Enforced Sentence Examples
Strict celibacy is not enforced among them.
The law is, however, imperfectly enforced for financial reasons.
He had stood behind her every decision since and enforced them all.
The preservation of game is now enforced.
Thereupon the power of church and state enforced by positive enactments the passive resistance of old institutions to the novel theories.
His second son, Sancho, enforced his claim to be heir, in preference to the children of Ferdinand de la Cerda, the elder brother who died in Alphonso's life.
Sangram Sah died in 1530; and the break up of his dominion began with the enforced cession to the Mogul emperor by Chandra Sah (1563-1575) of Saugor and Damoh and of that portion of his territories which afterwards formed the state of Bhopal.
It is probable that very little of this moral legislation was enforced in practice, though special efforts were made under the government of the major-generals.
This decision was enforced in 1879.
But the laws have not been rigorously enforced of late years; and the ecclesiastical possessions seized by the state were thrown on the market simultaneously, and so realized very low prices, being often bought up by wealthy religious institutions.
AdvertisementBut in spite of the severity with which the resolution was enforced, the resistance to iconoclasm continued, chiefly owing to the attitude of the monks, who exercised great influence over the common people.
He hated two things intensely, a sacrosanct priesthood and an enforced uniformity.
An amendment of the 7th of April 1886 forbade the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages, but it was badly enforced and was repealed by a subsequent amendment of the 10th of June 1889.
In 1842 the two-volume edition of his Poems broke the ten years' silence which he had enforced himself to keep. Here, with many pieces already known to all lovers of modern verse, were found rich and copious additions to his work.
In spite of his oath he went again to Italy in 904, where he secured the submission of Lombardy; but on the 21st of July 9 05 he was surprised at Verona by Berengar, who deprived him of his sight and sent him back to Provence, where he passed his days in enforced inactivity until his death in September 928.
AdvertisementRegulations were now stricti enforced, fixing the number of horses and carriers available at eac station, the loads to be carried by them and their charges, as well as the transport services that each feudal chief was entitled to demand and the fees he had to pay in return.
From the 18th of November to the 23rd of January the sun is not seen, and the enforced quiet of winter prevails.
The newspaper tax enforced in 1712 dealt a hard blow at these.
Heresy became henceforward a purely ecclesiastical offence, although disabling laws of various kinds continued to be enforced against Jews, Catholics and other dissenters.
He had only conceived the idea of The Patriot King in the person of the worthless Frederick in order to stir up sedition, while his eulogies on retirement and study were pronounced from an enforced exile.
AdvertisementAthens, as the chosen leader, and supported no doubt by the synod, enforced the contributions of ships and money according to the assessment.
He was often charged with opposing prohibition but repeatedly declared that all laws must be enforced.
But it is highly probable that this prohibition, in the case of the Targums, was mainly enforced with respect to those parts of the Old Testament which were read in the synagogal services, e.g.
He neglected .to make good the claims which he might have enforced to the duchy of Milan on the death of Filippo Maria, the last Visconti (1447).
Tenders were strictly enforced in letting government property and contracts; a largely increased revenue was applied on water supply, drainage and other works.
AdvertisementBy a decree of the Lateran council of 1215, which was enforced in England, no clerk can hold two benefices with cure of souls, and if a beneficed clerk shall take a second benefice with cure of souls, he vacates ipso facto his first benefice.
He was now driven in upon his books for the employment of a restless temperament; and to this irksomeness of enforced leisure may be ascribed the production of the Principe, the Discorsi, the Arte della guerra, the comedies, and the Historie fiorentine.
When he enforced his claim to the crown of Portugal (1579-1581) he preferred to placate his new subjects by paying attention to their feelings and their privileges.
The ordinance of Orleans was enforced.
Consequently the whole of Luxemburg remained in the possession of the Belgians until 1838, when the treaty of the 19th of April, concluded at the conference of London, enforced the partition of 1831.
This exclusion was enforced in the case of persons whose hands were defiled with bloodshed.
The revolt was due largely to resentment against the restrictions enforced by the Germans in their efforts at civilization, including compulsory work on European plantations in certain districts.
He took little part in, though he probably sympathized with, the debates on the measure known as the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, whereby the state enforced its authority over the church to the detriment of its allegiance to the pope.
But a praefect continued to be regularly appointed, even under the empire, during the enforced absence of all the higher magistrates at the Latin festival.
In 1835 it was made a city by the Mexican Congress, and declared the capital, but the last provision was not enforced and was soon recalled.
The diet refused to accede to the pope's demand that the edict of Worms should be enforced, and recommended that a Christian council should be summoned in January, to include not only ecclesiastics but laymen, who should be permitted freely to express their opinions.
The diet thereupon decided that the edict of Worms should at last be enforced.
Since 1850 truant and compulsory attendance laws (the first compulsory education law was passed in 1642) have been enforced in conjunction with laws against child labour.
During his enforced retirement he composed tragedies, which were put on the stage during the reign of Claudius.
Loofs, has called it; 9 the doctrine enforced within any one church community is dogma.
Schenkel, that dogma is what is enforced by civil and criminal law.
This privilege was enforced by George III.
The revival of preaching, which was the work of the order of St Dominic, did more to combat heresy, especially where its persuasions were enforced by law.
Moreover, Dr Gilly's book (A Visit to the Valleys of Piedmont), chancing to fall into the hands of an officer who had lost his leg at Waterloo, Colonel Beckwith, suggested an object for the energies of one who was 10th at the age of twenty-six to sink into enforced idleness.
In the same years, stern military suppression accompanied by much bloodshed was applied in Albania and Macedonia; taxation and conscription were enforced, the national schools closed, and Turkish decreed as the official language.
Napoleon in like case refused, at the risk of enforced resignation, but so did Moreau; the generality of lesser men have obeyed, but so did Suvarov.
An award may, by leave of the court, be enforced in the same manner as a judgment or decree to the same effect.
After the attempt of Bean - who was a hunchback, really insane - parliament passed a bill empowering judges to order whipping as a punishment for those who molested the queen; but somehow this salutary act was never enforced.
After Palmerston's enforced resignation, there was a new and more absurd hubbub.
To this strength the geographic isolation enforced by the Appalachian mountains had been a prime contributor.
