Embodies Sentence Examples
The Natural Fit embodies comfort and classic style.
Diversity embodies the principle of fair treatment for all.
Plato (Rep. x.) embodies the idea in one of his finest myths.
The crypt embodies remains of the founder's work; the rest is Transitional Norman and Early English in style.
As one of their classics, it embodies the strength and spirit of women.
The name of a ship often embodies her personality, and there is no doubt that Carnival cruise ships are meant to have fun.
This retailer embodies the band's ecological message and offers children's clothes that are manufactured using sustainable materials.
With many different symbols to choose from, you're sure to find one that embodies your unique journey in life.
Junior bikinis are often filled with fun and colorful prints; a look that truly embodies the spirit of youth!
His work, although of modern simplicity and abstraction, embodies an enduring classicism of spirit.
AdvertisementIt embodies one of the most effective weapons of moral coercion that it is possible to employ in the struggle of all against all.
Embodies the 80's management philosophy of coming out from behind the mahogany desk once in a while to inspire the little people.
This valley embodies the nature of the changing topography of the northern fells.
The masculine image of contemporary queer fashion thus embodies the eroticism of maleness without the violent menace of heterosexual machismo.
Swann embodies the discretion and ironic self-effacement which are the anti-thesis of French directness.
AdvertisementPearl's father embodies the bitterness and disorientation that gripped southern slaveholders forced to come to grips with Sherman's powerful onslaught.
Walnut catsup embodies the medicinal virtues of the unripe nuts.
The recension (see Driver, Notes on the Hebrew Text of Me Books of Samuel, p. 52) is characterized by the substitution of synonyms for the words originally used by the Septuagint, and by the frequent occurrence of double renderings, but its chief claim to critical importance rests on the fact that " it embodies renderings not found in other MSS.
Pearl 's father embodies the bitterness and disorientation that gripped Southern slaveholders forced to come to grips with Sherman 's powerful onslaught.
Let Yourself Go - If you're looking for a song that embodies the musical simplicity and super-fast tempo of post-punk music, this one is perfect.
AdvertisementLily Pulitzer designer eyewear embodies exuberant summer fun, and unapologetic, bold style.
A Tiffany eyeglass frames search can lead to you finding a pair of eyeglasses that embodies Tiffany's style.
Once thought of as a throwback style and often considered a symbol of all that was trendy in the 1980s, Vuarnet now embodies a style that offers buyers a look that is every bit as much current as any other designer in the industry.
Instead it embodies the music group Kiss and there's nothing cute in this game... not even Gene Simmons.
This question arises if the person is unfamiliar with the powerful symbol that embodies the essence of the ancient Chinese philosophy of the dual polarity of everything in the universe.
AdvertisementYou can also learn to follow the principles that the Tao embodies.
A figurine of the love goddess, Kwan Yin is often used in homes to symbolize all of the qualities this goddess embodies, which includes compassion and mercy, necessary for love to exist in harmony.
Any style that embodies a piecy spiky look naturally falls into the punk hair category.
This look truly embodies the athletic, and couples it with a nautical look.
What you are left with then is a one piece swimsuit that, when coupled with fabric that is literally cut out to expose miles and miles of sensuous skin, perfectly embodies female sexiness!
Raisins swimwear describes its line as one that embodies Southern California's laid back and fun style that combines the states' unique and "beachy" look with current junior fashion trends.
Named after the mythical Norse god of warriors and deity among all athletes, the TYR (pronounced "tire") brand truly embodies the competitive spirit of sports, and stands as a symbol of courage and victory for athletes the world over.
This product embodies the company's mission of " Empowering Extraordinary Health" and is a part of a healthy lifestyle.
For example, if you love vintage tees, opt for a tank top that embodies the style.
Simply put, this means that the present fully embodies all the information that would influence anything that comes next.
To many Native American cultures, the dragonfly is an animal totem which embodies wisdom, enlightenment and the spirit of change.
Whatever way you incorporate Santa letters into your Christmas celebration, remember to embrace the magic and joy that Santa Claus embodies!!!
