Enigmatic Sentence Examples
She was pale but breathing steadily, her enigmatic eyes closed.
But he found himself smiling at the enigmatic god's explanation.
Much of the imagery of this chapel will seem very enigmatic to most of you.
The Sprouse and LV collaboration is nothing short of enigmatic.
Almost every sentence in it is enigmatic. As now published, there are always subjoined to it certain appendixes, which are ascribed to Confucius himself.
Yet despite the cult following he has acquired, Holland remains enigmatic.
These features have often made the Japanese system appear enigmatic, creating a challenge for researchers.
Though she designs a range of styles that run the gamut from bright and enigmatic to understated and conservative, it is Kiely's Multi-Stem print that tends to receive the most recognition.
Her skin was golden from the sun, which brought out the enigmatic eyes, and made them glow with the otherworldly beauty displayed by her and the one called Evelyn.
The enigmatic Tim's request for a favor was readily granted after three generations of both their families working together towards the PMF's goals of national unity.
AdvertisementIt's a look of bemused wonder mirrored only by the enigmatic stone monoliths of Easter Island.
Sometimes, you even raise an enigmatic smile, then carry on, your tumeric yellow sari swinging beneath a three-quarter-length gray raincoat.
The fake sheik 's supposed wealth was just too tempting for the Swede to be enigmatic.
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic sphinx.
The enigmatic term ' inner emigration ' is often applied to the fate of the great German symphonist Karl Amadeus Hartmann.
AdvertisementRenowned for her extraordinarily vivid recreations of historical events, Carolly Erickson brings out the full fascinating story of the enigmatic Anne Boleyn.
It was the sheet upon which I had scrawled the enigmatic message.
Closer inspection, though, reveals a collection of colors that is enigmatic and flattering.
Grab a brush and dust it on, though, and you'll see a different side to this enigmatic shade.
It presents women with unexplored, unusual and enigmatic options aplenty, ranging from discreet and elegant to vibrant and dynamic.
AdvertisementThe combination of bright citrus and rich musk is enigmatic, yet relaxed.
The season's best, most coveted shoes are driven by enigmatic hues that instantly perk up any outfit.
Sharp, eye-catching styles that are undoubtedly made with today's fresh, trendsetting young man or woman in mind, the shoes boast enigmatic color palettes and contemporary designs.
Possibly and appropriate tattoo design for a lady that has an enigmatic personality.
When both the Maquis ship and Voyager are seized by the enigmatic Caretaker entity and thrown to the far side of the galaxy, Torres is taken from the ship for various medical tests.
AdvertisementThe song finds enigmatic frontman Brett Anderson on top vocal form, tho overall the end product does feel a bit weak.
The part of the spleen in the motley group of dyspepsias and anaemias, conspicuous as it often is, still remains very enigmatic.
These outbursts, very terse and enigmatic, are charged with religious emotion, and turn often on some subtle point of Arahatship, that is, of the Buddhist ideal of life.
He'd never met the enigmatic deity, but he'd heard past-Death go off about this man after every interaction.
Enigmatic, because it was a mystery to me what he would make of it, not being a particularly arty, bohemian type.
The enigmatic Nick Cave treats the audience to his dark, enticing piano balladry.
For the often enigmatic Rommedahl, it was another away day success story.
But tho the general import of their message is clear enough, the details of Bosch's pictorial language are still enigmatic.
The Cassini spacecraft completed three close flybys of Saturn's enigmatic moon Enceladus between February and July 2005.
First to Giza, where youâll stand in wonder at the huge Pyramids and see the enigmatic Sphinx.
Faced with a display of such enigmatic shades, I was momentarily thrown by the selection, but ended up reaching for one - just one - color to start out with.
Evening perfumes may typically be thought of as deep, sexy and enigmatic, but the truth is that many scents can work.
Wedding Paper Divas specializes in chic, stylish invitations that run the gamut from understated and crisp to bright and enigmatic.
Bold, enigmatic and undeniably eye catching, red Egyptian cotton sheets have the potential to add some real pizzazz to your bedroom.
Sacha Baron Cohen is the enigmatic British comedian who is best known for his characters Ali G and Borat.
His latest role is on CW's One Tree Hill, playing "Jason, the cocky, enigmatic frontman for No Means Yes, a seminal rock band from the fictional town of Tree Hill," according to the network's press release.
Short hair, especially when cut in a bob style, is enigmatic and instantly more mature when given a healthy dose of shine.
The Solar Tan Thru collection for women is full of bright florals, enigmatic plaids and eye-catching prints.
Despite their inherent simplicity, white dresses are the enigmatic stars of a woman's closet.
The effect is strong and enigmatic, and you'll undoubtedly turn heads - but that's usually the point when one is wearing pants as brazen as these!
If you want to dress as Alice, be sure to add a small spring to your step, an enigmatic smile and an engaging demeanor in order to capture the spirit of this vivacious creature.
The soft luminescence of dupioni silk lends this enigmatic tote bag an elegant vibe.
These are less common than their solid-colored counterparts, but are just as enigmatic and smooth to the touch.
Ruffles are bold and enigmatic in general, but their charm rests in their versatility.
There is a somewhat enigmatic entry in the Parish Book.
Just as her styles changed over the years (yet somehow always remained fervently bold and enigmatic), so too did Cher's makeup.
Luggage constructed of thick, sturdy fabrics and printed with bold, enigmatic designs is indicative of the company's dedication to quality and beauty.
In this lady he had found a sitter whose face and smile possessed in a singular degree the haunting, enigmatic charm in which he delighted.
This enigmatic personage appeared in Islay, and rather had his pretences thrust on him than assumed them; he was half-witted.
When the idea, itself indefinite, gets no further than a struggle and endeavour for its appropriate expression, we have the symbolic, which is the Oriental, form of art, which seeks to compensate its imperfect expression by colossal and enigmatic structures.
These enigmatic speeches were all that the multitudes got, but the disciples in private were taught their lesson of hope.
His doctrinal position is explained in his letters to his patron Eusebius, bishop of the imperial city of Nicomedia, and to Alexander of Alexandria, and in the fragments of the poem in which he set forth his dogmas, which bears the enigmatic title of " Thalia " (06XECa), used in Homer, in the sense of " a goodly banquet," most unjustly ridiculed by Athanasius as an imitation of the licentious style of the drinking-songs of the Egyptian Sotades (270 B.C.).
Kiera stopped in the hallway, considering where the enigmatic dhjan might have gone.
The position was complicated by the somewhat enigmatic attitude of Russia; for the Neapolitan Liberals, with many of whom Count Capo d'Istria, the Russian minister of foreign affairs, had been on friendly terms, proclaimed that they had the " moral support " of the tsar.
Amos still has frequent visions cf a more or less enigmatic character, as Micaiah had, but there is little trace of this in the great prophets after him.