Enabling Sentence Examples
This pumping action results in an extremely rapid circulation of the heating agent, enabling long distances to be traversed without much loss of heat.
It exercises only, therefore, such jurisdiction as the high court of admiralty exercised, apart from restraining statutes of 1389 and 1391 and enabling statutes of 1840 and 1861.
Western Australia did not put it to the vote, as the Enabling Act of that colony only provided for joining a federation of which New South Wales should form a part.
In 1069 he succeeded in placing Izaslaus on the throne of Kiev, thereby confirming Poland's overlordship over Russia and enabling Boleslaus to chastise his other enemies, Bohemia among them, with the co-operation of his Russian auxiliaries.
Many apparent puerilities, such as the counting of letters and the marking of the middle point of books, had a practical use in enabling copyists of MSS.
An Enabling Act was passed on the 1st of March 1817, and the state was formally admitted into the Union on the 10th of December.
The occasional development of wings is probably of service to the species in enabling the insects to reach new fresh-water breeding-grounds.
Application for admission to the Union was now made to Congress, and on the 31st of December 186 2 an enabling act was approved by President Lincoln admitting the state on the condition that a provision for the gradual abolition of slavery be inserted in the Constitution.
At this meeting all the colonies except New Zealand were represented, and it was agreed that the parliament of each colony should be asked to pass a bill enabling the people to choose ten persons to represent the colony on a federal convention; the work of such convention being the framing of a federal constitution to be submitted to the people for approval by means of the referendum.
During the year 1896 Enabling Acts were passed by New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia, and delegates were elected by popular vote in all the colonies named except Western Australia, where the delegates were chosen by parliament.
AdvertisementThe excavations in the other larger mound resulted in the discovery of the remains of buildings containing objects of all sorts in bronze and stone, dating from the earliest Sumerian period onward, and enabling us to trace the art history of Babylonia to a date some hundreds of years before the time of Gudea.
Thus mutual oversight and care are among the duties of the members of Christ's body; while their collective inspiration, enabling them to " try the gifts of godliness " of specially endowed fellow-members, is the divine warrant in election to church office.
The parts of the leaf are frequently transformed into tendrils, with the view of enabling the plants to twine round others for support.
But, of course, the necessity of enabling his hearers to understand ideas which they must have found sufficiently novel in themselves, imposed tolerably narrow limits on such eccentricities.
She was glad such cares presented themselves, enabling her without scruple to forget her own grief.
AdvertisementThe Enabling Act was passed on the 30th of April 1802, the first state legislature met on the 1st of March 1803, the Territorial judges gave up their offices on the 15th of April 1803, and the Federal senators and representatives took their seats in Congress on the 17th of October 1803.
But the modern Land Acts have readjusted the relation between landlords and tenants, while the Land Purchase Acts have aimed at abolishing those relations by enabling the tenant to become the owner of his holding.
It is evident that accurate knowledge of the character and structure of the rock-formations in petroliferous territories is of the greatest importance in enabling the expert to select favourable sites for drilling operations; hence on well-conducted petroleumproperties it is now customary to note the character and thickness of the strata perforated by the drill, so that a complete section may be prepared from the recorded data.
In the reign of Queen Victoria, two enabling statutes, 1840 and 1861, were passed and greatly enlarged the jurisdiction of the court.
Powers under the Tramways Act of 1870 were given to the council, enabling it to acquire possession of these undertakings, and within the county of London they have been for the most part so acquired, and are worked by the council.
AdvertisementThere are, however, no outward signs enabling us to distinguish conclusively between both categories of laws in the codes, nor is it possible to draw a line between permanent laws and personal ordinances of single sovereigns, as has been attempted in the case of Frankish legislation.
Another method of enabling more work to be done in a given time in a given cistern is the use of a bag twice the ordinary length, open at both ends.
Rapid growth in population and wealth led to agitation for statehood, and a constitution was adopted in 1878, but Congress declined to pass an enabling act.
In accordance with the Enabling Act, which received the President's approval on the 22nd of February 1889, a convention met at Sioux Falls on the 4th of the following July and re-adopted, with some slight verbal changes, the constitution of 1885.
In accordance with the Enabling Act, which received the president's approval on the 22nd of February 1889, a constitutional convention met at Bismarck on the 4th of July following, and drafted a frame of government for the state of North Dakota.
AdvertisementFroude therefore declared that in giving them to the world he was carrying out his friend's wish by enabling him to make a posthumous confession of his faults.
