Elk Sentence Examples
Across the field, two elk grazed on the hill below the tree line.
Across the creek, on the hillside, two elk grazed contentedly.
The elk is to be found in the forests of East Prussia.
Two dogs that size didn't present much of a threat to an Elk, or the wild sheep, for that matter.
In addition to the native deer, the Elk or buffalo could have eaten the grain.
Bison no longer roam the plains, and the elk has been driven out; but among the larger mammals still to be found in certain districts are the deer, prong-horn (in small numbers), puma, coyote, timber wolf, lynx (Lynx rufus and Lynx Canadensis) and the black and grizzly bear.
The elk, carefully preserved, haunts the lonely forests from the Arctic Circle even to the Smaland highlands.
The extensive woods in the south part of the province harbour a few wolves and lynxes, and the elk is still preserved in the forest of Ibenhorst, near the Kurisches Haff.
He might have pictured cattle or horses — even goats, but elk and buffalo?
Here may be mentioned the gigantic fossil deer commonly known as the Irish elk, which is perhaps a giant type of fallow-deer, and if so should be known as Cervus (Dama) giganteus.
AdvertisementThe moose, the elk and the beaver have been placed under the protection of the Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner.
The king of the deer tribe is the sdmbhar or jarau (Cervus unicolor), erroneously called " elk " by sportsmen.
When Americans began to rule in California elk and antelope herded in great numbers in the Great Valley; the former may to-day sometimes be seen, possibly, in the northern forests, and the latter occasionally cross into the state from Nevada.
Rarest of all is the magnificent mountain sheep. Game is protected zealously, i not successfully, by the state, and it was officially estimated in 1898 that there were then probably 7000 elk, as many mountain sheep, 25,000 antelope and roo,000 deer within its borders (by far the greatest part in Routt and Rio Blanco counties).
He found it on Orofino Creek, and a great influx followed - coming to Orofino, Newsome, Elk City, Florence, where the ore was especially rich, and Warren.
AdvertisementOf the above, Reindeer and Elk are dealt with in separate articles (qq.v.).
In the mountain forests of south-western Oregon bears, deer, elk, pumas, wolves and foxes are plentiful.
The fauna originally included buffalo, elk, deer, wolves, bear, lynx, beaver, otter, porcupine and puma, but civilization has driven them all out entirely.
Before the advent of the white man Nebraska was full of wild mammals, the buffalo, elk, black and white tailed deer, antelope, bears, timber wolves, panthers (pumas), lynx, otter and mink being common.
It is situated on the Crow's Nest branch of the Canadian Pacific railway, at the junction of Coal Creek with the Elk river, and owes its importance to the extensive coal mines in its vicinity.
AdvertisementHe hit a comfortable pace and stayed there as he peddled past the cemetery and the open meadows where a herd of elk grazed near the river to his left, standing at attention near the edge of the tall cottonwoods that lined the bank.
From the gas-equation in general, in the atmosphere n d dp _ I dp 1 de _ d0 de i de (8) z p dz-edz-p-edz-k-edz' which is positive, and the density p diminishes with the ascent, provided the temperature-gradient de/dz does not exceed elk.
In a clearing that started a few feet away was a small herd of elk.
I've been talking to the fish and game department here about some Elk that aren't up to par for a release into the wild.
He might have pictured cattle or horses — even goats, but elk and buffalo?
AdvertisementAnything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
Daughter Lindy dodged the mess to some extent by voting absentee and being off in Oregon pursuing the elk.
While slaughtering 2,000 buffalo, 1,600 elk, and 100 bears, he slept every night in a brass bed.
Wildlife includes elk, deer, brown bears and wolves.
Ken and Kris discover poachers who are shooting elk with a crossbow to cut off the antlers.
They sound like a herd of wild elk running from the wolf pack at two in the morning.
The great elk did not say, " Cloven hoofs are very much worn now.
Here the elk cows appear as if X-rayed and the ships no longer have elk cows heads on their prows.
In due course, who should come down to drink but a very nice 7 point bull elk!
The National elk Refuge provides critical winter range for an elk herd of approx.
Guides will also point out moose and elk on the trips, which can take in Old faithful geyser.
An elk grove coin jackpot for a good deal attract the to.
