Emphasis Sentence Examples
There was an emphasis on student participation.
The school had an emphasis on collaborative learning.
His great emphasis is on the past.
There was an emphasis on the importance of full cost recovery.
It must not mislead by distortion, undue emphasis or omission.
The summary showed an emphasis on sustainability.
With the emphasis upon the "know" he asserts that his knowledge of the matter in question cannot be affected by anything whatever.
The emphasis is on service, quality and hospitality.
His main emphasis is laid on chastity and the resurrection of the flesh.
As usual, Fred paused for emphasis.
AdvertisementThe emphasis accordingly came to be laid increasingly upon the formal side of worship, and a value was given to the ceremonies as such, and their proper and correct performance by duly qualified persons, i.e.
The emphasis is on light but filling meals against a backdrop of an extended happy hour.
She was saying a few pushy things I took exception to, and then she grabbed my arm for emphasis.
Consequently an exaggerated emphasis is often laid upon single words; as, for example, in the school of Rabbi `Agiba, where even individual letters were forced to reveal their meaning.
The Heidelberg Catechism, set forth by order of the elector, is perhaps the most widely accepted symbol of the Calvinistic faith, and is noteworthy for its emphasis on the less controversial aspects of the Genevan theology.
AdvertisementOur work is characterized by an emphasis on drawing as the means by which students develop their creative and critical potential.
With its principle of Christian brotherhood, its emphasis upon the equality of all believers in the sight of God, and its preaching of a new social order to be set up at the return of Christ, it appealed strongly to multitudes, particularly of the poorer classes.
Superb contemporary cuisine places the emphasis on succulent seafood, bolstered by wine selections from arguably the finest cellar in Fiji.
Less emphasis is given to memorizing rules and more emphasis is given to looking at the whole.
Contributing to the same result was the emphasis upon the necessity of personal purity or holiness, which Paul's contrast between flesh and spirit had promoted, and which early took the supreme place given by Christ to love and service.
AdvertisementThe primary treatment for dependent personality disorder is psychotherapy, with an emphasis on learning to cope with anxiety, developing assertiveness, and improving decision-making skills.
Emphasis upon a single word is illustrated by Gal.
Then having discussed force as something thoroughly material, and laying special emphasis on resistance, he tells us that " the force of which we assert persistence is that Absolute Force of which we are indefinitely conscious as the necessary correlate of the force we know " (First Principles, § 62).
They all indicate that intensive patient education is needed to promote adequate foot care, with an emphasis on continual reinforcement.
There is less emphasis on the benefits of cereal fiber other than for gastrointestinal health and its satiety value.
AdvertisementFor added emphasis at night you might decide to add a row of votive candles.
For more emphasis, after the line is dry, you can go over it with liquid liner in a matching shade.
When an even emphasis is placed upon arts and the sciences, students will be more inclined to explore both options.
Be sure you repeat those blossoms somewhere in your flower arrangement for added emphasis and beauty.
Further still, there is less emphasis being placed on skill and strategy.
The style should complement your face shape to avoid unbalanced emphasis of different facial features.
This emphasis on clean lines, great cuts and classic color palettes makes these swimsuits ideal for any woman who loves a timeless look.
Swimming was also a leisure activity in hot areas like Egypt, Greece and Rome, although the emphasis was on bathing, and perhaps relaxation.
Not only does this help you get the best fit possible, you can also mix solids and patterns to put the emphasis where you want it.
If you want to take the emphasis off of a fuller bottom, switch and wear a solid bottom with a patterned top.
Here are a few hints that will help you make the most of what you've got, and take the emphasis off body areas you're not as happy with, so you'll feel confident wearing that sensuous summer swimwear.
An emphasis on these foods, combined with lean protein and healthy fats, will actually help you lose weight.
The emphasis is on local foods in a cozy atmosphere, including a fireplace, hardwood floors, and bay windows.
More emphasis is, however, now laid on the action of the plastid in polymerization, while the initial stages are still not definitely ezplaincd.
Whitefield was the greater orator, Wesley the better thinker; but, diverse in temperament as they were, they alike laid emphasis on openair preaching.
This repetition of the initial letter does not appear to have been due to his stammering but to have been a mere emphasis on the word.
The apostle meets this by renewed emphasis on the central position of Christ; and he at the same time carries a step farther his conception of the unity of the Church, as embracing both Jew and Gentile.
The distinction between the laws and dispositions of matter, as between the ethics and objects of theology, he was the first to indicate and enforce, and he laid great emphasis on the superior authority as witnesses for the truth of Revelation of the Scriptural as compared with the Extra-Scriptural writers, and of the Christian as compared with the non-Christian testimonies.
This occasionalism is not idealism, but its emphasis on the will of God gave it an idealistic tendency.
He got the hint of a noumenal will from Kant; but in regarding the noumenal as knowable, because mental, as well as in the emphasis he laid on the activity of will, he resembled Fichte.