In 1863 Fransen van de Putte, minister for the colonies, introduced the first of the annual colonial budgets for which the Regulations had provided, thus enabling the statesgeneral to control the revenue and expenditure of Netherlands India; in 1865 he reduced and in 1872 abolished the differentiation of customs dues in favour of goods imported from Holland, substituting a uniform import duty of 6% and establishing a number of free ports throughout the archipelago.
Its food consists almost solely of vegetables and honey, but the latter is its favourite food, - the extreme length and pliability of the tongue enabling it to scoop out the honeycombs from the hollows of trees.
In view of this difficulty, it was claimed that the apostles had appointed the bishops as their successors, and that the latter were in possession of special divine grace enabling them to transmit and to interpret without error the teaching of the apostles committed to them.
Besieged from May until October, it was at length relieved by the cutting of the dikes, thus enabling ships to carry provisions to the inhabitants of the flooded town.
It satisfies the condition, however, equally with logarithms, of enabling multiplication to be performed by the aid of a table of single entry; and, analytically considered, it is not so different in principle from the logarithmic method.
The circumstances which led to his admission into the apostolic circle are not stated; while the motives by which he was actuated in enabling the Jewish authorities to arrest Jesus without tumult have been variously analysed by scholars.
The Senate decided to connect the two measures, and passed a bill for the admission of Maine with an amendment enabling the people of Missouri to form a state constitution.
The committee recommended the enactment of two laws, one for the admission of Maine, the other an enabling act for Missouri without any restrictions on slavery but including the Thomas amendment.
Several state InWailve, constitutions now contain provisions enabling a Referendum prescribed number (or proportion) of the voters in and Recall.
These laws vary greatly in their details from state to state, but they all aim at enabling the voters to exercise a free and unfettered voice in the selection of their candidates, and they have created a regular system of elections of candidates preliminary to the election of office-holders from among the candidates.
We see in both the same general principles of arrangement, which indeed belong to all Benedictine monasteries, enabling us to determine with precision the disposition of the various buildings, when little more than fragments of the walls exist.
A surgical operation is sometimes undertaken with success for enabling the engorged veins to empty themselves into the blood-stream in a manner so as to avoid the liver-route.
Charles's balance areometer is similar to Nicholson's hydrometer, except that the lower basin admits of inversion, thus enabling the instrument to be employed for solids lighter than water, the inverted basin serving the same purpose as the pointed screw in Atkins's modification of the instrument.
In the year 1907 letters of business were issued by the Crown to the Convocations inviting and enabling them to make alterations in the Prayer Book (afterwards to be embodied in an act of parliament).
The increasing numbers arriving by this means, however, provoked serious hostility in the Pacific coast states, especially in San Francisco, and to remedy the difficulty Congress inserted a clause in the general immigration act of the 10th of February 1907 which provides that whenever the president is satisfied that passports issued by any foreign government to any other country than the United States, or to any of its insular possessions, or to the Canal Zone, " are being used for the purpose of enabling the holders to come to the continental territory of the United States to the detriment of labour conditions therein," he may refuse to admit them.
The two chief items of the ministerial parliamentary programme were the extension of the new Education Act to London and Mr Wyndham's Irish Land Purchase Act, by which the British exchequer should advance the capital for enabling the tenants in Ireland to buy out the landlords.
The state constitution adopted in 1802 followed the enabling act in accepting this line, but made the proviso that if it should not intersect Lake Erie east of the mouth of the Miami river, then the northern boundary should be a line from the southern end of Lake Michigan to the most northern cape of Maumee Bay and thence to the Territorial line, and to the Pennsylvania line.
But the long liberal ascendancy closed the ranks of the CatholicCalvinist coalition, and united them against the neutral schools, and in 1889 they were able to pass a law enabling not only the unsectarian public schools, but all private schools organized by societies and bodies recognized by the law to receive subventions from the state.
But carbon affects the properties of iron not only by giving rise to varying proportions of cementite, but also both by itself shifting from one molecular state to another, and by enabling us to hold the iron itself in its unmagnetic allotropic forms, 0and 7-iron, as will be explained below.
And in many cases such a mode of expression is of excellent service in enabling us readily to understand the relations of the leaves.
The acquisition of Heligoland enabled a new naval station to be established off the mouth of the Elbe; the completion of the canal from Kid to the mouth of the Elbe, by enabling ships of war to pass from the Baltic to the North Sea greatly increased the strategic strength of the fleet.
