Emerges Sentence Examples
The river emerges from Taurus, about 7 m.
The current to be measured is passed through the coils of the electromagnet, then enters the mercury disk at the centre, flows through it radially in all directions, and emerges at the periphery.
Dehra Dun only emerges from the mists of legend into authentic history in the 17th century A.D., when it formed part of the Garhwal kingdom.
When a promising new finding emerges, that information will be shared with other farms and those techniques will be tested there.
Neither metal, when it emerges from the furnace, has any beauty, shakudo being simply dark-colored copper and shibuichi pale gun-metal.
Numerous operations of luting, sizing, lacquering, polishing, drying, rubbing down, and so on, are performed by the nurimono-shi, until, after many days treatment, the object emerges with a smooth, lustrelike dark-grey or colored surface, and is ready to pass into the hands of the makie-shi, or decorator.
Such a " gathered church " emerges as the great desideratum with Robert Browne, between 1572, when he graduated at Cambridge, and 1580-1581, when he first defined his Separatist theory.
Between Miinden and Minden its course lies through a picturesque valley flanked by irregular and disjointed ranges of hills (Reinhardswald, Sollinger Wald, Weser Hills, &c.); but after it emerges from these mountains by the narrow pass called the "Porta Westfalica," near Minden, its banks become flat and uninteresting.
The struggle is a sore one; his very life is bitter to him; and yet he emerges victorious.
The result of undermining this sure foundation emerges in Balfour's attitude to the beliefs themselves.
AdvertisementWhen the aquatic insect has reached its full growth it emerges from the water or seeks its surface; the thorax splits down the back and the winged form appears.
From this question there emerges a second and more difficult problem.
It rises in the Caucasus, on the slopes of Mount Kasbek, in several head-streams, and flows north as far as Vladikavkaz, just above which it emerges from the mountains.
The table-land consists of a series of fertile plains, of varying size and elevation separated from each other by upland tracts or mountains, and it is drained almost entirely by the river Iris (Yeshil Irmak) and its numerous tributaries, the largest of which are the Scylax (Tchekerek Irmak) with many affluents and the Lycus (Kalkid Irmak), all three rising in the highlands near, or on, the frontier of Armenia Minor and flowing first in a westerly and then in a north-westerly direction to merge their waters in a joint stream, which (under the name of the Iris) pierces the mountain-wall and emerges on the east of Amisus (Samsun).
It is from the Second Crusade that William of Tyre, representing the attitude of the Franks of Jerusalem, begins to be a primary authority; while on the Mahommedan side a considerable authority emerges in Ibn Athir.
AdvertisementSeveral works were written on the capture of Acre in 1291, especially the Excidium urbis Acconensis, a treatise which emerges to throw light, after many years of darkness, on the last hours of the kingdom.
In most Heteronemertines it is found to be an elongated slit with corrugated borders; in the Metanemertines it is smaller and rounded; in Malacobdella and Akrostomum it, moreover, serves for the extrusion of the proboscis, which emerges by a separate dorsal opening just inside the mouth.
A X6yos emerges with some beings in direct sequence upon the persistence of impressions.'" Sense is of the " first " universal, the form, though not of the ultimate universal.
In the sphere of morals, the ultimate and only authority which the mind can recognize is the law which emerges from the pure moral consciousness.
Egyptian thought ascribed this function to Thoth, who played somewhat different parts in different systems, but emerges as the representative of the immanent intelligence (1888); Siebeck, Lehrbuch der Religionsphilosophie (1893); Dorner, Grundriss der Religionsphilosophie (1903).
AdvertisementThe steam is passed through the valve and emerges at the pressure required generally from 3 lb upwards.
Polymitarcys virgo, which, though not found in England, occurs in many parts of Europe (and is common at Paris), emerges from the water soon after sunset, and continues for several hours in such myriads as to resemble snow showers, putting out lights, and causing inconvenience to man, and annoyance to horses by entering their nostrils.