Thus his pantheistic is also a teleological idealism, which in its emphasis on free activity and moral order recalls Leibnitz and Fichte, but in its emphasis on the infinity of God has more affinity to Spinoza, Schelling and Hegel.
Carlyle (1795-1881) laid more emphasis on Fichte.
His emphasis is on spirit, and he goes so far as to admit that " no spiritualist is engaged to defend the existence of matter."
In spite of significant omissions (the sole authority of scripture; rejection of transubstantiation), the Confession contains nothing contradictory to Luther's position, and in its emphasis on justification by faith alone enunciates a cardinal concept of the Evangelical churches.
The points at which it chiefly touched them may be inferred from the author's counter-argument, with its emphasis in the spiritual ineffectiveness of the whole Temple-system, its highpriesthood and its supreme sacrifice on the Day of Atonement.
Urban was the first to proclaim with emphasis the necessity of a close association of the Curia with the religious orders, and this he made the essential basis of the theocratic government.
Such philosophies are called rationalist or sensationalist according as they lay emphasis specially on the function of reason or that of the senses.
It was a gnosticism fluctuating not only in its relation to the Church but in its emphasis upon certain ethical and theosophical ideas.
Seeley's Expansion of England, and in the preface he laid great emphasis on the enormous increase of power brought to England by the possession of her colonies, seeing in this a lesson for France.
Great emphasis has been laid on the agreement of a tetrapolis, formed by Nineveh, Khorsabad, Calah and Keramlis, with the dimensions given by Diodorus and with the phrase " an exceeding great city of three days' journey ."
The method resembles that of the First Epistle of John, for although the errorists attacked in the latter manifesto are not those of the pastorals, and although the one writer eschews entirely the inner authority of the Spirit which the other posits, the same anti-gnostic emphasis on practical religion and stereotyped doctrine is felt in both.
The rhythmical and artistic form of the sentence is sacrificed to a passion for emphasis that delights in deferring the point to the close of the period.
He gave to theology a tone and emphasis which could not be disregarded.
He uttered his short, weighty, and pointed sentences with a power of voice, and a justness and energy of emphasis, of which the effect was rather increased than diminished by the rollings of his huge form, and by the asthmatic gaspings and puffings in which the peals of his eloquence generally ended.
Lysias was the first to make this adaptation really artistic. His skill can be best appreciated if we turn from the easy flow of his graceful language to the majestic emphasis of Antiphon, or to the self-revealing art of Isaeus.
And the previous history of religious belief in India would tend to show that emphasis was laid on the fact, less as an explanation of the origin of evil, than as a protest against a then current pessimistic idea that salvation could not be reached on earth, and must therefore be sought for in a rebirth in heaven, in the Brahmaloka.
Although there are various points of contact with Palestinian external history, there is a failure to deal with some events of obvious importance, and an emphasis upon others which are less conspicuous in any broad survey of.
Pusey, is associated with a theological appeal to the tradition of the early centuries, and with a strongly medieval emphasis upon sacramental grace.
The emphasis on Kubrick's sheer dedication to the film is marvelous.
Our emphasis on prevention of secondary spread of the disease is a novel approach in breast cancer research.
Generally, given the emphasis on formalistic ritualism, we may call these tendencies of the Moscow Patriarchate a ' High Church ' .
Black for intense drama, brown for understated emphasis, colors for fantasy and party fun.
Emo makeup puts the emphasis on your eyes with a second lighter, focus on the lips.
A dramatic bridal look usually involves heavy emphasis on the eyes by creating a smoky eye either in grey or bronze, a neutral blush on the cheekbones and a rose or reddish brown lip color.
I have a degree in arts and visual communications that focused on illustration, photography, and design as an emphasis.
From a young age, we encourage our girls to be social and to place more of a mental emphasis on languages.
The emphasis on erythroblast production is at the cost of producing other types of blood cells, such as platelets and other factors important for blood clotting.
There is a strong emphasis on critical thinking skills with real life applications.
With emphasis on real-world lessons, children are able to develop essential skills, such as personal finance, that are useful later in life.
Parents can place emphasis on academics the child will need to know later, such as geography and finance, or parents can focus more on liberal arts or on a rounded academic curriculum.
Singapore Math has a strong emphasis on problem solving skills.
Barney Kroger's emphasis on offering everything under one roof can still be seen in stores today, with pharmacies, on-site gas stations, a floral department, and thousands of products.
To this end, you should examine the structural characteristics of the property with emphasis on the roof, walls, floor, tiles, and the painting for signs of cracks, leakages, or breakages.
Crew. The retailer's emphasis on classic design with modern embellishments is visible in this shoe.
When it comes to staffing, the emphasis is on hiring and retaining the right employees.
Some experts believe that the increasing media emphasis on lean, muscular, "perfect" men may be causing the increase in male eating disorders.
