Emitted Sentence Examples
It was allegedly her translator and emitted a low-level hum similar to the walls.
A yellowish glow emitted from some unseen light source in the grey walls reminded her of a late winter afternoon that never ended.
Ozone is also emitted by a violet fluorspar from Quincie, dep. Rhone, France.
If each wave travels out from the source with velocity U the n waves emitted in one second must occupy a length U and therefore U = nX.
The lava is emitted from the volcanic vent at a high temperature, but on exposure to the air it rapidly consolidates superficially, forming a crust which in many cases is soon broken up by the continued flow of the subjacent liquid lava, so that the surface becomes rugged with clinkers.
It records light that is emitted by the corona.
When the motion is upwards gas is emitted; when the motion is downwards it is checked.
The rays emitted from an axial object-point are not combined into one image-point by an ordinary biconvex lens of fixed aperture, but the central rays come to a more distant focus than the outer rays.
The Frenchman emitted a merry, sanguine chuckle, patting Pierre on the shoulder.
The light actually emitted laterally is thus the same as would be caused by forces exactly the opposite of these acting on the medium otherwise free from disturbance, and it only remains to see what the effect of such force would be.
AdvertisementAs regards the polarization of the dispersed light as dependent on the angle at which it is emitted, we find that although, when terms of the second order are included, the scattered light no longer vanishes in the same direction as before, the peculiarity is not lost but merely transferred to another direction.
One important measurement is that of the wave-length emitted from an antenna.
They may be produced, by taking care, during the summer pruning or disbudding, to preserve a number of the little shoots emitted by the yearly wood, only pinching off the minute succulent points.
The number of cercariae produced by the pullulating rediae in a single water-snail is immense, and as they are emitted at a given period or a few successive periods, the snail at these times appears enclosed in a cloud of whitish flocculent matter.
Let a source of fluid be a point from which an incompressible fluid is emitted in all directions.
AdvertisementVapours are emitted which deposit sulphur and alum, and some mining is carried on.
For our immediate purpose these considerations are of importance inasmuch as they bear on the question how far the spectra emitted by gases are thermal effects only.
It was in vain that Groot emitted a Publica Protestatio, in which he declared that Jesus Christ was the great subject of his discourses, that in all of them he believed himself to be in harmony with Catholic doctrine, and that he willingly subjected them to the candid judgment of the Roman Church.
Becquerel's observation in 1896 that certain uranium preparations emitted a radiation resembling the X rays observed by Rntgen in 1895.
If we calculate from the total energy emitted, and not from the position of maximum intensity, the same result is obtained within a few degrees.
AdvertisementThe usual bands were, however, temporarily effaced in the two brilliant apparitions of 1882 by vivid rays of sodium and iron, emitted during the excitement of perihelion-passage.
In addition to the above facts of polarization mention may be made of the partial polarization, in a plane perpendicular to that of emission, of the light emitted in an oblique direction from a white-hot solid, and of the polarization produced by diffraction.
The principle of energy makes it clear that the light emitted laterally is not a new creation, but only diverted from the main stream.
This transmitting plant was completed in December 1901, and Marconi then crossed the Atlantic to Newfoundland and began to make experiments to ascertain if he could detect the waves emitted by it.
The two leading types of volcanic areas are the plateaus, in which sheets of porphyrites, basalts and even trachytes were emitted, sometimes with wide discharge of volcanic ashes, and the puys, or isolated vents, or scattered groups of vents, which discharged comparatively a small amount of lava and ashes.
AdvertisementThe center appeared solid and emitted a solid red glow.
It emitted a much smaller part of its stored energy in the first microsecond than did the blue and green phosphors.
The portion BC is the light emitted after illumination and is called phosphorescence.
When light strikes a photocathode inside the tube, an electron is emitted, which accelerates toward the first anode in a multiplier unit.
When the light is emitted there is a sharp sensation of a hot pinprick.
Consider a photon emitted by a galaxy a billion years ago, now caught on a photographic plate on Earth.
In return, this reduces the amount of carbon that is emitted and thus reduces the carbon footprint.
Most man-made causes of global warming result from an increase in greenhouse gases, which are gases that trap or absorb infrared radiation emitted from the planet.
Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared energy emitted from the earth, preventing it from returning to space.
Carbon dioxide is a gas emitted from power plants, cars, airplanes, buildings, and the burning of fossil fuels for energy.
While limiting the use of personal cars and trucks will not completely eliminate pollution, it reduces the overall quantity of emitted gases and helps slow global warming.
Deforestation, particularly clear cutting forests by the lumber industry, accounts for nearly 25 percent of the carbon dioxide emitted every year around the globe.
