Enclose Sentence Examples
Hills nearly enclose the city, protecting it from the ocean fogs.
I enclose a ticket, hoping that you will come.
Steep rocky hills enclose the vale.
The r6th-century lines of fortification enclose a very much larger area than the Roman city, forming a great loop to the west, and also including a considerable space on the left bank of the river.
Its walls date from the end of the 13th century, replacing earlier fortifications, and enclose a space much larger than that now covered by the town.
Then it again rises gradually as it approaches the hilly tracts which enclose the great plain.
But the valleys, especially those on the western side, are warm and healthy, enclose good pasture land and furnish fruits and wine in rich profusion.
The site of the Samnite city, which in the 4th century B.C. had a coinage of its own, is not known; the Roman town lay in the valley of the Vulturnus, and its walls (4th century) enclose a circuit of 12 m., in which are preserved remains of large baths (Thermae Herculis) and a theatre.
The level of this depression (once a vast inland sea) between the mountains which enclose the sources of the Hwang-ho and the Sarikol range probably never exceeds 2000 ft.
The lower ridges of the frontier mountain system are usually bare and treeless, but here and there, as in the Kaitu valley, in northern Waziristan and round Kaniguram in the south, are forest clad and enclose narrow but fertile and well-irrigated dales.
AdvertisementTo remedy these defects vestibules were introduced, to enclose the platform with a housing so arranged as to be continuous when the cars are made up into trains, and fitted with side doors for ingress and egress when the trains are standing.
The Natal invaders fell back to the mountains which enclose the north of the colony; Oliver and Schoeman retired from Cape Colony before the small forces of Gatacre and Clements; and the presidents of the republics, realizing that the British Empire was capable of more resistance than they had calculated upon, put forward feelers aiming at the restoration of the status quo before the war.
At the two extremities of New Caledonia, parallel longitudinal ranges of mountains enclose valleys; for the rest the island consists essentially of confused masses and ranges of mountains, rising to an extreme elevation of 5387 ft., the plains being chiefly the deltas of rivers.
Please enclose a stamped address envelope with checks for return of tickets.
Tie the ring to a cute teddy bear, add it to a heart-shaped box of chocolates, place it in a rose-shaped ring jewelry box, or enclose it in a children's Valentine's Day card.
AdvertisementSoult and Murat attacked his rearguard on the 3rd, and learning from his Cossacks that the French corps were being directed so as to swing round and enclose him, he withdrew by a night march and ultimately succeeded in getting his whole army, with the exception of von Lestocq's Prussians, together in the strong position along the Alle, the centre of which is marked by Preussisch-Eylau.
After a few days, when the mantle bearing the shell valves has developed so much as to enclose the whole body, the young cockle sinks to the bottom and commences to follow the habits of the adult..
The cap will spread over and enclose the four segment-cells.
The walls of Si-gan enclose a square space of 6 m.
If the gifts are to be shipped, you can enclose a gift receipt - a printed receipt that does not have the actual price on it - just in case the recipient needs to exchange the item.
AdvertisementEnclose a check written out to GE Money with your account number in the subject field.
If you don't send your statement back with your check, you may want to enclose a note with your name and your account number to ensure that your payment gets credited properly.
If a media center is present, enclose it behind doors.
These heavy walls will enclose the entire tent.
Enclose the result in a card, or read it aloud over a romantic dinner.
AdvertisementHave the florist enclose a note explaining why you chose each bloom.
From each end of the house a curved colonnade and a pavement lead westerly to a row of out-buildings which partially enclose a bowling green and spacious lawn with shaded drives and walks, and beautiful gardens (with trees planted by Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette and others).
These two ranges (described under Gobi) are apparently eastern prolongations, the former of the Khaidyk-tagh or Khaidu-tagh, and the latter of the Kok-teke Mountains, which enclose on north and south respectively the Yulduz valley and the Lake of Bagrash-kul.
Two jetties enclose a channel leading into the river, which forms a tidal basin with a depth at neap-tides of 24 ft.
