Elimination Sentence Examples
Should I not fund elimination of the present strain?
The biohazard elimination field was marked by pristine white fencing.
In both these cases the object of the rite is the elimination of impurity or of a source of danger.
He is pure evil with little personality and is totally devoted to Darth Sidious and the elimination of the Jedi order.
It was very commonly believed at the time that this nomination for the vice-presidency was participated in and heartily approved of by the machine politicians or "bosses" of the State of New York in their belief that it would result in his elimination from active political life.
With the elimination of the coloured vote by educational or other tests the honesty of elections has increased.
During the elimination phase, which generally lasts between one and two weeks, as many known allergy-producing foods as possible are eliminated from the diet.
It allows you to vote for your favorite couple (on an iPhone only), and delivers the results after each elimination show.
There have been numerous winners of Quickfire and Elimination Challenges, the performance tests that give the judges criteria for rewards and weekly eliminations.
Kevin also wins the titles of most collective challenge wins and most collective elimination challenges in a season.
AdvertisementSymptoms are generally treated with the elimination of the bugs altogether.
R is a function of the coefficients which is called the " resultant " or " eliminant " of the k equations, and the process by which it is obtained is termed " elimination."
In this he claimed to have made the most salutary reform because all physicians from Hippocrates had treated diseases by depletion and debilitating measures with the object of curing by elimination.
The renewed agitation finally resulted in the elimination of all religious tests by the act of 1849, which also changed the name to that of the university of Toronto.
The gradual elimination of the= nitrogen is tested at a moment's notice with a miniature spectroscope.
AdvertisementIt's an elimination match, with eventually only Ripley (and the ship's cat) surviving via the the escape pod, destroying the Nostradomo behind her.
We have been dealing hitherto with the elimination of the causes of war; neutralization is a curtailment of the areas of war and of the factors in warfare, of territory on the one hand and states on the other.
Various degrees in the reduction of the pigment patches up to that of complete elimination may be traced.
Hantzsch explains the characteristic reactions of the diazonium compounds ky the assumption that an addition compound is first formed, which breaks down with the elimination of the hydride of the acid radical, and the formation of an unstable syn-diazo compound, which, in its turn, decomposes with evolution of nitrogen (Ber., 18 97, 30, p. 2 54 8; 1898, 31, p. 2053).
Concentrated hydrochloric acid decomposes it with formation of C6H 6 N OH HO'N'H chloranilines and elimination of nitrogen, whilst on boiling with sulphuric acid it is converted into aminophenols.
AdvertisementIn all official communications the Russian language is obligatory, and a gradual elimination of Poles from the administration has been effected.
Their conclusion rested on the supposed elimination of all known physical causes for the movements; but it is doubtful from the description of the experiments whether the precautions taken were sufficient to exclude unconscious muscular action or even deliberate fraud.
There he advised the Liberal party that "its slate must be cleaned," and, as he subsequently explained, this cleansing must involve the elimination of Home Rule for Ireland.
At every stage some individuals are prevented from contributing to the next generation, and if the continual process of elimination affects individuals possessing any one character more strongly than it affects others, so that a relation is established between individual character and the chance of producing a certain number of young, selection is said to occur.
These sources then are " post-exilic," and the elimination of material first composed in that age leaves historical, legal and other material which was obviously in circulation (so, e.g., the non-priestly portions of Genesis).
AdvertisementThey may be regarded as the anhydrides of the alcohols, being formed by elimination of one molecule of water from two molecules of the alcohols; those in which the two hydrocarbon radicals are similar are known as simple ethers, and those in which they are dissimilar as mixed ethers.
For they were the true champions of the theocratic principle; through their elimination it became clear that the struggle had in no sense anything to do with the cause of God.
In the sphere of abstract form, mathematics, the like may be allowed, abstraction being treated as an elimination of matter from the cn voXov by one act.
It were better called exclusiva or elimination of the alternative, which Bacon proposes to achieve, and thereby guarantee his conclusion against the possibility of instance to the contrary.
Even after the elimination of Gnosticism the church remained without any uniform Christology; the Trinitarians and the Unitarians continued to confront each other, the latter at the beginning of the 3rd century still forming the large majority.
Bacon did not understand by induction the argument from particulars to a general proposition; he looked upon the exclusion and rejection, or upon elimination, as the essence of induction.
This elimination of the non-essential, grounded on the fundamental propositions with regard to forms, is the most important of Bacon's contributions to the logic of induction, and that in which, as he repeatedly says, his method differs from all previous philosophies.
