Engines Sentence Examples
The engines purred to life.
The state has considerably improved the engines and passenger carriages.
The scene was defined by a cluster of police cars and fire engines bathed in rotating lights.
While attending to engines at rest 4 2,479 6.
These are generally tank engines, carrying their fuel and water on the engine proper.
The same remarks apply to goods engines.
For local services where stoppages are frequent the demand is for engines capable of quickly ' At the beginning of 1908 the Great Western's loading gauge on its main lines was widened to 9 ft.
Holden developed the use of liquid fuel on the Great Eastern railway to a point beyond the experimental stage, and used it instead of coal with the engines running the heavy express traffic of the line, its continued use depending merely upon the relative market price of coal and oil.
In the course of his retreat he was attacked by the Jews and fled to Antioch, leaving them his engines of war.
Among the city's manufactures are oxide of tin and other chemicals, iron and steel, leather goods, automobiles and bicycles, electrical and telephone supplies, butted tubing, gas engines, screws and bolts, silk, lace and hosiery.
AdvertisementIn 1890, at Plymouth, competitions took place of light portable engines (a) using solid fuel, (b) using liquid or gaseous fuel, grist mills for use on a farm, disintegrators, and cider-making plant for use on a farm.
In 1894, at Cambridge, the awards were for fixed and portable oil engines, potato-spraying and tree-spraying machines, sheep-dipping apparatus and churns.
In 1901, at Cardiff, competition was invited in portable oil engines, agricultural locomotive oil engines and small ice-making plant suitable for a dairy.
Foundry and machine-shop products, consisting largely of engines, boilers, metal-working machinery, wood-working machinery, pumping machinery, mining machinery and stoves, rank second among the state's manufactures; their value increased from $43,617,07 2 in 1890 to $72,399,632 in 1900, and to $94,507,691 in 1905.
Moveable gins were tried for a time in some places; they were dragged by traction engines from farm to farm, like threshing machines in parts of England, but the plan proved uneconomical because, among other reasons, farmers were not prepared to meet the cost of providing facilities for storing their cotton.
AdvertisementA large boiler frequently supplies the engines of several wells.
The engines used on the main 6-in.
After completing his preparations, which included the casting of a monster cannon and the manufacture of enormous engines of assault, Mahom med Murad 1!., 1421-1451.
The most important manufactures are iron and steel, carriage hardware, electrical supplies, bridges, boilers, engines, car wheels, sewing machines, printing presses, agricultural implements, and various other commodities made wholly or chiefly from iron and steel.
The principal manufactures are cordage and twine, agricultural implements, engines, pianos, boots and shoes, cotton and woollen goods, carpets and rugs, rubber goods, flour and machinery.
AdvertisementOnly 1 i engines were working.
It is the distributing centre for the surrounding district, and exports railway carriages, engines, boilers, stoves, &c.
These researches derive additional importance from having introduced two powerful engines of analysis for the treatment of physical problems, Laplace's coefficients and the potential function.
Among the city's manufactures are agricultural implements, iron bridges and other structural iron work, watches and watch-cases, steel, engines, safes, locks, cutlery, hardware, wagons, carriages, paving-bricks, furniture, dental and surgical chairs, paint and varnish, clay-working machinery and saw-mill machinery.
In 1905 and following years motor omnibuses (worked mostly by internal combustion engines) began to a large extent to supplant horse traction.
AdvertisementThe cylinders are generally single-expansion, though compound engines are occasionally used for heavy work.
Hoisting engines are provided with powerful brakes and frequently with reversing gear.
At a few mines special man-cages are operated in separate compartments by their own engines for handling part of the men, and for tools, supplies, &c. For inclined shafts, where the mineral is hoisted in skips, the operation of raising and lowering men may not be so simple.
At a few mines (since safety catches cannot be successfully applied to man-cars) these conveyances are raised and lowered by separate engines and ropes.
Cornish pumps are the oldest of the machines for draining mines; in fact, one of the earliest applications of the old Woolf and Newcomen engines in the 18th century was to pumps for deep mines.
Hydraulic pumping engines, while not differing essentially from steam pumps, must have specially designed valves in the power cylinder on account of the incompressibility of water.
Occasionally, at very gassy and dangerous collieries, two fans and driving engines are erected at the same air shaft, and in case of accident to the fan in operation the other can be started within a few minutes.
The Belopoiica (on engines of war) is extant in Greek, and both this and the Mechanics contain Hero's solution of the problem of the two mean proportionals.
In the United States and elsewhere engines drawing behind them a number of ploughs, arranged in echelon and taking perhaps The sub-soil plough has the beam and body but not the mould-board of an ordinary plough.
The staple productions are machinery, railway engines and carriages, steel, tin and bronze wares, pottery, bent and carved wood furniture, textiles and chemicals.
Its most distinctive manufactures are paper and wood pulp; more valuable are foundry and machine shop products; other manufactures are safes, malt liquors, flour, woollens, Corliss engines, carriages and wagons and agricultural implements.
One or two chapters on the subject are also generally included in treatises on the steam engine, or other heat engines, such as those of Rankine, Perry or Ewing.
In the great civil struggle he used his pen against the Scots, and was in the king's army at the siege of Gloucester, inventing certain engines for assaulting the town.
Among the manufactures of Oneida are wagons, cigars, furniture, caskets, silver-plated ware, engines and machinery, steel and wooden pulleys and chucks, steel grave vaults, hosiery, and milk bottle caps.
In this portion of the pit are generally placed the furnaces for ventilation, and the boilers required for working steam engines underground, as well as the stables and lamp cabin.