If you're looking for an engagement ring that embodies classic elegance, you might enjoy an emerald-cut diamond estate ring.
Dubbed the "Everyday" tote, one look at this beautifully quilted, one hundred percent cotton tote will tell you why it embodies its name.
Additionally, because of the wonderful family values this animated star embodies, and for several of her fantastic teaching tools, many parents may be all too happy to make this particular purchase.
This phrase fully embodies the two sides of Cancer's personality.
The key factor to understand about the quality of a sign is to keep in mind that each sign embodies the natural "rhythm" of the season in which it's born.
Pisces often embodies both these characteristics.
Ik embodies the ability to communicate and share ideas and thoughts to others.
In the novel series, Elena is a blonde cheerleader and embodies many of the qualities that have been divided between Caroline and Elena in the television series while the TV series version of Bonnie embodies both Bonnie and Meredith.
You could, for instance, get the Gemini constellation tattooed on you or something that embodies the image of the twins.
Choose the right tattoo by looking at your relationship and who you are as people and choose something that truly embodies the entirety of it.
Zodiac flash has evolved over the years and now includes a limitless supply of artistic and traditional renderings for ink-lovers in search of a star sign design that embodies their personal spirit.
Add a garland of flowers or leaves in her hair and any expression for mischief to joy on her face that embodies the pixie for you.
A fan favorite, this track embodies the band's early, less polished approach to songwriting.
You can make a slide show of your paintings, and display them with a musical background that embodies their theme.
Back up your images by composing thoughtful, well-written blog content that embodies the patriotic theme.
This simple form of crane thus embodies the essential elements of foundation, post, framework, jib, tie-rods and gearing.
That eminent scholars both in the synagogue and in the church should have been induced to believe in its antiquity is owing to the fact that the Zohar embodies many older opinions and doctrines, and the undoubted antiquity of some of them has served as a lever in the minds of these scholars to raise the late speculations about the En Soph, the Sephiroth, &c., to the same age.
Sir Isaac Newton, in his Opticks (1704), explains the principle of the camera obscura with single convex lens and its analogy with vision in illustration of his seventh axiom, which aptly embodies the correct solution of Aristotle's old problem.
The book of Nehemiah is really part of the same work with the book of Ezra, though it embodies certain memoirs of Nehemiah in which he writes in the first person.
When the states-general met, Marat's interest was as great as ever, and in June 1789 he published a supplement to his Offrande, followed in July by La constitution, in which he embodies his idea of a constitution for France, and in September by his Tableau des vices de la constitution d'Angleterre, which he presented to the Assembly.
The municipal system still embodies the spirit and purpose of the Baldwin Municipal Act which originated it in 1849.
The term is so far justified in that it harmonizes better than Oceania did with the names of the other continents, and also embodies the two essential facts that it is a south-eastern extension of Asia, and that its central and most important division is the great island-continent of Australia.
It thus embodies the finished result of the theological thought of the early Greek Church.
How much older than this the Christian story is, we cannot tell, but it is interesting to remember that it embodies in the form of a speech the "Apology" of the 2nd-century philosopher Aristides.
This account of the death of Siegfried, which embodies the ancient German tradition, is far finer than the northern version, according to which Hogni murders the hero in his bed.
She embodies the archetype, the guiding plan of everything you are truly meant to be.
It embodies an almost aristocratic disdain for ordinary people who want to raise their living standards.
The most important of the recruiting laws passed since 1870 are those of 1872, 1889 and 1905, the last the loi de deux ans which embodies the last efforts of the French war department to keep pace with the ever-growing numbers of the German empire.
Cajun food embodies love of a culture and love of food.
It embodies a laid back, devil-is-in-the-details attitude and is probably the pre-cursor to the slow food movement.
If sequins look great on you, then buy a dress that embodies that look.
Many women appreciate that Hayek embodies a realistic shape with her curves and isn't a stick-thin figure that most people can't achieve in a healthy fashion.
Lydgate's most doughty and learned apologist is Dr Schick, whose preface to the Temple of Glass embodies practically all that is known or conjectured concerning this author, including the chronological order of his works.
