Enables Sentence Examples
His realism enables him to maintain the reality of Time, and so of the process of the world's redemption.
Jeans, enables the principal difficulties of the theory to be surmounted.
The disk, 30 with its small projecting handle enables the 2 segments of the divided object to be moved rapidly or with any required delicacy relative to each other.
Even the hastiest survey of that long and interesting period enables the student to notice a marked development in the theory and practice of excommunication.
It is fortunate that this should be so clearly marked in his epistles, because it enables us to argue by analogy to the other writers.
The new view clears away some manifest difficulties in the reconciliation of the Epistle and the Acts, and the early date for Galatians in relation to the other Pauline epistles is not so improbable as it may seem; but the chronology still appears more satisfactory on the older view, which enables the conversion to be placed at least three years later than on the alternative theory.
A third, known as the "pie" system enables the grower to bridge over the interval, and to keep his hands employed, between the end of the "head" and the beginning of the "pit" strippings.
As elucidated by Professor Willis,' it exhibits the plan of a great Benedictine monastery in the 12th century, and enables us to compare it with that of the 9th as seen at St Gall.
We are thus presented with a view of the literature of the age which is much more characteristic and comprehensive than that given by the brilliant poet to whom we owe the Ilamasa, and enables us to form a better judgment on the general level of poetic achievement.
This gives Canadian wheat excellent milling properties, and enables the millers to turn out flour uniform in quality and of high grade as to keeping properties.
AdvertisementIt is probable that this extraordinary resemblance is due to the pupils having actually assisted their master; and this supposition enables us to surmount a diffi culty we feel in reading Aristotle's works.
His interest in philosophy led him to take a prominent share in the foundation of a society for discussing the new doctrines, and is further shown by his Common Place Book, one of the most valuable autobiographical records in existence, which throws much light on the growth of his ideas, and enables us to understand the significance of his early writings.
The use of tin salts, especially stannic chloride, SnC1 4, enables dyers to weight all colours the same as black.
The natural causes of famine are still mainly outside our control, though science enables agriculturists to combat them more successfully, and the improvement in means of transport allows a rich harvest in one land to supplement the defective Breaking up of totemism.
So far as the limited information at our disposal enables us to form an opinion, the responsibility both for the internal peace of the village, and for its obligations to the outside world, seems to have lain with the lord or his steward (gerefa, villicus) from the beginning.
AdvertisementThe concurrence of the evidence indicated above enables us to form the following outline of the evolution of Tibetan.
Huc was, indeed, not only without science, perhaps without accurate knowledge of any kind, but also without that geographical sense which sometimes enables a traveller to bring back valuable contributions to geographical knowledge though unable to make instrumental observations.
The steel reinforcement is of immense importance in fireproof work, because, if properly designed, it enables the concrete to hold together and do its work even when it has been cracked by fire and water.
Immediately above this plane surface and almost touching it is a system of wires which enables angular distances from the centre of the field to be read at the eyepiece below.
The identification of the author of the second Gospel with Mark, which we owe to tradition, enables us to fill in our picture of him a little further.
AdvertisementThe protection afforded by winter snow enables the plant to resist severe and prolonged frosts, such as would be fatal in more exposed situations.
The most successful gardening is that which turns to the best account the plastic organization of the plant, and enables it to develop and multiply as perfectly as possible.
Their functions in annual, biennial and herbaceous perennial plants cease after the ripening of the seed, whilst in plants of longer duration layer after layer of strong woody tissue is formed, which enables them to bear the strains which the weight of foliage and the exposure to wind entail.
Early autumn planting enables wounded parts of roots to be healed over, and to form fibrils, which will be ready in spring, when it is most required, to collect food for the plant.
It must be remembered that nails spoil a wall sooner or later, whereas a wire trellis is not only much neater, but enables the gardener to tie his trees up much more quickly.
AdvertisementThe molecular freedom which this high temperature gives enables the cementite to change gradually into a mixture of graphite and austenite with the result that, after the castings have been cooled and their austenite has in cooling past Aci changed into pearlite and ferrite, the mixture of cementite and pearlite of which they originally consisted has now given place to one of fine or " temper " graphite and ferrite, with more or less pearlite according to the completeness of the transfer of the carbon to the state of graphite.
