Encounter Sentence Examples
The encounter had frightened him more than he would admit.
The count remembered the wolf he had let slip and his encounter with Daniel.
In Wagner's harmonic style we encounter the entire problem of modern musical texture.
The activities you encounter may leave you hungry.
Dean was happy to move the subject away from Fitzgerald's evening encounter with Lydia.
Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
This encounter was inevitable.
She was still too agitated by the encounter to be able to talk of the affair calmly.
Such was the first encounter of the two scholars.
The runners might encounter any kind of weather, including freezing temperatures, fog, rain, or snow.
AdvertisementWatch a special encounter sea lions of the hair.
Treat everyone you encounter with friendliness and respect.
No mischief resulted from the encounter.
For my action to be free it was necessary that it should encounter no obstacles.
She was still pale after her encounter with Czerno.
AdvertisementAs the day progressed they soon forgot about the spooky encounter.
It was by no means his last encounter with Norman traitors, but for the moment the victory gave him an assured position.
He chose Paris, and in spite of the difficulties which he had to encounter before he could enter into possession, was consecrated on the 27th of March 1791 by eight bishops, including Talleyrand.
An unexpected encounter with a southern hawker did that for me this weekend.
We shall also encounter the adverbial superlative and discover how to express " not yet " and " no longer " .
AdvertisementThe Malaysian never looked troubled during the encounter which lasted 35 minutes.
Supermarine had recently beaten Blackheath in the Cup competition and this opening tussle showed how much Club had learned from their previous encounter.
Most men go out and buy the first pair of sneakers from the first sports store that they encounter.
But in the first encounter on the 17th of April to leeward of the island, Rodney's orders were not executed by his captains, and the action was indecisive.
The emperor Valerian, who marched to encounter him, was overthrown at Edessa and taken prisoner (260).
AdvertisementHowever, the younger Stoics endeavoured to meet the assaults of their persistent critic Carneades by suggesting various modes of testing a single presentation, to see whether it were consistent with others, especially such as occurred in groups, &c.; indeed, some went so far as to add to the definition " coming from a real object and exactly corresponding with it " the clause " provided it encounter no obstacle."
It will suffice to recall the Buddha's education in a secluded palace, his encounter successively with a decrepit old man, with a man in mortal disease and poverty, with a dead body, and, lastly, with a religious recluse radiant with peace and dignity, and his consequent abandonment of his princely state for the ascetic life in the jungle.
An age-long rivalry between the houses of France and Austria was the result of this disastrous marriage; and as the son who was its issue espoused the heiress of a now unified Spain, France, hemmed in by the Spaniards and by the Empire, was thenceforward to encounter them everywhere in her course.
As a soldier Tarnowski invented a new system of tactics which greatly increased the mobility and the security of the armed camps within which the Poles had so often to encounter the Tatars.
Not till 1888, when the national army bill was introduced, did he encounter any serious opposition, but thenceforth his position became precarious.
Gone was the casual hiking attire of their last encounter, replaced by a chic outfit, full makeup, and high-heeled shoes.
It's a seemingly arbitrary list that has little in the way of logic - like a lot of things you encounter in here.
Driving and walking along the many forest tracks and trails we'll encounter a very rich avifauna.
But the most savage beast you're likely to encounter here is the owner's dog Zoe, six inches of terrifying Maltese terrier.
If we encounter some icebergs in the area, we'll make time to explore them.
Our deepest encounter with God is sometimes almost ineffable, almost inexpressible.
The new lectionary enables us to encounter the scriptures in helpful and transforming ways.
But despite the result, last night's encounter was a depressing affair, only livened up by three excellent goals.
Encounter Satan's minions and banish them back to their evil realm.
I first began to encounter difficulties when the pressure and workload associated with revising for exams caused me to have a severe nervous breakdown.
In our own personal journey up the ladder of spirituality we encounter obstacles.
With their moderately soft, flexible pellicles, swimming Spirostomum often bend around bits of algae and other obstacles they encounter.
Occasionally we would encounter a party of Olive-backed pipits feeding among the leaf-litter of the woodland.
We always understand what we encounter within a halo of our own future potentiality.
The stage was then clear for the top two Welsh player to have a principality Closed encounter.
Where else, for example, would you encounter the witty put-down of unruly audiences that opens Frogs?
He also has dim recollections of his encounter with Ofelia, the spitting image of the woman in the portrait in the sitting room.
Provide users with information on how to seek recourse if they encounter problems.
In addition, soldiers should expect to encounter numerous venomous reptiles, insects, and plants.
The resulting encounter was possibly the most unusual battle of any of the Jacobite risings.
Compared to results of the OL RB250 on the Linn, bass and rhythmic drive had less sass and swagger with the Encounter.
This is also the first occasion when I encounter other walkers during my entire trip - a reasonably well-known composer and a Reiki healer.
In these further provinces of Iran the Macedonian invader had for the first time to encounter a serious national opposition, for in the west the Iranian rule had been merely the supremacy of an alien power over native populations indifferent or hostile.
The Murray, the greatest river of Australia, debouches into Lake Alexandrina, and thence into the sea at Encounter Bay in South Australia.
Along the shores of Encounter Bay and St Vincent and Spencer Gulfs, the precipitation ranges from 10 to 20 in., the yearly rainfall at Adelaide is a little less than 21 in., while the head of Spencer Gulf is within the 5 to 1 0 in.
All the peculiarities of structure which we encounter consequently support the view with which we started, that the protoplasm of the plant is the dominant factor in vegetable structure, and that there need be but one subject of physiology, which must embrace the behaviour of protoplasm wherever found.
In a long and obstinate encounter, it was defeated at Dorylaeum (July 1); and the crusaders marched unmolested in a southeasterly direction to Heraclea.
The central idea of his teaching was that naval supremacy is the condition precedent of all vigorous military offensive across the seas, and, conversely, that no vigorous military offensive can be undertaken across the seas until the naval force of the enemy has been accounted for - either destroyed or defeated and compelled to withdraw to the shelter of its own ports, or at least driven from the seas by the menace of a force it dare not encounter in the open.
Malik Shah, the son and successor of Alp Arslan, had to encounter his uncle Kavurd, founder of the Seljukian empire of Kerman (see below), who claimed to succeed Alp Arslan in accordance with the Turkish laws, and led his troops towards Hamadan.
The new viceroy, who might have expected a tranquil time after the energetic reforms of his predecessor, soon found himself Lord face to face with the most serious troubles, euphemistic ally called the "unrest," that British rule has had to encounter in India since the Mutiny.
