, a vast series of mounds, some of enormous size, lies on the north side of the Hermus, 4 or 5 m.
It thus falls out that in spite of the enormous quantity of fish consumed as food or used as fertilizers year after year by the Japanese, the seas remain as richly stocked as ever.
The famous Falls of Lodore, at the upper end of the lake, consist of a series of cascades in the small Watendlath Beck, which rushes over an enormous pile of protruding crags from a height of nearly 200 ft.
There is lack of unity in plan and grouping, and an enormous waste of material as compared with available room.
In South America the shell-heaps, of enormous size, are supposed to show that the animals have undergone changes in size and that such vast masses require untold ages to accumulate.
The most important bill vetoed was the Dependent Pension Bill, a measure of extreme profligacy, opening the door, by the vagueness of its terms, to enormous frauds upon the treasury.
Enormous quantities of cherries, plums and apples are annually borne by the trees round Leipzig, Dresden and Colditz.
Caesar had no resource left but uncompromising obstruction, which he sustained by enormous bribes.
In the forest regions north of the lakes the vegetation on the shores of Lake Erie requires a high winter temperature, while the east and north shores of Lake Superior have a boreal vegetation that shows the summer temperature of this enormous water-stretch to be quite low.
The enormous development of the South Africanmines,whichsuppliedin 1906, about90%of the world's produce, has thrown into the shade the Brazilian production; but the Bulletin for Feb.
Africa during the Cretaceous period (after the deposition of the Stormberg beds), and drilled these enormous craters through all the later formations.
As Heeren's pupil, he laid enormous stress on the importance of original authorities.
The flowers are borne in enormous fleshy spadices, the male and female on distinct plants.
The reason is the enormous proportion of the retail selling price which is exacted by the government by way of duty.
The quantity taken by the country is very large, but when spread over the enormous population the rate of consumption per person is not great.
Wherever there is any pretence at irrigation, along the banks of the two great rivers and by the few canals which are still in existence, the yield is enormous, and the shores of the Tigris and Euphrates in the neighbourhood of Bagdad and Hilla seem to be one great palm garden.
When a river partakes of the nature of a torrent, dwindling to a paltry stream at one season and swelling into an enormous flood at another, it is impossible to construct a system of irrigation canals without very costly engineering works, sluices, dams, waste-weirs, &c., so as to give the engineer entire control of the water.
It was found that although some irrigation works (especially in the Bombay Deccan) would never yield a direct return of or 5%, still in a famine year they might be the means of producing a crop which would go far to do away with the necessity for spending enormous sums on famine relief.
AgricultureDespite the enormous development of industries and commerce, agriculture and cattle-rearing still represent in Germany a considerable portion of its economic wealth.
Pigs of this breed are very prolific, and they may be grown to enormous weights - over 11 cwt.
In the following year the amir Yunis ed Dekeim made two successful raids into Abyssinian territory, upon which Ras Adal collected an enormous army, said to number 200,000 men, for the invasion of the Sudan.
In the great plains of North America the dead were buried in barrows of enormous magnitude, which occasionally present a remarkable similarity to the barrows of Great Britain.
Some five years later, on the nomination of the duke of Wellington, William Broughton was sent out to work in this enormous jurisdiction as archdeacon of Australia.
The result was an enormous influx of pilgrims to Rome, which stirred the pope's attention.
Their influence is enormous and hardly has a parallel in the history of religions.
Some species are minute filamentous plants, requiring the microscope for their detection; others, like Lessonia, are of considerable bulk, or, like Macrocystis, of enormous length.
The quantitative estimate of the amount of this flora has revealed its enormous aggregate amount and therefore its great importance in the economy of oceanic and lacustrine animal life.
On this observation rests the whole of the present enormous employment of hydraulic cements.
It is the principal petroleum-distributing centre on the Atlantic seaboard, the enormous refineries and storehouses of the Standard Oil Company, among the largest in the world, being located here; there are connecting pipe lines with the Ohio and Pennsylvania oil fields, and with New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington.