In some instances electric motors have been substituted for compressed-air engines in such machines.
Where the load has to be hauled up a rising gradient, underground engines, driven by steam or compressed air or electric motors, are used.
In some cases steam generated in boilers at the surface is carried in pipes to the engines below, but there is less loss of power when compressed air is sent down in the same way.
Water-pressure engines, driven by a column of water equal to the depth of the pit, have also been employed for hauling.
The increased resistance, due to the large extension of workings from single pairs of shafts, the ventilating currents having often to travel several miles to the upcast, has led to great increase in the size and power of ventilating fans, and engines from 250 to Soo H.P. are not uncommonly used for such purposes.
The engines used for winding or hoisting in collieries are usually direct-acting with a pair of horizontal cylinders coupled directly to the drum shaft.
Counterbalance chains for the winding engines are used in the collieries of the Midland districts of England.
Nevertheless about 60 electric winding engines were at work or under construction in May 1906.
In the deeper German pits, where great thicknesses of water-bearing strata have to be traversed, the first establishment expenses are so great that in order to increase output the shaft is sometimes provided with a complete double equipment of cages and engines.
In such cases the engines may be placed in line on opposite sides of the pit, or at right angles to each other.
The name has been applied generally to all kinds of instruments used in the measurement of a force, as for example electric dynamometers, but the term specially denotes apparatus used in connexion with the measurement of work, or in the measurement of the horse-power of engines and motors.
Engines specially designed for testing are usually provided with a brake wheel having a trough-shaped rim.
This replaced the propeller of the ship whose engines were to be tested, and the outer casing was held from turning by a suitable arrangement of levers carried to weighing apparatus conveniently disposed on the wharf.
These measurements were utilized in combination with appropriate elastic coefficients of the material to find the horse-power transmitted from the engines along the shaft to the propeller.
In this way the effective horse-power and also the mechanical efficiency of a number of large marine engines, each of several thousand horse-power, have been determined.
Among the city's manufactures are boilers, machines, glass, chemicals, terra cotta, brick, iron pipes and couplings, gas engines, cutlery and silk.
About this date the output of alcohol in Germany and its use in stationary internal-combustion engines increased rapidly.
Whilst alcohol is applied in motor engines in a similar manner to petrol, its vapour mixed with a proper proportion of air being drawn into the cylinder where it is compressed and ignited, it cannot be used with maximum efficiency by itself in engines such as are fitted to modern motors because it requires a higher degree of compression than petrol engines are usually designed to stand, and also because, unless special arrangements are made, a motor engine will not start readily from the cold with alcohol alone.
Mixing with benzol and/or petrol, or with ether in varying proportions, enables it, however, to be employed successfully in them, until such time as engines specially designed for its use are available.
Ricardo's paper on" The Influence of Various Fuels on the Performance of Internal-Combustion Engines,"published in 1921.
It is in this direction, which is being actively followed up in the dominions and colonies, that the production of alcohol for use in internal-combustion engines is most likely to advance so far as the British Empire is concerned.
It would appear, however, that the production of power alcohol within the British Empire from waste materials, which can be collected and treated at low cost, offers the best chance of the solution of the problem of the supply to the United Kingdom of an alternative liquid fuel for internal-combustion engines.
Whilst the use of alcohol for power purposes, mainly in connexion with stationary and agricultural engines, was common in Germany before the war, its employment in Europe and also in the United States for motor engines has not made much headway, nor was it apparent in 1921 that any active steps were being taken outside the British Empire to develop it for the purpose on any considerable scale.
Limestone is abundant, and the city has various manufactures, including lime, foundry and machine-shop products, agricultural implements, planing-mill products, engines, steam shovels, dredges, pianos and silks.
By his speeches and messages, and by his frank use of one of the greatest of modern social engines - the newspaper press - he created a public opinion which heartily supported him.
Electricity is obtained by two gas engines (one spare) each of 75 B.H.P.
But in recent times the weight of traction engines and wagons which pass over bridges has increased, and this kind of load generally produces greater straining action than a crowd of people.
The weights of engines and wagons are now greater, and in addition it is recognized that the concentration of the loading at the axles gives rise to greater straining action, especially in short bridges, than the same load uniformly distributed along the span.
He takes as the live load for a bridge two such engines, followed by a train of wagons covering the span.
The duke was aided in this work by the alliance of Valdemar I., king of Denmark, and, it is said, by engines of war brought from Italy.
The conquest of Gotland at once led to a war between Valdemar and Sweden allied with the Hanseatic towns; but in the spring of 1362 Valdemar repulsed from the fortress of Helsingborg a large Hanseatic fleet provided with "shooting engines" (cannon) and commanded by Johan Wittenburg, the burgomaster of Lubeck.
This provides for taking water from the Ohio river at a point on the Kentucky side opposite the village of California, Ohio, and several miles above the discharge of the city sewers; for the carrying of the water by a gravity tunnel under the river to the Ohio side, the water being thence elevated by four great pumping engines, each having a daily capacity of 30,000,000 gallons, to settling basins, being then passed through filters of the American or mechanical type, and flowing thence by a gravity tunnel more than 4 m.
An investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1909 finds that the crude Mexican oils are of low grade, but that while not equal to those found in the upper Mississippi basin for refining purposes, they furnish an excellent fuel for railway engines and other industrial purposes.
Other important manufactures were furniture, ships and boats, railway cars (the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound and the Northern Pacific systems having shops here), engines, machinery, shoes, water pipes, preserves and beer.
