Engine Sentence Examples
He waited to hear an engine start, ready to pounce.
She started the engine, avoiding Megan's gaze.
I felt the hot breath from the engine on my face, and the smoke and ashes almost choked us.
As Dean shut off the engine he turned to his companion.
Once he was seated and started the engine, she thanked him, but he didn't respond.
The engine turned over once and then headlights blinded her until he turned the car around.
He pulled the truck into the yard, shut off the engine and removed the keys from the ignition.
The shaft of P can be readily put in gear with a powerful engine for the purpose of hauling back the cable should it be found necessary to do so.
He started the engine and she clamped her arms around him, clinging to him as he spun the tires in a spray of pebbles and rocks.
The sound of a car door, and then an engine starting jarred him into realizing Elisabeth must have stayed in the woods all this time.
AdvertisementIf the engine whistles, let it whistle till it is hoarse for its pains.
A second engine, the West Point, also built at West Point Foundry for the South Carolina railroad, differed from the Best Friend in having a horizontal boiler with 6 or 8 tubes, though in other respects it was similar.
Helen was greatly interested in the boat, and insisted on being shown every inch of it from the engine to the flag on the flagstaff.
Sofia wrapped her arms around Dustin and squeezed her eyes closed as the engine roared to life.
Lydia turned off the engine and they sat there alone with no other cars in sight.
AdvertisementShe stood beside Alex and listened to the truck door slam and the engine race when Josh started it.
They parked close to the building and, leaving the engine running, Dean made a dash for the office.
A few minutes later the truck engine started and he backed the Dodge 4x4 pickup out of the garage.
As she turned into the circular drive and shut off the engine, she let out a long sigh.
At its opening, on the 27th of September 1825, a train of thirtyfour vehicles, making a gross load of about go tons, was drawn by one engine driven by Stephenson, with a signalman on horseback in advance..
AdvertisementHe chuckled and started the engine.
He stopped the ATV and shut off the engine.
Ample mention was made of alcohol as the fuel for the engine of lust.
Racks of this type usually become impracticable for gradients steeper than 1 in 4, partly because of the excessive weight of the engine required and partly because of the tendency of the cog-wheel to mount the rack.
An engine coupled to a batch of wagons runs one or more of them down one siding, leaves them there, then returns back with the remainder clear of the points where the sidings diverge, runs one or more others down another siding, and so on till they are all disposed of.
AdvertisementThe brake's rotor was coupled to the engine's crankshaft.
In the future, something very much like the Amazon suggestion engine, but for all of life, will change that.
The pay per click (PPC) business is a way to advertise online to people who did a specific search in a search engine like Google or who are viewing content on a certain topic.
She followed him out the door and watched as he hopped into the truck and started the engine.
Quint dropped into the seat and started the engine.
Since his back was to the danger, he was unaware when the man gunned the engine and started to drive towards him.
Riding in a police car is the next best thing to a fire engine.
He pulled into the yard, put the truck in park and turned off the engine.
Keaton pulled the car off the road into a grassy parking area beside the creek and shut off the engine.
In steam cranes it is usual to work all the motions from one double cylinder engine.
The earliest arrangement of this kind was patented by John Blenkinsop, of the Middleton Colliery, near Leeds, in 1811, and an engine built on his plan by Mathew Murray, also of Leeds, began in 1812 to haul coals from Middleton to Leeds over a line 32 m.
On such lines the beginning of a rack section is provided with a piece of rack mounted on springs, so that the pinions of the engine engage smoothly with the teeth.
At terminal stations, especially at such as are used by short-distance trains which arrive at and start from the same platform, a third track is often laid between a pair of platform tracks, so that the engine of a train which has arrived at the platform can pass out and place itself at the other end of the train, which remains undisturbed.
The second arrangement enables any particular engine to enter or leave without disturbing the other; but on the other hand an accident to the turn-table may temporarily imprison the whole of them.
Machine shops are usually provided to enable minor repairs to be executed; the tendency, both in England and America, is to increase the amount of such repairing plant at engine sheds, thus lengthening the intervals between the visits of the engines to the main repairing shops of the railway.
When water is required, a scoop is lowered into them from below the engine, and if the speed is sufficient the water is forced up it into the tender-tanks.
Combined Engine and Boiler Efficiency.
The engine can be worked as a four-cylinder simple at the will of the driver.
The famous engine " Charles Dickens " was one of this class.
There was no majority in the Commons for the budget as such, since the Irish Nationalists only supported it as an engine for destroying the veto of the Lords and thus preparing the way for Irish Home Rule.
Before its use in the gas engine, the blast-furnace gas has to be freed carefully from the large quantity of fine ore dust which it carries in suspension.
The 6 cylinder engine on display is a later version (circa 1914) and is virtually two 3-cylinder engines sharing a common crankcase.
On returning we needed to change the engine oil and refill the stern tube greaser.
A full flow oil filter was installed, mounted in the engine compartment and an auxilliary oil cooler inside the rear grille.
The off-side was lined with large trees, the purr of the engine was the only sound, the twin headlights piercing the darkness.
We see from this that the inference engine is the interpreter for a very high-level language.
The engine then languished in the open air, slowly deteriorating until under cover storage was provided about 15 years later.
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Between A and B, A and C, and A and D, there may be a string of stations, p, q, r, s, &c., all receiving goods from a, b, c and d, and it would manifestly be inconvenient and wasteful of time and trouble if the trains serving those intermediate stations were made up with, say, six wagons from a to p next the engine, five from b to p at the middle, and four from c to p near the end.
In some cases nothing more is required than to attach an engine and brake-van (" caboose ") and despatch the train; but if, as will happen in others, a further rearrangement of XXII.
The method of working is for the pole to be swung out behind a number of wagons; one engine is then started and with its pole pushes the wagons in front of it until their speed is sufficient to carry them over the points, where they are diverted into any desired siding.
It then runs back to the train to repeat the operation, but while it is doing so a second engine similarly equipped has poled away a batch of wagons on the opposite side.
The wagons are pushed by an engine at their rear up one slope of an artificial mound, and as they run down the other slope by gravity are switched into the desired siding.
The fundamental difference between the two methods is that while the mechanical energy developed by a steam engine is in the first case applied directly to the driving-axle of the locomotive, in the second case it is transformed into electrical energy, transmitted over relatively long distances, and retransformed into mechanical energy on the driving-axles of the train.
A " perfect engine " receiving and rejecting steam at the same temperatures as the actual engine of the locomotive, would develop about twice this power, say 1400 I.H.P. This figure represents the ideal but unattainable standard of performance.
This question of the standard engine of comparison, and the engine efficiency is considered in § 15 below, and the boiler efficiency in § It below.
The horsepower available at the driving-axle, conveniently called the brake horse-power, is from 20 to 30% less than the indicated horse-power, and the ratio, B.H.P./I.H.P. =E, is called the mechanical efficiency of the steam engine.
Thus an engine working at maximum power may be used to haul a relatively light load at a high speed or a heavy load at a slow speed.
Hence Engine resistance, R e = 80 X20 = 1600 lb Vehicle resistance, R v =200 X8.5 = 1700 „ Train resistance, R = 3300 „ The speed, 40 m.
The principal condition operating in the design of locomotives intended for local services with frequent stops is the degree of acceleration required, the aim of the designer being to produce an engine which shall be able to bring the train to its journey speed in the shortest time possible.
The weight of the engine may be assumed in advance to be 80 tons.
The first one of the group was made on the boiler fixed in the locomotive yard at Stratford, and the two remaining experiments of the group were made while the engine was working a train between London and March.
