Enjoying Sentence Examples
We are enjoying ourselves!
You seemed to be enjoying it when I carried you across the creek.
Enjoying your new assignment?
It was a beautiful day and the town seemed to be enjoying it.
He was enjoying the sensation of her in his arms as much as he was there to comfort her.
We are enjoying every moment of our visit, every one is so good to us.
Maybe she should go home and eat with Alex, but it was nice simply enjoying some time alone.
He changed so gradually, he didn't notice how much different he'd become, until he realized how much he was enjoying talking to his friend.
Yully ate slowly, enjoying the stew enough to start a second bowl.
She seemed to be actually enjoying herself.
AdvertisementHe complied and kissed her deeply, enjoying the taste and feel of her despite the mix of salty tears.
Thinking about enjoying winter outdoors with her and not having to worry about her freezing cheered him.
Just sitting there, enjoying the weather.
So tell me, are you enjoying this vacation?
She lay quiet, simply enjoying the feel of him.
AdvertisementFinally, he doubled back and spent the return trip simply enjoying the country road.
For the first week after he regained his voice, they were all so busy enjoying the return to normal life that Carmen forgot about his father.
Connor and Sarah seemed to be enjoying themselves.
We have just now met for the first time… I'm glad you are enjoying the party.
I was in the North, enjoying the last beautiful days of the summer of 1896, when I heard the news of my father's death.
AdvertisementBy the expression on his face, he wasn't exactly enjoying the conversation.
They ate in silence then, enjoying the tranquility of mother natures' work around them.
He smiled to himself, enjoying the game they always played.
He related his tale of woe while enjoying the never-ending pleasure of seeing the woman he loved in various stages of nakedness.
Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day.
AdvertisementMaria, ever smiling, joined them at the table, looking from one to the other as they spoke, understanding little but enjoying their company and thrilled with their praise.
She stared at the ceiling, enjoying the breeze skating through the windows.
This constitution of the great mass of the central Apennines has in all ages exercised an important influence upon the character of this portion of Italy, which may be considered as divided by nature into two great regions, a cold and barren upland country, bordered on both sides by rich and fertile tracts, enjoying a warm but temperate climate.
The largef tenantry, who were supposed to be able to look after their own interests, were entirely debarred, and tenants enjoying leases were excluded from claiming compensation, except for tillages, buildings and reclamation of lands.
The terrace is the perfect place to sip a cold beer while enjoying the sweeping views.
They and their own daughter houses were liberally endowed, even enjoying the patronage of the native princes.
It is worth enjoying a relaxing drink on one of the Habana Vieja hotel rooftops to enjoy the views.
He invited Prince Andrew to come and see them, and asked his daughter whether she was enjoying herself.
Was she actually enjoying the exchange?
We're just out here enjoying the weather before they serve supper.
Dean lied that he'd miss them and strolled into the kitchen where Cynthia and Maria were enjoying a second breakfast.
She slowly slid her hands up his chest, enjoying the feel of the smooth muscles beneath his shirt.
Kris knew the opposite to be true but said nothing, enjoying the moment of peace.
While back-country skiing was also popular, the ever constant danger of killing snow slides made marked trails a safer method of enjoying this vigorous sport.
He is the guardian of the sacred oracles, knowing no kin, and enjoying his privileges for proofs of fidelity at Massah and Meribah.
The root has nothing to do with resting in the sense of enjoying repose; in transitive forms and applications it means to "sever," to "put an end to," and intransitively it means to "desist," to "come to an end."
The death of Hussain put a stop to this expedition, but Baber spent a year at Herat, enjoying the pleasures of that capital.
The law of Russia prohibits them from entering Great Russia, only the wealthiest and best educated enjoying this privilege; nevertheless they are met with everywhere, even on the Urals.
It possesses numerous Roman Catholic institutions, of which the most important is the Lyceum Hosianum (enjoying university rank), founded in 1564 by the cardinal bishop Stanislaus Hosius.
These very facts commended him to the more turbulent section of the baronage; if he succeeded to the whole of the Conquerors heritage they would have every opportunity of enjoying freedom from all governance.
The distressful island of Ireland was at this moment enjoying the anarchy which had reigned therein since the dawn of history.
Enjoying her full confidence, consulted by her on every occasion, he had always used his influence for the public good; and perhaps those who look back now with so much satisfaction at the queens conduct during a reign of unexampled length, imperfectly appreciate the debt which in this respect is owed to her first prime minister.
It was obvious that the new government, as its first duty, would be compelled to dissolve the parliament that had been elected when Gladstone was enjoying the popularity which he had lost so rapidly in office.