Khatzidakis found there three large houses, each with some twenty rooms and upper storeys, and a unique collection of bronzes, an ingot, some enormous cauldrons, and a statu ette of a praying man.
The enormous temple at Didymi was cleared and all its columns were found to be standing to the height of several metres.
He had little difficulty in securing the Acts of Annates, Appeals and Supremacy which completed the separation from Rome, or the dissolution of the monasteries which, by transferring enormous wealth from the church to the crown, really, in Cecil's opinion, ensured the reformation.
No doubt, too, the preponderance of rainfall in the west has persisted for an enormous period.
Eastward of the Archean gneiss in the west of Sutherland the effect of enormous underground pressure has been to upraise masses of the ancient gneiss and Torridonian sandstone and thrust them westward over the younger rocks.
Enormous numbers of flints and also less abundant fragments of chalk are found in glacial deposits bordering the Moray Firth.
Few people realize what enormous sums of money are annually distributed in connexion with hunting.
Another important source of the river (considered by Curzon to be the chief source) is to be found in the enormous glaciers which lie about the upper or main branch of the Ab-i-Panja (called the Ab-i-Wakhjir or Wakhan), which rises under the mountains enclosing the head of the Taghdumbash Pamirs.
Sharks are caught in enormous numbers with hook and harpoon; the flesh is considered by some to have aphrodisiacal properties; the dried fins and tails are exported to China; the oil is used for smearing boats.
Though there is no direct evidence of this connexion, enormous numbers of tumuli, probably of Phoenician origin, exist on the Bahrein Is., which also contain tumuli of Babylonian age.
The enormous dramatic development in the symphonic music of Beethoven made the problem of the Mass with orchestral accompaniment almost insoluble.
He is supposed to have lived for 300 years, to have ridden a horse 150 years old, and to have used his enormous physical strength against oppressors, especially against the Turks.
His zeal for the efficient administration of justice caused him, in addition to his other heavy work, to sit during several weeks in the spring of 1921 as a judge of first instance, in order to clear off the enormous arrears in the Divorce Court.
At Baltimore he gave an enormous impetus to the study of the higher mathematics in America, and during the time he was there he contributed to the American Journal of Mathematics, of which he was the first editor, no less than thirty papers, some of great length, dealing mainly with modern algebra, the theory of numbers, theory of partitions and universal algebra.
Enormous meetings, convened by the priesthood, and directed or controlled by O'Connell, assembled in 1842-1843, and probably nine-tenths of the Irish Catholics were unanimous in the cry for repeal.
An enormous gap severs the pre-monarchical period from this age, and while the tribal schemes and tribal traditions can hardly be traced during the monarchies, the inclusion of Judah among the " sons " of Israel would not have originated when Judah and Israel were rival kingdoms. Yet the tribes survive in post-exilic literature and their traditions develop henceforth in Jubilees, Testament of the XII Patriarchs, &c.
Herodotus, Athenaeus and other Greek and Roman writers have recorded the enormous number of colossal statues and other works of art for which Babylon and Nineveh were so famed.
Frequent annealings are necessary to prevent fracture of the metal; but with these and the observance of certain other precautions of a practical character the degree of extension possible is enormous.
Appointed a member of the second royal commission on the pollution of rivers in 1868, he was provided by the government with a completely-equipped laboratory, in which, for a period of six years, he carried on the inquiries necessary for the purposes of that body, and was thus the means of bringing to light an enormous amount of valuable information respecting the contamination of rivers by sewage, trade-refuse, &c., and the purification of water for domestic use.
The amount of forage that may be produced in this way is enormous; 50,000 to 80,000 lb of green fodder are grown per acre, which makes 8000 to 12,000 lb as field-cured.
Thus the anti-slavery clause of the ordinance of 1784 was not adopted; and it was preceded by unofficial proposals to the same end; yet to it belongs rightly some special honour as blazoning the way for federal control of slavery in the territories, which later proved of such enormous consequence.
Although the Berber tongue shows a certain affinity with Semitic in the construction both of its words and sentences Berber is quite distinct from the Semitic languages; and a remarkable fact is that in spite of the enormous space over which the dialects are spread and the thousands of years that some of the Berber peoples have been isolated from the rest, these dialects show but slight differences from the long-extinct Hamitic speech from which all are derived.