A healthy diet plan recommends variety in order to meet the USRDA for vitamins and minerals, and places an emphasis on natural, minimally processed foods free of chemicals and low in sugar and sodium.
If the cake table is placed apart from the head table and given a place of honor, it will add more emphasis, as will dramatic lighting effects such as an under lit table cloth.
Some may focus on different teaching methods, while others may place emphasis on interactive learning.
Will she encourage greater emphasis on education with her children?
The cuisine, as expected, is Italian, with an emphasis on pasta with a variety of sauces, antipasto, and veal dishes.
One of the reasons Burpee's catalog has withstood the test of time is the company's continued emphasis on innovation.
The strings are then damped in unison, although your timing can provide emphasis to a certain chord or part of the song.
With the rise in men receiving beauty treatments like hair dyeing, waxing and manicures, models place more emphasis on looks and clothing.
Different varieties of grapes may be grown because there is more emphasis on what the earth is able to grow rather than forcing a certain variety through chemical means.
All products offer the same emphasis on nature and quality.
For years they've provided clothes for larger women with an emphasis on fashion and not just size.
Add the smoothing and shaping of the waist to give even more emphasis to your curves and you have the perfect piece of either under- or outerwear.
While modeling places a large emphasis on good looks, there are other important attributes that can help you be successful.
Though Hollywood and the media tends to spend a lot more time and emphasis on typical models, there are actually several plus size women out there who have found success in the modeling world.
Other sleeve types place too much emphasis on the forearm, which is usually considerably larger and less attractive on full-figured women.
When choosing a joke to play on someone that involves his or her computer, keep the emphasis on fun.
The emphasis on strategy means you'll have to do some real thinking if you want to wipe out an enemy unit.
What distinguishes brawlers from other fighting games is the emphasis on Multiplayer battles with loads of characters.
In battle, the controls are the same, with an emphasis on timing.
However, the game is not a simple shooter; instead it has a heavy emphasis on exploration and platform-style situations.
First, there is a large emphasis on camera movement.
A heavy emphasis was placed on performing flips, twirls and other stunts that would reward players with a speed boost and points.
With the strong emphasis on character interaction and group play, role-playing games easily made the transition from single player adventures to MMOG.
While the game does have a puzzle/exploration aspect, the main emphasis remains on action.
There is an emphasis on connectivity and online gaming; it comes out of the box ready to connect to Microsoft's Xbox live online service.
AntiqBook is another resource representing hundreds of booksellers around the world, with a particular emphasis on European antiquarian booksellers.
These include certain occupational goals and increasing media emphasis on external appearance in men.
Educational programs with an emphasis on disease prevention can potentially improve outcomes concerning pediatric and geriatric diseases.
Simple vocal tics include stuttering, stammering, abnormal emphasis of part of a word or phrase, and inarticulate noises such as throat clearing, grunts, and high-pitched sounds.
With mentally retarded infants, the treatment emphasis is on sensorimotor development, which can be stimulated by exercises and special types of play.
Because society has placed so much emphasis on appearance, hair loss, particularly if it is severe, may be emotionally devastating to children and adolescents.
The emphasis should never be on "getting a child to talk," nor should the goal of treatment be for the child to speak to the therapist.
The test's strong emphasis on memory and lesser attention to verbal expression are intended to offset cultural disparities between black and white children.
The emphasis is on letting the child proceed at his own pace, motivated by the desire to be a "big boy" or "big girl" and imitate his parents.
A typical hatha yoga routine consists of a sequence of physical poses, called asanas, and the sequence is designed to work all parts of the body, with particular emphasis on making the spine supple and increasing circulation.
For example, Northern European countries and the United States have individualistic cultures that put more emphasis on individual needs and accomplishments.
Test anxiety can have an impact on a child's performance, so parents should not place undue emphasis on the importance of any psychological testing.
In the early and mid-twentieth century, the prevailing view of runaways underwent a partial shift in emphasis from crime to pathology.
Individuals who develop BED often come from families who put an extreme emphasis on the importance of food as a source of comfort in times of emotional distress.
Preschools are different from traditional day care in that their emphasis is learning and development rather than enabling parents to work or pursue other activities.
In some preschools, the emphasis on groups might mean that children will not receive the individual attention they require.
The forward and back shimmy requires the dancer to rock the pelvis forward and back, with an emphasis on the backward motion.
Including a twist, or placing emphasis on a different beat adds more variety to the basic move.
A strong emphasis is placed on living a positive lifestyle through the support of an environment that truly respects the customer's unique needs.
Jami Lin places great emphasis on being as much an instructor as she is a consultant.
Emphasis on yin energy encourages rest and relaxation.
In keeping with the salon's affordable emphasis, these products offer quality results for a quality price.
Emphasis at the waist deemphasizes the length of your body.
