Encourages Sentence Examples
The Republic strongly encourages immigration.
Chivalry again in its military aspect not only encourages the love of war for its own sake without regard to the cause for which war is waged, it encourages also an extravagant regard for a fantastic show of personal daring which cannot in any way advance the objects of the siege or campaign which is going on.
The climate itself encourages to passivity, and the very luxuriance of vegetable and animal life tends to blunt the feeling of the value of life.
The very large printing trade of Leipzig encourages the manufacture of printing-presses in that city.
This single principle of energy has transformed physical science by making possible the construction of a network of ramifying connexions between its various departments; it thus stimulates the belief that these constitute a single whole, and encourages the search for the complete scheme of interconnexion of which the principle of energy and the links which it suggests form only a single feature.
This encourages a rotation of crops and enables the precious liquid to be carried over a larger area than could be done otherwise.
The multiplication of art periodicals, lectures, books, photographs, meetings of societies and gilds, museums, schools of arts and crafts, polytechnics, scholarships, facilities for travel, exhibitions, even those of the Royal Academy, to which objects of applied art are now admitted, not only encourages many persons to become workers and designers in the applied arts, but exposes everything to the plagiarist, who travesties the freshest idea before it has well left the hands of its originator.
A law enacted in 1908 encourages the establishment of departments of agriculture, domestic economy and manual training in at least one high school in each congressional district.
This may be accounted the keystone of the fabric of Brahmanism, which accepts and even encourages the rudest forms of idolatry, explaining everything by giving it a higher meaning.
The primitive community is not so custom-bound that personality has no chance to make itself felt, and the leader of men possessed of an inner fund of inspiration is the wonderworker who encourages all forms of social advance.
AdvertisementIt encourages the believer to patient endurance to the end without murmuring or imprecations (7-12).
The Department of Agriculture encourages the work of the Organization Society by an annual grant.
Succulent food encourages the flow of milk, and the success of the foal greatly depends on its milk supply.
This makes business a meritocracy and encourages business owners to focus on quality, service, and reputation since these are so easy for customers to check.
I do slightly wonder whether maintaining this sort of list externally actually encourages you to become more acquisitive.
AdvertisementAs soon as Brown openly encourages a backbencher to come forward, Blair's supporters will come out and strike.
This mix of techniques has proven to increase the learning of the individual, encourages teamwork and maximizes the benefits to the organization.
Transworld encourages you to purchase from either your local book store or from a UK or Ireland based online bookseller.
The demand for baby chimps encourages poachers to hunt them in the jungles of West Africa.
The Strategy provides a focus for practice development and actively encourages and strengthens the nursing contribution within the Trust.
AdvertisementThe course encourages the exploration of alternatives to existing genres.
If the egg was not fertilized, progesterone encourages the uterus to shed the lining, and the result is menstruation flow.
The Commission provides policy support and advice to forestry Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales, promotes forestry and encourages good forestry practice.
Each year SPL encourages its own photographers, who are some of the leading scientific image-makers in the UK, to enter the Awards.
Danger Areas The ease of communication e-mail offers is its main benefit but this can also be dangerous as it encourages informality.
AdvertisementStep into Sport is an exciting initiative, which encourages more young people to become involved in sport in their local communities.
This makes the classes interchangeable, which encourages reuse.
The code strongly encourages the return of berried lobsters to the sea where the approach has the majority support among local fishermen.
The high lubricity of the formula also encourages sheeting of the rinse water, making drying quicker and easier than ever before.
These fertilizers make lush, rapid growth which only encourages slugs!
Supports and encourages the work and survival of traditional millwrights and millers across the UK.
The American Red Cross along with law enforcement officials strongly encourages you to follow the steps provided in the attached Fact Sheets.
What is more, the stability pact encourages deceit at the heart of European economic policy making.
As video encourages passivity, it can prove difficult to engage the attention of students.
Jeff (Gene Bervoets ), a fellow student, encourages Harry to attend the college prom.
In others it encourages a truculent provincialism which takes a perverse pride in stressing the peculiarity and complexities of our conflict.
The school encourages pupils to express themselves through music.
This increases the oxygen content of the inhaled air and encourages the release of endorphins which are natural relaxants in the body.
Justly reproved, I commend any business which encourages the appreciation of Britain's waterways deserves support, not carping.
Mixing in with their hay encourages them to eat more roughage!
Along the same lines, offering a disco season ticket or a VIP card (ie discounts) encourages attendance and creates loyalty.
Here the silence is effective as it encourages the viewer to focus on their grace and technique, and emphasizes the solemnity of death.