The exhaust steam passing from the engine through the blastpipe and the chimney produces a diminution of pressure, or partial vacuum, in the smoke-box roughly proportional to the weight of steam discharged per unit of time.
As the indicated horse-power of the engine increases, the weight of steam discharged increases, and the smoke-Lox vacuum is increased, thereby causing more air to flow through the furnace and increasing the rate of combustion.
The form of the torque curve, or crank effort curve, as it is sometimes called, is discussed in the article Steam Engine, and the torque curve corresponding to actual indicator diagrams taken from an express passenger engine travelling at a speed of 65 m.
Hence assuming the mechanical efficiency of the engine to be and substituting !
If p is the mean pressure at any speed the total tractive force which the engine is exerting is given by equation (25) above.
Let an engine have two cylinders each 19 in.
The engine can only exert this large tractive force so long as the mean pressure is maintained at 149 lb per square inch.
Thus although at a slow speed the engine can exert a tractive force of 18,600 lb, at 60 m.
This is the load which the engine would take in ordinary weather.
Table Xxi It is instructive to inquire into the limiting efficiency of an engine consistent with the conditions under which it is working, because in no case can the efficiency of a steam-engine exceed a certain value which depends upon the temperatures at which it receives and rejects heat.
Thus a standard of comparison for every individual engine may be obtained with which to compare its actual performance.
The standard of comparison generally adopted for this purpose is obtained by calculating the efficiency of an engine working according to the Rankine cycle.
That is to say, a perfect engine working between the limits of temperature assigned would convert only 18% of the total heat supply into work.
This would be an ideal performance for an engine receiving steam at 190 lb initial pressure absolute, and rejecting steam at the back pressure assumed above, and could never be attained in practice.
The way the thermal efficiency of the ideal engine increases with the pressure is exhibited in fig.
From the diagram it will be seen that the corresponding efficiency of the ideal engine is about 0.18.
That is to say, the engine actually utilized 61% of the energy which it was possible to utilize by means of a perfect engine working with the same initial pressure against a back pressure equal to;the atmosphere.
The initial temperature of the standard engine of comparison must be the temperature of the steam taken in the steam-pipe.
For further information regarding the standard engine of comparison see the article Steam Engine and also the " Report of the Committee on the Thermal Efficiency of Steam Engines," Proc. Inst.
Compound working permits of a greater range of expansion than is possible with a simple engine, and incidentally there is less range of pressure per cylinder, so that the pressures and temperatures per cylinder have not such a wide range of variation.
In compound working the combined volumes of the low-pressure cylinders is a measure of the power of the engine, since this represents the final volume of the steam used per stroke.
Coal-saving can be shown to the extent of about 1% in some cases, but the saving depends upon the kind of service on which the engine is employed.
It was of the same type as Mallet's engine, and was made by simply bushing one cylinder of an ordinary two-cylinder simple engine, the bushed cylinder being the high-pressure and the other cylinder the low-pressure cylinder.
Locomotives have to start with the full load on the engine, consequently an outstanding feature of every compound locomotive is the apparatus or mechanism added to enable the engine to start readily.
A convenient way of describing any type of engine is by means of numerals indicating the number of wheels - (I) in the group of wheels supporting the leading or chimney end, (2) in the group of coupled wheels, and (3) in the group supporting the trailing end of the engine.
Thus 4-4-2 represents a bogie engine with four-coupled wheels and one pair of trailing wheels, the wellknown Atlantic type; 4-2-2 represents a bogie engine with a single pair of driving-wheels and a pair of trailing wheels; 0-4-4 represents an engine with four-coupled wheels and a trailing bogie, and 4-4-o an engine with four-coupled wheels and a leading bogie.
It is generally designed as a 4-2-2 engine, but some old types are still running with only three axles, the 2-2-2.
In America it is still the standard engine for passenger traffic, but for goods service it is now employed only on branch lines.
It is a safe, steady-running and trustworthy engine, with excellent distribution of weight, and it is susceptible of a wide range of adaptability in power requirements.
This is the standard goods engine of Great Britain and the continent of Europe.
In the United States it is the standard heavy slow-speed freight engine, and has been built of enormous size and weight.
These are generally tank engines, carrying their fuel and water on the engine proper.
Compound locomotives have been tried, as stated in § 17, but the tendency in England is to revert to the simple engine for all classes of work, though on the continent of Europe and in America the compound locomotive is largely adopted, and is doing excellent work.
An ordinary slow suburban train may weigh about loo tons exclusive of the engine, and may be timed at an inclusive speed, from the beginning to the end of its journey, as low as 12 or 15 m.
Coal trains, excluding the engine, weigh up to Boo or 900 tons, and travel at from 18 to 22 m.
In British practice the chains consist of three links, and are of such a length that when fully extended there is a space of a few inches between opposing buffers; this slack facilitates the starting of a heavy train, since the engine is able to start the wagons one by one and the weight of the train is not thrown on it all at once.
In the United States the Safety Appliance Act of 1893 also forbade the railways, after the 1st of January 1898, to run trains which did not contain a " sufficient number " of cars equipped with continuous brakes to enable the speed to be controlled from the engine.
The cable is slow; and unless development along new lines of com p ressed air or some sort of chemical engine takes place, electricity will monopolize the field.
Columbus is situated in a fine farming region, and has extensive tanneries, threshingmachine and traction and automobile engine works, structural iron works, tool and machine shops, canneries and furniture factories.
In 1887, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, a prize of 200 went to a compound portable agricultural engine, one of £loo to a simple portable agricultural engine, and lesser prizes to a weighing-machine for horses and cattle, a weighing-machine for sheep and pigs, potato-raisers and one-man-power cream separators.
It is either set in the first instance at some distance from the engine and well, or is subsequently removed sufficiently far away before the drill enters the oil-bearing formation, and until the oil and gas are under control, in order to minimize the risk of fire.
The engine, which is provided with reversing gear, is of 12 or 15 horse-power and motion is communicated through a belt to the band-wheel, which operates the walking-beam by means of a crank.
The drilling of a well is commonly carried out under contract, the producer erecting the derrick and providing the engine and boiler while the drilling contractor finds the tools, and is Drill ing the responsible for accidents or failure to complete the well.
In 1919 the city's outstanding bonds amounted to $19,884,000, to which in 1920 was added $5,500,000 for removal of railway grade crossings, for a municipal farm to afford better treatment of the tubercular and insane, for new engine houses and reconstruction of streets and for municipal lighting equipment.
For theoretical considerations see Vaporization, and for the most important application see Steam Engine; also Water.
Though the experiment with this engine was successful, the design was abandoned by the pasha, and Belzoni resolved to continue his travels.
Several times during summer the trees ought to be regularly examined, and the young shoots respectively topped or thinned out; those that remain are to be nailed to the wall, or braced in with pieces of slender twigs, and the trees ought occasionally to be washed with the garden engine or thoroughly syringed, especially during very hot summers.
After the fruit has set, the foliage should be refreshed and cleansed by the daily use of the syringe or garden engine.
In Rowland's dividing engine the screws were prepared by a special process devised by him, and the resulting gratings, plane and concave, have supplied the means for much of the best modern optical work.
An engine plane is an inclined road, up which loaded cars are hauled by a stationary engine and rope, the empty cars running down by gravity, dragging the rope after them.
In the tail-rope system of haulage, best adapted for single track roads, there are two ropes - a main and a " tail " rope - winding on a pair of drums operated by an engine.
The loaded train is coupled to the main rope, and to the rear end is attached the tail-rope; which reaches to the end of the line, passing there around a large grooved sheave and thence back to the engine.
By winding in the main rope the loaded cars are hauled towards the engine, dragging behind them the tail-rope, which unwinds from its drum.