The Ivory Coast 2pc Tankini w/Twist Front sold at Swimsuits Just for Us retails a bit higher at $85.00, but it puts the emphasis on top by pairing a floral halter tank with a regular scoop bottom.
For extra oomph, pair a brightly colored top with a dark bottom to put the emphasis right where you want it the most.
This is a great look for anyone who prefers to place the emphasis on the upper half of her body, while minimizing the lower half.
Choose the ones that take the emphasis off of the waist and hips and put the spotlight on the upper body.
However, the name and birth date were only part of the Cabbage Patch Kid emphasis on individuality.
This line of products is aimed a little more at the sports clientele with an emphasis on muscle building and performance enhancing supplements rather than general health and wellness.
The company places an emphasis on the quality of their supplements, and offers a number of educational programs to help people learn the benefits of healthy living and supplementation.
Look for skirts with a bit of flare so that all the emphasis isn't on your chest if you don't want it to be.
No matter what type of sash you decide to use, dress sashes are an easy way to update nearly any type of dress, while drawing emphasis to the waistline and creating a more flattering silhouette on the body.
An A-line skirt on a halter dress will help balance the top half, while the neckline takes the emphasis off of the width of the shoulders and calls attention instead to the beauty of their shape and your frame.
Most of her charity work focuses on female empowerment and child welfare, with much emphasis also focused on animal rights.
While the emphasis is on jobs in the nonprofit sector, government and business jobs are also listed.
While much of goth fashion is indeed sensual or eroticized, the overall emphasis is on the dark and moody.
For added emphasis, drinking a red drink or biting down on a fake blood capsule before attending a party will help make your tongue stand out against white face makeup.
Although when they are, the emphasis is on an inventive style.
If you want to own an elaborate Vader or Padma costume that you'll wear for years, that's one thing, but if you intend on doing something different for ongoing events, keep the emphasis on the fun, rather than the perfect.
Is the emphasis on sex or on selling products?
Furthermore, if we give a slight squeeze, or use a heavy hand for emphasis, consider yourself golden.
Write down your sentences, don't worry about rhyming or meter, and read them aloud and listen to the emphasis you place on the words.
The website aims for a respectful atmosphere with no adult pictures and an emphasis on dating rather than sex.
This website has a greater emphasis on finding a long-term "soul mate" than casual dating.
As previously stated, SEO is a concern for all online writing, but these articles place the emphasis on SEO over good writing.
This company began in 1984 as a business dedicated to the modern consumer with a special emphasis on providing excellent customer relations and products relevant to current trends.
Whereas designers like Chanel focus on grace and feminine luxury, Kors' emphasis on buckles and hardware provide his handbags with a trendy, almost masculine, but always fashionable, effect.
Since Baby Phat purses are meant to define and integrate hip-hop culture into mainstream fashion, it comes as no surprise that these handbags feature wild flagrant designs with a heavy emphasis on "bling".
The Natasha Tote is an enormous fashion success, emphasis on the enormous.
This philosophy manifested itself in an emphasis on mix and match separates, which truly affected the dress of modern women, and more importantly, their future purchases.
Being that Liz Claiborne handbags are created with contemporary career-driven females in mind, an emphasis on simplicity, modernity, and refinement are key to the designs of these bags.
Available in a variety of sizes and styles, this functional choice is ideal for anyone who packs heavy, is generally disorganized or puts greater emphasis on practicality than style.
Truth be told, the site puts a stronger emphasis on flowery language and pitches to buy their products than on actual predictions.
There will be a greater emphasis on your home and home life in 2009.
There's so much emphasis on sun signs that it's easy to completely overlook the significance of your rising signs.
Nonetheless, for most teen boys, the emphasis is on casual and comfortable clothing.
An emphasis on reading, writing, and math is necessary to prepare children for academic success.
She took the time to talk to LoveToKnow about the benefits of participating in IronKids, a new youth triathlon series in which children compete in age-appropriate distances with an emphasis on fitness, fun, and safety.
While it's true PBS is a television station like Nickelodeon, there is much more emphasis on educational entertainment rather than marketing entertainment.
The existence of Bollywood, however, and its emphasis on Bollywood babes, proves that we are more alike than we may realize.
As the name suggests, the emphasis at Shoe Carnival is firmly on fun.
As with the adult lines, the emphasis at Rockport kids is on comfort.
Sometimes gutter goths are included within the punk goth category which places a heavier emphasis on spikes and chains.
You have to put the emphasis on the fun and fashion, however, as a way of reclaiming what some people say jelly bracelets currently "signify."
The emphasis is on the lightweight, as this is what alleviates stress on the foot.
Once the brothers have their own families, they then put more emphasis on them than anything else.
The emphasis is on the intellectual, artistic aspects of tattoos and the tattoo culture.
Katakana is a symbolic method for writing things out; this form of writing and tattooing is used to create a sense of urgency and deeper emphasis on the meaning of the original word.