After a closely contested battle victory remained with Muhammad Hasan; who, however, was unable to follow up the foe, as he had to return in order to encounter Azad.
Karim, by their aid, once more repaired his losses and advanced on Ispahan, while Muhammad Hasan with fifty thousand men was coming from the opposite direction, ready to encounter either the Afghan or the Zend.
Except in a few fortified places, such as Ticinum or Pavia, the Italians did not venture to encounter the new invaders; and, though Alboin was not without generosity, the Lombards, wherever resisted, justified the opinion of their ferocity by the savage cruelty of the invasion.
At length Haakon, weary of delay, attacked, only to encounter a terrific storm which greatly damaged his ships.
After his interview with Pierre in Moscow, Prince Andrew went to Petersburg, on business as he told his family, but really to meet Anatole Kuragin whom he felt it necessary to encounter.
At university it is difficult to encounter anybody who is n't busy trying to have the most trendy and right-on political views.
This is not your ordinary run-of-the-mill first encounter story, not by a long stretch.
All the other forms are hidden and make no impression upon us, save when they encounter material particles and thus display their existence.
We all know we are going to encounter a few skeptics along the way.
Now, add to this cultural handicap some mildly autistic or schizoid tendencies such as I have and any intimate encounter becomes a challenge.
Robbie Wood 's goal on the stroke of half-time was enough to separate the sides in a scrappy encounter.
The day 's opening encounter held the British GT/F3 crowd spellbound as a 10-car train dueled for the lead throughout the opening laps.
One close encounter of this sort is usually sufficient to induce sensitivity.
We shall also encounter the adverbial superlative and discover how to express " not yet " and " no longer ".
Episode 6 (11 NOV 93) Out Of Time The crew encounter an experimental spacecraft surrounded by an ' unreality minefield '.
Encounter the places once haunted by death that are now vibrant with life and hope.
Paula was evasive about the specifics of her encounter with the cops.
The encounter with the mugger was such a harrowing one that he still has nightmares about it to this day.
The training program accustoms astronauts to the vastly different environments they will encounter in space.
Today, one of the most popular children's television shows appearing on PBS features Thomas and his friends as well, as the beloved little engine and many of his friends encounter one adventure after another on the Island of Sodor.
While there will be hurdles to overcome, hopefully the blessings you'll receive from this wonderful relationship will more than outweigh any difficulties you encounter.
You will most likely encounter this situation when looking to buy from another rare book collector.
These books will provide information about illnesses and problems we all encounter, especially our children.
Of all the tips on buying kayaks you'll encounter, let this one be the most important.
If you shop at stores that specialize in rugs and curtains, then you might encounter bargain bins or clearance lots.
Downhill mountain biking is different than cross-country, due to the amount of shock you'll encounter as you travel along the trails.
Potassium is a salt-substitute, but you may encounter problems if you or someone using the water has Addison's Disease or high levels of potassium in the bloodstream.
Approach the material with the expectation that you may receive biased information, and then you can be pleasantly surprised if and when you encounter truly objective data.
In fact, you've just had an encounter with a hairball.
Pet owners asking "Why is my kitten sneezing?" may encounter a veterinarian who is equally stumped.
It's fairly common to encounter upper respiratory infections in cats, but that doesn't make these infections any less harmful.
As a parent or a teacher, what can you do to make the most of your children's encounter with books online?
Sometimes, people encounter tax difficulties simply because they don't understand tax withholding and how this may need to fluctuate from when the form was first filled out at hiring.
If you travel abroad while on vacation or for business purposes then you will probably encounter the need to convert cash into the local currency.
If you frequent money saving forums and chat rooms online you may encounter a scammer.
The most common fee you will encounter is a shipping and handling fee, especially if you choose to have the card sent directly to the gift recipient.
Opting out does bring the risk of having a debit card transaction declined in the event of insufficient funds in a checking account; however, it also means the accountholder will not encounter the fees associated with overdraft.
You will undoubtedly encounter fees, but the goal is to find the best card with the lowest fees available.
Think of the surroundings you would encounter on a real life African safari and consider how they might translate into your home.
There is such a wide variety of stencils available through the internet that you might actually encounter the problem of having too many that you love and be unable to choose one!
You will likely encounter hardwood floors that have been covered by vinyl flooring or carpet, as well as dated bathroom and kitchen renovations.
Best of luck to you as you encounter the crazy, glamorous, and rewarding world of modeling agencies.
Depending on where you are in the world, you might encounter this product in different packaging than what's commonly found in the US.
Take a site for a test drive and see what quirks you encounter before committing your hard-earned cash.
The site also boasts 24-hour customer support as well as live chat for any problems that you may encounter in your time spent online.
By shopping the traditional way you will waste gas, possibly involve yourself in frustration, and maybe encounter out of stocks.
Most of the sites you encounter will make you sign up before being able to make your own virtual pet or download one that is already available.
Many times, raters may have prior camera biases (such as being a fan of Nikon cameras when reviewing a Canon camera) or encounter problems with a camera that are unique to that user.
The aforementioned services show the potential for compositional variety that a photographer would likely encounter while working in a Sears Portrait Studio.
Fortunately, with a little knowledge and some great resources, you'll be able to predict what type of skiing you're likely to encounter, even if it's months away.
If you encounter stubborn and resistant snow, ask a friend to scrape off your boot with his or her ski pole.
The inability to make a short turn on a narrow trail might mean that you will end up having a close encounter with a tree.
When you encounter a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or fearful, the first thing that happens in your body is your mind sends out a message indicating a threat is present.
Knowing how to relax during the holidays can help you through the madness and have a good time, no matter what difficult situations you may encounter.
However, the first step in managing holiday stress is identifying the exact conflict(s) you tend to encounter.
While we may occasionally know we are heading into an encounter with someone or something that will make us angry, this is certainly not the norm.
We must work to live, but the stress we encounter while working may be making us ill, affecting our job performance, personal lives and relationships.
Pass out copies of The Drunk Driving Poem to every teen you encounter, and ask him or her to read it immediately.
Be sure to use social networking websites safely and let your parents know if you encounter any weird situations or messages online.
One big problem that people encounter is determining what foods qualify as raw.
Seafarers, whether whalers, explorers or traders. would encounter conch horns being used in all of the southern waters of the world from China to southeast Asia to South America and the Caribbean.