This startling victory of the Social Democracy, though to a certain extent discounted by the dissensions between the two wings of the party which were revealed at the congress at Dresden in the same year, was in the highest degree disconcerting to the government; but in the actual manipulation of the Reichstag it facilitated the work of the chancellor by enabling him to unite the other groups more readily against the common enemy.
A compact with the Turks, made in 1370 and renewed in the next century, saved Ragusa from the fate of its more powerful neighbours, Servia and Byzantium, besides enabling the Ragusan caravans to penetrate into Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria and Rumania.
The town hall is a handsome classical building erected in 1875; it bridges the county boundary, the Calder, enabling the magistrates to exercise jurisdiction in both counties.
The passage of the long hand of a watch across the end of the slit every hour cuts off the light, and gives hour marks enabling the observer to learn the time at which a disturbance has taken place.
The pen became finer in course of time, enabling the scribe to write very small.
Kalun, without pursuing any career of active conquest, did much to consolidate his dominions, and especially to extend Egyptian commerce, for which purpose he started passports enabling merchants to travel with safety through Egypt and Syria as far as India.
The Enabling Act of Congress, which provided for the organization of Illinois Territory into a state, extended its jurisdiction to the middle of Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river; consequently the total area of the state is 58,329 sq.
Teak wood is straight in the grain and exceptionally strong and durable, its oily nature enabling it to resist the attacks of insects and to preserve, iron nails and fastenings.
It must again be decided whether the financial circumstances of candidates are to be taken into account; are scholarships intended as prizes, or as a means of enabling poor students to obtain a university education ?
But the rebuff showed that it was desirable in the interests both of the British government and of Afghanistan that an opportunity should be made for enabling the amir to have personal acquaintance with the highest Indian authorities.
The real point is their interdependence, which is so intimate that one sign of great philosophy is a consistent metaphysics, psychology and logic. If the world of things is known to be partly material and partly mental, then the mind must have powers of sense and inference enabling it to know these things, and there must be processes of inference carrying us from and beyond the sensible to the insensible world of matter and mind.
To give the name of syllogism to inferences which infringe the general rules against undistributed middle, illicit process, two negative premises, non-sequitur from negative to affirmative, and the introduction of what is not in the premises into the conclusion, and which consequently infringe the special rules against affirmative conclusions in the second figure, and against universal conclusions in the third figure, is to open the door to fallacy, and at best to confuse the syllogism with other kinds of inference, without enabling us to understand any one kind.
The city is traversed by two branches of the Mottlau, a small tributary of the Vistula, dredged to a depth of 15 ft., thus enabling large vessels to reach the wharves of the inner town.
It is usefu in practice, by enabling the engineer easily to deduce the condition of equilibrium and stability of structures of complex and unsym metrical figures from those of structures of simple and symnietrica figures.
In 1867 the Republican party had prepared for the admission of Colorado as a state, but the enabling act was vetoed by President Johnson, and statehood was not gained until 1876.
Finally, under a congressional enabling act of the 3rd of March 1875, a constitution was framed by a convention at Denver (loth of December 1875 to r4th of March 1876) and adopted by the people on the rst of July 1876.
In June 1910 the President approved an enabling act providing for the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as separate states.
It was one obvious way of enabling a prisoner to appear in public (for exercise or in travelling) without betrayal of identity.
The Free Colonies were designed for the reception of indigent persons, for the purpose of teaching them agriculture, and so enabling them eventually to earn their own living independently.
But they seem to be more " nominis umbrae " than real men; they serve the purpose of enabling the satirist to aim his blows at one particular object instead of declaiming at large.
In July 1391 he obtained a papal bull enabling him to appoint at pleasure coadjutors to do his episcopal business.
In accordance with this view in 1819 he voted against Tallmadge's amendment (restricting the extension of slavery) to the enabling act for the admission of Missouri.
Of course if the bill passes, it usually contains a clause enabling the costs of promotion to be paid out of the county rate.
For the purpose of enabling them to supply water, most of the provisions of the Waterworks Clauses Acts are incorporated with the Public Health Act, and are made available for the district council.
Provision is made for preventing the pollution of water by gas refuse and enabling a district council, with the sanction of the attorney-general, to take any proceedings they may think fit for preventing the pollution of any stream in their district by sewage.
Even human dead are not safe from their attacks, their powerful claws enabling them to gain access to newly interred bodies in cemeteries.
The bill passed, among its provisions being one enabling the Irish government to arrest without trial persons "reasonably suspected" of crime and conspiracy.