Although a stigma is associated with branding, an expert at Life in the Fast Lane suggests that it isn't so odd in a culture that puts such emphasis on appearance.
Put emphasis on the pointed ears, slanted eyes and slight blue cast to the skin.
A red face ladies watch is a great way to add dramatic emphasis to an outfit and will really make a fashion statement.
Until then, the main emphasis of watch design was on the features incorporated into watches.
Placing a special emphasis on ladies, the Emprise collection offers more for women than for men.
Deason's gentle, guided instructions are very detailed, with a special emphasis on "honoring whatever the body can do at the time."
Yoga for kids offers many of the same benefits as an adult yoga practice, with an added emphasis on having fun.
While kid's yoga classes do use many of the same poses as programs designed for adult participants, there is an increased emphasis on having fun.
This book is geared toward more athletic practitioners, with an emphasis on building strength and endurance.
Performing certain poses places an emphasis on particular parts of the body.
Because of the emphasis on a relaxed mind and body, it's important to bring a calm energy to class whenever you can.
The emphasis at New Jersey's ABC'S Autism Center is placed firmly on education and individualized instruction.
While financial gain does matter to the success of any business venture, the concept of high performance requires an emphasis on long term success rather than short term profitability.
You should still include information about your past jobs and skills, but the primary emphasis should be on achievements.
Place the emphasis on your achievements, not on the company you worked for.
It puts less emphasis on work experience than on achievements.
The main difference in the functional and the chronological resume is that the functional resume highlights skills and abilities, while the chronological resume puts more emphasis on work experience.
The emphasis is on creativity, and you'll note, especially in the first two movies, that the captains bring together a variety of different dance disciplines to come up with a finished routine.
The emphasis is on support of the ball and heel of the foot, coupled with flexibility in the soft but durable lining.
If you're looking for actual cheers, there aren't many in the movie - while there are occasional scenes at the games, the emphasis is much more on the dancing than the words to the cheers.
Dancers, on the other hand, will not likely draw as much benefit from attending a cheer camp unless the camp has a heavy emphasis on dance as opposed to stunt/gymnastics training.
You'll also note that specific camps boast top choreographers or an emphasis on stunts.
Of particular note is the program's emphasis on healthy lifestyle choices and excellent support network.
Given the healthy emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables and grains, combined with reducing unhealthy foods and cooking methods such as frying, the diet is healthy and could be low-calorie.
Eades put their emphasis on fruit, vegetables, fish and lean meats, their philosophy is that a carb is a carb, so as long as dieters don't go over the per carb allotment for each meal, they will lose weight.
Too often, dietary recommendations place the emphasis on food avoidance, leaving the patient feeling frustrated and deprived.
Following 1400 calorie low fat diets allows you to place your dietary emphasis on nutrition.
This may be one of the very best diets for high cholesterol, as its emphasis on points and flexibility in meal plans makes it a plan easily tailored to your dietary needs.
This can sometimes make high cholesterol worse, so it's a good idea to speak to your doctor before embarking on any diets that place a high emphasis on any one food group.
It places an emphasis on portion control, recommending you eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and lean dairy products.
Using an exercise ball harkens back to the days of grade school gym class with its emphasis on fun to stay active.
This is a classic trick for putting the emphasis on a lagging body part, be it calves, forearms, or neck, and it works excellently with abs, too.
With more than 10 years of experience, Adrian's individualized training methods include an emphasis on strength training, cardio and unique exercises that he has personally developed.
Pilates puts an emphasis on the importance of core strength because your midsection (abs, back and sides) are where your body needs the most support.
If you're trying to lose weight, do some weight training to maintain your metabolism but put the emphasis on calorie-burning cardio.
You can shift some emphasis onto the lower portion of the muscle, but you'll never get anywhere near the kind of surgical precision you can achieve when training the biceps or shoulders, for example.
It's easy to let emphasis slip to the hip flexors if your only concern is getting your forehead to the floor, so keep your eyes on the prize.
However, it puts slightly more emphasis on the lower abdominal muscles.
The publication places less emphasis on lifestyle issues than many other women's fitness publications.
The non-jarring motion will help you experience the pose without the emphasis on repetitions or sets.
With the emphasis on building a strong core, you can improve your balance and stability, factors which will carry over into your everyday life.
You are experiencing what may be called meditation in motion, with the emphasis on breath and fluid movement.
The underlying principles of mind-body focus and emphasis on the core provide a gentle way to relieve stress and develop good posture.
Your core muscles will need some time to get acclimated to the new emphasis on using your deep abdominal muscles.
Exercises like the saw and side kicks place an added emphasis on flexibility and range of motion.
The emphasis is gradually shifting from strengthening your core muscles to a reliance on them to complete the movement.
There is no emphasis on speeding through a litany of sets and repetitions.
