Emt Sentence Examples
The roommate called for help and the EMT's arrived and removed the unconscious roommate from the bathtub.
If you have special training or skills, such as EMT certification, let crew members know if you are willing to help.
She and Frank work on their marriage, and she starts EMT training.
If you are interested in becoming a consultant, the best way is to start working in the field, either as an EMT or a firefighter.
Ericsson's latest technology will enable EMT to offer their 3G customers an exciting package of advanced multimedia and mobile broadband services.
It only has one Navy theme, however, devoting a lot of other space to other branches - Army, Marines, Air Force, even EMT and firefighter themes.
Fire Store On-line - Fire Store On-line carries fire, EMT, and police badges and patches.
He turned to Lydia Larkin as one of the EMT personnel hurried over.
Then she added, Every volunteer fire buck and EMT has a noise on his wheels.