Enduring Sentence Examples
The motions of most lizards are executed with great but not enduring rapidity.
After enduring the greatest hardships it was resolved to abandon the ship, Upernivik being reached on the 5th of August 1855, whence a relief expedition brought the explorers home.
These form an enduring monument to his fame.
After enduring great hardships he goes through the course and leaves a son Connlaech behind in Scotland by another amazon, Aife.
Here, far more than on Palestinian soil, was built the enduring edifice of rabbinism.
On the other hand attempts have been made to separate hedonism, as the search for a continuous series of physical pleasures, from eudaemonism, a condition of enduring mental satisfaction.
Wide as was the range of his interests his most famous work was accomplished at Sevres, and his most enduring monument is his classic Traite des arts ceramiques (1844).
But this man, as the first that was distinguished there in this manner, after enduring what was likely to follow an act so daring, preserved his mind, calm and serene, until the moment when his spirit fled."
They are capable of enduring great privation, and make excellent soldiers under British discipline, though there are but few in the Indian army.
A versatile black dress is timeless and enduring.
AdvertisementThe yin is quieter, introspective and enduring.
What is it that makes Chanel such an enduring name?
They are good hunters who are wonderfully cunning and enduring.
For instance, it has been held that Christ atoned for man k ind not by enduring the penalty of sin, but by identify views.
There seemed to be only one way in which a king could hope to overcome the arrogance of the princes, and that was to encourage the towns by forming with them a close and enduring alliance.
AdvertisementThe friction and hatred thus caused were bitter and long enduring.
Enduring US hit sitcom The Golden Girls reached British screens.
They are good hunters and wonderfully cunning and enduring.
She is resting abed after enduring a painful oral surgery.
Sears is another no-fail option when it comes to enduring clothing.
AdvertisementOne of the most enduring bands around, U2, is from Ireland.
In a way, this is a tribute to the enduring quality of these fables.
He had, further, a noble bearing and majestic walk, a frame capable of enduring any amount of fatigue, and is said to have been "the best shot, the best spearman, the best runner, and the best horseman in Abyssinia."
The love song has been the most enduring and endearing pop music art form.
Ireland's enduring love affair with the ' pint of plain ' has proved more than a match for Murphy's marketing gurus.
AdvertisementEnduring the physical withdrawal symptoms will result in a healthier body quickly.
Because of the rarity and durability of platinum, it is the perfect symbol of enduring love.
An antique ring is a great way to highlight the classic and enduring quality of your relationship.
Choose an anniversary ring that symbolizes the enduring nature of your relationship.
Have your ring engraved with a special message of enduring love.
The vision of our handbags is enduring quality and long versatility.
Born in Connecticut and enduring a heavy background in dance, Betsey began her climb into fashion fame with the creation of dance costumes.
But the width of his intellectual sympathies, joined to a constitutional indecision and vis inertiae, prevented him from doing more enduring work.
At this time, had the affairs of the Boer community been managed with prudence and sagacity they might have established an enduring state.
Much of the work he did was great and enduring, but the last year of his life forbade the Romans to attribute to him that felicitas which they regarded as an inborn Quality of the highest generals.
The knowledge and love of God is the end of life; by this means only can we attain blessedness (Seligkeit), for in God alone have we a permanent, enduring object of desire.
Immediately after his return to Paris the war with Prussia broke out, and his conduct during the disastrous year that followed was marked by a devoted heroism which has secured for him an enduring fame.
The letters which he wrote during this voyage were gathered in 1869 into a volume, The Innocents Abroad, and the book immediately won a wide and enduring popularity.
In the criticism of the Pentateuch his most influential and enduring contributions to criticism are his proof that Deuteronomy is a work of the 7th century B.C., and his insistence that the theory of the Mosaic origin of all the institutions described in the Pentateuch is incompatible with the history of Israel as described in the historical books, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
The true hedonist will aim at a life of enduring rational happiness; pleasure is the end of life, but true pleasure can be obtained only under the guidance of reason.
In order to exert force, or at all events that force of reciprocal pressure which we best understand, and on which, in impact, the third law of motion was founded, there are always at least two bodies, enduring, triply extended, mobile, each inert, mutually impenetrable or resistent, different yet similar; and in order to have produced any effect but equilibrium, some bodies must at some time have differed either in mass or in velocity, otherwise forces would only have neutralized one another.