Irish landlords complained that their properties, ruined by the famine, and encumbered by the extravagances of their predecessors, could not bear the cost of this new poor law; and the ministry introduced and carried a measure enabling the embarrassed owners of life estates to sell their property and discharge their liabilities.
The government, however, did not venture to carry out the grim sentence which the law still applied to traitors, and introduced an act enabling it to commute the death penalty to transportation.
That step, enabling the directors of the Bank of England to issue notes unsecured by bullion, had the effect of gradually restoring confidence.
He unfolds the relations between verbal signs and the several sorts of ideas; words being the means for enabling us to treat ideas as typical, abstract and general.
To an observer on the moon our earth would present a surface more than ten times as large as the moon presents to us, consequently this earth-light is more than ten times brighter than our moonlight, thus enabling the lunar surface to be seen by us.
Pericles had introduced the practice of giving a small bounty from the treasury to the poorer citizens, for the purpose of enabling them to attend the theatre at the great festivals, - in other words, for the purpose of bringing them under the concentrated influence of the best Attic culture.
These labels are numbered consecutively, and thus afford a guarantee of the genuineness and quality of the honey, the label enabling purchasers to trace the producer if needed.
It may also be claimed for the honey extractor that it does away with the objection entertained by many persons to the use of honey, by enabling the apiarist to remove his produce from the honey-combs in its purest form untainted by crushed brood and untouched by hand.
The office of the clerk is regulated by an act of 1844, enabling a curate to undertake its duties, and providing facilities for vacating the office in case of misconduct.
We aim to provide an individual treatment approach promoting abstinence enabling clients to maintain change.
A fully addressable emergency test system is incorporated into the lighting controls, enabling every emergency luminaire to be monitored.
We are delighted to be enabling this significant advance for the nation.
All locations are linked by ADSL broadband enabling cost affective, real time communication and sharing of data between the concessions and head office.
It was capable of reducing its speed on landing to 59 mph enabling it to land on short airstrips.
The need for users to be aware of the options contained within web browsers enabling them to alter the appearance of web pages.
Apart from Forth, the system ROM has a symbolic assembler enabling you to write machine code directly on the board.
These are largely autonomous, enabling organizations based on specific areas of interest for students.
Recommendation 3 BBSRC has a unique role in basic and enabling bioscience for bioenergy.
Technology & Instrumentation Development Enabling technologies represent the major driving force for quantitative bioscience.
Furthermore, they are low capacitance enabling the detection of high speed signals to be achieved.
The two six inch front castors rotate through 360 degrees enabling the power chair to access even the smallest spaces with ease.
He removes the brain with a suction catheter causing the skull to collapse, enabling the head to slide out.
The various ' automatic ' features of the language will be covered in detail enabling the delegate to quickly develop maintainable programs.
The unit is easily disassembled, enabling thorough cleaning.
To assist UK construction to improve economic, social and environmental performance through the increased use of enabling technology on construction sites.
Cookies The use of cookies enable us to keep track of your shopping patterns thus enabling us to identify you.
These include fostering learner engagement, enabling multiple roles for both learners and tutors, and appropriate focusing of assessed tasks.
The government of Malawi has introduced a system of coupons, enabling farmers to buy fertilizer at subsidized prices.
The field of view is 100 %, enabling accurate framing.
The money will be spent enabling the gas network to take more imports and linking more renewable energy sources to the electricity grid.
Part of Liverpool John Moores University, it aims to empower organizations using digital technology, enabling them to create groundbreaking, innovative content.
Water stop above Cleeve Lock, on the fast fireman's hose, enabling us to keep our place in the lock queue.
If you have a professional interest in delivering or enabling infotainment within a connected home environment, this is a must-attend event for 2006.
The air gap creates a thermal insulator with the third layer enabling all the moisture to escape at its own rate.
Victron Combi pure wave inverter and charger with large domestic battery bank (4 x 110a) enabling 240v on the move.
We also have a portable usability lab, enabling us to test in people's homes or places of work.
The benefit is a dramatic reduction in spectral leakage, enabling any measure of zero padding to be used.
We will provide a playback facility enabling linguists to listen to the original recordings.
ReaCTor can be linked to other SEOS environments world-wide through remote linkups, enabling colleagues to work alongside each other regardless of geographical location.
It's tax effective and provides the charity with regular income, enabling us to plan long-term.
Championship manager 4 provides the option to fully customize the training of your team, enabling managers to assign specific schedules.
For help on enabling graphics printing please consult the printer manual.
A small mouthpiece will then be placed between your teeth enabling you to relax your jaws.