To formulate and show grounds for these laws is to construct a philosophy of induction, and it must not be forgotten that the first step towards the accomplishment of the task was made by Bacon when he introduced and gave prominence to the powerful logical instrument of exclusion or elimination.
On the other hand, if those in authority perpetrate in the name of what their society holds sacred, and therefore with its full approval, acts that to the modern mind are cruel, silly or revolting, it is bad science and bad ethics to speak of vice and degradation, unless it can be shown that the community in which these things occur is thereby brought nearer to elimination in the struggle for existence.
In old days free elimination by these channels was looked upon as a sign of returning health, and was termed a "critical" diuresis, diarrhoea or sweating, according to the channel through which the eliminative act had occurred.
Similarly the beneficial effects of purgation may be due not only to the elimination which takes place through the bowel, but also to the internal secretion from the intestinal glands.
The other plan is to use an exclusively meat diet, combined with the ingestion of a large quantity of hot water, so as to cause free elimination.
Elimination of waste-products is one of the most important points in regard to health, and when this is interfered with by disease of the kidneys, the life of the patient is rendered more or less uncertain and the health frequently seriously impaired.
With the elimination of the republics one great obstacle to federation was removed; while the establishment of self-government in the new colonies, promised (after a probationary period of " representative institutions") in No.
Beginning with a chapter on the means of locomotion in the 10th century, it went on to discuss war, the conflict of languages, faith, morals, the elimination of the unfit, and other general topics, with remarkable acuteness and constructive ability.
The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters.
It is not to be supposed that the elimination of all later passages and traces of revision will give us Zephaniah's prophecies in their original extent.
The notion is very probably older, but it is at any rate to be found in Lagrange's Theorie des fonctions analytiques (1798); it is there remarked that the equation obtained by the elimination of the parameter a from an equationf (x,y,a) = o and the derived equation in respect to a is a curve, the envelope of the series of curves represented by the equation f (x,y,a) = o in question.
As regards the literary-critical problems it is clear that with the elimination of P we have the sources (minor adjustment and revision excepted) which were accessible to the last compiler in the post-exilic age.
They combine with aldehydes and ketones, with elimination of water and formation of mercaptals and mercaptols.
In other words, a sufficiently good and distinct image as the resolving power permits cannot be arrived at, until the elimination, or a sufficient diminution, of the spherical and chromatic aberrations has been brought about.
Very rarely, as in the case of silver salts, excretion does not take place; but usually the drug is got rid of by the ordinary channels of elimination.
The United States has agreed to assist Russia in the elimination of its chemical weapons arsenal.
Equally, it is clear that the elimination of agro-chemicals in arable land areas will lead to increased populations of insects and other biota.
The most significant improvement in the sound was the elimination of the low burble you always get with LV disks.
We are currently elucidating the molecular mechanisms responsible for the adjuvant and immune biasing activity of reactive carbonyls and methods for their elimination.
The chromatin diminution is the elimination of an inactive chromatin from a genome.
The unilateral declarations by the US and Russian Presidents in 1991-92 resulted in the elimination of a great number of tactical nuclear warheads.
Yet it is safer and easier to replace deterrence with elimination of all WMD.
The polymer is produced by the elimination of hydrogen chloride from terephthaloyl chloride and para-phenylene diamine.
The introduction of improved pasture which relies on nitrogenous fertilizer with the elimination of white clover is one major loss of a nectar source.
It is also diuretic and speeds the elimination of toxins, which makes it valuable for treating gout.
Bimolecular Elimination An elimination reaction which proceeds via second order kinetics.
The peptide linkage is formed by elimination of water between two amino acids.
Essentially biological liposuction works because it is possible to trick the immune defenses into thinking that the fat cells are appropriate targets for elimination.
In " candidate elimination ", progress is made by successively eliminating candidate numerals from one or more cells to leave just one choice.
It's thought these complications are caused by protease inhibitors blocking the elimination of corticosteroids leading to higher concentrations in the blood.
Shooters have one hour 45 minutes in which to fire a.22 rimfire rifle at a target 50m away in the elimination round.
This may save significant production time and elimination potential product spoilage.
Travel trailer sway elimination and related safety products for travel trailers and recreational vehicles.
Other savings include the elimination of time consuming tasks such as handling mail, checking and banking checks.
It now includes coverage of the SAFE strategy for the elimination of blinding trachoma.
In 2000, the nuclear weapons states themselves promised an " unequivocal undertaking " for the " elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
But on the other hand the very elimination of John could have sparked just the very uprising that Herod feared.