But, whereas the pope was sometimes compelled to become the instrument of the policy of the kings of France or the adventurers of their race, he was often able to utilize this new and pervading force for the realization of his own designs, although he endeavoured from time to time, but without enduring success, to shake off the overwhelming yoke of the French.
He was a father to the poor and sick, in the highest sense of the word; and he left behind him an enduring monument in his amendment and regeneration, first of the religious orders, then of the clergy.
It was probably easy to take alive, and, as we know, capable of enduring the voyage to England.
Beside or behind the voluptuous or intellectual attractions of beauty and culture, she had about her the fresher charm of a fearless and frank simplicity, a genuine and enduring pleasure in small and harmless things no less than in such as were neither.
Hunted hither and thither, he wandered on foot or cruised restlessly in open boats among the many barren isles of the Scottish shore,enduring the greatest hardships with marvellous courage and cheerfulness.
It was necessary, therefore, for Epicurus to go back to nature to find a more enduring and a wider foundation for ethical doctrine, to go back from words to realities, to give up reasonings and get at feelings, to test conceptions and arguments by a final reference to the only touchstone of truth - to sensation.
Time after- time they followed him to Italy, enduring serious losses and hardships in order that he might enforce claims which were of no advantage to them, and which, previously, had been a curse to their nation.
He gave a code of municipal law to Vienna, and rights to other towns, welcomed the Minnesingers to his brilliant court, and left to his subjects an enduring memory of valour and wisdom.
But the true evidence that beneath his misanthropical moods there was an enduring sentiment of humanity is afforded by the spirit in which he exercised his kingly functions.
In 1084 the Seljuk Turks captured it but held it only fourteen years, yielding place to the crusaders, who besieged it for nine months, enduring frightful sufferings.
Consequently the Jews were divided into two parties - Pharisees and Sadducees - of whom the Pharisees cared only for doing or enduring the will of God as revealed in Scripture or in the events of history.
The personal character of Malherbe was far from amiable, but he exercised, or at least indicated the exercise of, a great and enduring effect upon French literature, though by no means a wholly beneficial one.
The only merits, therefore, which can be claimed for Cicero are that he invented a philosophical terminology for the Romans, and that he produced a series of manuals which from their beauty of style have had enduring influence upon mankind.
He took refuge in a mountain fortress called Pappua on the Numidian frontier, and there, after enduring great hardships in the squalid dwellings of the Moors, surrendered to his pursuers in March 534.
Frank and open in his manners, fairly truthful, faithful to his word, temperate and enduring, and looking upon courage as the highest virtue, the true Baluch of the Derajat is a pleasant man to have dealings with.
Again, in no country was the victory of the Italian Renaissance and the classical revival so complete, so enduring.
Enduring hardily great extremes of heat and moisture, it is throughout the arid South-west the most important, and in many localities the only important, native tree.
But it is more to the purpose to remark that they were harmonized in a personality of potent and enduring force.
Of the many scientific problems of modern times, there are few possessing a wider or more enduring interest than that of aerial navigation (see also Aeronautics).
Then Lockhart and Woodthorpe in 1886 passed along the Wakhan tributary of the Oxus from its head to Ishkashim in Badakshan, and completed an enduring record of most excellent geographical research.
In 1591 young O'Donnell made two attempts to escape, the second of which proved successful; and after enduring terrible privations from exposure in the mountains he made his way to Tyrconnel, where in the following year his father handed the chieftainship over to him.
By this remarkable journey he proved that, for resolute and enduring men, travelling in the Central Asian plateaus was easier than had been supposed.
Although of great interest the Pennatulacea do not form an enduring skeleton or" coral,"and need not be considered in detail in this place.
Though his History ends with the fall of the republic, his most enduring work has been that on the empire; and if he has not written the history of the empire, he has made it possible for others to do so.
Frazer in England have amply demonstrated the enduring influence exercised on popular thought and custom by certain primitive forms of vegetation worship, of which the most noteworthy example is the so-called mysteries of Adonis.
It is seldom in the worlds history that a hollow legal device such as this has had such long enduring and deplorable results.
The other was that the nation at this moment was chafing bitterly against a clerical minister, whom it (very unjustly) made responsible for the exorbitant taxation which it was enduring, in consequence of the kings useless and unsuccessful foreign wars.