This enables it to take up enough silicon from the walls of the crucible to prevent the evolution of gas during solidification, and the consequent formation of blowholes or internal gas bubbles.
With Locke, Hume professes to regard this problem as virtually covered or answered by the fundamental psychological theorem; but the superior clearness of his reply enables us to mark with perfect precision the nature of the difficulty inherent in the attempt to regard the two as identical.
This enables the operator to build complex sequences and looks with remarkable ease.
The test also enables parents to discover the precise sex of the baby should they wish to do so before the birth.
The members of the typical genus have the lower jaw so articulated to the upper, by means of a transverse condyle firmly locked into a long cavity of the cranium, that dislocation of the jaw is all but impossible, and this enables those creatures to maintain their hold with the utmost tenacity.
This encourages a rotation of crops and enables the precious liquid to be carried over a larger area than could be done otherwise.
His narrative contains frequent repetitions and contradictions, is without colouring, and monotonous; and his simple diction, which stands intermediate between pure Attic and the colloquial Greek of his time, enables us to detect in the narrative the undigested fragments of the materials which he employed.
The most important works were the canal from Dortmun.d to the mouth of the Ems, and the Jahde canal from the Ems to the Elbe, which enables Westphalian coal to reach the sea, and so to compete better with English coal.
The fact that scraps of poetical phraseology are specially numerous in the earlier suras, enables us to understand why the prosaic mercantile community of Mecca regarded their eccentric townsman as a " poet," or even a possessed poet."
The Injured Animals Act 1907 enables police constables to cause any animal when mortally or seriously injured to be slaughtered.
It is this Etesian wind which enables sailing boats constantly to ascend the Nile, against its strong and rapid current.
The Oscillatoriaceae are capable of a peculiar oscillatory movement, which has earned for them their name, and which enables them to move through considerable distances.
At any rate a whole series of extant drawings enables us to trace the German gradually working out his own ideas of a canon of human proportion in the composition of his famous engraving of "Adam and Eve" (1504); which at first, as a drawing in the British Museum proves, had been intended to be an Apollo and Diana conceived on lines somewhat similar to one of Barbari's.
His diary of his travels enables us to follow his movements almost day by day.
The previous treatment of the motion of a rigid body had in every case been purely analytical, and so gave no aid to the formation of a mental picture of the body's motion; and the great value of this work lies in the fact that, as Poinsot himself says in the introduction, it enables us to represent to ourselves the motion of a rigid body as clearly as that of a moving point.
Alumina is treated at works near Foyers in the shire of Inverness, where abundant water power enables electricity to be generated cheaply.
The wood contains an oil which enables it to resist the attack of sea worms, and this quality makes it suitable for use in marine construction.
A slight rotatory motion of the telescope E on its axis enables the vernier of the declination circle to be read through prism 1.
The calorimeter is surrounded by an air-jacket connected to a petroleum gauge which indicates any small change of temperature in the calorimeter, and enables the manipulator to adjust the supply of cold water to compensate it.
Their detection is especially simple when the stereo-comparator is used; this instrument enables the two eyes to combine the images of each star on two plates into one image (as in the stereoscope); when the star has moved considerably in the interval between the taking of the two plates, it appears to stand out from the rest in relief and is at once noticed.
This result, while it does not afford any means of determining the parallaxes of individual stars, enables us to determine the mean parallax of a group of stars, if we may assume their peculiar motions practically to cancel one another.
But it is becoming more only enables us to see stars more remote than before, but also reveals, very many smaller stars within the limits previously penetrated.
We infer that nearly all the stars down to magnitude 6.5, whose proper motions exceed 5", are at a distance from the sun less than SP, whilst of the fainter stars with equally great proper motions a large proportion are at a distance greater than SP. This result enables us to form some sort of idea of the distance SP.
Nevertheless the world, as the theophania, the revelation of God, enables us so far to understand the divine essence.
Sense before conception is the original cause of judgment; and inference from sense enables judgment to continue after conception ceases.
It is this unity of apperception which enables us to combine the data of more than one sense, to affirm reality, unreality, identity, difference, unity, plurality and so forth, as also the good, the beautiful and their contraries.