By far the most difficult and particular pronunciation happens in Paris, where people speak very quickly, with lots of nasal emphasis, and by dropping letters and connecting words, also known as liason and élision.
Though their main emphasis is on auto insurance and mortgage guaranty insurance operation, AIG Insurance has an extensive line of insurance products.
With an emphasis on property and casualty insurance, all policy requests go through the underwriting process by RLI representatives with years of experience.
Although yesterday's girdle didn't place much emphasis on a lady's comfort, you can still create an enviable figure with today's fabric and technology.
Their styles are unfussy and cool, and they place an emphasis on giving you a well-made piece of lingerie from quality materials.
With an emphasis on comfort, fit and support, Champion sports bras are well-considered by many women for their athletic activities.
From bras to nighties, they place their emphasis on romantic, classic styles.
With innovations such as animal prints (these were new and wild in the 1950s) and an emphasis on beautiful design, it's no wonder Vanity Fair is still a name to remember.
With Wacoal, the emphasis is on quality constructed intimate apparel, and customers are able to find the perfect fit in lingerie that is romantic, elegant, and visually appealing.
Sexy booty shorts puts the emphasis squarely on the derriere and that makes them striking and sensual lingerie pieces.
His ode to well-endowed women – with an emphasis on the derriere - was an anthem in the 90s and remains so today.
Mackenzie Rae sells jewelry from around the world, with an emphasis on handcrafted products.
Traditional bachelorette parties usually put the emphasis on party, with many events including club-style music, copious amounts of alcohol and a number of other raucous sources of entertainment.
The emphasis on the show is to teach the contestants how to make healthy choices when eating, and how to keep up with a regular exercise regimen.
There was a lot of emphasis on their adopted status throughout the show, and both co-hosts used this to try and relate to the families.
The emphasis is not on being sensational in a fake way, because viewers and casting people see right through that.
Her placement at the center of the photo makes an unstated emphasis of the importance of this role in the story.
Determine the reason you are shopping for natural skin care products and search for products that are labeled with that particular emphasis.
Not only does Jan Marini Skin Care provide solutions to skin and hair issues, the company also puts a heavy emphasis on education as well.
Instead, the emphasis must again be on proper, balanced hydration.
It can also be used to examine why people within organizations react to certain things the way they do, with a special emphasis being placed on the cumulative reaction of the entire group as opposed to the singular reaction of individuals.
However, there is a larger emphasis on Internet entertainment, including Hollywood photos, interviews and videos.
Today, Cub Scouts are more active than before and the emphasis is on becoming part of a group.
This is where you create the "rules" for the page elements such as paragraph, emphasis, or any other tag.
The emphasis is on spiced-up versions of fundamentals like hit counters, banners, intros and so forth.
However, since italicizing is used to indicate emphasis, and not everyone emphasizes in the same way, the tag is now more common.
The emphasis tag used to be called the "italic" tag, but some people prefer to use methods other than slanting tags to emphasize the text.
Like emphasis, strong used to be the BOLD tag, until designers realized that there were more ways to make a word seem strong than to darken it.
The emphasis and aim of the website is to provide information for the adult caretakers to better plan a child's elementary education.
Even basic elements like and , which used to signify "italics" and "bold", have been replaced by (emphasis) and .
It has been said that his battles were decided by shock action; the real emphasis should be laid upon the word "decided."
Every emphasis is laid on the wisdom of Solomon and his wealth.
Gnosticism was also the pioneer of the Christian Church in the strong emphasis laid on the idea of salvation in religion.
When they are regarded as typical figures of the later episcopi of the Church, the point of this emphasis upon elementary principles and duties is at once clear; they outline graphically the qualifications for the church offices in question.
Kant and Fichte together became the most potent philosophic influences on European thought in the 19th century, because their emphasis was on man.
But Cousin's psychological method of proceeding from consciousness outwards, and the emphasis laid by him on spirit in comparison with body, prevented a real revival of realism.
Its adherents necessarily laid emphasis on human freedom.
On April 2 1 at Cadorna's request Brusati sent a report upon the defensive system between the Val Lagarina and the Val Sugana, accompanied by a map showing the various lines, stating that the conditions were " re-assuring," and that the third line of defence upon which Cadorna had laid special emphasis could be considered as being in a satisfactory state of efficiency.
We have Mill's inductive methods in the germ, though with an emphasis quite older than Mill's.
The law, however, is not invalidated by these considerations, and with the degree of emphasis and the special setting that Leibnitz gives the law, it is definitely his own.
His emphasis is his own, and the traditional material affords merely the setting for his thought.
With this emphasis upon the Messiah the Jewish element would seem to be predominant, but as a matter of fact it was not so.
It is apparent that such a doctrine as the Trinity is itself susceptible of many explanations, and minds differently constituted lay emphasis upon its different elements.
Jesus ignores them, his emphasis being so strong upon the ethical and spiritual that the rest is passed by.