Elk, horse, reindeer and other animals lived in the forests and the nomadic hunters followed them.
The weasel, the fox and the hare are exceedingly common, as also are the wolf and the bear in the N., but the glutton (Gulo borealis), the lynx and the elk (C. alces) are rapidly disappearing.
Burnt wheat, barley and linseed, with many varieties of seeds and fruits, were plentifully mingled with the bones of the stag, the ox, the swine, the sheep and the goat, representing the ordinary food of the inhabitants, while remains of the beaver, the fox, the hare, the dog, the bear, the horse, the elk and the bison were also found.
Some of the more northern American deer, such as the wapiti, reindeer and elk (moose), are closely allied to Old World species; but there is also a group of exclusively American deer (Mazama) - the only one found in Central and South America - the members of which are unlike any living Old World deer; and these must be regarded as having reached the western hemisphere at an earlier date than the wapiti, reindeer and elk (see Deer, Elk, Fallow-Deer, Muntjac, Musk-Deer, Pre David'S Deer, Reindeer, Roebuck, Water-Deer, &c.).
Deer and elk frequent especially the mountains of the northwest, in Routt and Rio Blanco counties, adjoining the reservations of the Uncompahgre (White River Ute) and UintahUte Indians - from whose depredations, owing to the negligence of Federal officials, the game of the state has suffered enormous losses.
Some of the more expensive foods contain exotic meats like rabbit, elk, buffalo or other meat.
There are five nature scenes available, including a wolf, bear, elk, deer or moose.
The Minnesota cedar logs are left with their natural marks made from nature and could include bug trails and insect tracks, checking, fire scars, elk rubs, burrs or burls.
Native Americans used the echinacea plant for a variety of ailments after watching ill elk eat the plants and later shared their knowledge with white settlers.
Vaulted ceilings commonly found in log cabin great rooms provide ample space for a majestic elk or deer antler chandelier.
Another common natural element found in lodge style decor are furnishings made from deer and elk antlers.
Male deer and elk shed their antlers every year.
Images commonly seen in lodge decor include evergreen trees, pinecones and a variety of wildlife, including deer, elk, moose, bears, bison, wolves, eagles, and fish.
For example, animal motifs can range from buffalo to bear and elk.
Just like the Indian pottery lamps which are made with the earth found in the Southwestern deserts, antler lamps are very attractive, rustic lamps that are made from deer or elk antlers.
Try hunting down a pair of moose, elk or deer antlers at a flea market or online mercantile, or hang up a pair of horseshoes over the door for good luck.
Choices include cut crystal and beadwork, elk horns and handmade glass ornaments.
They also carry natural pheasant, duck, lamb, bison, and elk formulas which are all natural but not organic.
Bison, raccoons, kangaroos, sloths, lemurs, giraffes, black bears, camels, Bengal tigers, several monkey species, yaks, and elk are only a few of the mammals that call Wild Adventures home.
Deer, antelope, elk, and other animals also reside in this Tennessee hunting oasis.
They wrote of the squirrels and chipmunks, but not about seeing bear and elk and bison.
With few predators, elk populations rose tremendously, until by the time wolves were reintroduced in 1995, there were as many as 35,000 elk in the park during the summer.
Now if you stay a few days in Yellowstone, you will always see bison and elk and quite likely mule deer, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, and both grizzly and black bear, as well as many small animals and birds of all sizes.
Although it's likely to be dry and the flowers are gone, late August and September have fewer people, and treats like hearing the bull elk bugle can be rewarding.
The easiest way to order a Bunkhouse camper is directly through the manufacturer, either by calling the phone number above or by visiting the company's showroom at 2481 Delta Lane in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.
You can choose from a variety of different scenes for your tooled checkbook cover, including a buck and a doe, elk, bass, or a deer standing in a field of trees.
The unidentified hunter is shown with his kill of an elk.
Brackenridge, starting with buffalo, elk, deer, monkeys, a pair of lions, and four bears.
Sandwiches, elk burgers, enchiladas, salads and appetizers are also available.
At this longstanding, family-owned market you'll find a good selection of wild game, including buffalo, venison, wild boar, ostrich, elk, antelope, and more.