It enables him to fix fleeting memories and to communicate with his fellows.
It is to internal combustion that they owe their success, for it enables them to get all the heat of combustion into the working substance, to use a relatively very high temperature at the top of the range, and at the same time to escape entirely the drawbacks that arise in the air-engine proper through the need of conveying heat to the air through a metallic shell.
A low summer temperature enables northern species to push far southward, while the high heat total of the year enables southern species to push far north.
At a later stage in our subject the conception of the ideal rigid body is introduced; this enables us to fill in some details which were previously wanting, but others are still omitted.
This theorem enables us, when one funicular has been drawn, to construct any other without further reference to the force-diagram.
The analogy between the mathematical relations of infinitely small displacements on the one hand an-d those of force-systems on the other enables us immediately to convert any theorem in the one subject into a theorem in the other.
In particular, in the case of a frame which is just rigid, the principle enables us to find the stress in any one bar independently of the rest.
This, theorem, also due to Lagrange, enables us to express the mean square of the distances of the particles from the centre of mass in terms of the masses and mutual distances.
The theory of dimensions often enables us to forecast, to some extent, the manner in which the magnitudes involved in any particular problem will enter into the result.
The result of these various considerations seems to be that the age which we may call the Homeric - the age which is brought before us in vivid outlines in the Iliad and Odyssey - lies beyond the earliest point to which history enables us to penetrate.
The Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860 enables the court to separafe a lawful charitable trust from any part of the estate subject to any trust or provision deemed to be superstitious.
The sovereignty of the state enables it to deal as it thinks best with the public creditor.
Although the systematic framework of the thought and the terminology used are both derived from the Cartesian philosophy, the intellectual milieu of the time, the early work enables us, better than the Ethics to realize that the inspiration and starting-point of his thinking is to be found in the religious speculations of his Jewish predecessors.
The lightness of the needle enables the instrument to be moved without fear of damaging the suspension.
The amplitude of this part of his attire enables the Persian to sit without discomfort on his heels; chairs are only used by the rich, great or Europeanized.
The work done by the Austrians enables a good idea to be obtained of the appearance presented by a great Graeco-Roman city of Asia in the last days of its prosperity.
But such rational knowledge as this not only enables us to remove pain at the time, but helps us to prevent its recurrence.
The inclusion in the charter of the principle of the " initiative and referendum " enables a percentage of the voters to compel the submission of measures to public approval.
Considerable advances in our knowledge of the various chromogenic bacteria have been made by the studies of Beyerinck, Lankester, Engelmann, Ewart and others, and have assumed exceptional importance owing to the discovery that Bacteriopurpurin - the red colouring matter contained in certain sulphur bacteria - absorbs certain rays of solar energy, and enables the organism to utilize the energy for its own life-purposes.
This consists for the most part of the smaller mammals and poultry; although the association in packs enables these marauders to hunt down antelopes and sheep. When unable to obtain living prey, they feed on carrion and refuse of all kinds, and are thus useful in removing putrescent matter from the streets.
One of the earliest was devoted to electrical conduction in a thin plate, and especially in a circular one, and it also contained a theorem which enables the distribution of currents in a network of conductors to be ascertained.
Such an interpretation enables us to understand how it was possible, at a later date, for Aristotle to be regarded as the father of Nominalism.
His work there enables him to judge of the methods of his fellows, but his own remains restricted by the very wealth of material which has been accumulated on the single subject before him.
The inertia of the mass of the flying creature enables it to control and direct its movements in the air.
It enables a local authority to require dairymen to furnish a complete list of sources of supply if the medical officer certifies that any person is suffering from infectious disease which he has reason to suspect is attributable to milk supplied within his district.
After much litigation it has now been established that this provision does not give the council an absolute property in the soil of the street, but merely such a qualified property in the surfaces as enables them to exercise control.
The Public Improvement Act, when adopted, enables a parish council to purchase or lease, or accept gifts of land for the purpose of forming public walks, exercise or play grounds, and ublic to provide for the expense by means of a parish improve- Improve- ment rate.
One of the most important powers conferred upon a parish council is that which enables them to prevent stoppage or diversion of any public right of way without their consent and without the approval of the parish meeting.
