Emergency Sentence Examples
I had an emergency call.
It seemed like hours in the emergency room before the diagnosis.
We found their emergency back-up supplies here.
He asked for a contact phone number and gave me an emergency number to call.
The injured may proceed immediately to the emergency station, the fed said.
I locked out all the terminals, the emergency operations networks for the eastern part of the country, and re-routed the communications systems to my micro.
Megan indicated the emergency room to her right.
Would you mind if I gave this number to my Father for emergency use only?
He glanced out the window and realized he'd pulled in the entrance for the emergency room and morgue.
He took them to the nearby hospital and set Sofi carefully on a stretcher in the hallway leading to the emergency room.
AdvertisementBrady reached into a cargo pocket and pulled free an emergency bandage wrap.
Emergency lights were now on outside the motel, making the return trip easier once he reached the road.
She woke Sofi with a touch and tugged the gurney down to the emergency room.
Dan tore Brady's uniform open then pulled out a small emergency medical kit and slapped skin grafts over the two wounds.
No contact, unless there's an emergency.
AdvertisementThe small group moved more hurriedly now and the man said something to Betsy and shoved her forward toward an emergency exit.
I'm glad I thought to create an emergency chocolate stash.
She had come prepared for such an emergency, but any delay might prove embarrassing.
She hung back as they entered the hospital and watched the emergency room personnel take Traci.
He hadn't issued an emergency order over the nets of those who worked for him, and he'd asked someone in the regular military to contact her rather than calling out his special security forces.
AdvertisementYou know tonight I had to prevent the VP's commo guy from using the emergency network to order gin?
The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin.
She all but dropped into the commo sector chair and issued mayday calls on the emergency net.
She can locate and open the federal emergency supply depots.
She frowned, glancing around the empty emergency room.
AdvertisementIt is thus a matter of difficulty to provide trucki for a stidden emergency, e.g.
While we couldn't keep up with the ambulance but we held our own and kept the emergency vehicle in sight.
We seem to be the emergency points of contact for anything that goes wrong anywhere in the western hemisphere.
The base camp housed the emergency response helicopters for Tucson and neighboring sectors and was manned with a skeletal crew of Guardians and one on-duty pilot, a Natural who'd been trained to fly.
Kiera went more than willingly, near the emergency point for reaching the bathroom.
Emergency lighting glowed red, turning the world inside the broken helo surreal.
You were unconscious and it was an emergency.
Don't you have a number where I can reach you in an emergency?
Impressment is commonly employed to fill the ranks, and in cases of emergency the prison population is drawn upon for recruits.
As commander-in-chief of the army and navy, and as charged with the faithful execution of all laws, he is likely to assume, and would indeed he expected to assume, all the powers which the emergency requires.
In the first place, there were in early days far more bishops in proportion to the number of believers than is the custom now; and, secondly, it was the rule (except in cases of emergency) to baptize only in the season from Easter to Pentecost, and the bishop was always present and laid his hands on the newly baptized.
Even before the Canadian Pacific railway was fully completed, it proved of great service in a national emergency which suddenly arose in the north-west.
By the terms of his commission he was empowered to act, in case of emergency, without waiting for orders; he was, moreover, to be kept informed by the French cabinet of the whole course of business.
The three days that must pass before any clinical effect is obtained renders it useless in an emergency.
Make sure everyone rafting knows how to react to emergency situations, including free-floating through the rapids.
Dusty should have given you a means of contacting someone in an emergency, he said with disapproval.
There are no locks on the doors or windows, and only one route of egress in the case of an emergency.
His side of the conversation indicated there was an emergency.
London was not to be supposed helpless in such an emergency; Manchester, Glasgow and Dumfries, rid of his presence, had risen against him, and Charles paused.
Grant possessed or acquired both to such a degree that he proved fully equal to the emergency.
In the critical situation after the battle of Pavia (1525) she proved herself equal to the emergency, maintained order in the kingdom, and manoeuvred very skilfully to detach Henry VIII.
The Government repeatedly exposed itself to the charge of proroguing Parliament in order to avail itself of these emergency paragraphs.
The situation was often such that Parliament would not work, and the Government was faced with the alternative of stopping the machine of State or availing itself of emergency decrees.