The trip being completed, the empty train is hauled back by reversing the engine.
In the endless rope system the rope runs from a grip wheel on the driving engine to the end of the line, round a return sheave, and thence back to the engine.
As the cranks are set go apart, there is no dead centre, and the engine is able to start under full load from any point of the stroke.
The engine is direct-acting, the drums making one revolution for each double stroke.
The hoisting speed is therefore slower, and as less engine power is required for a given load the cylinders.
On starting to hoist, the rope winds from the small towards the large end of the drum, the lever arm, or radius of the coils, increasing as the weight of Winding Engine.
If, for a twocompartment shaft, a pair of drums (or a single wide drum) be keyed to the engine shaft, with the ropes wound in opposite directions, the hoisting is " in balance," that is, the cages and cars counterbalance each other, so that the engine has to raise only the useful load of mineral, plus the rope.
The maximum load on the engine is thus greater and more power is required than for fixed drums. Steam consumption is economized, whenever possible, by throwing in the clutches of both drums and hoisting in balance.
Each stage has its own engine, rope and cage.
The variations in engine load are thus reduced, and incidentally hoisting time is saved.
The rods are caused to oscillate slowly by an engine, one rising while the other is falling.
With an efficient engine the cost per gallon of water is often less than for pumping.
The engine works a massive counter-balanced walking-beam from which is suspended in the shaft a long wooden (or steel) rod, made in sections and spliced together.
Cornish pumps are economical in running expenses, provided the driving engine is of proper design and the disadvantages incurred in conveying steam underground are avoided.
It is driven by a powerful engine through triple gearing of 42 to 1, and speeded to have a surface velocity of rollers of 15 ft.
Watt, when he invented the steam engine, laid down the principles on which it is based, and they hold good to the present day.
The crusher is preferably driven by an independent engine, but with suitable gearing it can be driven by the mill engine.
While the engine in gear is coiling in its rope and drawing the plough towards itself, the rope of the other engine is paid out with merely so much drag on it as to keep it from kinking or getting ravelled on the drum.
The Cambrian railway engine and carriage works are here; and there are tanneries, malting works, machinery works and iron foundries.
The object of the present article is to illustrate the practical application of the two general principles - (I) Joule's law of the equivalence of heat and work, and (2) Carnot's principle, that the efficiency of a reversible engine depends only on the temperatures between which it works; these principles are commonly known as the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
This is the cycle employed by Carnot for the establishment of his fundamental principle of reversibility as the criterion of perfect efficiency in a heat engine.
To find the total heat of a substance in any given state defined by the values of p and 0, starting from any convenient zero of temperature, it is sufficient to measure the total heat required to raise the substance to the final temperature under a constant pressure equal to p. For instance, in the boiler of a steam engine the feed water is pumped into the boiler against the final pressure of the steam, and is heated under this constant pressure up to the temperature of the steam.
The total heat with which we are actually concerned in the working of a steam engine is the total heat as here defined, and not the total heat as defined by Regnault, which, however, differs from (E+pv) only by a quantity which is inappreciable in ordinary practice.
This method of representation is applicable to certain kinds of problems, and has been developed by Macfarlane Gray and other writers in its application to the steam engine.
One or two chapters on the subject are also generally included in treatises on the steam engine, or other heat engines, such as those of Rankine, Perry or Ewing.
Air is then forced into the inclosed space by means of a compressing engine, until the pressure is sufficient to oppose the flow of water into the excavation, and to drive out any that may collect in the bottom of the shaft through a pipe which is carried through the air-sluice to the surface.
The pumps, placed close to the point where the water accumulates, may be worked by an engine on the surface by means of heavy reciprocating rods which pass down the shaft, or by underground motors driven by steam, compressed air or electricity.
The substitution of machinery for hand labour in cutting coal has long been a favourite problem with inventors, the earliest plan being that of Michael Meinzies, in 1761, who proposed to work a heavy pick underground by power transmitted from an engine at the surface, through the agencies of spear-rods and chains passing over pulleys; but none of the methods suggested proved to be practically successful until the general introduction of compressed air into mines furnished a convenient motive power, susceptible of being carried to considerable distances without any great loss of pressure.
The most successful of the first class, or pick machines, that of William Firth of Sheffield, consists essentially of a horizontal pick with two cutting arms placed one slightly in advance of the other, which is swung backwards and forwards by a pair of bell crank levers actuated by a horizontal cylinder engine mounted on a railway truck.
In the Gartsherrie machine of Messrs Baird, the earliest of the flexible chain cutter type, the chain of cutters works round a fixed frame or jib projecting at right angles from the engine carriage, an arrangement which makes it necessary to cut from the end of the block of coal to the full depth, instead of holing into it from the face.
These can, however, only be used advantageously where there are fixed pumps, the fall of water generating the power resulting in a load to be removed by the expenditure of an equivalent amount of power in the pumping engine above that necessary for keeping down the mine water.
On the tail rope plan the engine has two drums worked by spur gearing, which can be connected with, or cast loose from, the driving shaft at pleasure.
When the load is being drawn out, the engine pulls directly on the main rope, coiling it on to its own drum, while the tail drum runs loose paying out its rope, a slight brake pressure being used to prevent its running out too fast.
This method, which is the oldest, is best adapted for ways that are nearly level, or when many branches are intended to be worked from one engine, and can be carried round curves of small radius without deranging the trains; but as it is intermittent in action, considerable engine-power is required in order to get up the required speed, which is from 8 to ro m.
In dip workings the tail rope is often made to work a pump connected with the bottom pulley, which forces the water back to the cistern of the main pumping engine in the pit.
The chain passes over a pulley driven by the engine, placed at such a height as to allow it to rest upon the tops of the tubs, and round a similar pulley at the far end of the plane.
The different elements making up the drawing arrangements of a colliery are - (r) the cage, (2) the shaft or pit fittings, (3) the drawing-rope, (4) the engine and (5) the surface arrangements.
This engine draws a net load of 52 tons of coal from a depth of 625 yds.
The work of the winding engine, being essentially of an intermittent character, can only be done with condensation when a central condenser keeping a constant vacuum is used, and even with this the rush of steam during winding may be a cause of disturbance.
This difficulty may be overcome by using Rateau's arrangement of a low-pressure turbine between the engine and the condenser.
One drum is usually fixed to the shaft, while the other is loose, with a screw link or other means of coupling, in order to be able to adjust the two ropes to exactly the same length, so that one cage may be at the surface when the other is at the bottom, without having to pay out or take up any slack rope by the engine.
For flat ropes the drum or bobbin consists of a solid disk, of the width of the rope fixed upon the shaft, with numerous parallel pairs of arms or horns, arranged radially on both sides, the space between being just sufficient to allow the rope to enter and coil regularly upon the preceding lap. This method has the advantage of equalizing the work of the engine throughout the journey, for when the load is greatest, with the full cage at the bottom and the whole length of rope out, the duty required in the first revolution of the engine is measured by the length of the smallest circumference; while the assistance derived from gravitating action of the descending cage in the same period is equal to the weight of the falling mass through a height corresponding to the length of the largest lap, and so on, the speed being increased as the weight diminishes, and vice versa.
In Koepe's method the drum is replaced by a disk with a grooved rim for the rope, which passes from the top of one cage over the guide pulley, round the disk, and back over the second guide to the second cage, and a tail rope, passing round a pulley at the bottom of the shaft, connects the bottoms of the cages, so that the dead weight of cage, tubs and rope is completely counterbalanced at all positions of the cages, and the work of the engine is confined to the useful weight of coal raised.
A novelty in winding arrangements is the substitution of the electromotor for the steam engine, which has been effected in a few instances.