The new arrangement, which is strictly territorial, was enforced in eight montons by the year 1909, resulting in a standing peace army of 20,000 of all ranks,.
He enforced discipline and exact conformity within the church with an iron hand; and over 200 clergymen were deprived of their livings for disobedience to the ex animo form of subscription.
The enforced union in Prussia was combined with the publication of a new liturgy intended for common use.
Polish recruits were distributed in Russian regiments, and the use of the Russian language was enforced as far as possible in the civil administration and in the law courts.
The new prayer-book and canons were drawn up by the Scottish bishops with his assistance and enforced in the country, and, though not officially connected with the work, he was rightly regarded as its real author.
Burr established a thorough patrol system, rigorously enforced martial law, and quickly restored order.
They maintained order in the markets, settled disputes, examined the quality of the articles exposed for sale, tested weights and measures, collected the harbour dues and enforced the shipping regulations.
Confession and absolution, strictly enforced, give great power to the priesthood.
Meeting with an accident while he was wandering on the Palatine, and being detained in Rome, he passed part of his enforced leisure in giving lectures (possibly on Homer, his favourite author), and thus succeeded in arousing among the Romans a taste for the scholarly study of literature.
The state laws for the protection of fish and shell-fish were long carelessly enforced because of the fishermen's strong feeling against them, but this sentiment has slowly, changed and enforcement has become more vigorous.
The ruthless determination of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the devotion of the troops, but the men of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg were mostly dead or wounded, and the recruits attracted by bounties or compelled by the "draft," which had at last been enforced in the North, proved far inferior soldiers to the gallant veterans whom they replaced.
He was sentenced to an hour in the pillory, which was remitted, and to fine and imprisonment, which were enforced.
The strictly enforced episcopal constitution, the creation of a clerical order, and the formation of the New Testament canon accomplished the overthrow of the prophets.
Such a regular and extensive system could not have been put into use throughout the whole country suddenly in 1250, especially as it must have had to resist the legal foot now in use, which was enforced (9) as early as 950.
After the murder of the duc de Berry and the enforced retirement of Decazes, he again became president of the council (21st February 1821); but his position was untenable owing to the attacks of the "Ultras" on the one side and the Liberals on the other, and on the 12th of December he again resigned.
That man shall not live by bread alone, the world had learned before Neoplatonism; but Neoplatonism enforced the deeper truth - a truth which the older philosophy had missed - that man shall not live by knowledge alone.
Similarly, he is of opinion that some probation, even in the higher and more difficult sciences, might be enforced as a condition of exercising any liberal profession, or becoming a candidate for any honourable office.
It would have been well had Acquaviva enforced this decree; but Parsons was allowed to keep on with his work, and other Jesuits in France for many years after directed, to the loss of religion, affairs of state.
The Roman Catholic religion was enforced at the time of the conquest, but a large percentage of the natives may still be considered semi-pagan, the gods of their ancestors being worshipped in secret, and the forms and tenets of the dominant faith, which they but faintly comprehend, being largely adulterated with superstitions and practices of pagan origin.
The conquest of Mexico by the Spanish forces under Hernando Cortes (q.v.) in 1520, and the death of the last Aztec emperor, Guatemozin, introduced what is known as the colonial period of Mexican history, which lasted down to the enforced resignation of the last viceroy, O'Donoju, in 1821.
Other prominent reformers, amongst them Coverdale, sought refuge in Geneva, the town of Calvin and Beza, where they employed their enforced leisure in planning and carrying out a new revision of the Bible.
Although not much enforced, this, with some slight changes, continued to be the school law until the close of the colonial era.
The judgment of the synod was enforced by the deposition and in some cases the banishment of Remonstrant ministers; but the government soon became convinced that their party was not dangerous to the state, and in 1630 they were formally allowed liberty to reside in all parts of Holland and build churches and schools.
By this time he had to some extent withdrawn from the advanced position which he at first occupied in organizing the Old Catholic Church, for he was not in agreement with its abolition of enforced celibacy.
The vengeance of Henry was not satisfied by this judicial murder of his friend and servant; he enforced the confiscation of what small property More had left, expelled Lady More from the house at Chelsea, and even set aside assignments which had been legally executed by More, who foresaw what would happen before the commission of the alleged treason.
Entering the church he found the preacher engaged in expounding the words, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy," from which the ordinary Protestant doctrine of the supreme authority of Scripture was being enforced in a manner which appeared to Fox so defective or erroneous as to call for his immediate and most energetic protest.
They were the first society in the world to condemn slavery both in theory and practice; they enforced and practised the most complete community of goods.
It was not till the 15th of June 1520 that his new theology was condemned by the bull Exsurge, and Luther himself threatened with excommunication - a penalty which was only enforced owing to his refusal to submit, on the 3rd of January 1521.
Matthias enforced his authority by the vigorous use of his mercenaries and by wholesale confiscations of the lands of turbulent nobles.
Apparently no vows were taken, but obedience, personal poverty, chastity, self-denial, and the other monastic virtues were strongly enforced, and a monk was not free to abandon the monastic life.
Strict personal poverty was enforced, and all were encouraged to approach confession and communion frequently.
The evacuation of Egypt by Antiochus Epiphanes at the bidding of the Roman ambassadors suits the warning addressed to "Greece" (732-740) against overweening ambition and any attempt upon the Holy City, which is somewhat strangely enforced by the famous Greek oracle, "Let Camarina be, 'tis best unstirred."
Moreover, after the knight's liability to personal service in war had been modified in the 12th century by the scutage system, it became necessary in the first quarter of the r3th to compel landowners to take up the knighthood which in theory they should have coveted as an honour - a compulsion which was soon systematically enforced (Distraint of Knighthood, 1278), and became a recognized source of royal income.
Epiphanius, following Methodius, insisted on the most perfect identity between the resurrection body and the material body; and this belief, enforced in the West by Jerome, soon established itself as alone orthodox.
Its use was furiously assailed by the extremer Reformers but, in spite of their efforts, was retained by Elizabeth's Act of Uniformity, and enforced by the advertisements and injunctions issued under her authority, which ordered the "massing vestments" - chasubles, albs, stoles and the like - to be destroyed.