These figures are a simple and enduring monument to the ministers memory.
For the period was one of foreign unrest, and the wars which were then waged have left an enduring mark on the map of the world, and have affected the position of the Anglo-Saxon race for all time.
In the midst of the torrent of his most strenuous and passionate deliverances, he suddenly rises aloof from his immediate subject, and in all tranquillity reminds us of some permanent relation of things, some enduring truth of human life or human society.
But it is on his History and Philosophy of the Sciences that his claim to an enduring reputation mainly rests.
Shorn of much of its beauty, the column still stands to proclaim the enduring influence of the foundation of the city.
Burnet now travelled in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, finally settling in Holland' l at the Hague, where he won from the princess of Orange a confidence which proved enduring.
Nevertheless, he left an enduring mark upon Greek speculation, inasmuch as he not only recognized the need of a logic, and grappled, however unsuccessfully, with one of the most obvious of logical.
These are the most enduring of all crucibles, the best lasting out 70 or 80 meltings in brass foundries, about 50 with bronze, and 8 to ro in steel-melting.
Healthcare according to need, not ability, to pay retains today its enduring appeal.
Our merit and progress consist not in many pleasures and comforts but rather in enduring great afflictions and sufferings.
These people went that far and beyond, enduring surgery to look like their favorite celeb.
History's enduring fascination owes much to the necessary centrality of people in historical study.
In this volume, you'll discover the Linking Rings, one of magic's most enduring classics.
His work, although of modern simplicity and abstraction, embodies an enduring classicism of spirit.
Promoting his new album, Jacket Full of Danger, Green seems comfortable with his enduring cult status.
The enduring appeal of the clothes reasserts itself from time to time in the work of leading couturiers.
Spranger saw the second stage as essential preparation for the third stage, the establishment of a personal and relatively enduring perspective.
He is quick to respond to attraction, and easily becomes enthusiastic under such stimulus; but he is not very enduring.
The painful results of my indiscipline with my hammer invite inner growth, which is the only enduring gift of the tool.
Denying self isn't about giving up chocolate for Lent and taking up our cross isn't about enduring backache.
In many of these fur-trade enterprises, kinship ties proved far more enduring than company loyalties.
The enduring fame rests on The Diary of a Young Girl (sometimes called The Diary of Anne Frank ).
The question of what we're like has an enduring fascination for most of us.
While a small part may reflect improved tax compliance and prove more enduring, such surprises have proven fleeting in the past.
He retained an enduring fondness for the college that witnessed his development from a rebellious teenager to a professional mathematician.
Majestic and enduring, their peaks glistened as the sun caught and reflected the layers of snow.
Serious symptoms of altitude sickness A severe, enduring headache, which is not cured by a couple of ordinary painkillers.
So had the Reformation, but that did not stop new vernacular hymnody from becoming one of its enduring fruits.
It also gives us, the viewers, the enduring legacy of the definitive image of a media spanning legend.
Many today seek a more significant life, an enduring life, what they might call a real life.
Powells perceptive commentary is of enduring interest to all lovers of esoteric lore.
So ' lang may yer lum reek ' is a wish for enduring household warmth.
With my first taste of roast bone marrow with parsley salad was born my enduring love of meat, nose to tail.
Through the years, the love song has been the most enduring and endearing pop music art form.
About the Author Austen Atkinson's most enduring passion is history, and he has had a life-long obsession with lost civilizations and cities.
The club has reached the national playoff the last two seasons a sign of the enduring quality of the side.
Hopper's enduring popularity stems from his ability to stage scenes from everyday life in a way which also addresses universal concerns.
For weeks now I have labored in the worst possible conditions, enduring privations that would have broken lesser men.
Measures which prioritize reductions in psychiatric stigma will have profound and enduring benefits in these key areas.
In production, the nation is restoring its capacity to produce nuclear weapons components to replace aging parts in the enduring nuclear stockpile.
Julien explores the ambiguous sexual subtexts of a period of rich artistic expression, and the enduring cultural significance of these pioneers ' work.
He lasted 6 hours on the cross, enduring the savage taunts of his disillusioned former followers.
And it is an enduring testament to the corruption, deceit and arrogance of this pitiful and mucky government.