Unless you have very short hair, you'll probably encounter the never-ending dilemma of whether to wear your hair up or down.
Just keep in mind that if you confront him, you will encounter hostility and denial.
For this reason, there is no definitive checklist or timeline that will predict exactly which symptoms each person will encounter and when.
Although there is no disputing that the nicotine found in tobacco is incredibly addictive, many people who try to quit smoking or chewing tobacco encounter more problems with the emotional aspect of tobacco usage.
Like anything where there is a fast buck to be made, you're likely to encounter plenty of people in Hollywood claiming to have the inside track on star homes and willing to sell you a map for a few dollars less than the next guys.
Despite his efforts to thwart distribution, the encounter circulated on the Internet in 2006 for a brief time.
If you encounter problems with the games, like they won't completely load or don't run properly, make sure that you have the latest version of the program needed to play the game installed.
Whatever your encounter, the Girl Scouts of America has sustained as a thriving non-profit for generations, and will continue to provide meaningful activities and goals for new legions of girls all across the nation.
As they become preteens, girls become even more aware of the way they look, and want to look cool for school, church youth group, birthday parties, and anywhere else they will encounter other girls their age.
However, if the rains you encounter can turn into cold torrents of water, you may prefer something that is definitely more weather-proof and possibly even insulated.
As you rise up the fashion ladder in the way of stores such as Saks and Neiman Marcus you will encounter the designers that are making waves in the fashion industry.
The down side to such a maneuver is that you will encounter price tags that are significantly higher than your basic dress at Macy's.
Tuition is likely going to be the most significant expense you'll encounter in your college career, but there are a few other factors that impact it directly and that you may want to consider as you calculate final costs.
Finally, both colleges and universities are designed to prepare students for the workplace and expose them to enriching topics and methods that they may not otherwise encounter.
However, because you're looking only for institutions with a Christian affiliation, you might also encounter a few differences along the way.
These ships are engineered for large numbers of travelers, yet at the same time they encounter logistical problems with supplies and crowds that smaller ships rarely contend with.
Although the Alaskan cruise season is designated to avoid inclement weather, you may encounter cool, wet, rainy, or even cold conditions.
It should be noted that you do not need to be a Christian to take part in a marriage encounter cruise.
For many couples, a religious-based marriage encounter cruise can become the spiritual sailing experience of a lifetime.
You should not sign up for a marriage encounter cruise if your partner is pressuring or threatening you to attend.
However, if you are looking for enrichment, encouragement, and excitement, a marriage encounter cruise is a wonderful vacation option.
One of the earliest undesirable behaviors owners encounter with a new pet is chewing.
While many pet friendly hotels do not charge any additional fees for your pet to stay in the room, others do.There are three basic types of fees you may encounter.
Puppies are exposed to a wide variety of sights, sounds and experiences in order to lessen their sensitivity level to common daily distractions they might encounter in their later lives as guide dogs.
When you begin your search, you'll likely encounter a number of breeders who use the term "adopt" as a euphemism for "purchase", but the two words do have different meanings.
He could encounter other sick animals; he may not find enough to eat and drink.
Wash your hands thoroughly after every encounter with the sick dog.
The dogs are exposed to the typical situations and equipment they'll encounter when they make their visits so they become accustomed to them and always remain calm.
That was infinitely more appealing to male audiences and it was achieved not through nudity, but through an undressing that mimicked the disrobing which preceded a sexual encounter.
You might encounter the situation where you want to learn a particular song, but you can't quite play well enough yet to pull it off.
When you encounter a new song that uses a chord you don't know, look it up.
You will most likely encounter a similar format at all these websites.
This guarantee helps with any short-term problems or setbacks a homeowner may encounter.
The struggle of how to find a contractor is one that many homeowners encounter during their home renovations or repairs.
With that in mind, you might want to take a look at local antiques shops, antiques malls, and antiques auctions to see if you encounter any Foster and Bailey lockets.
The virtual option is a great one if you live far away from major cities or cannot afford the services of a personal encounter just yet.
What types of weather might you encounter while riding?
Here are some of the problems you might encounter when using wool.
Although you are less likely to encounter coupons for organic foods in the newspaper or in magazines than you would for other types of foods, coupons for organic foods do show up once in a while.
If you encounter a few bumps along the way as you are learning how to plant an organic garden, chalk it up to experience and work to remedy the situation next year.
Many organic whole food supplements contain nutrients from foods that most people rarely eat or even encounter.
You will also likely encounter the term, "free range."
You can wear these smooth pieces beneath your work clothes, for sleeping in or as part of an exciting romantic encounter.
Encourage workers to report any workplace hazards they encounter.
Students should also be taught that if the encounter with the stranger escalates to an abduction attempt, they can and should do anything they can to escape.
As the season changes from summer to fall, it's a good idea to follow autumn home safety precautions to make sure your family won't encounter any situations where they may be at risk for injury.
As senior citizens encounter a myriad of life changes, depression can be a response.
Having short hair is a great way to upgrade your look and help work with the age-related hair issues that you are likely to encounter.
It is just one of the many things you'll encounter as you approach senior life.
Many seniors like this format because it is quick, much like reviewing online profiles, but provides much more information (mostly non-verbal) because the encounter occurs face-to-face.
A person who does not encounter this sleep paralysis - or who only encounters it intermittently - may have an REM sleep disorder.
If you encounter a person in your household sleepwalking, gently guide him or her back to bed.
When looking for colored contact lenses that are affordable you may encounter websites that sell non FDA-approved contacts.
In addition to that, you'll want something between you and tree branches or other pieces of flying debris you may encounter.
Whether you are driving on a sunny day or racing downhill, you can count on your stylish Oakleys to cut down on any harmful glare that you might encounter.
In short, this means that you get to see more clearly and don't have to shield your eyes with your hand when you encounter a flat surface.
Your park maps and guide will feature character meeting spots where you can expect to encounter the various Disney characters.
First thing in the morning, the lines are light and you can encounter Mickey, Donald, Daisy, Pluto, Goofy, Pocahontas and more along the trail.
For example, you may encounter jammed discs that won't eject from the console.
Then bust out Secret of Mana and wait for the Dungeon Master start making the Encounter spell.
Many locations seem to be inspired by Irish culture, and some of the human characters you will encounter in the town are wearing a traditional kilt-like garments and speak with an Irish accent.
Of course, you'll encounter an obstacle or two as things blow up all around you (mostly your doing, though, I suppose).