For this last patent he, by a settlement following a recovery suffered, gave the king and his heirs male Berkeley Castle and all that remained to him of his ancestors' lands, enjoying for his two remaining years a bare life interest.
A couple of boats were on here enjoying the sunny afternoon.
Start the evening by enjoying an aperitif beside the roaring fire in the snug lounge area.
Watch the sun set behind the mountains as you sip a nice aperitif, before enjoying a lovely barbecue.
The villa is nestled in pretty landscaped gardens with a stylish outdoor swimming pool and a lovely terrace for enjoying a classic Italian aperitivo.
Patchwork is enjoying something of a renaissance and more people see it as an exciting contemporary art form.
They cannot conceive of, or even aspire to, everyone enjoying Western levels of development and comfort.
The only thing stopping her enjoying her find is a mysterious assailant.
A short drive from Calais and you can be enjoying quality cuisine and a warm welcome at authentically French auberges.
The property has a master bedroom approximately 18 ' x 14 ' with a wide covered balcony enjoying views over the rear garden.
Garden - great for sitting out or enjoying a barbecue; Out door clothes line.
Meanwhile, Stuart is still enjoying New York, the jammy bastard!
You could be enjoying the luxury of a newly designed fitted bathroom within two weeks from now.
The only veg not enjoying the weather are the runner beans - they need a little more heat to get going.
He was nicely supported by Gary Avis as Wilfred and Tracy Brown, obviously enjoying herself as a deliciously bitchy Bathilde.
I'm really enjoying the game, which is well written with no major bloopers in gameplay.
He was already enjoying that happiness when that little Napoleon had suddenly appeared with his unsympathizing look of shortsighted delight at the misery of others, and doubts and torments had followed, and only the heavens promised peace.
For excited parents who are enjoying delivering care to their newborn, the challenge of establishing a solid sleeping pattern can be a difficult one to face.
In the midst of such labours, and enjoying still full bodily and mental vigour, he was carried off after a few days' illness by inflammation of the lungs, on the 12th of February 1834.
In the early part of his residence at Peking, when enjoying constant intercourse with scholars of high position, Ricci brought out the T'ien-chu shih-i, or "Veritable Doctrine of the Lord of Heaven," which deals with the divine character and attributes under eight heads.
Upon his death the nobles assembled to elect a king; and Hugh the Great, Rudolphs brother-in-law, moved by irresolution as much as by prudence, instead of taking the crown, preferred to restore the Carolingians once more in the person of Charles the Simples son, Louis dOutremer, himself claiming numerous privileges and enjoying the exercise of power unenculnbered by a title which carried with it the jealousy of the nobles.
It prevented them from enjoying the active support of the Catholic clergy.
Enjoying a liberal allowance, he now lived in Paris in comfort and independence, and he published his early novels, none of which is quite of sufficient value to retain the modern reader.
A chartered company is a trading corporation enjoying certain rights and privileges, and bound by certain obligations under a special charter granted to it by the sovereign authority of the state, such charter defining and limiting those rights, privileges and obligations, and the localities in which they are to be exercised.
He didn't join them, but he was clearly enjoying watching them, even laughing once when Destiny gave up her home run to chase down the ball.
Following Señor Medena up the stairs, she ran her hand along the smooth wood, enjoying the cool silky soft feel of it.
She had been flirting with him and enjoying his clever side steps for the last few days, but she was tiring of the game.
I share his philosophy and no one has accused me of... enjoying the opposite sex.
The Watchers would be enjoying this, and so would his brothers, whom he normally beat the shit out of when they sparred.
He closed his eyes, enjoying her affection and her emotion.
Assuming it was some sort of uncivilized training exercise engineered by the half-breed in charge of the Council, he was nonetheless stopped from enjoying his first tea since returning from Hell.
He was purposely vague, enjoying the fact that her full attention was on him.
Nevertheless, Dean waded forward, enjoying the peace of being alone in the woods.
Propriety became trivial when one was drinking blood; and enjoying it.
We have just now met for the first time… I'm glad you are enjoying the party.
He kissed her first, enjoying the feel of her blood coursing beneath his lips, then, as his fangs breached her skin, he braced for the burning that never came.
She relaxed, leaning into his kiss – enjoying the full length of his body against hers.
When his gaze returned to hers, she was smiling – enjoying the attention.
Congrats on your new job - hope you are still enjoying it.
Conjecture the possibility of enjoying it at the intensity-level of sensation.
The first surprise was when i pulled the old book out of the bottom drawer after a three-year hiatus and found myself enjoying the story.