In Red Square, feast your eyes on the wildly colored turban domed St Basil's Cathedral - an enduring Russian symbol.
There are three in-patient wards providing acute and enduring mental health care within the provision of low secure.
The technology turns that y was speeding that enduring used-car-lot then again whatever.
He received his education in the gymnasium of Zittau under teachers who inspired him with an enduring love of the classical authors, as we see from his translation of the Antigone of Sophocles into Latin verse, published when he had reached middle life.
Thus in the varied manifestations of law Vico was able to discover a single and enduring principle (De universi juris uno princ p peo et fine uno).
In a speech at Rochester, New York, in 1858 he made the famous statement that there was "an irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces, and it means that the United States must and will, sooner or later, become either entirely a slave-holding nation or entirely a free-labour nation."
John sought safety in flight, but was discovered in his place of hiding and brought back to Rome, where after enduring cruel and ignominious tortures he was immured in a dungeon.
In consequence of his views on transubstantiation and the immaculate conception he was accused of impiety, and after enduring persecution for some years, he fled from Rome about 1576, and wandered through various cities, reaching Geneva in 1579.
The result of their report was that all pilgrimage thither from the province of Bohemia was prohibited by the archbishop on pain of excommunication, while Huss, with the full sanction of his superior, gave to the world his first published writing, entitled De Omni Sanguine Christi Glorificato, in which he declaimed in no measured terms against forged miracles and ecclesiastical greed, urging Christians at the same time to desist from looking for sensible signs of Christ's presence, but rather to seek Him in His enduring word.
The treatise on canon law known as the Decretum Gratiani, which was compiled towards the middle of the 12th century and had an enduring and far-reaching effect (see Canon Law), merely gave theoretical sanction to the existing situation in the Church.
The former was commissioned by Akbar to translate a number of Sanskrit scientific works into Persian; and the latter (see Abul Fail) has left, in the Akbar-Nameh, an enduring record of the emperor's reign.
Would a college at Havana not be the noblest and most enduring monument that could be raised to the brave men of the "Maine," as well as a source of infinite good to all concerned?
It's been a harrowing year for Wanda, after enduring the death of both of her parents and having to proclaim bankruptcy after losing her job.
Some children are trained earlier, and some, after enduring the disparaging looks of others, are fully potty trained at a later age.
Whether celebrating your first year, or marking 25-year or 50-year milestones, anniversaries are times for couples to celebrate their enduring love.
Enduring even less viewership than "Really Stupid Cats" is the video "Dumb Cats", which is actually a rather brilliant display of feline prowess.
Manycatowners who adore their pets still claim that enduring their scratching is one of the more unpleasant side effects of keeping a feline.
While Sarah, Plain and Tall isn't the most exciting book for second-graders, it's a quiet and enduring story that will appeal to kids with some interest in history.
For the creative among us, making your own unique decorative wreaths can become an enduring passion.
Very few makeup companies possess the bragging rights of producing an enduring formulation that does not clog pores.
It's enduring, available in a versatile choice of colors and, at $12, is quite reasonably priced.
The fashion turned celebrity photographer is equally well-known for capturing some of the most enduring images of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Taking place in 1890 Tokyo, Samurai Shortstop is a tale of going to a new school, trying to fit in and enduring humiliating hazing by some of the senior students.
The most established of the bunch, this famous Nickelodeon sea sponge has met enduring success and continues to amuse both kids and adults with its weekly cartoon.
Further reflection on love and marriage is also appropriate, as is advice from those who have had enduring and rewarding unions themselves.
Jackson is an enduring, edgy actor who has appeared in dozens of movies over the years.
His rugged and enduring good looks have led to a dedicated following of female fans, while his talent has brought him a number of plum movie and television roles.
Holland America offers a seven-day cruise of the 49th state where you can take in the stunning beauty of Alaska without enduring the land tours.
The classic red Kong is easily recognizable after enduring in the market for so many years, and makes quite a serviceable chew toy.
At the same time, Florida was enduring a terrible hurricane season and hurricane Jeanne had just come along and destroyed the office where my marketing and advertising business had been for ten years.
California. Seeds are not abundantly produced, but the plants may be increased from cuttings of half-matured shoots in summer, but it often perishes, and seeds should give the most enduring plants.
