En Sentence Examples
He had much territory to occupy, and in the long march of on an average 85 days, he considered that they could be organized, equipped and drilled en route.
The essence of the tax denoted by these names was that the amount was fixed en bloc for a whole group of persons, and afterwards divided among them in various ways.
He had then just published his first work, an Essai sur les machines en general.
In a somewhat similar fashion, Lamennais (in the first stage of his speculations, represented by the Essai sur l'indiference en matiere religieuse, 1817-18 21) endeavoured to destroy all rational certitude in order to establish the principle of authority; and the same profound distrust of the power of the natural reason to-arrive at truth is exemplified (though the allegation has been denied by the author) in Cardinal Newman.
Not even the exhortations of the popes could make her score of princes unite for mutual defence against the barbarians who en vironed them.
Well provided with funds, he speedily bought over many of the leading magnates, and his popularity reached its height when he strenuously advocated the adoption of the mode of election by the gentry en masse (which the szlachta proposed to revive), as opposed to the usual and more orderly "secret election" by a congress of senators and deputies, sitting with closed doors.
In_ the very crisis of the Swedish War, the diminutive army of the victorious Chodkiewicz was left unpaid, with the result that the soldiers mutinied, and marched off en masse.
On his return he published an interesting and historically valuable little book, Des sauvages, ou voyage de Samuel Champlain de Brouage fait en la France Nouvelle.
Egger, L'Histoire d'helle'nisme en France (1869); Mark Pattison, Essays, i., and Life of Casaubon; in Germany, C. Bursian, Gesch.
In graphitizing en masse large lumps of anthracite are treated in the electric furnace.
AdvertisementSherman had now resolved to execute his plan of a march through Georgia to the sea and thence through the Carolinas towards Virginia, destroying everything of military value en route.
Chodkiewicz's own army, unpaid for years, abandoned him at last en masse in order to plunder the estates of their political opponents, leaving the grand hetman to carry on the war as best he could with a handful of mercenaries paid out of the pockets of himself and his friends.
The development of the Basque mining industry is fully described in Las Minas de hierro de la provincia de Vizcaya, progressos realizados en esta region derde 1870 hast y 1899 (Bilbao, 1900).
See Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora; Francois Mugnier, Les Savoyards en Angleterre (Chambery, 1890).
A number of criticisms on Strindberg from eminent hands are collected in En bok om Strindberg (Karlstad, 1894).
AdvertisementIn1867-1872Milne Edwards published his memoirs en the Miocene birds of central France.
But there were about a dozen intermediate " named varieties," of which the salto-atras (tending away from white) and tente en l'aire (tending towards white) may be mentioned; and many of the last named eventually passed into the Creole class, sometimes by the decree of a court.
They were arrested en masse on the night of the 26th of June; their goods were sequestrated, and they themselves deported to Havana, then to Cadiz, Genoa, and eventually Corsica.
On his return he was added to the Committee of Public Safety, which had decreed the arrest en masse of all suspects and the establishment of a revolutionary army, caused the extraordinary criminal tribunal to be named officially "Revolutionary Tribunal" (on the 29th of October 1793), demanded the execution of Marie Antoinette and then attacked Hebert and Danton.
Sometimes the laws belonging to this class are codified, or rather consolidated, and then usually by a Ipecial committee of competent lawyers whose work is passed en bloc by the legislature.
AdvertisementAt the side of each of the four scales on the stem of the hydrometer is en r ' graved a set of small numbers indicating the contraction in volume which would be experienced if the requisite amount of water (or spirit) were added to bring the sample tested to the proof strength The hydrometer constructed by Dicas of Liverpool is provided with a sliding scale which FIG.
Only a few fragments of his work, apparently en titled Commentaries on the Writings of Moses, are quoted by Clement, Eusebius and other theological writers, but they suffice to show its object.
En route to the gulf the Vagre sends across the delta, east and north, two canos or canals of considerable volume, called the Macareo and Cuscuino.
With some further fighting en route the expedition reached and occupied Gyantse on the 12th of April; here some of the British forces were subsequently beleaguered, and the most serious fighting took place.
The priestly families then went over en masse.
AdvertisementAs an historian he published Origines de l'institution des intendants de provinces (1884), which is the authoritative study on the intendants; Etudes historiques sur les X VI e et X VIP siecles en France (1886); Histoire de Richelieu (2 vols., 1888); and Histoire de la Troisieme Republique (1904, &c.), the standard history of contemporary France.
He was recalled in 1894, and published an apology for his administration (La Colonisation francaise en Indo-Chine) in the following year.
Leaving, however, the larger question of the connexion between the great mountain ranges of Europe and Asia, we find that the Alps are formed of a series of wrinkles or folds, one behind another, frequently arranged en echelon.
En the greenhouse care must be used to protect against frost.
In the few references to the legend in Spanish writings the Wandering Jew is called Juan Espera en Dios, which gives a more hopeful turn to the legend.
Verbeek, Topographische en geologische Beschrijving van een Deel van Sumatra's Westkust, with atlas (Batavia, 1883);; similar work dealing with south Sumatra, Jaarb.
Groningen was the chief fruit of the campaign of 1594 With its dependent district it was formed into a new province under the name of Stadt en Landen.
Adolphe Mathieu (1802-1876) belongs to the earlier half of the century, although the tenth and last volume of his Ouvres en vers was only printed in 1870.
Max Elskamp (born at Antwerp in 1862) is the author of some volumes of religious poetry - Dominical (1892), Salutations, dont d'angeliques (1893), En symbole vers l'apostolat (1895) - for which he has devised as background an imaginary city.
His attitude in the House of Peers in the autumn of 1815 cost him a two years' exile to Twickenham; he courted popularity by having his children educated en bourgeois at the public schools; and the Palais Royal became the rendezvous of all the leaders of that middle-class opinion by which he was ultimately to be raised to the throne.
Leger, La Save, le Danube et le Balkan (Paris, 1884); Bressnitz von Sydacoff, Die panslavistische Agitation (Berlin, 1899); Bertrand Auerbach, Les Races et les nationalites en Autriche-Hongrie (Paris, 1898).
Regular communication is maintained with Europe by steamers running between Liverpool and Forcados, Bonny and Calabar, the steamers calling at other West African ports en route.
If the journals of accounts, the letters and business documents, had come down to us en masse, they would no doubt have yielded to research the history and life of Egypt day by day; but those that now represent a thousand years of the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom together would not half fill an ordinary muniment chest.
In October 1886 Wad en Nejumi, the amir who had defeated Hicks Pasha in Kordofan three years before, and led the assault at Khartum when General Gordon.
Wad en Nejumi, most of his amirs, and more than I 200 Arabs were killed; 4000 prisoners and 147 standards were taken, and the dervish army practically destroyed.
Guns, small arms and ammunition, with large stores of grain and dates, were captured, many prisoners taken, while hundreds surrendered voluntarily, among them a brother of the amir Wad en Nejumi.