The site describes current achievements in planet finding and encourages the reader to become a stargazer.
The Committee encourages the synods ' continuing active ownership and support of the advocacy work.
Deaf Identities review 34 Chris Payton tod, Lancashire encourages ToDs to include this volume on their bookshelves and university reading lists.
Continuous grazing encourages an enormous variety of plants including many spectacular flowers.
The company vets potential buyers to eliminate time wasters and encourages contact between buyers and sellers to establish the history of the machine.
Moor Trees Encourages areas of the moor to return to forest wilderness.
The climate encourages a certain work ethic, and Wuppertal (population 400,000) is relatively rich.
It encourages proper posture and adds variety to your exercise routine for a total-body workout.
Night at the encourages yon to demand for its.
The moist soil encourages luxuriant thickets of willows (Salicineae), surrounded by dense chevaux-de-frise of wormwood and thornbearing Compositae, and interspersed with rich but not extensive prairies, harbouring a great variety of herbaceous plants; while in the deltas of the Black Sea rivers impenetrable beds of reeds (Arundo phragmites) shelter a forest fauna.
When the ministry of any man or woman has been found to be helpful to the congregation, the Monthly Meeting (see below) may, after solemn consideration, record the fact that i t bel i eves the individual to have a divine call to the ministry, and that it encourages him or her to be faithful to the gift.
The Koran breathes a considerate and kindly spirit towards the class, and encourages manumission.
The existence, too, of paid professionals who lead astray silly women, encourages the natural scientific contempt for the study of the faculty.
Cringing, venal, avaricious, dishonest, the Arab combines all the faults of a vicious nature with those which a degraded religion inculcates or encourages.
So puritanical liberalism encourages people to improve themselves to remove themselves from poverty.
It encourages students to reflect critically on practice in assessment in RE observed in schools.
Justly reproved, I commend any business which encourages the appreciation of Britain 's waterways deserves support, not carping.
Mixing in with their hay encourages them to eat more roughage !
The site encourages self-improvement in public services and has undergone a major transformation following feedback from councils.
Automobile workers this thematic richness encourages to complyaccording to the long haul.
Deaf Identities review 34 Chris Payton ToD, Lancashire encourages ToDs to include this volume on their bookshelves and university reading lists.
Cutting at or above ground level encourages vigorous regrowth.
It encourages service improvements, return custom, positive word-of-mouth and driving up profits.
Outside of the set times for snacks, meals, naps, and organized activities, ensure the facility also encourages free play so that children have a chance to use their imaginations and to learn to share and play together.
The Bank Street program encourages children to learn about geography, history, art, political science, and economics.
The basis of the video concept is simple-create a "digital board book" that encourages children and parents to interact together with the video concepts.
It is up to parents and other caregivers to use these and any other videos or television shows wisely, choosing content that enriches a child's learning experiences and encourages developmental growth.
Basket of books - The best gift you can give is one that encourages literacy, so a basket filled with books is a wonderful gift that will keep on giving.
Some baby girls will grow up to be natural dancers and ballerinas, and you can create a gift basket that encourages this particular type of art form.
This distributes the weight, encourages you to pack smartly, and helps you keep your things organized for quick-access to passports or other important items.
This encourages the type of behavior you don't want.
This organization, located in Washington, D.C., encourages cat adoptions, and it also serves as support to local animal shelters around the country by providing training, publications, education and serving as an advocate.
This encourages your pet to claw her own furniture rather than yours.
Today, that attitude has changed, as teachers and parents embrace anything that encourages reading, writing and creativity.
Finally, a great comic book resource is the Comic Book Project, which is an arts-based literacy and learning website that encourages kids to write, design, and publish original comic books online.
While kids are normally able to follow along with a visual aid when watching TV or a movie, listening to an audio book isolates the sense of hearing and encourages kids to focus concentration and really listen to what's being read.
I Spy Little Christmas is a wonderful selection that encourages preschoolers to scan the pages for Christmas objects.
The story encourages toddlers to embrace self-expression in a messy, colorful tale that follows the rhythm of the song, "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More."
The agency also encourages individuals to seek the advice of a tax attorney, CPA or enrolled agent to explain the OIC filing process, as there are many reputable tax assistants that will do this for a nominal fee.
Bending the rules or disregarding guidelines that have been agreed upon by both co-parents sets a bad example for the child, encourages him to play one parent against the other and is detrimental to the family unit as a whole.
Communication with religious figures, prayer, and personal communication with God is also a cherished family value, whether a family encourages individual, private prayer or religious communication as a family.