The Reichsrat's right of control was secured after the event by the fact that the Government was bound, the next time it assembled, to lay the emergency decrees before it within four weeks; and that it could refuse its ratification.
It was only in 1917 that the emergency decrees promulgated by the Stargkh Ministry at the beginning of the war failed to receive ratification, in retaliation for the suppression of trial by jury by a military trial and the extension over civilians of the j urisdiction of the military courts.
By its provisions communications from the Government and the other House, and reports of commissions, had to take precedence of other business; further, the president could postpone to the end of the sitting formal motions, interpellations, emergency motions, and other obstructive measures.
In practice the legislature has interpreted these exceptions so freely that nearly all important laws are passed with emergency clauses.
From 1820 to 5825 Sir Charles (who succeeded his brother in the baronetcy in 1822) was resident at the court of the nizam, and afterwards was summoned in an emergency to his former post at Delhi.
But these standards proved inadequate to the emergency, for it was possible, especially by the use of the allegorical method, to interpret them in more than one way, and their apostolic origin and authority were not everywhere admitted.
The National Assembly confirmed all the emergency measures which had been passed by the National Council between Oct.
The country was not now divided into a few duchies which, with skilful management, might still in times of emergency Classes have been made to act together.
North of this the "third entrance" has been recently constructed, with two enormous locks, one of which in an emergency could be used as an additional dock.
In 1886 a law was carried in either parliament creating a Landsturm, and providing for the arming and organization of the whole male population up to the age of forty-two in case of emergency, and in 1889 a small increase was made in the annual number of recruits.
Government in Austria was carried on by cabinets of officials with the help of the emergency clause (paragraph 14) of the constitution.
A few days later he set off for Manchester, posting in that wettest of autumns through "the rain that rained away the Corn Laws," and on his arrival got his friends together, and raised the money which tided Cobden over the emergency.
All tenants are under obligation to guard or repair the banks of the Nile in times of flood, or in any case of sudden emergency.
A day's labour in mines and in works for the reduction of ores is limited to eight hours except in cases of emergency where life or property is in imminent danger.
The college of physicians, by royal command, put forth such advice and prescriptions as were thought best for the emergency.
In order to meet the cost of the early wars a special contribution from property (tributum ex censu) was levied at times of emergency, though it was in some cases regarded as an advance to be repaid when the occasion of expense was over.
The idea that the ruler possessed a normal income in certain rents and dues of a quasi-private character, which on emergency he might supplement by calls on the revenues of his subjects, was a bequest of feudalism which gave way before the increasing power of the state.
As Bacon's conduct in this emergency seriously affected his fortunes and has been much misunderstood, it is necessary to state, as briefly as possible, the whole facts of the case.
The emergency suggested to some of the bishops the idea of a voluntary contribution, which was eagerly taken up by the noblemen and crown officials.
The long roll of charges made upon the r9th of April finally decided him; he gave up all idea of defence, and wrote to the king begging him to show him favour in this emergency.'
Section A, which receives extra allowances, is liable to be called up in a minor emergency; section B is the general reserve; section C, also part of the general reserve, consists of men who have been sent to the reserve prematurely; section D (which is often suspended) consists of men who at the expiry of their twelve years' engagement undertake a further four years' reserve liability.
A more questionable benefit was her rapid elevation to the rank of an imperial power, an elevation which imposed the duty of remaining a military monarchy, armed cap-d-pie for every possible emergency.
He was the first to discern that public opinion, though generally slow to form and slow to act, is in the end the paramount power in the state; and he was the first to use it not in an emergency merely, but throughout a whole political career.
The desperateness of the situation, however, roused the government of Theodosius II., who was still upon the throne, to put forth the most energetic efforts to meet the emergency.
Emergency assessments, not to exceed 2%, may be made whenever necessary to pay in full the depositors in an insolvent bank; if the guaranty fund is impaired to such a degree that it is not made up by the 2% emergency assessment, the state banking board issues certificates of indebtedness which draw 6% interest and which are paid out of the assessment.
He was appointed a commissioner of the U.S. Shipping Board, and a member of the U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. 1917-9.