Finally, the BohemianMoravian Mountains, which enclose Bohemia and Moravia, and form the so-called quadrilateral of Bohemia, constitute the link of the Austrian mountain-system with the hilly region (the Mittelgebirge) of central Europe.
If three equilateral triangles be placed at a common vertex with their covertical sides coincident in pairs, it is seen that the base is an equal equilateral triangle; hence four equal equilateral triangles enclose a space.
The common sunflower (the most conspicuous weed of the state) and allied flowers, which spring up in myriads even in the midst of unbroken prairie wherever this is disturbed, line the roads with yellow bands from horizon to horizon, enclose the broken fields and choke waste places.
Some have swinging plastic doors to completely enclose the litter pan.
They enclose the jaws (j), mouth (M), and opening of the salivary glands (o.·), and so give rise to the buccal cavity.
If the margins of such a receptacle be developed upwards, the centre not developing, a concave receptacle is formed, which may partially or completely enclose a number of flowers that are generally unisexual.
A number of hairy linear bracts enclose the whole; internal to these occur 12 to 20 crowded pinnate leaves (sporophylls), with their apical portions bent over towards the axis of the flower, the bases of the petioles being fused laterally into a disk surrounding the base of the conical receptacle.
Boards were used to enclose the rails on the tower battlements.
For example, HTML uses angle brackets to enclose HTML tags.
I further enclose a few remarks suggested by the appended list and an account of small sums disbursed to needy persons.
The landowner of the time may have moved them away to make a park or to enclose farmland.
Please enclose a stamped sae for response & returns * to avoid loss of format in e-mail subs please underline italics.
To include a literal] or - in the list, the simplest method is to enclose it in [.
Applications for tickets should state which day you will attend, and enclose a check payable to Guildford Museum.
If you are unable to purchase British postage stamps please enclose two International Reply Coupons with your self addressed envelope.
If you wish to be kept informed of any bids exceeding yours, enclose a postcard or SASE with your bid.
Please tick membership type required and enclose the correct remittance.
A wing is an outgrowth from the dorsal and pleural regions of the thoracic segment that bears it, and microscopic examination shows it to consist of a double layer of cuticularized skin, the two layers being in contact except where they are thickened and folded to form the firm tubular nervures, which serve as a supporting framework for the wing membrane, enclose air-tubes, and convey blood.
The mountain systems enclose two extensive plains, the smaller of which, called the " Little Hungarian Alfdld " or " Pressburg Basin," covers an area of about 6000 sq.
The two volumes of his speeches, as edited by James Redpath, were fortunately made from verbatim reports, and they wisely enclose in parentheses those indications of favour or dissent from the audience which transformed so many of his speeches into exhibitions of gladiatorial skill.
I do not write on a Braille tablet, as you suppose, but on a grooved board like the piece which I enclose.
Please ensure you enclose the remittance advice on the bottom of the invoice or quote the invoice number.
Consider using mattress pads that enclose the top and sides of the mattress.
Ask for one of these when you buy the item and enclose it in the gift box.
Other couples choose to enclose the information in the wedding invitation.
Choose a tent where sides can be tied back to create an open space, but let down if you need to enclose your reception area.
Sidewalls (to enclose the tent) are usually not an option for frame tents, but you may be able to hang netting to keep mosquitos out.
When the cake has cooled, carefully enclose it in a double layer of plastic wrap.
It can help build a "doorway" or a "wall" to enclose and visually mark off the space of your vegetable garden.
Just make sure you use bricks that have been rated for use near fire, or purchase rocks to enclose your fireplace.
If you want a deck that offers more privacy, you can enclose it with a high railing with balusters close together.
They feature a generous cut for maximum comfort, mesh-lined pockets that help speed up the drying time and Velcro on the pockets to enclose valuables.
Back wall - Walls enclose and crush the man.
Spina bifida occurs during the first month of fetal development when a small bit of bone and skin fails to fully enclose the nerves of the spinal cord, leaving a hole or lesion.
The stomach and intestines begin development outside the baby's abdomen and only later does the abdominal wall enclose them.
A compartment syndrome is a potentially debilitating condition in which the muscles of the lower leg grow too large to be contained within membranes that enclose them.