This is a fun exercise that promotes community awareness and encourages the notion that the world is everyone's backyard and should be respected and well maintained.
The manufacture of a paper bag causes a staggering amount of pollution and encourages deforestation.
Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.
The California E85 Program encourages the ethanol expansion with the sheer aggressiveness of the program.
Sometimes offering this service at a slight discount encourages people to use reusable food boxes.
A site counter helps kids see how many others are taking pledges and encourages them to do so as well.
It is thought that a little agave syrup encourages digestion and elimination.
The IIDA combines all areas of interior design, from residential to corporate, and encourages members to develop their skills through hands-on learning opportunities.
This encourages an atmosphere of culture and excitement in the city which is reflected in the eclectic design of the surrounding homes and businesses.
Wood - This element encourages creativity.
Feng shui also encourages adding specific elements into a home to bring good fortune into the house in the form of wealth, peace, or happiness.
A green or blue dining room on the other hand is relaxing and restive and encourages diners to linger.
Still another rule encourages you to find more interesting perspectives to shoot from rather than simply head-on.
Small holiday dinners give you a chance to celebrate the holidays with friends in a setting that encourages conversation and the chance to take a break from the hectic schedule of the season.
LoveToKnow Scrapbooking encourages users to share their project ideas by contributing comments to any article at the bottom of the page.
In addition to the learn to ski and ride events, the Pennsylvania Ski Area Association encourages winter sport enthusiasts to post their skiing and snowboarding blogs, videos and photos on My Ski and Ride Space.
That stress can be beneficial when it encourages employees to work harder and try their best, or when it sparks enthusiasm and improvements on the job.
You'll find traditional classes and scheduling here along with a Renaissance Program which encourages students to explore their creativity through art, music, dance and theater.
A home environment full of support and respect encourages teens to seek help from their parents.
A high school student job encourages independence and is a great learning experience.
Playing fun youth group keeps things lively and encourages new members to come and visit your group.
Watson also stated that veganism applies "to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals."
To be able to find joy in life, fun things to do, and worthwhile relationships encourages the alcoholic through the process of hating recovery to enjoying its benefits.
One last important point is that CBT encourages an individual to seek out the reasons why one tactic may work to treat a problem and another may not work well.
When a curtain is pulled to the side following a shower, moisture is trapped in the folds and encourages the growth of mold and mildew.
Through her daily explorations, she teaches viewers Spanish and even encourages them to help her reach destinations with Map, a rolled-up map character that lives inside Dora's animated talking Backpack.
The group encourages her to try making it on her own, and she stays on as Monica's roommate.
Her talk show echoes her image as a down-to-earth celebrity, as she publicly takes pride in her body image and encourages other women to do the same.
There's no denying that the promise of a naked celebrity photo or movie scene encourages fans to pick up a magazine or purchase a theater ticket.
The show encourages teens to talk with their parents about issues that can be uncomfortable and open the lines of communication.
Today's youth culture encourages dressing seductively.
For little girls, they give coverage that then encourages running and playing with abandon, banishing the fear of underwear being seen.
Known as the case method, this learning process encourages students to use their skills to analyze real life business situations and create workable solutions to complex problems.
In addition, many private colleges take great pride in fostering a "community" atmosphere that encourages students to make friends with their classmates.
In other words, the school encourages students who participate in its sports teams not to drink.
Frostburg has a vibrant scene of community involvement and encourages its students to join extracurricular activities and take an active part in events on campus.
Washtenaw Community College also encourages all of their students to get involved through creating avenues between students and the community, as well as hosting their own events calendar.
The school encourages students to join clubs and organizations, offering dozens of activities on both the main and Monroe campuses.
By providing so many possible avenues, Ventura College encourages self-motivated adult students, parents and more to go back to school and finish a degree.
It cultivates a mixture of international students, encourages students to participate in global networking opportunities, and makes extensive use of advanced technology in the realm of global accessibility.
Carnival encourages its passengers to experience all New Orleans has to offer, from its legendary jazz lounges to its world-class shopping, and everything in between.
Abiding by those rules insures that the park is a success and encourages cities to expand to other park facilities.
Some experts feel that playing tug of war with a dog creates aggression and encourages rough play that can lead to problems down the road.
Don't wrestle or play tug-of-war or chasing games with your puppy because this encourages biting behavior.
The organization encourages people with a need for a service dog to train their own dog and then pass the PSDS Public Access Test administered by a professional trainer to get their dog ready for service.
Deadheading or snipping spent blossoms off the pinks neatens their appearance and encourages new flowers to form.
Nature encourages them to produce even more seeds when they sense their seeds are gone, so when you pick flowers or vegetables, the plant strives to produce more.