Griesbach, basic volcanic rocks are interbedded with the lowest part of the plant-bearing series, and enormous outbursts took place during the Neocomian period.
The principal part of the garden lands in villages round Kandahar is vineyard, and the produce must be enormous.
Fj olnir had in the beginning a hard struggle against old prejudices, but as the years went by its influence became enormous; and when it at last ceased, its programme and spirit still lived in N5' Filagsrit and other patriotic periodicals which took its place.
He ruled like a modern capitalist; placed his bribes like investments in the courts of his enemies; and, while draining the land of enormous sums, was pitiless toward the two productive portions of his realm, the country population and the artisans.
The enormous mass of basaltic rock known as the Deccan Trap is of great importance in the geological structure of the Indian Peninsula.
On the face of the Western Ghats, and on the Khasi hills, overlooking the Bay of Bengal, where the mountains catch the masses of vapour as it rises off the sea, the rainfall is enormous.
Balleny's Sabrina Land, D'Urville's Cote Clarie and most of the land reported by Wilkes were found not to exist, though an enormous ice-tongue which might well have been taken for part of the continent occupied the position of Termination Land.
Although he encountered enormous obstacles, including famine and mutiny, the hostility and treachery of the natives and of foreigners, and the neglect of the home government, he laid a sure foundation for permanent Spanish occupation.
He repaired the Lateran and the Vatican at enormous cost, and erected a beautiful country house at Soriano near Viterbo.
On the other hand, the variations in the light of the sun must be very small compared with the enormous fluctuations in the light of variable stars.
The stars are known to be continually losing enormous quantities of energy by radiating their heat into space.
He saw, however, great difficulties in making this the universal rule, chief among which was the enormous expense of providing suitable prisons.
The evidence is quite conclusive; yet the fire has been imputed to the Syrians, and a tale was invented about ballistas which hurled against the House of God enormous stones and vessels full of bitumen.
They released themselves by paying the enormous sum of 240,000 dinars and 16,000,000 dirhems, which constituted nearly their whole fortune, and were then sent to Bagdad, where father and son died three years later.
Sometimes enormous rocks have fallen from the mountains and spread over the river-bed causing huge whirlpools.
The fact that coal gas of an illuminating power of from 14 to 16 candles can be made from the ordinary gas coal at a fairly low rate, while every candle power added to the gas increases the cost in an enormous and rapidly growing ratio, has, from the earliest days of FIG.
The chief advantage of this apparatus is that a low temperature can be used for fixing owing to the enormous surface for superheating, and thus to a great extent the deposition of carbon is avoided.
Important factors in the use of carburetted water gas for enrichment are that it can be made with enormous rapidity and with a minimum of labour; and not only is the requisite increase in illuminating power secured, but the volume of the enriched gas is increased by the bulk of carburetted water gas added, which in ordinary English practice amounts to from 25 to 50%.
The thorough saturation of the narrow space with aqueous vapour, and the presence of drain water in the cutting, were probably their chief preservatives - assisted by the high even temperature always found in the deeper headings of coal mines, and by the enormous compression of the confined air.
Chemnitz is in general well built, the enormous development of its industry and commerce having of late years led to the laying out of many fine streets and to the embellishing of the town with handsome buildings.
Of these three branches the prose romances offer the most insuperable problems; none can be dated with any certainty; all are of enormous length; and all have undergone several redactions.
The fall of Basileios followed; he was punished with exile and the confiscation of his enormous property.
The practical effects of this distinction have been, and still are, of enormous importance.
When disturbed, they start off with enormous bounds of eight or ten feet in length, which soon diminish to three or four; and in leaping the feet scarcely seem to touch the ground.
An enormous increase of business, consequent upon the use of steam machinery and free-trade openings to commerce, filled the land with prosperity, and discredited all statesmanship but that which steered by the star over Manchester.