From all other large Carnivora except the African hunting-dog, hyenas are distinguished by having only four toes on each foot, and are further characterized by the length of the fore-legs as compared with the hind pair, the non-retractile claws, and the enormous strength of the jaws and teeth, which enables them to break the hardest bones and to retain what they have seized with unrelaxing grip.
But, beyond a doubt, man possesses, and in some way possesses by virtue of his superior brain, a power of co-ordinating the impressions of his senses, which enables him to understand the world he lives in, and by understanding to use, resist, and even in a measure rule it.
The homologies between man and other animals which both schools try to account for; the explanation of the intervals, with apparent want of intermediate forms, which seem to the creationists so absolute a separation between species; the evidence of useless " rudimentary organs," such as in man the external shell of the ear, and the muscle which enables some individuals to twitch their ears, which rudimentary parts the evolutionists claim to be only explicable as relics of an earlier specific condition, - these, which are the main points of the argument on the origin of man, belong to general biology.
The essentially practical character of his administration has led many historians to tax him with avarice, but later research on the fiscal system of the papacy of the period, particularly the joint work of Samaran and Mollat, enables us very sensibly to modify the severe judgment passed on John by Gregorovius and others.
Webber, and more recent work enables us to assume that all cycads produce ciliated male gametes.
A chord line passes by the coalfield of Raniganj, which enables this great railway to be worked more economically than any other in India.
This, If We Regard 3.4 2 7 As 4274 2742 7, Is A Direct Consequence Of The Commutative Law For Addition (§ 58 (Iii)), Which Enables Us To Add Separately The Hundreds, The Tens And The Ones.
This method of firing results in the saving of about one-third the weight of coke used in the old form of furnace per ton of coal carbonized, and enables higher temperatures to be obtained, the heat being also more equally distributed.
Farmers say that a good name in these respects enables them to get the choice of workmen, and that no money brings such sure returns as that expended in the bedrooms and upon the food.
A moderate amount of work enables them to live well enough, and to pass their evenings at the village wine-shop; although, being a sober race, they meet there rather to discuss politics than to drink.
The third law enables us to compute the time taken by the radius vector to sweep over the entire area of the orbit, which is identical with the time of revolution.
Its great hardness also enables it to resist attrition.
But definite evidence, in the shape of letters and references in memoirs, enables us to deny that the Dutch Admiral Verhuell was the father of Louis Napoleon,and there is strong evidence of resemblance in character between King Louis and his third son.
Consequently investigation must start with the particular ' The Book of Jubilees also enables the student to test the arguments based upon any study restricted to Genesis alone.
It also enables the bee-keeper to arrange his day's work indoors while avoiding disturbance to such colonies as do not need interference.
The fact that the fore-legs are somewhat shorter than those behind enables the ibex to ascend mountain slopes with more facility than it can descend, while its hoofs are as hard as steel, rough underneath and when walking over a flat surface capable of being spread out.
We may therefore consider it settled that the different species of the group are now in that degree of physiological differentiation which enables them to produce offspring with each other, but does not permit of the progeny continuing the race, at all events unless reinforced by the aid of one of the pure forms.
When there is no other means of entering into commercial relations with remote and savage races save by enterprise of such magnitude that private individuals could not incur the risk involved, then a company may be well entrusted with special privileges for the purpose, as an inventor is accorded a certain protection by law by means of a patent which enables him to bring out his invention at a profit if there is anything in it.
The methods sketched here do not yet exhaust the armoury of the analytical chemist, but it can only be pointed out in passing that the detection of hydroxylated acids enables the analyst to ascertain the presence of castor oil, just as the isolation and determination of oxidized fatty acids enables him to differentiate blown oils from other oils.
It enables us to determine accurately orders and genera which otherwise are unknown in the fossil state, and it thus aids us in forming a truer idea of the flora of the period than can be formed at any locality where the harder parts alone are recognizable.
The answer which he proceeds to give altogether explodes the definition of the categories as formed products of thought, and enables us to see more clearly the nature of the new conception of experience which lies in the background of all the critical work.
Due attention to the relation between understanding and reason enables us to solve the antinomies and to discover their precise origin and significance.
The structure of proteins enables scientists to understand the function they perform.