Just about everyone you encounter is a threat.
Throughout the game, you'll encounter victims of the bloodlust of Lazarus and his minions.
A phone has been added to the game, which you will encounter after completing a few levels.
Character attributes like strength, intelligence and endurance are improved by gaining levels or by purchase from guilds and characters you will encounter.
You keep track of your journey through a journal which is updated whenever you encounter a person with useful information.
Travel through dungeons, find artifacts and encounter a bounty of creatures to battle.
Legend in the Sky - In the skies of Cyrodil, you will encounter a new house which will allow you to purchase the Sky Castle book with a bonus quest.
This way when you encounter really tough opponents, you won't have as much of a problem.
As you play each character, you will also encounter any of the numerous mini-games through the game which give each main character a special power.
I thought I could just move through areas after destroying the monsters I would encounter.
As you encounter Gods, they will give Kratos additional weapons; you can also collect magic types and both the weapons and magic can be upgraded by collecting the red orbs throughout the worlds.
Kratos will encounter all kinds of monsters with different fighting abilities.
Kratos will encounter many interesting places in his quest, so explore everything.
There are a few movie sequences that give you the feel for the situations you encounter.
It has taken decades to encounter Earth-like planets.
While you'll be amazed at your surroundings, you will not be amazed at the other mundane graphics that you will encounter.
Unfortunately, some of the levels do get monotonous, but the battles you encounter help break that up.
The Halo 3 skull locations are typically off the beaten path, so you will need to explore areas that you may not otherwise encounter.
Along the way, you'll encounter (and take over the controls of) Slippy Toad, Falco Falcon, and even Star Wolf.
As you encounter countless beasts, monsters, and grotesque creatures, your character -- understandably -- goes a little crazy.
Different rooms, like the rotating tile of lights room puts a little happiness into the dark graphics you'll encounter during the game, but the dark graphics are a good thing since they fit in well with the type of game it is.
You spend a lot of time exploring the dangerous jungle of Skull Island, where you will encounter many vicious creatures who will attempt to kill you.
In this game you will also encounter large monsters that are on land and in the sky.
Under regular circumstances in Mario Party DS, you need to play through the regular Story Mode to encounter all of the interesting hidden mini-games.
Along they way, they encounter several famous Mario characters, including baby versions of themselves.
The game does require a bit of thought since the slew of super villains you will encounter may be a bit overwhelming.
In-between team missions and other crucial moments, you will encounter dialog with certain characters who give you information.
An upbeat, dramatic music track plays in the background and changes throughout the game as you encounter different situations.
Each superhero and villain you will encounter has their own selection of choice phrases they will say while interacting with each other.
Then when you encounter a Metroid fire at him, and try to get him to follow you.
Issues that you may encounter may involve some kind of hardware problem.
There are over 100 fish to catch and over 30 locations to find these fish, but in order to become the fishing master, you must learn about each fish you encounter by reading the Fish Encyclopedia.
You'll also encounter fairy-tale characters like Little Red Riding Hood.
This may be one of the most frustrating puzzle games you may encounter online.
Temporarily away from any kind of rescue, Jack and his companions explore the dense jungle where you will encounter many giant reptiles attempting to kill you.
During your adventuring, you always seem to encounter a barrier door that is missing a lever to open it.
If you are a fan of the Harry Potter series, Magic Academy will seem familiar with the strikingly similar characters you encounter throughout the game.
Each character you encounter will give you information, but the task they give you is always to find hidden objects.
To help you with the battles you'll encounter along the way, keep reading for some cheat codes, as well as number of items you can unlock as a reward for your hard work.
The Prince does encounter a few enemies along the way.
In some of the rail-based shooter mini-games, you'll encounter rabbids that wear night vision goggles and other gear that look a little too much like Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell fame.
There's no saying when and if you will encounter any future problems with your purchase.
If you encounter pathways blocked by spiderwebs, you can burn them with your torch.
As you make your way around international venues, you'll encounter songs that are not yet available through the regular Quickplay menu.
I still think the best way to get money is to pickpocket anyone you encounter in the game.
While you can't freely explore the levels, you do encounter some pretty landscapes and interesting land design.
Once you encounter the colossus, it is a memorable experience.
Vehicles you encounter are small, heavy-duty army trucks to floating disks that take you over poisonous or toxic areas.
As you encounter the Morolians, you will have to copy their dance moves in rhythm to the music.
After you reach the end of a level, you'll encounter a Boss alien and do that same thing with them.
On your quest to save the world, you will also encounter arch-enemy reporters.
As you progress through the level to your next encounter, the humans will follow you and mimic your dance moves.
Also, Spiderman 2 has movie sequences at the end of every level and when you encounter major foes.
The only gripe is that the regular characters you will encounter on the streets look very flat and have little expression.
Along the way, you might need a little help, or you might encounter something you weren't expecting.
In this mission-based game, you will see many scenes from the movies and encounter all of your favorite characters.
He eventually defeated his teacher, but was seriously injured from their encounter, being hospitalized for several months.
You will encounter different types of creatures who will get in your way.
Ammunition and items to boost your health are also found everywhere in rooms, located in lockers, on tables, etc.On occasion, you will encounter others who need assistance, give you informatio,n or are willing to help you out.
This fact keeps the gameplay a bit addictive as you encounter and discover the secrets of the Carnate Abbot Penitentiary and how Torque is tied into its insanity.
Improved graphics make every encounter seem even more unsettling.
If you encounter any blocked areas, use the shovel to get through.
Some races are more aggressive, some are adaptable to harsh climates etc. You will also encounter other races that may want to form an alliance with you, (or kill you).
The other kind of strategy guide that you may encounter may not necessarily provide you with the explicit steps that you need to do to progress through the game's story.
One of the worst Wii Fit reviews you encounter is from Game Revolution.
Monster design is somewhat sloppy towards the end as you encounter the same exact mobs you killed as a lower level grunt, only now they're a different color and bigger.
In about 40% of the games you will encounter graphics issues (ghosting, choppiness), sound issues (choppiness, missing audio), and other problems (no start-up screen).
Be careful though, many of the local people you will encounter did just that and never left.
Whether you are going on a relaxing one day hike, or a grueling five day mountain climb, following the guidelines above will ensure that you are fully prepared to meet every challenge that you'll encounter on the trail.
If you find campgrounds that are open in areas where winter precipitation is common, ask what road conditions you are likely to encounter.
Functionally, all of the LG Chocolate phones that you will encounter will be very similar.
