Enjoyment Sentence Examples
I do want to tell you a few things for your safety and enjoyment, though.
The weather was balmy, adding to the enjoyment of the day.
It was long since Rostov had felt such enjoyment from music as he did that day.
He does not consider the possibility of deriving enjoyment from wealth by helping the poor or encouraging learning (this latter, indeed, he looks on as vanity), and in general he recognizes no obligation on the part of a man to his fellows.
It gives an attractive picture of Fox's good-humour, and of his enjoyment of the "species of minor comedy which is constantly exhibited in common life."
Livia continued to live quietly at Rome, in the full enjoyment of authority, until her death at an advanced age.
The true art of life is to crowd as much enjoyment as possible into every moment.
The union between a prince who physically was something less than a man and mentally little more than a child, and a princess of prodigious intellect and an insatiable love of enjoyment, was bound to end in a catastrophe.
On the 22nd of June the Russian army, under Prince Gorchakov, crossed the Pruth, not - as was explained in a circular to the powers - for the purpose of attacking Turkey, but solely to obtain the material guarantees for the enjoyment of the privileges conferred upon her by the existing treaties.
This will come to pass by an improvement of sensual enjoyment.
AdvertisementIt is a skill that brings enjoyment for a lifetime.
A covenant by the lessor, limited to his own acts and those of persons claiming under or through him, for the "quiet enjoyment" by the lessee of the demised premises, and covenants by the lessee to pay rent, to pay taxes, except such as fall upon the landlord, to keep the premises in repair, and to allow the landlord to enter and view the condition of the premises may be taken as typical instances of " usual " covenants.
In contrast with the drunken revels of the Greeks, Philo describes the sober enjoyment by the Therapeutae of the feast of Pentecost, or rather of the eve of that festival.
The " economic man " of the earlier writers, with his aversion from labour and his desire of the present enjoyment of costly indulgences, has been abandoned by their successors, with the result that in the opinion of many good people altruistic sentiment may be allowed to run wild over the whole domain of economics.
What man needs is not enjoyment, but "peace and a pure heart."
AdvertisementIt's about discovery, enjoyment and laughter.
St Bernard's mysticism is of a practical cast, dealing mainly with the means by which man may attain to the knowledge and enjoyment of God.
The members of the town council had to be freemen, born in lawful wedlock, in the enjoyment of estates in freehold and of unstained repute.
Pool tables are great recreation games offering hours of relaxing enjoyment.
He has the interest of being the last poet of the free republic. In his life and in his art he was the precursor of those poets who used their genius as the interpreter and minister of pleasure; but he rises above them in the spirit of personal independence, in his affection for his friends, in his keen enjoyment of natural and simple pleasures, and in his power of giving vital expression to these feelings.
AdvertisementThe enjoyment of their charms is, however, generally qualified by some restriction or compact, the breaking of which is the cause of calamity to the lover and all his race, as in the notable tale of Melusine.
After a mission to England, by way of protest and appeal, he settled down in the pleasant suburb of Garden Reach near Calcutta, where he lived in the enjoyment of a pension of £1 20,000 a year.
But that doesn't spoil the enjoyment of reading it.
It has already been seen that Gibbon's early ailments all left him on the approach of manhood; thenceforward, " till admonished by the gout," he could truly boast of an immunity well-nigh perfect from every bodily complaint; an exceptionally vigorous brain, and a stomach "almost too good," united to bestow upon him a vast capacity alike for work and for enjoyment.
This speculative mood, in which nature and beauty and earthly satisfaction appear as a vain show, is the counterpart of the former mood of sensuous enjoyment.
AdvertisementPlaced thus in the enjoyment of an ample salary, Herrera devoted the rest of his life to the pursuit of literature, retaining his offices until the reign of Philip IV., by whom he was appointed secretary of state very shortly before his death, which took place at Madrid on the 29th of March 1625.
Like Poland two centuries later, Hungary had ceased to be a civilized autonomous state because her prelates and her magnates, uncontrolled by any higher authority, and too ignorant or corrupt to look beyond their own immediate interests, abandoned themselves to the exclusive enjoyment of their inordinate privileges, while openly repudiating their primal obligation of defending the state against extraneous enemies.
In the more considerable of the elegiac fragments which have survived, he ridicules the doctrine of the migration of souls (xviii.), asserts the claims of wisdom against the prevalent athleticism, which seemed to him to conduce neither to the good government of states nor to their material prosperity (xix), reprobates the introduction of Lydian luxury into Colophon (xx.), and recommends the reasonable enjoyment of social pleasures (xxi.).
Reinach, therefore, supposes that in the Stone age which succeeded, pictorial art was banned because it had got into the hands of magicians and had come to be regarded as inevitably uncanny and malefic. This is certainly the secret of the ordinary Mahommedan prohibition of pictures and statues, which goes even to the length of denying to poor little Arab girls the enjoyment of having dolls.
The nature and attributes of God; His gracious purposes towards man; the relation of man to God, with the practical consequences that follow from it; the true nature of religious service; the call to repentance as the condition of God's favour; the ideal of character and action which each man should set before himself; human duty under its various aspects; the responsibilities of office and position; the claims of mercy and philanthropy, justice and integrity; indignation against the oppression of the weak and the unprotected; ideals of a blissful future, when the troubles of the present will be over, and men will bask in the enjoyment of righteousness and felicity, - these, and such as these, are the themes which are ever in the prophets' mouths, and on which they enlarge with unwearying eloquence and power.
The negative side of Epicurean hedonism was developed to such an extent by some members of the school (see Hegesias) that the ideal life is held to be rather indifference to pain than positive enjoyment.
The strong, vigorous, healthfulness and enjoyment which permeate the record of his Alpine work are magnificent, and traces of his influence remain in Switzerland to this day.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
At Palermo the capitulation secured to the Saracens the full enjoyment of their own laws; Girgenti was long mainly Saracen; in Val di Noto the Saracens kept towns and castles of their own.
You may not access our networks, computers, or Contents in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them, or interfere with any other Person’s use and enjoyment.