At one time he edited La Republique francaise, and after his retirement from public life he wrote Le Retour a la terre et la sur production industrielle, tout en faveur de l'agriculture (1905).
In 1866 he was employed at the ministry of war in the preparation of army reorganization schemes, and he published anonymously in the following year L'Armee francaise en 1867, a work inspired with Orleanist sentiment, which ran through ten editions in a few months and reached a twentieth in 1870.
He published in 1873 Pour la verite et pour la justice, in justification of the government of national defence, and in 1879 L'Armee francaise en 1879, par un officier en retraiie, a sort of supplement to his former work of 1867.
P g PY en P however, the cotyledon is not really terminal.
In addition to his work Les Associations ouvrieres en Angleterre, which was published in 1869 and translated into English, the count edited the letters of his father, and published at intervals in eight volumes his Histoire de la guerre civile en Amerique.
Twenty years later he supplemented this book by an interesting collection of Documents relatifs a l'histoire de l'industrie et du commerce en France (2 vols., 1898-1900), and in 1897 he published L'Economie sociale de la France sous Henri IV, a volume containing the results of very minute research.
Bullock, " Competitive Examinations in China " (Nineteenth Century, July 1894); and Etienne Zi, Pratique des examens litteraires en Chine (Shanghai, 1894).
At the French examinations for the prix de Rome the candidates are required to execute a painting in a given number of days, under strict supervision (en loge).
Todhunter, Conflict of Studies (1873) William Whewell, Of a Liberal Education (London, 1845); Christopher Wordsworth, Scholae academicae (Cambridge, 1877); Etienne Zi (or Siu or Seu), Pratique des examens litteraires en Chine (Shanghai, 1894).
Upon the fall of the Empire, through the revolution of the 4th of September, Blanqui established the club and journal La patrie en danger.
Handbook of Bronzes (1877); King, Orfevrerie et ouvrages en metal du moyen age (1852-1854); Hefner-Alteneck, Serrurerie du moyen age (1869); Viollet-le-duc, Dict.
In 1871 he published a defence of his administration under the title of La Guerre en province pendant le siege de Paris.
He has published, besides the works already mentioned, Traite de mecanique rationnelle (1858); De l'analyse infinitesimale (1860, revised ed., 1881); Des pentes economiques en chemin de fer (1861); Emploi des eaux d'egout en agriculture (1869); Principes de l'assainissement des villes and Traite d'assainissement industriel (1870); Essai sur la philosophise des sciences (1896); La Question d'Egypte (1905); besides some remarkable "Pensees" contributed to the Contemporain under the pseudonym of "Alceste."
While consul, Bigelow wrote Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique en 1863 in order to counteract the apparent desire of the French people for a dissolution of the American Union, by showing them the relative importance of the commerce of the northern and southern states.
Barboza du Bocage (Lisbon, 1881); "Geologie des Colonies portugaises en Afrique," by P. Choffat, in Corn.
Du Cane, Punishment and Prevention of Crime (1885); Braco, Estudos penitenciarios e criminaes (Lisbon, 1888); Garofalo, Studio sul delitto, sulle sui cause e sui mezzi di repressione (1890); Adolphe Guillot, Les Prisons de Paris (1890); Tallack, Preventive and Penological Principles (1896); Salillas, Vida penal en Espana (Madrid).
Corps being en route to fill the gap between the 35th and 34th Divs.
Since the 4th century it has been a bishop's see, which is in the ecclesiastical province of Aix en Provence.
Barthelemy was the author of a number of learned works on antiquarian subjects, but the great work on which his fame rests is Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere chretienne (4 vols., 1787).
It has regular steamboat communication with Rotterdam, Cologne and Arnhem, and steamtramways connect it with the popular resorts of Neerbosch, Beek and Berg - en - Dal in the vicinity.
Considerable progress has been made in the development of the oil-fields in Dutch Borneo, and the Nederlandsch Indische Industrie en Handel Maatschappij, the Dutch business of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, increased its output from 123,50 tons in 1901 to 285,720 tons in 1 9 04, and showed further satisfactory increase thereafter.
A German firm runs vessels at approximately bi-monthly intervals from Singapore to Labuan and thence to Sandakan, calling in on occasion at Jesselton and Kudat en route.
These scattered outbreaks of plague in Persian territory are the more remarkable because that country 6 Tholozan, La Peste en Turquie dans les temps modernes (Paris, 1880).
Revisiting Jerusalem and Cairo he made the haj a fourth time, and finally reappeared at Fez (visiting Sardinia en route) on the 8th of November 1349, after twenty-four years' absence.
They cut so deep into the limestone formation of the plateau as to over-drain it, and often they disappear into swallow holes (dud en) to reappear lower down.
Among the works produced for the first time or rehearsed with a view to the furtherance of musical art were Wagner's Tannhduser, Der fliegende Hollander, Das Liebesmahl der Apostel, and Eine Faust Overture, Berlioz's Benvenuto Cellini, the Symphonie Fantastique, Harold en Italie, Romeo et Juliette, La Damnation de Faust, and L'Enfance du Christ - the last two conducted by the composer - Schumann's Genoveva, Paradise and the the music to Manfred and to Faust, Weber's Euryanthe, Schubert's Alfonso and Estrella, Raff's Kanig Alfred, Cornelius's Der Barbier von Baghdad and many more.
They are now included, together with articles on Schumann and Schubert, and the elaborate and rather highflown essays on Chopin and Des Bohemiens et de leur musique en Hongrie (the latter certainly, and the former probably, written in collaboration with Madame de Wittgenstein), in his Gesammelte Schriften (6 vols., Leipzig).
His L'Antiquite expliquee et representee en figures (1719) laid the foundation of archaeological knowledge.
The fauna has been explored in great detail both as regards the vertebrates and the invertebrates, and specialists will find the necessary bibliographical indications in Travaux geographiques en Finlande, published for the London Geographical Congress of 1895.
Clamageran, Histoire de l'imp& en France (1876), gives the earlier development of French finance.
Chamberlayne, Lacrimae nicossienses (Paris, 1894); and C. Enlart's volumes, L' Art gothique et la Renaissance en Chypre (Paris, 1899), deal with medieval architecture.
See Abbe Poiret, Voyage en Barbarie .
Meinsma's Spinoza and en zijn Kring (1896) appeared in a German translation in 1909.
The Cap senate resigned en masse to escape impeachment, and an exclusively Hat ministry took its place.
His pieces abound in comic situations, and some of them, Magister Blackstadius (1844), Rika Morbror (1845), En tragedi i Vimtnerby (1848) and others, maintain their reputation.
The publication of an anonymous pamphlet in 1697, entitled "A Short Memoir on the State and Progress of Jansenism in Holland" (Kort gendenkschrift van den staat en voortgang van het Jansenisme in Holland), gave the latter their opportunity.
Here the prevalence of mud is one of the chief obstacles, and for this reason the tile-collectors are usually fastened together by wire and suspended to posts (tuiles en bouquets).