These very considerations naturally combined to recommend the fact to constitutionalists, who saw in it, besides the territorial guarantee, the elimination of the danger of foreign interference in the relations between Italy and the Vatican, such as Bismarck had recently threatened and such as France was believed ready to propose.
The decade from 1896 until 1905, inclusive, saw huge sums spent on yards, passing tracks, grade reduction, elimination of curves, substitution of large locomotives and cars for small ones, &c. During those ten years, the route mileage increased 34,991 m., or 17%, while the mileage of second, third, fourth and yard tracks and sidings increased 32,666 m., or nearly 57%.
This raises the problem of how far the catharsis dealt with above is in its original form an elimination of impurity, and how far something more definite - a spirit or other principle of evil - is held to be expelled by scapegoat and allied ceremonies.
The failure to apprehend historical method has often led to the fallacious argument that the trustworthiness of individual features justifies our accepting the whole, or that the elimination of unhistorical elements will leave an historical residuum.
The history of this research, of the gradual elimination of the unimportant conditions, of the recognition of those which controlled the disease, is one of the most fascinating chapters of scientific discovery.
An indispensable preliminary was the virtual elimination of oxygen-absorption in the earth's atmosphere, and his bold project of establishing an observatory on the top of Mont Blanc was prompted by a perception of the advantages to be gained by reducing the thickness of air through which observations have to be made.
The revival as in the above argument of the idea that the function of thought is the elimination of difference, and that rational connexion must fail where absolute identity is indiscoverable merely shows how imperfectly Kant's lesson has been learned by some of those who prophesy in his name.
It cannot be denied that there has been actual deterioration of the native races, and elimination in their numbers, consequent upon contact with Europeans and Americans (see further, Polynesia).
In medicine it is frequently employed as a hydragogue purgative, specially valuable in febrile diseases, in congestion of the portal system, and in the obstinate constipation of painters' colic. In the last case it is combined with potassium iodide, the two salts being exceedingly effective in causing the elimination of lead from the system.
Thus in America progress is being rapidly made towards the realization of the idea that war can be superannuated by elimination of its causes and the development of positive methods for the preservation of peace (see PAN- ' 'American Conferences).
We may distinguish broadly two ways by which such selective elimination of individuals from the number of those who contribute to the next generation may occur, viz.
It is an age of conscious selection as between ideal systems. Instead of necessitating a wasteful and precarious elimination of inadequate customs by the actual destruction of those who practise them - this being the method of natural selection, which, like some Spanish Inquisition, abolishes the heresy by wiping out the heretics one and all - progress now becomes possible along the more direct and less Comte's own term " fetishism " was most unfortunately misleading (see Fetishism).
For example, there are many people who feel very much better after profuse perspiration, and as sweat appears to contain little but water and a few salts, it is not improbable that the improvement in their condition is due rather to the internal secretion from the skin than to the elimination effected by the sweat.
One was a definition by quantifier elimination; see Section 2.2 below.
This opens up the possibility that a simple process can be developed for the elimination of these recalcitrant materials from effluents.
Children with allergic rhinitis and/or bronchial asthma treated with elimination diet.
The outcome will indicate whether Wld s mice constitute an effective model in which to study cellular and molecular mechanisms of synapse elimination.
Contrary to what was frequently reported in the press, the Russians did not propose a regime for verifiable warhead elimination during the negotiations.
Pest Mall sells Bedlam Bedbug Insecticide Spray -a popular and highly recommended insecticide for bed bug elimination.
If you are experiencing an elimination problem with your cat, it could be caused by a medical problem such as urethral blockage, bladder infection, cystitis or a kidney problem.
Some cats use inappropriate elimination to show their displeasure.
For this reason, including a proper amount of flaxseed or psyllium husk in your cat's food recipes may help safely regulate your pet's elimination.
Elimination of two-cycle billing - Card issuers can no longer split the month and charge two different APRs on the same billing statement.
It is thought that a little agave syrup encourages digestion and elimination.
The elimination decision came down to a debate between Martha McCully and Cynthia Rowley.
She complained about their decision to get rid of Joseph on Episode Two - a strange move, considering she sold him up the river during that elimination ceremony!
The customizable touch screen also allows you to edit your photos via standard cropping, resizing and red eye elimination.
The "Elimination Station" webisodes will be available on the site following the show each week.
After her elimination, she was to appear on The Jimmy Kimmel Show and The View, but instead returned to England the day after she was axed from the show.
Shortly after Julianne's most recent elimination on Dancing with the Stars, she officially launched her music career via country music label Mercury Nashville, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group.