With emphasis upon God as creator and ruler, and upon man as made in God's image, endowed with an unending existence, and subject to eternal torture if not redeemed, the concept of personality has been exalted at the expense of that of nature, and the future has been magnified at the expense of the present.
The emphasis upon the believer and his freedom from all external authority do not result in a thoroughgoing individualism.
It is of moment, then, to discover from his emphasis, whether by iteration or by fulness of scale, what objects he had in mind in writing.
This involves emphasis on the identity of the power, Divine and not merely human, expressed in the great series of facts from first to last.
There is much in the imperial and papal histories that is merely spectacular and romantic; much that appeals to the imagination and lends itself to myth; and since the sources are abundant - the papal archives inexhaustible and the German chronicles easily accessible - an undue emphasis has been placed upon them.
On the other hand, under stress of his revolt the papacy could not but develop in a strongly anti-Protestant direction, laying exaggerated emphasis on every point he challenged.
But in spite of du Junca's emphasis on the mask, it is in reality very questionable whether the wearing of a mask was an unusual practice.
The characteristic teaching of the Zwickau movement, so closely linked with the peasant rising, was the great emphasis laid upon the "inner word."
His use of the autograph here may have been to prevent any suspicion of a forgery or to mark the personal emphasis of his message.
But a certain exaggeration of emphasis may be pardoned in a writer seeking to attract the attention of an indifferent public. It was not, however, as a theorist dealing with the fundamental data of economic science, but as a brilliant writer on practical economic questions, that Jevons first received general recognition.
The diction is full, even to excess, of meaning, point and emphasis.
That it forms an integral part of H is shown both by the recurrence of the same distinctive phraseology and by the emphasis laid on the same motives.
In very high relief and representing furious action, these sculptures are the finest which survive from the Pergamene school, which replaced the repose and breadth of earlier schools by excess of emphasis and detail.
Blount adopted and expanded Hobbes's arguments against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch; and, mainly in the words of Burnet's Archeologiae philosophicae, he asserts the total inconsistency of the Mosaic Hexaemeron with the Copernican theory of the heavens, dwelling with emphasis on the impossibility of admitting the view developed in Genesis, that the earth is the most important part of the universe.
Chubb dwells with special emphasis on the fact that Christ preached the gospel to the poor, and argues, as Tindal had done, that the gospel must therefore be accessible to all men without any need for learned study of evidences for miracles, and intelligible to the meanest capacity.
The first preceded the outbreak of the Arian controversy, when, as might be expected in a follower of Origen, his interest was anti-Sabellian and his emphasis chiefly upon the subordination of the Son of God.
In his doctrine of virtue the distinctive Peripatetic position regarding the importance of external goods was defended by him with emphasis against the assaults of the Stoics.
The discovery of ether brought with it a reconstruction of our ideas of the physical universe, transferring the emphasis from the mathematical expression of static relationships to a dynamic conception of a universe in constant transformation; matter in equipoise became energy in gradual readjustment.
Heeren who, at the opening of the 19th century, first laid that emphasis upon the economic factors in history which is to-day slowly replacing the Augustinian explanation of its evolution.
The one doctrine on which they all combined to lay especial emphasis was the absolute existence of right and wrong quite apart from the theory of divine authority.
The direct originator of the movement was Philip Jacob Spener, who combined the Lutheran emphasis on Biblical doctrine with the Reformed tendency to vigorous Christian life.
As this was sometimes effected by means of the reserved sacrament without any formal reconciliation, even without the presence of bishop or priest, it affords further evidence of the emphasis being laid on contrition and submission to discipline rather than on absolution.
The Council of Chalcedon (451) rejected the Alexandrian extreme in its turn, guided by Leo of Rome's celebrated letter, and thus put the emphasis on the duality rather than the unity in Christ's person.
Seeberg to interpret Duns Scotus as the forerunner of Luther in his emphasis on the prac tical.
Even in our own time, popular Protestant evangelicalism joins with the newer emphasis upon conversion the two great early Protestant appeals - to Atonement and to infallible Scripture.
This new quasi-monophysitism disinclined the Lutherans to make much of Christ's humanity, while the Reformed, partly from the scholarly tradition of Calvin, partly from a polemical motive, laid great emphasis on the manhood.
We distinguish this position from the new emphasis on Christology, whether churchly or radical.
It was repeated with greater emphasis in the session of 1844, also in a condition-of-Ireland debate; and from that time forth, as if foreseeing Peel's course and its effect on the country party, Disraeli kept up the attack.
Yet the groundwork of his teaching is clear and firm; no one could insist with greater emphasis on the demonstrative character of economic principles as understood by himself.
He fully recognized that his good was capable of being realized only in successive parts, and gave even exaggerated emphasis to the rule of seeking the pleasure of the moment, and not troubling oneself about a dubious future.