Motion is obtained from a continuous-current generator driven by an alternating motor with a very heavy fly-wheel, a combination known as the Ilgner transformer, which runs continuously with a constant draught on the generating station, the extremely variable demand of the winding engine during the acceleration period being met by the energy stored in the fly-wheel, which runs at a very high speed.
To prevent accidents from the breaking of the rope while the cage is travelling in the shaft, or from over-winding when in consequence of the engine not being stopped in time the cage may be drawn up to the head-gear pulleys (both of which are unhappily not uncommon), various forms of safety catches and disconnecting hooks have been adopted.
Maximum speed controllers in connexion with the winding indicator, which do not allow the engine to exceed a fixed rate of speed, are also used in some cases, with recording indicators.
When the cage arrives at the surface, or rather the platform forming the working top above the mouth of the pit, it is received upon the keeps, a pair of hinged gratings which are kept in an inclined position over the pit-top by counterbalance weights, so that they are pushed aside to allow the cage to pass upwards, but fall back and receive it when the engine is reversed.
The cage is then lifted by the engine clear of the keeps, which are opened by a lever worked by hand, and the empty tubs start on the return trip. When the cage has several decks, it is necessary to repeat this operation for each, unless there is a special provision made for loading and discharging the tubs at different levels.
The Camden & Amboy railway, begun in 1831 and completed from Bordentown to South Amboy (34 m.) in 1832, was one of the first railways in the United States; in September 1831 the famous engine "Johnny Bull," built in England and imported for this railway, had its first trial at Bordentown, and a monument now marks the site where the first rails were laid.
Whilst alcohol is applied in motor engines in a similar manner to petrol, its vapour mixed with a proper proportion of air being drawn into the cylinder where it is compressed and ignited, it cannot be used with maximum efficiency by itself in engines such as are fitted to modern motors because it requires a higher degree of compression than petrol engines are usually designed to stand, and also because, unless special arrangements are made, a motor engine will not start readily from the cold with alcohol alone.
We see the steam issuing from the whistle of a distant engine long before we hear the sound.
The engine follows up any wave that it has sent forward, and so crowds up the succeeding waves into a less distance than if it remained at rest.
Thus a consolidation engine may weigh 126 tons with a length over buffers of 57 ft., corresponding to an average load of 2.55 tons per ft.
Again, rapidly changing forces, due to the moving parts of the engine which are unbalanced vertically, act on the bridge; and, lastly, inequalities of level at the rail ends give rise to shocks.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
A new form of condenser was tested on the small engine employed, and the results it yielded formed the starting-point of a series of investigations which were aided by a special grant from the Royal Society, and were described in an elaborate memoir presented to it on the 13th of December 1860.
His results, according to Kelvin, led directly and speedily to the present practical method of surface-condensation, one of the most important improvements of the steam engine, especially for marine use, since the days of James Watt.
During his eleven years' ministry (1876-1878 with Depretis, 1884-1891 with Depretis and Crispi, 1896-1898 with Rudini), he succeeded in creating large private shipyards, engine works and metallurgical works for the production of armour, steel plates and guns.
Stepniak was killed by a railway engine at a level crossing at Bedford Park, Chiswick, where he resided, on the 23rd of December 1895.
The lap is taken to the filling engine, which is similar in construction and appearance to the opener as far as the feeding arrangements are concerned, but the drum, in place of being entirely covered with fine steel teeth, is spaced at intervals of from 5 to to in.
The flat dressing frame is a box or frame holding a certain number of book-boards from the filling engine, which boards when full of silk are screwed tightly together in the frame.
On the 15th of September of the following year he was accidentally killed by a locomotive engine while present at the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester railway.
Foiled in their first ill-directed attempt, they were compelled to have recourse to that tremendous engine of regal tyranny, the law of treason.
As leader of the party and responsible for the maintenance of so great a political engine, he was anxious not to be precipitate.
Thus the pope laid the foundations of that wonderful and silent engine of universal government by which Rome still rules the Catholics of every land on the face of the globe.
Artificial membranes are seldom or never perfectly semi-permeable - some leakage of solute nearly always occurs, but the imperfections of actual membranes need no more prevent our use of the ideal conception than the faults of real engines invalidate the theory of ideal thermodynamics founded on the conception of a perfect, reversible, frictionless, heat engine.
Then let us heat both ice and solution through the infinitesimal temperature range dT to the freezing point T of the solvent, melt the ice by the application of an amount of heat L, which measures its latent heat of fusion, and allow the solvent so formed to enter the solution reversibly through a semi-permeable wall into an engine cylinder, doing an amount of work Pdv.
If solvent be allowed to enter through a semipermeable wall into an engine cylinder, the work done when the solution within is already dilute will be the same whatever the nature of the interaction between solute and solvent, that is, whatever be the nature of the solvent itself.
Bonham Carter went full speed ahead with the starboard engine and full speed astern with the port to turn her round.
In the "Iphigenia," like the "Intrepid," the engine room ratings had avoided being taken off, so as to be present at the fight.
Provided it be rigid, the bed-plate of an engine is no better for weighing 30 cwt.
Give occasional washings with the engine to keep down insects.
To prevent this he might make a second or suction hole, and thus he would have a veritable engine, perhaps one of the very earliest of all.
But even more important than these were the advent of the steam engine between 1760 and 1770, and of the railroad in 1825, each of which gave the iron industry a great impetus.
This heating was formerly done by burning part of the gases, after their escape from the furnace top, in a large combustion chamber, around a series of cast iron pipes through which the blast passed on its way from the blowing engine to the tuyeres.
Of this power about half would be used at the blastfurnaces themselves, leaving 750,000 horsepower available for driving the machinery of the rolling mills, &c. This use of the gas engine is likely to have far - reaching results.
Probably the most successful one has been a rotary engine invented by Mr Arthur Rigg.1 In this engine the stroke, and therefore the amount of water used, can be varied either by hand or by a governor while it is running; the speed can also be varied, very high rates, as much as 600 revolutions a minute, being attainable without the question of shock or vibration becoming troublesome.
The movement of S is obtained by means of a relay engine, in which there are two rams of different diameters; a constant pressure is always acting on the smaller of these when the motor is at work, while the governor (or handpower if desired) admits or exhausts pressurewater from the face of the other, and the movements to and fro thus given to the two rams alter the position of the stud S, and thus change the stroke of the plungers of the main engine.
The actual efficiency of these wheels when used with high falls is from 80 to 86%; when used in connexion with high-pressure water in London an efficiency 1 This engine was fully described in Engineering, vol.
The city is served by the Chicago & North-Western railway, which maintains here an engine house and extensive machine shops, and of which it is a division headquarters.
It is also noted for its bleach and dye works, its engine works, foundries, paper factories, and production of silk goods, watches, jewelry, mathematical instruments, leather, chemicals, &c. Augsburg is also the centre of the acetylene gas industry of Germany.
The motive power is generally a steam engine, but the greater economy and facility of oil engines have led to their fairly wide adoption.
In the ambition of the spiritual and the secular princes the pope had an immensely powerful engine of offence against the emperor, and without the slightest scruple this was turned to the best advantage.
Besides the large number of saw and planing mills, there are shipbuilding yards, engine and boiler works, cotton and woollen mills, and factories for acetic acid and naphtha.
Stalybridge is one of the oldest seats of the cotton manufacture in this locality, the first cotton mill having been erected in 1776, and the first steam engine in 1795.
Strachey in 1878, by which the higher rates were reduced and the lower rates raised, with a view to their ultimate equalization over the whole country, effectually abolished this old engine of oppression.
Repeated annexations, the spread of education, the appearance of the steam engine and the telegraph wire, all alike revealed a consistent determination to substitute an English for an Indian civilization.