A telephone earpiece, perhaps with a cardboard horn attached to it, emitted an electronic buzz or whine.
I think perhaps that a poisonous effluvium is emitted from the luminous substance.
It also shows that the black body emits at a peak wavelength, at which most of the radiant energy is emits at a peak wavelength, at which most of the radiant energy is emitted.
The radiation emitted from a cluster comes from a very small fraction of the mass present.
Since our atoms cannot absorb photons emitted by ethereal atoms, the ethereal atoms, the ethereal world is invisible to us.
At a critical point the potential stored in the color field manifests itself as spontaneously emitted gluons, which then split into quark-antiquark pairs.
Ozone is a lung irritant emitted from many air cleaners in the market that can trigger allergy reactions, even in small amounts.
Suddenly the machine emitted a noise that was like every sound ever made in the world put together, infinite frequencies.
In other words, the energy emitted by the object 's constituent atoms was itself atomized.
However, pollutants which lead to the formation of ozone emitted from other countries influence ozone emitted from other countries influence ozone levels in the UK.
This research establishes for the first time a direct link between global warming and the soot particles emitted by motor vehicles.
Pulsars The animation, created by Michael Kramer, shows the beams of light emitted from the magnetic poles of a spinning neutron star.
Similarly, more longwave radiation is emitted to space in the tropics than at high latitudes.
Passive RF sensors, which use microwave radiometers to detect RF energy emitted or reflected from objects.
Gamma ray A quantity of electro-magnetic energy without mass or charge emitted by a radionuclide.
At a later date the aroma of the rambler roses disguising the cubicles, emitted sweetness into the air!
The class was known as ` smokey Joes ` since they were coal burning and emitted copious amounts of thick, acrid black smoke.
He uses high-resolution solid-state detectors to make precision measurements on the gamma rays emitted by radioactive nuclei.
The city was also well known for its hot springs, which emitted lukewarm water continually.
They went to one pump and found the water emitted an unbearable stench.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
There is the further problem that radiation emitted is not a good tracer of mass, which is what we are most interested in.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
It is emitted by faulty gas appliances which are either not burning correctly or are inadequately ventilated.
Whenever the particles are sufficiently fine, the light emitted laterally is blue in colour and, in a direction perpendicular to the incident beam, is completely polarized.
If there be n similar particles per unit volume, the energy emitted from a stratum of thickness dx and of unit area is found from (9) by the introduction of the factor ndx.
The problem of syntonic electric wave telegraphy is then to construct a transmitter and a receiver of such kind that the receiver will be affected by the waves emitted by the corresponding or syntonic transmitter, but not by waves of any other wavelength or by irregular electric impulses due to atmospheric electricity.
According to Huygens's principle (see Diffraction) each aether particle, set vibrating by an incident wave, can itself act as a new centre of excitement, emitting a spherical wave; and similarly each particle on this wave itself produces wave systems. All systems which are emitted from a single source can by a suitable optical device be directed that they simultaneously influence one and the same aether particle.
Along the rim of a submerged volcano, divers see trails of bubbles emitted from the ocean floor.
At a later date the aroma of the rambler roses disguising the cubicles, emitted sweetness into the air !
Shock waves dissipate within the confines of the plenum without interfering with the shock waves emitted from an adjacent stack.
There are significant emissions from sinter plants owing more to the large gas volumes emitted than to high concentrations.
The class was known as ` Smokey Joes ` since they were coal burning and emitted copious amounts of thick, acrid black smoke.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT 's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
Kirchhoff in announcing that the lines of the spectrum were characteristic of the chemical substance which emitted them, and in indicating the value of this discovery in chemical analysis.
Since the rays used by Tyndall in these experiments are similar to those emitted by a heated body which is not hot enough to be luminous, it might be thought that the radiation, say from a hot kettle, could be concentrated to a focus and employed to render a small body luminous.
Tyndall used the dark rays from a luminous source, which are emitted in a highly concentrated form, so that it was possible to obtain a high temperature, which was, however, much lower than that of the source.
The dominance of sodium formate suggests corrosion was influenced by organic acids and/or aldehydes emitted by the old wooden storage cases.
We can detect these small motions by looking at the Doppler shift in spectral lines emitted by atoms in the solar surface.
Buildings In cold climates, a lot of CO 2 is emitted by burning coal, oil or gas to keep us warm.
Students generally use the gas Emission program after observing the spectra emitted by gas discharge tubes.