The animal vigour and carnal enjoyment of Rubens, the refined Italianizing beauty of Vandyck, the mystery of light and gloom on Rembrandt's panels, the love of nature in Ruysdael, Cuyp and Van Hooghe, with their luminously misty skies, silvery daylight and broad expanse of landscape, the interest in common life displayed by Ter Borch, Van Steen, Douw, Ostade and Teniers, the instinct for the beauty of animals in Potter, the vast sea spaces of Vanderveldt, the grasp on reality, the acute intuition into character in portraits, the scientific study of the world and man, the robust sympathy with natural appetites, which distinguish the whole art of the Low Countries, are a direct emanation from the Renaissance.
And the main thing is," he continued, "that I know, and know for certain, that the enjoyment of doing this good is the only sure happiness in life."
Now this world disconcerted him no longer and was no longer alien to him, but he himself having entered it found in it a new enjoyment.
Use Dreamer 's Journey for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound relaxation; or simply for musical enjoyment.
The relaxed atmosphere in our AA rosette award winning restaurant adds to the enjoyment of any occasion.
All of which help to soften out the rough terrain, increasing your enjoyment.
Sallies of wit, jests, good stories and enjoyment, were the soul of the banquet.
Doctor, long may you be spared, to have fun and enjoyment and to annoy your little stoats to the maximum !
Kyle found a perverse enjoyment from hurting other people.
The students are eager and interested in the activity, creating a level of enjoyment in this childcare career choice.
Remember, however, that part of the investment you are making is the enjoyment of coins.
Buying fresh vegetables not only enhances your enjoyment of a meal, but they are good for you, supplying minerals and vitamins that aren't found in meats or fish.
Wide screen format is what movie directors claim they want you to view their movies in, in order to get the maximum enjoyment of lighting, action and scenery without jumping from side-to-side common with regular screen movie viewing.
Speakers and subwoofers are vital to true enjoyment of a home theater, so be sure to test them out at an electronics store.
The choice is yours, but why waste home theater enjoyment just to save a few bucks?
However, like any type of trip, careful planning is the key to full enjoyment.
Furthermore, many basket items are long-lasting, allowing your recipient to receive the maximum enjoyment from them.
Therefore, spending some time in choosing a gift basket, with items your recipient really likes, will only increase his or her enjoyment.
This doesn't mean that it has to be a difficult process, per se, because there is much enjoyment to be had when you finally put down your hard earned cash to get your hands on a jersey.
People who buy music records for enjoyment or who are collectors of this classic vinyl media can find what they need from a variety of sources.
Knowing the answers to these questions will keep small details from dimming your enjoyment of your new vehicle.
Maybe they have a hobby and the perfect gift could enhance the enjoyment of that hobby.
This gallery offers a sample of both for your enjoyment.
Makeup should be a way for women to enjoy being women; feeling anxious about cosmetics takes away from that enjoyment.
Pick the right game, either from among the SpongeBob games or from a selection of other popular online games, and let your child have hours of fun, safe online enjoyment.
By following a few practical, holiday stress tips, you can minimize your holiday stress and increase your enjoyment of the season.
You will feel less stressed and have more time for relaxation and personal enjoyment.
Selecting a rawhide chew toy large enough for your dog will ensure that your dog gets hours of enjoyment from this simple and inexpensive toy.
With a few precautions and forethought, you can find the perfect dog tug toy that will bring you and your pet hours of enjoyment.
You also get the enjoyment of playing in the dirt when the soil outdoors is still frozen.
It may take some labor to keep your trees and grounds in good condition, but it's worth it for the enjoyment they bring.
Proper planning should help increase your yields and your enjoyment.
If you think about the fact that you can give someone access to music and help them have that enjoyment in their lives, it's really a great profession.
The backsplash serves only one purpose in modern kitchens; for your personal enjoyment.
Adding a patio door to any home will provide visual enjoyment and increase a home's overall appeal.
A relatively simple renovation, the addition of a patio door will help raise the home's value and provide years of enjoyment for the inhabitants.
There are also rawhide and bone chews for your dog's enjoyment; and don't forget the leashes and collars.
The style and fabric of your gown will play a big role in how much enjoyment and convenience you experience.
A pool can give you and your family many hours of enjoyment, but unless you take all the precautions you can to keep the area safe, you won't be able to relax and enjoy yourself.
Whatever the desire, it is advisable for the retiree to contemplate what it is they want from retirement, and to choose new pursuits, or even old ones, sensibly and with maximum enjoyment.
Book discussion groups are popular activities that allow readers a chance to get together, share their thoughts, ideas and enjoyment of a book or series of books.
They are both perfect for two people and can provide enjoyment for all.
With night vision, your enjoyment of the outdoors will know no limits and the wonders of the nocturnal world present opportunities for exploration and adventure.
Music can be a powerful advertising tool and marketing brand, as the popular Six Flags theme song "We Like to Party" has proven by becoming synonymous with the enjoyment of a Six Flags theme park getaway.
Making your own clips can add even more enjoyment to visiting parks as you share the fun and excitement of roller coasters with the world.
If you are stuck on a level and it is hindering your enjoyment of the game, then use a walkthrough only for that purpose.
Plus, if you like to collect everything about a favorite game, then having a physical book about the game adds to your enjoyment.
This is anything but conventional, but you can get a lot of enjoyment (and calories burned) by playing games in the Raving Rabbid series from Ubisoft.
Having some games to play will increase your enjoyment of the system.
There are so many terrific accessories for the Wii, most of which add a fair bit to your enjoyment and game immersion.
However, the vast majority of gaming experiences on the Wii are designed for multiplayer enjoyment.
If you don't need to have the newest roster updates, you can buy last year's sports game for just as much enjoyment.
Granted, the main reason why you'd be interested in a hidden objects title such as this is the gameplay, a good backstory can also go a long way in adding value and enjoyment.
Going along with the above two effects of violent video games is how much enjoyment the gamer is getting from performing the violent acts in the game.
One of the more innovative features found in Elebits for the Nintendo Wii is that you can create your own customized levels for later enjoyment, even sharing them with your friends.