The Values Deduced In This Manner For The Equivalent Agreed As Closely As Could Be Expected Considering The Impossibility Of Regulating The External Condition Of Temperature And Moisture With Any Certainty In An Engine Room.
This Variation May Have Been Due To The State Of The Lagging, Which Moorby Distrusted In Spite Of The Great Reduction Of The Heat Loss, Or It May Have Been Partly Due To The Difficulty Of Regulating The Speed Of The Engine And The Watersupply To The Brake In Such A Manner As To Maintain A Constant Temperature In The Outflow, And Avoid Variations In The Heat Capacity Of The Brake.
It Would Have Been Desirable, If Possible, To Have Tried The Effect Of A Larger Range Of Variation In The Experimental Conditions Of Load And Speed, With A View To Detect The Existence Of Constant Errors; But Owing To The Limitations Imposed By The Use Of A Steam Engine, And The Difficulty Of Securing Steady Conditions Of Running, This Proved To Be Impossible.
One of the chief practical objections to air-engines is the great bulk of the working substance in relation to the amount of heat that is utilized in the working of the engine.
Gas-engines and oil-engines and other types of engine employing internal combustion may be regarded as closely related to the air-engine.
The highest thermodynamic efficiency will be reached when the working substance is at the top of its temperature range while any heat is being received and at the bottom while any heat is being rejected - as is the case in the cycle of operations of the theoretically imagined engine of Carnot.
The essential parts of one form of Stirling's engine are shown in fig.
Hayward and Tyler's "Rider" engine maybe mentioned as another small hot-air motor which follows nearly the Stirling cycle of operations.
Perry (Steam Engine, p. 580), assuming a characteristic equation similar to Zeuner's (which makes v a linear function of the temperature at constant pressure, and S independent of the pressure), calculates S as a function of the temperature to satisfy Regnault's formula (10) for the total heat.
It was first employed in the case of steam by Peabody as a means of estimating the wetness of saturated steam, which is an important factor in testing the performance of an engine.
As an example of circular shifting may be cited the motion of the coupling rod, by which the parallel and equal cranks upon two or more axles of a locomotive engine are connected and made to rotate simultaneously.
The coupling rod remains always parallel to itself, and all its points describe equal and similar circles relatively to the frame of the engine, and move in parallel directions with equal velocities at the same instant.
Coupling of Parallel Axes.Two or more parallel shafts (such as those of a locomotive engine, with two or more pairs of driving wheels) are made to rotate with constantly equal angular velocities by having equal cranks, which are maintained parallel by a coupling-rod of such a length that the line of c000exion is equal to the distance between the axes.
See also DYNAMOMETER for illustrations of the use of what are essentially friction-straps of different forms for the measurement of the brake horse-power of an engine or motor.
In balancing the mechanism of a steam engine it is often sufficiently accurate to consider the motion of the pistons as simple harmonic, and the effect on the framework of the acceleration of the connecting rod may be approximately allowed for by distributing the weight of the rod between the crank pin and the piston inversely as the centre of gravity of the rod divides the distance between the centre of the cross head pin and the centre of the crank pin.
The moving parts of the engine are then divided into two complete and independent systems, namely, one system of revolving weights consisting of crank pins, crank arms, &c., attached to and revolving with the crank shaft, and a second system of reciprocating weights consisting of the pistons, cross-heads, &c., supposed to be moving each in its line of stroke with simple harmonic motion.
Although this method balances the pistons in the horizontal plane, and thus allows the pull of the engine on the train to be exerted without the variation due to the reciprocation of the pistons, yet the force balanced horizontally is introduced vertically and appears as a variation of pressure on the rail.
The assumption that the pistons of an engine move with simple harmonic motion is increasingly erroneous as the ratio of the length of the crank r, to the length of the con oecting rod 1 increases.
Dalby (London, 1906), where the inertia stresses brought upon the several links of a Joy valve gear, belonging to an express passenger engine of the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway, are investigated for an engine-speed of 68 m.
This involved almost a revolution in the nature of the tools used, and in the methods of working, and may ultimately even greatly affect the factory system and the concentration of population in large towns which was brought about in the early part of the 19th century by the invention of the steam engine.
This council of Wales, the headquarters of which had been fixed at Ludlow, undoubtedly did good service on behalf of law and order under such capable presidents as Bishop Rowland Lee and William Herbert, earl of Pembroke; but it had long ceased to be of any practical use, and had in fact become an engine of oppression by the time of the Commonwealth, although it was not definitely abolished till the revolution of 1688.
A statement of indicated horse-power supplies a measure force acting in the cylinder of an engine, but the power available for doing external work off the crank-shaft is less than this by the amount absorbed in driving the engine itself.
It developed into an engine of horrible oppression, and as such was repugnant to the feelings of a free people.
An all-powerful police, minutely organized, has in some foreign states grown into a terrible engine of oppression and made daily life nearly intolerable.
In January 1812 he placed on the Clyde a steamboat (which he named the "Comet") of about 25 tons, propelled by an engine of three horse power, at a speed of 7 m.
Davy on the application of machinery to the calculation and printing of mathematical tables, he discussed the principles of a calculating engine, to the construction of which he devoted many years of his life.
One sees at a glance what an engine of controversy it was to be; yet for a while it remained but a phase of humanism.
The vertical axes are surmounted by two parachutes, and the body of the machine is furnished with an engine, propeller, rudders and an extensive aeroplane.
This model, which was shown at the exhibition of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain at the Crystal Palace in 1868, consisted of two superposed screws propelled by an engine, the steam for which was generated (for lightness) in an aluminium boiler.
These wheels receive motions from bands and pulleys from a steam or other engine contained in the car.
It was remarkably compact, elegant and light, and obtained the ioo prize of the exhibition for its engine, which was the lightest and most powerful so far constructed.
At the first trial of this machine, on the 7th of October 1903, just as it left the launching track it was jerked violently down at the front (being caught, as subsequently appeared, by the falling ways), and under the full power of its engine was pulled into the water, carrying with it its engineer.
The steam engine weighed about 7 lb per horse-power, but the equilibrium of the apparatus 'was defective.
Thanks, however, to the efforts of automobile engineers, great improvements were now being effected in the petrol engine, and, although the certainty and trustworthiness of its action still left something to be desired, it provided the designers of flying machines with what they had long been looking for - a motor FIG.
The engine was an eight-cylinder Antoinette petrol motor, developing 49 horse-power at 1100 revolutions a minute, and driving directly a single metal screw propeller.
The invention of the steam engine, following quickly upon that of the carding machine, the spinning jenny, and other ingenious machinery employed in textile manufactures, gave an extraordinary impulse to their development, and, with them, that of kindred branches of industry.
Among the duties transferred to parish councils may be mentioned the provision of parish books and of a vestry room or parochial office, parish chest, fire engine or fire escape, the holding or management of parish property, other than property Powers relating to affairs of the church or held for an ecclesiastical and duties charity, the holding or management of village greens or of parish of allotments, the appointment of trustees of parochial councils.
At New Shildon or East Thickley are extensive railway engine and wagon works belonging to the railway company.
The most simple test for the value of a system of fire-proof coverings, and of partitions and furrings, is to erect a large sample of the work and to subject it alternately to the continued action of an intensely hot flame which is allowed to impinge upon it, and to a stream of cold water directed upon it from the ordinary service nozzle of a steam fire engine.
For this purpose a number of separate weighbridges of simple construction are erected, one for each wheel of the engine, with their running surfaces in exactly the same horizontal plane.
The engine is moved on to them, and the pressures of all the wheels are taken simultaneously, each by its own weighbridge.