Millions of children across the globe are enjoying the magical adventures of Harry Potter.
The 1950s and 60s saw a country still enjoying post-war economic affluence, full employment and a new sense of opportunity and change.
He tells everyone in a rather boastful voice that flying is fun he is really enjoying the war.
The evening is spent enjoying the healthy aching in our bodies around a roaring campfire.
Victor's life feels carefree; everyone on the street seems to be enjoying themselves immensely.
Each Caribbean cancun Caribbean cancun caribbean in royal island enjoying the warm.
The alcohol hypnosis cd may just give you enough insight to help you crack your drink problem and start enjoying your life again.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 A major clampdown targeting people attempting to smuggle drugs into HMP Leeds is enjoying continued success.
Follow some simple procedures and your pet will soon be enjoying the warmer climes with you.
The only occupant was a partially clothed young lady enjoying the sun.
We are currently enjoying this planet close to its maximum northern declination at a time when the ring system is wide open.
You you can start enjoying your self catering holiday Devon from the moment you arrive!
Phyllis, who moments earlier had been enjoying a stroll to the local Co-op with husband Colin, was completely drenched.
Fitted in under three hours by one of our skilled electricians, you could be enjoying a trouble free bath in no time.
In the doorway stood Elizabeth thoroughly enjoying the changing emotions registering on her former husband's face.
Enjoying superb locations on Ventnor's elegant esplanade are two outstanding hostelries and a wonderful traditional chandler's shop.
Despite everything, he was enjoying the exhilaration of racing through the sky on the back of a giant bird.
The original farmhouse, renovated into comfortable and spacious accommodation for enjoying holiday get-togethers.
Quite simply, a young group enjoying their rather groovy noise.
Few have done it whilst simultaneously enjoying hit singles and backing giant dancing hamburgers.
I stayed with her, enjoying the feeling of inflicting harm upon those who had tried to invade or harm me.
Hello Everyone Hope everyone is enjoying the heat wave and aren't to sizzled!
Either marriage didn't suit him or he was enjoying an extended honeymoon!
Well spend the majority of our time trekking between Alpine huts, enjoying some of the Balkans best mountain scenery.
Iâm not enjoying being away from work, Iâm getting irritable looking for things to do, anything!
Glad you are enjoying the mud I am feeling jealous.
John Robson is seen here enjoying a joke with his Joint Master Jimmy Edwards at a Meet in 1979.
It was an absolute joy to see 30 children enjoying every minute.
Meditation is the process of re-discover ing, enjoying and using the positive qualities already latent within you.
Since taking on my new role I have experienced a steep learning curve, but am really enjoying the variety which each day brings.
This set was electric you could tell live lee was really enjoying himself lot's of energy he was really enjoying himself.
You're just lolling there in the water, enjoying the world's last true wilderness.
Half an hour spent in enjoying such a pastime will have a truly magical effect on all the subtle vehicles within us.
Take too long to boil an egg and you'll be making mayonnaise instead of enjoying runny yolk soldiers.
Here he is sitting on the edge of some pots which were waiting to be planted up, and enjoying every mouthful.
Rest periods with is enjoying an a guaranteed prize says Nielsen.
I was enjoying the sunset when I spotted an otter floating on its back under the pier, crac.. .
Placed in its new mother country, Zoombinis is enjoying again pacific, productive prosperity.
Last year's production of Cinderella broke all box office records with over 21,500 people enjoying the pantomime.
By the end of the evening everyone was quite perky, enjoying the celebration of Tinsel & Turkey.
Here, a couple are just sitting in the warm sunshine enjoying a picnic.
Instead of enjoying fresh fruit, I'll be tucking into a bowl of hot porridge each morning.
We are currently enjoying great demand for our services in relation to major PFI, NHS LIFT and traditionally procured projects.
As well as enjoying country pursuits, Ian Lancaster plays golf and skies.
Both were well known before they joined David Cameron's front bench team of enjoying highly remunerative non-political employment outside the House of Commons.
People are always saying " jazz is enjoying a renaissance " or " jazz is dead " .
The audience has a fine time booing this haughty pirate and enjoying a tit-for-tat repartee when Hook asks us for advice.
Thus the great distances were covered and soon all were enjoying repose on the desired shore.
I'm also enjoying the budding romance between Harry and Susan.
Well spend the majority of our time trekking between alpine huts, enjoying some of the Balkans best mountain scenery.
Some very scruffy travelers were enjoying a beer in the last of the afternoon sun.