Freeware games are just that - games that are made entirely for your enjoyment and perhaps an email of thanks to the maker.
Members of the site can submit walkthroughs and other similar types of guides for the enjoyment of the online gaming community.
Family Game Night comes with the following five Hasbro board games, digitized for your virtual gaming enjoyment.
As a result, there was no cooperative game mode for multiplayer enjoyment.
If you like a racing game that gives you many hours of enjoyment from the sheer amount of racing you have to do, then Metropolis Street Racer is a game you need to own.
For instance, some gamers have found a great deal of enjoyment from newer titles like Most Wanted.
Because they are a little bit older, they can be purchased for less money and provide just as much entertainment, enjoyment, and challenge.
Closely named to the site above, offers its own selection of point and click games for your enjoyment.
Many popular TV shows have been ported over to video game consoles, so it comes as little surprise that a Project Runway Wii game has also emerged for your enjoyment.
Don't expect to get hours upon hours of enjoyment from this, since the single-player campaign is only so long.
Naturally, the full meal deal -- for $19.95 alone or $14.95 as part of a multi-pack -- offers the greatest enjoyment.
This way, you can get full enjoyment out of these rhythm games without struggling through the lengthy career mode.
As if the enjoyment of the career mode wasn't enough of a reward already, playing through the season mode with a created wrestler can also aid in improving the character's attributes and ratings.
Despite some frustrations with the game, you can still get some enjoyment out of it by grabbing rings in some unusual places, battling enemies and trying out the different Sonic characters' interesting abilities.
For the most part this doesn't pose as an intrusive annoyance to your overall enjoyment of the game.
There is a certain level of enjoyment to be had by knowing that you actually own the game and that it doesn't belong to some rental company.
If you think popping in the disc and standing on the Balance Board is all the function this game has, then read the tips below for maximum enjoyment.
The new expansion pack -- Burning Crusade -- will soon be available for your gaming enjoyment.
The Vinotas wine group is dedicated to the discovery, experience and enjoyment of the best wines around the world.
Certain guidelines can help you enhance your enjoyment of both.
That being said, here are a few guidelines to help you ake selections to enhance your enjoyment of both.
The color of the wine plays an important role in the enjoyment of the drink besides imparting a lot of information on the wine such as its age.
Follow these simple tips on caring for your glasses to get lasting enjoyment from them.
Although it may seem complex, using the proper glasses for wine is easily learned and increases your enjoyment of fine wines.
For wine lovers, wine accessories can enhance their enjoyment of a good glass of wine by providing a convenient way to open, serve and store each bottle.
Wine glasses can enhance your enjoyment of wine.
Since your key goal when you give someone a gift is their enjoyment, basket selection is important.
Make sure you do your planning and proper maintenance to prolong your enjoyment and usage of your stems!
Once you figure that out you will have enjoyment and use of your wine rack for years to come!
There are sturdy tannins but they are not a hurdle to enjoyment.
Serving your merlot somewhere between these temperature ranges will ensure that you will get the optimum flavor and aromatic enjoyment out of the wine.
Enjoying wine from unique wine glasses can add a new element of enjoyment.
You may find that your wine enjoyment increases by an investment in a wider mouth glass for red wine or a more narrow mouthed glass for white wine.
Serving red wines slightly cooler than room temperature will allow you to get the most enjoyment out of their flavor profiles.
Learning the history of wines deepens one's enjoyment of wine tasting.
Serving Cabernet Sauvignon at the ideal temperature and with foods that accent the interesting taste and texture of the wine add to the enjoyment of this wine.
The hunt, the purchase, and the lasting enjoyment from owning these pieces excite the collector.
If you're looking for a recreational vehicle that can bring your family years of camping enjoyment, be sure to look at Monaco motor homes before making your final purchase decision.
If you're looking for a recreational vehicle that can provide your family with endless enjoyment on the road, a Safari motor home might be exactly what you need.
Others include optional features to maximize your outdoor vacation comfort and enjoyment.
However, for people who get true enjoyment out of challenging new games, there are several novel titles and upgraded game versions available on many different internet sites.
In addition to making it look fantastic, you can also purchase data cables to sync your contacts and calendar between the phone and your computer, headsets for hands-free chatting, music tracks, app enjoyment, and more.
Shyness is a psychological state that causes a person to feel discomfort in social situations in ways that interfere with enjoyment or that cause avoidance of social contacts altogether.
There is a lot of enjoyment when you learn dance moves in the company of others, especially as you can help each other with difficulties and share in the triumphs.
As country western music has taken hold in contemporary culture, the enjoyment has gone beyond the land of the free.
The patterns of the Texas Two Step have evolved significantly over the years, but the enjoyment it brings dancers has always remained the same.
Others perform these dances as entertainment for tourists, educators, and for their own enjoyment.
You can multiple the enjoyment of genealogy by sharing your research with others through the use of family tree charts.
This is truly a versatile lounger designed with your comfort and enjoyment in mind.
There are plenty of places where you can wear your swimsuit and not run into any problems, thus allowing yourself full enjoyment.
You can see photo shoots as they occur, giving another dimension of enjoyment to the entire edition.
If you plan on going to a facility that offers a little bit of relaxed enjoyment and a little bit of high-energy activity, stick to swim suits that will stay put.
It's ideal to begin swim lessons early, to take advantage of that enjoyment before there is any possibility of fear.
Of course, ponds and rivers will have fecal matter from fish and fowl in them, which can cut down on some of the enjoyment.
Kids have the added enjoyment of discovering the action figures as they emerge as well as the many hours of play.
These highly collectible dolls and fabrics will allow hours of enjoyment and display.
None of these accessories are essential to your child's enjoyment of the castle but they do allow more versatility in play.
The Imaginext Castle is this type of toy, and should provide hours of enjoyment for children.
While children will usually play with a toy out of pure enjoyment and/or curiosity, aiming the balls can actually encourage good hand/eye coordination as kids play.
The manufacturer suggests that children over seven will get the most enjoyment from these K'NEX sets.