The principal manufacture is cotton goods; among the other products are lumber, flour, cotton waste, cotton-seed oil and cake, ice, silk, boilers and engines, and general merchandise staples.
Beaver Dam is situated in the midst of a fine farming country; it has a good water-power derived from Beaver Lake, and among its manufactures are woollen and cotton goods, malleable iron, foundry products, gasolene engines, agricultural implements, stoves and beer.
Hundreds of millions are spent in acquiring terrible engines of destruction, which are regarded to-day as the latest inventions of science, but are destined to-morrow to be rendered obsolete by some new discovery.
Among the manufactures of Fishkill Landing are rubber-goods, engines (Corliss) and other machinery, hats, silks, woollens, and brick and tile.
The city has various manufactures, including iron, engines, furnaces, reapers, threshers and bottles.
They are also fitted with different forms of suspension in which the compass is mounted to obviate the mechanical disturbance of the card caused by the vibration of the hull in ships driven by powerful engines.
The disturbance of the compass by the magnetism of the hull is generally modified, sometimes favourably, more often un favourably, by the magnetized fittings of the ship, such as masts, conning towers, deck houses, engines and boilers.
The introduction of powerful engines causing serious vibration to compass cards of the admiralty type, coupled with the prevailing desire for larger cards, the deviation of which could also be more conveniently compensated, led to the gradual introduction of the Thomson compass.
The latter was built with ten inclined planes, five on each side of the summit at Blair's Gap and cars were drawn up these by stationary engines.
Artificial membranes are seldom or never perfectly semi-permeable - some leakage of solute nearly always occurs, but the imperfections of actual membranes need no more prevent our use of the ideal conception than the faults of real engines invalidate the theory of ideal thermodynamics founded on the conception of a perfect, reversible, frictionless, heat engine.
Both engines brought up, and she grounded 300 yd.
She was struck by three shells, which killed or wounded half the crew and wrecked the engines.
It is largely replacing brass and copper in all departments of industry - especially where dead weight has to be moved about, and lightness is synonymous with economy - for instance, in bed-plates for torpedo-boat engines, internal fittings for ships instead of wood, complete boats for portage, motor-car parts and boiling-pans for confectionery and in chemical works.
Engines, automobiles, biscuits, glass, pianos, furniture and paper are also manufactured.
To increase the reservoir capacity of the polder, as well as to conduct the water to the windmills or engines, it is intersected by a network of ditches cut at right angles to each other, the amount of ditching required being usually one-twelfth of the area to be drained.
In modern times pumping engines have replaced windmills, and the typical old Dutch landscape with its countless hooded heads and swinging arms has been greatly transformed by the advent of the chimney stacks of the pumping-stations.
The power of the pumping-engines is taken on the basis of 12 h.p. per moo hectares for every metre that the water has to be raised, or stated in another form, the engines must be capable of raising nearly 9 lb of water through I yd.
When the gas which escapes from the furnace top is used in gas engines it generates about four times as much power as when it is used for raising steam.
The number of great shafts for marine engines, reaching a diameter of 22k in.
The only very large establishment is one for the construction of iron steamers, engines, &c., but some factories have been erected within the area of the free port for the purpose of working up imported raw materials duty free.
They include worsted spinning mills; collieries, ironstone mines, quarries and brickworks; the manufacture of iron and steel, both in the rough and in the form of finished articles, as locomotives, bridge castings, ships' engines, gun castings and shells, &c. The parliamentary borough returns one member.
The river furnishes good water-power, and among the manufactures are wood-working machinery, ploughs, steam pumps, windmills, gas engines, paper-mill machinery, cutlery, flour, ladies' shoes, cyclometers and paper; the total value of the factory product in 1905 was $4,485,224, being 60.2% more than in 1900.
On a test one of these engines gave an efficiency or duty of 80%.
Erie is the commercial centre of a large and rich grape-growing and agricultural district, has an extensive trade with the lake ports and by rail (chiefly in coal, iron ore, lumber and grain), and is an important manufacturing centre, among its products being iron, engines, boilers, brass castings, stoves, car heaters, flour, malt liquors, lumber, planing mill products, cooperage products, paper and wood pulp, cigars and other tobacco goods, gas meters, rubber goods, pipe organs, pianos and chemicals.
In the foundries and machine shops small engines, boiler§ and church bells are made, and the government maintains an ice and cold-storage plant.
The motive power is generally a steam engine, but the greater economy and facility of oil engines have led to their fairly wide adoption.
Owing to the difficulty and expense of securing water from running streams by gravity systems, a great variety of methods were developed of pumping water by windmills, gasoline or hot-air engines, and steam.
In 1860 he founded at Hunslet, Leeds, the firm of Fowler & Co., manufacturers of agricultural machinery, traction engines, &c. He died at Ackworth, Yorkshire, on the 4th of December 1864.
Germany stands second to Great Britain in the manufacture of machines and engines.
There are large iron works (including foundries and factories for engines, boilers, chains and cables), shipbuilding yards, glass manufactories, chemical, soap and candle works, brick and tile works, breweries and tanneries.
No siege engines are depicted, even in the time of the Empire,, and the absence of original representations after the XXth Dynasty renders it difficult to judge the advances made in the art of war during the first half of the last millennium Bc. The inscription of Pankhi, however, proves that in the 8th century approaches and towers were raised against the walls of besieged cities Priesthood.The priesthood was in a great degree hereditary, though perhaps not essentially so.
The largest are those engaged in the construction of engines and iron ships.