Demosthenes urges that such an enterprise would at present be useless; that it would fail to unite Greece; that the energies of the city should be reserved for a real emergency; but that, before the city can successfully cope with any war, there must be a better organization of resources, and, first of all, a reform of the navy, which he outlines with characteristic lucidity and precision.
It should be " a place for everything and everything in its place " prepares the bee-keeper for any emergency; constant watchfulness is also necessary, not only to guard against disease in needs a reminder of this truism he surely has it in the borne in mind that the disease is much easier to cure in the earlier stages while the bacilli are still rod-shaped than when the rods have turned to spores.
In 1917 he was appointed state engineer of New Jersey, but after America's entrance into the World War he was released to serve as manager of the Emergency Fleet Corporation.
Alexia had arrived long before her due date, with the emergency removal of Carmen's womb.
A provision is made on the chassis for an emergency parachute behind the pilots head.
Remember that the lifeguard patrol will normally be your quickest means of access to other emergency services.
The usual setting crisis, and Chris went on an emergency pectin hunt.
In addition, the attacking planes would fly low, strafing the emergency personnel with machine gun fire.
Having American Community Mutual Insurance Company a dilated of emergency physicians a quot frozen.
From the New Year, emergency contraceptive pills will be available over-the counter in chemists, it was reported today.
In an emergency, make sandbags using old pillowcases, carrier bags or even tights filled with sand or earth.
This course also aims to give a series of ' top tips ' from experts outlining potential pitfalls in emergency image interpretation.
An abrupted placenta meant I had my baby by emergency cesarean early -- at 35 weeks.
Why didn't he just call the emergency plumber?
It is also wise to keep cash available for contingencies including emergency plumbing or electrics.
Emergency tracheotomy performed by an off-duty nurse in her front yard.
The island remains a strategic location in the North Pacific Ocean and serves as an emergency landing location for transpacific flights.
Emergency measures were taken as truckloads of sand and cement were used to stabilize the structure, saving the pier from imminent closure.
The second patient had undergone an emergency resection of a bulky tumor leaking into the left chest following endoscopic dilatation.
It features Emergency Brake Assist plus the latest version of the Electronic Stability Program with understeer control, as well as ASR traction control.
In an emergency the door can be opened and the wheelchair unloaded manually from the Autochair wheelchair lift.
During 1990 the declaration of unrest areas replaced the state of emergency as the formal emergency regime.
Free calls (including 0800, emergency services and Telewest Customer Care on 150) do n't utilize your usage allowance.
The service makes use of new videophone technology allowing the emergency service staff to see the callers.
Quietly and with no publicity, emergency denitrifying water treatment plants have been built for the time when levels rise to alarming proportions.
Know where your stop valves are and ensure that they work so that you can turn off your water supply in an emergency.
Is experimenting with several approaches to alternative emergency winterized shelters.
The first responders have audacity, making them well-suited to deal with emergency situations.
Declining stock prices were a source of investor angst, leading the company to call an emergency board meeting.
Startups are like hospital emergency rooms-you're going to be faced with desperate situations and catastrophes on a regular basis.
Post a list of emergency numbers, such as the Poison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222, your local fire and police departments, your child's pediatrician, and of course 911.
To keep milk in the freezer for an emergency?
What type of first aid or emergency medical training have you had?
Home Information-This may include regulations pertaining to the location, indoor/outdoor areas, transportation, and emergency procedures.
They can be counted on should an emergency arise.
Also, include the telephone number of a friend or relative living outside of the emergency area.
You can download a free copy of my emergency preparation sheet from the book The Safe Baby at my website The Safety Expert.
Keep a pack of disposables on hand for that rare emergency.
Create a practical emergency diaper bag for the new mom.
Learn the premiums for different plans, what the co-pay costs are for prescriptions and doctor and emergency room visits, and whether or not the plan you're interested in covers preexisting conditions you might have.
Safety features - Some machines offer an emergency shut off switch for times when you want to stop the belt immediately.
This is one of the more high-tech models, complete with advanced lane guidance, photo viewing, built-in microphone, speed limit information, audio recording, emergency services, live help, and more.
Even if you plan ahead, an emergency like a broken vehicle or an unexpected injury could deplete your funds very quickly.
Finally, silver is a very liquid asset, which means you can easily sell your silver coins for cash in an emergency.
Plastic and glass can shatter, sending shards of material into your eye-and you to the emergency room.