Take your time in choosing the right iCarly toys for your iCarly fan and be ready to be entertained by your child's enjoyment.
The best pool toys range from simple to sophisticated and are commonly judged by the amount of enjoyment they provide for the longest time period.
These tips will help give a favorite game a place of honor and enjoyment in a family's routine.
Purchasing a decorative chess set is a wonderful way to appreciate the beauty and enjoyment of one of the world's most popular board games.
I love being able to start these fun traditions with my own kids, and I feel lucky to be able to work with a company whose mission it is to bring games and enjoyment into people's lives."
The High School Musical Mystery Date board game can provide hours of enjoyment for youngsters who enjoyed the movie of the same name.
Game company kings like Hasbro continue to create board games and card games that are geared toward family fun and enjoyment.
The oldest pub in Berkeley, California, The Albatross, provides seventeen board games for the enjoyment of their patrons.
Throughout the country, people get together to play free board games in coffee shops, cafes, and bars which are dedicated to the enjoyment of game playing.
Although a Scrabble word maker is fun to use, it also takes away from the enjoyment of Scrabble since you really aren't playing the game.
Once you learn the basic chess game rules and strategies, playing the game will bring you hours of enjoyment.
You don't want the fragrance from the burning candles to interfere with your guests' enjoyment of their meal.
The holiday season is one of fun and enjoyment, and Christmas online games can add a high-tech dimension to traditional family favorites.
By following these simple holiday listening tips, you are sure to keep yourself and everyone around you happy with your music enjoyment habits.
Make sure to add a gift tag so the recipient knows all the cookies are actually edible delights for their enjoyment.
There are very few dogs in the world which will get any enjoyment out of wearing something that covers their face.
Renaissance costumes are elaborate and fun costumes for anyone uncomfortable with their size, and while they may conceal an awkward body shape, these costumes will not conceal the enjoyment of a great costume.
Fetishes are specific objects or actions which, for some people, not only heighten arousal and enjoyment but may be essential to satisfying sex.
The goal is to learn to create that connection through writing romantic love letters.Letters are also mementos, something to be saved for future enjoyment.
Online dating is supposed to be fun, and if the website you choose interferes with your enjoyment, then go find one that you'll like better.
To enhance your enjoyment of role-playing, try to get into your roles as much as possible.
A few moments spent caring for your leather handbag will ensure years of beautiful enjoyment.
That isn't to say he can't derive enjoyment from a pizza and a movie at home.
The sensual pleasure of a quality lifestyle is all about the beauty and enjoyment for Gemini.
Freedom is probably the number one priority in an Aquarian life followed closely by the need to have fun and enjoyment.
When it comes to the enjoyment and comfort of her guests, Gemini will go out of her way to ensure everyone is entertained and pampered.
Playing with fire is something Aquarius does with great skill and enjoyment.
Most parents know that toddlers tend to get more enjoyment out of a cardboard box than the toy that comes inside of it.
Barbie dress up games can provide children with hours of enjoyment as well as a unique opportunity to explore glamour and high fashion.
Adults sometimes have a hard time figuring out why little girls get so much enjoyment out of playing with plastic ponies that have very unrealistic features and hair.
Let both the outdoors and indoors add to your family's enjoyment.
Use this information as a guide when you are choosing a game, and you will be able to buy something that will give the boy on your list several hours of enjoyment.
If you're looking for nostalgia, Nostalgia is open 24/7 for your browsing enjoyment.
Understanding where a movie script is coming from can not only help your enjoyment of the film but provide a more quality review.
Fans can submit a movie script that they either dictated from a film or found elsewhere on the site for the enjoyment of all.
However, the demand for these Filipino-oriented movies is increasing, and more people are discovering an enjoyment in Tagalog videos.
Personal enjoyment is the final factor to consider when choosing which money-saving tips are right for you.
If you find you're spending too much on any of these items, think about which activities give you the most enjoyment and try to brainstorm household money-saving tips to help you cut costs.
RubberTech has the flexibility, lightness and shock-absorbing qualities essential to walking enjoyment.
Soap opera spoilers can be fun on the surface, but overexposure to spoilers can create a diminished enjoyment of a show.
Finally, while you can get lots of enjoyment by reading your favorite daytime soap spoilers, keep in mind that these spoilers may not be the real deal.
Games are a great way to take your enjoyment for one medium into another.
That said, reading the novels will not spoil a viewer's enjoyment of the television series or vice versa.
Still other fans prefer to avoid spoilers at all cost because they 'spoil' their enjoyment of the show.
It can also bring a lot of enjoyment to the process of getting the tattoo from the conception of the idea to the final inking of your skin.
While you can certainly apply this image to your own skin with no more meaning than your enjoyment of its design, you may be interested to see what other people have applied to its meaning.
It affects your use and enjoyment of the watch.
This can introduce a reluctant reader to the enjoyment of reading a fairy story.
Replacement Breitling leather watch bands can ensure years of enjoyment from your watch.
Pocket watches can bring many years of enjoyment and be a wonderful item to hand down from father to son through the generations.
No matter where you choose to purchase your watch, you're sure to get hours of fun and enjoyment from the unique features.
In addition, the community of spirit within a yoga class adds to the overall enjoyment of the practice.
If you do yoga at a studio where you bring your own mat, or you do yoga in the comfort of home, this mat may increase your enjoyment by decreasing discomfort associated with flooring surfaces.
While outdoor toys for autistic children can provide hours of enjoyment, they can be of great benefit in ways besides just fun.
Autistic children learn in special ways and the right toys can not only provide your child with enjoyment but can also help him reach his developmental milestones and refine his coping skills while he learns.
If you don't have a bike, take the time to think about what kind of bike purchase will give you maximum benefits, both seasonally and in enjoyment.
Biking allows you to become part of the scenery as you travel, increasing your enjoyment of the activity.
There are some occasions when nothing but extreme fantasy lingerie will do, and many retailers know it and thus make anything and everything available so you can have the maximum enjoyment.
It comes in white in sizes S, M, and L for your wearing enjoyment.