The city is a trading centre for the rich agricultural and fruit-growing district by which it is surrounded, has good water-power, and is an important manufacturing centre, its chief manufactured products being cereal health foods, for which it has a wide reputation, and the manufacture of which grew out of the dietetic experiments made in the laboratories of the sanitarium; and threshing machines and other agricultural implements, paper cartons and boxes, flour, boilers, engines and pumps.
In 1905 Laconia ranked first among the cities of the state in the manufacture of hosiery and knit goods, and the value of these products for the year was 48.4% of the total value of the city's factory product; among its other manufactures are yarn, knitting machines, needles, sashes and blinds, axles, paper boxes, boats, gas and gasolene engines, and freight, passenger and electric cars.
The industries are growing, the chief being breweries and distilleries, saw-mills and planing-mills, shipbuilding, fish-curing, the manufacture of machinery, engines, bricks, resin, preserves, enamelled and tin goods, cigars, furniture, soap and leather.
Other water engines, similarly connected, with keys at the observer's hands, rotate the dome and perform the quick motions in right ascension and declination.
Roald Amundsen sailed from Norway in the "Fram " (which had been fitted with internal combustion engines) in Aug.
South Bethlehem is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. The Bethlehem Steel Company manufactures here iron and steel, including Bessemer steels, armour plate, steel rails, government ordnance, drop forgings, iron and steel castings, stationary engines, gas engines, hydraulic pumps, projectiles, steel shaft and pig iron; zinc is smelted and refined; and there are large hosiery and knitting mills, and silk mills and cigar factories.
The water-supply system is owned and operated by the borough; the water is derived from streams flowing southward in the sparsely settled area east of the borough, and also from driven wells in the same region; it is pumped by ten engines at Ridgewood to a reservoir having a capacity of about 300,000,000 gallons, while a part of it is re-pumped to a high service reservoir near the north entrance to Prospect Park for the service of the most elevated part of the borough.
Among the city's manufactures are steel, engines, locomotives, radiators, shovels, bricks, flour, furniture and leather.
Among the city's manufactures are lumber, furniture, baskets, pearl buttons, cars, carriages and wagons, Corliss engines,waterworks pumps,metallic burial cases, desks, boxes, crackers, flour, pickles and beer.
The principles of this and the preceding section are those which regulate the adjustment of the weight and position of the counterpoises which are placed between the spokes of the driving-wheels of locomotive engines.
In practice reciprocation is usually effected through a connecting rod, as in the case of steam engines.
The conditions regulating the balancing of a system of weights reciprocating under the action of accelerating forces given by the above expression are investigated in a paper by Otto Schlick, On Balancing of Steam Engines, Trans, Inst.
Dalby, On the Balancing of the Reciprocating Parts of Engines, including the Effect of the Connecting Rod (ibid., 1901).
The proof of this construction is given in The Balancing of Engines.
Rule Vii.-Damage To Engines In Refloating A Ship Damage caused to machinery and boilers of a ship which is ashore and in a position of peril, in endeavouring to refloat, shall be allowed in G.A., when shown to have arisen from an actual intention to float the ship for the common safety at the risk of such damage.
One-sixth to be deducted off wire rigging, wire ropes and wire hawsers, chain cables and chains, donkey engines, steam winches and connexions, steam cranes and connexions; other repairs in full.
Such efforts involve an abnormal use which is likely to cause damage to sails and spars, or to engines and boilers; and they are treated as acts of sacrifice.
The court of appeal held that both the damage sustained by the engines while worked to get the ship off, and the coal and stores consumed, were subjects for G.A.
Finally, in the court of Naples arose that most formidable of all critical engines, the critique of established ecclesiastical traditions and spurious historical documents.
It was found that by the manufacture in bulk, even by steam engines, at primary centres the cost could be considerably reduced, and in numerous districts in England large power stations began to be erected between 1903 and 1905 for the supply of current for power purposes.
From 6000 to 8000 prisoners, 60 cannon, engines of war and a considerable booty from the wealth accumulated by piracy fell into the hands of the conquerors.
The 25% rate covers all articles not mentioned in the schedules, which number 2260 items. The duty free list includes raw cotton, certain descriptions of live animals, agricultural machinery and implements, metal wire, fire engines, structural iron and steel, and machinery in general.
The device, frequently seen in farmyards, by which the power of a horse is utilized to drive threshing or other machinery, is sometimes described as a "horse-power," but this term usually denotes the unit in which the performance of steam and other engines is expressed, and which is defined as the rate at which work is done when 33,000 lb are raised one foot in one minute.
The "nominal horse-power" by which engines are sometimes rated is an arbitrary and obsolescent term of indefinite significance.
An ordinary formula for obtaining it is 1 S for highpressure engines, and S for condensing engines, where D is the diameter of the piston in inches and S the length of the stroke in feet, though varying numbers are used for the divisor.
In turbine engines this method is inapplicable.
The useful residue, known as the "actual," "effective" or "brake" horse-power, can be directly measured by a dynamometer; it amounts to about 80% of the indicated horse-power for good condensing engines and about 85% for non-condensing engines, or perhaps a little more when the engines are of the largest sizes.
It has also extensive dyeworks, bell foundries, and manufactures of steam engines, boilers and bicycles.
The Pennsylvania railway has repair shops here, and among Columbia's manufactures are silk goods, embroidery and laces, iron and steel pipe, engines, laundry machinery, brushes, stoves, iron toys, umbrellas, flour, lumber and wagons; the city is also a busy shipping and trading centre.