A numerous floating population of labourers, attracted at certain periods by pressing work in the port, and afterwards left unemployed owing to the enormous fluctuations in the corn trade, is one of the features of Odessa.
The ceremony took place in the Champ de Mars (July 14, 1790) in presence of the king, the queen, the Assembly, and an enormous concourse of spectators.
First, after burning the old straw of the previous year - which is real labour in itself, so enormous is its bulk - comes the ploughing.
As a satirist and observer he is simply the "Cooper who 's written six volumes to prove he's as good as a Lord" of Lowell's clever portrait; his enormous vanity and his irritability find vent in a sort of dull violence, which is exceedingly tiresome.
The largest horns are found in the Galla cattle, in which they attain enormous dimensions.
But it was inevitable that the enormous advances made by the physical and other sciences in modern times should bring with them a reasoned attempt to bring the phenomena of consciousness within the sphere controlled by physical laws and natural necessity.
Campbell (1768-1848), whose brief and disastrous term had been marked by wholesale bank suspensions, and an enormous depreciation of state and national bank notes.
The Alai valley is in ill repute because of the enormous masses of snow which fall in it in the winter.
The lagoon is slowly filling up and becoming cultivable land, but the rate of recovery from the sea has been specially marked since the eruption of Krakatoa, the pumice from which was washed on to it in enormous quantity, so that the lagoon advanced its shores from 20 to 30 yards.
But Philip's whole thoughts and energies were already directed to the preparation of an Invincible Armada for the conquest of England, and Parma was ordered to collect an enormous flotilla of transports and to keep his army concentrated and trained for the projected invasion of the island realm of Queen Elizabeth.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
They are clever cooks, and for their feasts preparations are sometimes made months in advance, and enormous waste results from them.
On the land-surface thus formed the Devonian lakes gathered, while the rivers poured into them enormous deposits of sand and conglomerate.
The enormous profits of the contraband trade with France enabled Ireland to purchase English goods to an extent greater than her whole lawful traffic. The moral effect was disastrous.
The proceedings were necessarily of enormous length, and the commissioners did not report until the 13th of February 1890, but the question of the letters was decided just twelve months earlier, Richard Pigott, who shot himself at Madrid, having confessed to the forgeries.
The general election at the beginning of 1906 was disastrous to the Unionist party, and the Liberal government secured an enormous majority.
Sherman's march across the state (February - March, 1865) was accomplished by an enormous destruction of property by fire and pillage.
Since 1838 the Napoleonic propaganda had made enormous progress.
In the same region conglomerates have been found containing enormous blocks, apparently brought by glacial action, and said to be identical in character with those described as existing in the Transvaal.
In the deposits of a much more remote era than those already spoken of - the Jurassic - the bones of some enormous terrestrial lizards have been brought to light, belonging to Sauropodous Dinosaurs of the genera Bothriospondylus and Titanosaurus, and to a Theropod of the genus Megalosaurus.
He is represented as a middle-aged man of enormous strength, quick to anger, but benevolent towards mankind.
The wars in the first decade of the 19th century were not on the whole unfavourable to the commerce of Leipzig, but in 1813 and 1814, owing to the presence of enormous armies in the neighbourhood, it suffered greatly.
They make good or bad seasons, and control the vast animals who, among ancient Persians and Aryans of India, as among Zulus and Iroquois, are supposed to grant or withhold the rain, and to thunder with their enormous wings in the region of the clouds.
Others of this early race were the Cyclopes, Bronte, Sterope and Arge, and three children of enormous strength, Cottus, Briareus (Aegaeon) and Gyes, each with one hundred hands and fifty heads.
The bishops, the real inheritors of the imperial idea of government, had become great landowners through enormous donatkins made to the Church, and allied as they were to the aristocracy, whence their ranks were continually recruited, they had gradually identified themselves with the interests of their class and had adopted its customs; while thanhi to long minorities and civil wars the aristocracy of the high officials had taken an equally important social position.
A very clever Scotch adventurer named John Law now offered his assistance in dealing with the enormous debt of more than three milliards, and in providing the treasury.