Even if you're wearing something skimpy underneath for your own sexy vibe or for your lover's enjoyment, you'll still want something on top!
Once you've found the perfect nightshirt, it's time to think about the little extras that increase your enjoyment of your new sleepwear.
However, you should get some enjoyment out of wearing it too.
Being a world-renowned genre, there are numerous sites dedicated to classical music enjoyment.
When you are planning a party, you need to choose party decorations that will enhance the atmosphere of your party and increase your guests' enjoyment of the occasion.
Have everyone fill in the blanks with nouns, verbs and adjectives, then read the final result aloud for everyone's enjoyment.
Besides playing just for the simple enjoyment and fellowship of the moment, senior citizens reap many benefits from playing games and competing with each other as well.
While each volume offers hours of enjoyment, volume six contains an excellent selection of stories from 1944.
This ensures the benefit and enjoyment of social networking online.
Having her there would certainly increase his enjoyment.
But amid his restless study Avicenna never forgot his love of enjoyment.
The whole property of the debtor might be pledged as security for the payment of the debt, without any of it coming into the enjoyment of the creditor.
In his doctrine of human development he does indeed recognize an early stage of existence in which our species was dominated by sensuous enjoyment and instinct.
The Maoris ate their enemies' hearts to gain their courage, but to whatever degree animistic beliefs may have once contributed to their cannibalism, it is certain that long before Captain Cook's visit religious sanction for the custom had long given place to mere gluttonous enjoyment.
He had no scholarly interest in the past, and he never hesitated to transform the texts when he could give contemporary "point" to a poem; but his instinct was good, and he did much to stimulate an ignorant public to fresh enjoyment.
Man is able to derive a measure of enjoyment from life in spite of the nonexistence of the orthodox gods; yet this enjoyment is on the whole negative, the avoidance of pain.
Her thirst for glory had long since been slaked, and she longed for peaceful enjoyment of the civic boons which he had conferred upon her in that greatest period of his life, the Consulate.
In the United States, as in England, the covenant for quiet enjoyment only extends, so far as relates to the acts of third parties, to lawful acts of disturbance in the enjoyment of the subject agreed to be let.
The scene on any part of the river from Oxford down on public holidays, and on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer, would be sufficient to show how it contributes to the public enjoyment.
He must be a native Brazilian over thirty-five years of age, in the full enjoyment of his political rights, and is ineligible for the next succeeding term.
After the failure of the Italians, the Hanseatics remained the strongest group of alien merchants in England, and, as such, claimed the exclusive enjoyment of the privileges granted by the Carta Mercatoria of 1303.
He must be not less than 35 years of age, a Peruvian by birth, in the enjoyment of all his civil rights, and domiciled in the republic ten years preceding the election.
Both senators and deputies are elected for terms of six years, and both must be native-born Peruvian citizens in the full enjoyment of their civil rights.
Fox's time at St Anne's was largely spent in gardening, in the enjoyment of the country, and in correspondence on literary subjects with his nephew, the 3rd Lord Holland, and with Gilbert Wakefield, the editor of Euripides.
An order in council was enacted in 1899 providing that no Maltese (except students of theology) should thenceforth suffer any detriment through inability to pass examinations in Italian, in either the schools or university, but the fraction of the Maltese who claim to speak Italian (13.24%) still command sufficient influence to hamper the full enjoyment of this emancipation by the majority.
Herodotus would now naturally return to his native city, and enter upon the enjoyment of those rights of free citizenship on which every Greek set a high value.
The aim is not self-destruction, but self-preservation; and yet the ethics of Manichaeism appears in point of fact as thoroughly ascetic. The Manichaean had, above all, to refrain from sensual enjoyment, shutting himself up against it by three seals - the signaculum oris, manus and sinus.
About this time he was appointed to a canonry in Utrecht and to another in Aix-la-Chapelle, and the life of the brilliant young scholar was rapidly becoming luxurious, secular and selfish, when a great spiritual change passed over him which resulted in a final renunciation of every worldly enjoyment.
Weary of politics, and obeying a natural inclination to pleasure, Julius then virtually abdicated the management of affairs, and gave himself up to enjoyment, amusing himself with the adornment of his villa, near the Porta del Popolo, and often so far forgetting the proprieties of his office as to participate in entertainments of a questionable character.
He died, still in the enjoyment of these two dignities, in 1589.
Wyoming, U.S.A., dedicated by the United States government as "a public park or pleasure ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people."
A bond was drawn in which Darnley pledged himself to support the confederates who undertook to punish "certain privy persons" offensive to the state, "especially a strange Italian, called Davie"; another was subscribed by Darnley and the banished lords, then biding their time in Newcastle, which engaged him to procure their pardon and restoration, while pledging them to insure to him the enjoyment of the title he coveted, with the consequent security of an undisputed succession to the crown, despite the counter claims of the house of Hamilton, in case his wife should die without issue - a result which, intentionally or not, he and his fellow-conspirators did all that brutality could have suggested to accelerate and secure.
Towards the Jews, however, he acted with exceptional lenity, protecting them from persecution and securing them the enjoyment of their legal privileges.
The sage of Epicureanism is a rational and reflective seeker for happiness, who balances the claims of each pleasure against the evils that may possibly ensue, and treads the path of enjoyment cautiously.
After an unsuccessful invasion of Italy in 307 he elevated his friend Licinius to the rank of Augustus, and, moderating his ambition, devoted the few remaining years of his life "to the enjoyment of pleasure and to the execution of some works of public utility."
No bishop joined it in Germany or in Austria, and few priests, though the governments were ready to protect them in the enjoyment of the privileges secured to Catholics, and to maintain them in the use of the temporalities.
Comrnerce.The trade of Egypt has developed enormously since the British occupation in 1882 ensured to all classes of the community the enjoyment of the profit of their labor.
You may not access our networks, computers, or Contents in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them, or interfere with any other Person’s use and enjoyment.
Botta died at Paris in August 1837, in comparative poverty, but in the enjoyment of an extensive and well-earned reputation.
Throughout his life he professed this faith in God's will and guidance, and much of his influence over his followers is attributable to their belief in his sincerity and in his enjoyment of Divine favour.