By 1.30pm we were sat on the veranda of our chalet enjoying a proper French lunch in the beautiful sun shine.
Plenty of the public came out to support us, dodging the showers, and enjoying the wide variety of entertainment's and displays.
Sous chef Judith Green with 2 St Gabriel's School pupils enjoying healthy fruit smoothies.
Weddell seals are seen quite frequently enjoying a snooze on the shores or on ice floes.
Due to the lovely warm weather we have been enjoying, they are looking spectacular.
And he went some way to quash the speculation that he is enjoying the top job too much to want to leave it behind.
The adjoining forest is ideal for leisurely strolls, walks along the trails or just merely enjoying the scenery.
We also have a private observation sun deck for enjoying the sun or watching the native birds flying overhead.
Mohammad is enjoying his time on the MBA stating, " one of the best things is that the tutors very much encourage teamwork.
They were enjoying the trial but were having a pretty torrid time results wise.
Many happy days at City as well as countless Saturdays at Watford Junction enjoying the huge number of express passenger and lumbering freight trains.
Ceris Gilfillan, a former triathlete from Malvern, is enjoying the best season of her young career.
Enjoying a healthy heart diet, with particular emphasis on eating oily fish, can help to lower triglycerides.
Its excellent disease resistance typifies why roses are enjoying an upsurge in popularity again.
In early July while most people were enjoying their summer vacation the tennis varsity match was held at Queens Club in London.
On Monday 25 February, Sosa was enjoying his customary morning jog when he was grabbed by a gang of masked villains.
Georgia... is now enjoying a vogue that borders on trendiness, says the mighty Jeffrey Zeldman.
We all took turns at the wheel, enjoying supercharged turbo vroom vroom vroom.
These two games were played in the same tournament, and Short is enjoying a nostalgic wallow in past glories.
I just whizzed around the place like a whirling dervish enjoying life to the full.
Two uPVC double glazed windows to the rear aspect of the property enjoying garden views.
At the same time they were so far from enjoying tranquillity on this account that the few notices we find of them in history always represent them as engaged in local wars among one another; and Polybius tells us that the history of Crete was one continued series of civil wars, which were carried on with a bitter animosity exceeding all that was known in the rest of Greece.
Rousseau, guests who, while enjoying the intellectual pleasure of their host's conversation, were not insensible to his excellent cuisine and costly wines.
But now I want to tell you how glad I am that you are so happy and enjoying your home so very much.
Day after day the Harbor, the warships, and the park kept us busy thinking and feeling and enjoying....
The prisoners in their shirt-sleeves were enjoying a chat and the evening air in the doorway, when I entered.
Reviewing his impressions of the recent battle, picturing pleasantly to himself the impression his news of a victory would create, or recalling the send-off given him by the commander-in-chief and his fellow officers, Prince Andrew was galloping along in a post chaise enjoying the feelings of a man who has at length begun to attain a long-desired happiness.
I wished to meditate, but instead my imagination pictured an occurrence of four years ago, when Dolokhov, meeting me in Moscow after our duel, said he hoped I was enjoying perfect peace of mind in spite of my wife's absence.
Both were well known before they joined David Cameron 's front bench team of enjoying highly remunerative non-political employment outside the House of Commons.
People are always saying " jazz is enjoying a renaissance " or " jazz is dead ".
Early retirees enjoying the good life are in a minority.
It 's just very rewarding to see children actually enjoying what you produce in hope.
However, as time passed they began to use their imagination and it was hugely rewarding to watch them enjoying themselves using their talent.
I 'm also enjoying the budding romance between Harry and Susan.
Plenty of the public came out to support us, dodging the showers, and enjoying the wide variety of entertainment 's and displays.
By lunchtime, the car parks were full and a sizable crowd were enjoying the unexpected sunshine.
Sous chef Judith Green with 2 St Gabriel 's School pupils enjoying healthy fruit smoothies.
Gamers get their chance to play to the crowd PC gamers have been enjoying spectator modes for several years.
Until now, the stargazer 's two biggest challenges to enjoying the night sky have been aligning their telescope and finding objects.
Meanwhile, the crew of Sheffield had been enjoying the sun at Gibraltar when Force H was summoned to assist the hunt for Bismark.
A very special feature is the poolside circular ` Jacuzzi ` - ideal for relaxation whilst enjoying refreshing chilled sunset cocktails.
Mohammad is enjoying his time on the MBA stating, one of the best things is that the tutors very much encourage teamwork.
The rear garden is ideal for sitting out and enjoying the peace and tranquility of this sleepy village.