Especially since the elimination takes place in a hot tub.
The program was a typical dating show, during which female suitors faced elimination one by one until only a single bachelorette was left.
Food allergy testing is usually carried out with an elimination trial.
Remove the top layer of paper after elimination.
By proxy, this means that you are supporting the many positive ecological factors, like the elimination of harmful runoff and human treatment of animals and employees, associated with organic farming and manufacturing.
Health practitioners treating unexplainable symptoms may be inclined to recommend this testing or mold elimination procedures.
Mold elimination procedures range from simply using bleach and warm water to wipe down affected areas to stripping out drywall and making major repairs to one's home to get rid of the dangers.
Therefore, in advance of undergoing any significant mold elimination procedures, you should purchase protective clothing.
Professional services perform the tests, and will even take on the elimination project if it involves major work, but at-home kits are available as well.
Elimination is when the 5th and 6th place cars are knocked out on the first lap, the 3rd and 4th place cars are eliminated on the second lap and it's a head to head race on the final lap.
If you aren't looking for the practice the opportunity offers, you can turn the settings down on the game (single round elimination and easy CPU battles).
Fortunately, they will be pleased with the match types available, which include such staples as hardcore, first blood and submission matches, as well as the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and more.
Some parents may try to self-diagnose lactose intolerance in their child by using an elimination diet, a diet that eliminates obvious milk and milk products.
An elimination diet is the systematic elimination of foods or group of foods from the diet suspected in causing a food allergy.
Food elimination is considered only when no other cause can be found for the symptoms the child is experiencing.
There are two main ways of diagnosing food allergies by the elimination method.
This method is often recommended for children, as it is easier to follow than the standard elimination diet.
The more rigorous method (which is a true elimination diet) reverses this strategy by eliminating many foods at the outset and then reintroducing suspected allergens (allergy-producing substances) one at a time.
Elimination diets often include a rotation component, by which even the limited foods allowed at the beginning are allocated in such a way that no single food is eaten more than once within a three-day period.
The elimination diet can be very strict or more liberalized depending on the severity of the symptoms.
During the elimination phase of the diet, which clears the body of allergens, ingredient labels for all processed foods should be carefully scrutinized to make sure that none of the proscribed foods makes its way into the diet.
A strict elimination diet should not be undertaken without the supervision of a physician and/or dietitian.
The elimination phase of the diet should not last more than two weeks, since this restricted regimen will lack some essential nutrients.
Also, a child's growth may be affected if placed on an elimination diet for an extended period.
Persons with chronic food allergies should see their symptoms subside during the elimination period.
Metabolism-The sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body resulting in growth, transformation of foodstuffs into energy, waste elimination, and other bodily functions.
It is normally a time-limited condition with manifestations arriving almost immediately after the appearance of the pressure-causing event and resolving within six months of the elimination of the stressor.
Some doctors will put the child on an elimination diet for one week to 10 days.
The basic elimination diet is a series of foods that have proven not to be allergy triggers.
The child continues the elimination diet for a few more days, at which time another food is introduced.
The elimination diet is often done after skin testing, so there is a logical guide for what to eliminate.
When the child is placed on an elimination diet, often the body will rebel at not being given the foods that cause it to react and will produce cravings for those foods.
Elimination of toxins is aided as well as by such herbs as milk thistle, burdock, and licorice.
Disruption of basic development in such areas as eating, sleeping, and elimination is possible but less frequent than in younger children.
When children are ill, the rate of bladder and bowel elimination may slow down because of reduced physical action.
Parents may need to seek medical advice about digestive and elimination aids and about adjusting the child's diet and fluid intake to promote normal elimination.
Toilet training is the process of teaching a young child to control the bowel and bladder and use the bathroom for elimination.
They have also learned the vocabulary their family uses for elimination.
This in turn makes elimination uncomfortable and even painful, creating even greater reluctance and resistance on the part of the child.
Preventing certain types of intestinal problems that may lead to intestinal obstruction may include making sure that the diet includes sufficient fiber to help encourage proper stool formation and regular elimination.
It is important to remember that a healthy diet with plenty of whole fruits, vegetables, and grains, and drinking a sufficient amount of water each day, will help keep the intestines healthy and elimination regular.
If hepatitis B or C is confirmed, a series of diet and lifestyle changes, such as the elimination of alcohol, is recommended to control the disease.
At normal atmospheric pressures, but breathing 100 percent oxygen, the half-life for the elimination of CO from the body is 50 to 70 minutes.