A third Belgian company, Socit anonyme pour Ia fabrication du sucre en Perse, with a large capital, then came to Persia, and began making beetroot sugar in the winter of 1895.
The blind kings gradual revelation, under horrible torture, of the place of concealment of his several jewels and treasures, and his deportation and death (of the injuries thus received, at Damghan, en route to Mazandaran), must be classed among the darkest records of Oriental history.
Its value en modern philology has been the subject of much needless contro- th rsy amongst European scholars.
That in plain clothes, en bourgeois, as the French call it, is not so numerous, but fulfils a higher, or at least a more confidenti mission.
By Barbara Villiers, Mrs Palmer, afterwards countess of Castlemaine and duchess of Cleveland, mistress en titre till she was superseded by the duchess of Portsmouth, he had Charles Fitzroy, duke of Southampton and Cleveland, Henry Fitzroy, duke of Grafton, George Fitzroy, duke of Northumberland, Anne, countess of Sussex, Charlotte, countess of Lichfield, and Barbara, a nun; by Louise de Keroualle, duchess of Portsmouth, Charles Lennox, duke of Richmond; by Lucy Walter, James, duke of Monmouth and Buccleuch, and a daughter; by Nell Gwyn, Charles Beauclerk, duke of St Albans, and James Beauclerk; by Catherine Peg, Charles Fitz Charles, earl of Plymouth; by Lady Shannon, Charlotte, countess of Yarmouth; by Mary Davis, Mary Tudor, countess of Derwentwater.
Impatient at the slow progress made by the besieging force, he decreed a levee en masse in the department of Puy-de-Dome, collected an army of 60,000 men, and himself led them to Lyons.
For that period, see Lopes de Mendonga, Memoiras da litteratura contemporanea (1855); Romero Ortiz, La Literatura portugueza en el siglo XIX.
Excavations were first conducted here by the French Expedition Scientifique en Mesopotamie in 1852, with small result.
Rutilius receives more or less attention from all writers on the history or literature of the times, but a lucid chapter in Beugnot, Histoire de la destruction du Paganisme en Occident (1835), may be especially mentioned one in Pichon's Derniers ecrivains profans (1906).
Rumours reached them there of agitation in the Neapolitan kingdom, where the people were represented as ready to rise en masse at the first appearance of a leader; the Bandieras, encouraged by Mazzini, consequently determined to make a raid on the Calabrian coast.
All the early royal seals which have been referred to were affixed to the face of the documents, that is, en placard; but in the 11th century the practice of appending the seal from thongs or cords came into vogue; by the 12th century it was universal.
Le Noble's Memoires sur les operations des Frangais en Galicie are supposed to have been written from Soult papers.
He was attaché to Jerome's son, Prince Napoleon, during the Crimean War, and wrote a Précis historique des operations militaires en Orient, de mars 1854 a octobre 1855 (1857), which was completed many years later by a volume entitled La Crimee et Sebastopol de 1853 d 1856, documents intimes et inedits, followed by the complete list of the French officers killed or wounded in that war (1892).
It forms the bishopric of Nice (the first bishop certainly known is mentioned at the end of the 4th century), which till 1792 was in the ecclesiastical province of Embrun, then (1802) in that of Aix en Provence, next in that of Genoa (1814), and finally (1860) in that of Aix again.
For Hincmar's political and ecclesiastical theories see preface to Maurice Prou's edition of the De ordine palatii (Paris, 1885), and the abbe Lesne, La Hierarchie episcopale en Gaule et en Germanie (Paris, 1905).
On a rock en the eastern side are remains of a more ancient fortress, Bow and Arrow Castle, ascribed to William Rufus.
Senac also wrote a moderate exposition of the causes that led to the revolution, entitled Du gouvernement, des mours et des conditions en France avant la Revolution, avec les caracteres des principaux personnages du regne de Louis XVI; the last part was reprinted (1813) by the duc de Levis with a notice of the author as Portraits et caracteres.
See Jacob Cats, Complete Works (1790-1800, 19 vols.), later editions by van Vloten (Zwolle, 1858-1866; and at Schiedam, 1869-1870); Pigott, Moral Emblems, with Aphorisms, &c., from Jacob Cats (1860); and P. C. Witsen Gejisbek, Het Leven en de Verdiensten;van Jacob Cats (1829).
One argument that has been adduced in support of the axillary bud theory is derived from the Palaeozoic type Cordaites, in which each ovule occurs en an axis borne in the axil of a bract.
Geslin de Bourgogne he published Etudes sur la revolution en Bretagne in 1858, and between 1855 and 1879 an exhaustive work in six volumes on the Anciens eveches de Bretagne; histoire et monuments.
In 1880 appeared the Choix de documents inedits sur l'histoire de la ligue en Bretagne, by himself alone.
Among the most favourable specimens of his talent may be mentioned En el puno de la espada (1875); 0 locura o santidad (1877), which has been translated into Swedish and Italian; En el seno de la muerte (1879), of which there exists an admirable German version by Fastenrath.
On the whole, the opinion of Le Courayer, "qu'il etait Catholique en gros et quelque fois Protestant en detail," seems not altogether groundless, though it can no longer be accepted as a satisfactory summing up of the question.
It has been shown that these asulcar filaments are derived from the ectoderm, the re - mainder from the en doderm.
The result was a series of reports to the minister, afterwards published as Rapport sur l'etat de l'instruction publique dans quelques pays de l'Allemagne et particulierement en Prusse.
In this year military measures at last succeeded against the Hamawand tribe, which fled en masse to Persian territory.
The resultant legislature (at Pawnee, later at Shawnee Mission) adopted the laws of Missouri almost en bloc, made it a felony to utter a word against slavery, made extreme pro-slavery views a qualification for office, declared death the penalty for aiding a slave to escape, and in general repudiated liberty for its opponents., The radical free-state men thereupon began the importation of rifles.
Nor is it in the sphere of taxation alone that Williams organization of the realm stands on the old English customs. In the military sphere, though his normal army is the feudal force composed of the tenants-in-chief and the knights whom they have enfeoffed, he retains the power to call out the fyrd, the old national levee en masse, without regard to whether its members are freemen or villeins of some lord.
The question of the kings divorce soon became inextricably confused with another problem, whose first beginnings go back En,gland to a slightly earlier date.
The first volume published of his posthumous works was the exquisite and splendid Thedtre en liberte, a sequence if not a symphony of seven poems in dramatic form, tragic or comic or fanciful eclogues, incomparable with the work of any other man but the author of The Tempest and The Winter's Tale in combination and alternation of gayer and of graver harmonies.
He now devoted himself mainly to the study of criminal law, and in 1818 published La Justice criminelle en France, in which with great courage he attacked the special tribunals, provosts' courts or military commissions which were the main instruments of the Reaction, and advocated a return to the old common law and trial by jury.
The result was published in 1855 under the title La Repression pdnale, cornparaison du systeme penitentiaire en France et en Angleterre.