Charged with all this matter, the Semliki, as it emerges from the region of forest and cataracts (in which, often closely confined by its mountain barriers, the stream is deep and rapid), becomes sluggish, its slope flattens out, and its waters, unable to carry their burden, deposit much of it upon the land.
Finally, then, there emerges the opposition of negative, i.e.
This always begins at the place where the attached flagellum emerges from the body; and its free edge is really constituted by the latter, which forms a flageIlar border.
AdvertisementIt emerges because in all judgments on textual matters it is presupposed that they will be acted on, that a reading accepted will remain in the text, a rejected one obelized, enclosed between brackets or removed, and, in this last case, something else substituted in its place.
After leaving Hazara it flows in a southerly direction between the Punjab and the North-West Frontier Province, till it enters Mianwali district of the Punjab, from which it emerges to form again the eastern boundary of the province.
Proceeding on this suggestion, and misled by the mathematical expression which he had given to Weber's law, Fechner held that a conscious sensation, like its stimulus, consists of units, or elements, by summation and increments of which conscious sensations and their differences are produced; so that consciousness, according to this unnecessary assumption, emerges from an integration of unconscious shocks or tremors.
Ericaceae, Pyrolaceae, Gentianaceae, Orchidaceae, ferns, &c. Recent experiments have shown that the difficulties of getting orchid seeds to germinate are due to the absence of the necessary fungus, which must be in readiness to infect the young seedling immediately it emerges from the seed.
Thenceforward it passes by deep gorges through the Mohmand hills, curving northward until it emerges into the Peshawar plain at Michni.
The cable is then placed in an oven, and, after all moisture has been driven off, it is passed through a lead press whence it emerges protected by a continuous lead pipe.
In this it remains until the completion of the transformation into the sexually mature insect, which then emerges from the case, leaving the pupal integument behind.
The united river carrying down the waters of the Athabasca slope is called the Slave river, which, passing through Great Slave Lake, emerges as the great Mackenzie river, which falls into the Arctic Sea.
Thus the conception of Christ as High Priest emerges, for the first time, as a central point in the author's conception of Christianity.
Then it enters the Third Canyon, from which it emerges at the mouth of Gardiner river.
Fertilization is external; and in about three days a small ciliated larva, not unlike that of the Echiuroids, but with no trace of segmentation, emerges from the egg-shell.
The rivers, finally checked by the sea, deposit their remaining silt, which emerges as banks or blunted promontories, or, after a year's battling with the tide, adds a few feet or it may be a few inches to the foreshore.
From this egg in the spring emerges an apterous female who makes a gall in the new leaf and lays therein a large number of eggs.
Then the somewhat artificial scent of Black Forest Gateau emerges strongly, with a dusting of coconut.
It emerges between two cliffs of red breccia, a gravelly rock laid down by floods some 250 million years ago.
The bag finally emerges, is whisked through Customs, and handed to another check-in clerk.
Kryten emerges, " almost annoyed ", from the garbage compactor as a perfect cube.
Such studies avoid a global determinism which emerges from mythic thinking and magic behaviors.
Go check the temporary encampment that emerges every night.
When Janie emerges at her command she accurately foretells her future.
Yet the impression of a clear antagonism between church and state which emerges from the last years of the war is carefully fostered.
In this way a wonderful kaleidoscope of sound emerges which may be compared to varieties of pentecostal singing found around the world.
She emerges with a dilapidated hair-do and a smudge of grime adorning her perfect upturned nose.
A newly wed couple emerges, descends some stairs.
She eventually gradually emerges as a beautiful woman by the series end, like the ugly duckling transforming into the swan.
Then suddenly one day, a brilliant butterfly emerges from this dreary brown husk to lead a new life unfettered by the bonds of earth.
As piercing emerges further as a part of the cultural mainstream, popularity for this art form has increased.
Through sustained awareness on all aspects of the practice, the movement of body, breath, and mudra harmonize, and the inner flow naturally emerges.