Pruning encourages new growth, and clematis tend to push out new shoots from areas that have been pruned the prior year.
Mulch helps the soil retain moisture and stay warmer, which in turn encourages the kitchen waste you mixed with the soil to decompose.
The artist teaches basic chords and correct fingering, but he's also quite enthusiastic about his craft, and encourages improvisation.
This fact makes it ideal for growing mold and mildew, which encourages that musty basement odor.
Moreover, this clothing encourages all that wear it to make a life time commitment to avoiding not only recreational drugs, but also alcohol and tobacco.
Alfalfa meal has carbohydrates and protein, making it a soil conditioner that also encourages the growth of beneficial microbes.
For instance, calcium encourages strong bones which are useful for young people and also women in later years who may start to suffer from weak or brittle bones.
This practice encourages equal trade agreements and a disassociation with West African cocoa production, which is under suspicion for its connection to tribal slavery and terrorism.
Another big problem with conventional coffee farming is that it encourages deforestation.
The company encourages gardeners to learn to save their own seeds and continue to propagate these plants that have been enjoyed for generations.
A corset encourages you to keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
Chemistry.com Similar to eHarmony, the site, a division of Match.com, encourages the completion of an in-depth personality profile to ensure compatible matches.
Instead, it encourages older women to be eccentric, live life to the fullest, support each other, and get noticed in the world.
The program encourages seniors to take control of their health by getting into the best possible condition through exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.
The daycare staff encourages those who attend to be more active, which reduces loneliness and feelings of isolation.
This encourages verbal communication and provides a wonderful gift to family members while the residents still retain some degree of memory.
While many resorts offer a very appealing lifestyle for seniors, Nationwide encourages seniors to be wise when it comes to retirement resort advertisements.
The Senior Care network provides an on-site service coordinator who oversees residents and encourages independent living.
Avoid pointing your toes as that encourages the muscle to shorten and contract.
Even better is the fact that the company encourages customers to contact them with their questions and/or concerns.
This is proving to be a marvelous concept that encourages young children everywhere to reach for, and keep on, their glasses.
The company's philosophy encourages a learning-by-doing strategy where students can learn from their failures in order to make adjustments toward success in active ways.
However, the second set can only occur when you do great in the first set and the trainer encourages you to do more.
According to the statement on the petition's website, GUN not only allows the killing of American Indians, but encourages and even requires it in order to progress.
Pogo tends to be bright and cheery, and encourages repeat gamers who build small communities around their favorite games.
Scribblenauts is a game that encourages creativity and exploration, so it would almost sound counter-intuitive if there were cheat codes for this Nintendo DS game that made the game too easy or too straightforward.
It encourages players to play Soul Caliber 2 on their own more than the previous version, but some of the missions were a bit tedious; for example, fighting a match where gale force winds were trying to push you away from your opponent.
This encourages the natural "S" shape of your spine and is its strongest position.
Research indicates that playing social based video games encourages team collaborative skills even when away from the game itself.
It encourages normal activities during the first stages of labor without interventions and focuses on breathing and relaxation.
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) encourages parents to teach children at an early age about the dangers of playing with fire in order to help prevent child injuries, fire deaths, and the number of fires set in homes.
Exposure to inappropriate material that is sexual, violent, hateful, or that encourages activities that are dangerous or illegal.
The disadvantage is that it encourages moral relativism, the belief that "anything goes."
More than half (56%) of children and teens in grades five through 12 report that alcohol advertising encourages them to drink.
The National Athletic Training Association encourages parents to ask questions of coaches when their children become involved in sports.
This steady increase is a response to the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) of 1997 that recommends termination of parental rights and encourages adoption if a child has been in foster care for 15 out of the previous 22 months.
Therapeutic approaches, such as art therapy, which encourages self-discovery and empowerment, may be useful in treating psychosocial disorders.
In addition, playing word and naming games encourages good speech development and stimulates learning.
This encourages the children to talk about an idea or experience they want to share with others.
Multicultural education-A social or educational theory that encourages interest in many cultures within a society rather than in only a mainstream culture.
This encourages skin cells to slough off, which helps open blocked pores.
This encourages use of the affected muscle.
Studies have also found that positively reinforcing one kind of creative activity encourages original thinking in other areas as well.
Skinner encourages dancers to put their own interpretation on the dance, whether the performance is for a special someone or learning the dance is a journey of personal exploration.
Emphasis on yin energy encourages rest and relaxation.