Capital punishment is retained on the statute, but is never enforced, the prisoner on whom sentence of death is passed in due form in open court being relegated to imprisonment for life in solitary confinement and perpetual silence.
By public disputation and private conference, as well as by preaching, he enforced his doctrines, both ecclesiastical and political, and shrank no more from urging what he conceived to be the truth upon the most powerful officers than he did from instructing the meanest followers of the camp. Cromwell disliked his loquacity and shunned his society; but Baxter having to preach before him after he had assumed the Protectorship, chose for his subject the old topic of the divisions and distractions of the church, and in subsequent interviews not only opposed him about liberty of conscience, but spoke in favour of the monarchy he had subverted.
The conflicting rights of Rumford and Bow gave rise to one of the most celebrated of colonial land cases, and although the New Hampshire authorities enforced their claims of jurisdiction, the privy council in 1755 confirmed the Rumford settlers in their possession.
But this condition has not been enforced in the case of such banks as have agreed to accept as binding the official rate of discount of the Reichsbank after this has reached or when it exceeds 4%.
Hardly less lukewarm, the imperial diet ordered the edict to be enforced, but only as far as possible, and meanwhile the possibilities of accommodation between the two great religious parties were becoming more and more remote.
During the i 1 th century an enforced alliance with the Normans drew the republic into war with Venice and Byzantium; and in the 12th century it was attacked by the Bosnians and Serbs.
School attendance is compulsory between the ages of eight and fourteen, and is enforced by truant officers.
Martial law was proclaimed in Bohemia, and strictly enforced.
Ultimately, however, he was induced to assent to and confirm the decrees of the council, and was allowed after an enforced absence of seven years to set out for Rome.
In these courts native law and customs (principally the Mahommedan law) were administered with the proviso that no penalty could be enforced which was contrary to the laws of humanity or opposed to any specific proclamation of the protectorate.
The preservation of wild animals and birds in accordance with international agreements is enforced by law.
With a few exceptions, laws cannot, owing to the Capitulations, be enforced against foreigners except with the consent of the powers.
Some further details are to be found in documents preserved by the archaeologist Maqrizi, from which it appears that the sum for which each district was responsible was distributed over the unit in such a way that artisans and tradesmen paid at a rate similar to that which was enforced on those employed in agriculture.
Before long, however, the regulations were rigidly enforced, and an attempt was subsequently made to strengthen them.
The principles of this are found in the Assizes of the kingdom of Sicily, promulgated at Ariano in 1140, which enforced an almost absolute royal power.
This Agreement shall be deemed made in, governed by, performed in, and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., without giving effect to its conflicts of laws provisions or principles.
No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be enforceable against a party unless in writing and signed by the party against whom such modification or amendment is sought to be enforced.
His infirmities enforced a very retired life, but he was constantly visited by Froude, and occasionally by his disciple Ruskin.
But the recognition of the royal supremacy could only be enforced at the cost of the heads of Sir Thomas More, Bishop Fisher and a number of monks and others among whom the Carthusians signalized themselves by their devotion (1535-1536).
The new queen Catherine Howard represented the triumph of the reactionary party under Gardiner and Norfolk; but there was no idea of returning to the papal obedience, and even Catholic orthodoxy as represented by the Six Articles was only enforced by spasmodic outbursts of persecution and vain attempts to get rid of Cranmer.
The royal supremacy over the church and the means by which it was enforced were harsh and violent expedients; but it was of the highest importance that England should be saved from religious civil war, and it could only be saved by a despotic government.
In February 1638 the Covenant, practically a " band " of the whole country, enforced on reluctant signers, was ranters The.
The enforced adoption of new names makes it easy to lose the historical identity of many who really belonged to the Minster Anabaptists, and, on the other hand, has led to the classification of many with the Munster sect who had no real connexion with it.
He enforced the duty " of placing in the background whatever was accidental, temporary or secondary, and of bringing into due prominence what was primary and essential."
He naturally referred the question to the cardinals about him; with whom Gardiner held long arguments, enforced, it would seem, by not a little browbeating of the College.
Again poetic justice is effected on the unfortunate hero who has chosen his own personal advancement in preference to his duty to the woman he loves; more pointedly than in Gotz is the moral enforced by Clavigo's worldly friend Carlos, that the ground of Clavigo's tragic end lies not so much in the defiance of a moral law as in the hero's vacillation and want of character.
Thereupon the diet resolved that the edict of Worms was to be enforced against Luther and his partizans; that the ecclesiastical jurisdictions were to be preserved; and that all the church property taken possession of by the Lutheran princes was to be restored; and that in all cases of dispute the last court of appeal was to be the Imperial Court of Appeals.
They enforced, when necessary, the alien acts (EmIXacrla), negotiated with foreign ambassadors, instructed generals, sent out expeditions and were the guiding spirits of the Spartan confederacy.
Commercial and political intercourse had also brought a knowledge of other deities, who were worth venerating, or who were the survivors of a former supremacy, or whose recognition was enforced.
By this time (103 B.C.) it was clear that the Hasmonaeans were - from the point of view of a purist - practically indistinguishable from the Hellenizers whom Judas had opposed so keenly, except that they did not abandon the formal observances of Judaism, and even enforced them upon foreigners.
By 1891 the amir had enforced his supreme authority throughout Afghanistan more completely than any of his predecessors.
He dismissed the governor; he determined advantageously to himself the boundaries between his state and the territories of the duke of Savoy and of the papacy; and he enforced his authority over perhaps the most unruly nobility in western Europe, both lay and ecclesiastical.
About the same time in the extreme north the post of British resident in Gilgit was re-established, and the supremacy of Kashmir over the adjoining petty chiefships of Hunza-Nagar was enforced (1891-1892).
While the law was thus sternly enforced, important acts of conciliation and measures of reform were carried out simultaneously.
And if there is either an express or a well-understood bargain between the ceding potentate and the government to which the cession is made that private property shall be respected, that is only a bargain which can be enforced by sovereign against sovereign in the ordinary course of diplomatic pressure."
At Millbank, with its spacious solitary cells, the rule of seclusion was more and more strictly enforced.
In Belgium, where penal administration has received the closest attention for a number of years, the regime of cellular imprisonment has been long carried to its farthest limits, and solitary confinement ranging over ten years and in some cases much more has been strictly enforced.