It emerges that she does not know which one is actually the girl's father, but the men and the daughter agree that they are happy not to know and to all share a father/daughter relationship.
Tommy eventually emerges from his catatonic state when his mother smashes a mirror.
During that time, the castaways will endure many hardships, compete in competitions to win rewards and immunity and ultimately vote off fellow cast mates one-by-one until just one person emerges as the sole survivor.
In one of a terrifying scene set during a quiet dinner, Kane is ripped apart from the inside, as a creature emerges from his chest.
Then they are taken over and 'impregnated' with the next level lifeform, which kills the host as it emerges.
They emerges in 1930s America, and meet Edith Keeler, a social worker.
But the alien queen has hitched a ride on the landing craft, and just when Ripley and Newt have finished tucking the wounded Hicks into a hypersleep pod, she emerges to continue the battle.
In T2, he stalks naked into a biker bar, terrorizes the pool players, and emerges once again leather-clad, with the soundtrack playing George Thurgood's 'B-b-b-bad to the bone'.
Using his new science, Seldon predicts that if the Galactic Empire falls, which will be a lengthy and protracted affair, there will be 30,000 years of chaos, a new Dark Ages, before another empire emerges to carry civilization forward.
In mythology, the butterfly is most often associated with rebirth, because the caterpillar emerges as a beautiful butterfly after a dormant time in the cocoon.
When it emerges, it is no longer called a caterpillar.
After a prolonged aquatic larval and nymphal life-history, the winged insect appears as a sub-imago, whence, after the casting of a delicate cuticle, the true imago emerges.
This bird, apparently mentioned by Marcgrave more than 200 years ago, but first described by Pallas, is remarkable for the structure - unique, if not possessed by its representative forms - of its furcula, where the head, instead of being .the thin plate found in all other Gallinae, is a hollow cup opening upwards, into which the trachea dips, and then emerges on its way to the lungs.
The jute is carefully sorted into different qualities, and then each lot is subjected to an enormous hydraulic pressure from which it emerges in the shape of the well-known bales, each weighing 400 lb.
But he agrees with Schopenhauer in basing consciousness, in all its forms of reason, feeling or will, upon "automatic movement - psychical change," from which consciousness emerges and in which it disappears.
It affects the great sciatic nerve which emerges from the pelvis and runs down the leg to the foot.
The fungus, which is chiefly within the leaves and stems, seldom emerges through the firm upper surface of the leaf; it commonly appears as a white bloom or mildew on the circumference of the diseasepatches on the under surface.
The principal Bolivian tributary of the Mamore, the Guapay or Grande, which is larger and longer than the former above their confluence and should be considered the main stream, rises in the Cordillera Oriental east of Lake Pampa Aullaguas, and flows east to the north extremity of the Sierra de Misiones, where it emerges upon the Bolivian lowlands.
The same lesson emerges when we note that one such apostolic "pillar" stood outside the Twelve altogether, viz.
Now, however, emerges a new apostleship, that to the Gentiles; and with the change of mission goes also some change in the type of missionary or apostle.
It hides itself in the ground during the winter, and in the spring it passes into the pupa stage, from which it emerges about August as the full-grown insect.
From the middle of this plain the core of Lower Cretaceous sandstones known as the Hastings Beds emerges steeply, and reaches in the centre an elevation of 796 ft.
It was frequently of consequence in relation to contracts and other clan affairs; but it emerges most clearly in connexion with crime.
The term "Unitarian" first emerges in 1682, and appears in the title of the Brief History (1687).
In fact, no acceptable scientific criterion emerges, and the outcome of Spencer's attempt to ascertain the laws of life and the conditions of existence is either a restatement of the dictates of the moral consciousness in vague and cumbrous quasi-scientific phraseology, or the substitution of the meaningless test of " survivability " as a standard of perfection for the usual and intelligible standards of " good " and " right."
