-els Sentence Examples
His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories.
Els is joined by compatriot Retief Goosen, with US-based Zimbabwean Nick Price also making a rare trip to European shores.
Its lengthy fibers are generically known as extra-long staple (ELS) cotton.
The older traits show themselves partly in the manifestation of various Els, and partly in the cruder anthropomorphism of the earlier sources.