In this memoir by Gergonne, the theory of duality is very clearly and explicitly stated; for instance, we find " da p s la geometrie plane, a chaque theoreme ii en repond necessairement un autre qui s'en deduit en echangeant simplement entre eux les deux mots points et droites; tandis que dans la geometrie de l'espace ce sont les mots points et plans qu'il faut echanger entre eux pour passer d'un theoreme a son correlatif "; and the plan is introduced of printing correlative theorems, opposite to each other, in two columns.
The poem stands absolutely unrivalled, even among French contes en vers.
This name is usually written Joan, the form used by the man himself in his signature - see the facsimile in Netscher's Les Hollandais en Bresil.
Hence it consists (1) partly of ranges, mostly snow-capped, which stretch from south-west to north-east, and which in several cases terminate en echelon on the verge of the desert, and (2) partly of ranges which strike away from the above at various angles, but in a predominantly north-western direction.
En' to En', The elongated jointed endites (rami).
He contributed to French history by writing Histoire de la guerre de Flandre 1 5591609 (Paris, 1615); Histoire de l'administration du cardinal d'Amboise, grand ministre d'etat en France (Paris, 1634), a defence of the cardinal; and Histoire de l'administration de l'abbe Suger (Paris, 1645).
Antula, Revue generale des gisernents metalliferes en Serbie (with map, Paris, 1900); Th.
The disorganization and anarchy in the Turkish empire at the beginning of the 19th century gave the Serbs their opportunity, and the people rose en masse against its oppressors (January 1804).
He had an intimate acquaintance and sympathy with English institutions, and two of his published works - an address, Biographie de Lord Erskine (1866), and Etude sur l'acte du 5 avril 1873 pour l'etablissement d'une cour supreme de justice en Angleterre (1874) - deal with English questions; he also gave a fresh and highly important direction to French policy by the understanding with Russia, which was declared to the world by the visit of the French fleet to Cronstadt in 1891, and which subsequently ripened into a formal treaty of alliance.
The country immediately south of the Terskei Ala-tau consists " of broad, shallow basins running east and west in en echelon pattern, and lying at 10,000 ft.
The principal places of importance in Lower Galilee are Nazareth (10,000 inhabitants), Sepphoris (now Seffuria), a large village standing above the Buttauf on the spurs of the southern hills, and Jenin (En Gannim), a flourishing village, with a palm garden (3000 inhabitants).
Ferri, L'Histoire de la philosophie en Italie au XIX e siècle (Paris, 1869); C. Werner, Die italienische Philosophic des zg.
It became ultimately the province of the town and district of Groningen (Stadt en Landen) (see Groningen).
The form of trial was soon discontinued, and the victims were sent to the guillotine or shot or cut down in the prisons en masse.
When eleven years old he was entered as a novice in the Norman monastery of St Evroul en Ouche, which Earl Roger had formerly persecuted but, in his later years, was loading with gifts.
Map of town in Niebuhr, Voyage en Arabie, reproduced with modifications in Wright, Chron.
Bernhard von Breydenbach, 8 Ausonius, Florus and others, arguing, it would seem, from its Hebrew and Greek names, concluded that olibanum came from Mount Lebanon; and Chardin (Voyage en Perse, &c., 1711) makes the statement that the frankincense tree grows in the mountains of Persia, particularly Caramania.
He answered the charges brought against him in a book, Ma Mission en Prusse (Paris, 1871), which still remains one of the most valuable authorities for the study of Bismarck's diplomacy.
He was forced to recognize the new French empire, but he would recognize no more than the fact of its existence (du fait en luimeme); he refused to address the emperor of the French as a brother sovereign.
Recently a play produced by el Teatro Sotano ran in Vedado entitled Muerte en el bosque (A Death in the Woods ).
We saw the bower and a female / young male en route, but no adult male.
Nine en suite bedrooms - decorated, new carpeting, new beds, new bedding and new furniture.
As the sailing colliers tended to arrive en masse on a favorable wind, the river became clogged.
Four Star - As three star plus bedrooms offering superior comfort and quality, with en suite bath, fitted overhead shower and WC.
In addition, train services cover many stations en route, with the added complication of some being express services.
A path marked by wands meanders over the glacier toward the tents avoiding the crevasses en route.
The master suite boasts an en suite Jacuzzi bath with separate shower cubicle, plus a dressing room in addition to the bedroom.
Previously disenfranchised sections of the community came out to vote en masse.
We know from previous actions of this administration what B u sh, Ch en ey and Rum sf eld are capable of.
As far as domestic arrangements are concerned, people in the great majority enthused about the en suite bedrooms.
Having four double bedrooms, master with en suite, main bathroom beautifully furbished with jacuzzi style bath.
A similar clasp knife handle from South Shields Roman fort, made in ivory, depicts a gladiator with rectangular shield standing en garde.
Management, research and guidance Management agreements to conserve calcareous grassland on SSSIs have been made between owners and occupiers and EN or CCW.
En route, an old acquaintance joins the train, carrying a holdall full of stolen goods.
A ll attractively furnished bedrooms are fully equipped with en suite facilities, color television and tea/coffee hospitality tray.
En route I saw house sparrows, starling, redbreast & rabbits.
Dashes Please use en dash or double hyphen in preference to single spaced hyphen.
Deploying forces require near-real-time joint and/or interagency communications tailored for rapid deployment, en route operations, and links from strategic through tactical levels.
I's gwine to be sole into slavery, en in a year you's gwine to buy yo ' ole mammy free ag'in.
A Chou En Lai verdict on Gordon Brown Samuel Brittan The Financial Times 22/07/05 Is Gordon Brown's supposed economic miracle based on sand?
His delicate, largely monochrome studies, are all done ` en plein air ' .
It was in Falmouth that Tuke began to paint male nudes ' en plein air ', something for which he became famous.
One rather overdue improvement is the ability to group form controls and apply style changes to them en masse.
We only use lead-free pewter (European standard EN 611) which is produced for us in Pendeen on the Land's End peninsular.
I was suprised to find that many of the woman could not manage a double pirouette en dedans.
Seen en masse, the effect of these rippling color fields, outlined by dark webs, is almost psychedelic.
Then when her mother goes missing en route, Nikki must journey to Singapore and attempt a reconciliation.
En route, you may visit scenic Woodstock or charming Quechee Gorge.
We may see sloths en route and there is always a plethora of amazingly colored birds flying around us.
Externally there is a single garage which is situated en bloc plus an allocated parking space.
En route to the mountain you could have a brief stopover at the equator crossing.
There are 12 spacious bedrooms, all en suite, including a bridal suite.
World in world has ta ' en Form ' s image; Which of these images is ours?
Google y Earthlink se unen para crear Una red Wi-Fi gratuita en San Francisco - Libertad Digital.
To him has also been ascribed the work, La generate et fidele Relation de tout ce qui s'est passe en l'isle de Re, envoyee par le roi a la royne sa mere (Paris, 1627).