During fetal development, folds enclose tissues and organs and eventually fuse at the edges to form sealed compartments.
If you must keep a television, computer or stereo system in your bedroom, enclose it in a cabinet and keep the doors shut while you sleep.
If you are mailing your letter, remember not to enclose any "extras" since items like candy, toys and other bulky objects can slow down mail sorting equipment.
Costumes that enclose the legs and feet, often called "bunting", will likely cause her frustration.
It lies partly on a peninsula between the river and the sea, partly on the wooded uplands which enclose the valley and rise gradually to the high moors beneath Heytor.
The cities, exposed to pillage by Huns in the north and Saracens in the south, and ravaged on the coast by Norse pirates, asserted their right to enclose themselves with walls, and taught their burghers the use of arms. Within the circuit of their ramparts, the bishops already began to exercise authority in rivalry with the counts, to whom, since the days of Theodoric, had been entrusted the government of the Italian burghs.
Wren also designed a colonnade to enclose a large piazza forming a clear space round the church, somewhat after the fashion of Bernini's colonnade in front of St Peter's, but space in the city was too valuable to admit of this.
The ischium and postacetabular ilium originally enclose the ischiadic notch or incisura ischiadica.
The beetles are ovoid in shape, with smooth contours, and the elytra fit over the edges of the abdomen so as to enclose a supply of air, available for use when the insect remains under water.
But in Aplysia the mantle is reflected over the edge of the shell, and grows over its upper surface so as to completely enclose it, excepting at the small central area s where the naked shell is exposed.
The germ band evidently marks the ventral aspect of the developing insect, whose body must be completed by the extension of the embryo so as to enclose the yolk dorsally.
To reduce these figures to a common standard, so that the volumes shall contain equal numbers of molecules, the notion of molecular volumes is introduced, the arbitrary values of the crystallographic axes (a, b, c) being replaced by the topic parameters' (x, ?i, w), which are such that, combined with the axial angles, they enclose volumes which contain equal numbers of molecules.
The walls, of carefully worked polygonal blocks of stone, are still preserved in parts, and the modern town does not fill the whole area which they enclose.
But at any intermediate frequency the ascending and descending curves of magnetization will enclose a space, and energy will be dissipated.
At a time when the Cartesian system of vortices universally prevailed, he found it necessary to investigate that hypothesis, and in the course of his investigations he showed that the velocity of any stratum of the vortex is an arithmetical mean between the velocities of the strata which enclose it; and from this it evidently follows that the velocity of a filament of water moving in a pipe is an arithmetical mean between the velocities of the filaments which surround it.
It is especially noteworthy owing to the difficulty of the task the architect had to accomplish - that of transforming the exterior of the Palazzo della Ragione, a Gothic building of the latter half of the 15th century, which the colonnades of the basilica entirely enclose.
This quantity is wrapped in the inner cover, an oblong piece of leaf the length of the cigar to be made, and of width sufficient to enclose the whole material.
The cigar is then rolled in the hand to consolidate the tobacco and bring it into proper shape, after which it is wrapped in the outer cover, a shaped piece made to enclose the whole in a spiral manner, beginning at the thick end of the cigar and working down to the pointed end, where it is dexterously finished by twisting to a fine point between the fingers.
These branches enclose a deltaic formation, a low tract of marshy alluvium known as the Lezirias, traversed by several minor channels.
As regards the mode of production of galls, the most important distinction is between galls that result from the introduction of an egg, or other matter, into the interior of the plant, and those that are due to an agent acting externally, the gall in the latter case frequently growing in such a manner as ultimately to enclose its producers.
The ramparts, which enclose the city on all sides except towards the port (where they were demolished in 1872), have a circuit of a little more than 4 m.
In the Rocky Mountains proper no eruptive rocks have broken through, so that no ore deposits of importance are known from them, but in the Cretaceous synclines which they enclose valuable coal basins exist.
The labia minora are two folds of skin containing no fat, which are usually hidden by the labia majora and above enclose the clitoris, they are of a pinkish colour and look like mucous membrane.
The mountain chains which enclose Kagan sweep southward into the broader portion of the district, throwing off well-wooded spurs which break up the country into numerous isolated glens.