The lustrous white flowers are of a peculiarly delicate texture, the petals somewhat transparent, and yet enduring in a good state for days; their fragrance is delicate.
This historical tidbit adds to the innocence that has helped make the song an enduring international sensation.
Enduring mythical lyricism peppered with political commentary and an aggressive yet melodic rock beat work together to make BOC tablature a hot commodity for guitar players.
Enthusiastic, raw and inspiring, he delivers consistently bold performances with the guileless swagger of enduring innocence.
Jewelry friendship pendants can be made extra special by personalizing the piece to be more symbolic of your enduring relationship.
Goth style is not always mainstream, but it has a timeless quality with enduring appeal.
One of the most enduring cardigan sweater styles is the classic version.
We have received several comments on how thankful they are that we have created a product that will allow them to go out in the sun without enduring pain, strain or fatigue of their eyes.
Nintendo has assured us that there will be plenty available for sale, unlike the Wii shortage that we are still enduring.
With a large community of users, a strong history, free play and classic, addictive gameplay, RuneScape is set to be an enduring game for many years to come.
Temperamental traits are enduring personality characteristics that are neither "good" nor "bad."
One enduring myth is that female masturbation can lead to decreased sensitivity of the clitoris resulting in a decrease in the frequency and intensity of female orgasm.
Whatever the reason and skepticism aside, Matt has made a great impact on the Internet generation, and continues to do so with his speaking engagements and enduring online charm.
The color pink is considered one of the most beneficial marital colors for enduring love and is ideal as a remedy for king beds.
Practitioners of feng shui use a Chinese symbol of love to attract love into the home, assure an enduring love and ensure a happy marriage or relationship.
All the emu oil in the world may not strengthen the hair follicle of an individual who is suffering from anorexia or enduring chemotherapy treatments.
Styles change every year, but the most popular short hair cuts of 2009 show enduring trends toward sharp, catchy looks that will still be fashionable years down the road.
Learning how to make Star Wars origami is a fun and affordable way to pay tribute to one of the most enduring film series ever created.
Monitoring the heart will ensure that both you and your baby are enduring a healthy and fit pregnancy.
These contemporary suits are still high-quality and enduring; Remix is a great fit for the woman who wants the performance of Speedo along with style that calls a little, or a lot, of attention to herself.
One of the most enduring artifacts of the Pokemon mythos are the action figures depicting some of children's favorite Pokemon trainers, villains, and cuddly Pokemon themselves.
It's quite clear that this style of dress is just as relevant today as it was so many years ago, yet more proof that the LBD is, without question, an enduring garment.
A scarf goes especialy well with sheath styles, as they are both enduring and classic fashion items.
If you have ever thought to yourself, "I am looking for Relay for Life themes," then you are in the market for a new twist for one of the most enduring fundraisers for the highly rated charity, the American Cancer Society.
While costume fads and popular characters change from year to year, scary costumes are enduring favorites.
Jewelry can be considered an enduring sign of your commitment, while lingerie holds a promise of future romantic evenings.
These pieces are designed with the same care and attention to excellence that makes Tacori engagement rings fine examples of enduring quality.
Manufactured by expert jewelers out of only high-quality diamonds and metals, Tacori rings are superior creations that perfectly express the quality and individuality of the couple with an enduring grace and elegance.
An antique filigree engagement ring is a beautiful piece of jewelry artwork that can become a highly treasured, sentimental symbol of a couple's enduring relationship.
Though this classic style has proven an enduring one in the fashion world, the introduction of bold colors to camouflage has made a strong difference in its widespread appeal.
In addition to the aforementioned Lands' End tote bags, which are enduring classics that can be used for everything from day trips to diapers, there are also the ingenious styles designed by Le Sportsac.
Animal prints are nothing new, of course, but they have enjoyed immense popularity over the years and have essentially affirmed themselves as enduring classics.
The enduring popularity of Vuitton products from the mid-1800s until today stands as a testament to the quality of the products themselves, and the lasting style imparted by their pieces.
Stuffed animals are an enduring favorite of kids of all ages, and plush dinosaurs are widely available.
Coloring books with Pilgrim, Indian and turkey pictures are sure to lift his spirits during an enduring trip.
One of the most enduring legends in the world is that of the Chupacabra in Mexico.
The legend is an old and enduring one that spans many years.