Verbena bonariensis I love this stylish, semi-evergreen perennial has been enjoying a resurgence of interest in recent years.
Positioned close to all Resort facilities whist enjoying peace and seclusion.
Enjoying a meal or a drink by the marina is always a pleasant way to wile away a few hours.
This must cause much wringing of hands among the bambiists, who hate the thought of anyone enjoying the proliferation of wild game.
While the men may not enjoy the traditional games and presents that the women do, they can have their own celebration while enjoying a sporting event together.
If your baby birthday party has the birthday honoree and guests smiling, laughing, and enjoying each other, then your party is a success.
This can be as simple as taking a long bubble bath, reading a magazine, or simply sitting on your patio enjoying a cup of coffee.
Enjoying the open relationship generates important paths for communication that is crucial for long-term satisfaction.
You can then just sit back and wait for your table to be delivered so that you can enjoy everything from drinking coffee off of it to enjoying a family game night.
These tips can help you buy a quality motorcycle at a fair price, giving you more time on the road enjoying the wind in your hair.
A good travel guide is essential to enjoying the best hotels, restaurants, sights and sounds of any place unfamiliar to you.
With a little patience and a bit of basic PC knowledge, you'll be enjoying those graphic intense games and applications in no time.
This allows you to buy brand new, undamaged furniture at the height of the patio season while still enjoying a substantial discount.
Stores will soon be packed, websites will soon be overwhelmed with orders and by the end of December, everyone will be enjoying their latest "favorite thing in the world."
Finding some great deals while immersed in a holiday tradition should take away from enjoying the Christmas season.
The shopping experience often provides amenities for those who are interested in enjoying a weekend shopping trip.
You can now buy the Nook that best fits your needs and budget from a wide array of resources so you too can start enjoying all of your books anywhere, at any time.
Soon you will be enjoying the portability and versatility of use that comes with tablet PC computers.
Cats that simply want to lie in the sun all day long usually aren't ill; they're just enjoying being sfeline.
A child can begin with the series at a young age and work his way through all of the books as he completes elementary grade levels, enjoying the stories of Jack and Annie as they tackle new adventures through different eras.
The tale about an egg that hatches while the mother bird is looking for food is a nice choice for building a little suspense while enjoying a loveable tale.
This drink will take you to the tropics, even if you're enjoying it in your own backyard.
During Prohibition, this drink, which looks just like a glass of iced tea, was invented to fool passersby into thinking patrons were enjoying a glass of Lipton.
A train trip on the Orient Express, relaxing on the bluest water imaginable or enjoying the European lifestyle are just a few of the many vacation opportunities offered.
This point of view also supports the idea that children should continue live in the same style they were enjoying before their parents separated.
When free time runs short, hanging out together to watch a movie at night or enjoying a few moments of the sunset provides an acceptable substitute for fun outings away from home.
From the same company, you can get the Folding Frame Lawn Chair, which is perfect for kicking back and enjoying the sun.
With your new furniture in place, you are ready to spend hours in the comfort of your own yard relaxing and enjoying time with your family and friends.
With the right conditions, you will soon be enjoying the benefits of home produced compost which will add nutrients to your garden while also reducing garden waste.
By reading and enjoying these stories, the concepts of green living become a part of your child's experience in a matter-of-fact way.
Once you know what the berries look like and where to find them, you will be on your way to enjoying free, delicious berries all summer long.
Enjoying ginger and gleaning its many benefits is simple.
Today, when I was outside enjoying the, finally cool, late morning breeze, my eyes hit on the concrete steps that have annoyed me for as long as I've lived in the house.
A warm color scheme, on the other hand, may be desirable if you want to feel more energized when enjoying your master bedroom.
With a little practice, stenciling can become as automatic and as relaxing as writing a letter or enjoying a cup of coffee.
Formal tables do not have to be a stuffy affair, but there are certain rules to setting a formal table that will make enjoying the meal much easier.
Or is the room more functional - someplace to do the cooking while the gathering and enjoying your meals happens elsewhere in the home?
This favorite design theme for kitchens is enjoying a new life in textiles, especially area rugs.
Of course, this is the benefit of arriving at a quality makeup website and enjoying the trials and errors of others.
Those who prefer to shop online for great deals on Gap merchandise don't have to worry since there are plenty of ways to get the most for your money while enjoying the latest styles of the season.
However, there are still some options for enjoying The Sims online, and for enjoying other games in the Sims universe.
If you want to keep enjoying the mysteries, even after the show is over, try some of these great online games.
The most mundane meal can be made elegant by enjoying the eating experience.