A scene of west of the province of Buenos Aires and the valley of p y intense enthusiasm followed, and Buenos Aires was en fete for the following three days.
It is divided for despatch of business into four sections, each of which corresponds to a group of two or three ministerial departments, and is composed of (1) 32 councillors en service ordinaire (comprising a vice-president and sectional presidents), and 19 councillors en service extraordinaire, i.e.
But a better idea of Moratin's talent is afforded by his anacreontic verses and by his Carta histOrica sobre el origen y progresos de las fiestas de toros en Espana.
This assurance, dictated by Jules Ferry to Barthlmy Saint Hilaire in the presence of the Italian ambassador, and by him telegraphed en ci air to Rome, was considered a binding pledge that France would not materially alter the status quo in Tunisia.
Whilst Schimper objected to the constitution of a special category, such as mesophytes, to include all plants which are neither pronounced xerophytes nor pronounced hygrophytes, he recognized the necessity of a third class in which to place those Schuuw, Grundtraek til en almindelig Plantegeografie (Kjbbenhavn, 1822); German trans., Grundzuge einer allegemeinen Pflanzengeographie (Berlin, I 823).
During 1822 and the succeeding years he travelled about Europe on the search for materials for his Collection des chroniques rationales fran4aises ecrites en langue vulgaire cat XIII e au X VI' siècle (47 vols., 1824-1829).
Yanoski, De l'abolition de l'esclavage ancien au moyen age et de sa transformation en servitude de la glebe (Wallon and Yanoski had jointly composed a memoir to compete for a prize offered by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1837; Wallon's portion of the memoir became the foundation of his Histoire de l'esclavage dans l'antiquite above mentioned; Yanoski's part, the expansion of which was prevented by his early death, was posthumously published in 1860; it is no more than a slight sketch); Benjamin Gubrard, Prolegomenes au Polyptyque d'Irminon (1844); Fustel de Coulanges, Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France (2nd ed., 1877), and Recherches sur quelques problemes d'histoire (1885) (the latter work contains an admirable discussion of the whole subject of the colonatus, founded throughout on the original texts); Stubbs, Constitutional History of England (3 vols., 1874-1878).
As creation involves intention, desire, thought and work, and as these are properties which imply limit and belong to a finite being, and moreover as the imperfect and circumscribed nature of this creation precludes the idea of its being the direct work of the infinite and perfect, the En Soph had to become creative, through the medium of ten Sephiroth or intelligences, which emanated from him like rays proceeding from a luminary.
Its ten Sephiroth, being farther removed from the En Soph, are of a more limited and circumscribed potency, though the substances they comprise are of the purest nature and without any admixture of matter.
In the first place, the ridiculous and discreditable incident of the beating had time to blow over; in the second, England was a very favourable place for Frenchmen of note to pick up guineas; in the third, and most important of all, his contact with a people then far more different in every conceivable way from their neighbours than any two peoples of Europe are different now, acted as a sovereign tonic and stimulant en his intellect and literary faculty.
For further information as to Bleek's life and writings, see Kamphausen's article in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopadie; Frederic Lichtenberger's Histoire des idees religieuses en Allemagne, vol.
At the Ecole des Chartes, where his career was remarkably brilliant, his valedictory thesis was an Essai sur les revenus publics en Normandie au XII' siècle (1849), and it was to the history of his native province that he devoted his early works.
Maps of sufficiently trust- M worthy accuracy show that in the If th century ove en Tokyo Bay penetrated much more deeply in a northern direction than it does now; the point where the citys main river (Sumida or Arakawa) enters the sea was considerably to the north of its present position, and low-lying districts, to-day thickly populated, were under water.
A famous passage, and one short enough to quote, is that describing the old blind doge Dandolo, who had "Grant ochoison de remanoir (reason for staying at home), car viels hom ere, et si avoit les yaulx en la teste biaus et n'en veoit gote (goutte)," and yet was the foremost in fight.
This was in 1732, and Rousseau, who for a time had unimportant employments in the service of the Sardinian crown, was shortly in- stalled by Madame de Warens, whom he still called Maman, as amant en titre in her singular household, wherein she diverted herself with him, with music and with chemistry.
There can be no question that she loved her adopted country sincerely, and had an affection for her people, and an opinion of their great qualities which she did not hesitate to express in hyperbolical terms. Her zeal for the reputation of the Russians was almost comically shown by the immense trouble she took to compile an answer to the Voyage en Siberie of the French astronomer Chappe d'Auteroche.
The terms offered in an imperial proclamation were rejected, and preparations were made to resist coercion by the levee en masse of a national army.
Charles Potvin (1818-1902), a poet and a dramatist, is best known by a patriotic Histoire des lettres en Belgique, forming vol.
After his return to Amsterdam in 1824 Thorbecke wrote his first political work of any importance, Bedenkingen aangaande het Recht en den Staat (" Objections anent Law and the State"), which by its close reasoning and its legal acumen at once drew attention to the young barrister, and procured him in 1825 a chair as professor in Ghent University.
It was Liszt's habit to recommend novelties to the public by explanatory articles or essays, which were written in French (some for the Journal des debats and the Gazette musicale of Paris) and translated for the journals of Weimar and Leipzig - thus his two masterpieces of sympathetic criticism, the essays Lohengrin et Tannhduser a Weimar and Harold en Italie, found many readers and proved very effective.
At the pianoforte his achievements culminate in the two books of studies, twice rewritten, and finally published in 1852 as Etudes d'execution transcendante, the Etudes de concert and the Paganini Studies; the two concertos and the Todtentanz, the Sonata the Hungarian Rhapsodies and the fine transcriptions of Beethoven's symphonies (the 9th for two pianofortes as well as solo), and of Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique, and the symphony, Harold en Italie.
Beethoven's Nine Symphonies; Berlioz's " Symphonie fantastique," " Harold en Italie "; Benediction et Serment (Benvenuto Cellini); Danse des Sylphes (Damnation de Faust); Weber's overtures, Der Freischiitz, Euryanthe, Oberon, Jubilee; Beethoven's and Hummel's Septets; Schubert's Divertissement a la Hongroise; Beethoven's Concertos in C minor, G and E flat (orchestra for a second piano); Wagner's Tannhauser overture, march, romance, chorus of pilgrims; Lohengrin, Festzug and Brautlied, Elsa's Brautgang, Elsa's Traum, Lohengrin's Verweiss an Elsa; Fliegender Hollander, Spinnlied; Rienzi, Gebet; Rheingold, Walhall; Meistersinger, " Am stillen Herd "; Tristan, Isolde's Liebestod; Chopin's six Chants Polonais; Meyerbeer's Schillermarsch; Bach's six organ Preludes and Fugues; Prelude and Fugue in G minor; Beethoven, Adelaide; 6 miscellaneous and 6 Geistliche Lieder; Liederkreis; Rossini's Les Soirees musicales; Schubert, 59 songs; Schumann, 13 songs; Mendelssohn, 8 songs; Robert Franz, 13 songs.