The khecari mudra enables the yogin to drink the amrita, and by this he becomes immortal.
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Section 65 of the Act enables the parties to ask the arbitrators to place a cap on legal costs.
Their flat body enables them to squeeze into extremely narrow cracks and crevices, where they prey on small arthropods and worms.
Doing so enables us to begin to see into the purely artificial nature of the ego.
We noted earlier that Richard Dawkins claims that his belief in evolution enables him to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.
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Rather, the popular theme enables the poet to lament a time past when divine beneficence had been communicated through popular customs and traditions.
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It could also enables bacteria which cause the disease botulism to develop.
It enables us to extend matrix algebra calculus in an easy way.
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I have a strong work ethic which enables me to survive, " he admits.
The circumference of the fore-foot is half the height at the shoulder, a circumstance which enables sportsmen to estimate approximately the size of their quarry.
This principle at once enables the weights of molecules to be compared even when their composition is unknown; it is only 1 It will be seen that in the three gas diagrams of Dalton that are reproduced above, equal numbers of molecules are contained in equal volumes, but if Dalton held this view at one time he certainly afterwards abandoned it.
Observations are made at a given height over level open ground near the observatory, and a comparison with the simultaneous results from the self-recording electrograph enables the records from the latter to be expressed as potential gradients in the open.
The head f is a switch which enables the observer to illuminate lamp a or c at pleasure.
Repsolds in more recent micrometers under construction give a second motion to the eyepiece at right angles to the axis of the micrometer screw; this enables the observer to determine the zero of position-angle for his movable webs with the same accuracy as he formerly could only do for the so-called position-angle webs.
A prism half silvered in this way is provided, which enables the observer to compare the equality of scale of both photographs.
Haggai's reproofs touched the conscience of the Jews, and the book of Zechariah enables us in some measure to follow the course of a religious revival which, starting with the restoration of the temple, did not confine itself to matters of ceremony and ritual worship. On the other hand, Haggai's treatment of his theme, practical and effective as it was for the purpose in hand, moves on a far lower level than the aspirations of the prophet who wrote the closing chapters of Isaiah.
It has a very large starting torque, which enables it to overcome the inertia of getting the load into motion, and it lifts heavy loads at a slower speed and lighter loads at a quicker one, behaving, under the action of the controller in a somewhat similar manner to that in which the cylinders of the steam crane respond to the action of the stop-valve.
His system enables him to give a profound significance to the doctrines of the Church; but, instead of the system being accommodated to the doctrines, the doctrines - and especially the historical facts - acquire a new sense in the system, and often become only a mythical representation of speculative truth.
They all connect and interchange passengers freely; so that the ordinary American five-cent fare enables a passenger to travel between almost any two points over an area of 100 sq.
In some of these machines the pots have a valve in the bottom which enables them to descend without much resistance, and diminishes greatly the load upon the wheel; and, if we suppose that this valve was introduced so early as the time of Ctesibius, it is not difficult to perceive how such a machine might have led to the invention of the forcing-pump.
An ingenious conjecture by Zahn enables us to add the words " holy Church " to our reconstruction of the creed from the writings of Tertullian.
It will at once be apparent that the kinetic theory of matter enables us to place the second law of thermodynamics upon a purely dynamical basis.
A German correspondent of Aeneas Sylvius assures him in 1 457 that " thousands of tricks are devised by the Roman see which enables it to extract the money from our pockets very although they did not thereby succeed in checking the growth of heresy in Bohemia (see Huss).
The phase rule combined with the latent heat equation enables us to trace the general phenomena of equilibrium in solutions, and to elucidate and classify cases even of great complexity.
Another application of the theory of energy enables us to coordinate the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution with the pressure of a gas occupying the same space.
It would seem that the perception intended to constitute the standard of truth is one which, by producing a mental counterpart of a really existent external thing, enables the percipient, in the very act of sense, to " lay hold of " or apprehend an object in virtue of the presentation or sense impression of it excited in his own mind.
Once more, the social reasoning mechanism enables the agent to adapt to the changing conditions of the society.
Voice recognition enables you to place calls with both hands on the wheel, without taking your eyes off the road.
The scratchpad facility enables users to change the number held in the last number redial memory whilst call in progress.