Its editor is of opinion that it was written by a Jewish Christian in Egypt in the 2nd century A.D., but that it embodies legends of an earlier date, and that it received its present form in the 9th or 10th century.
The semi-personification of eiresione will be noticed; and, according to Mannhardt, the branch "embodies the tree-spirit conceived as the spirit of vegetation in general, whose vivifying and - fructifying influence is thus brought to bear upon the corn in particular."
His suggestions and amendments were accepted, and the decree embodies the doctrines that Pole had always held of justification by a living faith which showed itself in good works.
The 8 th-century Gelasian Sacramentary, which embodies a much older tradition, mentions it under the title of Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which has led some to suppose that it was ordained by Pope Gelasius I.
The Slavonic Nomokanon, which rests on Greek legislation and embodies the canonical and civil law, had previously been used in Rumania.
Greens and Messrs Longmans histories are the only notable attempts to tell the history of England as a whole, though Stubbss Constitutional History (3 vols.) covers the middle ages and embodies a political survey as well (for corrections and modifications see Petit-Dutaillis, Supplementary Studies, 1908), while Hallams Constitutional history (3 vols.) extends from 1485 to 1760 and Erskine Mays (3 vols.) from 1760 to 186o.
He is made to replace Odoacer as the enemy of Dietrich of Bern, his nephew, and his history is related in the Norse Vilkina or Thidrekssagd, which chiefly embodies German tradition.
The kernel of the latter lies in the perfectly valid proof which it affords that the tortoise passes through as many positions as Achilles - a view which embodies an accepted doctrine of modern mathematics.
This doctrine is derived from Berkeley and Hume on the one hand and from Kantianism on the other, and embodies the principle that nothing can exist for the mind save itself.
Of higher literary value is the didactic and satirical Buch von der Tugend und Weisheit (1550), a collection of forty-nine fables in which Alberus embodies his views on the relations of Church and State.
The church of St Mary and St Modwen is classic in style, of the 18th century, but embodies some remains of an ancient Gothic building.
He also published (1767) a treatise on the History and Present State of Electricity, which embodies some original work, and (1772) a History of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light and Colours, which is a mere compilation.
Dodd's Jefferson Davis (Philadelphia, 1907), which embodies the results of recent historical research.
His phrase does not therefore sanctify the established fact but, on the contrary, declares that it partakes of reality only so far as it embodies the ideal of a coherent and stable system which it is not.
The whole work was in the hands of the writer of the seventh book of the Apostolic Constitutions, who embodies almost every sentence of it, interspersing it with passages of Scripture, and modifying the precepts of the second part to suit a later (4th-century) stage of church development; this writer was also the interpolator of the Epistles of Ignatius, and belonged to the Syrian Church.
Next follow chapters on the literary renaissance of the nation, its progress in art, mathematics, chemistry and natural science; the magnificent development of agriculture, modern industry, commerce and finance; and in particular its flourishing selfgovernment, " which will be exercised in the fullest freedom," and in which " the communal organization embodies in the highest degree the conception of self-government " (p. 234), and " the independent sphere of activity unlimited in its fundamental principle " (p. 235) in that " State control is exercised seldom and discreetly " (p. 236).
But the greatest of its Roman names was Lucretius, whose De rerum natura embodies the main teaching of Epicurus with great exactness, and with a beauty which the subject seemed scarcely to allow.
Among the Arunta of Central Australia, the ghosts of the dead haunt certain localities, and, entering the bodies of passing women, are constantly reincarnated; the Black-snake clan of the Warramunga tribe embodies the spirits which the original ancestor had deposited by a certain creek.'
The term " animism," which embodies Tylor's classical theory of primitive religion, is unfortunately somewhat ambiguous.
As religion advances with improved social organization, a series of figures, partly human, partly divine, embodies the idea that the command of nature implied in the progress of the arts is due to some kind of instruction from above, and that the obli gations of law are of more than human origin.
The constitution of the Dominion embodies the first attempt made to adapt British principles and methods of government to a federal system.
Sounds do not become words until a meaning has been put into them, and this meaning embodies the thought of a community.