The St George's branch, holding a general, though winding, course to the south-east, discharges by two channels into the sea; and the Sulina branch, taking an easterly direction, emerges into the Black Sea 20 m.
After a brief existence the pupa emerges from the ground, and, holding on to a plant stem by means of its powerful front legs, sets free the perfect insect through a slit along the median dorsal line of the thorax.
In order to avoid the question of the measurements of the intensity in different media, it is convenient to suppose that the refracted stream emerges into a medium similar to the first by a transition so gradual that no light is lost by reflection.
It consists of a parallelopiped glass so constructed that light falling normally on one end emerges at the other after two internal reflections at such an angle as to introduce a relative retardation of phase of 4r/4 between the components polarized in the principal azimuths.
There is a genuine novelty that emerges with culture, now superimposed on the wild nature out of which humans once emerged.
What begins as a single gamma ray photon in the sun's core emerges at the surface as thousands of visible-light photons.
Scully stands beside Trondheim, while Mulder, looking queasy, emerges from the lavatory.
In sum, what emerges is the essentially relational nature of the motor system.
What emerges is a tale of misspent fortunes and murderous revenge among the crumbling ruins of an old film set.
A new aetiological proposition emerges from the isolation of the new conceptual operator of infantile sexuality and the castration complex.
The clothes shop from which Tom emerges, carrying his latest haul, is now an Age Concern charity shop.
A third way on from the small chamber is a small tubular passage which emerges in a larger boulder chamber with a static sump.
The water emerges from a low crawl over boulders to the left which can be followed for 60m to an inlet sump.
With these additions a new format emerges in that you (a) create the base trigram based on the lines PRIOR to change.
A lighter moment emerges in the form of New Ending, an acoustic lullaby with whispery backing vocals.
Trace the bind weed back to where it emerges from the soil and paint it with a ' glyphosate ' based weedkiller.
Maddie would like to think of herself as worldly wise and independent but she does have a softer side which emerges every so often.
Further down the thickly wooded road, a dazzling white sugar cube emerges.
Apparently his birth was humble, but when the obscure figure of the young Artamon emerges into the light of history we find him equipped at all points with the newest ideas, absolutely free from the worst prejudices of his age, a ripe scholar, and even an author of some distinction.
Development of larva and seed go on together, a few of the seeds serving as food for the insect, which when mature eats through the pericarp and drops to the ground, remaining dormant in its cocoon until the next season of flowering when it emerges as a moth.
The quadratic equation x 2 +b 2 =o, for instance, has no real root; but we may treat the roots as being +b-' - I, and - b 1, 1 - 1, if -J - i is treated as something which obeys the laws of arithmetic and emerges into reality under the condition 1 1 - I.
Beneath the anterior parts of the radula where it emerges from the caecum are a pair of cartilages, and attached to these a number of special muscles by which the radula is moved backwards and forwards to act as a rasp. The secretion of the radula at the closed end of the caecum is continuous, so that it is constantly growing forward as fast as its exposed anterior portion is worn away by use, just as a fingernail is pushed forward by constant growth at its posterior end, and is worn away or has to be cut short from time to time at its outer end.
And it grows, merges, disappears from the surface, sinks to the depths, and again emerges.
Next he emerges from the kitchen, dressed all in black save the classic white ruffled shirt.
Pupa Lives in a very fragile cocoon below the soil and is said to produce a squeaking sound shortly before the adult emerges.
Otto Scharmer has created a model for the process of escaping the trammels of the past, and sensing the future as it emerges.
The tributary mode emerges most directly from the Asiatic mode.
It certainly whetted everyone 's appetite for when " Sutton " emerges from its overhaul.
A man sits lost in thought before a golden vase from which a woman mysteriously emerges, wreathed in smoke.
This means that when the data emerges, you must try to figure out what the customer and the market are telling you.
Until a marketing model emerges that allows broadcasters to charge people for live streaming Internet television, sports fans will either have to get cable or hoof it down to the local sports pub.