Toronto is one of the chief manufacturing centres of the dominion; agricultural machinery, automobiles, bicycles, cotton goods, engines, furniture, foundry products, flour, smoked meats, tobacco, jewelry, &c., are flourishing industries, and the list is constantly extending.
The engines were located in the portion of the framework corresponding to the head of the fish; they weighed 60 oz.
When going at full speed these engines conferred 425 revolutions per minute on the two gigantic propellers that drove the machine along.
The engines were then started and the pump set so as to deliver over 5000 lb of water per hour into the boiler.
Nearly half of the power of the engines was lost in the screw slip. This showed that the diameter of the screws was not great enough; it should have been at least 22 ft.
For the purpose of sewage disposal a district council may construct any works and contract for the use or purchase or lease of any land, buildings, engines, materials or apparatus, and contract to supply for a period not exceeding twenty-five years any person with sewage.
The iron trade in its different branches rivals the woollen trade in wealth, including the casting of metal, and the manufacture of steam engines, steam wagons, steam ploughs, machinery, tools, nails, &c. Leeds was formerly famed for the production of artistic pottery, and specimens of old Leeds ware are highly prized.
In the 4th century their place was taken by ten sophronistae (one for each tribe), who, as the name implies, took special interest in the morals of those under them, their military training being in the hands of experts, of whom the chief were the hoplomachus, the acontistes, the toxotes and the aphetes (instructors respectively in the use of arms, javelin-throwing, archery and the use of artillery engines).
For their production, therefore, dividing engines of extraordinary trueness and delicacy must be employed, and in the construction of such machines Rowland's engineering skill brought him conspicuous success.
Among its manufactures are dairy products (there is a large creamery), canned goods, flour and grist mill products, gasoline engines, well-machinery, barbed wire, tiles, ploughs, windmills, cornhuskers, and hay-balers.
A useful application of weighbridges is to ascertain the exact weights on the separate wheels of locomotive engines, so that they may be properly adjusted.
Engines, and iron and steel ships are built at a shipyard 2 on the Fore river, and tubular rivets and studs, gearing, foundry products, and translucent fabrics are among the city's other products.
A little of it is used for fuel for the engines and for bedding the stock; but the bulk of it is dragged away from the threshing machine by machinery, and left lying in great heaps until an opportunity is afforded for burning it up. This is usually done immediately before the ploughing in the autumn.
Graduates of technical schools are received as special apprentices and are directed in a course of four years through the erecting shops, vice shop, blacksmith shop, boiler shop, roundhouse, test department, machine shop, air-brake shop, iron foundry, car shop, work of firing on the road, office work in the motive power accounting department, and drawing room; the most competent may be admitted through the grades of inspector, in the office of the master mechanic or of the road foreman of engines, assistant master mechanic, assistant engineer of motive power, master mechanic and superintendent of motive power.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
Among other manufactures are hosiery and knit goods, overalls and suspenders, hardware, lumber, oils and varnishes, gasoline fire engines, mica insulators, agricultural implements, and wagons and carriages.
Among other things he worked out a plan for marine engines placed entirely below the water-line.
Such engines were made for the "Victory," for Captain (afterwards Sir) John Ross's voyage to the Arctic regions in 1829, but they did not prove satisfactory.
At this time Captain Stockton, of the United States navy, gave an order for a small iron vessel to be built by Laird of Birkenhead, and to be fitted by Ericsson with engines and screw.
Gregory of Tours tells us that they were robbers, not protectors of the people, and that justice and the whole administrative apparatus were merely engines of insatiable greed.
In 1907 there were six engines in the works with a pumping capacity of 152,000,000 gallons daily.
Owing to the conditions of the work, which require the maintenance of a sensibly reducing atmosphere, they contain a very notable proportion of carbonic oxide, and are drawn off by large wrought iron tubes near the top of the furnace and conveyed by branch pipes to the different boilers and air-heating apparatus, which are now entirely heated by the combustion of such gases, or mixed with air and exploded in gas engines.
It's just good engines and good aerodynamics I guess.
In 1999 Rolls-Royce were ready to deliver the first engines, but BAe had no airframes ready to accept them.
Forward motion is supplied by aero engines driving airscrews mounted on the outside.
The engines were mounted back-to-back in pairs, with the forward unit driving a tractor airscrew and the aft facing unit a pusher propeller.
Inside are elaborate model train sets - some seem more ancient than the engines on display outside.
The troops lacked ice axes, glycol antifreeze had to be flown in, the tank engines refused to start.
Some feel that OUR hi-tech version of that high-performance vehicle now has to have wings arid noisy jet engines.
Apart from the new design of boiler, these engines had a slightly larger awning to that fitted to no.
Bikes with smaller engines also attract cheaper motor bikes with smaller engines also attract cheaper motor bike insurance than large powerful bikes like Tunstall's Honda.
Virgin would also like to develop a biofuel suitable for aircraft engines, although it concedes this could be a decade away.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
It sounds bizarre to talk about car engines sang in music but it doesn't sound bizarre.
Half a dozen fire engines fought the blaze, thought to have started at about 10pm.
Whilst full steam was being raised, engines would have the blowers on, shooting black columns of smoke into the sky.
The codes on a page that prevent the bot from viewing your site ultimately hinder you in the search engines.
Cars with LPG engines give out 75% less carbon monoxide than normal gasoline engines and its 50% cheaper than gasoline.
Reciprocating engines uniformly produce much more carbon monoxide in their exhaust than the modern jet engine.