The result of this strategy was that the German labor movement remained divided, enabling Hitler to take power without even a fight.
One group went off to do orienteering during the morning, enabling them to learn how to use a map and compass.
Each padded cushion has a zip enabling you to move or add padding to any area, ensuring maximum comfort.
The general consensus view of the meeting was that it was both informative as well as enabling parishioners to air their views.
Rapid flash function enables up to three shots per second, enabling high speed flash photography.
The alternative plan would build up to the lower promenade only, enabling people to view the rebuilt pier in its entirety.
Stadium baby prams have the rear seat slightly higher than the front enabling both children a view of the scenery.
By enabling us to make better use of less durable species, modern timber preservatives help us to maximize our wood resource.
For a number years he was employed as a relief projectionist enabling him to work at many cinemas in the chain gaining valuable experience.
It is requested that all helmsmen act with common sense and display good seamanship, thus enabling everyone to enjoy their sailing.
The H System's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
Her move in 1986 coincided with a dramatic slump in the housing market, enabling her to purchase a large garden flat.
The Descent Module uses parachutes to slow its fall, enabling it to make a soft landing on dry land.
The text is liberally sprinkled with useful tips enabling all users to get the very best out of Windows.
Fibrin creates a number of threads that make the plasma sticky, enabling a clot to form.
The advent of cellular telephony is a vital enabling technology for IGT.
The WRAP eQuip scheme was therefore a valuable tool in enabling this project to be built.
We can take care of the legal aspects of the commercial transaction enabling you to plan for the future.
Compound Array linear transducer composed of multiple layers of arrays enabling electronic focusing in the elevation direction.
KendraBase enables this " universal translator " effect by enabling people to link ideas together with their own relationships.
The system will cut down on flight problems caused by bad weather enabling planes to land in low cloud.
Significantly enhanced, Digital Watercolor paint now stays wet between sessions, enabling users to start one session where the last one ended.
As, however, he had obtained a bull (August 20, 1409) enabling him to appoint his successors to the vacated preferments, including his nephew William, though still an undergraduate and not in orders, to the chancellorship of Salisbury, and a prebend at Lichfield, he did not go empty away.
The Carboniferous period began with a marine transgression, enabling limestones to form in Tasmania and New South Wales; and at the same time the sea first got in along the western edge of the western plateau, depositing the Carboniferous rocks of the Gascoyne basin and the coastal plain of north-western Australia.
While convincing us that the plants of past ages in the earths history were exposed to very similar conditions of life, and made very much the same adaptive responses as their modern representatives, one of the main results of this line of work has been to reveal important data enabling us to fill various gaps in our morphological knowledge and to obtain a more complete picture of the evolution of tissues in the vascular plants.
It is also resisted in part by the conicity of the wheels, which converts the lateral force partly into a vertical force, thus enabling gravity to exert a.
The statutes of Richard, except the enabling part of the second, were repealed by the Civil Procedure Acts Repeal Act 1879.
In the Saite period a sort of standard edition was drawn up, consisting of 165 chapters in a fixed order and with a common title the book of going forth in the day; this recension was published by Lepsius in 1842 from a Turin papyrus Like the Pyramid texts, the Book of the Dead served a funerary purpose, but its contents are far more heterogeneous; besides chapters enabling the dead man to assume what shape he will, or to issue triumphant from the last judgment, there are lists of gates to be passed and demons to be encountered in the nether world, formulae such as are inscribed on sepulchral figures and amulets, and even hymns to the sun-god.
But the fact that the apparent rapidity of motion of this phantom may exceed in any ratio that of the spectator is of importance - enabling us to see how velocities, apparently of impossible magnitude, may be accounted for by the mere running along of the condition of visibility among a group of objects no one of which is moving at an extravagant rate.
Land monopoly is an evil of large proportions in California to-day, but it is due to the laxness of the United States government in enabling speculators to accumulate holdings and not to the original extent of Mexican grants.
And as each of the principal gods is supposed to have associated with him his own particular sakti, as an indispensable complement enabling him to properly perform his cosmic functions, adherents of this persuasion might be expected to be recruited from all sects.
The second obliged him to abide, not by the decision of all the estates together, as heretofore, but by that of the majority only, with the view of enabling the actually dominant lower estates (in which was a large Cap majority) to rule without, and even in spite of, the nobility.
The scramjet engine is the key enabling technology for this program.
These students are offered a computer based screening test from the Dyslexia Unit in the Student Enabling Center.