What's more, when you cross over different cell phone brands, you will encounter different user interfaces and different levels of functionality.
However, one major hurdle that you will encounter is that several BlackBerry devices do not support the appropriate "type" of Bluetooth communication.
You may encounter some problems when attempting to sync iPhone to new computer systems.
The interface does not resemble the "Windows" environment that a user would normally encounter on a full computer.
When the antibodies encounter allergens, mast cells release granules, which spill out their chemicals onto the cells of nearby tissues, including blood vessels and nerves.
This problem can persist much longer than early childhood, often into grade school and beyond, where these children encounter difficulties in reading and writing.
More than 1,300 children were followed from birth to find out how the amount, type, and quality of day care they encounter affected their development.
Parents should be sympathetic, but not allow the child to avoid situations in which the child must encounter the feared object or events.
This problem can persist much longer than early childhood, often into the grade school years and beyond, where these children encounter difficulties in reading and writing.
Only 40 percent of young adults between 18 and 21 years of age used a condom during their most recent sexual encounter, and 45 percent of these individuals have already had more than three sexual partners.
When mast cells encounter an allergen, they release histamine and other chemicals, both locally and into the bloodstream.
They do not threaten human or animal health until the spores encounter an environment that favors growth.
For example, with just one unprotected sexual encounter with an infected partner, a woman is twice as likely as a man to acquire gonorrhea or chlamydia.
Because rabies is transmitted through saliva, a person should wear rubber gloves when handling a pet that has had an encounter with a wild animal.
Parents should try to monitor new substances and foods when their children encounter them for the first time.
However, they are all similar and easy to catch on to if you happen to learn one variety, and then encounter another.
Death is a natural conclusion to life, something we will all encounter.
Many of the attributes of the koi symbolize several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life.
If you sign up for a product sample online, you'll probably encounter some fine print which dictates that you allow the company to send you promotional mailings in the future.
In addition to reading these example answers for interviews, brainstorm your own sample answers to some of the more common questions you can expect to encounter.
You may also encounter additional monthly charges such as Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).
Be aware, however, that you may also encounter higher interest rates on second mortgage loans for pre-fabricated housing.
Nevertheless, it is an additional expense that you did not encounter when renting.
Keep in mind that an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) can encounter multiple interest rate increases over the years, and for this reason you want to make sure that you are looking at the bigger picture.
Remember that these may not be completely accurate, but can be considered more of a ballpark figure of the costs you will encounter.
Of course, homeowners who encounter foreclosure grasp the gravity of the situation, but why should you care about foreclosure issues if your home payments are up to date?
Spend some time inputting your numbers into online mortgage calculators, to determine the different rates and payments that you may encounter when you start searching for a home.
When consumers repeatedly encounter rude service, there is a good chance the experience will wind up being retold on the Internet.
The types of problems homeowners can encounter with a mortgage vary depending upon differing factors.
For some, the first encounter with towel folding occurs when you visit a place like Disney World Resort.
Instead of taking it before conception for prevention of pregnancy, it is taken after an unprotected sexual encounter.
Whether the encounter happened due to poor planning or contraception failure, it is important to use a form of emergency contraception (EC) if you do not wish to become pregnant.
Plan B works best when taken between 24 and 72 hours after the sexual encounter occurred.
Women who smoke or lead an unhealthy life can encounter problems with conception.
While many forms of birth control require daily attention (taking a pill or using a condom during every sexual encounter), an IUD, once inserted, can work for years.
Flip flops are functional as well as fashionable, protecting your feet from a number of hazards you may encounter at the pool, beach, and anywhere else that you may be tempted to go barefoot.
For special parties or events, mens exotic swim wear can add spice to an already steamy encounter.
Let's begin with the type of monokini you're most likely to encounter in your local department store.
The variety of Pokemon you'll encounter in a single pack will likely satisfy the needs of any Pokemon fan-there's something for everyone.
Here is a run-down of the main types you might encounter on the health food store shelves.
The first and most common problem you may encounter is short circuiting.
Anyone serious about juicing for health is likely to encounter the Norwalk juicer.
Look for problems they encounter and ways you can improve the game.
You spin a wheel and move your car along the path of life, going to college, getting a job, having a family and deciding on life's major decisions as you encounter them.
The more thorough your paper trail, the less likely you will encounter trouble.
Medical facilities are provided along the route, as are places to rest, drink and eat, but in some places where the 3-Day for the Cure is held, walkers may encounter steep hills and rough surfaces.
You can also request an online-only relationship, a discreet in-person encounter, or simply a chance to meet and see what happens.
However, many people feel that online sex is the same as cheating, and certainly an in-person sexual encounter would meet most people's definition of infidelity.
Seniors may face special obstacles when dating that younger people encounter less often.
Thinking of trying an online sexual encounter, or just curious as to what it's all about?
It could involve a made-up scenario, with the participants creating the story of an encounter together.
There's almost always someone out there who's up for an imagined encounter.
Being natural and relaxed is what helps lead to true intimacy and a romantic encounter, not spending a fortune on gifts and fancy dates.
Erotica is sexually explicit tales that focus mainly on a sexual encounter with one or multiple partners.
Traditionally, swingers were couples who liked to swap partners with other pairs, either for a one-time sexual encounter or for ongoing play.
If you're posting in the "Missed Connections" section, be as specific as possible about your encounter.
Whether you're hoping for a casual encounter or Mr. Right, be prepared to sift through a lot of ads and replies.
While the use of self defense techniques can save you from a risky encounter, keep in mind that you must still use caution and restraint even in a fight for your life.
For the addict, a brief sexual encounter is one in a long series of such events.
For the partner in that encounter, the addict's easy dismissal of any emotional ties can be insulting and upsetting.
If you are looking for a sexual encounter only, this website is not for you.
The technology is the same in both cases, but the non-adult area is for people who don't want a sexual encounter.
It is possible that you will encounter someone who is only looking for a sexual encounter or who might believe that larger women are easier to sleep with.
Although your prince charming may be an e-mail away, you may also encounter a lot of frogs.
Escort services often are not legally run, and using their services may put you at risk for jail time, scams or even disease if a sexual encounter is the object of the service provided.
Men who fit this description should realize that not every TS woman is looking for a sexual encounter and will be just as offended as a genetic woman who receives inappropriate propositions.
If things just don't feel right, then move on to your next encounter!
If you are one of those people, then you may be afraid to enter the world of online dating for fear that you'll encounter people with whom you have little in common.