A maintenance agreement will cover both routine and emergency maintenance.
Keep phone numbers on hand for your veterinarian, local emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Poison Control Center.
Some plans strictly cover emergency care, while others may include coverage for some routine health care needs, such as vaccinations.
For some owners, an unexpected health emergency could become a financial crisis.
He is likely in need of emergency care at this point.
Reaching a mutual decision can be difficult, especially in a stressful emergency situation.
I suggest that you request a complete copy of the treatment records from the emergency vet.
I found out how important an emergency plan is due to the unprecedented fires we recently had here in California.
I had an emergency plan not just for myself, but for my pets as well.
You should have an emergency plan in effect for whatever may come, and it doesn't have to be Mother Nature either.
The list I have compiled here contains items that I feel are essential for you to have for your pet, in case of any emergency that may come up.
If so, then it is not as much of an emergency, but she should still see the vet.
If you have cats, it is always a good idea to have some basic emergency care items on hand.
This is an emergency situation, and you should take your cat to the vet immediately.
It is important that you contact your vet or emergency animal care clinic immediately if you suspect your pet may be suffering from renal failure.
Medicines and vaccinations should not be given unless it is an emergency.
The Seattle and King County Department of Public Health has a free downloadable comic that talks about the influenza pandemic of 1918 and discusses emergency preparedness tips.
Ability to handle emergency situations better.
These cards are also a great idea to provide peace-of-mind for both parents and students by providing funds that can be used in an emergency.
But if you have manageable debt, such as home and auto loans, you should be able to set aside a considerable amount for emergency savings and retirement.
Premium cardholders (if in good standing) can get $200 wired to them in case of emergency or if cards are lost or stolen.
The Gold Card has everything a standard card has plus additional amenities like emergency cash and roadside service.
A good rule of thumb is to keep three months worth of expenses as an emergency savings.
If your car needs emergency repairs or you become sick, you will regret any lose of insurance.
These are often your first line of defense in an emergency.
Knowing how you can access all your personal finances can make an emergency less of a financial burden.
Bills may overwhelm individuals, especially after having recently lost a job or experiencing an unforeseen financial emergency.
If an emergency arises, you may not be able to make the payment as planned.
Unless it is an absolute emergency, you should never charge more than you can pay off in any given month.
Emergency Card Replacement -If your card is lost or stolen call you can call a toll free number (1-800-964-8542).
Emergency Check Cashing - With this feature, you can get access to cash at more than 1,700 American Express Travel Services locations nationwide.
Emergency Check-In - Even if your card is lost or stolen you will be able to apply for emergency check-in status and charge your stay without having to physically present your card to the hotel.
Visa TravelMoney prepaid cards offer additional travel services such as lost luggage assistance and emergency travel support.
Emergency Card Replacement - American Express will replace your Plum Card within 24 hours if it is lost or stolen.
As an emergency card for a high school or college student - The cardholder must be at least 13 years of age.
These programs include grants to people who were in an emergency situation, such as a flood or a hurricane, and grant programs for people that have large medical bills they can't pay.
These benefits include emergency roadside assistance, up to $50,000 of insurance to help cover the costs of damage to a rental vehicle, zero liability coverage for stolen cards, and up to $1 million in travel accident insurance.
In an emergency, you can deposit money immediately and directly to the card using an approved one-time transaction.
For example, you can obtain an emergency card replacement and an emergency cash disbursement if you have lost the card.
The company offers protection for those who need medical, legal or other emergency help while traveling.
If a recipient of the email opens the message, he or she is greeted with a warning that an account has been compromised or some other emergency has happened.
This program provides protection for travelers, by providing up to a £3000 emergency cash advance for those stranded overseas.
They are a staple of emergency lighting (done with caution and protection), regularly used in many different kinds of religious ceremonies, and of course, where would we be without candle lit dinners?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that ocean coastlines are eroding one to four feet each year.
Even without a cell phone service plan, you can still dial 911 in an emergency.
Bach Flower Essences should never substitute for emergency first aid or medical treatment.
In fact, cayenne is a wonderful item to have in an emergency first aid kit.
If you believe you've been bitten by either species of spider, seek medical treatment from a physician or emergency room promptly.