After spending the first night enduring a foul odor in the room, the couple reported the problem to the hotel staff.
His shoes styles were known for their high-quality craftsmanship and enduring design.
Designer Amy Jo Gladstone's lineup of comfortable slippers accomplish this through their solid construction and enduring designs.
There is hardly a shoe chicer, more fashion-forward or more enduring than a timeless wedge heel for women.
Though Cole Haan shoes are certainly an investment, they are worth the expense; these classic shoes promise to wear well for years, thanks to a brilliant combination of an enduring design and sturdy construction.
The chemistry between the two actors and their subsequent love affair began a controversial and enduring romance that is arguably the greatest love story ever told by a daytime drama.
Though Francis has appeared on Days of Lives (Diana Colville) and All My Children (Ceara Connor Hunter), Laura Spencer is her most enduring role.
Over the course of the next few years, they would lead GH away from the seventh floor of the hospital and begin one of Daytime's most enduring romances.
The show is an enduring daytime soap opera, which debuted in 1970, and has aired over 10,000 episodes.
However, after enduring months of flying between her home in Los Angeles and the All My Children set in New York, Budig called it quits.
If you decide to get one of these enduring figures as your next tattoo, take some time to personalize the image and make it your own.
The enduring popularity of Egyptian tattoos is evidence of a keen interest in a society that might have faded from human memory long ago - if not for the wealth of art, architecture and sheer ingenuity they left behind.
Women with these tattoos sometimes complain of enduring crude comments from forward men, and often feel they are discriminated against based upon their tattoo choice.
Obviously the most enduring cross symbol, Christian cross tattoo designs usually feature the simple Latin cross with equal-length arms on the top and on each side, with a longer arm on the bottom.
These terms help to represent the themes of endlessness that surround the knot and link to the belief in the enduring nature of the human spirit.
In spite of its enduring charm, the hummingbird's symbolism is loose and open to personal interpretation making it one of the most appealing designs to cultures across the world.
For families that wish to sample the outdoors without the aggravation of pitching tents or enduring cold nights, static RVs (referred to as caravans) may provide a suitable alternative.
Batman men's watches commemorate various events in the enduring popularity of this superhero.
Even though all Patek watch models are hand-crafted, the company prides itself on a steady release of innovative designs and technology as well as enduring classic models.
To get an appreciation of both the historical significance and enduring allure of wooden clocks, take a journey back in time to witness the grit and glory associated with these humble home appliances.
Cars like a vintage Ford Mustang or a 1950s Chevrolet have enduring popularity.
African tribes have been consuming this plant for hundreds of years to control hunger when enduring long hunting trips.
One of the first rappers to put the West Coast sound on the map, he has become one of hip hop's most enduring artists.
In 3-D's most enduring song is "Eat It", a culinary-themed version of Michael Jackson' "Beat It".
While it's still too soon to say what the song's enduring appeal will be, it continues to play in heavy rotation during the Christmas season.
However, in 2007, thanks to the enduring success of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Disney re-released the film in 3-D format and released an expanded soundtrack to go along with it.
James Taylor is one of music's most enduring stars.
After enduring two crushing rejections, VH1 gave her a show of her own, complete with 20 men to choose from.
This is a surprisingly endearing movie in spite of all of its chases, shootouts and gore, because at the center of all the action is a really sweet and enduring love story.
The simple elegance of Tolkien's dedication and ethics can be found in the enduring nature of the languages he created in the early part of the 20th century.
Sir Henry Parkes was elected president, and he moved a series of resolutions embodying the principles necessary to establish, on an enduring foundation, the structure of a federal government.
The point of enduring interest as regards the Andamans is the penal system, the object of which is to turn the life-sentence and few long-sentence convicts, who alone are sent to the settlement, into honest, self-respecting men and women, by leading them along a continuous course of practice in self-help and self-restraint, and by offering them every inducement to take advantage of that practice.
This condition of mind can be obtained only by "living conformably to nature," that is to say, one's whole nature, and as a means to that man must cultivate the four chief virtues, each of which has its distinct sphere - wisdom, or the knowledge of good and evil; justice, or the giving to every man his due; fortitude, or the enduring of labour and pain; and temperance, or moderation in all things.