I, Steam engine and stone E, Cooling pipes for Gloverbreaker for breaking up tower acid.
K, Engine for compressing air.
It is clear from these facts that, prior to Murdoch's experiments, it was known that illuminating gas could be obtained by the destructive distillation of coal, but the experiments which he began at Redruth in 1792, and which culminated in the lighting of Messrs Boulton, Watt & Co.'s engine works at Soho, near Birmingham, in 1802, undoubtedly demonstrated the practical possibility of making the gas on a large scale, and burning it in such a way as to make coal-gas the most important of the artificial illuminants.
The establishment of large engine works by the Great Western railway has aided the development of local industries, and there is a considerable shipping trade, fine china clay and pipeclay being worked near the towns and exported to the Potteries.
The pitch of a steam-whistle quite obviously rises and falls as the engine to which it is attached approaches and recedes from a stationary auditor; and light pulses are modified like sound-waves by velocity in the line of sight.
In 1826 he went to London, at first on leave of absence from his regiment, and in partnership with John Braithwaite constructed the "Novelty," a locomotive engine for the Liverpool & Manchester railway competition at Rainhill in 1829, when the prize, however, was won by Stephenson's "Rocket."
In 1833 his caloric engine was made public. In 1836 he took out a patent for a screw-propeller, and though the priority of his invention could not be maintained, he was afterwards awarded a one-fifth share of the £20,000 given by the Admiralty for it.
Recipient now of immense ecclesiastical revenues, which, owing to the number of vacant benefices, constituted a powerful engine of government, Louis XIV.
Richelieu, on whose council was Jacques Gaffarel (1601-1681), the last of the Kabbalists, did not despise astrology as an engine of government.
Jefferson merely had exaggerated fears of a moneyed political engine, and seeing that Hamilton's measures of funding and assumption did make the national debt politically useful to the Federalists in the beginning he concluded that they would seek to fasten the debt on the country for ever.
The pistons of the compression and expansion cylinders are connected to the same crankshaft, and the difference between the power expended in compression and that restored in expansion, plus the friction of the machine, is supplied by means of a steam engine coupled to the crankshaft, or by any other source of power.
The compressor may be driven by a steam engine or in any other convenient manner.
Each pound of steam can thus be made to give up some 950 units of heat; while in a good steam engine only about 200 units are utilized in the steam cylinder per pound of steam, and in addition allowance has to be made for mechanical inefficiency.
Sometimes an additional vessel is employed for heating liquor by means of the exhaust steam from the engine driving the ammonia pump. Absorption machines are also made without a pump for returning the strong liquor to the generator.
Distilled water is frequently used, as well as the water produced by the condensation of the steam from the engine, which of course must be thoroughly purified and filtered.
The process is analogous to the optical experiment of looking at a quickly rotating wheel or engine through slits in a disk, rotating slightly faster or slower than the object observed.
We then see the engine going through all its motions but much more slowly, and can follow them easily.
In the simplest cases the functions of two or more of these parts may be combined into one, as in the smith's forge, where the fire-place and heating chamber are united, the iron being placed among the coals, only the air for burning being supplied under pressure from a blowing engine by a second special contrivance, the tuyere, tuiron, twyer or blast-pipe; but in the more refined modern furnaces, where great economy of fuel is an object, the different functions are distributed over separate and distinct apparatus, the fuel being converted into gas in one, dried in another, and heated in a third, before arriving at the point of combustion in the working chamber of the furnace proper.
This principle is capable of very wide extension, the blast furnace being mainly limited in height by the strength the column of materials or "burden" has to resist crushing, under the weight due to the head adopted, and the power of the blowing engine to supply blast of sufficient density to overcome the resistance of the closely packed materials to the free passage of the spent gases.
The engine roared and his tires squealed down the street.
Even the birds could be heard over the sound of the engine.
His lab coat was all the overcoat he wore, and he hopped in place beside a beat-up VW Bug whose engine coughed as if it were on its last leg.
The engine shaft will sink in the ground at 130 fathoms.
The search engine will examine the query, extract nouns and noun phrases and construct a query for the user.
Key phrases are multi-word phrases used in search engine queries.
A more recent addition is ' Freddie ' the remote control fire engine, brilliant for the small children.
Powered by an incredibly powerful 10 Liter supercharged engine, this aircraft can perform spectacular unlimited aerobatics that will amaze the airshow audience.
With the engine placed at the bike's exact center of gravity, it was surprisingly agile for its size.
Its customers include all of the world's leading manufacturers of civil and military, fixed and rotary wing aircraft and aero engine.
We design our air filters to provide minimum restriction allowing high airflow into an engine.
For an aircraft, for example, such components might include the airframe, engine and avionics systems.
In contrast to the take off where we use a constant engine power, for landing we need to keep a constant airspeed.
The new engine made it possible to climb steeply out of jungle airstrips surrounded by tall trees.
A still bigger surprise is that a relatively small 2.7 liter diesel engine can push such a large car along with such alacrity.
Engine All the boats come with a 4 cylinder Isuzu 55 engine with PRM hydraulic gearbox and twin alternators.
An engine driven 85 amp alternator ensures that the batteries are always well charged up.
The engine alternator is 50 amps and we have an Ampair 100 wind generator with optional water turbine.
The post-war slump brought a last-ditch amalgamation of traction engine manufacturers including Burrell's.
A converted sail shed now houses a stylish tea room and Edwardian and Victorian antiques are to be found in the old engine house.
You could be fooled into thinking there was a normally aspirated 2 liter engine under the bonnet.
Now rock the engine axially and pull it backward about 5/6 inches until the input shaft clears the clutch assembly then lower away.
A single seat light autogyro powered by a Victa Pixie 173cc 2-stroke single cylinder piston engine.
Nothing to remember, nothing to do - fully automatic engine starting protection!
Chrome tubular engine guards front and rear, a padded backrest and sturdy aluminum passenger grab rails are just part of the story.
Slide rule engine turned bezel with matching engine turned crown.
We were obviously a bit enthusiastic about filling the engine compartment bilges with water for tunnel ballast!
Thursday was spent cleaning some oily bilges, and re-instating the engine cooling system that I stripped down a week or so ago.
Then a dreadful couple of days cleaning out the engine room bilges.
All our search engine optimization articles are available for republishing, provided the author bio and links in the bio remain intact.
Instead of old square buttons and limited colors, the Windows® XP visual style engine natively supports the use of true color bitmap buttons.
For installation on a truck, the truck engine is used to drive the chipper hydraulic system including the fan blower and loading crane.
The two-tone chrome engine and the aluminum silver bodywork coupled with the perfect ergonomics of the make the V-Rod a real beauty.
Bob stokes the boiler, providing steam for Fred to work the Beam Engine.
For example, RUDI currently uses the ' Netscape Verity ' search engine which allows full text Boolean searching.
This not only helps improve accessibility for disabled users but also for search engine bots.
What we want to talk about is how they managed to get 345 brake horsepower out of a 2 liter engine.
Driven in part by my then brand-new Web access, I used a search engine to determine that Oris had no Canadian distributor.
Before I rebuilt my engine, it was burning a lot of oil, resulting in plenty of carbon buildup.
Distinctive bonnet bulges are necessary to cover the tall C-series engine.
At the far end stood a fourth watertight bulkhead, separating the crew's quarters from the engine room.
The mine had struck on her port side just forward of the after engine room bulkhead.
The engine room was pumped out to make the craft buoyant, ready for the final trip in to the Humber.
With its engine running, the said cameraman was duly strapped in for a quick air to air sortie.
I have a couple of hoses left over from the installation of a subaru engine into a bay camper.
This engine was the first in a Fiesta to feature an overhead camshaft instead of the usual overhead valve format.