If eating solo at a restaurant, it's common to take up a conversation with those around you while enjoying your meal.
When enjoying Spanish food, be sure to do as the Spaniards and offer others the pre-eating wish a good meal, "Buen provecho!"
Beginning scrapbookers often love attending home party events, but crafters with no interest in learning about the hobby will only keep your other guests from enjoying themselves.
Include copies of your favorite recipes next to photos of everyone enjoying Christmas dinner.
To illustrate this layout, have a friend take pictures of you "hiding" your shopping bags to place next to images of your husband enjoying his favorite hobby.
Most visitors to Washington DC spend the majority of their time enjoying the areas around the mall.
So for page designs that include holiday staples, add photos of the entire clan enjoying Aunt Sue's famous garlic mashed potatoes or Mom's heavenly hot ham casserole.
Whether you're enjoying a tropical vacation or just hanging out at your local lake, be sure to get some great photos of your family and friends enjoying themselves.
Skiing takes patience and practice but before you know it, you will be enjoying the slopes and experiencing the thrill of the sport.
Skiing on skis that are not the correct length can not only be dangerous but can prevent you from enjoying the sport to the fullest extent.
In addition to enjoying the mountain activities, China Peak has several options to consider after a long day outdoors.
Before you know it, you will find that you are enjoying life more and have more fun!
A vacation doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant; you can get away from your stress by visiting a local day spa, enjoying a favorite activity, or just finding a way to spend time relaxing right at home.
It is virtually impossible to feel stressed while enjoying yourself and laughter is a large part of that process.
Utilizing creative stress relievers is a great way to let go of stress while enjoying yourself!
Spend time outdoors enjoying the sunlight and fresh air.
Like the other meditation timers, the soft sound will gently ease you back into your day, while enjoying the sweet scent of your favorite incense.
It means accomplishing the tasks at hand while gaining more time for relaxation and enjoying the things you want to do.
In fact, this cool-weather accessory is enjoying a rebirth much like when they were first popular in the 1980s.
Try setting that aside, sitting back, and enjoying the company you're with.
That means smiling, laughing and actually enjoying yourself.
Roller skating - if you are lucky enough to have a roller rink in your town, consider strapping on the skates and enjoying a little music while you work out.
Detractors of the school ranking system believe that students are no longer learning at a normal pace and enjoying their education.
At the end, when you are tired from all of the walking, head to an all-night diner to keep enjoying the evening.
If you're thinking of enjoying a whey shake, try some of the following recipes.
If you are new to a raw food diet, a list of raw foods can mean the difference between enjoying your food and being frustrated by questions.
Great ways to eat fruits in order to maximize the nutritional benefits includes fresh fruit salads, smoothies and enjoying fresh fruit with cereal or yogurt.
Try an "Off to the Beach" vacation kit full of the basics for enjoying surf and sand, or a loaded picnic basket filled with condiments to promise the couple time together as well as give them a head start on their pantry.
Sharing this information means that the guests are fully aware of the plans for the day and that the bride and groom can concentrate on enjoying their special day without having to worry if people know what the plans are.
Ensuring that everyone is having a great time and enjoying the bridal shower is an important part of the day.
They provide it all in one spot, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your engagement and less time worrying about the wedding details.
To be able to find joy in life, fun things to do, and worthwhile relationships encourages the alcoholic through the process of hating recovery to enjoying its benefits.
Other ways to cope with withdrawal cravings include avoiding smokers or smoking environments, exercising, getting enough sleep, and enjoying a favorite hobby or activity after a particularly hard day.
That light-headedness made me feel relaxed after enjoying a refreshing cigarette.
If you are bringing dessert to an adults-only party, consider making a cake with a piped image of a leprechaun enjoying his own green-tinted beer out of a large mug.
You would think the first arrest for lewd acts would have taught the singer to keep his pants on, but in July 2006, George again made headlines, this time for reportedly enjoying a romp in a public park with a 58-year-old van driver.
Since his divorce was finalized on June 30, 2006, Lachey has been enjoying life as an eligible bachelor.
Winners of each competition stay on the "A-list" side of their Las Vegas house, enjoying top amenities, while the losers are demoted to the "B-list" side.
After the slow climb to stardom, Carell is enjoying notable success with both The Office and his role in Little Miss Sunshine.
He started hosting Late Night with Conan O'Brien in 1993, and while the show was not well-received initially, it is now enjoying its 14th season.
Getting married just a month after telling Matt Lauer during a Today show interview that she and Pete had not yet set a wedding date and were just "enjoying the engagement" certainly doesn't help toward the abatement of the baby rumors.