In the north of India, Baji Rao, the ex-peshwa who had been dethroned in 1818, lived on till 1853 in the enjoyment of his annual pension of £80,000.
He clung to his right of regale, or enjoyment of the revenues of bishoprics during their vacancy, though it was at times commuted for a fixed payment.
The indefensible indecency and overstrained sentimentality are on the surface; but after a time every repellent defect is forgotten in the enjoyment of the exquisite literary art.
According to the duchess of Marlborough the two sisters, who had lived hitherto while apart on extremely affectionate terms, found no enjoyment in each other's society.
Seeing that the epic poems, as repeated by professional reciters, either in their original Sanskrit text, or in their vernacular versions, as well as dramatic compositions based on them, form to this day the chief source of intellectual enjoyment for most Hindus, the legendary matter contained in these heroic poems, however marvellous and incredible it may appear, still enters largely into the religious convictions of the people."
In others there are imperfections in rhythm, conventionalities of language, obscurities or over-subtleties of thought, which mar the reader's enjoyment.
The naturalism of which we have been speaking found free utterance now in the fabliaux of jongleurs, lyrics of minnesingers, tales of trouveres, romances of Arthur and his knights - compositions varied in type and tone, but in all of which sincere passion and real enjoyment of life pierce through the thin veil of chivalrous mysticism or of allegory with which they were sometimes conventionally draped.
Humanism, as it actually appeared in Italy, was positive in its conception of the problems to be solved, pagan in its contempt for medieval mysticism, invigorated for sensuous enjoyment by contact with antiquity, yet holding in itself the germ of new religious aspirations, profounder science and sterner probings of the mysteries of life than had been attempted even by the ancients.
Presbytery, being loyal to the house of Hanover, while Episcopacy was Jacobite, was now in enjoyment of the royal favour and was treated as a firm ally of the government.
With them, as with their master, public office was only desirable as a means of procuring enjoyment, for which an absolute monarchy provided the most favourable conditions.
A bishop, then, cannot enter into the enjoyment of the temporalities of his see, including his rights of presentation to benefices, before doing homage to the king.
But true pleasure is not sensual enjoyment; it has its principle in the soul.
We must imagine him devoted to the great task which he had set himself to perform, with a mind free from all disturbing cares, and in the enjoyment of all the facilities for study afforded by the Rome of Augustus, with its liberal encouragement of letters, its newlyf ounded libraries and its brilliant literary circles.
Whether we regard him as a priest who published poem after poem in praise of an adored mistress, as a plebeian man of letters who conversed on equal terms with kings and princes, as a solitary dedicated to the love of nature, as an amateur diplomatist treating affairs of state with pompous eloquence in missives sent to popes and emperors, or again as a traveller eager for change of scene, ready to climb mountains for the enjoyment of broad prospects over spreading champaigns; in all these divers manifestations of his peculiar genius we trace some contrast with the manners of the, 4th century, some emphatic anticipation of the 16th.
When the Romans became masters of the world, many of their upper classes, both before the close of the republic and under the empire, from a love of Greek manners and literature or from indolent and effeminate habits, resorted to Neapolis, either for the education and the cultivation of gymnastic exercises or for the enjoyment of music and of a soft and luxurious climate.
Devizes became a borough by prescription, and the first charter from Matilda, confirmed by successive later sovereigns, merely grants exemption from certain tolls and the enjoyment of undisturbed peace.
In 1711 the voivode Demetrius Cantemir, rendered desperate by the Turkish exactions, concluded an agreement with the tsar Peter the Great by which Moldavia was to become a protected and vassal state of Russia, with the enjoyment of its traditional liberties, the voivodeship to be hereditary in the family of Cantemir.
A man not in the enjoyment of full civil rights, if able to find security, could become a daer-ceile.
But he got small enjoyment from the crown which no longer tottered Illness of on his brow.
But the country, being in enjoyment of considerable prosperity, paid only a languid attention to the scheme; its indifference was reflected in the House; the Conservatives were encouraged in their opposition by the lack of interest which the new bill excited, and the almost unconcealed dislike of the prime minister to its provisions.
Dr Smiles, in his Memoirs of John Murray, tells of certain pamphlets on the brightening prospects of the Spanish South American colonies, then in the first enjoyment of emancipation - pamphlets seemingly written for a Mr Powles, head of a great financial firm, whose acquaintance Disraeli had made.
That they were so in great part is confessed again and again in these letters, but confessed in such a way as to reveal that they were permitted for his own enjoyment of them as much as planned.
For himself he prized above all things the wisdom that is virtue, and in the task of producing it he endured the hardest penury, maintaining that such life was richer in enjoyment than a life of luxury.
Still more 1 It is highly characteristic of Platonism that the issue in this dialogue, as originally stated, is between virtue and vice, whereas, without any avowed change of ground, the issue ultimately discussed is between the philosophic life and the life of vulgar ambition or sensual enjoyment.
Nay, it would even be found that the habit of philosophical reflection often operated adversely to the attainment of this end, by developing the thinker's selfconsciousness, so as to disturb that normal relation to external objects on which the zest of ordinary enjoyment depends.
For example, we find him arguing for the legitimacy of judicial punishments and military service against an over-literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount; and he took an important part in giving currency to the distinction between evangelical " counsels " and " commands," and so defending the life of marriage and temperate enjoyment of natural good against the attacks of the more extravagant advocate of celibacy and self-abnegation; although he fully admitted the superiority of the latter method of avoiding the contamination of sin.
In discussing this he distinguishes, with well-applied subtlety, between the pleasurableness of the benevolent emotions themselves, the sympathetic enjoyment of the happiness of others, and the pleasure arising from a consciousness of their love and esteem.
It is a crime to conspire to prevent the free exercise and enjoyment of any privilege, or to conspire to deprive any person of equal privileges and immunities, or under colour of law to subject any inhabitant of a state or territory to the deprivation of any privileges or immunities (Revised Statutes of United States, §§ 55 0 7, 5510, 5519).