This approach is continued unless the infecting agents are identified, with their antimicrobial sensitivities, enabling specific therapy to begin.
The H System 's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
Instead they received only a slap on the wrist, enabling their economy to perform much better than Serbia 's.
It is proposed the new tunnel will carry southbound traffic, enabling the existing tunnel to be used solely for northbound vehicles.
A parallel competition is run for the sires of evaluated horses enabling stallion owners to benefit from a share of a separate prize fund.
Enabling you to stash away whatever you want inside.
All NewsGator products synchronize seamlessly, enabling users to read their RSS feeds anywhere, anytime, with any device.
In effect, this is an auxiliary clutch enabling the user to disengage instantly the drive tot eh rear roller.
Thus, the beam appears to self-heal or repair itself after passing beyond a tweezed object, enabling it to manipulate other particles.
Pond management and clearance of undergrowth in woodland in the grounds of a Jacobean Mansion with footpaths enabling full access to the public.
Cultural diffusion enriches our lives by enabling us to try different experiences, food, music and more right on our doorstep.
By doing this however, he will have learned how to settle himself back to sleep if he wakes up during the night, thus enabling him to sleep all night without needing you to come to him.
The website offers links and articles, enabling you an outstanding starting point to begin your search for documents involving childcare situations.
This allows the baby to feel the closeness of her mother while at the same time enabling mom the freedom to move about.
Swaddling a baby can make him feel more secure, often enabling him to sleep longer and better.
Victoria's offers hope for many women, enabling us to look sexy in swimwear despite our flaws.
A tilt mechanism synchronizes the seat and back movement, enabling the user to recline and move forward with ease.
Additionally, it allows you to reconnect with the outdoors and can become a family affair, enabling you to involve your children environmentally friendly practices.
The beveling helps bring some elegance to the frameless mirror, enabling it to fit in with more formal baths.
From Mexican influence to Native American themes, Southwest décor is extremely fluid, enabling you to pull together a bathroom with Southwestern flavor and your own tastes.
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In response to her belief of practical makeup, she also offers "empties" - empty cosmetic containers to allow as customer to customize their makeup and enabling a lighter load for traveling.
A perfect example is the eyelash kit that provides the customer with a curler, eyeliner and mascara in a small travel case enabling them to easily update their eye makeup throughout the day.
This will ensure all surface staining is removed - enabling the whitening process to be the most effective.
Surround lighted makeup mirrors offer a number of benefits, enabling you to flawlessly apply makeup and easily perform intricate grooming routines, such as eyebrow tweezing.
The goal of anger management relaxation techniques is to calm you both emotionally and physically, enabling you to step back from the situation and see it from a new, clearer perspective.
Another important benefit is enabling you to rise above your anger with several techniques that you can use when the situation calls for a quick remedy.
This way, you do not have to organize a gathering and everyone has them before the wedding, enabling them to wear them to more events.
Intervention is an intelligent, emotionally balanced, psychologically sound method enabling a controlled confrontation, where the addict doesn't feel like an accused victim by family members.
Sleeveless versions dress down the look a bit, enabling you to pair the dress with sandals more easily.
When you pull on the leash, the head is pulled down or toward you, enabling you to control where your dog looks.
Clematis in Colors - In this the general effect of the whole, the abundance and duration of the flowers, and the purity and brilliancy of their colors, are the prime factors, enabling plant-lovers to obtain the richest effects.
The pickup allows you to use the same effects pedals as your electric guitar counterparts, enabling similar sonic experimentation.
These types of screenings will help detect early signs of disease, enabling you to head them off or treat them before they become serious.
Using a CPAP machine and mask reduces apnea and hypopnea episodes by enabling unobstructed breathing.
Frames come in an even wider range of colors and designs, enabling you to get a look that is uniquely you.
Enabling a cheat can be very simple or nearly impossible.
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Around 1880 many manufacturers began selling the doll heads separately enabling the doll body to be made by the owner.
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A balloon placed in the fetus's trachea prevents lung fluid from escaping through the mouth, enabling the lungs to expand, grow, and push the abdominal organs out of the chest and back into the abdomen.
School-age children have expanding vocabularies, enabling them to describe ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Preschools are different from traditional day care in that their emphasis is learning and development rather than enabling parents to work or pursue other activities.
They can flap their wings between 15-80 times per second, enabling them to not only fly backwards but to hover and maneuver with incredible precision.
All Michael Jackson has a page dedicated to breaking down the moonwalk and enabling you to dance like a pro.