Enjoying his success, Cowell left EMI to form his own independent label, E&S Music.
At nearly 30 years old, isn't it about time to start enjoying the success of a career that he seemingly worked so hard for as opposed to wasting his time in jail and spending his hard earned money on lawyers and posting bail?
Jack was out enjoying a day of shopping in London, when he bore witness to a man snatching a woman's purse.
Sure, The Hulkster has had a tough time with the divorce and yeah, it must be beyond difficult seeing some teenager boyfriend of your soon-to-be ex-wife's enjoying the riches you worked so very hard for, but seriously.
Pattinson will have to make some big career moves in the future to shed his image as the sullen vampire he plays in the movies, but for now he seems to be enjoying the attention and popularity he has earned.
While Lautner was already enjoying a certain level of fame, it was the Twilight films that really brought him into the forefront.
The pretty and bubbly country singer, who performed solo and along with her talented sisters, is still enjoying her fame while keeping her life a little more low-key.
If you're now still wondering, whatever happened to Barbara Mandrell, the answer is that she's taking time to spend with her family while enjoying a quieter life.
Valentine is still acting, making public appearances, and enjoying life.
He claims he wasn't even enjoying it anymore and new it was time to give it up.
People are enjoying our show, that is what matters.
Children have been enjoying the look and feel of these tough outfits since the early 1900s when OshKosh B'Gosh first introduced them to kids, so they could follow in their dads' footsteps.
It is a not just about the dress but the entire process for them of choosing, enjoying, wearing and feeling wonderful.
And when you're in an unfamiliar environment, friends can mean the difference between enjoying your college experience and making plans to change schools as soon as possible.
Living in the frat house gives members a chance to get away from the dorms while still enjoying the learning experience of community living.
Of course, simply enjoying a vacation without worrying about who wants to do what or how to independently please everyone can be a great experience for a family.
Furthermore, the entertainment reviews can be quite mixed, and passengers should be prepared to entertain themselves with conversation, books, or simply enjoying the relaxation of the voyage.
And barefoot they will be, enjoying the very best in alternative cruising.
First, its naturally relaxed, easy going atmosphere is conducive to meeting new people and enjoying fun activities together.
This is a great way to get away with Mom and spend some quality time together while also enjoying the amenities and destinations of a cruise.
What better way to spend Mother's Day weekend than to spend it afloat on a cruise ship, getting pampered and enjoying a brief break from the rigors of motherhood?
You can attend a life changing seminar in the morning and spend your afternoon enjoying five-star dining, swimming, getting pampered at the ship's spa or working out at a state-of-the-art fitness center.
A Mississippi River boat cruise is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about America's storied past while enjoying regional cuisine and local music on a historic steamboat.
However, with its lower price tag, this stateroom will keep your budget in check and allow you to spend your time on deck enjoying all the great activities.
You can jam to famous singing stars from Lynyrd Skynyrd to New Kids on the Block in addition to enjoying all the amenities offered on traditional cruises.
A 15 day Hawaii cruise offers travelers a unique opportunity to explore the raw beauty of the Hawaiian Islands while enjoying luxurious accommodations onboard a major ocean liner.
There's no better way to cap off a day relaxing by the pool or hitting the links than enjoying a tropical sunset cruise in paradise.
Kauai sunset cruises are not packed with underwater viewings or live musicians; rather they are soothing and relaxing sailings, which focus on enjoying Kauai's unmatched scenery.
In addition to enjoying a relaxing and educational voyage on the slow-paced waters of the Nile, you will be treated to a holiday to remember.
In most cases, you will be expected to work long hours, sometimes seven days a week, and you won't be enjoying luxury accommodations.
If you feel oppressed at work or home, getting together with other gay singles and couples and enjoying the beauty and culture of Europe without a care in the world might be the breath of fresh air you need.
In addition to enjoying immaculate landscapes, cruisers are given the chance to get up close and personal with Antarctica's wildlife.
With so many dogs enjoying a relatively confined space, it is imperative that all owners cooperate to keep the park clean for every visitor.
There's no doubt about it that a well-trained dog makes a far better companion, and various dog training aids can help owners achieve their training goals and move on to enjoying a comfortable relationship with their pets.
As with any food product, bone or chew toy, keeping an eye on your dog while he's enjoying his treat will help assure the experience is a safe and pleasurable one.
My boys are prancing around the house and enjoying the smells almost as much as the human occupants are.
Others use a GPS for fun, enjoying the popular hobby of geocaching with the help of a portable GPS.