Two FV engines glued together in vee formation by means of a magnesium block casting became the Double Four Valve or DFV.
Sat right there is the mother of all diesel engines happily chugging away running on peanut oil!
Here were built iron sailing clippers and huge complex steam engines were fitted into battleships.
Nervous laughter spread through the cabin, but the men entered the cockpit, the door closed, and the engines started up.
It is produced by incomplete, or inefficient, combustion of fuel including ' cold ' or badly tuned engines.
In the case of dual axial-flow compressor engines, the high-pressure compressor is usually the only one rotated by the starter.
Assume all four engines to be running idle with their hydraulic couplings empty.
The 6 cylinder engine on display is a later version (circa 1914) and is virtually two 3-cylinder engines sharing a common crankcase.
Later 2.5L 4 cylinder gasoline engines have 5 bearing crankshafts.
In 1797 Richard began experimenting with high pressure steam engines by using models to test the practicality of using this inherently dangerous power source.
With the engines warming, it was time to exorcize the demons.
The generic framework will be deployed in a proof of concept demonstrator in the context of maintenance applications for civil aerospace engines.
Five locomotive depots are visited to see the engines being serviced.
The preservation movement was helped by the large number of engines lying derelict in yards all over the country.
Such engines are sometimes run partly on the gas (mostly methane) from the sludge digestion tanks.
These engines tend to run at high piston speeds to achieve maximum efficiency.
Objectives differ according to the mode, but all basically consist of destroying capital ship emplacements such as radars, communications and engines.
There was a total of nine cases (16 %) in which reciprocating aircraft engines either stopped completely in flight or lost power.
My Property For Sale is listed on all the major search engines.
Reduce waste of spending e.g. what happens to old fire engines?
Fifteen of us formed a party cutting firewood for the railroad engines.
These massive 20 horsepower engines, acquired from London Railways were specially adapted to use propellers in moving the ships through broken ice floes.
As with all GP type flywheels used on fast tuned engines the die cast flywheel would crack around the boss and break!
The program takes a look at the class with archive footage from the 1960's showing a variety of engines at work.
Search engines also caved company with american the companypartygaming's founders six years would.
Cardiff and Newport scenes in 1965 when there was still steam hauled freight by both large and small tank engines.
As I gaze upwards I think of tiny seats, bad food, stale air and jet engines belching noxious fumes.
The aft fuselage, at the back, houses the main engines that provide the other 29 per cent of thrust required for launch.
Both new engines come with a six-speed manual gearbox.
This steep northbound climb into the city required rope haulage, powered by two stationary steam engines.
In 1851 British steam engines could produce 1.2 million horsepower which was more than the rest of Europe put together.
It can be said that that short-stroke engines generate higher horsepower at higher revs, long-stroke engines develop more torque at lower revs.
The engines did the whole journey on approximately seven and a half hundredweight of coal at a cost of 1s 9d per hw.
Internet search engines exist to organize the seemingly immeasurable amount of information available on the web.
As well as allowing you to choose a Boolean search term, Internet search engines use implied Boolean operators.
Internet marketer there are some basic things you should know about how search engines spider and index your web site.
Search engines and directories interrelate with other search engines, for instance, they share their database contents to cover more web pages.
In these films newly invented rays stop the engines of planes in flight.
Take Rolls Royce's series of Trent aircraft engines, which have captured 70% of the world market in wide-bodied jets.
Failing to specify a descriptive, keyword optimized title will do untold damage to your ranking with the search engines.
As built the engines had Wakefield mechanical lubricators but Maunsell soon changed these for a sight feed lubricator.
Manifest Destinyest national destiny have been powerful engines for good or ill, but mostly for ill, throughout history.
Diesel engines, particularly the larger ones in busses and trains, are responsible for significant emissions of particulate matter.
A blend of ten percent ethanol fuel and ninety percent methanol powered the Honda engines in 2006.
Search Spell uses actual misspellings entered into the search engines.
Recognition Swept, low-wing monoplane with two engines mounted on rear fuselage (1 ).
Especially due to the fact that these search engines and the rigorous ranking filters they use to spit out search results change almost monthly.
A snow scooter & outboard motor powered by Lawnmower engines.
It has IM engines nacelles and a complete set of flaps - with track guides - the whole lot!
Some make submitting pages to search engines sound like the fast track to search engine ranking nirvana.
For the record 1 saw a twin engined nova @ Trax a few years back (car engines, not bike ).
Over the years the search engines were the target number one on the hunt for visitors and traffic to millions of web sites.
His first engines were designed to run on a wide variety of vegetable oils including peanut oil.
I have no proof, tho... Excellent handling bikes, but the engines need a little more oomph.
Surely, such control is the exact opposite of what the search engines should be looking for.
Paid inclusion paid inclusion Paid inclusion is a fee-based model for submitting website listings to search engines.
The east roundhouse catered for passenger engines, whilst the west one catered for goods (freight in 1990's railroad parlance) engines.
Most search engines do come together in agreement and can severely penalize accordingly.
Also, media engines may need to coordinate themselves e.g. to synchronize audio playback with presentation of video streams to achieve lip synchronization.
Rover K series 1600cc engines - provided induction is via the standard production plenum.
Commonly used with reference to engines used for marine propulsion.
Like the Lancaster it was initially fitted with Rolls Royce Merlins but subsequent variants used the excellent Bristol Hercules sleeve valve radial engines.
Want to create a race to complete a transcontinental railroad in 30 years using only steam engines?
The railroad boasts an impressive locomotive roster including three Double Fairlie engines - the only line in the world still operating these fascinating beasts.