Move the plant - If the bamboo is in a spot exposed to a lot of direct sunlight, which encourages algae growth, move the plant to an area that receives indirect sunlight.
This hormone encourages the cane to develop roots.
This encourages more sprouts to emerge from the trimmed one.
The USGenWeb sponsors the Florida Marriage project, which encourages the transcription of applications and licenses for all counties.
The Mormon faith strongly encourages people to value family bonds, including connections with ancestors.
Ripping hairs out at the root actually encourages a hair follicle to produce hairs that grow faster and are even stronger in texture.
To help eliminate unauthorized selling of designer products, the Sexy Hair company encourages patrons to report illegitimate dealers through their website.
It sets them apart and encourages individuality, and although the look is becoming increasingly more common, it doesn't negate the fact that emo style is unique.
No matter what your hair's length might be, you can't go wrong with a smooth, sleek style that encourages shine.
None of the products are tested on animals, and the company regularly encourages alternative testing methods whenever possible.
The page encourages fans to be brave enough to show off their authentic tresses to the world by uploading a photo to the "Tyra Banks Show" website.
Combing wet hair prevents damage to the hair shafts, while brushing with a bristle brush stimulates the scalp and encourages the production of natural oils to keep the hair gleaming and healthy.
Each lesson encourages interaction between parent and child and lasts about thirty to forty minutes total, including the project.
For instance, the Waldorf method emphasizes educating the mind, body and spirit, while the Moore Formula encourages a mix of study, work and community service.
This allows for improved communication, encourages a greater family bond, and relieves much of the pressure that public school places on children.
The NASA website encourages children to read the story of Droplet and the Water Cycle and play an online game designed to teach the stages of the water cycle.
This group is a Christian-based, non-denominational association that does not teach children, but instead supports and encourages parents who are teaching at home.
Including an image of the word adds a visual clue to help the child link the word to the picture and encourages pre-reading readiness.
Target organizes and encourages community outreach from staff members.
Unlike other home mortgage companies, Countrywide encourages its customers in this program to use finances from outside sources like family members or non-traditional employment.
Freddie Mac encourages homeowners to contact their lender as soon as they start having problems paying their mortgage.
The program encourages homeowners, lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to work together to modify or refinance existing home mortgages.
Successfully parenting the baby of the family requires a commitment to balancing the natural desire to protect the youngest with the need to create an environment that encourages independence.
Lamaze encourages women to work through the pain of childbirth using these methods, but it doesn't preclude the use of medication.
As a result of this study, Sheynkin encourages men to use their laptops as something other than laptops.
The book encourages women to learn how to dress according to body type, not necessarily according to the latest trends.
Preconception gender selection methods you can try with your partner at home are based on creating an environment that favors either the X or the Y sperm and encourages that particular type of sperm to fertilize the egg.
Although the Lamaze method encourages women to give birth without medical interventions, it also allows women to make informed decisions if medical interventions or analgesic medications are needed during delivery.
Lamaze teaches distraction from the pain of labor while Bradley encourages controlling pain.
The Lamaze method encourages you to keep the process of having a baby as natural and intervention-free as possible.
On the page, the model turned personal trainer describes her goals for helping others and encourages interested viewers to contact her.
Cyberswim encourages reviews so that you can better make your selection and you can find reviews on most online shopping sites.
Run in conjunction with Discovery Communications, the campaign encourages swim teams to promote themselves by running events and competitions in their areas.
Furthermore, by creating a more natural environment, it becomes part of the landscape and encourages a perception of swimming as a more natural activity.
By providing your child with a variety of objects that encourages him to create and pretend, you open up his mind to a wide variety of possibilities, both real and imaginary.
It's an interactive toy that encourages outdoor play.
Each toy you buy from Imaginarium encourages role-play and imagination and provides your child with better play.
Not to mention the fact that the Glow Dome encourages creativity and spatial reasoning.
Adequate vitamin A in the diet promotes healthy skin and hair, and also increases your immunity, helps vision, encourages bone and tooth development, and maintains healthy mucous membranes.
Instead, it encourages a favorable bacterial colony for easy and natural digestion.
Many shampoos contain wheat germ or some other form of vitamin E because its topical application can stimulate circulation to the scalp and enhance nutrient absorption into the hair follicles, which encourages hair growth.
It speeds healing and encourages cells to graft bone onto bone, acting as a catalyst or healing agent in bone grafts.
During summer, choose a cocktail dress that encourages comfort with a looser cut.
The badge system encourages girls to develop qualities such as social conscience, strong values, leadership and self-worth as well as a dedication to the community.
Donating your used furniture helps families recover from disaster, rebuild their homes and encourages those same families to do the same for others down the road.