The chase in the summer occupied the freemen, not only as a source of enjoyment but also as a matter of necessity, for wolves were very numerous.
The king voluntarily abandoned lay investiture and the claim to homage during the pontificate of Paschal II., but continued to interfere with elections, to appropriate the revenues of vacant benefices, and to exact an oath of fealty before admitting the elect to the enjoyment of his temporalities.
For on the one hand unless the egoist's happiness is compatible to some extent with that of his fellows, their opposition will almost inevitably vitiate his perfect enjoyment; on the other hand, the altruist whose primary object is the good of others, must derive his own highest happiness - i.e.
He was assisted by a council of bishops and clergy, and was represented in each province by a bishop. This imperium in imperio secured to the Armenians a recognized position before the law, the free enjoyment of their religion, the possession of their churches and monasteries, and the right to educate their children and manage their municipal affairs.
It is said, but some historians doubt the story, that, instead of leading a life of asceticism, he spent his revenues in furthering his own luxury and enjoyment.
Please respect the enjoyment of other climbers by not occupying more than two routes at a time.
I went into the film having resolved not to allow my enjoyment to be spoiled by any historical anachronisms I happened to spot.
My companion had the beef carpaccio, which was tender and savored with enjoyment.
The harness will fit a waist up to 44 inch and is open crotch for comfort and enjoyment.
But the truth was that he had a personal life from which he derived great enjoyment and satisfaction.
The work will enhance the enjoyment of our visitors.
This will prevent us arranging a clashing event and enable us to maximize the enjoyment of the membership.
Above all, we hope to promote enjoyment of literature and a sense of the range of its possibilities.
Article 1 of the first protocol to the Convention guarantees the individual a right to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions.
You will have made films at school, at college or just by yourself for the sheer enjoyment of it.
The law is on your side to have quiet enjoyment of the property.
The quality of the playing and the pure enjoyment of young and old responding to one another was pure magic.
However the biggest fee I've had to pay has been that of my gaming enjoyment.
The best driving enjoyment I have had in 20 years!
It is sad when politics get so enmeshed in music, music should be about enjoyment.
Wonderfully exuberant, with the brush strokes conveying a sense of huge enjoyment.
The course has given me a great deal of enjoyment, both inside the classroom and when undertaking fieldwork.
Australian finches are very engaging little birds which can provide many hours of enjoyment.
I snapped up pretty cheaply and I gave the old gal some TLC and she's repaying me back with heaps of enjoyment.
An intimate gig, which was all about enjoyment.
We are a fairly easy-going crowd and are not hidebound by too many rules; enjoyment of Cycling is the main thing.
His visit afforded her but a very partial satisfaction, while his own enjoyment in it appeared so imperfect.
I always knew he had right-wing leanings but hearing him singing these songs has soured my enjoyment a little.
Beside listening with the high-quality earphones provided, the user can play the music over the built-in loudspeaker for shared enjoyment.
In practice, most of the enjoyment in eating comes from the first few mouthfuls.
Customer Experience Maximizing visitor enjoyment Hill View House devotes a whole page to its environmental policy on the Hill View House website.
Use Dreamer's Journey for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound relaxation; or simply for musical enjoyment.
He had a warm & engaging stage presence and came across utterly sincere in his enjoyment of every moment on stage.
Can anyone tell me what enjoyment is to be had out of keeping apple snails?
Doctor, long may you be spared, to have fun and enjoyment and to annoy your little stoats to the maximum!
Her presentiment at the time had not deceived her--that that state of freedom and readiness for any enjoyment would not return again.
Each bed can be assembled and attached to your pet's favorite sill in a matter of minutes, but the payoff will come in hours of enjoyment for your cat.
The final stages of how to make cat furniture are those which will help your cat get the most enjoyment out of your creation.
At $40 a bottle, mangosteen juice is too expensive for most people to sip for pure enjoyment.
The handcrafted, quality construction of a vintage harvest table has already stood the test of time and will continue to provide years of enjoyment.
A bunch of friends got together, organized a random draft of National Football League players and started competing for pure enjoyment.
You may not access our networks, computers, or Contents in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them, or interfere with any other Person's use and enjoyment.
With over 5,000 questions and 20,000 answers updated on a regular basis, this version of Family Feud is sure to give you hours of enjoyment.
Worrying about events that are uncontrollable is a source of unnecessary stress that can interfere with enjoyment of life.
It drains them of their energy and takes the enjoyment out of their holiday celebrations.
Using the coping methods you've learned and the enjoyment you get from this activity, you can create a positive and productive future for yourself and your family.
There are many unique and memorable golf gifts for groomsmen that will bring the men in your bridal party enjoyment.
Her enjoyment of south of the border fare reflects her taste in libation as margaritas are Aniston's favorite drink.
No matter what he does in the future, his legacy is one of laughter and enjoyment as he tickled funny bones in his movies.
Some college radio stations train students to become professional on-air talent, while others are run purely for the enjoyment of students and the local community.
These programs include self-development courses, in-house training for businesses and industries and personal enjoyment courses.
This may increase understanding of the material and enjoyment of the learning experience.
No matter how carefully planned, any vacation can have glitches that put a damper on the enjoyment.
Like all cruise ships, Celebrity offers various onboard activities and amenities for passengers' enjoyment.
Some of Oahu's top artists will also be performing for your enjoyment.
Carnival Paradise provides an entertaining three day cruise to Mexico at an outstanding rate, and it is a wonderful way to enjoy an extended weekend aboard an exceptional vessel designed for enjoyment and excitement.
It will give you luxurious enjoyment for many years to come.
Talking openly about your needs, desires and concerns will increase intimacy and enjoyment.
Seniors are embracing the Wii as a form of exercise and enjoyment.
Go buy We Love Katamari for hours of fun filled enjoyment.
The fun of using the special glass can often add to the enjoyment of the wine itself.
If you're simply shooting a fun video for the family's enjoyment, you certainly don't need to feel pressured to follow any rules.
Restaurant City money on Facebook is not real money, but in terms of purchasing enjoyment, it is as real as it gets.