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Competitive swimmers also use caps to reduce the friction and drag of the water, enabling swimmers to cut through the pool more quickly.
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There are a variety of styles, but they all attach to the top of the adult toilet enabling a smaller opening and more comfort for young children.
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English watchmakers achieve industry leadership when they developed the technique of drilling holes into jewels, mostly rubies, enabling them to be used as bearings.
It should be a sufficient length and width per your body, enabling you to perform a range of movements and positions without struggling for more surface area.
For the full Crow Pose, your shins should push against your upper arms, enabling you to balance on the palms of your hands.
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Your body's core actually includes muscles that stabilize your spine, pelvis and shoulders, enabling you to stand and walk.
When you work out at home, you can break this into two segments, separate of one another, giving more juice and enabling more effort on both counts.
The internal and external obliques run diagonally across the abdomen, enabling your body to twist from side to side.
The online learn French free audio sites referenced above are great resources for enabling students to learn the words and phrases of French in two modes at once.
The designs are improved on a regular basis, thus enabling the camis to provide ever more comfort and support.
If that's the case, you can make the same basic pattern over and over again, but with different fabrics, enabling you to fashion boxer shorts that are never the same.
Nagini the Snake - Voldemort's wicked serpent was slain by Neville Longbottom wielding the Sword of Gryffindor, enabling Harry to end Voldemort's last horcruxes.
Once you've verified your phone using the instructions above, you can immediately start receiving updates from people that you're following by enabling phone notifications by texting specific codes to the Twitter phone number.
Click on the link and it will bring you to the permissions page, which warns you that enabling Café World Access lets it pull information from your profile.
On this page, every step of creating the app is outlined, enabling programmers to get a feel for how their own preferred language might work in the Facebook framework.
The system of protective gear is also highly customizable for each player, enabling them to adjust the uniform to optimum efficiency for whatever position they play.
Contact - Absolutely the most important part of any website is enabling customers to easily get in touch with you via email, phone, or by visiting your office.
Javascript is a programming language in its own right, though a fairly limited one; it turns the browser itself into a computing platform enabling better interaction with website visitors and up-to-the minute dynamic content.
By enabling "Active Scripting," you are allowing any website you visit to run client-side Javascript within your browser.
However, if allowing this capability for every website that you visit makes you nervous, you may want to consider enabling it only for the websites that you visit often.
Carmen had withdrawn from the world outside their home and he had been enabling her.
Taps to baths and lavatories should be connected to the main services by a flow and return pipe so that hot water is constantly flowing past the tap, thus enabling hot water to be obtained immediately.
These dates are valuable as enabling us to fix approximately the date of his birth, which must have occurred somewhere about 1370.
Cuscuses and phalangers form a numerous group, all the members of which are arboreal, and some of which are provided with lateral expansions of skin enabling them to glide from tree to tree like flying-squirrels.
Although the idol of his victorious army, and in a position enabling him to exercise autocratic power, he laboured unostentatiously for more than a year and a half as a member of the parliament, whose authority he supported to the best of his ability.
The prices charged for dispensing are lower in countries where the number of pharmacies is limited by law, the larger returns enabling the profit to be lessened.
As much sugar as is produced in excess of the immediate requirements of the cell is converted into the insoluble form of starch by the plastidsof the chlorophyll apparatus, and is so withdrawn from the sphere of action, thereby enabling the construction of further quantities of sugar to take place.
It was not till more than half a century later that an American, Sylvester Marsh, employed the rack system for the purpose of enabling trains to surmount steep slopes on the Mount Washington railway, where the maximum gradient was nearly 1 in 22.
The introduction of corridor carriages, enabling passengers to walk right through the trains, greatly increased their usefulness.
Its viscid character, and its non-liability to dry and harden by exposure to air, also fit it for various other uses, such as lubrication, &c., whilst its peculiar physical characters, enabling it to blend with either aqueous or oily matters under certain circumstances, render it a useful ingredient in a large number of products of varied kinds.
Two years later he passed the examination for the "baccalaureat es sciences" enabling him to become candidate for the Ecole normale.
On the passing of the act of parliament in 1545 enabling the king to dissolve chantries and colleges, Parker was appointed one of the commissioners for Cambridge, and their report saved its colleges, if there had ever been any intention to destroy them.
When the shell is taken away (best effected by immersion in hot water) the surface of the visceral dome is found to be covered by a black-coloured epithelium, which may be removed, enabling the observer to note the posi.