Finally, time really does heal, so give yourself some time to feel lonely, sad, and every other feeling you'll probably encounter.
Many people often don't realize when in a social encounter things begin to go wrong until it is too late… no second date.
After this encounter, I learned my ex had now slept with five people.
One of the disadvantages of using sites with free personals with no membership fees is that you may encounter many individuals who are not serious about meeting someone on the site.
Intimate encounter personals are written by men and women who seek casual trysts with other men, women or couples.
In most cases, the goal of the encounter is mutual physical satisfaction without emotional baggage.
These types of encounters are predicated on the casual encounter with no strings.
Couples may never see each other again after their one encounter or they may choose to hook up casually at other times.
Whether you are seeking a long-term relationship, intimate encounter, or a new friend of the opposite sex, you can find many free options with online dating.
You can learn about each other and have a playful, romantic, or even eye-opening encounter.
They might want a casual encounter as a way to boost low self-esteem or to escape loneliness.
There is always a chance that you will encounter swindlers but choosing a reputable dating site will cut down on the possibility of having your heart broken by someone with less than good intentions.
The French kiss is a seductive, intimate way of kissing that often leads to a sexual encounter.
Personalized champagne could be your ticket to a romantic sexual encounter.
Since teachers encounter students and parents from a variety of backgrounds, this occupational choice provides plenty of inspiration for creative projects.
However, the major problem most celiac sufferers encounter is that celiac disease is often difficult to diagnose.
Another barrier you will likely encounter is the staff's knowledge of proper food handling when it comes to allergenic ingredients.
Alice in Wonderland's curious little encounter with this feline may not be enough to convince viewers that he's a villain, but he's definitely crazy!
One notable fact you'll see when you first encounter this deck is that there are additional symbols on both the Major and Minor Arcana cards that are not found on other decks.
This means you'll find your most power whenever you encounter these two numbers.
After all, Cap keeps everything running smoothly and appears competent no matter what activity he happens to encounter.
You might have read all the parenting books, and listened to your pediatrician's advice, but still encounter various child behavior problems.
Children may encounter guns in the home of friends as well.
These broad-reaching camps offer a back-to-nature simplicity that most modern teens rarely encounter.
The Internet brings the entire world to kids' fingertips, including things many parents prefer they not encounter.
Walk into any toy store or the toy section of a department store and you're sure to encounter a variety of battery powered cars for boys.
He approaches her and the have an intimate encounter on the ground while it's raining.
I think you are talking about Emmanuelle 4 (1984) in which she is on a swing in a rainstorm and has a sexual encounter.
The year 1979 brought us Alien, a tale of one ship that lands in the wrong spot and begins encounter creatures of the…well, alien sort.
He plays a line worker who has an encounter with a UFO, or a huge cone of light, and is drawn back to an expansive part of the Nevada desert over and over again.
He is haunted by strange visions and a five-note musical sequence that eventually becomes clear when the close encounter of the first and second kind becomes the third kind.
Howie was distraught over the encounter and Martha, apologetic over wasting the day.
In startups, as in life, people are resistant to change. If this is your first startup, expect to encounter that resistance.
When we encounter a threat, whether real or imagined, the body reacts with a stress response.
Vaginal dryness is something which all women will encounter at times during their lives.
One other common element that you'll encounter in each of the "worlds" in New Super Mario Bros.
You will encounter a room that appears to be occupied by an unlimited supply of Harpies that you cannot seem to get rid of.
One of the first problems your villagers will encounter is how to find food.
Exposure to information or arrangements for an encounter that could risk children's safety or the safety of other family members.
Bites from mice, rats, or squirrels rarely require rabies prevention because these rodents are typically killed by any encounter with a larger, rabid animal, and would, therefore, not be carriers.
He even builds a mashed potato statue of where he had the encounter.
There's a band of medieval knights searching for the Holy Grail, only to encounter all kinds of crazy obstacles like a rabid bunny and a castle full of virgins.
In 2011, the second part of the film is expected to take to the sea and encounter life in the ocean.
Some of the videos you'll encounter at this site could use a good debunking, while others are a bit more provocative.
Meisner reports that the close encounter with the specter has led to nothing but bad luck ever since.
In the 1100s, Irish folklorist Giraldus of Cambrensis tells the story of The Werewolves of Ossory where a priest and a young novice encounter werewolves while traveling in Ireland.
In a 1960 issue of Fate magazine, Mrs. Delbert Gregg of Greggton, TX reported an encounter of a shapeshifting creature that looked like it was half man and half wolf.
In January 1970, four teens in Gallup, New Mexico reported an encounter with a werewolf along the side of the road.
These common occurrences increase your chances for a ghostly encounter during your stay.
The most commonly reported encounter with Resurrection Mary is that people offer her a ride, and then the woman vanishes while inside the car or when they pass the cemetery.
The popular Kojack actor, Telly Savalas, had a ghostly encounter in 1959.
You may want to watch the Telly Savalas interview about his encounter or read more scary true ghost stories about a late night drive.
Being prepared makes it less likely you will miss your flight or encounter problems that create a hassle for your last-minute trip.
When paying for your purchases, it's perfectly normal to encounter a cashier or two who doesn't understand the coupon policy for their store.
Several of the zoo's attractions, such as the Giraffe Encounter feedings and the 3D/4D theater shows, require extra fees.
This is especially important for traveling teams, as it allows you to adapt your shoe to any kind of field or weather conditions that you are likely to encounter.
For the most part, these are the only requirements you'll encounter with hip hop apparel standards.
Snow boots for kids are designed to keep their feet warm, lock out moisture and provide enough traction that they do not encounter any mishaps on the icy or otherwise wet ground.
Soap stars, like other actors, often enjoy meeting their fans, although fans must be careful to be respectful in any encounter with the stars they admire.
Providence takes a progressive tack towards the struggles modern families encounter as they make mistakes, work, adopt stray animals, have accidents and do their best to make the right decision.
Sam recalls an encounter with MaryAnn from years before.
Liberty, Sean , Ashley, Paige, Terri, Spinner and Jimmy as they encounter pressure, temptation and revel in the glory that comes with being young during the early seasons.
Her encounter with Ani led to an affair and heartbreak for Gina.
It was revealed that Sam had an encounter with the maenad when he was a teenager and stole money from her.
Friends with piercings, as well as other people you encounter who have piercings you like, can often recommend good shops in the area.