After enjoying a long life in good health, Otto was diagnosed with a deadly stomach tumor.
Perhaps you have a senior pet that is currently enjoying a longer than average life.
The Sumachs are not difficult as to soil or cultivation, thriving in ordinary garden soils, and rather enjoying poor and dry soils, some of them being suitable, therefore, for grouping on dry banks where little else will grow.
Who wouldn't love to spend more time enjoying the outdoors in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere?
Celebrate the season through sunflower tips, harvesting and enjoying these delightful harbingers of fall.
Sunflowers tips, harvesting and enjoying these delicious seeds are just a few of the many ways gardeners can enjoy the fruits of their labors.
No hydrangea care guide would be complete without mention of the most important tip - enjoying your beautiful hydrangea!
The most important thing is to get yourself playing the guitar and enjoying your favorite music to its fullest.
While many custom wood and metal railings can add beauty to the home, many homeowners would rather be enjoying their deck rather than working on it.
Be sure to weigh all the options, read all the fine print and ask all the questions necessary and you'll be enjoying your newly improved home soon.
Grilling, relaxing or just enjoying the fresh air, having an area designated for outdoor use can lure the whole family outside.
Be sure to decorate it with enough furniture because everyone in the home will be enjoying this room day and night.
Because golf shirts aren't restricted to the country club or golf course, feel free to wear your stylish shirts when you're relaxing or enjoying other activities.
You'll remain cool and casual, while also enjoying the wearable ease these shorts provide.
Designed to protect you from the rain, wind and cold, and to keep you comfortable while enjoying your game of golf, a rain suit is an essential part of any golfer's wardrobe.
Golf may be anything but the "good walk spoiled" that Mark Twain dubbed it, but it's definitely less fun if it's raining, so quality waterproof golf clothing for men is necessary to carry on enjoying the day.
You could wear a loose polo with some of these styles, but there's arguably nothing better than kicking back in a t-shirt on those rare occasions you get to spend hours outside enjoying nature.
Your shoe choice will really depend on the environment where you'll be enjoying your time off.
Choose a style in silk for a dressier look and a style in cotton to keep you cool while enjoying the outdoors.
Now, thanks to hipsters, they are enjoying a resurgence not seen since the 1920s and are embraced by men of all ages.
For anyone who wants to continue enjoying the outdoors for decades to come - and let future generations do the same - Patagonia clothes are one of the best choices to make.
Cardigans are now enjoying a renaissance, thanks to the sharp stylings of the hipster.
Popular since the dawn of punk rock, men's gothic jackets are enjoying a revival thanks to the resurgent interest in vampires and other elegant underworld creatures.
Solus organic bedding is a great choice for allergy sufferers who want to eliminate dust mites while enjoying the other benefits of organic bedding.
Over several weeks, you will add more raw food and take away more of her old food until she is comfortably enjoying her new diet.
Even mother's breast milk has been shown to contain more than the maximum recommended exposure to pesticides.Your safest bet is to start enjoying the benefit of organic foods and household products before you conceive.
Using compost in your garden will enrich your soil and increase your chances of enjoying great organic gardening success.
Using coupons to buy organic milk can be a great way to save money while still enjoying all the benefits of organically produced milk.
If you want to save a little extra money, while also enjoying the benefits of organic productions methods, then perhaps organic food coupons are just the thing!
Aubrey Organics - This sunscreen is SPF 25 and made for people who will be hiking, swimming, skiing, or enjoying other very active outdoor pursuits.
You would need to plan carefully for drainage as well as be vigilant about the moisture in the soil, but it is one way an avid gardener might be able to continue enjoying his hobby.
The suit should remain in place when walking, sitting, squatting, or stretching; swimsuits that move too much will leave women preoccupied with keeping their suits in place rather than enjoying summer activities.
Whether you engage in water aerobics or you just like to wade in the shallow end, a swimsuit is essential for enjoying summertime water activities.
The materials are important because they provide slimming support, allowing the wearer to notice posture while enjoying the figure-enhancing lift.
The ultra-long plus size summer dresses are perfect for helping you stay cool while enjoying excellent coverage.
This is especially appealing to women who prefer to keep their arms covered while enjoying other elements of the sleeveless look.
Additionally, the shapers help to give crucial support while swimming or enjoying time by the pool or sea - it's hard to play beach volleyball if you feel unsupported.
For the active women, Cacique sports bras provide the support and coverage you need when enjoying your favorite activities.
It can be hoped that progress continues to be made so that women can stop obsessing about body issues and concentrate on enjoying magazines and their lives.