Diaz succeeded in rounding the southern point of Africa, which he named Cabo Tormentoso - the Cape of Storms - but King Joao II., foreseeing the realization of the long-sought passage to India, gave it the stimulating and enduring name of the Cape of Good Hope.
For three hours the professional regiments of all sorts in the French lines rivalled one another in enduring the fire unmoved, the forerunners of the military systems of to-day, landsknechts, Picardie and Piedmont, showing the feudal gendarmerie that they too were men of honour.
More original, perhaps, is the argument in the immediately preceding work, The Destiny of Man, viewed in the Light of his Origin (1884), which is, in substance, that physical evolution is a demonstrated fact; that intellectual force is a later, higher and more potent thing than bodily strength; and that, finally, in most men and some "lower animals" there is developed a new idea of the advantageous, a moral and non-selfish line of thought and procedure, which in itself so transcends the physical that it cannot be identified with it or be measured by its standards, and may or must be enduring, or at its best immortal.
His immense learning served him rather as a storehouse of illustrations, or as an armoury out of which he could choose the fittest weapon for discomfiting on opponent, than as a quarry furnishing him with material for building up a completely designed and enduring edifice of systematized truth.
Soap containing small proportions of glycerin, on the other hand, forms a very tenacious lather, and when soap bubbles of an enduring character are desired glycerin is added to the solution.
This peace was not enduring, and as his lands were not given back Charles had some ground for complaint.
In 1527 Pizarro, after enduring fearful hardships, first reached the coast of Peru at Tumbez.
It was a marked characteristic of the English colonists, and a strong element in their prosperity, that they were hospitable in welcoming men of other races, - Germans from the Palatinate, and French Huguenots driven out by persecution who brought with them some capital, more intelligence and an enduring hatred of Roman Catholic France.
For the collection of data he necessarily relied upon the labours of a corps of assistants, and the publications named represent, properly speaking, an encyclopaedia rather than a unified history; but as a storehouse of material their value is great and is likely to be enduring.
In the sphere of art he left an enduring monument in the Renaissance town of Pienza which he built.
The steel is cast in lots, weighing in some cases as much as 75 tons, in enduring cast iron moulds into very large ingots, which with their initial heat are immediately rolled down by a series of powerful roll trains into their final shape with but slight wear and tear of the moulds and the machinery.
Spencer county was still a wilderness, and the boy grew up in pioneer surroundings, living in a rude log-cabin, enduring many hardships and knowing only the primitive manners, conversation and ambitions of sparsely settled backwoods communities.
Yet the substance, quality, condition absolute (7rws gxov) and condition relative of Stoicism have no enduring influence outside the school, though they recur with eclectics like Galen.
Though the logical method of Descartes has a great and enduring influence, it is the dualism and the need of God to bridge it, the doctrine of " innate " ideas, i.e.
The notices of the early prelates are of little value, but the portion of the book in which he speaks of Bishop Elphinstone is of enduring merit.
It was mainly the spirit of commercial enterprise that led the Phoenicians to plant their colonies upon the islands and along the southern coast of the Mediterranean; and even beyond the Pillars of Hercules this earliest great colonizing race left enduring traces of its maritime supremacy.
Ruge was a leader in religious and political liberalism, but did not produce any work of enduring importance.
Apart from the fact that reckoning from the birth of Christ was by no means universal, and consequently the mass of men were ignorant that there was such a thing as the year 1000, one wonders how that most enduring type of architecture, the Romanesque, reached its maturity among men who thought that the earth itself was so soon to "shrivel like a parched scroll."
Of more enduring value have been the researches of the historical school, founded by John Adam Mohler (1796-1838), whose famous Symbolik (1832) was perhaps the heaviest literary blow ever dealt at the Reformation.
The affectations of decadent chivalry disappeared before its humour; the lineaments of a noble nation, animated by the youth of modern Europe emerging from the middle ages, were portrayed in its enduring pictures of human experience.
It is argued that there must be in the mind an enduring, primary faculty whereby we retain, compare and group the presentations of sense.
Over 400 Spaniards were massacred, and the remnant, after enduring a siege in Santa Fe, fled southward to a mission near the present El Paso.
The prince of Gwynedd henceforth considered himself as a sovereign, independent, but owing a personal allegiance to the king of England, and it was to obtain a recognition of his rights as such that Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, " the Great," consistently strove under three English kings, and though his resources were small, it seemed for a time as though he might be able by uniting his countrymen to place the recognized autonomy of Gwynedd on a firm and enduring basis.