This exam includes assessing size, weight, head circumference, chest circumference, genitalia, physical mobility, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lungs, heart, elimination, presence of neonatal reflexes, and much more.
For older children, physicians usually start by recommending a trial elimination diet that excludes milk, eggs, wheat, gluten, soy, and beef, because a link has been established with food intolerance and food allergy.
Sudden sharp pain during elimination may signify that an object is lodged in the rectum.
The kidneys are responsible for maintaining water balance through the elimination of waste products and excess water.
Therefore, diagnosis of Lyme disease relies on information the patient and parents provide and the doctor's clinical judgment, particularly through elimination of other possible causes of the symptoms.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the National Association of School Nurses recommend their elimination, although many healthcare professionals disagree.
Identification and elimination of reactive foods may result in a decrease in JA symptoms.
Naturopaths favor food elimination diets as a way of managing AD, as well as lowering the child's overall intake of animal products.
Long-term food elimination diets as a strategy for controlling AD are discussed below.
But a well-made gown will highlight a dancer's natural ability and help them get through each elimination round.
While only one couple is crowned the winner at the end of each season, each week's episode of the popular dance show ends with an elimination of at least one couple.
From partner work to solo routines, dancers are then voted on by viewers who call in to the show, and then there is an elimination round.
For this reason, keep your variations powerful and eye-catching, but don't take up too much of the dance floor out of consideration for the other couples on the floor, as well as possible elimination by the panel of judges.
With the elimination of heat, applying the wax may be easier for some people.
Unfortunately, it isn't always possible to get an extension or negotiate a reduction or elimination of your late fees.
This eases the stool through the colon and aids in elimination.
Beneficial intestinal flora plays a key role in metabolic, immunological, elimination, and other functions.
Within the gastrointestinal tract, certain strains of bacteria keep digestion and elimination running smoothly.
One of the distinct advantages of electric razors is the elimination of a need for water or shaving cream.
Newer Alpine Air Ionizers bear the name "Living Air" and many models have adjustable knobs for controlling the amount of ozone that gets dispersed into the room and a UVC light for the elimination of certain bacteria.
Other shows, like the late-night "Elimidate," follow an essentially similar formula, although contestants meet face to face before the elimination begins.
Destruction of natural habitats - Mine construction and open pit mining itself leads to the destruction of natural habitats for wildlife as well as the elimination of food sources for Canada's wildlife.
Should gut disturbances diminish on an elimination diet, particularly a gluten-free diet, then there is strong reason to suspect that gluten intolerance or at least an allergy is present.
Still, if you feel significantly better after a three day gluten elimination diet, then it is importantly to avoid gluten and head to a doctor for celiac specific tests.
So, if you experience a strange and extremely itchy rash, the severity of which responds to a gluten elimination diet, you have strong reason to suspect celiac disease as the culprit.
Gluten sensitivity does not usually require the total elimination of gluten, but understanding how your body reacts to wheat products will help you keep your symptoms at a manageable level.
If you have celiac disease and elimination diet is what your doctor has recommended as the right path for you; the good news is that it does not have to be difficult.
For those who suffer from celiac disease, doctors may recommend an elimination diet.
In a complete elimination diet, virtually all foods are removed except for rice, some vegetables, some fruits and lamb, as these foods do not cause negative reactions.
For many, celiac disease and elimination diet go hand in hand.
After removing these foods from your diet for a period of three weeks, which is what doctors recommend for first time elimination diet users, you can then begin to add foods back in, one at a time, until you spot reoccurring problems.
Only follow an elimination diet if your doctor recommends that you do so.
Continue to journal how you feel and any changes that result from the elimination diet.
The GFCF diet promotes the elimination of both gluten and casein from an individual's diet.
Some people decide to go ahead and follow an elimination diet to identify the problem and, afterwards, report their findings to a doctor.
Others suggest that an elimination diet should only be followed under the care of a physician, dietician or nutritionist.
If you are unsure about how to follow an elimination diet, then perhaps you should consult a trained professional who understands how these diets work and the effective implementation of such programs.
The elimination diet is often used as a tool to discover the cause of chronic symptoms where food is suspect.
When you take into consideration the breadth of foods that may cause problems, you can understand why the elimination diets restrict such a vast array of items.
For this reason, an elimination diet is very restrictive and lasts for about 4 to 6 weeks.
While restrictive, an elimination diet does allow a decent selection of foods.
Your doctor or nutritionist may prescribe a more specific elimination diet that is designed according to your circumstances.
To ensure the accuracy of a gliadin antibody test, it must be carried out before you attempt a gluten free elimination diet.
