Embolus Sentence Examples
A large pulmonary embolus which blocks the main blood vessels to the lungs will be fatal.
Such injuries are apt to occur in syphilitic endarteritis, or senile arterial decay, whereby an artery may be blocked permanently, as if with an embolus, and the area supplied by it, in so far as it was dependent upon this vessel, deprived of nutrition.
The material that should not be there is called an embolus.
This treatment reduces the risk of getting a new embolus.
Shipman recorded the immediate cause of death as cerebral embolus, which had lasted minutes.
Case 8 Cerebral embolus from atrial myxoma Findings Subtle reduced density in the left basal ganglia on CT.
The blockage of the artery is usually caused by a blood clot (called a thrombus by doctors) or an embolus.
An alternative, to prevent recurrence of pulmonary embolus, is an inferior vena caval filter.
An embolus is something that blocks the blood flow in a blood vessel.