If you can, capture the spider that bit you or take the dead spider in a sealed container with you to the emergency room so the staff can identify the exact type of spider that bit you and treat you with the appropriate anti-venom.
Many people keep an aloe plant in their home for emergency use.
Pepper spray may give you time to get away in an emergency situation.
Any strong negative side effects, difficult breathing, rash or other serious medical condition merits a trip to the emergency room or the doctor's office.
Many people end up in the emergency room quite sure they're having a heart attack because the bodily sensations associated with panic and anxiety disorder mimic a heart attack.
If your child develops these symptoms, call 911 or take him to the nearest emergency room, since such reactions may be life-threatening.
Makeup bags are generally designed for short-term use such as travel or emergency office supplies rather than daily storage.
This will ensure that you're the only person who can log onto your account, even if your children or other family members have emergency access to other passwords.
Unless you have a dire emergency or need to visit a blocked website, be respectful of the school's or company's property.
The website also asks you for an "emergency" website that your Virtual Puppy page will go to when you press a certain key.
In the past, many experts recommended having a six-month energy fund; however, in response to these economically challenging times, the recommendation is a year's worth of emergency money.
Finally, keep in mind that emergency money should not be invested in the stock market.
The likelihood is that no one will even notice if your holiday party is missing some decorations and there is nothing wrong with buying an emergency pumpkin pie from the store because you burned your own.
For example, an emergency phone call is not something that you plan into your schedule, but you need to handle it immediately when one comes up.
If the suicide attempt is obviously eminent, call 911 or take the adolescent to the emergency room.
It's a sign that they need help and if they can't be seen by their doctor in a timely manner, then the young person should be taken to the Emergency Room to get help.
The course is a great asset for those looking to develop skills in child safety and care, like what to do first in an emergency.
An emergency reference guide highlighting what is most likely to happen and how to deal with it.
Ladies may find jewelry and an emergency sewing kit useful.
In this emergency Murad was implored to return to the throne; to a second appeal he gave way, and crossing over with his Asiatic army from Anatoli Hissar he hastened to Varna.
The defter emini kept the registers for the nishanji, whose place he took on emergency, the others acted as secretaries and clerks.
In this emergency Mustafa Suleiman II., Kuprili (q.v.) was appointed grand vizier (1689).
This was in direct contradiction with the instructions Napoleon had given him on the 28th of March in view of this very emergency.
To this fresh emergency Napoleon and his army responded in most brilliant fashion.
The United States contended that it must be a diligence commensurate with the emergency or with the magnitude of the results of negligence.
All matters relating to the exercise of the powers of the education authority (except those of rating and borrowing) must be referred to the committee, and before exercising any of their powers the council must (except in cases of emergency) receive and consider the report of the education committee with respect to the matter in question.
An amendment which was adopted (177,615 for; 147,290 against) in November 1908, and came in effect on the 4th of December 1908, provides for initiative and referendum applying to statutory law and to constitutional amendments, but emergency measures, and appropriations for the state government, for state institutions, and for public schools are exempt from referendum.
The senate having promised protection to all ecclesiastics who should in this emergency aid the republic by their counsel, Sarpi presented a memoir, pointing out that the threatened censures might be met in two ways - de facto, by prohibiting their publication, and de jure, by an appeal to a general council.
The practice of commendation, by which - to meet a contemporary emergency - the revenues of the community were handed over to a lay lord, in return for his protection, early suggested to the emperors and kings the expedient of rewarding their warriors with rich abbeys held in commendam.
The barracks at HQ are full from the incoming Guardians, and I have an emergency order for more weapons in.
Emergency lighting glowed along the walls, and the strange silhouettes of workout machines made her pause and wait for her night vision to filter out machine from potential attacker.
She took the money in her emergency stash, grabbed her purse, and left.
The sounds of chaos below grew as emergency vehicles responded.
I'll activate the emergency facilities on the moon.
The power remained out so the only light in the room came from the outside emergency fixture through the open door.
The packed emergency area waiting room held a disreputable collection of weeping women, stoned teenagers and dirty derelicts, all talking at the same time over the background music of a near-constant scream of sirens hauling in more Saturday night victims.
There needs to be absolute clarity about the definition of an emergency.