Sorbiere, who was by no means partial to things English, definitely speaks of him as " celuy qui a le plus puissamment solicite les interests de la physique, et excite le monde a faire des experiences " (Relation d'un voyage en Angleterre, Cologne, 1666, pp. 63-64).
See Marins et soldats francais en Amerique, by the Viscomte de Noailles (1903); Beatson, Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, vol.
His earliest publication, a Carta de un residente en Roma (1725), is a panegyric of trifling interest, and La Juventud triunfante (1727) was written in collaboration with Luis de Lovada.
In 1849 he became aide-de-camp to Prince Jerome Bonaparte, ex-king of Westphalia, then governor of the Invalides, on whose commission he wrote Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la campagne de 1812 en Russie (1852).
Ferri, L'Histoire de la philosophie en Italie au XIX e siècle (Paris, 1869); C. Werner, Die italienische Philosophic des zg.
He lef t Venice for Rome; his library was offered for sale; and in 1821 he published at Pisa a catalogue raisonne, rich in bibliographical lore, of this fine collection, the result of thirty years of loving labour, which in 1824 was purchased en bloc by Pope Leo XII., and added to the Vatican library.
Rectory Cottage is en route for the Cambrian Way and the Marches Way.
Rugger boys en masse do n't normally come in until 8.15 ish so plenty of time.
Turning right, you climb steeply up the scarp slope, passing through a ribbon of woodland en route.
En route it skirts the northern edge of the attractive village of West Linton.
Men would fall over the house, like the slain in battle, or rush for the altar en masse, to seek God.
Not that John needed a rope to slink down a slippery chimney en route to the elusive northern top !
The location of the UAE lends itself to being an ideal stopover point en route to any number of more distant destinations.
There are 12 spacious bedrooms, all en suite, including a Bridal suite.
Chalet features include log fires, en suite bedrooms Jacuzzi.
The double room has the added advantage of an en suite W.C and basin.
Some good damselflies and Stripe-necked Terrapin seen en route.
Chrome towel warmer radiators will be fitted in the bathroom and master bedroom en suite.
Vegetation established was typical of tundra conditions, yet sufficient enough to support herds of wholly mammoth and musk ox en in the summer.
En suite with bath and overhead shower, large 6 ' double bed (can be unzipped to provide two single beds).
Her solo show ' La Vie En Rose ' was presented at the Kings Head.
Dish washing could not do a tour en ride of.
In addition to worrying about what you will need when you arrive, you need to make sure you have the necessities while en route.
Disposable and absorbent puppy pads can come in handy to use in the bottom of a pet carrier if the cat has an accident en route to the vet.
For en suite bathrooms, it makes sense to carry color themes from the adjoining bedroom through, but in general, this is one room in your house in which you can take a departure from your overall design style and have a little fun.
You're bound to come across interesting people and places en route to your destination.
A phone number should also be included in case they need assistance while en route.
People en Espanol named Longoria one of the "50 Most Beautiful People" in 2005.
Jaid Barrymore hired a private investigator who found her daughter in Los Angeles en route to Hawaii.
A matching hat, however, is very practical and makes for a perfect winter outfit en route to the event.
Though Biscotti items en masse may not be affordable for the common household, they are not completely out of reach as a special occasion splurge.
Because it wasn't being manufactured and campaigned en masse with other commercial mixes.
Sometimes travel involves your dog being placed in a temporary caregiver's custody en route, and you must take measures to make sure your pet is properly cared for.
My plant has finally seeded (en mass!) and I would love to know how to germinate the seeds.
Guitar Masta - Guitar Masta is a fantastic tab site that has many Mana tabs including Como Dueles En Los Labios, El Muelle De San Bias, Eres Me Religion and more.
However, the bars and dance halls of America are filled with groups of people wearing fine boots and cowboy hats and turning and moving en masse to the Boot-Scootin' Boogie and other contemporary country songs.
Increasing the fluidity and the stability with which a dancer goes from a static fifth into relevé fifth, en pointe, is one of the daily challenges of the dancer.
Although his physical stature was not ideal (he was too short next to most ballerinas when they were en pointe), this didn't stop him from often being in the spotlight on the Russian stage.
During dinner hours, try the Warm Scottish Salmon or the Monkfish "En Cocotte."
More generic cards sent en mass to clients, acquaintances, and the like is entirely appropriate.
En la Fete de Noel - O Holy Night is performed by many artists.
Practice the principles of mis en place means having all your ingredients cut up and ready to go before cooking to make your time in the kitchen more efficient.
Knock-offs are typically manufactured en masse from very inexpensive materials, and because of that, the flaws and imperfections may be quite obvious.
The navy suit became as ubiquitous for men as for women once women entered the workforce en masse and believed they had to dress as drably as their brethren did.
Most importantly, leather is always en vogue!
She had just checked in two hours ago, bleary eyed from the four hour drive en route to her next concert in Seattle.
Dancing en pointe is a dream that beginner dancers hold dear.
The pointe shoe has a special reinforced insole ("shank") and toe ("box") which enables the dancer to stand en pointe--on the very tips of the toe.
Although these ballet shoes are designed to help a dancer more easily stand en pointe, most of the work is still done by the dancer herself.
Pointe shoes should only be worn once the dancer's feet are strong enough to allow her to dance en pointe without causing injury.
Young children should never be allowed to dance en pointe, since their feet are still growing.
Once a dancer graduates to dancing en pointe, pointework usually takes up only around 15 minutes of each class, until the feet have become used to the change.
It's tempting to skip catching a cab or navigating your own traffic jams in lieu of these roller skate shoes, though it may be harder to apply lipstick, drink coffee and eat a bagel en route that way.
Not only do the airlines requires that all checked luggage have a luggage tag, but having one helps insure that your luggage will find you should it be lost en route.
Plein air painting, also known as painting en plein air, is painting in the open air.
The exact items you need for painting en plein air will depend upon your personal work style and whether you use oil, acrylics, or watercolors.
Good news for the long haul of course, but short-term it's nice to have a little extra protection while insecticides, airborne pollutants and other nasty stuff is en route out.
One example might be, Ce n'est pas normal qu'il neige autant en mars, meaning 'It's not typical that it snows this much in March.'
Brie en Croute is a wonderful appetizer or light luncheon.
Whether you're in the mood for sweet or savory, there are many different ways to eat brie en croute.
The following is a simple recipe for Brie en Croute.
It is used in appetizers (such as brie en croute), main dishes and desserts.
Baked brie in puff pastry, also known as Brie en Croute, is a remarkably simple combination of cheese and light pastry.
They do this by having a working relationship with a variety of insurance companies as well as the capability to send out a request for coverage en masse.
La Vie en Rose - This store is one of Canada's most famous lingerie chains, and on the site you'll find plenty of lingerie by the store's own design team and Roselle, their co-brand.
Although slim hips were still en vogue, flat breasts were no longer fashionable.
After all, metal music in the 1980's was very en vogue.