The Congressional Enabling Act of the 30th of April 1802 followed that alternative of the North-West Ordinance which provided for five states in determining the boundaries, and in consequence the Indiana and Michigan districts were detached.
A further means of enabling a soap to contain large proportions of water and yet present a firm consistence is found in the use of silicate of soda.
But it is not so well understood that slavery discharged important offices in the later social evolution - first, by enabling military action to prevail with the degree of intensity and continuity requisite for the system of incorporation by conquest which was its final destination; and, secondly, by forcing the captives, who with their descendants came to form the majority of the population in the conquering community, to an industrial life, in spite of the antipathy to regular and sustained labour which is deeply rooted in human nature.
The dressed ore is introduced through a "hopper" at the top, and exposed to a moderate oxidizing flame until a certain proportion of ore is oxidized, openings at the side enabling the workmen to stir up the ore so as to constantly renew the surface exposed to the air.
The weight of these implements necessitates some provision for turning them at the headlands, and this is supplied either by a bowl wheel, enabling the plough to be turned on one side, or by a pair of wheels cranked so that they can be raised by a lever when the plough is working.
The positive Christian ideal which " the saints " should attain, " the Lord enabling," it is the business of the Shepherd to set forth.
Thus the " moralism " sometimes traced in Hermas is apparent rather than real, for he has a deep sense of the enabling grace of God.
In 1725 an act was passed enabling him to hold real estate but without power of alienating it.'
The ovipositor is long and prominent, enabling the female insect to lay her eggs in the wood of trees, where the white larvae, whose legs are excessively short, tunnel and feed.
The observations made on the " Challenger " and " Gazelle," though enabling some perfectly sound general conclusions to be drawn, require to be supplemented.
Methods for enabling miners to penetrate into workings where the atmosphere is totally irrespirable have come into use for saving life after explosions and for repairing shafts and pit-work under water.
The legislature of New Jersey passed a special law, enabling him, as an alien, to own real property, and it is said to have been in reference to this that the state received its nickname "Spain."
These cases are important as enabling simpler formulae, involving central differences, to be used (§ 76).
From two to three weeks after the completion of the cocoon the enclosed insect is ready to escape; it moistens one end of its self-made prison, thereby enabling itself to push aside the fibres and make an opening by which the perfect moth comes forth.
In connexion with this enabling clause Mr 1 The procedure adopted by the commission was afterwards incorporated in the convention of 1907.
Secretary Knox also proposed that a further enabling clause be inserted providing that the International Court of Prize be competent to accept jurisdiction in all matters, arising between signatories, submitted to it, the Court to sit at fixed periods every year and to be composed according to the panel which was drawn up at the Hague.
At first sight this singular structure appears so like a deformity that writers have not been wanting to account it such, 2 ignorant of its being a piece of mechanism most beautifully adapted to the habits of the bird, enabling it to extract with the greatest ease, from fir-cones or fleshy fruits, the seeds which form its usual and almost invariable food.
Sir Robert Peel had attempted to deal with it (1) by purchasing large quantities of Indian corn, which he had retailed at low prices in Ireland, and (2) by enabling the grand juries to employ the people on public works, which were to be paid out of moneys advanced by the state, one-half being ultimately repayable by the locality.
As the expenses of Territorial government were partly borne by the United States, statehood was voted against in 1860, and again (virtually) in 1864 after Congress had passed an Enabling Act; but in 1866 a constitution framed by the legislature was declared carried by the people by a majority of loo votes in 7776, and Nebraska was admitted as a state (in spite of President Johnson's veto) in 1867, after her legislature had accepted a fundamental condition imposed by Congress removing the limitation of the suffrage to whites by the new constitution.
Special clauses were inserted in the charters of the British East Africa and South Africa Companies enabling the government to forfeit their charters if they did not promote the objects alleged as reasons for demanding a charter.
The sills of the glazing are low, enabling people sitting on sofas or chairs to enjoy uninterrupted views of the surrounding cityscape.
Enabling people to communicate in a method with which their governments cannot interfere is a force for freedom and peace.
The Ouray Rescue Squad held an annual fund raising breakfast each Fourth of July, enabling the Deans to share an early meal of eggs, sausage, and fixings in the company of friends and neighbors.
The Enabling Bill passed the various stages in the parliament of that colony, and the question was then adopted by referendum.
They expressed the opinion that an improvement could be effected enabling the construction of many much-needed lines by an amendment of some of the provisions of the Light Railways Act, and by a reconsideration of the conditions under which financial or other assistance should be granted to such lines by the state and by local authorities.