The third stage in Sir George Grey's scheme contemplated the enforced emigration of released convicts, whom the discipline of separation and public works was supposed to have purged and purified, and who would have better hopes of entering on a new career of honest industry in a new country than when thrown back among vicious associations at home.
The chief objection to enforced labour has been the difficulty in ensuring this; but the convict nowadays eagerly tries his best, because only thus can he win privileges while in prison and an earlier release from it.
The rule was strictly enforced and with the most conspicuous results, so that little more than 1% of "stars" have been re-convicted when once more at large.
It is an axiom in prison science that enforced labour cannot easily be made productive.
This leasing-out system has been carried further in some of the southern states, and has produced the convict camps, which have been much criticized and condemned from the harshness of the discipline enforced, the many abuses that exist and the meagre results other than monetary that have been obtained.
There is evidence to show, for instance, that the manors of the abbey of Ramsey were managed on the system of enforced labour right down to the middle of the 15th century, and, of course, survivals of these customs in the shape of scattered services lived on much longer.
In November 1805 he was raised to the rank of admiral; and in the summer of 1807, whilst still a lord of the admiralty, he was appointed to the command of the fleet ordered to the Baltic, which, in concert with the army under Lord Cathcart, reduced Copenhagen, and enforced the surrender of the Danish navy, consisting of nineteen ships of the line, besides frigates, sloops, gunboats, and naval stores.
Many of the arguments by which the Sceptics enforced their ad vocacy of a suspense of judgment are antiquated in type, but many also are, within the limits of the individualistic theory of knowledge, quite unanswerable.
In most of the rest high licence is more or less strictly enforced.
Through varied instruments - lynch law, popular courts, vigilance committees - order was, however, enforced, better as times went on, until there was a stable condition of things.
The freedom of the individual was denied when the state enforced religious conformity.
Hitherto the praetor had conducted the preliminary inquiry as to whether an action would lie, and had appointed for the actual trial of the case a deputy, whom he instructed in the law applicable to the case and whose decisions he enforced.
In all 87,659 persons are said to have died out of a population of nearly 250,000.2 This great epidemic caused a panic in England which led to the introduction (under Mead's advice) of quarantine regulations, never previously enforced, and also led to the publication of many pamphlets, &c., beside Mead's well-known Discourse on Pestilential Contagion (London, 1720).
From these disasters the country never recovered, and the last traces of Western civilization disappeared with the enforced use of the Turkish language and the wholesale conversions to Islam under the earliest Osmanli sultans.
Land, cattle and slaves are the principal kinds of wealth, and they are all constituents of the king's revenue; enforced work contributed by members of the community, and the furnishing commodities on requisition, further aid in the maintenance of the primitive state.
The function of the nected system the new mode of thinking, and to the incomparable power and eloquence with which he expounded and enforced it.
After more than a century of enforced repose in the land and of prosperity in the towns, all Wales was suddenly convulsed by a wide-spread revolt against the English crown, which reads more like a tale of romance than a piece of sane history.
Two drawings were prepared and placed before a painter at Cherbourg named Mouchel, who at once recognized the boy's gifts, and accepted him as a pupil; but shortly after (1835) Millet's father died, and the eldest son, with heroic devotion, took his place at home, nor did he return to his work until the pressing calls from without were solemnly enforced by the wishes of his own family.
Acting according to the instructions he had received from Rome, where the matter had been fully gone into, he made an investigation, and divided the clergy ordained after that period into two classes; one consisting of those ordained in schism, indeed, but according to the old Catholic rite, and the other of those who had been ordained by the new rite drawn up by Cranmer and enforced by act of parliament 1st of April 1550.
The literal sense of the term churinga, applied by the Central Australians to their sacred objects, and likewise used more abstractly to denote mystic power, as when a man is said to be " full of churinga," is " secret," and is symptomatic of the esotericism that is a striking mark of Australian, and indeed of all primitive, religion, with its insistence on initiation, its exclusion of women, and its strictly enforced reticence concerning traditional lore and proceedings.
The tribal poets were supposed to have " seen " the heavenly originals; elaborate arguments were devised to explain how the names of particular objects like rivers and mountains could have existed in the Eternal; while the grounds of belief in the infallibility of the sacred verses were enforced with the double weight of philosophy and tradition.
This condemnation by the moralists was enforced by the Fathers of the church on the conversion of the empire to Christianity.
At the same time, however, their dealings were nominally under the supervision of the Jews' exchequer, and a number of regulations were enforced, partly with the view of protecting borrowers and partly that the king might know how much his Jews could afford to pay.
A perfect obligation is one which is directly enforceable by legal proceedings; an imperfect or moral obligation (the naturalis obligatio of Roman law) is one in which the vinculum juris is in some respects incomplete, so that it cannot be directly enforced, though it is not entirely destitute of legal effect.
A legal parcelling (lager skifte) was introduced in 1827 and slowly carried out in the face of considerable local opposition; indeed, in the island of Gotland the system could not be enforced until 1870-1880.
The king was now their sovereign lord; and, for all his courtesy and gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded and the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
On similar grounds Christianity, as opposed to the Mazdaism enforced officially by the Sassanids, became predominant in Armenia.
Moreover the judgments of each provincial division can be registered and enforced in any other division.
The laws against the Nonconformists were strictly enforced.
He was now indeed their sovereign lord; and, for all his gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded, the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative, plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
The act, while a most important landmark in the constitutional history of England, in no sense creates any right to personal freedom, but is essentially a procedure act for improving the legal mechanism by means of which that acknowledged right maybe enforced.
The goldsmiths had the assay of metals, the fishmongers the oversight of fish, the vintners of the tasting of wine, &c. The companies enforced their regulations on their members by force.
He put a stop to all persecutions of the Church and religious orders, and enforced respect of Church property.
Submission is enforced by an argument which almost amounts to a retractation of the difference between things natural and things contrary to nature, as understood by Zeno.
This law has not been strictly enforced; primary education was never properly organized; and, according to census returns, the proportion of the population (including children) unable to read was 82.4% in 1878, 79.2 in 1890 and 78.6 in 1900.
Miguel, and the queen, Carlota Joaquina, refused to take the oath; and in December 1822 sentence of banishment was pronounced against them, though not enforced.