It becomes en vogue to structure TV shows in a certain way and so as shows like Ugly Betty which just "start" become popular, everyone repeats the formula and TV theme songs become passé.
On September 26, 2008, a crew member of 51 Minds Entertainment - the production company behind the Rock of Love series - caused a fatal collision on Interstate 57 in Southern Illinois while en route to a tour stop.
But because psychohistory works on statistical people en masse, it is presumed not to work against an anomalous person such as the Mule, who was a mutant.
They are single-pilot vehicles meant to be launched en masse against an enemy fleet - without shielding, they are easy to destroy, but when swarming, can be overwhelming.
The atmosphere these layouts create can range from the art photographic, wherein a ballerina is practicing or stretching, to the cute, where iconic ballerina symbols twirl en pointe like they do in children's music boxes.
Higher ranks would use stars to denote their status, starting with one silver star for the Chief Regional Adjoint and four gold stars on the epaulet for the Delegue General de la Malice en Zone Nord.
The ESAB site states that this helmet is "suitable for MIG/MAG and MMA welding and conforms to the EN 379 standard for automatic welding lenses."
Lunch specials run all day with pollo en mole and enchiladas among the favorites.
It was en route that a nagging thought rose to the surface of his cluttered consciousness.
He and Fred walked down the road, unfortunately meeting a half-dozen friends from town en route.
War followed, in which Turkey was easily successful and gained a small rectification of frontier; then a few months later Crete was taken over "en depot" by the Four Powers - Germany and Austria not participating, - and Prince George of Greece was appointed their mandatory.
The importance of the Malay Peninsula, as has been noted, consisted in the privilege which its locality conferred upon it of being the distributing centre of the spices brought thither from the Moluccas en route for India and Europe.
The Lombard republicans had been greatly weakened by the events of 1848, but Mazzini still believed that a bold act by a few revolutionists would make the people rise en masse and expel the Austrians.
Garibaldi now became an opponent of the ministry, and brc ribaldi in June went to Sicily, where, after taking counsel En iRome.
Shortly before the fall of the Depretis-Robilant cabinet Count Robilant had announced the intention of Italy to denounce the commercial treaties with France and Austria, which would lapse en the 31st of December 1887, and had intimated his readiness to negotiate new treaties.
They refused therefore to grant him either subsidies or a levee en masse, and he bad to take what he wanted by force.
His habit was, as he said, faire son theme en deux fawns, and he xlx.
Of Herrera's writings, the most valuable is his Historia general de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas y tierra firme del Mar Oceano (Madrid, 1601-1615, 4 vols.), a work which relates the history of the Spanish-American colonies from 1492 to 1554.
Dubois brought out a similar work on the " Especes non observees en Belgique," being supplementary to that of his above named.
His Essais en vers et en prose (1797) contains the Marseillaise, a prose tale of the sentimental kind called Adelaide et Monville, and some occasional poems.
It contains 1300 great pearls, 400 garnets, 90 amethysts, 300 sapphires, 300 emeralds, 15 rubies, 75 balas rubies, 4 topazes, 2 cameos; the gems, except where they have been replaced, are cut en cabochon.
He has 200 bezants, along with a quantity of wheat, barley, lentils and oil; and in return he must march with four horses (Rey, Les Colonies franques en Syrie, p. 24).
Rey's Les Colonies franques en Syrie contains many interesting details; and Prutz's Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzziige contains both an account of the Latin East and an attempt to sketch the effects of the Crusades on the progress of civilization.
During 1822 and the succeeding years he travelled about Europe on the search for materials for his Collection des chroniques rationales fran4aises ecrites en langue vulgaire cat XIII e au X VI' siècle (47 vols., 1824-1829).
With the advent of new trade routes at the beginning of modern times the town lost its importance, and in 1745 the citizens nearly decided to emigrate en masse.
Wagner's retouching of Gluck's Iphigenie en Aulide and his edition of Palestrina's Stabat Mater demand mention as important services to music, by no means to be classified (as in some catalogues) with the hack-work with which he kept off starvation in Paris.
As the consort of En -lil, the goddess Nin-lil or Belit belongs to Nippur and her titles as "ruler of heaven and earth," and "mother of the gods" are all due to her position as the wife of Bel.
According to this everything, even above being and thinking, is called En Soph (a7retpos); He is the space of the universe containing TO 7rav, but the universe is not his space.
This first Sephirah, this spiritual substance which existed in the En Soph from all eternity, contained nine other intelligences or Sephiroth.
In this all-important doctrine of the Sephiroth, the Kabbalah insists upon the fact that these potencies are not creations of the En Soph, which would be a diminution of strength; that they form among themselves and with the En Soph a strict unity, and simply represent different aspects of the same being, just as the different rays which proceed from the light, and which appear different things to the eye, are only different manifestations of one and the same light; that for this reason they all alike partake of the perfections of the En Soph; and that as emanations from the Infinite, the Sephiroth are infinite and perfect like the En Soph, and yet constitute the first finite things.
They are infinite and perfect when the En Soph imparts his fullness to them, and finite and imperfect when that fullness is withdrawn from them.
Worlds came into existence before the En Soph manifested himself in the human form of emanations, but they could not continue, and necessarily perished because the conditions of development which obtained with the sexual opposites of the Sephiroth did not exist.
And, though it exhibits the Deity in less splendour than its Sephiric parents exhibit the En Soph, because it is farther removed from the primordial source of light than the Sephiroth, still, as it is God manifested, all the multifarious forms in the world point out the unity which they represent.
That eminent scholars both in the synagogue and in the church should have been induced to believe in its antiquity is owing to the fact that the Zohar embodies many older opinions and doctrines, and the undoubted antiquity of some of them has served as a lever in the minds of these scholars to raise the late speculations about the En Soph, the Sephiroth, &c., to the same age.
Leclere, Les codes cambodgiens (2 vols., Paris, 1898), and other works on Cambodian law; Francis Garnier, Voyage d'exploration en IndoChine (Paris, 1873).
Since the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, it has been steadily increasing, the Russian peasants of a village often emigrating en bloc.'
In the time of Amos the slaves collected by Philistines and Tyr'ans were sold en masse to Edom, and presumably went to Egypt or Arabia,.
In October 1902, the court decided both questions in the affirmative, awarding the payment by Mexico of the annual sum claimed, not in gold, but en monnaie ayant cours legal au Mexique.
Luchaire, Manuel des instituticns francaises (Paris, 1892); P. Guilhiermoz, Essai sur l'origine de la noblesse en France au moyen age (Paris, 1902); Brunner, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, Band ii.
In 1798 he published L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe (Hamburg, 2 vols.), which contained much invective against the English, and numerous misrepresentations.
From them, the official guardians of Hungary's safety, he received no help, either during his governorship (1446-1453), or when, in 1454, on the eve of his departure for his last and most glorious campaign, the diet commanded a levee en masse of the whole population in his support.
This tract, the Discours sur les causes de l'extreme cherte qui est aujourdhuy en France (1574), and the disquisition on public revenues in the sixth book of the Republique, entitle Bodin to a distinguished position among the earlier economists.