The two Shackletons have their engines run-up from time to time.
Clearly, Teoma appears to have the longest sandbox of all the search engines.
This situation with Renault's dCi engines and the EGR valve is becoming scandalous.
For raw water-cooling engines, check the seacock and all pipe work for leaks.
Check which pages at your site have been indexed by various search engines?
Search Engine FAQ Why shouldn't I use a submission service that submits my site to 5000+ search engine FAQ Why shouldn't I use a submission service that submits my site to 5000+ search engines?
The ranking algorithms of the search engines are a closely-guarded secret.
They had a pretty fast skiff which was just like a rowing boat with outboard engines fitted.
The Stealth boats we use are light aluminum skiffs called Sea Ark's which are powered with 10HP or 15HP engines.
The railroad was worked with old engines and ancient carriages always blackened by soot from the journey through the tunnel.
Gasoline engines produce more carbon monoxide but much less soot than diesel engines.
Beneath him the rumble of the engines spluttered into life.
During construction, a railroad was laid on the dock floor that allowed engines to remove wagons loaded with excavated spoil.
The demise of big steam engines has been predicted since 1968 and it hasn't happened yet.
By the 1860s, cargo ships were being made from iron and powered by steam engines.
To achieve this result the engines are relatively highly supercharged at their lowest speeds and progressively less highly supercharged as their speed rises.
The first of these engines with a 2-speed supercharger was the Merlin X. This added significantly to the length of the engine.
The turbocharger normally fitted to a Valenta was replaced on these engines by a single supercharger, gear-driven from the free end.
It turned round at the other end and did a conventional takeoff with its four engines turning.
The Honda V6 engines prove exceptionally reliable, although can develop noisy tappets in later life.
Visitors walk up a spiral ramp to view displays of the marque including its sedans, engines, motorcycles, racing thoroughbreds and prototypes.
DaimlerChrysler has some close operational tie-ups with the Japanese partner like joint development of engines and vehicle platform sharing.
Read on... Submitting to all the search engines Submitting your website to every search engine is an incredibly time-consuming process.
But motorists who run such engines on standard grade unleaded with fuel catalyst devices report no need to retard timing.
The title tag The title tag is used by many search engines as an indexing tool.
We hovered at 600ft to check the area then reduced throttle and finally cut the engines before a nice soft sandy touchdown.
Please note - trike Shop (UK) Ltd only build bike trikes we don't touch car engines.
Gaze into traditional mash tuns, see the modern Millenium Brewhouse and contrast historic steam engines with the automated equipment in use today.
Wind turbines, hydro power, aircraft engines, steam turbines all provide possible designs.
Equipped with nine liter turbo charged diesel engines, they also have special gear which enables them to induce foam into the water supply.
These engines were marinised versions of aircraft turboprop and turbojet engines respectively.
With the dorsal turret removed she would have been capable of around 350 mph +. Two 650 hp Mercury VIS engines gave adequate power.
Ready to order now, the car boasts new engines and gearboxes plus subtle interior and exterior styling tweaks.
Because an essential measure for the ranking will be the number of connections to your site when these engines trawl the web.
Where, as in factories or workshops, there are already installed engines working at a high steam pressure, say 120 to 180 lb per sq.
Of these features, the blast-pipe had been employed by Trevithick on his engine of 1804, and direct driving, without intermediate gearing, had been adopted in several previous engines; but the use of a number (25) of small tubes in place of one or two large flues was an innovation which in conjunction with the blast-pipe contributed greatly to the efficiency of the engine.
Rules drafted by the Board of Trade under this act came into force on the 8th of August 1902, the subjects referred to being (I) labelling of wagons; (2) movements of wagons by propping and tow-roping; (3) power-brakes on engines; (4) lighting of stations and sidings; (g) protection of points, rods, &c.; (6) construction and protection of gauge-glasses; (7) arrangement of tool-boxes, &c., on engines; (8) provision of brake-vans for trains upon running lines beyond the limits of stations; (9) protection to permanent-way men when relaying or repairing permanent way.
The arrangement and appropriation of the tracks in a station materially affect the economical and efficient working of the traffic. There must be a sufficient provision of sidings, connected with the running tracks by points, for holding spare rolling stock and to enable carriages to be added to or taken off trains and engines to be changed with as little delay as possible.
For the few cases where data are available - data, however, belonging to engines representing standard practice in their construction and in the design of cylinders and steam ports and passages - the law connecting p and v is approximately linear and of the form p=c - bv (28) where b and c are constants.
The wheels are coupled, but the feature of the engine is that the couplingrods act merely to keep the high-pressure and low-pressure engines in phase with one another, very little demand being made upon them to transmit force except when one of the wheels begins to slip. In this arrangement the whole of the adhesive weight of the engine is used in the best possible manner, and the driving of the train is practically equally divided between two axles.
Locomotives may be classified primarily into " tender engines " and " tank engines," the water and fuel in the latter being carried on the engine proper, while in the former they are carried in a separate vehicle.
The design combines ample boiler capacity with large adhesive weight and moderate axle loads, but except on heavy gradients or for unusually large trains requiring engines of great adhesion, passenger traffic can be more efficiently and economically handled by four-coupled locomotives of the eight-wheel or Atlantic types.
In this arrangement, a pair of locomotive engines, each having a plain winding drum fixed underneath the boiler, are placed opposite to each other at the ends of the field to be operated upon; the rope of each of the engines is attached to the plough, or other tillage implement, which is drawn to and fro betwixt them by each working in turn.