Head gaskets fail on the 1.4 gasoline engine; check the underside of the oil filler cap for white emulsion.
On the other side of the engine, Mick has taken the inlets out to 32mm to match the twin carbs.
Reciprocating engines uniformly produce much more carbon monoxide in their exhaust than the modern jet engine.
The engine also features a reed valve that pulls oil from the cylinder head thereby reducing oil carry-over to the air box.
The search engine automatically categorizes search results into meaningful hierarchical folders.
Powered by a compact two-cylinder engine mounted in a sleek, lightweight chassis the ER-6f is extremely maneuverable and very rider friendly.
The black smoke that billows from the engine is a graphic match to the incinerator chimneys at the camps.
Can you hear the squeak when depressing the clutch pedal with the engine switched off?
Among the spoil was found an old cast iron shoemaker s last, a spade a builder s trowel and a small engine cogwheel.
High engine revs are allowed by a special valve retainer collet system used to secure the steel intake and exhuast valves.
A powerful combination is to link the output of a survey with the Email Engine.
A prototype 5.7-litre pushrod V-8 engine featuring hemispherical combustion chambers and two spark plugs per cylinder powers the Super8.
Later development produced a more advanced turbine engine that used an axial flow compressor.
Once the scheduling constraints have been met, the engine then decides whether a task should become in progress or discarded.
Moisture, dust and debris will all contrive to ruin your work and probably the engine.
Usually, the fuel is heated by the engine coolant or by the exhaust or electrical system.
Features Features include solid rubber tires, a rotating propeller, racing graphics, padded red seat, wheel pants and front engine cowling.
The engine cowling had come to earth 20 yards away in the back yard of Nether Hill Farm.
The engine is radially mounted inverted under a glassfibre cowling which has sufficient space inside for an internal exhaust system.
It is tricky to mount the wing because with a metal cowling AND engine it is HEAVY.
However, in addition, search engine copywriting has developed into a misunderstood craft.
Never place any part of an engine in a vise, including the crankcase.
The epoxy filler will keep water from entering the lower crankcase of the engine block, where the oil is.
The small rear rack and engine crankcase are also finished in chrome to complete the contemporary look of the bike.
What is unusual about my engine is that someone had fitted a four plate retainer, but to the timing side crankcase only.
Unfortunately, in 1994 the Jacinta also suffered some quite extensive damage to her main engine crankshaft which subsequently put her out of action.
The levers received their motion directly from the engine crankshaft, one being 90 degrees out of phase with the other.
Trying to improve search engine rankings is just like a rubics cube.
The four exhaust nozzles are attached to the engine via four circular cutouts in the fuselage side.
The starboard davits break the surface, and the engine room can easily be penetrated at a depth of only 15 meters.
By that time, tho, they had grown a deckhouse and were fitted with a small engine.
An elderly worker from Wolverton explained they became gray due to the " (expletive deleted) from the [engine's] chimney.
The engine is smooth, powerful and utterly dependable.
Search engine optimization has become much more difficult in recent years.
The forward section is built around the engine air inlet duct; the aft section is built around the engine.
They are spaced at intervals around the perimeter of the engine exhaust duct near the turbine exit.
He invented a steam turbine engine to drive a dynamo to generate electricity.
The team is equipped with a total of eight engine dynamometers for the extensive bench testing that will be required.
Suitable for cars running 6 volt electrics, where starter motor cranking speeds require an engine to turn over with minimal drag.
For every minute my car engine was running, i was giving out X quantity of carbon emission.
Can hence use 6/7/8 piece endgame databases via the Cake engine.
The practice of using actual horse power to haul the trucks to the line died out with the introduction of the diesel engine.
The overall result was a responsive, powerful engine practically immune to slipping with a very quiet beat.
Indeed they may simply help to extend the lifespan of the internal combustion engine longer than it would otherwise survive.
Changes include styling and aerodynamics, new rear suspension system, better weight distribution and lighter 2.0-litre turbocharged engine developed and built by Cosworth.
Guides How to safely clean and protect your engine bay Cleaning the engine bay Cleaning the engine bay is not something most people worry about.
Each person will get to drive the full length of the line, over five miles, on both a steam and diesel engine.
As speed picks up and when cruising the gasoline engine cuts in so that the gasoline and electric motor drive the car together.
You are part of a team designing a new type of jet engine.
These are largely self- explanatory, the resource center search engine indexes more than 15,000 web documents in the area of civil engineering.
This was a 12 cylinder engine minus one bank of cylinders, the gap being closed by a plain entablature.
Watt's business partner, Matthew Boulton, took him on and later described him as the finest engine erector he had ever seen.
A lot of research indicates that most searchers exit search engine result pages to visit one of the top three results.
List Building vs. Search Engine Optimization It seems the excitement about search engine optimization fades in and out from time to time.
To begin with, Triumph simply removed the fairing from the Daytona to reveal the engine.
As can be seen in the photograph, the engine has a very large extra long firebox.
He was a respected solicitor in Wells, but he broke out at intervals to drive the town fire engine!
In September 1703 the inhabitants of Wolverhampton purchased a fire engine and twenty-four buckets for the water.
Prior to engine fitment the engine bay was cleaned to bare metal and undersealed.
The engine is beautifully tuned and will pull from almost nothing well into the high fives.
The off side flitch panel before and after Decided to attack the off side flitch panel once the engine and gearbox was out.
The fluid flywheel provided on this engine was designed to slip until full throttle was required in top gear.
The engine itself had a single horizontal cylinder and a large flywheel.
The engine included the Villiers flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel.
The game engine has been ported completely intact and renders the series ' flowing football in impressive fashion for a handheld.
It is possible to run unleaded fuel in your engine Ian.
All company vehicles use modern efficient engine types and are being converted to use diesel fuel.
Ignition is controlled by the same integrated engine management system that also controls fuel injection.
Engine Engine is the 454 cu. in. unblown Chevrolet, using fuel injection with Hilborn injector.
Search Engine Visibility - The Mantra of corporate Profitability The corporate fundamentals are par excellence!
This was supposed to be a rebuild of the earlier aircraft but had a new fuselage, wings, tail and engine.
The data were collected in Poland and the results allowed to identify the critical loading paths from engine nacelle to the wing fuselage section.
It is not known whether the engine change will be done to allow it to operate in the April diesel gala.
I had to check the engine compartment which has a narrow gangway running past the engine from cab to cab.
Two summers ago, we had to replace the cylinder head gasket on Rosy's engine.
The standard engine gasket set for the MGB comes with the valve guide seals (" O " rings ).
Becomes a commissioned officer 1929 Develops the initial idea of the jet engine - using a gas turbine to produce a propelling jet.
The slick, six-speed gearbox allows maximum use of the engine's output.
Each engine was directly coupled to one 32 kW generator and one 10 kW generator.
Apart from engine set-up, Hofmann also tested a revised rear swinging arm and chassis geometry.
From model gliders through multi engine aircraft to helis.
Overspeed governor, N2 -- gearbox mounted on engine inlet housing and driven from the power shaft.
The panel directly under the little triangular gusset by the suspension tower in the engine bay.
The gasoline engine felt gutless, and the diesel option would probably make more sense.
Just one Merlin engine would pump out several pounds of lead halides on a sortie to Berlin; almost chemical warfare!
This cross searching is done via specific types of web search engine (also called harvesters ).
In the 340 Series a five-door hatchback - the Volvo 345 with a 70 hp engine was introduced.
The Paddy Train at the Museum uses a rope haulage system, which is driven by a haulage engine.
They are served by an inclined railroad, of standard gage worked by a steam haulage engine of colliery type.