This product-sales fundraiser encourages monthly purchases from members to increase profits for the organization.
It encourages the sale of magazines through pre-sale or in-hand sales of magazines priced up to 90 percent off cover prices.
The warmer soil encourages roots to develop.
The lively, buoyant quality of Mardi Gras encourages the costume of a jokester or trickster.
The anonymity, even more than the alcohol, encourages the dropping of inhibitions.
This website encourages friendships and dating relationships in their global meet-up areas.
In addition to making the ground more comfortable, the space of the blanket creates your own private place and encourages getting close.
The site encourages readers to comment on books, share reviews, and just have fun corresponding with other black lesbians.
You can also be the person who encourages him to go back to school, do more traveling, or have a better relationship with his parents.
Positive Singles is another extensive website designed to provide a supportive community that encourages romance.
Whether it's a white sand beach, exotic foreign venue, or an isolated mountain retreat, the honeymoon should occur in a setting that encourages the emotional intimacy that is so vital to a successful marriage.
LoveToKnow Freelance Writing encourages visitors to share their thoughts by contributing comments to any article at the bottom of the page.
For example, if you follow a prompt that encourages the use of the sense of smell, the next time you write a short story you may notice that you lack this type of olfactory input.
This competition encourages participants to complete 50,000 words of prose during the month of November.
The menu, which includes an expiration date, encourages you to consult with the manager before ordering.
The main advantage of a hybrid case is found in its diminutive size which encourages simplicity.
Enthusiastic, helpful and a lover of travel, Dora encourages children to go exploring with her.
The second school encourages you to use your innate psychic abilities to enhance any basic knowledge you have since the cards are nothing more than a divination tool that allows you access to information about the person you're reading.
Turning the lights down low also encourages the mind and body to relax.
This is a fun game that encourages kids' creativity.
In addition to providing safe entertainment, coloring encourages creative thinking, helps develop fine motor control and patience, and is a stepping-stone to more complex activities, such as writing.
The theory encourages parents to work as a guide with their children rather than taking a controlling or lackadaisical approach.
It encourages character qualities like sharing and being patient.
HorseGames123-This is another wonderful site that not only features a great selection of horse games for kids but also encourages players to contact the site to make game requests.
Presenting the letters of the alphabet in a game encourages a kid to spend a longer period of time analyzing each letter and figuring out how they sound and fit together into words than simply reciting or writing out the alphabet.
While some criticize this "lenient" style as creating spoiled children, it also provides "love and warmth" and encourages "freedom of thought and expression."
Authoritative parenting also encourages self-expression and independence; it is very nurturing of a child's needs.
He encourages his fellow Care Bears to spread the love!
A radio show brings a widowed man and woman on opposite sides of the country together when the man's adolescent son encourages him to go on the air.
When a group of people having dinner together eat in silence, it encourages spirits to join the gathering at the table.
Legend has it that the ghost of Andrew Irvine, a climber who died while scaling the mountain in 1924, visits modern day climbers from time to time where he shares their tents and encourages them to finish their journey.
She encourages her fans to take control of their money so they can live their lives by the motto, "People First, Then Money, Then Things."
The company also encourages you to register for its newsletter in order to receive Whiskas cat food coupons and other special offers.
Pablo sees promise in Kris and encourages her to pursue a second chance at Raintree Farms.
Gran encourages Sookie to help her brother.
Spielberg and Lucas have really endowed USC (University of Southern California) and school encourages double majors so that will be really exciting for him.
This hilarious feature encourages you to write your own captions for scenes from All My Children shows.
While it may seem amazing that a 70-year-old man can do a freeform headstand but you can't lift your legs off the floor, the basic philosophy of yoga encourages exploration within the self.
In Power Yoga for Dummies, author Doug Swenson encourages the reader to "Pump up your body, mind, and spirit with Power Yoga."
Even Nidra yoga, also known as "the sleep of the yogis," encourages a yogi to explore the vast caverns of the mind in order to achieve peace and heightened awareness.
Class and instructor interaction enhances the feeling of unity that yoga encourages, and fellow classmates provide insight into the practice and lifestyle.
The gentle poses Garcia demonstrates encourages using the support of a chair, wall, ottoman, and other fixtures while celebrating the movement of every type of body.
Kripalu stresses the acceptance of every detail of the present (whether physical or mental), and encourages yoga practitioners to be at rest within themselves.
In essence, the answer to the question, "what is Kripalu Yoga?" is that it's a particular form of yoga that encourages us to turn inward.