Early resocialization appears feasible following emergency surgery in newborn primates.
The Malayan Emergency illustrates how the British government grappled with the issue of political terminology within the broader context of anti-communist propaganda.
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I had a really traumatic birth, he was born 2 mths early by emergency c-section due to me having a placenta abruption.
A fully addressable emergency test system is incorporated into the lighting controls, enabling every emergency luminaire to be monitored.
Early mortality was lower in elective admissions (0.5 %) than in emergency admissions (2.4% ).
Model B, looked at the mortality for emergency admissions only.
Captain Gerlach made an emergency landing on an improvised airstrip and made preparations to take off with his precious cargo.
Will I be covered for emergency air ambulance back home?
This midlands based charity provides three helicopter ambulances giving emergency cover over 11 counties.
He was taken by ambulance to The London Chest Hospital where he underwent an emergency angioplasty.
We have someone who has just had to have an emergency appendectomy.
He added that 5 pumping appliances, 1 rescue tender and 1 emergency support unit support the district resources.
With over 4,000 rescue vehicles, emergency assistance is provided 24 hours a day, everyday.
You should get medical attention by going to A&E at your local hospital or by phoning 999 for an emergency ambulance.
An introduction to survival shelters and emergency bivouacs will be included.
Bags of this thickness are used regularly in high mountain bivouacs and could, in emergency, save life in this country.
In an emergency, use liquid bleach to purify drinking water.
Please do not use the emergency bleep number for non-urgent matters.
Brett Brett needed emergency surgery after suffering a burst blood vessel in his throat.
Caesareanook at the mother's chances of needing an immediate emergency cesarean.
Caesarean ' only real means of helping is performing an emergency cesarean.
Caesarean a planned cesarean instead, which ended in an emergency hysterectomy.
Caesareant case scenario hadn't planned for the emergency cesarean which led to many more problems.
Weak and faint from the assassin's dagger, the emergency came upon the dying caliph unprepared.
We also offer a 24-hour emergency call center service to help out anyone with problems.
Emergency room in that left members capitation on an.
Staffing comprises of one emergency nurse practitioner per shift and is supported by a health care assistant, who undertakes clerical and nursing duties.
A next door neighbor's car aerial, carefully folded, makes a ideal coat hanger in an emergency.
This requires complementary Emergency Response Modules to be designed which can identify and develop such sources rapidly.
Since the fire the company has reviewed its maintenance procedures and worked with the fire service to examine emergency contingency plans.
Patients who have required high dose emergency corticosteroid therapy in the past may also be at risk.
Patients were treated according to standard protocols including emergency craniotomy where necessary.
In emergency cases, this service may also include fast delivery on modified products.
Bosses on standby for the 999 deluge AMBULANCE executives are preparing to join paramedics in responding to the deluge of emergency calls expected tonight.
Around 70% of night and weekend visits to accident and emergency departments are alcohol related.
The library committee held an emergency meeting to find a replacement but the minute book gives no reason for his hasty departure.
If you dial the 9-1-1 emergency dispatcher, they see the address immediately.
Jejunal diverticulosis occasionally presents as an emergency with perforation, obstruction or gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
Emergency services and public agents have egress at all times.
The College has trained staff present that are able to use an evacuation chair for the safe egress of disabled visitors during an emergency.
In addition every habitable room on an upper story not more than 4.5 m above the ground level shall have an emergency egress window.
They discussed traffic density with ATC, and eventually declared an emergency in order to get priority for landing.
Responders may be asked to attend any medical emergency in their area.
The Battalion was deployed against terrorists in the Malayan emergency from 1949-1952.
Tell us if you think there is a life-threatening emergency or the matter is urgent.
Anyone wishing to vote by proxy on grounds of a medical emergency, must apply in writing by 5.00pm on Thursday 6th July 2006.
Unfortunately, the Faculty cannot help unless the difficulties are produced by an unforeseen emergency or change of circumstances.
This service provides out-of-hours emergency care for many of the veterinary practices in Cardiff, the Rhymney and the Rhondda Valleys.
Preparation of hospital emergency plans to cope with large influx of patients with burns, lung damage and trauma.
Out of Hours Emergencies The council has an emergency Repair Service to deal with very urgent repairs outside normal working hours.