A new winder - in reality a ship's winch fitted with a diesel engine - and a steel headgear were installed.
How to make your own fuel How to make a simple heat exchanger Can I burn straight vegetable fat in my diesel engine?
Donning my full-face helmet, the track crew helped me slide snugly into the purpose-built Formula Brands, powered by a 1.8-litre Audi engine.
Of all homepages that I know of the Google search engine home page is the most interesting one.
A1 Limousines vehicles range from stretched hummers, which seat 20 people, through to Bentleys and a chauffeur driven fire engine.
When they were dealing with the fire they would run the hose out to the fire engine from the street hydrant.
The aircraft was very quiet, but with the engine running at low RPM I still had full hydraulics for the controls.
This combines traditional spark ignition with the sort of compression ignition a diesel engine uses.
Do not run the engine, without checking the handbook, as you may damage the water impeller.
Occasioned by the air being rendered impure from the smoke of a fire engine, placed about 100 feet underground.
I remain indebted to others ' skills for an engine refit at that year's close.
Rechargeable electric cells offer a clue, but remain ludicrously inefficient in power to weight ratios when compared to the internal combustion engine.
The nationwide metadata enhanced search engine proved infeasible, federated metadata initiatives were not.
Currently only works for Sun Grid Engine enabled clusters. [Default False] END End keyworded input.
An attempt was made to keep the engine intact.
Jap engine, bolted directly via engine plates to the chassis just like a motorcycle.
English aviation engineer and pilot who invented the jet engine.
The solution delivered included the PRIME revenue integrity monitoring engine which identifies multiple areas of revenue leakage.
Apply the front brake and then start the engine * Squeeze in the clutch lever.
We do not however do hen/stag party style fire engine limo hire.
Failed emission test inspections elicit an emergency room visit for immediate engine liposuction.
Whilst on the GCR the engine has been repainted in its original two-tone green livery.
The engine also operated a belt driven circular saw and a weaving loom.
Valve built the engine so relatively low-end systems could run the game reasonably well.
The motor is a YAMAHA 2 stroke auto lube 100cc engine.
At Boomerang Group we offer quality search engine ranking lye as well as search engine ranking lye, and search engine ranking dudley.
The engine included the Villiers flywheel magneto, with the engine cooling fan mounted on the outside of the flywheel.
But you can still peer through the gates of the builders ' yard and see the engine manufactory and the great masonry furnaces.
If it was the engine I'd say Hayleys bike was running a little hot mate.
It now leaves just four crew members and an engine unable to turn out because it has no driver.
Have fun riding the merry-go-round in Noddy's car, Noddy's plane, the fire engine or the Toyland Express.
Scragg AH, Shales SW, & Morrison J. (2003) The use of emulsion fuels containing microorganisms in a diesel engine.
The second model on display will be the brand new F800 S sports middleweight, with BMWâs first-ever parallel-twin engine.
I once coined the overstatement ` labor migration is the engine of social change ' .
Here was an engine that could be built by the millwright and blacksmith.
The engine was supplied and installed by local millwrights Thomas Smithdale & Sons of Acle.
It was supplied in large numbers to the Royal Navy as a propulsion engine for inshore minesweepers.
It operates by changing the amount of air in the air/fuel mixture which the engine burns.
To handle the power from the engine, another popular mod is to install a Porsche 5 speed box.
This does not help the racing engine, that might destroy a viscosity modifier in minutes of high speed running.
Thus the question of whether the Difference Engine was itself a tool became moot.
Types of bike moped A moped A moped has an engine no larger than 50cc, weighs less than 250kg and goes no faster than 50kmph.
Now you can split the box from the engine with easy access to that top nut on the starter motor.
The first of these used a 400 cc motorcycle engine to give a primarily electric vehicle a " limp home " capability.
Engine noise is well muffled and vibration can only really be felt through the gearstick.
Mass centralization and a center of gravity are further enhanced by locating the muffler below the engine.
Units under the inner engine nacelles, each consisting of one wheel and two shock absorber struts.
A small amount of gloss black paint has been applied above the engine nacelles.
At Prestwick Service Center we are specialists in the maintenance repair and overhaul of aircraft engine nacelle systems.
There's also a few naysayers in the search engine optimization industry who claim that Meta Tags are useless.
Around town the engine felt quite nippy, although I wasn't sure about the gearbox.
Some make submitting pages to search engines sound like the fast track to search engine ranking nirvana.
The engine used a conical rotary valve made from pure boron nitride.
State that nitrogen and oxygen from the air react inside a car engine to form nitrogen oxides (these are poisonous gasses ).
Only recently, most of the pages at the Voices Forum website had to be " mended " to avoid search engine oblivion!
But he had not quite so much fun when the vehicle started slowing and the engine started sounding rather off-key.
Your car's engine speed decreases when you use overdrive.
Family owned for past 12 years, taxed and tested, brakes recently overhauled and fuel injection engine replaced with brand new 1600cc carburetor.
The engine was withdrawn from traffic later in 1994 for a ten year boiler overhaul.
And if the engine does overheat... If you are stuck in a traffic jam, keep an eye on the engine temperature gage.
The engine is a reliable unit but will easily overheat if the aging radiator is clogged.
Easter 1988 - the boat's first long outing At the builders, the engine was fitted together with the interior paneling.
A good oil engine should not require to use more than a pint of refined petroleum per indicated horse-power working for one hour.
Incidentally, all of the screw in water pipe fittings on my (TR7) engine are METRIC!
Robs engine is also running our design forged pistons.
The catalyst engine uses high compression ratio pistons designed specifically for the 4.2 power unit to optimize fuel economy.
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The engine is mounted sideways on a radial mount bolted to the front 1/4 inch ply bulkhead.
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With the new EGR the engine felt more powerful, but the engine fan was still running all the time.
New wing, 4 bladed propeller, streamlined cockpit, modified Merlin II engine using special fuel.
The optional off-road pack makes short work of tough terrain, and this diesel engine is very punchy.
Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang is helping to improve air quality with a cleaner, quieter engine.
Pretty much, in fact, what the search engine query pages were doing, some years back.
Engine rebuilt, gearbox rebuilt, steering rack, suspension, new gasoline tank, many other new parts fitted over past few years.
Insurance isn't too racy either, probably due to the Diesel engine.
Irving was anxious to prove the superiority of the new radial valved Python engine, and entered an outfit in the 1932 Lands End.
Here the traction engine puts on a spectacular display as it ascends the steep ramp off the site.
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The main body of the engine was made from the end of a disposable razor handle.
A valuable resource - and achieving high recognition through the Google search engine.
I decided to install a fully reconditioned 1950 cc. engine from MGOC Spares, fitted with the unleaded cylinder head.
And when CS2 comes out, I'm hoping they don't just rehash the same game with a better engine, ala UT2003.
The first steam locomotive to use the newly re-laid track ran in 1996, and was the North Downs Railroad sole operational steam engine.
Yet, as can be expected of an Aprilia, this amazing power is still fully usable and the engine itself remains totally reliable.
This cultural renaissance under the slogan ' away from Moscow ' became the engine of efforts to assert Ukrainian autonomy.
Taken as a whole, ORION is a perfect, scaled-down replica of an LNWR express engine of the time.
This must have been a big establishment, once reputed to be the largest marine engine builders in the world.
Between them, the two engine sizes satisfy all possible requirements.
The engine revs need to be kept higher to achieve the performance, best to use low gearing.
The engine unit is exceptionally rigid, with vibration and noise reduced as much as possible.
By this time, the land below was looking even more rugged, not the place to have an engine problem!
There is a small local timber yard in Kelbrook that used to run their gas engine on the smoke from slowly burning sawdust.
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