The enormous water-power of the Falls of St Anthony, yielding about 40,000 h.p., has been the principal factor in making Minneapolis a great manufacturing centre.
The rapid erosion of the soft limestone bed at one time threatened the destruction of the power, but this has been prevented by an enormous apron and an artificial concrete floor (completed in 1879).
The enormous flour-mills of Minneapolis (22 in 1907) are perhaps the most interesting sights of the city.
Associated with these crustal movements were enormous outpourings of volcanic materials.
Odysseus, having been cast ashore on the coast of Sicily, fell into the hands of Polyphemus, who shut him up with twelve of his companions in his cave, and blocked the entrance with an enormous rock.
His activity, both public and private, as leader of the movement was enormous.
There occur also quartz-porphyry (Sierra Morena, Pyrenees, &c), diorite, porphyrite, diabase (well developed in the north of Andalusia, where it plays a great part in the structure of the Sierra Morena), ophite (Pyrenees, Cadiz), serpentine (forming an enormous mass in the Serrania de Ronda), trachyte, liparite, andesite, basalt.
The history of the 19th century is the liquidation of an enormous bankruptcy, and the completion of the circle which confines the Spaniard once more to the soil of the Peninsula.
This was the case with most of the products of agriculture and with live stock, so Canovas and his finance minister made, by royal decree, an enormous increase in the duties on these classes of imports, and particularly on breadstuffs.
The magnitude of the bee industry in the United States may be judged from the fact of a single bee-farmer located in California having harvested from 150,000 lb of honey in one year from 2000 stocks of bees, and, as an instance of the enormous weight of honey obtainable from good hives in that favoured region, the same farmer secured 60,000 lb of comb-honey in one season from his best 300 colonies.
As a natural consequence of this activity, the trade in beeappliance making has assumed enormous proportions in the United States, where extensive factories have been established; one firm - employing over 500 hands, - and using electric-power machinery of the most modern type - being devoted entirely to the manufacture of bee-goods and apiarian requisites.
In addition to these benefits, Langstroth's frame and hive possessed the enormous advantage over Dzierzon's of being manipulated from above, so that any single frame could be raised for inspection without disturbing the others.
Next in importance, to bee-keepers, is the enormous advance made in late years through the invention of a machine for manufacturing the impressed wax sheets known as " comb foundation," aptly so named, because upon it the bees build the cells wherein they store their food.
Owing to the enormous demand for comb-foundation at that time various devices were tried with the view of securing (I) more rapid production, and (2) a foundation thin enough to be used in surplus chambers when working for comb-honey intended for table use.
As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands.
Applying the same method of careful observation to the sun and planets, and later to some of the constellations and to many of the fixed stars, it will be apparent that the body of observations noted must have grown in the course of time to large and indeed to enormous proportions, and correspondingly the interpretations assigned to the nearly endless variations in the phenomena thus observed.
Phallic emblems, for averting evil, were plentiful; the summit of the tomb of Alyattes is crowned with an enormous one of stone, about 9 ft.
The adjacent loch is a favourite breeding-place for the sea-birds, which resort to the coast of Elginshire in enormous numbers.
Among the striped species, or zebras and quaggas of Africa, the large Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) of Somaliland and Abyssinia stands apart from the rest by the number and narrowness of its stripes, which have an altogether peculiar arrangement on the hind-quarters, the small size of the callosities on the fore-legs, the mane extending on to the withers and enormous rounded ears, thickly haired internally.
Eclipse commenced his stud career in 1771, and had an enormous number of foals, of which four only in the direct male line have come down to us, viz.
The destruction of property was enormous, the hardest-working and best tax-paying element in the country was destroyed, or impoverished, and where the breadwinners were killed the women and children were left destitute.
Reptiles - snakes, lizards and chameleons, crocodiles, turtles and an enormous variant of the edible Indian crab - are numerous; butterflies and insects, the latter very troublesome, have not yet been systematically collected.
Dr Bather justifiably anticipates further discoveries, but if, already in Silurian as in modern times, the members of these families had to pass through nauplius and cypris stages to maturity, there is one " enormous gap " between them and the common ancestor of the crustacean class that will not be easily filled.