You'll encounter people with body art across nearly all walks of life.
This is the most typical type of Celtic cross tats you'll encounter.
You probably won't encounter vampire tattoos as often as you find designs filled with roses, butterflies or stars.
Not only does the area offer one of the most beautiful beaches in the country, it also boasts a number of family-friendly attractions, including museums and animal encounter programs.
In LoveToKnow Yoga's article on yoga poses, we introduced you to some of the foundation asanas that you'll encounter.
In addition, many off-road enthusiasts like to leave the trail a little better than they find it, so they pick up any trash they encounter during the drive.
This is the first period of rest a cheerleading squad will encounter before the vast summer break and football season.
Another problem people sometimes encounter is remembering how they indexed their organizers.
Other members are happy to share their expertise and help those members that encounter a stitching problem.
During this brief encounter, counselors offer support via motivation, reinforcement, and reminders.
While you still may want to invest in your own, don't be too surprised if you start to encounter Rebounders at the YMCA sometime soon!
If you encounter sharp or stinging pains during exercise, stop your workout.
This will prepare you for more advanced steps that you will encounter in typical classes.
Learn the basic flirting phrases in French language and be ready with a snappy comeback during your next flirtatious encounter.
Everyday_Phrases_in_French - more phrases you'll encounter in daily life.
Although you will undoubtedly encounter more advertising and more broken links on free websites than on websites where you receive instruction that you must pay for, there are plenty of good learning resources online that are free.
The 1970's brought with it an automatic cost of living allowance every year, in order to keep payments in line with inflation, and in the 1980's Social Security had its first viable encounter with a financial predicament.
If, for example, an owner uses his or her yacht to carry illegal drugs and incurs damage during the encounter, the insurance policy will not cover the costs to repair the damage.
If you are instead looking to simply have extra coverage for instances of chartered trips or international travel then you shouldn't encounter any major problems with finding an appropriate insurer.
Adequate insurance coverage will assist backpackers who encounter a mugging or armed robbery.
You'll need this detailed listing if you encounter an unfortunate occurrence and need to file a claim with your insurance company.
In the TV commercials, Erin will often encounter a "mysterious stranger," whose name is Erik.
For this reason, you may encounter different experiences with finding individual health insurance than friends or family living in another state.
A representative will be able to discuss the options available for dental insurance coverage for your company as well as any possible restrictions or limitations you may encounter based on your situation.
If you do not have health coverage sponsored through an employer, the prices you will encounter when searching for adequate coverage may surprise you if you were not expecting to pay very much every month.
Many graduated college students encounter wait periods before they can acquire health insurance through a new employer, so these policies will cover them until the employer-provided policy begins.
Many people encounter difficulties when trying to obtain an insurance payment for mental health services.
If you encounter problems completing a form, or have additional questions, you can contact the toll free customer service line.
It is an especially sexy garment for a special occasion or romantic encounter.
When you're involved in such a romantic encounter, you need the right elements--revealing lingerie, soft lighting and the right music.
Adding a pair of thigh-highs to a lingerie or killer outfit will add some spice to an amorous encounter.
For a romantic encounter, transparent lingerie is sure to make it successful.
Bear in mind that most of these are based in China, so you may encounter some difficulty if you require complex customer service.
Marr later dispelled these rumors with songs such as "Main and Broadway", written about an encounter with a former boyfriend and his new girlfriend, which appeared on their last album, "Box of Hair".
Luckily, Lauren has been smart enough to avoid the pitfalls many young singers encounter.
They're indie cred is strong - they are on SubPop Records, after all - but their too darned catchy hooks are downright irresistible to all who encounter them.
Turn your home into Area 51 and give your guests their very own alien encounter with these party ideas.
As TV programs continue to evolve, we will undoubtedly encounter even more reality shows, and MTV is sure to be a strong contributor in this arena.
He also consults with local experts in his chosen locations about what is safe to eat and what sorts of threats he might encounter.
The team behind the show also checks out locations to see what situations could arise to make the show interesting to the viewers and chooses locations in which there is potential for Stroud to encounter challenging situations.
The goal is to catch swordfish, but they also encounter other marine wildlife, and sometimes these creatures are dangerous.
Crimes they encounter range from domestic violence to theft to stolen cars.
In this distant part of space, they encounter the Maquis ship which had been seized by the same force that brought Voyager across the galaxy.
They finally encounter the Ra'zac when ambushed.
She thought of how she'd felt safe with Jule during their brief encounter.
So perished the greatest enemy that the Romans had to encounter in Asia Minor.
In 1616 the vessels of Jacob Lemaire and Willem Cornelis Schouten reached the island of Nivatoputapu, and had a hostile encounter with the natives.
Prince Frederick Charles was warned to guard the left flank of his marching troops and authorized to attack any forces of the enemy he might encounter in that direction, if not too strong for him.
As an example of the minuteness of description, an inquirer, thinking of a brother in India, an officer in the army, whose hair had suffered in an encounter with a tiger, had described to her an officer in undress uniform, with bald scars through the hair on his temples, such as he really bore.
The encounter, which lasted from the 18th to the 10th of February and ranged from Plymouth to Calais, is commonly named the "Three Days' Battle" and was described by Clarendon as "stupendous."
Seven days later, on the 4th of June, a second encounter took place.
Scarcely had they done this when news of the encounter at Lexington produced a strong reaction in their favour, and in May 1775 they called a Provincial Congress which usurped the powers of the Assembly.
The first encounter took place on the Opequan near Winchester.
This encounter roused the New England colonies, and in a few days some 16,000 of their townsmen marched in small bands upon Boston to protest against and resist further similar incursions; and in this irregular body we have the nucleus of the colonial forces which carried the war through.
Lord Edward died in prison of the wounds received in the encounter which preceded his capture.
But his worst encounter was with the chief justice, Sir George Jeffreys, in May 1685.
The exact scenes of these conflicts are not known, although the date of the second encounter was the ISth of March 933; but few more important battles have ever been fought.
He wished for men and money to encounter the French in Italy and to resist the Turks.
Bismarck therefore no longer feared, as he formerly had, to encounter the difficulties with Great Britain which would be the natural result of a policy of colonial expansion.
Against Russia he was less fortunate, and the first encounter between Turkey and her future northern rival gave presage of disaster to come.
Probably in no other country, except Judaea, did Hellenism encounter as stubborn a national antagonism as in Egypt.
His nephew Tandamane, received by the Upper country with acclamations, besieged and captured Memphis, Necho being probably slain in the encounter.