Similar to the Yoga Alliance, the International Yoga Teachers Association encourages consistent teaching standards, promotes proper yoga knowledge, and oversees yoga teacher training.
It is different from other types of yoga in that it integrates techniques from across schools and encourages the student to modify the training to meet her own physical and spiritual needs.
Toys that encourage climbing, such as jungle gyms or slides, can provide great gross motor reinforcement, as can outdoor play equipment that encourages jumping, like trampolines.
She embraces her unique perception and neurologically atypical mental processing as assets, and she encourages others with ASD to do the same.
The newsletter encourages readers to share their personal experiences with the interventions they have used as well as their successes.
Many children with autism enjoy the language pattern of songs and the singing encourages speech.
However, the critics of ABA believe that the techniques can sometimes produce trained robotic responses and encourages a child to suppress true emotions and self-expression, which can ultimately be harmful.
Microsoft encourages its customers follow its recommended security practices, detailed on its Microsoft Security Web Site.
Suzanne has a winning attitude that embraces all challenges and encourages collaboration.
When files are difficult to get in and out, it encourages workers not to file in a timely manner.
Each provides useful information to customers and prospects, and encourages repeat online contact with the organization through its website.
Simply defined, viral marketing is a marketing strategy that encourages people to spread the word by sharing information with people they know.
The conclusion emphasizes the benefits of using your services and encourages the proposal reader to take action.
Located in Dallas, Texas, Big Paw Designs delivers top quality, made in the USA, lead-free adorable pet charms, car accessories, and gifts and encourages retail stores to sell Big Paw Design items to support local pet rescues.
That's why you'll often find mold in bathrooms and basements, two places where high humidity encourages mold growth.
This form of dramatic play keeps them active and encourages creativity.
Consider placing the finished soaps into a wicker basket lined with a colorful washcloth for a gift that encourages a day of rest and relaxation.
The South Beach Diet encourages dieters to exercise in addition to following the diet.
We have a chemical reaction to stress that encourages fat cells to grow, especially in the waist area.
Only you observe weight changes, so if being accountable to another person, such as a Weight Watchers leader, encourages you to stick with the program, online "attendance" may disappoint you.
A diet book is "safe" if it encourages you to eat in a healthy and sustainable manner, if it encourages you to eat a variety of foods, and if it emphasizes overall lifestyle changes as part of a healthy diet.
In addition to easy to find foods and simple recipes, the Supermarket Diet encourages an exercise program.
Contrary to its name, the company does not encourage rapid loss, but instead encourages individuals to move forward at a pace that suits their body and lifestyle to reach healthy goals and lifetime habits.
Having leftovers encourages eating seconds (and thirds).
Throughout her site, she encourages visitors to attend Weight Watchers meetings for actual Weight Watchers information..
Eat foods that are high in fiber and water-this encourages the body to rid itself of toxic wastes.
Furthermore, a high protein diet plan actively encourages the building of new muscle mass.
An active lifestyle that includes healthy eating habits is ideal and a journal that encourages people to keep track of eating and exercise can work wonders to stay motivated.
The Walk of Life diary is a particularly helpful journal because it offers a way for you to track your feelings about eating and it encourages you to keep track of your daily successes.
Sassy water is a great recipe that encourages and motivates people to drink their water which in turn relieves the body of excess bloat.
No eating between meals - Instead of eating small amounts throughout the day, this diet encourages eating until you're stuffed at meals which means you won't be hungry between meals.
The show encourages viewers to look at the diet as a lifestyle, which is ideal for any weight reduction program.
Feeling "starved" only encourages you to over indulge.
It encourages controlling your portions, regular exercise, as well as a well-balanced diet.
This detoxification plan encourages you to have an unlimited amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes (beans and peas), nuts, and seeds.
Unlike most high protein-low carb diets, the Zone Diet encourages eating at least 10 servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
The Points Plus program encourages participants to choose foods rich in fiber and protein and limit those foods that contain empty calories.
The weight of the ball encourages deeper leg flexion, which uses the muscles in the back of the leg.
The 100 pushups program encourages a rest day in between workouts.
Its mind-body focus encourages concentration and control when performing exercises.
Working out encourages the production of good cholesterol which in turn helps rid the body of the so-called cholesterol.
Exercise encourages the release of endorphins, your body's natural painkiller.
The increased oxygen and blood circulation encourages good cardiovascular health and can lower blood pressure.
This is because exercise at a lower intensity encourages the body to use fat rather than carbohydrates as a source of fuel, so a higher percentage of the calories burned during this type of workout come from fat.