A domesticated animal or a cultivated plant need not necessarily be acclimatized; that is, it need not be capable of enduring the severity of the seasons without protection.
When supplied with food and partially protected from enemies, they often show a wonderful capacity of enduring climates very different from that in which they originally flourished.
From the foregoing facts and observations we may conclude, firstly, that some plants and many animals are not constitutionally adapted to the climate of their native country only, but are capable of enduring and flourishing under a more or less extensive range of temperature and other climatic conditions; and, secondly, that most plants and some animals are, more or less closely, adapted to climates similar to those of their native habitats.
In the midlands the partridge is fairly common, though not readily enduring the harder winters; and ring-doves and stock-doves occur.
In process of time the French settlers were absorbed in the Dutch population, but they have had an enduring influence on the character of the people.
Faith, hope and boundless charity pervade the " Questions of Life," " Invocation," and " The Two Angels," and are exquisitely blended in " The Eternal Goodness," perhaps the most enduring of his lyrical poems. " We can do without a Church," he wrote in a letter;" we cannot do without God, and of Him we are sure."
For fully 345 years Servia remained a Turkish pashalik, enduring all the miseries which that lawless regime implied (see Turkey, History).
After he had retired from public labours he lingered for some months, enduring the severest agony without a murmur, and cheerfully attending to all the duties of a private kind which his diseases left him strength to discharge.
The island 's enduring seafaring heritage is one of its most striking features.
We are aware that tackling the stigma of mental illness is an enduring task.
In Red Square, feast your eyes on the wildly colored turban domed St Basil 's Cathedral - an enduring Russian symbol.
These enduring qualities have been responsible for his breakaway success as an artist and have earned him the nickname The King of Country.
While everyone has a different opinion, here are some that have been the most popular and enduring.
If there is one enduring star that has been spawned by VH1's long list of reality shows, it has to be New York.
The stars must participate in group outings, challenges, and other activities while enduring the ego trips and eccentricities of those around them.
In fact, during the first couple of seasons of the original series, the budgeting and focus was on creating vibrant and insightful stories that spoke to enduring ideas about what it is to be human and humane instead of on monsters and gore.
Simply put, the French Manicure is an enduring classic that has proven itself timeless and worthy of the attention and admiration it receives.
With the establishment of the belief in ethical immortality this phase of scepticism vanished from the Jewish world, not, however, without leaving behind it works of enduring value.
And, though he cannot unroll before us the page of heroic action with the power and majesty of Homer, yet by the sympathy with which he realizes the idea of Rome, and by the power with which he has used the details of tradition, of local scenes, of religious usage, to embody it, he has built up in the form of an epic poem the most enduring and the most artistically constructed monument of national grandeur.
The grand and enduring monument of the Dacian wars is the noble pillar which still stands on the site of Trajan's forum at Rome.
In 1671 he was captured at Kagalnik, his last fortress, and carried to Moscow, where, on the 6th of June, after bravely enduring unspeakable torments, he was quartered alive.
It was gradually recognized that the masses of water which collected wherever peat-digging had been carried on were an unnecessary menace to the neighbouring lands, and also that a more enduring source of profit lay in the bed of the fertile sea-clay under the peat.
Mild attempts, to be sure, to group the chief deities associated with the most important religious and political centres into a regular pantheon were made - notably in Nippur and later in Ur - but such attempts lacked the enduring quality which attaches to Khammurabi's avowed policy to raise Marduk - the patron deity of the future capital, Babylon - to the head of the entire Babylonian pantheon, as 1 Even in the case of the "Semitic" name of the famous Sargon I., whose full name is generally read Sharru-kenu-sha-ali, and interpreted as "the legitimate king of the city," the question has recently been raised whether we ought not to read "` Sharru-kenushar-ri" and interpret as "the legitimate king rules" - an illustration of the vacillation still prevailing in this difficult domain of research.
But above all, what gives the sentences of Marcus Aurelius their enduring value and fascination, and renders them superior to the utterances of Epictetus and Seneca, is that they are the gospel of his life.
They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking, delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war.
By means of ascetic observances the man becomes once more a spiritual and enduring being, free from all sin.