The extension of national forest reserves and the regulations enforced by the United States government for the preservation of the ranges have put limits to the industry.
There was a compulsory attendance law, which, however, was not enforced.
Palaeologus wished the pope to acknowledge his title to be emperor of the East, and in return promised submission to the papal supremacy and the union of the two churches on the pope's own terms. This enforced union lasted only during the lifetime of the emperor.
It is said that he refused to conform to the rules for regular attendance at chapel, and that he protested both against the enforced celibacy of fellows and the obligation to take holy orders within seven years of their election.
This duty may be enforced by the Local Government Board on complaint made to them that the council have failed in performing it, and in the case of a rural district by the county council on complaint of the parish council.
Such regulations are made and enforced by the district councils.
Besides the prestations, a system of corvees, for public works, was enforced.
Some of the men are recruited from the neighbouring territories, but the greater part consists of locally raised levies, recruited partly by voluntary enlistment and partly by the enforced enlistment of a certain number of men in each district, who are selected by the commissary in conjunction with the local chiefs.
The term of service for volunteers does not exceed seven years, while the militiamen raised by enforced enlistment serve for five years on active service, and for two years in the reserve.
Upon the arrival in the following November of the troops sent by President Washington, a military court of inquiry, held at Pittsburg, caused the arrest of several persons, who were sent to Philadelphia for trial, where some of them were found guilty and sentenced to terms of imprisonment, but the sentences were not enforced.
In this way fixity of tenure and service was aimed at and to a certain degree enforced by the state.
On account of an epidemic of murders disarmament had to be enforced in the district.
The celibacy of the clergy was not strictly enforced in England before 1102.
This clause of the hattisherif was not enforced.
Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Abraham Lincoln, that slavery was to be overthrown under the constitution and in the Union, by forbidding its growth and trusting to an awakened conscience, enforced by an enlightened self-interest.
The term came into prominence in 1884-1885 in connexion with the scandals arising over the kidnapping of South Sea islanders for enforced labour on the sugar plantations of north Queensland.
Customs of succession were also peculiar in many cases of socage tenure, and the feudal rule of primogeniture was not generally enforced.
In the canons of her national provincial councils (at whose yearly meetings representatives attended on behalf of the king) that country possessed a canon law of her own, which was recognized by the parliament and the popes, and enforced in the courts of law.
By the rule of St Benedict, the consent of the laity was in some undefined way required; but this seems never to have been practically enforced.
As a rule, however, implicit obedience was enforced; to act without his orders was culpable; while it was a sacred duty to execute his orders, however unreasonable, until they were withdrawn.
In 1491 he sent out commissioners to obtain gifts of money, and in 1496 an act of parliament enforced payment of the sums promised on this occasion under penalty of imprisonment.
These laws, enforced by fines often arbitrary and excessive, were a great grievance to the unfortunate owners of land within or 1 Manwood's Treatise of the Forest Laws (4th edition, 1717).
This enforced abandonment of public teaching was not wholly an evil.
During the seven years of enforced abandonment of teaching he produced, besides the Fragmens, the edition of the works of Proclus (6 vols., 1820-1827), and the works of Descartes (ii vols., 1826).
The king abode for no more than three months in England; he got himself recrowned at Winchester, apparently to wipe out the stain of his German captivity and of an enforced homage which the emperor had extorted from him.
Grenville, on the one hand, advised that the tax should be enforced.
The church thus came to be more and more involved in discussions as to the number of days to be observed, especially in " Lent," as fast days, as to the hour at which a fast ought to terminate (whether at the 3rd or at the 9th hour), as to the rigour with which each fast ought to be observed (whether by abstinence from flesh merely, abstinentia, or by abstinence from lacticinia, xerophagia, or by literal jejunium), and as to the penalties by which the laws of fasting ought to be enforced.
In the case of "established" Churches, on the other hand, whatever the varying principle on which the system is based, or the difference in its practical application, the essential conditions are that the ecclesiastical law is also the law of the land, the decisions of the church courts being enforced by the civil power.
He created and enforced a strong ducal power which, however, was met by many baronial revolts, one being in 1078, when he demanded from the Apulian vassals an " aid " on the betrothal of his daughter.
These views were enforced by a startling yet strictly accurate representation of the state of things in the factory districts at that time.
However, the principle of the frankpledge was still enforced.
Meanwhile, he solaced his enforced leisure with astronomical studies.
Uniformity of laws and institutions was enforced throughout France.
Autumn wheats, on the other hand, are subjected to an enforced rest for a period of several months, and even when grown in milder climates remain quiescent for a longer period, and start into growth later in spring - much later than varieties of southern origin.
The same may be said of the stricter regulation which Christianity enforced on the relations of the sexes; except so far as the prohibition of divorce is concerned, and the stress laid on " purity of heart " as contrasted with merely outward chastity.
Construction and repairs are, in theory, carried out by compulsory labour; but this right is seldom enforced.
Forty-six years of enforced retirement had qualified him for the cloister rather than for the throne, and his first feeling when notified of his accession was one of terror for his brother's vengeance.
These regulations differed from those applicable to the joint settlement, in that a general supervision over municipal affairs was vested in the French consul-general, his approval being made necessary to all votes, resolutions, &c., of the ratepayers before they could be enforced at law.
After 1760 the penal laws were less strictly enforced, but throughout the century the lot of the Episcopalian ministers in Scotland was far from comfortable, and only the humblest provisions for church services were tolerated.
Each year his argument was more and more cogently enforced by the logic of facts.
The " black oath," which bound those who took it never to oppose Charles in anything, was enforced on all ministers, and those who refused it were driven from their manses and often stripped of their goods.
The heads of the Church, her bishops, her metropolitans, took the titles of their pagan predecessors as well as their places, and their jurisdiction was enforced by the laws of the state.
The reformers had now no leaders, and their situation seemed as perilous as that of their co-religionists in the Netherlands; while the sieges of La Rochelle and Leiden, the enforced exile of the prince of Orange, and the conversion under pain of death of Henry of Navarre and the prince of Cond, made the common danger more obvious.
In affairs of intellect dragooning was equally the policy; and, as Corneille learnt to his cost, the French Academy was created in 1635 simply to secure in the republic of letters the same unity and conformity to rules that was enforced in the state.