It will be convenient to consider first the new form or universal characteristics of Christian morality, and afterwards to note the chief points in the matter or particulars of duty and virtue which received development or emphasis from the new religion.
Again, - just as the Stoics held wisdom to be indispensable to real rectitude of conduct, while at the same time they included under the notion of wisdom a grasp of physical as well as ethical truth, so the similar emphasis laid on inwardness in Christian ethics caused orthodoxy or correctness of religious belief to be regarded as essential to goodness, and heresy as the most fatal of vices, corrupting as it did the very springs of Christian life.
This is particularly manifest in the weightier emphasis which he lays upon human sin and divine grace, and in the place which he assigns to faith in the individual Christian life.
By the theory of minute constituents of things, and his emphasis on mechanical processes in the formation of order, he paved the way for the atomic theory.
The persistent emphasis upon such features as the rejection of Saul, his enmity towards David, the latter's chivalry, and his friendship for Jonathan, will partly account for the present literary intricacies; and, on general grounds, traditions of quite distinct origin (Calebite or Jerahmeelite; indigenous Judaean; North Israelite or Benjamite) are to be expected in a work now in post-exilic form.'
No emphasis, however strong, upon the mere consecutive personal successes of Hamilton's life is sufficient to show the measure of his importance in American history.
Cyril and Augustine differ, as we should expect, in the doctrines which they select for emphasis, but they both agree in requiring a knowledge of sound doctrine on the part of the candidates.
The substitution of the elector for the pope as head of the church; the introduction of Roman law with its emphasis on a central authority and a central administration; the determined and successful efforts to avoid any partition of the electorate; and the increasing tendency of the separate sections of the diet to act independently; all tended in this direction.
Then he added for emphasis, "That's where Philadelphia flushes its toilets."
There has been a growing emphasis on discovering the opinions of teachers and students and on understanding their experiences and perspectives.
Increased emphasis on our popular columns provides readers with the key commentary they can trust.
The renewed emphasis on cost-benefit analysis is especially welcome.
The ad should put more emphasis on the contest.
The central emphasis on design is apparent throughout all the professionally accredited courses.
In every museum there is a strong, new (and wholly admirable) emphasis on access and interpretation.
So, it is important to remember that too much emphasis on trying to produce an all-white bird may produce unwanted albinos.
References 1 For example, Wyclif's emphasis on Scripture was theocentric, not anthropocentric, in both its orientation and influence.
The emphasis of this tasting is on learning the basics of whiskey appreciation.
Its present unfurnished state gives even greater emphasis to its bold architecture which is now regularly used to display contemporary artworks.
This again emphasis the groups evolving interest in the biotransformation, fate and protection of organic biocides in long term preservation systems.
Hmmmm It was certainly very atmospheric with spoken lyrics and occasional bongo beat for emphasis.
The open-air cafes with their emphasis on consumption attempt to meet the needs of a very different audience.
They will also need to manage their own caseload with an emphasis on Trust & Tax work.
The emphasis of the camp was on color & polymer chemistry.
This limited exposure along with the emphasis on great fun and learning makes it an ideal choice for the unsure!
There is an emphasis on celebrating together rather than ' saying the Office ' as a private and exclusively clerical obligation.
With an emphasis on lightweight composites inside, the Sagaris represents the latest in TVR's thinking on the road racer theme.
Special emphasis has been laid on the implementation of the boundary conditions for free surface topography.
Martha's diary - planning sheet Write Martha's diary with an emphasis on using connectives.
And if you want to be really considerate why not take the emphasis away from loud bangs to apple bobbing and sparklers?
The moral contestation of the SMF reflected their emphasis on true belief, but also the importance of the nganga -system to Bakongo society.
Special emphasis is put on geographical and spatial dimensions of firm demography.
Second, this emphasis on secular psychology ignores the depravity of the human heart.
They expressed dismay over the emphasis placed on making loans.
I am not dispossessed of the last view but it may be a matter of emphasis.
There are often small woodlands on the ends of the drumlins and dense hedgerows around the base, giving visual emphasis to drumlin landforms.
Everything was taken as a similar pace, with similar emphasis, with words elided and diction often poor.
Special emphasis is given to spatially indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells.
It bears emphasis, however, that this consequence is not intrinsic to the theory of events as property exemplifications.
Sartre has the point of view that is called Atheistic existentialism, which puts the emphasis on the individual instead of society.
Labeling The welcome emphasis on consistent labeling should extend to electronic program finders (including Teletext ).
I applied to Oxford because the four-year course and the emphasis on linguistic fluency promised a deeper access to the ancient world.
The lecture's main topic is oceanography in general with an emphasis on ocean geochemistry.
The present emphasis lies in hydrocarbon production-related research including both geoscience and engineering oriented topics, and ore mineralization.
The School is fully committed to mainstream geology (with emphasis on the applied aspects) in addition to the marine geosciences.
The emphasis has sadly shifted from public service to selfish greed.