The summit of Taragarh hill, overhanging Ajmere, is crowned by a fort, the lofty thick battlements of which run along its brow and enclose the table-land.
They enclose long lateral valleys, some of which are fertile and highly cultivated, and traversed by narrow precipitous gorges at intervals, which form the only means of access to the interior from the sea.
In more than one quarter the dikes have been repeatedly extended so as to enclose land conquered from the sea, the work of reclamation being aided by a natural process.
Other series of modifications arise in which the tissues corresponding to the stroma invest the sporogenous hyphal ends, and thus enclose the spores, asci, basidia, &c., in a cavity.
It occupies two of the outer islands of the west coast, Aspo and Norvo, which enclose the picturesque harbour.
The Jumna and the Ganges enclose within their angle a fertile tract well irrigated with tanks and wells.
Rugged valleys enclose the site on the north and south; broken sarcophagi and rock-cut tombs are found beneath the ruin.
The south-west peninsula of Ontario has its climate greatly modified by the lakes which almost enclose it.
No verbal formula can really enclose the life of a people or an age, but we can best understand the significant ^ of the old Greek cities and the life they developed, when, looking at the history of mankind as a whole, we see the part played by reason, active and critical, in breaking down the barriers by which custom hinders movement, in guiding movement to definite ends, in dissipating groundless beliefs and leading onwards to fresh scientific conquests - when we see this and then take note that among the ancient Greeks such an activity of reason began in an entirely novel degree and that its activity in Europe ever since is due to their impulsion.
The premaxillae are short and always enclose the nostrils.
Though he did not build a new metropolis he fortified Cairo with the addition of a citadel, and had plans made for a new wall to enclose both it and the double city; this latter plan was never completed, but the former was executed after his death, and from this time till the French occupation of Egypt the citadel of Cairo was the political centre of the country.
It consists of four peninsulas so arranged as to enclose three great bays (Kayu, Bicholi, Weda), all opening towards the east, the northern peninsula being connected with the others by an isthmus only 5 m.
Much of these last has been destroyed, and threatened encroachment upon the remaining relics so far aroused public feeling that in 5905 it was decided that the Board of Works should take over these ruins, including the Bell Tower, from the town council, and enclose them as national relics.
At the Khundilani gorge of the Bolan route conglomerate cliffs enclose the valley rising to a height of Boo ft., and at Sir-i-Bolan the passage between the limestone rocks hardly admits of three persons riding abreast.
The San Juan, Gallinas and Nacimiento ranges are among the most notable in this group. South of the Rocky Mountains lies the so-called Basin Region, in which isolated, but sometimes lofty and massive, mountains, the result in many instances of a series of numerous parallel faults, rise from level plains like islands from the sea and enclose the valleys with bare walls of grey and brown rock.
The portico is composed of forty-eight pillars, the whole enclosed in an oblong courtyard about 140 feet by 90 feet, surrounded by a double colonnade of smaller pillars, forming porticos to a range of fifty-five cells, which enclose it on all sides, exactly as they do in a Buddhist monastery (vihara).
Sweeping past the historic rock of Trichinopoly, it breaks at the island of Seringam into two channels, which enclose between them the delta of Tanjore, the garden of southern India.
Beyond it are the grey outlines of the close-packed ridges which enclose the lower reaches of the Zhob and the Kundar.
Secondly, to the west of this mountain wilderness, stretching upwards from the sea in a wedge form between the Brahui highlands and the group of towering peaks which enclose the Hingol river and abut on the sea at Malan, are the alluvial flats and delta of the Purali, forming the little province of Las Bela, the home of the Las Rajput.
The Estrella Mountains, which enclose the headwaters of the Mondego in a deep ravine, stretch from north-east to south-west and are continued in the same direction by the Serra de Lousa (3944 ft.).
Below this mountainous area the ranges open out and enclose extensive plateaus.
If the hoop enclose an area of (say) one-third of the maximum, and if the water be clean, camphor fragments floating on the interior enter with vigorous movements.
The Kuren Dagh and Ala Dagh enclose the valley of the Atrek River, which flows west and southwest into the Caspian at Hassan Kuli Bay.