What emerges is a graceful, delicate, and beautiful butterfly, spreading its wings and venturing forth with excitement and delight, just as the newlywed couple will spread their wings and begin their beautiful new life together.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this state is dreams.Stage five emerges in different periods throughout the sleep cycle.
It emerges during the second half year in infants.
As the molar emerges, a flap of gum still covers the tooth.
If the upper molar fully emerges before the lower one, it may bite down on the flap during chewing and increase the irritation of the flap, leading to infection.
Gender identity emerges by the age of two or three and is influenced by a combination of biological and sociological factors reinforced at puberty.
In normal development, the primary reflex system is inhibited or transformed in the first year of life and a secondary or postural reflex system emerges.
It is not until middle adolescence that genuine behavioral independence emerges, when conformity to parents as well as peers declines.
Dominance of either the right or left hand usually emerges during this period as well.
Well-parented, the child emerges from this stage with self-confidence, elated with his or her newly found control.
Attachment refers to a relationship that emerges over time from a history of caregiver-infant interactions.
The water nourishes the earth and new plant life (wood) emerges.
Once the hair emerges from the scalp, it is dead, and the growth comes only from the follicles, not the ends.
The vas deferens tube emerges from the epididymis.
The baby's head emerges, usually facing down, and the person delivering the infant suctions the nose and mouth.
As the baby's head emerges, if the umbilical cord is around the neck, gently place it behind the baby's head.
Astrology aspects in a birth chart deal with the mathematical angle one planet makes to another and the personality that emerges from that contact point.
Once the butterfly emerges, help your child set it free.
Regardless of whether a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film ever emerges, the four films will, no doubt, be a huge part of movie history.
Once the person emerges from the tunnel into the light, there is a feeling of love so intense it overwhelms the individual.
The car peels out of the parking area and when she emerges from the car, a hook is dangling from the passenger door.
Typically, a class system emerges amongst the chefs, with the classically trained cooks looking down on the other kinds of chefs and so on.
As the foremost end of the billet emerges from the furnace it enters the first of a series of roll-trains, and passes immediately thence to others, so that before half of the billet has emerged from the furnace its front end has already been reduced by rolling to its final shape, that of merchant-bars, which are relatively thin, round or square rods, in lengths of 300 ft.
Pieces which vary materially in cross section from point to point in their length cannot well be made by rolling, because the cross section of the piece as it emerges from the rolls is necessarily that of the aperture between the rolls from which it is emerging, and this aperture is naturally of constant size because the rolls are cylindrical.
From Lake Ontario the St Lawrence emerges through the meshes of the Thousand Islands, where it crosses Archaean rocks, after which follow several rapids separated by quieter stretches before Montreal is reached at the head of ocean navigation.
All this part of the Oxus, until the river once again emerges from the Bokhara hills into the open plains bordering Badakshan on the north, falls within the area of Russian surveys, with which a junction from India has been effected both on the Pamirs and in Turkestan.
After a year or more this larva emerges into the water and commences to reproduce.
Fabre has found that in the nests of some species of Osmia the young bee developed in the first-formed cell, if (as often happens) she emerges from her cocoon before the inmates of the later cells, will try to work her way round these or to bite a lateral hole through the bramble shoot; should she fail to do this, she will wait for the emergence of her sisters and not make her escape at the price of injury to them.
Inference is a deeper thinking process from judgments to judgment, which only occasionally and partially emerges in the linguistic process from propositions to proposition.
The list follows the forms of the Greek language so closely that a category emerges appropriated to the use of the perfect tense of the middle voice to express the relation of the subject to a garb that it dons.
Yet they must have something to develop from, and thereupon Aristotle gives an account of a process in the psychological mechanism which he illustrates by comparative psychology, wherein a Xo yos or meaning emerges, a "first" universal recognized by induction.
Abba, I have to tell you, emerges from their tinny radios.