Beginning an elimination diet before testing could cause a false negative result and delay your treatment process.The test is carried out like any other blood test.
Despite a negative diagnosis, however, many patients with this form of sensitivity still find relief on a gluten-free elimination diet.
If you are coping with a condition you feel might be related to gluten sensitivity, there is no harm in requesting an anti-gliadin antibody blood test, or following an elimination diet.
A period of elimination may be necessary in order to allow the intestines to heal, which may, in turn, help the patient's digestive prowess restore and abet certain food sensitivities.
As if celiacs didn't have enough to worry about with dietary concerns and elimination protocols, the realm of gluten-free beauty products is likewise quite confusing.
Pisces is highly artistic and creative, and Virgo can help her find an outlet for expression by assisting in narrowing her choices through a logical process of elimination.
Games could include multiple choice, elimination, and matching activities, but you should also look for games that offer more open-ended questions that encourage your child to think creatively.
Benefits are numerous and include convenience, selection, savings, and the elimination of late fees.
Compare your spending to the U.S. average in any category, receive notification if you're going over your budget, track savings and investments, and develop debt elimination tools to pay off higher interest accounts first.
Hot Yoga is beneficial in minimizing muscular injuries, increasing flexibility and increasing detoxification through the elimination of sweat.
While these treatments may not offer a cure, they can assist in the elimination of some symptoms of autism, such as aggression or poor eye contact.
The diet focuses on the elimination of foods containing gluten and casein.
Buy a handy cell phone traveler cup, or install a blind spot elimination mirror.
Eat plenty of fiber to fill you up and help facilitate proper elimination.
Carbohydrate elimination is the first and foremost step to take when dieting to treat candida overgrowth as bacteria thrives on them for life and reproduction.
Limiting dairy products, with the exception of yogurt, is also helpful during this elimination process.
You may lose weight on this diet for the mere fact that calories are drastically reduced with the elimination of carbohydrates.
Laxatives, including herbal "diet teas" containing senna, are used to control weight by speeding elimination and emptying the intestines.
Complete elimination of fat, protein, or carbohydrate is simply not conducive to health, and may lead to serious problems.
There's no visible problem when X-rays or endoscopes are used, so it is usually diagnosed by taking a history from the patient and using a process of elimination to learn that it is not some other health problem.
Fennel seed has diuretic properties that aid in relieving fluid retention and in the elimination of toxins from the system through the urine.
This usually accompanies an elimination diet as eliminated foods are gradually added back into the diet.
Soluble fiber binds to bile acids in the intestines, which leads to their elimination.
South Beach Diet - The South Beach Diet is divided into a three-stage program that emphasizes the elimination of "bad carbs," which purportedly helps to reduce cravings over time.
The reasoning behind this was that this is the body's natural elimination cycle and fruit helps to purify the system and the elimination process.
He may recommend an elimination diet to help pinpoint problem foods.
Elimination Period - Choose the amount of time that the insurance company will wait to begin making payments from when your injury occurs.
The elimination period, during which no benefits are payable, is short.
Plan members must serve a three-month elimination period when they sign up for the Ameritas Access 1500.
For elimination of panty lines, t-backs are highly effective.
For elimination of panty lines, Lycra and thin cotton are good choices.
Several rounds of elimination lead to the contestants being narrowed down to the top 12 who faced off weekly for the public vote.
Her performances kept her safe from elimination most weeks, and she stood out as an early favorite to win.
Oftentimes the Quick Fire challenge will result in a reward for the winner, such as immunity from elimination for the next judging or some other advantage over the other contestants.
The main challenge of the weekly episode is the Elimination Challenge.
Every episode has a different challenge for the elimination round, and while sometimes there will be a contestant entering this round with immunity there are other times when every chef is up for elimination.
The Elimination Challenge is the focus of each episode.
Sometimes the chefs must create meals for a large amount of people in a short amount of time, and oftentimes there is a great amount of pressure involved with the Elimination Challenge on Bravo Top Chef.
This process of elimination propels just about all the action in the game, and it often gets downright nasty.
Rarely is there a double elimination or no elimination.
She arrives from time to time to give advice, offer a shoulder, and deliver the bad news of elimination or the good news of survival.
Dancing with the Stars is currently on ABC Monday evenings at 8 p.m. (7 p.m. central), with the elimination round broadcast on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. (8 p.m. central).
Although it is the contestants who nominate the first choice for elimination, the person up for elimination is then allowed to choose one person to accompany them to face the panel of judges and plead their case.