This facility enables pupils to redraft text set by the teacher, other pupils or their own work without losing the original text.
A password system enables the player to reenter the game at more advanced stages.
Existing strategy paradigms are incorporated into an integrational framework that enables empirical research to be more reflective of management practice.
Remote Access Systems, enables you to control access to a building or yard, from a remote location.
This then enables the Judge to decide whether to endorse the order, as they are not just rubber-stamped by he or she.
Price £ 21.27 Disposable Knife Holder Enables the use of safety razor blades for section cutting removing the need for knife sharpening.
Ponting saves the boundary, but his kick to safety enables the batsmen to scamper four runs easily.
A new mixing head enables the established LFI technology to be used for flax, hemp or sisal fibers.
Site Map Creation The creation of a site map page enables SE spiders better crawling of your site.
Pneumatic Switch Kit This innovative kit enables you to turn squashy rubber toys into switches.
That information enables us to compare stellar coronae with the solar corona.
Management of stocktaking staff will be much more efficient as RF enables the stock auditor to see the exact location of stock.
Stock Taking A wide range of options enables you to tailor your stocktaking report to your individual requirements.
This lack of eye contact later enables Kate to begin the process of stooping to conquer.
Knowledge of the structure of proteins enables scientists to understand the function they perform.
The fan 's tachometer output enables the alarm module to monitor the speed of the fans.
Dell 's new toner recycling program enables customers to return used Dell toner cartridges at no cost via a pre-paid mailing label.
Workers ' class position enables them to grasp the totality of social relations in a way that is denied an exploiting class.
The PALADIN family enables higher-performance and higher-efficiency base transceiver stations using fewer and less expensive components.
The songbook comes with bonus CD-ROM which enables all 33 songs to be transposed into any key.
This printer enables two-sided printing with an optional duplex unit.
The CASTLE toolkit also enables modification of your test file, by entering the URL of the page where you have published your test.
Both species have a waxy coating on the leaves which enables them to retain water.
The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.
I have a strong work ethic which enables me to survive, he admits.
This enables them to keep their prices down.
A basket enables you to store a diaper bag and purse.
This enables the knife to rock as you chop and mince.
Garden tractors typically contain more horsepower that enables them to pull other equipment like trailers and tillers.
This enables you to sponsor a variety of activities and needs that the shelter may have.
This enables you to know that the animals are kept in healthy, happy conditions.
Because books, especially hardcover editions, can be pricey at times, borrowing from the library enables patrons to sample new authors to see if they like them.
The first book in the series, Dinosaurs Before Dark, introduces the characters and the magic tree house, which enables Jack and Annie's travels.
This enables business owners to track and limit employee spending as well as reduce or eliminate the need to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses.
Account Activity enables you to view your current and past transactions, and allows you to sort by date, amount, or description.
This service enables the user to always ensure their account is in good standing.
It also enables business owners to establish separate spending limits for different employees.
Whatever schedule works best for all, having a prescribed schedule in place enables everyone to plan their lives without the frustration of having to repeatedly implement last minute timetables and agendas.
This versatile chair has 49 different locking positions and features a Coactive tilt mechanism that enables the seat and back to move in sync.
This part enables the height of the chair to be adjusted and commonly wears out, causing the chair to sink.
Country living is never wasteful and a slower paced lifestyle enables one to appreciate the natural resources that the surrounding countryside has to offer.
This feature enables you to fall asleep while the massage feature in running and it will shut itself off after a specific amount of time.
Installing solar panels enables homeowners to harness the natural energy of the sun and convert it to usable energy, thereby decreasing the need for other resources.
This enables it to blend seamlessly into many rooms of the home, including some contemporary spaces.
Valspar has an interactive feature that enables you to save the color palettes that you like onto a page called "My Idea Notebook".
Enables a customer to sample products without too much commitment.
Understanding the unique structure of the female body enables you to manipulate light and shadows to your advantage.
For your convenience, LoveToKnow Recipes enables you to create your very own personal cookbook.
The variety of classes enables the convention to keep all scrapbook fans happy.
This enables greater fluidity of movement.
This enables Nordic skiers to experience the vertical drop that is usually only available to downhill skiers, without having to hike up the entire mountain.