Not all anti-tank emplacements had an ' emergency exit ' .
Acute subdural empyema is the most imperative surgical emergency.
Well, your doctor has nitrite and leucocyte esterase dipstick tests for night, weekend or emergency use.
The corridor then turns through 90 degrees toward the emergency exit.
International relief agencies began to respond as a huge exodus of refugees began to require immediate emergency relief.
Currencies will probably collapse in the end, and gold will be the emergency fallback.
All of the crew took emergency landing positions which were in the main fuselage of the aircraft to prepare for a crash landing.
When getting out of a vehicle on any dual carriage way or non-urban road, an emergency high visibility garment must be worn.
The following morning an emergency glazier attended a car in the carpark which my window overlooked.
We have developed a new strategic vision to reflect the increasingly global nature of emergency rescue crises.
You can use it in your garage or keep it safely in your car's glove compartment for an emergency use.
Improved coverage as well as emergency buttons on Airwave handsets enable officers to call for urgent assistance.
Unplug and remove the existing hard disk with the supplied torx screwdriver (old drive can be kept as an emergency backup ).
There are huge steel doors, like safe doors, for equipment on two levels and smaller but similar doors as emergency escape hatches.
Plymouth City Council produces and tests the off-site emergency arrangements in response to a radiological hazard extending beyond the Devonport site.
The report repeatedly praises individual heroism by emergency workers, but it finds a number of organizational failings.
Setting The Emergency Department of a large teaching hospital in South-East England.
His life-threatening injuries included broken ribs and a collapsed lung that required emergency surgery and extended hospitalization.
She had a planned cesarean instead, which ended in an emergency hysterectomy.
With State of Emergency 2's release now imminent, what can players expect from the sequel?
Andrew specializes in commercial and contractual disputes, all aspects of employment law and emergency injunctions.
These facilities ensure appropriate assessment for all emergency inpatients.
Patient Education A person who has adrenal insufficiency should always carry identification stating his or her condition in case of an emergency.
Speed control is by a Lenze 9326 vector inverter plus a 9351 brake module to give fast emergency stop.
A US passenger flight from Heathrow to JFK made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport yesterday.
An emergency laparotomy was performed through an upper midline incision.
The patient was taken to the emergency room, where doctors identified the problem as a bloodsucking leech.
An emergency call from a member of the public alerted the Coastguard, who immediately requested the Torbay inshore and all-weather lifeboats to launch.
Failed emission test inspections elicit an emergency room visit for immediate engine liposuction.
This black grease contains solid lubricants to ensure emergency running properties.
The minimum duration for any emergency lighting luminaire shall be 1 hour.
Both acute and chronic anxiety have a basis in physical malfunction in brain chemistry, where the brain sends and receives false emergency signals.
Perkins said he emergency accommodation legal the divinity micro.
The Government has also mooted proposals of using ships to provide emergency housing.
Thus the infants school in Weymouth House in Abbey Green was used as the emergency mortuary.
One had made an emergency ascent after suffering narcosis and the other had followed at a similar rate.
The aim was to give the emergency nurse practitioners autonomy to deal with minor problems, order investigations and discharge patients.
Superior vena caval obstruction often arises acutely and should be treated as an emergency.
Out of hours please make sure you contact our 24 hour emergency pager number on 07699 753 011.
In an emergency we operate an out of office hours pager to assist those arrested and at a police station.
Pharmacists will be able to issue emergency supplies in the same way they would other Poms.
It contains practical, common sense information about how to prepare for and what to do in the event of an emergency.
TsunamiReady promotes tsunami hazard preparedness as collaboration among federal, state, and local emergency management agencies.
An emergency committee, headed by the prime minister, has been tasked to deal with the drought, Kim added.
Gladstone became liberal prime minister for the second time in April 1880 and hoped to pass an emergency Land Bill through parliament that summer.
The school's evacuation and emergency procedures should be taken into account and contractors, sub-contractors etc made fully aware.
Emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB) are electronic devices that gives off a radio signal on the designated frequency of 406 MHz.
I had an emergency radio beacon, which I switched on, thinking that this might help people locate us.
In the large well beneath, accessed by a staircase, the station stored some of its bulk emergency rations.
Amco Donelon are close to completing the construction of the seven emergency refuges.