The local news dubbed him a human jukebox and his talent carried him through all the elimination rounds to win the jackpot.
There was drama, conflict, humor, competition and elimination.
The team that does not win the task - as selected by the company which is represented in the project - must come to Trump's boardroom for interrogation and elimination.
At the end of each episode, there is an elimination ceremony where the girls Michaels wants to keep around are awarded a "backstage pass" (his version of Flav's clock).
Megan appeared on VH1's I Love Money and nearly made it to the finals, quitting right before the final elimination.
Top Chef is another competition and elimination show that focuses on chefs.
Aside from the first elimination ceremony, during which several contestants are sent home, there is typically only one bachelor eliminated each round.
One of the elimination ceremonies during the fourth cycle of show caused viewers (and late night comedians) much amusements when eliminated suitor Ron said, "Deanna didn't reject me tonight.
The contestants compete in a short competition for a chance to earn immunity for the episode, and then they compete in a larger elimination challenge.
Once the initial group of interior designers is whittled down to a group of finalists, they then compete in an elimination challenge to determine the winner of the show.
Instead, Pop Design can come at any point, even after the elimination challenge has begun, and it is often used to throw a wrench in the work that has already gone into the elimination challenge activity.
Whoever reacts most appropriately to this situation is safe from elimination.
Following this revelation, they are shown a montage of video clips that highlights the eliminated contestant's actions that led to his or her elimination.
The elimination for this episode is at a Mexican restaurant.
The elimination for Episode Six takes place at a sushi dinner.
The judges look on and prepare their scores and comments for the elimination portion of the show.
They are also listed in order of their elimination from the show, starting with the winner and working backwards.
The show includes twelve women as contestants, two cast members who act as judges as well as instructors, and a host who also participates in the elimination process.
These tasks are completed either in teams, or individually, with the winners being exempt from elimination.
The top three vote getters are then in jeopardy of elimination, and Bentley ultimately decides who stays and who goes based on past and recent performance in the tasks.
Prior to the elimination duel, teams compete in challenges to determine which competitors will face off in the duel.
In addition, wannabe contestants who provide false information on their applications are subject to instant elimination and public humiliation when their lies are discovered.
This is the elimination challenge, and the family who finishes last must leave the competition.
The second challenge is the Elimination Challenge, and is exactly as the name implies.
The Elimination challenges are judged by a panel that includes the regular judges as well as guest judges or groups.
Each episode ended with an elimination ceremony where one or more of the contestants was removed from the competition.
Contestants are evaluated by the judges, with the winners earning prizes and an advantage in the upcoming Elimination Challenge.
The second of the two challenges is the Elimination Challenge.
The losing team then has to nominate two of its own members for elimination.
At the end of the first episode of the show, Tully appeared during the elimination meal and asked Sabato, Jr. to let her join the show and the competition for his affections.
Each episode centered around a challenge, a date for the winner(s) of the challenge and an elimination ceremony.
Jade Cole can also boast one of the best exits from a reality television show elimination.
Her hoity-toity attitude and melodramatic bow on the way out of the elimination room has been featured numerous times on clip shows.
There is no voting process or elimination like other competition reality shows; generally, everyone on the show stays until the next week.
Its tetramethyl-diamino derivative, which is formed by condensing formaldehyde with dimethyl-meta-aminophenol and subsequent elimination of water from the resulting diphenyl methane derivative, is the leuco base of pyronine, into which it passes by oxidation.
Considering derivatives primarily concerned with transformations of the hydroxyl group, we may regard our typical acid as a fusion of a radical R CO - (named acetyl, propionyl, butyl, &c., generally according to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms) and a hydroxyl group. By replacing the hydroxyl group by a halogen, acid-haloids result; by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules, acid-anhydrides, which may be oxidized to acid-peroxides; by replacing the hydroxyl group by the group. SH, thio-acids; by replacing it by the amino group, acid-amides (q.v.); by replacing it by the group - NH NH2, acid-hydrazides.
The globules in the latex are liquid, and the phenomenon of coagulation would seem to consist in the passage of this liquid into solid caoutchouc through the kind of change known as polymerization or condensation, in which a liquid passes into solid without alteration of composition or by condensation with the elimination of the elements of water.
Hesse's canonical form shows at once that there cannot be more than two independent invariants; for if there were three we could, by elimination of the modulus of transformation, obtain two functions of the coefficients equal to functions of m, and thus, by elimination of m, obtain a relation between the coefficients, showing them not to be independent, which is contrary to the hypothesis.