This has been achieved by employing a microphone transmitter at the sending end to vary the amplitude but not the wave-length of the emitted waves, and at the receiving end using an electrolytic receiver, which proves to be not merely a qualitative but also a quantitative instrument, to make these variations audible on a telephone.
If therefore we can measure the frequency of the oscillations in an antenna we are able to tell the wave-length emitted.
Now 2 area 17r=2Xr; so that, in order to reconcile the amplitude of the primary wave (taken as unity) with the half effect of the first zone, the amplitude, at distance r, of the secondary wave emitted from the element of area dS must be taken to be dS/Xr (1) By this expression, in conjunction with the quarter-period acceleration of phase, the law of the secondary wave is determined.
Becquerel's observation in 1896 that certain uranium preparations emitted a radiation resembling the X rays observed by Röntgen in 1895.
If at first the members of the council thought that Kutuzov was pretending to sleep, the sounds his nose emitted during the reading that followed proved that the commander-in-chief at that moment was absorbed by a far more serious matter than a desire to show his contempt for the dispositions or anything else--he was engaged in satisfying the irresistible human need for sleep.
Dessalles slept propped up on four pillows and his Roman nose emitted sounds of rhythmic snoring.
Radio waves emitted by the EXIT would power a plastic transistor circuit a few centimeters across which was printed onto every product.
The water vapor emitted at altitude by burning fuel also drives global warming.
Wavelet Analysis of Organ Pipe Sounds The sound emitted by an organ pipe evolves in time through three distinct regimes.
Drawing by first officer (A.P.) An intensely white, fluorescent light was emitted by the object.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States emitted more than 7.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2005.
Reducing the burning of fossil fuels will help to reduce the amount of carbon emitted.
Most energy emitted by incandescent bulbs is in the form of heat energy.
However, a low, Velcro-like noise is emitted when the needles come off the skin as each tap occurs.
It might pass as a narrow-leaved form of the Common Bay, the resemblance in the shape of leaves and their texture being emphasised by a like fragrance being emitted when they are bruised.
The strong odors emitted by these companion plants help deter insects and worms from feeding on the brassicas.
Not only were these bulbs expensive, but they emitted a harsh blue-white light that was not very inviting as people were used to the warm, yellow-white light emitted by the incandescent bulb.
The blue-white light emitted from non-coated LED lights is brighter and that's exactly what home and business owners want to add a little extra security to their environments.
These types of night vision goggles are made to read the heat that is emitted off of living organisms and objects.
For example, the radiation emitted from a microwave may affect your mobile phone reception.
People whose eyes have refractive errors do not see clearly without glasses, because the light emitted from the objects they are observing does not come into focus on their retinas.
An evoked otoacoustic emissions (OAE) test that detects an echo emitted by the inner ear in response to sound; the echo is produced only if the inner ear is healthy and functioning normally.
One of the most cited critiques of the product is the loud noise emitted when the scrubber is plugged in and running.
Many people feel the light emitted by beeswax candles is much stronger and brighter than the light from a paraffin candle.
Love is a magic ray emitted from the burning core of the soul and illuminating the surrounding earth.
Some researchers speculate that it is a defensive mechanism similar to the odor emitted by skunks.
Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) meters are used to locate energy fields that investigators believe are possibly emitted from ghosts, especially when the entity attempts to physically manifest.
If the particles were away, the wave would pass on unbroken and no light would be emitted laterally.
Ramsay, repeating these experiments, found that the inert gas emitted refused xIIl.
Lava streams are seldom emitted from these volcanoes, the material erupted consisting chiefly of ash and scoriae, which are spread over a very wide extent of country.
The aromatic and irritating fumes emitted by burning amber are mainly due to this acid.
In the third, after the Campagna, by a great general uplift, had become a land surface, volcanic energy found an outlet in comparatively few large craters, which emitted streams of hard lava as well as fragmentary materials, the latter forming sperone (lapis Gabinus) and peperino (lapis Albanus), while upon one of the former, which runs from the Alban Hills to within 2 m.
In 1684, while Perth, and his brother, Melfort, who went over to Rome, were in power, Renwick emitted an " Apologetical Declaration," in which the active enemies of his sect were threatened with secret trials and with assassination (October), and a " curate," with some soldiers, was murdered.
National budgets are to be discriminated (r) as budgets passing under parliamentary scrutiny and debate from year to year, and (2) budgets emitted on executive authority.
Formerly, on the eve of a great eruption of Mauna Loa, this crater often spouted forth great columns of flame and emitted clouds of vapour, but in modern times this action has usually been followed by a fracture of the mountain side from the summit down to a point moo ft.
The dust emitted from mining the ore was poisonous in its raw state.