From developing education programs for domestic abuse survivors to donating funds to the Boys and Girls Clubs, Allstate encourages its employees to become active in volunteering and gives them the tools to succeed at their ventures.
The program encourages consumers to make more informed health care decisions and collaborates with providers to improve quality outcomes and affordability.
Because comprehensive plans cover routine preventative dental maintenance, offering the insurance encourages employees to have regular check-ups.
State Farm provides specific tips for determining the value of your home on the corporate website, and also encourages customers to consult with their agents when deciding how much coverage is necessary.
So ironically, despite the flack its older cousins the original thong and the bikini have gotten, the low rise thong actually encourages modesty and makes things a little bit easier on fashion.
Enell encourages consumers to measure their bust and rib size as opposed to simply referring to the size of your current bra.
It's a fun, unique, practical gift that encourages rest and relaxation - a serious win-win.
Again, this is predominantly due to its support of the posture and the way it encourages your abs to stay tight.
If your skirt tends to cling in all the wrong places, a silky slip that encourages fluidity of movement could be just what you need.
Imbued with a great sense of tongue-in-cheek fun, Trashy offers plenty of intimate apparel that encourages a couple to be very intimate.
Music with a jumpy beat encourages happy, social interaction, whereas the slower, swaying rhythm is intended for intimacy and a personal celebration of love.
They also argue that it actually is a promotional tool that encourages sales, and that the industry has other places to look besides downloads to explain their drop in sales.
Bentley has written a self-help book, called Advance Your Swagger, in which he encourages and teaches basic etiquette and good manners.
He seems to relate well to the contestants and encourages them when they seem to be slacking off.
Seymour has been working in the back on a totally new type of plant that he has discovered, and Audrey encourages him to bring the plant to the shop-owner to curry favor and save his job.
If they make too much, the oil can mix with skin cells and clog pores, which encourages infection.
Considered one of the most powerful ingredients in wrinkle creams for eyes, vitamin C increases hydration to the thin eye area and encourages cell turnover.
It encourages cell turnover, reduces wrinkles, firms the skin and promises 24-hour moisture.
The American Cancer Society promotes tobacco abstinence and encourages quitting by stressing the risks associated with using the substance.
It's rich in borage oil, an omega-6 fatty acid that encourages healthy skin cells.
It also encourages cellular preservation and is relied on to treat a number of skin disorders, including eczema and burn wounds.
Hydra Firming Cream locks in moisture, encourages firmness and rebuilds elasticity.
Applied topically, it encourages the production of collagen and plumps the skin, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Simply defined, a blog can be looked at as an online journal and this closed blogging community offers a friendly environment that encourages individual expression and introduces the concept of an online community.
In this way, the digital age of the web encourages the development of global communities and leads to collaboration and the sharing of information across the world.
The site has a message board, a forum and a chat room, and encourages its participants to earn "bragging rights" over other anglers for the size of their catches.
Retweeting encourages others to retweet your own links and tweets.
Farmer's Insurance Group encourages its independent agents to have their own Facebook pages, but found that agents "lacked the confidence to use it," according to Ryon Harms, Director of Social Media.
The agency encourages itemization, particularly when a taxpayer has a large amount of medical or dental expenses or has paid large amounts of interest or taxes on their main residence.
The Junior Girl Scouts encourages its members to continue to grow and identify new ways to make the planet better.
Some of these discussion panels become self-moderating, especially when the company encourages responsible and knowledgeable users to become official moderators, rewarded with company schwag or sometimes just an official title.
Unfortunately, modern society, especially in the United States, has become burdened under a legal system that encourages lawsuits.
Wood floors and gentle lighting help to create a warm and comfortable feeling, accented by a wait staff that encourages patrons to feel as though they are welcome and valued guests.
But, whilst condemning harshness towards them, he encourages the feeling of contempt for them as a class.
These receive a grant from the government, which nevertheless encourages all parents to send their children to its own schools.
Far firmer is the tone of his later letter to the same archbishop, where he contends from historical evidence that the papal judgment is not infallible, and encourages his brother prelate not to fear excommunication in a righteous cause, for it is not in the power even of the successor of Peter "to separate an innocent priest from the love of Christ."
The province of reverent theology is to aid accurate thinking by the use of metaphysical or psychological terms. Its definitions are no more an end in themselves than an analysis of good drinking water, which by itself leaves us thirsty but encourages us to drink.
This lane encourages cyclists to put themselves in the prime position not to be seen.
But is this really the kind of level playing field that encourages ecumenism?
In addition, TENS encourages the body to release its own pain killing hormones, called endorphins.
Taller grass shades out weeds and encourages deep root growth.