The directors were consoled for this enforced peace by acquiring the left bank of the Rhine and Belgium, and for the forfeiture of republican principles by attaining what had for so long been the ambition of the monarchy.
The severest penal measures were enforced against the schismatics; in 414 they were denied all civil rights, in 415 the holding of assemblies was forbidden on pain of death.
The latter were dealt with by expulsion, which in the case of the Jews was enforced in 1492, and in the case of the subject Mahommedans or Mudjares in 1502.
When the cholera appeared in France, quarantine was so rigorously enforced in the Peninsula that the external trade and railway traffic were grievously affected.
Leovigild,, 567586 The first Visigoth king who as sumed the diadem and purple, struck coins in his own name, and enforced recognition of his supremacy in all parts of Spain, except the south coast.
He enforced the censorship with unexampled rigour, and h13 interference with the food-supply work of the Zemstvos and Towns Union created a serious danger to the activities of these organizations.
Sultan Berkat built a mosque and enforced Mahommedan law, and with the assistance of the Chinese built the stone wall, which is still in existence between the islands of Kaya Orang and Chermin, by sinking forty junks filled with rock across the mouth of the Brunei river.
They have made roads, opened facilities for trade, enforced peace, and laid at all events the foundation of settled administration.
With the strict system of government supervision enforced by modern charters it is not easy for the state to be involved against its will in foreign complications.
The schools are not free, as small fees are charged; but these are not enforced where parents can reasonably plead poverty.
About 80 B.C. Sulla founded an Isiac college in Rome, but their altars within the city were overthrown by the consuls no less than four times in the decade from 58 to 48 B.e., and the worship of Isis at Rome continued to be limited or suppressed by a succession of enactments which were enforced until the reign of Caligula.
His favourite theories of the nature and aims of history, of the distinction between the universal and special histories, of the duties of an historian, sound as most of them are in themselves, are enforced with wearisome iteration; more than once the effect of a graphic picture is spoilt by obtrusive moralizing.
The bishop of the capital, Salamis or Constantia, was constituted metropolitan by Zeno, with the title "archbishop of all Cyprus," enlarged subsequently into "archbishop of Justiniana Nova and of all Cyprus," after an enforced expatriation to Justinianopolis in 688.
Such a culture could well lead to genuine learner autonomy in a way that enforced learner training can't.
Nature's Chronicle was one of the many books in which Professor Ainslie Gray had enforced the negative doctrines of scientific agnosticism.
The time standard is enforced by our Golf Course marshals who will operate a warning - yellow card - red card system.
In Rome, Greece and Britain, the Hawthorn becomes a tree of enforced chastity.
Often you need political clout to ensure your rights are enforced.
A most free commonwealth of " voters; " but with Eternal Justice to preside over it, Eternal Justice enforced by Almighty Power!
Planning obligations run with the land so that they may be enforced against the original covenantor and against any successor in title.
To these enforced controls we respond and become disobedient.
We will introduce a legal duty to trade fairly, enforced by a Food Trade Inspector within the Office of Fair Trading.
The lack of graffiti or litter was due to heavy fines rigorously enforced.
Every hospital must have a formal policy for the bedside check which must be rigidly enforced at all times.
Word Limits The maximum lengths of theses are strictly enforced.
A few streets are busy through-routes, yet a vigorously enforced traffic scheme ensures that the majority enjoy a quiet life.
Health and Safety cannot be left to chance and is aggressively enforced company wide.
Assessment Tough laws on migration and asylum stringently enforced.
Even worse was that we were expected to believe that his enforced exile would be English cricket's loss.
Peace can't be won, by superior firepower, or enforced entirely on your own terms.
It was not that the terms could not be enforced, they were simply inapplicable.
Meanwhile, O'Toole has taken advantage of his enforced job status by spending the past few months traveling the tube network incognito.
Perl doesn't have an infatuation with enforced privacy.
Even the eternal teachings require human intellect to be rightly enforced in a new environment.
Her sister Mary responded to her enforced isolation by writing.
But the UK version produced by September Films contains too much enforced jollity and not enough genuine surprises.
An enforced layoff is exactly what is needed to re-kindle my enthusiasm.
Character array literals The place where strict const ness is not enforced is with character array literals.
Because of fiscal problems, however, the city never enforced the ordinance.
Of course, cyclists can conduct themselves in ways which endanger pedestrians, and laws that bear on this should be enforced.
Seeing that the existing law had not been properly enforced, the organizers of Parents Against Tobacco decided to use agents provocateurs.
He said that his enforced redundancy in May 1991 had coincided with increasingly poor health.
After the enforced resignation of Richard Nixon (1969-74 ), the presidency suffered a hemorrhage of prestige and authority.
From October 2006, compulsory retirement below age 65 is unlawful you would need to justify any enforced retirements below that age.
Deep and holy reverence is enforced upon us by every page of divine truth, and every dictate of the human conscience.
The wizards placed strict and strongly enforced rules on construction within the main structure of the community, TANSTAAFL.
Guards and military police enforced segregation from the outside world.
To break beyond the enforced self-regard of me to an organic understanding of we.
We also raise awareness on the subjects of child labor and enforced domestic servitude of children and many other issues.
Each English shire had to provide the king with a certain number of trained archers per year this was enforced by law.
The strict subordination to the British of both Indians and mixed race was strongly enforced by the memsahibs.
Mexico has strict if poorly enforced gun laws and strong criminal syndicates.
It is of great importance to understand that there is money in the EU budget to compensate fishermen for enforced tie-ups.
This gave me great cheer in those evil years of enforced idleness and intellectual torpor which my health imposed upon me.
I think the looming dangers from " enforced uniformity " are of a completely different nature.
In Roman law the judge gave the preference to the equitable rule; in English law the equitable rule was enforced by a distinct set of judges.
The theological virtues are founded on faith, in opposition to the natural, which are founded on reason; and as faith with Aquinas is always belief in a proposition, not trust in a personal Saviour, conformably with his idea that revelation is a new knowledge rather than a new life, the relation of unbelief to virtue is very strictly and narrowly laid down and enforced.