The small sinuous segmented body is enclosed, except for one small opening, in an enormous sac-like carapace, between the lamellae of which are protruded from the body the ovary and " liver," both large, bifurcate and ramified.
This position, which gave him enormous power, he retained until the revolution of the 9th Thermidor (July 2 7, 1 794).
Closely related to the typical aphides is Phylloxera vastatrix, the insect which causes enormous loss by attacking the leaves and roots of vines.
His enormous expenditure compelled him in 1661 to grant greater control over monetary matters to the estates, a step which laid the foundation of the later system of finance in Saxony.
It is probably separated on the east from the recent deposits of the pampas by a great fault, which, however, is always concealed by an enormous mass of scree material.
In Australia and New Zealand pumice, which is found in enormous quantities in the latter country, takes the place of charcoal and silicate cotton.
This continental area has been described as " Gondwana Land," a tract of enormous extent occupying an area, part of which has since given place to a southern ocean, while detached masses persist as portions of more modern continents, which have enabled us to read in their fossil plants and ice-scratched boulders the records of a lost continent in which the Mesozoic vegetation of the northern hemisphere had its birth.
In the central parts of North America the lacustrine plant-bearing deposits are of enormous thickness, the Dakota series being followed by marine Cretaceous strata known as the Colorado and Montana groups, and these being succeeded conformably by a thousand feet or more of lacustrine shales, sandstones and coal-seams, belonging to the Laramie series.
A few of the modern Jewish houses have been embellished at an enormous cost, but they are wanting in taste.
His immense stature and enormous feats of strength attracted the attention of the emperor Septimius Severus.
Genial in private life, he was harsh and unyielding in his official capacity, and his singular skill in devising fresh taxes to meet the enormous demands of Napoleon's government made him the best-hated man in Lombardy, the more so that, being a Piedmontese, he was regarded as a foreigner.
The internal decorations, especially the enormous quantity of wall ornaments, consisting chiefly of scrolls and bas-reliefs, were executed by different sculptors under the personal direction of Malatesta, who, even when engaged in war, sent continual instructions about their work.
It was her curse with men, and after five years of not dating and the enormous mission of stealing from a stranger, it was only getting worse.
It was a complex task of regenerating Docklands, because its diverse areas were enormous.
This solution, we believe, will provide enormous leverage for a more efficient and responsive infrastructure and opportunities for a smaller stockpile.
That there was enormous potential for development in the staging of the event was undeniable; how to realize it was a problem.
An enormous amount of hard work will be needed from responsible commentators and politicians in the coming days to explain away the mass abstention.
This means that an enormous number of normal adenovirus must be used for each clinical treatment, to overcome neutralization.
The island has the largest known colony of waved albatrosses, magnificent birds of enormous wing span.
Made of gold and three feet in length, it also contains an enormous amethyst and a superb emerald.
I now found myself facing an enormous ape, or at the very least a man wearing an ape suit.
The Highlands were to become an enormous sheep pen arranged to satisfy the empire's equally voracious appetite for wool.
Immediately I saw this I thought they must belong to an enormous armadillo, living species of which genus are so abundant here.
We believe that a fund is needed to attract scientists and catch up with the enormous backlog of need.
Built in the age of the big bangers, designed to go fast on the enormous banked Brooklands outer circuit.
Boston still plan to fill their vacant reserve berth on Press day for which there has been enormous interest from aspiring riders.
Then there is the enormous belt driven blower sticking out the side.
Despite the dismal surroundings Cy's band drew an enormous following from, initially, art school students with a distinctly Bohemian bent.
My tasks involved lighting their enormous bonfire (complete with Guy, made by pupils of the Firs Lower School ).
This can give graduates an enormous boost if they wish to set up their own company.
Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilize on average less than three percent of our potential brainpower.
During the 1950s and 1960s it enjoyed enormous cachet among visitors from North West England, the Borders, Wales and Ireland.
We arrived outside an enormous underwater cavern, the silver ripples reflecting on the stone walls.