The menu includes prime grade steaks, as well as the not-so-common menu offerings of rattlesnake and alligator tail for appetizers and buffalo, elk and game hen for main courses.
The walls are covered with mounted stuffed raccoon, skunk, sheep and elk and the decor is full of rustic charm.
The menu includes such items as yak burgers, duck tenderloin, fried alligator and elk steak.
Breakfasts are hearty (doggy bags are expected) and the biscuits and gravy with elk sausage is a specialty.
Like two bull Elk, they were each so focused on pushing the other back that they had forgotten anyone else existed.
Somewhere up there past the tree line were the four Elk Alex had coerced from the Game and Fish Commission.
When the Elk grazed on this hill, they could be seen from the bay window.
Who would have guessed three years ago that she would be running Elk and buffalo on her land?
You will be offered Elk and Bison meat while you're here.
An elk cow burst out of the brush and skidded to a stop when she saw Alex.
Back-tracking the elk through the brush wasn't so difficult, but trying to move through the brush on horseback wasn't a simple thing.
Anything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
The principal districts are the Fairmont (or Upper Monongahela) and the Elk Garden (or Upper Potomac) in the northern, and the Pocahontas (or Flat Top) and the New and Kanawha rivers districts in the southern part of the state.
Large animals, such as the black and the grizzly bear, and deer are found on the slopes of the Sierra Mountains, and antelope, deer and elk visit the northernmost valleys in the winter.
The bison and elk long ago disappeared, but black bear and deer are found in the unsettled part of the state.
Few elk are found except in the inaccessible districts on the Olympic Mountains.
The bison, which once ranged the plains in large herds, have been exterminated; the moose and the elk are found only occasionally in the wilder regions; mountain sheep, antelope, black and grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes and lynx (" wild cats ") are also becoming rare.
The herds of bison, antelope and elk that once roamed the prairies have vanished, but a few mountain sheep still graze on the grass-covered mesas in inaccessible portions of the Bad Lands.
The wapiti or American elk at one time abounded from Quebec to the Pacific, and as far north as the Peace river, but is now found only in small numbers from Manitoba westwards.
Extending from the south-west corner of the state through Greene, Washington, Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Venango, Clarion, Forest, Elk, Warren, McKean and Tioga counties is the Pennsylvania section of the Appalachian oil-field which, with the small section in New York, furnished nearly all of the country's supply of petroleum for some years following the discovery of its value for illuminating purposes.
The policy of the government which protects game, both in the park and in the surrounding national forests, has induced elk, deer, antelope, mountain-sheep, bears, porcupines, coyotes, squirrels, gophers and woodchucks to take shelter here.
The European bison, the urus, the elk and the wild swine have disappeared since Roman times.
The wild goat, bison and elk have migrated to the Lithuanian forests.
In the mountains are elk, puma, lynx, the varying hare and snowshoe rabbit, the yellow-haired porcupine, Fremont's and Bailey's squirrels, the mountain sheep, the four-striped chipmunk, Townsend's spermophile, the prong-horned antelope, the cinnamon pack-rat, grizzly, brown, silvertip and black bears and the wolverine.
Among the finest of the chains are the Rampart, Sangre de Cristo, San Juan, Sawatch (Saguache) and Elk ranges.
The Elk range is geologically interesting for the almost unexampled displacement of the strata of which it is composed, and the apparent confusion which has thence arisen.
Among the higher passes are Hoosier Pass (10,309 ft.) in the Park Range, and Hayden Divide (10,780) and Veta Pass (9390), both of these across the Sangre de Cristo range; the crossing of the San Miguel chain at Lizard Head Pass (10,250) near Rico; of the Uncompahgre at Dallas Divide (8977) near Ouray; of the Elk and Sawatch ranges at Fremont (11,320), Tennessee (10,229), and Breckenridge (11,470) passes, and the Busk Tunnel, all near Leadville; and Marshall Pass (10,846) above Salida.
Although a few living species have the antlers in the form of simple spikes in the adult male, in the great majority of species they are more or less branched; while in some, like the elk and fallow-deer, they expand into broad palmated plates, with tines, or snags, on one or both margins.
Among the south-eastern plateaus antelope are found at all seasons, and deer and big-horn (mountain sheep), and occasionally a few elk, in the winter.
The bison and elk have disappeared.