Where the debt does not exceed £ioo the simplest procedure for its recovery is that of the county court, but if the debt exceeds £ioo the creditor must proceed in the high court, unless the cause of action has arisen within the jurisdiction of certain inferior courts, such as the mayor's court of London, the Liverpool court of passage, &c. When judgment has been obtained it may be enforced either by process (under certain conditions) against the person of the debtor, by an execution against the debtor's property, or, with the assistance of the court, by attaching any debt owed to the debtor by a third person.
The total number of prisoners, including minors and inhabitants of enforced residences, which from 76,066 (284 per 1000 inhabitants) on the 31st of December 1871 rose to a maximum of 80,792 on the 31st of December 1879 (287 Der boo), decreased to a minimum of 60.621 in 1806 (T.on flPr 1000), and on the 31st of December 1898 rose again to 75,470 (2.38 per 1000), of whom 7038, less than one-tenth, were women.
The decrees of this council defined Roman Catholicism against the Reformation; and, while failing to regenerate morality, they enforced a hypocritical observance of public decency.
Measures were enforced to prevent Italian holders of consols from sending their coupons abroad to be paid in gold, with the result that, whereas in 1893 3,24o,ooo had been paid abroad in gold for the service of the January coupons and only 680,000 in paper in Italy, the same coupon was paid a year later with only 1,360,000 abroad and 2,540,000 at home.
Their right application could be effectively enforced only in the courts Christian; until the rise in England of the equitable jurisdiction of the court of chancery and the development of the doctrine of " uses " at the end of the middle ages.
The new Sassanid Empire which he founded enforced the restored religion of Zoroaster (Zarathustra) on the whole of Iran.
Railways have always been held by the legislatures and by the courts strictly accountable for their shortcomings, so far as accountability can be enforced by compelling the payment of damages to victims of accidents; but in spite of this, a want of enterprise and even some apparent neglect of passengers' and servants' plain rights, have often been apparent, and the Board of Trade, with its powers of supervision, inspection and investigation, must therefore be classed as one of the most beneficent factors in the promotion of safety on British railways.
During the famine of 1770-1771 he enforced on landowners "the obligation of relieving the poor" and especially the metayers dependent upon them, and organized in every province ateliers and bureaux de charite for providing work for the able-bodied and relief for the infirm, while at the same time he condemned indiscriminate charity.
It is not in the decay of combination and monopoly or in the growth of competition that we must look for the distinctive characteristics of modern problems. A 17th-century monopoly was a very weak and ineffective instrument compared with a modern syndicate; the Statute of Apprenticeship was certainly not so widely enforced as the " common rules " of trade unions; and many of the regulations of past times, which look so complicated to modern eyes, were conditions of free enterprise rather than restraints upon it.
The constant use of chicory for coffee, and of woad for indigo, was apt to produce a reaction in favour of a humdrum peaceful policy; and yet, by a recent imperial decree, Frenchmen had the prospect of seeing the use of the new and imperfectly made beet sugar enforced from the 1st of January 1813, after which date all cane sugar was excluded as being of British origin.
A homestead of 160 acres, or of one-half of an acre in an incorporated town or city, owned by the head of a family residing in the state, with personal property to the value of $loon and the improvements on the real estate, is exempt from enforced sale except for delinquent taxes, purchase money, mortgage or improvements on the property.
Instead of seizing all provisions and burning what they could not remove, the Prussian generals enforced on their men the utmost forbearance towards the inhabitants, and the fact that they were obeyed, in spite of the inhumanity the people showed to their sick and wounded countrymen, proves that discipline was by no means so far gone as has generally been believed.
At last, in 1565, Queen Elizabeth determined to secure uniformity, and wrote to Archbishop Parker bidding him proceed by order, injunction or censure, "according to the order and appointment of such laws and ordinances as are provided by act of parliament, and the true meaning thereof, so that uniformity may be enforced."
The enforced halt was unfortunate; it not only resulted in a bad outbreak of enteric, but it gave the Boers time to recuperate, and by the beginning of April they again took the initiative.
The Anglo-French army concentrated in Mudros Bay, the great natural harbour of Lemnos, in the third week of April and, after a short delay enforced by bad weather, the armada put to sea during the nights of the 23rd-24th and the 24th-25th, so that the transports and the covering warships should arrive at the various rendezvous at or before dawn on the 25th.
In 1742 Mahommed Ibn Salad, sheik of Deraiya, accepted his doctrines, and enforced them by his sword with such effect that before his death in 1765 the whole of eastern Nejd and El Hasa was converted to the faith of Abdul Wahhab, and accepted the political supremacy of Ibn Saud.
His purpose, as stated by himself, was to show that in words, even taken singly, "there are boundless stores of moral and historic truth, and no less of passion and imagination laid up" - a truth enforced by a number of most apposite illustrations.
Though at first opposed to the sitting of convocation, after the dissolution of parliament, as an independent body, on account of the opposition it would arouse, he yet caused to be passed in it the new canons which both enforced his ecclesiastical system and assisted the king's divine right, resistance to his power entailing "damnation."
On the 28th of March 1884 many of the citizens met at Music Hall to protest against the lax way in which the law was enforced, notably in the case of a recent murder, when the confessed criminal had been found guilty of manslaughter only.
In the sphere of living environment, the varied evolution of plant life, the periods of forestation and deforestation, the introduction of deleterious plants simultaneously with harsh conditions of life and enforced migration, as well as of mechanically dangerous plants, are among the well-ascertained causes of diminution and extinction.
His policy was that of "coercion" - the fearless administration of the Crimes Act, - coupled with remedial legislation; and he enforced the one while he proceeded with the other, regardless of the risk of outrage outside the House and of insult within.
She enforced outward decency in her household, was herself temperate in eating and drinking, and was by no means tolerant of disorderly behaviour on the part of the ladies of her court.
The legal validity of these proclamations was never pronounced upon by the national courts; but their decrees gradually enforced by the march of armies were soon recognized by public opinion to be practically irreversible.'
But very often refreshment is undoubtedly obtained from such narcotic sleep. It may be supposed that in the latter case the effect of the drug has been to ensure occurrence of that second predisposing factor mentioned above, of that withdrawal of sense impulses from the nerve centres that serves to usher in the state of sleep. In certain conditions it may be well worth while by means of narcotic drugs to close the portals of the senses for the sake of thus obtaining stillness in the chambers of the mind; their enforced quietude may induce a period in which natural rest and repair continue long after the initial unnatural arrest of vitality due to the drug itself has passed away.