You get your own channel, which enables you to upload any videos of you and your friends.
The 4 day cruise enables passengers to fit a long weekend cruise into their busy schedules.
Though there is a significant distance between San Diego and Cabo San Lucas, the four day excursion enables passengers to quickly cruise to the end of the longest peninsula on earth.
The 4 Day Baja Mexico cruise offered by Carnival Cruise Line enables passengers to enjoy the wonders of one of Mexico's preeminent cruising destinations.
What's more, the Discovery's size enables it to access Alaska's remote and intimate waterways, which allows you to see unprecedented views of the state's wilderness.
Knowing how much fuel a ship can hold enables you to calculate everything else.
A visit enables you to see if the dog's parents are healthy, social and have good temperaments.
This enables owners to teach their pets the kind of basic behaviors needed to maintain a happy home and relationship.
It's a bit more pricey, but it enables you to train two dogs at a time.
It is not so suitable for arbours or trellises as for walls; the heat from the walls aids in ripening the wood, and so enables it to withstand the winter.
The D-Tuna enables the guitarist to tune the low E string to D with the simple turn of a knob.
Kitchen tiles come in a wide range of sizes, colors and materials, which enables a creative designer to customize the look of their countertop to reflect their lifestyle and creativity.
This enables you to choose a durable, permanent roof for your patio that matches your home's exterior perfectly.
This includes setting a budget which is a useful thing to do before buying any jewelry, as it enables you to look for jewelry within a given price range and reduces the temptation to buy outside of your budget on impulse.
New technology enables amateurs and pros alike to wear tops that keep you dry even on the hottest days.
Growing your own organic sprouts enables you to have an inexpensive source of micro-greens whenever you want them>.
Buying a juicer enables you to create your own whole food juice mixtures for optimum nutrition.
Typically, you'll see lacing on corsets, which enables you to make it fit as tight or as loose as you like.
This enables the infrared system to lower the amount of false alarms while still being triggered before your door or window is damaged.
Utilizing these resources enables seniors to make a choice that is right for them.
The close proximity of the communities to the corporate location enables members of the corporate staff to make frequent visits to the facilities, providing close personal involvement with all of the operations regarding the communities.
Free to join, Snowbird Seeker provides a two-way matching service that enables warm weather seeking seniors to find the living accommodations they prefer.
The 360 degree viewer enables shoppers to see all the details of a frame from any angle they choose by interactively rotating it--almost giving a feeling like you're actually holding them!
This lightweight comfort enables users to participate in sports without discomfort.
This enables the seller to be sure that you have been fitted for the lenses and that you know how to care for them properly.
You will be able to reload your memory card and still have the new car by going back to the main menu and selecting Extras; this enables auto save.
A hefty collection of customizable play lists enables you to separate your racing music from your slopestyle music or listen to your favorite tracks on a loop.
Most come with a headset which has a microphone built in that enables you to communicate with other players, and even mask or block other voices while the action takes place.
This option enables you to print multiple copies of the same label onto one sheet, so you can run off an entire sheet of your personalized labels at one time.
This enables you to complete a preliminary application form to determine if you meet the criteria and how much money you are eligible to borrow to purchase a camper, assuming that you find a unit to purchase that has sufficient value.
This process enables a registered dietitian or nutritionist to confirm the presence of malnutrition, assess the effects of the disorder, and formulate a diet that will restore adequate nutrition.
Biofeedback-A training technique that enables an individual to gain some element of control over involuntary or automatic body functions.
Listening to an older child or adult breathe usually enables pediatricians, family physicians, and pulmonary specialists to estimate where an airway obstruction is located.
Without the cushion that enables the fetus to float, the fetus may compress the umbilical cord causing death.
All types of hemoglobin are electrically charged, which enables them to be identified and quantified in the laboratory by hemoglobin electrophoresis techniques.
Massage enables a smoother transition from the comfortable womb to that of humankind.
Staph bacteria are usually harmless; however, when an injury or a break in the skin enables the organisms to invade the body and overcome the body's natural defenses, consequences can range from minor discomfort to death.
Dramatic growth of language and cognitive skills during the second year enables the healthy toddler to think and solve problems for the first time.