Even the top medical scientists now claim that a good chortle has an enormous effect on the way we live our lives.
After much coaxing and pulling and pushing, I smelled fresh air and felt an enormous wave of relief.
Here, there is a large cliff supporting an enormous nesting seabird colony.
Tho he idealizes the rural petty bourgeoisie, Tolkien treats them with enormous condescension.
A man of enormous energy and great personal charm, Simpson was a keen controversialist and much loved physician.
We believe that the Black country conurbation is a site of creative tension, with enormous cultural potential.
The spread of genes linked to this promoter by ordinary cross-pollination or by horizontal gene transfer will have enormous impacts on health and biodiversity.
Despite an enormous effort, only about 4,000 of the structures are known, with most determined by X-ray crystallography.
This work shows enormous dedication to the recreation of the original sound!
However, often the postscript produced by applications has a lot of unoptimised header macro definition which can lead to enormous files.
A state sponsoring such a threat will doubtless go to enormous lengths to ensure that plausible deniability is firmly in place.
In April 1942, Bath suffered enormous devastation at the hands of the Luftwaffe.
The huge pillar like legs were needed to support the enormous body weight of the sauropod dinosaurs.
The increase in efficiency and cost savings on removing the need for hardcopy documentation distribution from a medium-to-large sized organization can be enormous.
This again reflects the enormous preclinical research effort dedicated to oncology, and the relatively restricted number of marketed anticancer drugs.
The people see money passing through their hands at an enormous rate only to find its way to enriching the financial elite.
Youâll find the Great Lakes of Africa in the truly enormous Great Rift Valley of East Africa.
Nevertheless, their contribution to the cult of Scottish thrift was quite simply enormous.
The one exception was the relatively enormous open diapason which swamped everything in the organ.
The stem of the agave seems enormous in size when one considers that it is the growth of a few weeks.
And while a handful of employers are reacting, the gap between expectation and reality remains enormous.
But because The English Patient suddenly became enormous, someone bought up all his books.
On the other hand, in agent-based simulations g t easily grows enormous, hindering any attempt at algebraic manipulation.
The president's ability to take advantage of the people's suffering proved enormous.
Mabey's writing is richly evocative, his breadth of reference enormous.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by Antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
There was also a sales table with, on display, an abundance of African memorabilia including an enormous wooden giraffe.
There is this enormous gulf between them, which is amplified by Haynes's use of distanced camera takes.
The hobby horse The hobby horse was a man wearing an enormous hoop covered with flowing material.
No doubt at enormous cost, the councils have succeeded in creating traffic holdups where previously there were none.
Both locomotives were still busy marshaling some enormous bogie hopper wagons that were being filled via tips from the narrow gage line above.
There was always a loud hum audible from the enormous transformer.
Computational prediction methods have enormous potential for the future of clinical and experimental immunology.
The balloons had to be kept fully inflated - hence the enormous size of the hanger.
The way we currently produce our energy is leading to enormous and possibly irreversible environmental damage.
We rushed out of the shop in time to see four diesel locomotives hauling an enormous line of wagons to the East.
Enormous, mystical tomes contain the wealth of arcane knowledge gathered by mages over the centuries of this guild's existence.
The placental mammals are a very diverse group with an enormous range of body forms and complex social interactions.
The eBay marketplace reflects the enormous power of the Internet to unite humanity at a crucial moment in history.
Even enormous maize mazes which are cut out of fields of growing corn and which last for a single summer season.
Peaceful meadow You stand in the tall grass of an enormous grassy meadow.
Whilst this was happening the main wall of the dam collapsed revealing an enormous breach through which poured millions of gallons of water.
Boo and Baa's hilarious brand of straight-faced humor and silly misadventures have enormous appeal for preschoolers, whether domestically inclined or not.
These methods have enormous potential for providing modern, caring, locally-based nurse-led abortion services for women.
It's never been this easy to discover the enormous sound potential of frequency modulation.
Quite clearly battlefield munitions had the capacity to cause enormous suffering.
And some will use enormous amounts of effort and energy to try to achieve this nirvana.