The following short abstract gives the equivalent uniform load which produces bending moments as great as those of any of the engines calculated Fig.
The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers.
Such an arrangement may be put through a cycle of operations as in Carnot's engine (see Thermodynamics) and all the laws of reversible engines applied to it.
But extreme narrowness would not only cause the escaping gases to move so swiftly that they would sweep much of the fine ore out of the furnace, but would also throw needless work on the blowing engines by throttling back the rising gases, and would lessen unduly the space available for the charge in the upper part of the furnace.
In order to prevent this waste the direction in which the rolls move may be reversed, so that the piece may be reduced a second time in passing to the left, in which case the rolls are usually driven by a pair of reversing engines; or the rolls may ?? ?
His grandson, Loftus Perkins (1834-1891), most of whose life was spent in England, experimented with the application to steam engines of steam at very high pressures, constructing in 1880 a yacht, the "Anthracite," whose engines worked with a pressure of 500 th to the sq.
The Reformation, inspired by the same energy of resuscitated life as the Renaissance, assisted by the same engines of the printing-press and paper, using the same apparatus of scholarship, criticism, literary skill, being in truth another manifestation of the same world-movement under a diverse form, now posed itself as an irreconcilable antagonist to Renaissance Italy.
Another theory involves the use of the Stirling regenerator, which was proposed in connexion with the Stirling heat engine (see AIR Engines).
Search engines have done a fabulous job tackling this problem, even given the vast, vast, amounts of information added to the Internet every day.
Then it is all ready to be manufactured into engines, stoves, kettles and many other things.
I had just sunk my head on this when the bells rung fire, and in hot haste the engines rolled that way, led by a straggling troop of men and boys, and I among the foremost, for I had leaped the brook.
New Chassis Engineering Not only did the Freelander have a choice of engines, but all independent suspension, and power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering.
The pulse detonation wave engine offers a marked increase in efficiency and a simplification of design over current rocket and ramjet engines.
We enjoy good ranking in the major search engines, helping to drive traffic toward your adverts.
Timing chains can fail when tensioner lets go, so be wary of rattly engines.
The original reciprocating engines were replaced by steam turbines in 1922.
In addition, the Avon 210 engines were fitted with a fully variable reheat system.
The boat finally loads at 4. The engines rev up, then they shut down.
These engines are supplied less rocker gear, pushrods, sumps & timing covers.
The world 's largest rotative beam engines, opened in 1865, are being restored to their former splendor by local volunteers.
Making his approach into Wattisham and with five miles to run to the runway threshold, both engines on the Lightning flamed out.
Forty five square saddle tanks were introduced, conversions from 17 Coal engines.
Clearly, Teoma appears to have the longest Sandbox of all the search engines.
This situation with Renault 's dCi engines and the EGR valve is becoming scandalous.
Telling search engines about new pages or new websites use to be what the submission process was all about.
Search Engine FAQ Why should n't I use a submission service that submits my site to 5000+ search engines?
Powerful search engines and customization options allow you to find what you need in its extensive database in split-seconds.
Below you will find tips on how to best design your web site with search engines in mind.
However, problems with its liquid cooled engine resulted in large numbers of airframes being placed in storage awaiting serviceable engines.
The name of Burrell is, however, most famous for the magnificent showman 's engines, many of which survive today.
The Stealth boats we use are light aluminum skiffs called Sea Ark 's which are powered with 10HP or 15HP engines.
Driving slush pumps was not the only oilfield pumping application for which Paxman engines were supplied.
The Jumbo is set to feature engines painted as beer cans and giant ' smiley ' faces on the nose cone and tail.
On most Lambretta engines machining a head to the dome of the piston will give a correct squish band for power.
Stationary steam engines would be used to pull the wagons along the line.
The demise of big steam engines has been predicted since 1968 and it has n't happened yet.
Powered by new steam turbines she had a top speed of 21 knots, 3 knots faster than battleships with traditional piston engines.
Eagles may soar, but weasels do n't get sucked into jet engines.
The data streams from the two engines are superimposed to create an artificial atrial fibrillation waveform.
Early examples had gasoline engines but this was soon superseded by the diesel version.
A ship would arrive, the throb of diesels engines carrying across the water on the rising tide.
Each of the ducts has a pair of servo tabs that works in a similar manner to the thrust reversers on jet engines.
The Title Tag The title tag is used by many search engines as an indexing tool.
Please note - Trike Shop (UK) Ltd only build bike trikes we do n't touch car engines.
Freight engines travel from the depot to pick up these trains which trundle around the continuous loops in between the passenger services.
On turbo charged engines, the most common way of increasing power is to increase the boost pressure.
In addition Atlantic has 14 spare Allison 501 turboprop engines.
For some reason, spiders seem to take a special liking to two-cycle engines.
On the other hand, if a user searches for " web " many engines will search for it in lowercase and uppercase forms.
For Google to hold its own against upstart search engines, it must deliver on its PageRank promise.
Engines would typically also utilize algorithms to determine a relevancy factor.
Honda 's company manual tells new company recruits how Honda developed water-cooled engines in a struggle to produce the best cars in the world.
Only the old wheezy engines in the base models give the game away that Ka is no longer a fresh design.
A whirring of engines, click, clock, clitter clock, smote upon his ears.
The links page will get no PR, and wont even be found by the search engines, so you get no benefit.
Ex-works engines, engines awaiting scrap and in workaday condition, and stripped down in the works are all included.
Both engines will provide you with an ample list of results.
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