These performances all add to the audience's enjoyment of the majorette's part of the march.
They are for enjoyment only and will not protect your child from possible sports injuries.
Thus a lessee is under an implied obligation to treat the premises demised in a tenant-like or " husband-like " manner, and again, where in a lease by deed the word " demise " is used, the lessor probably covenants impliedly for his own title and for the quiet enjoyment of the premises by the lessee.
He held that happiness includes not merely present enjoyment and prosperity, but also a reasonable expectation of their continuance.
A report by Sir James Clark led to the queen's visiting Balmoral in 1848, and to the purchase of the Balmoral estate in 1852, and the queen's diary of her journeys in Scotland shows what constant enjoyment she derived from her Highland home.
The logical consequence of this was that the territorial nobles claimed the right of appointing clergy, and the enjoyment of the revenues of these churches derived from the land (tithes).
To the Cyrenaics pleasure was something active and positive; to Epicurus it was rather negative - tranquillity more than vigorous enjoyment.
Carrying Jeep trash bags is an important step in keeping the trails clean for your future enjoyment.
Having a variety of needles to use is part of the enjoyment of knitting.
Here are some tips for turning your enjoyment of a hobby craft into a family affair.
For crafters that love cross stitching, joining cross stitch monthly clubs adds extra enjoyment to the hobby.
Whatever her hobbies, you are certain to find a way to enhance her enjoyment with a gift that reflects your thoughtfulness.
You can modify it for enjoyment on other phases by leaving out the crushed cookie crust.
Basketball games with friends, racquet ball or even gymnastics, many people take part in activities that offer exercise as part of the package for the sake of personal enjoyment and the fun it brings.
In fact, most people who stick with exercise programs the longest frequently report that they derive some level of enjoyment from the activity or from the results that it brings.
One of the most important factors in sticking with an exercise program is enjoyment.
The five years and a half which intervened between his return from this tour, in June 1765, and the death of his father, in November 1770, seem to have formed the portion of his life which " he passed with the least enjoyment and remembered with the least satisfaction."
On solemn occasions the inspiring drink soma (haoma) ministered to the enjoyment of the devout.
Of the four crystal glasses engraved with the count's monogram that stood before his plate, Pierre held out one at random and drank with enjoyment, gazing with ever- increasing amiability at the other guests.
Here and now for the first time he fully appreciated the enjoyment of eating when he wanted to eat, drinking when he wanted to drink, sleeping when he wanted to sleep, of warmth when he was cold, of talking to a fellow man when he wished to talk and to hear a human voice.
Every evening extracts from his great works, the Canon and the Sanatio, were dictated and explained to his pupils; among whom, when the lesson was over, he spent the rest of the night in festive enjoyment with a band of singers and players.
Article If abolished the need for reyal exequatur and placet for ecclesiastical publications, but stibordinated the enjoyment of temporalities by bishops and priests to the concession of state exequalur and placet.
Even when we treat him merely as a dramatist our enjoyment of his later works gains enormously if we take them as organic wholes, and not as mere plots dressed up in verse and action.
Happy as Petya was, he felt sad at having to go home knowing that all the enjoyment of that day was over.
The sacred palaces, museums and libraries were, by Article 5, exempted from all taxation, and the pope was assured perpetual enjoyment of the Vatican and Lateran buildings and gardens, and of the papal villa at Castel Gandolfo.
By the common law of England freedom from noise is essential to the full enjoyment of a dwelling house, and acts which affect that enjoyment may be actionable as nuisances.
Many scholars forget, it seems to me, that our enjoyment of the great works of literature depends more upon the depth of our sympathy than upon our understanding.
Other facilities for outdoor enjoyment are provided in Hesketh Park (presented to the town by the Rev. Charles Hesketh, formerly rector of North Meols, and one of the lords of the manor), the Botanic Gardens, Kew Gardens, South Marine Park, and the Winter Gardens.
Another source of enjoyment was his small but excellent library; it is still preserved in his family.
A senator must be not under 30 years of age, a Mexican citizen in the full enjoyment of his rights, a resident of the state he represents, and not an ecclesiastic. The chamber of deputies is composed of popular representatives, in the proportion of one deputy for each 40,000 inhabitants or fraction over 20,000, who are elected for a term of two years.
When the news of this reached Paris, it created a strong feeling against the planters; and on the motion of the Abbe Gregoire it was resolved by the assembly on the 15th of May 1791 " that the people of colour resident in the French colonies, born of free parents, were entitled to, as of right, and should be allowed, the enjoyment of all the privileges of French citizens, and among others those of being eligible to seats both in the parochial and colonial assemblies."
Anniceris, in whose thought the school reached its highest perfection, declared that true pleasure consists sometimes in self-sacrifice and that sympathy in enjoyment is a real source of happiness.
Since (following Protagoras) knowledge is solely of momentary sensations, it is useless to try, as Socrates recommended, to make calculations as to future pleasures, and to balance present enjoyment with disagreeable consequences.
That opportunity came when Basil died in 1533, leaving as successor a child only three years old, and the chances seemed all on the side of the nobles; but the result belied the current expectations, for the child came to be known in history as Ivan the Terrible, and died half a century later in the full enjoyment of unlimited autocratic power.
But the landlord's interest and the general tone of feeling alike modified practice even before the intervention of legislation; they were habitually continued in their holdings, and came to possess in fact a perpetual and hereditary enjoyment of them.
Thou Almighty Sovereign,didst create all things for thy name's sake, and food and drink thou didst give to men for enjoyment, that they should give thanks unto thee; but to us thou didst of thy grace give spiritual food and drink and life eternal through thy servant.
Her enjoyment of music, however, is very genuine, for she has a tactile recognition of sound when the waves of air beat against her.
He stipulated that no inquiry should be made into his conduct in office, and was left for another seven years unmolested in the enjoyment of the fortune he had amassed.
But the privileged class alone are eligible to the greatest offices of the state; they have in their hands the exclusive control of the national religion; they have the exclusive enjoyment of the common land of the state - in Teutonic phrase, the folkland.