Emotional distress Sentence Examples
Your doctor will also be able to talk to you about how to deal with any emotional distress you've suffered.
The Michael Savage autism controversy is one of great emotional distress for many families and professionals affected by pervasive developmental disorders.
The " animal rights " supporters cannot see how these justify the infliction of physical or emotional distress on MOOS.
Many alcoholics use drinking to "self-medicate" when suffering from personal, social, professional or emotional distress.
Psychotherapy is indicated when the child exhibits signs of severe emotional distress in response to events such as a death in the family, the birth of a new child, a change in schools, or divorce.
The removal of the noncustodial parent or increased work hours for the custodial parent can cause separation anxiety, while the parents' emotional distress tends to be felt by babies, upsetting their own emotional balance.
Fear is an intense aversion to or apprehension of a person, place, activity, event, or object that causes emotional distress and often avoidance behavior.
The term school phobia was first used in 1941 to identify children who fail to attend school because attendance causes emotional distress and anxiety.
Individuals who develop BED often come from families who put an extreme emphasis on the importance of food as a source of comfort in times of emotional distress.
Other types of seizures can cause confusion, upset stomach, or emotional distress.
AdvertisementTo be understanding of the child's emotional distress.
With subsequent emotional overloads, the pattern is reinforced, until the person subconsciously turns to food at the first sign of emotional distress.