He also has worked on large-scale fraud related asset recovery cases, which has included obtaining emergency injunctive relief in the United States.
Wally was rushed in for emergency surgery which necessitated the removal of a section of damaged intestine.
Carried out emergency repair on garage flat roof, water dripping over contents inside.
More... Community Risk Register New legislation requires key emergency responders to assess the risk of an emergency within, or affecting, Hillingdon.
This would certainly appear to prevent an immediate revocation of the kind which might be necessary in a medical emergency.
Uses to decide offers emergency roadside assistance often in california.
Threat to Property from Flooding The Council can provide sandbags in the event of a flooding emergency.
In addition to reducing the incidence of flooding, there will also be fewer disruptions arising from emergency repairs to defective sewers.
The hoist has a direct lever control and emergency shut-off valve.
Please give way to emergency vehicles using sirens or emergency lights.
If the emergency contact is unavailable, then UK pet sitters will advise the house sitter on the course of action to be taken.
There probably exist many other emergency situations in which your loved one would need a cell phone.
You will also be taught appropriate skills to help in an emergency.
In addition, it should have an sop coordinated with the brigade rear CP for conducting emergency moves.
The mainly Kurdish southeast had been under martial law or state of emergency since 1978.
Emergency vehicles attending the site should be met by the person in charge of safety or a senior steward.
Staffs & Worcs Canal Wolverley Lock was closed for an emergency stoppage from 24 May to 3 June.
It is active in harbor, ocean and terminal towage, salvage, emergency response and rescue, and crew boat services.
Other front line nurses were trained to perform triage to the Emergency Nurse Practitioner or doctor.
It has been retained by Hillingdon Council as their emergency control center in a somewhat truncated form.
Out of Hours Emergencies The council has an Emergency Repair Service to deal with very urgent repairs outside normal working hours.
If you are in a traffic accident, emergency vehicles can find you easily to administer assistance.
The money was also used to purchase 2 transport backpacks to carry a portable ventilator, respiratory equipment & the relevant emergency drugs.
Only wash fuel over the side in an emergency; it is an offense to pollute the waterways.
Do you know where any active ' emergency service mobile winders ' are?
The photograph shows coupled to the emergency winder trailer that it use to pull.
The great powers of the intendant were, however, merged in those of the governorgeneral in 1853; and the captain-general having been given by royal order in 1825 (several times later explicitly confirmed, and not revoked until 1870) the absolute powers (to be assumed at his initiative and discretion) of the governor of a besieged city, and by a royal order of 1834 the power to banish at will persons supposed to be inimical to the public peace; and being by virtue of his office the president and dominator of all the important administrative boards of the government, held the government of the island, and in any emergency the liberty and property of its inhabitants, in his hand.
So great was the confidence in Franklin in this emergency that early in 1756 the governor of Pennsylvania placed him in charge of the north-western frontier of the province, with power to raise troops, issue commissions and erect blockhouses; and Franklin remained in the wilderness for over a month, superintending the building 1 The meeting between Franklin, the type of the shrewd, cool provincial, and Braddock, a blustering, blundering, drinking British soldier, is dramatically portrayed by Thackeray in the 9th chapter of The Virginians.
Great division of sentiment existed in the North, whether in this emergency acquiescence or coercion was the preferable policy.
Born in a drapers shop, this great administrator always preserved its narrow horizon, its short-sighted imagination, its taste for detail, and the conceit of the parvenu; while with his insinuating ways, and knowing better than Fouquet how to keep his distance, he made himself indispensable by his savoir-faire and his readiness for every emergency.
And quaff the bottle of champagne we 've been keeping in the fridge for just this sort of emergency.
Emergency responders will take account of the external warnings in their dynamic risk assessment.
Plans for the increased stadium seating are being revised to incorporate recommendations from the emergency services.
The NHS will become a rump service for the sick, the poor, the old and emergency care.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency received scathing criticism for its role in coordinating the initial Katrina response.
In addition, it should have an SOP coordinated with the brigade rear CP for conducting emergency moves.
Please note an emergency request for a sputum sample should be accompanied by a laboratory call out.
Alternatively you can buy some styptic pencils containing silver nitrate from the chemist to keep in your emergenc