The rebels fled to Bether - the modern Bittir, near Jerusalem, where the fortress garrisoned by them still remains, under the name Khurbet el-Yahud, or " Ruin of the Jews " - and were there defeated and slaughtered in a sanguinary encounter.
But he was no soldier, and he was destined in that sphere to encounter the " heaven-born genius " of Clive.
Thus in September 1904 a Portuguese column lost over 300 men killed, including 114 Europeans, in an encounter with the Kunahamas on the Kunene, not far from the German frontier.
In 1766 he received a severe wound in an encounter with some Sannyasis, or religious fanatics, from which he never thoroughly recovered; and in 1777 he retired as major on a pension of £600 a year.
By the side of the first triad, consisting of Anu, Bel and Ea - disconnected in this form entirely from all local associations - we encounter a second triad composed of Shamash, Sin and Ishtar.
After having taken Seville, Carmona and Merida, he marched from the latter place by the Via Romana to Salamanca, after having ordered Tariq to rejoin him in order to encounter king Roderic. Not far from Tamames the king was defeated and killed.
Borneo began to be known to Europeans after the fall of Malacca in 1511, when Alphonso d'Albuquerque despatched Antonio d'Abreu with three ships in search of the Molucca or Spice Islands with instructions to establish friendly relations with all the native states that he might encounter on his way.
It follows, too, a far more natural line of communication, without the engineering difficulties which the Via Appia had to encounter.
Yet even before his encounter with Grendel, he had won renown by his swimming contest with another youth named Breca, when after battling for seven days and nights with the waves, and slaying many sea-monsters, he came to land in the country of the Finns.
As his slender forces were inadequate to encounter the fierce hostility which he aroused, he left Italy in the autumn of 1155 to prepare for a new and more formidable campaign.
Before his last fatal encounter he was twice engaged in duels with editors of rival papers.
The pioneers of the jute industry, who did not understand this necessity, or rather who did not know how the woody and brittle character of the fibre could be remedied, were greatly perplexed by the difficulties they had to encounter, the fibre spinning badly into a hard, rough and hairy yarn owing to the splitting and breaking of the fibre.
Near Pistoria he hazarded battle with the forces of the latter, but was completely defeated in a desperate encounter.
The latter strongly represented to him how great would be the difficulties that he would encounter in his other dominions, should he make concessions to the Protestants of Bohemia.
It appeared to them more advantageous to encounter the weak Matthias than his younger and more fanatical successor.
With this encounter the serious work of his " army of occupation " ended, although he was later joined by Gen.
This accident compelled him to put into the Kennebec river, where a mast was procured, and some communication and an unnecessary encounter with the Indians took place.
If the northern powers supported the king of Holland by force, they would encounter the resistance of France and England united in arms, if France sought to annex Belgium she would forfeit the alliance of England, and find herself opposed by the whole continent of Europe.
His first encounter was with the heresiarch Gottschalk, whose predestinarian doctrines claimed to be modelled on those of St Augustine.
On the way Henry halted at Bec, and there made the acquaintance of Robert de Torigni, who mentions their encounter in the preface to his Chronicle.
The Poles avoided an encounter in the open field, but harried the Germans so successfully around Breslau that the plain was covered with corpses, which Henry had to leave to the dogs on his disastrous retreat; hence the scene of the action was known as "the field of dogs."
Those who chose the latter alternative had to encounter the hostility of their old foes, the Bushmen, who were widely spread over the plains from the Nieuwveld and Sneeuwberg mountains to the Orange river.
Meanwhile Mr. Law had to encounter difficulties among his own followers.
At the age of twelve he engaged Zerah Colburn, the American " calculating boy," who was then being exhibited as a curiosity in Dublin, and he had not always the worst of the encounter.
In 1846 was the seat of a congress of the Liberal party of the Baden parliament; and in 1849 it was the scene of an encounter between the Prussians and the insurgents.
France was not prepared to encounter so many enemies.
Lieutenant Bligh, approaching them in the launch of the "Bounty," 1789, had a hostile encounter with natives.
The Mantis is defeated in an encounter with a cat which happened to be singing a song about a lynx.
On the departure of the Romans he succeeded in recovering Gythium, in spite of an attempt to relieve it made by the Achaeans under Philopoemen, but in an encounter he suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of that general, who for thirty days ravaged Laconia unopposed.
On the 14th of July 1456 Hunyadi with his flotilla destroyed the Turkish fleet; on the 21st Szilagyi beat off a fierce assault, and the same day Hunyadi, taking advantage of the confusion of the Turks, pursued them into their camp, which he captured after a desperate encounter.
Yes. However, such an encounter causes me no concern.
She released her breath and prepared herself for the next, relieved the encounter wasn't as bad as she expected.
After your encounter with the souls, I think you understand why I take it so seriously.
He delayed mentioning Edith's visit to his room as if that encounter deserved its own time and chapter in this bizarre scenario.
Gabe sounded more relieved than Rhyn thought the encounter warranted. He looked closely at his friend, wondering what might be bothering him.
Nothing short of an encounter with the risen Christ has remotely explained his major about-face.
Thus, once again we encounter the sheer absurdity and nonsense advanced by pro-vivisectionists.
Parker had recently beaten Barnett 9-1 at 9-ball, and Andy still looked like he was suffering the aftershocks of that encounter.
Here we meet the 19th-century german botanist Georg August Schweinfurth, the first European to encounter pygmies.
Once in a while we may also encounter a process which is called conjugation.
Encounter The third Encounter was a 14-gun screw corvette, launched at Sheerness in 1873.
Redding describes his first encounter with " the largest cromlech now in existence in this Country.
Travelers on their way through the Arabian desert to Mount Sinai, on some rare occasions encounter such storms.
These seem to be eagerly devoured by most children aged eight to about 12 who encounter them.
However, few researchers have studied infants beyond discharge to ascertain what impact the encounter has on mother-infant dyads.
The intentional approach allows the system to simulate more closely the dynamics of a human encounter, such as the communication of emotion.
Having survived a three-game encounter with Ed Hatton, Rico Nicholls slumped to 11-0 in his first game against Buchanan.
But the most revealing turning point was his bruising encounter with Jeremy Paxman earlier that week.
Simon is confronted by Miranda about his sexual encounter with Richie.
The rider brakes or sits the bike up, crosses the road and has a close encounter.
Robert ended our chance encounter with, " It's been good to see you again!