These were traversed on the 16th of November and the raiders passed on to Bethulie capturing Dewetsdorp and 500 men en route.
The form in which certain of the references to him are couched favours the above view; the compiler of Guiron le Cortois says in his prologue that "maistre Gautier Map qui fu clers au roi Henrydevisa cil l'estoire de monseigneur Lancelot du Lac, que d'autre chose ne parla it mie gramment en son livre"; and in another place he refers to Map, "qui fit lou pro pre livre de monsoingnour Lancelot dou Lac."
His Eastern travels (Voyage en Orient) appeared in 1835, his Chute d'un ange and Jocelyn in 1837, and his Recueillements, the last remarkable volume of his poetry, in 1839.
By these, and other instruments of precision, such as the thermometer, of which we have already spok en, the eminently scientific discipline of the measurement of functional movements, so difficult in the complex science of biology, has been cultivated.
The principal literary results of his early years here were the Discours en vers sur l'homme, the play of Alzire and L'Enfant prodigue (1736), and a long treatise on the Newtonian system which he and Madame du Chatelet wrote together.
His Son, Auguste Arthur Beugnot (1797-1865), was an historian and scholar, who published an Essai sur les institutions de Saint Louis (1821), Histoire de la destruction du paganisme en occident (2 vols., 1885), and edited the Olim of the parlement of Paris, the Assizes of Jerusalem, and the Coutumes de Beauvoisis of Philippe de Beaumanoir.
The Ghibellines now triumphed completely, and in 1249 the Guelph leaders were driven into exile - the first of many instances in Florentine history of exile en masse of a defeated party.
In 1779 he published an important investigation of the laws of friction (Theorie des machines simples, en ayant regard au frottement de leurs parties et a la roideur des cordages), which was followed twenty years later by a memoir on fluid resistance.
Charavay, L'Assemblee electorale de Paris en 1790 et 1791 (Paris, 1890); and Agenor Bardoux, La Duchesse de Duras (Paris, 1898), the beginning of which deals with Kersaint, whose daughter married Amedee de Duras.
The frontier on the Danube was protected by the establishment of the two colonies Aelia Mursia (Esse) and Aelia Aquincum (Alt-Of en, modern Buda) by Hadrian.
They showed a zeal for evangelization which resulted in the establishment of their influence throughout Asia, as is seen from the bishoprics founded not only in Syria, Armenia, Arabia and Persia, but at Halavan in Media, Mer y in Khorasan, Herat, Tashkent, Samarkand, Baluk, Kashgar, and even at Kambaluk (Pekin) and Singan fu Hsi`en fu in China, and Kaljana and Kranganore in India.
Carrier and Joseph Lebon, the representants en mission of Nantes and Arras; and he fought bravely against the insurgents of Prairial.
At the Ecole des Chartes, where his career was remarkably brilliant, his valedictory thesis was an Essai sur les revenus publics en Normandie au XII' siècle (1849), and it was to the history of his native province that he devoted his early works.
Of these the Etudes sur la condition de la classe agricole et l'Nat de l'agriculture en Normandie au moyen dge (1851), condensing an enormous mass of facts drawn from the local archives, was reprinted in 1905 without change, and remains authoritative.
Queen Ulrica elevated him and his family to the rank of nobility, by which his name was changed from Swedberg to Swedenborg, the "en" corresponding to the German "von."
The Algemeene Kunst en Letterbode (1788) was long the leading review of Holland; in 1860 it was joined to the Nederlandsch Spectator (1855).
Current periodicals are Hollandsche revue, monthly; De Gids (1837), monthly; De nieuwe Gids (1886), monthly; De Architect, bi-monthly; Caecilia (for music); Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht; Museum, for philology (1893), monthly; Tijdschrift voor nederlandsche taal en letterkunde; Nederlandsch Archievenblad; De Paleograaf; Elseviers geillustreerd Maandschrift, monthly; Groot Nederland, monthly.
C. Propolanis, L'Eglise Polonaise en Lithuanie (1914); Albinas Rimka, Lietuvos ukis pries didji kara (1918); Russian Poland, Lithuania and White Russia, Handbook No.
Besides his relations with his maitresse en titre, the countess Lichtenau, the king - who was a frank polygamist - contracted two "marriages of the left hand" with Fraulein von Voss and the countess Ddnhoff.
His Historia de la Domination de los Arabes en Espana was published in 1820-1821.
The plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Sardinia and Turkey recorded in a protocol, at the instance of Lord Clarendon, their joint wish that "states between which any misunderstanding might arise should, before appealing to arms, have recourse so far as circumstances might allow (en tant que les circonstances l'admettraient) to the good offices of a friendly power."
His further progress was checked at Muyden, which the Dutch garrisoned in the nick of time, and he returned to the main army, taking Utrecht en route.
L' Entree en Espagne, preserved in a 14th-century Italian compilation, relates the beginning of the Spanish War, the siege of Pampeluna, and the legendary combat of Roland with Ferragus.
An instance of his injurious language was found in his use of the term " trinitaires " to denote " ceux qui croyent en la Trinit6."
His story has been dramatized by Max Ring, Die Genfer (1850), by Jose Echegaray, La Muerte en los Labios (1880), by Albert Hamann, Servet (1881), and by Prof. Shields, The Reformer of Geneva (1897).
This hypothesis, however, does not accord with the theory of the development of the earth from the state of a sphere of molt s en rock surrounded by an atmosphere of gaseous metals by which the first-formed clouds of aqueous vapour must have been absorbed.
Barthelemy borrows his name as the title for his Anacharsis en Grece.
Instead of drawing his corps together and retreating en masse up the Fleurus road, Zieten wisely withdrew on two roads, using those to Quatre Bras and Fleurus.
He published two books on English history - Essai sur les causes qui, en 1649, amenerent en Angleterre l'etablissement de la republique (Paris, 1799), and Tableau politique des regnes de Charles II et Jacques II, derniers rois de la maison de Stuart (The Hague, 1818) - which contained much indirect criticism of the Directory and the Restoration governments.
In case of a disagreement the case may be heard again in the same department, transferred to the other department, or to the court en banc. The chief justice or any four of his associates may at any time convene the court en banc, and if so convened at least five of the judges must be present, and the concurrence of at least five is necessary to a decision.
This was the conception expressed by Bossuet, "Tout l'etat est en la personne du prince," or in Louis XIV.'s saying, "L'etat c'est moi."
The French observations were published in 1792 (Expose des operations faites en France in 1787 pour la jonction des observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich).
Me rtens, De la peste en 1771 (Paris, 1784).
Three bedrooms with double beds, one of which has en suite bathroom.
Nearby, en route for Meallan nan Eun, was Alpine bearberry, while small cranberry was fairly abundant on Brown Cow Hill.
En route, they have a minor fender bender.
En route you will pass a monument marking the birthplace of the writer James Hogg.
Just delayed en route.