The western offshoots of the Ala Dagh in the north and the mountains of Astarabad in the south enclose the valley of the Gurgan River, which also flows westwards and parallel to the Atrek to the southeastern corner of the Caspian.
Its walls of flint rubble survive in stately fragments, and enclose an area of 200 acres.
They are commonly firm and strong, often enclose the spikelet, and are rarely provided with long points or imperfect awns.
Steep hills, finely wooded, enclose the valley.
The country which they thus enclose and intersect forms the delta of Bengal.
The continuous spectrum leads to no inference, except that of the temperature of the central globe; but the multitude of dark lines by which it is crossed reveal the elements composing pe ct rum o the truly gaseous cloaks which enclose it.
These plains slope gently toward the east, those of the Amazon basin apparently lying in great terraces whose escarpments have the character of low, detached ranges of hills forming successive rims to the great basin which they partly enclose.
High temperatures prevail throughout the greater part of the Magdalena and Cauca valleys, because the mountain ranges which enclose them shut out the prevailing winds.
We can distinguish therefore in the body of a polyp the column, circular or oval in section, forming the trunk, resting on a base or foot and surmounted by the crown of tentacles, which enclose an area termed the peristome, in the centre of which again is the mouth.
The hills east and west of Mecca, which are partly built over and rise several hundred feet above the valley, so enclose the city that the ancient walls only barred the valley at three points, where three gates led into the town.
It does not bear cones, but instead has fleshy, red arils which partially enclose the seed.
Sew the rest of the seam to completely enclose the stuffing.
Create fun puzzles and games such as crosswords, word searches, or trivia questions to use at holiday parties or to enclose with Christmas cards.
Many couples choose to enclose engagement photos in either mailed, e-mailed, or newspaper announcements.
To prevent this from happening, the giver should enclose a note explaining the purpose of the ring or tell the person upon presenting it what exactly it means.
Roll the pastry sheet into a square that will completely enclose the Brie - about 14".
If using frozen pastry with two sheets in the package, press the edges together to make one sheet before rolling the dough out to a rectangle large enough to completely enclose the tenderloin.
If necessary, trim the ends of the pastry so they are long enough to enclose the ends of the beef and secure the pastry with egg wash.
The author's intent with they way she speaks is concrete, built upon word by word to enclose her readers into the story until the very last page.
Although the boundary of the county of London does not, to outward appearance, enclose a city distinct from its suburbs, London outside that boundary may be conveniently considered as suburban.
At each extremity of the island are high mountains, which send off branches along the coast so as to enclose a large arid plain..
Herod Agrippa, who succeeded to the kingdom, built a third or outer wall on the north side of Jerusalem in order to enclose and defend the buildings which had gradually been constructed outside the old fortifications.
In birds, this stalk consists entirely of blood-vessels, which in the adult enclose no terminal vesicle, and fuse with the membranous linings of the skull.
South of this enclosed depression is another great hydrographic barrier which parts it from the low plains of the Amur, of China, Siam and India, bordered by the shallows of the Yellow Sea and the shoals which enclose the islands of Japan and Formosa, all of them once an integral part of the continent.
The tips of these tufts enclose a flamecell similar to those found in Platyhelminths, &c., and these probably function as excretory organs.
Their slopes enclose well-watered valleys of great fertility, in which the Berber tribes cultivate tiny irrigated fields, their houses clinging to the hill-sides.
Most of the streets of the old city are parallel and cross at right angles, but they are narrow and enclose blocks of unequal size.
From the water-divide which separates the most eastern affluent of the Brahmaputra, eastwards to the deep gorges which enclose the most westerly branch of the upper Yang-tsze-kiang (here running from north to south), is a short space of loo m.; and within that space two mighty rivers, the Salween and the Mekong, send down their torrents to Burma and Siam.
To the south the province is shut in by the wide mountainous tract which stretches from the Bay of Bengal through Bastar to the Godavari, and west of that river is continued onward to the rocky ridges and plateaus of Khandesh by a succession of ranges that enclose the plain of Berar along its southern border.