In fact, compliance with the Christian practice of inhumation in the cemeteries sanctioned by the church, was only enforced in Europe by capitularies denouncing the punishment of death on those who persisted in burying their dead after the pagan fashion or in the pagan mounds.
The parties agree that if any part, term, or provision of this Agreement is held illegal or invalid, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular part, term, or provision held to be illegal or invalid.
His year's enforced leisure he spent in writing indecent stories, coarse polemics, and an autobiography which is described as "a mixture of lies, hypocrisy and self-prostitution."
The American military authorities found that the most extraordinary measures for cleansing the city - involving repeated house-to-house inspection, enforced cleanliness, improved drainage and sewerage, the destruction of various public buildings, and thorough cleansing of the streets - although decidedly effective in reducing the general death-rate of the city (average, 1890-1899, 45.83; 1900, 24.40; 1901, 22.11; 1902, 20.63; general death-rate of U.S. soldiers in 1898, 6794; in 1901-1902, 7.00), apparently did not affect yellow fever at all.
It seems right to point out, however, that countervailing duties, which are really differential duties of a special kind, are not the good expedient they are supposed to be for nullifying foreign bounties; that experience of differential duties in former times is altogether against them; and that they cannot be enforced without certificates of origin and other causes of harassment and confusion in the conduct of trade.
The law, which has recently been enforced, is in an attempt to counter rising Islamist radicalism and attacks on Jewish pupils.
The enforced redundancy situation hit particularly hard at the Morton family.
After the enforced resignation of Richard Nixon (1969-74), the presidency suffered a hemorrhage of prestige and authority.
Enforced separation of soul from body would destroy harmony between them.
Adult spam emails will usually come from countries where these laws are absent or rarely enforced.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled, or were driven, from their homes to become stateless refugees in enforced exile.
These twisted beings are the previous tyrannical rulers of the solar system who enforced their iron-fisted law with genetic mutant warriors !
Windblown seed, traveling 70 meters in September was the known source of this particular problem, with enforced winter grazing completing the job.
Existing zebra crossings, marked by Belisha beacons, are very satisfactory for pedestrians as long as they are respected by motorists and enforced.
Last month a curfew was enforced in our town.
To get your child support order enforced in Texas, go to your county Legal Division of Domestic Relations and fill out an Enforcement Application Form and Affidavit of Direct Payment Form.
Rules of Professional Conduct enforced by the State Bar Association specifically state ethical standards that California divorce lawyers must follow.
In some cases, a child support order can be enforced even if the non-custodial parent has moved to another country.
Prior to the directive, each EU country created and enforced its own laws regarding the safety, efficacy and labeling of herbal remedies.
Moderators patrol all rooms to make sure these rules are enforced, keeping Chat Center a safe and fun place for teens.
The rules are established by the Webmaster and may or may not be enforced by chat room moderators.
Unlike some other sports, the divisions are not regional, but are instead determined by criteria enforced by the NCAA.
Keep in mind that show-based events may be limited to specific breeds, and that age limits that apply to the show may also be enforced for CGC testing as well.
During the later Middle Ages, laws were enforced that regulated what each social class could or could not wear.
However, in reality the Sumptuary Laws were very loosely and poorly enforced, and so there were a lot of variations in the styles of the time.
These rules are strictly enforced and veering from them will mean that a farm's organic certification can be revoked.
The minimum age for such a complex ranges between 50 and 60 years-old, depending on restrictions enforced.
Nintendo recently enforced their philosophy of introducing fresh ideas into the industry.
In that case, meticulous cleaning and treatment with retreatment needs to be enforced.
Ensure the child's school has anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity and that the policies are enforced.
Good handwashing should be enforced at home and at daycare facilities.
The doctor should be consulted if the child is very violent to him or herself or others during time out, or if behavior does not improve after time outs have been regularly enforced over a few weeks.
Meet with school officials and make sure the school has an anti-bullying policy and that it is strictly enforced.
Others fear that home schooled children may not keep pace with public schoolers, failing to meet the standards that would be enforced by a public school curriculum.
While there are a few negative aspects to enforced school uniforms, there are plenty of positive reasons to go the route of unified dressing.
Perhaps, whether or not school uniforms are a good idea is dependent on how the school uniform policy is implemented and subsequently enforced.
Rules are enforced by harsh consequences with little to no explanation.
What many systems fail to realize is that a stricter dress code could be enforced if everyone gets on board with the enforcement.
However, this was revoked, and now the only restrictions that remain are those enforced by the IRS.
These rules can be strictly enforced, so your first step when buying new shoes for soccer should be to check your club's guidelines.
Tattoo parlors abroad may not be as well-regulated as those in the U.S. Use the Internet to check local laws, but understand that you can't be sure how well they are enforced.
Keep in mind that only some states require a cash refund, so to be sure call your state's Attorney General's office to find out how lemon laws are enforced in your state.
Although LinkedIn does have this policy, it is not strictly enforced.
The Wall Street Journal article implies that bloggers have "no enforced ethics codes and limited standards."
Early in the war, if soldiers were found in violation to the dress code, they were fined, but as the war wore on, the dress code was less enforced.
Before Italy had national laws, local people served as Carabinieri who enforced territorial laws.
With so many arms of law enforcement present, not only uniforms differ, but the way the law is enforced actually varies from one place to another, much like state laws in the United States may differ.
Entire conformity with the Scottish Church was maintained, and strict discipline was enforced by pastoral visitations, kirk-sessions and presbyteries.
In 1665 the relaxation of this system was brought about by the continual remonstrances of the people, but for more than a century afterwards (until 1776) the policy of exclusion was enforced.
Forced to fly to France, he there, at Lyons, in 1245, convened a council, which enforced his condemnation of the emperor.
In some sense the king's writ of significavit was discretionary; but its issue could be enforced by excommunication or interdict.
The relations of their bishops, priests or other ministers and lay office-bearers inter se and to their lay folk depend upon contract; and these Y P P contracts will be enforced by the ordinary courts of law.