Elkhorn Sentence Examples
It is on the main line of the Union Pacific railway, on a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system, and on the main western line of the Chicago & North-Western railway, several branches of which (including the formerly independent Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and the Sioux City & Pacific) converge here.
There is considerable local trade with the rich farming country of the Platte and Elkhorn valleys; and the wholesale grain interests are especially important.
There are some cut-offs or oxbow lakes along the Missouri, and many lakelets originally such are scattered along the Platte, Elkhorn, Big Blue and other rivers.
Holt county in the Elkhorn valley, and Sheridan county in the foot-hills, produce more than half the hay-crop of the state.
A dairy farmer named Scott Bray saw a strange looking, huge dog with a large chest lurking around his farm in Elkhorn, WI.