The enormous differential is because US stocks are very overpriced and European stocks are somewhat overpriced.
We asked Mr Portillo for a comment but his office told us he was busy cooking an enormous paella.
Answers to these questions, even partial ones, would be of enormous value.
He brings invaluable retail experience as well as enormous energy and a genuine passion for the books.
This has enormous implications for the infrastructure in this area of continuous permafrost.
Restaurant meals are super sized and bloated on enormous platters.
At the same time there is a threat posed to human freedom by the enormous power of the modern state.
The white border by the Garden Room has the enormous Crambe cordifolia like huge umbrellas, white potentilla and Philadelphus scenting the air.
Their salaries should be deducted from the enormous police precepts raised in the council tax.
An enormous hit in its native Hong Kong, this has already spawned a prequel, with a sequel on the way.
Cutting back on the number of tests taken by young people will help relieve pressure on young people at a time of enormous transition.
None of the above restrictions prevents the writer from producing the kind of resonant and even poetic prose that can carry an enormous punch.
The Museum's enormous collections are ranked 4th in America in size, and include protists, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates.
The US still has many busy and expanding commuter rail networks around major cities, and enormous amounts of long-distance bulk rail freight.
The ' Lionheart ' was eventually freed but only after an enormous ransom had been paid.
It analyzes the main reasons why supposedly rational, sophisticated organizations seem to dig enormous, disastrous holes for themselves.
Your architect will spend an enormous amount of time producing reams of drawings; they could be working with you for years.
The crater is home to enormous quantities of wild game and birds, including the rare black rhinoceros.
On the second day sale, which attracted an enormous ringside of buyers, trade, was again, very strong.
And there has been enormous progress in fighting river blindness, guinea worm, diarrheal diseases, and others.
The difficulties are arresting dozens of riders on horseback in open, often rugged, countryside are enormous.
Her skin was creamy, her eyes blue, and she moved with enormous poise and grace in high-heeled silver sandals.
More companies must surely realize the enormous savings they can make from not having to provide a desk for every worker.
The cramped position atop high scaffolding for four years caused him enormous discomfort.
We will visit enormous penguin rookeries, land on beaches ruled by antarctic fur seals and observe southern elephant seals wallowing in mud pools.
I mean, an apparently enormous amount of sexual activity and innuendo and attempted seduction all the time.
With an enormous repertoire of skills, David is one of the world's leading escapologists and circus sideshow performers.
The finale is another substantial movement, full of surprise harmonic sidesteps and enormous energy.
The film was an enormous success that spawned two sequels and propelled Li into instant stardom.
The movie itself is a enormous amount of fun that benefits from the company of an absolutely stellar cast.
Mr Hain launched the program at Tywyn Primary in Port Talbot, a school which has made enormous strides in providing inclusive education.
Also, however honest the researchers, there is enormous scope for the human subconscious to intrude in order to optimize the results.
All of the downstairs rooms give access to the enormous, shaded terrace that runs the full length of the house.
South West Water's new hydro turbine has been successfully commissioned at Littlehempston water treatment works to generate enormous amounts of environmentally friendly energy.
Lying in the inadequate shade of some high grass tussocks was an enormous old lion.
It's always been her wish to bring people together, regardless of color or creed, in admiration of her enormous artificial udders.
Also, the phones that you need for this service are enormous, very heavy and damn ugly too.
This enormous capacity for expansion and contraction is astonishing if we believe matter to be continuous, but if we imagine air to be made up of little particles separated by relatively large empty spaces the changes in volume are more easily conceivable.
The printing of the Istoria delle guerre civili di Francia was, however, completed, and the success and sale of the work were immediate and enormous.
There is also a fungus named Xylaria vaporaria, which sometimes fixes itself on mushroombeds and produces such an enormous quantity of string-like spawn that the entire destruction of the bed results.
It -is worth while to notice that this reference occurs in a chapter "De Multiplicationis et Partitionis compendiis miscellaneis," which, supposing the treatise to have been written in Napier's younger days, may have been his earliest production on a subject over which his subsequent labours were to exert so enormous an influence.