With ammonia, benzaldehyde does not form an aldehyde ammonia, but condenses to hydrobenzamide, (C 6 H 5 CH) 3 N 2, with elimination of water.
According to Sydenham, a disease is nothing more than an effort of nature to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbific matter.
In the next stage of the process, the glass is raised to a high temperature in order to render it sufficiently fluid to allow of the complete elimination of these bubbles; the actual temperature required varies with the chemical composition of the glass, a bright red heat sufficing for the most fusible glasses, while with others the utmost capacity of the best furnaces is required to attain the necessary temperature.
The extremely low dates proposed by Hommel in 1898 were due to his adoption of Peiser's emendation for the length of Dynasty III., in addition to his own elimination of Dynasty II.
In addition to the separation of the silver the operation extends to the elimination of the last traces of lead, tin, arsenic, &c. which have resisted the preceding cupeilation.
The hour circle is also read by microscopes, and the instrument can be used in both positions (tube preceding and following) for elimination of the effect of flexure on the position angles.
The province of mensuration is to express the final result of such an elimination in terms of the data, without the necessity of going through the intermediate processes.
Finding in the cultivation of " virtue " or " excellence " a substitute for the pursuit of scientific truth, and in disputation the sole means by which " virtue " or " excellence " could be attained, he resembled at once the sophists of culture and the sophists of eristic. But, inasmuch as the " virtue " or " excellence " which he sought was that of the man rather than that of the official, while the disputation which he practised had for its aim, not victory, but the elimination of error, the differences which separated him from the sophists of culture and the sophists of eristic were only less considerable than the resemblances which he bore to both; and further, though his whole time and attention were bestowed upon the education of young Athenians, his theory of the relations of teacher and pupil differed from that of the recognized professors of education, inasmuch as the taking of fees seemed to him to entail a base surrender of the teacher's independence.
The ministration to intellect or reason, aided by the negative elimination by means of contradictory instances of whatever in the instances is not always present, absent and varying with the given subject investigated, and finally by the positive inference that whatever in the instances is always present, absent and varying with the subject is its essential cause.
Such transactions are made easy by the foreign banks established in all the large cities of the republic. The conversion law of 1899, which gave a fixed gold value to the currency (44 centavos gold for each 100 centavos paper), has had beneficial influence on commercial transactions, through the elimination of daily fluctuations in the value of the currency, and the commercial and financial situation has been steadily improved, notwithstanding heavy taxation and tariff restrictions.
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
The auditions netted 175 contestants to advance to the Hollywood elimination rounds.
Each plenty of green leafy vegetables and bright colored fruits to reduce the formation of free radicals and help in their elimination.
Assuming that in its circumpolar origin the North Temperate flora was fairly homogeneous, it would meet in its centrifugal extension with a wide range of local conditions; these would favor the preservation of numerous species in some genera, their greater or less elimination in others.
Such profound changes must necessarily have been accompanied by enormous elimination; the migrating hosts were perpetually thinned by falling out on the way.
Of these, undoubtedly the simplest are the ethers (q.v.), formed by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules of the same alcohol, " simple ethers," or of different alcohols, " mixed ethers."
From meta-brombenzoicacid two nitrobrombenzoic ac i ds are obtained on direct nitration; elimination of the bromine atom and the reduction of the nitro to an amino group in these two acids results in the formation of the same ortho-aminobenzoic acid.
P. Griess (Ber., 1872, 5, p. 192; 18 74, 7, p. 1223) orientated the three diaminobenzenes or phenylene diamines by considering their preparation by the elimination of the carboxyl group in the six diaminobenzoic acids.
A larger and more important series of condensations may be grouped together as resulting from the elimination of the elements of water between carbonyl (CO) and methylene (CH 2) groups.
Acetonyl-acetophenone, C6H5.CO.CH2.CH2.CO.CH3, is produced by condensing phenacyl bromide with sodium acetoacetate with subsequent elimination of carbon dioxide, and on dehydration gives aa-phenyl-methyl-furfurane.
The first effect of the roasting is the elimination of sulphur as sulphurdioxide, with formation of oxide and sulphate of lead.
The leading idea of this work was contained in a paper published in the Berlin Memoirs for 1772.5 Its object was the elimination of the, to some minds, unsatisfactory conception of the infinite from the metaphysics of the higher mathematics, and the substitution for the differential and integral calculus of an analogous method depending wholly on the serial development of algebraical functions.
The germs of the theory of determinants are to be found in the works of Leibnitz; Etienne Bezout utilized them in 1764 for expressing the result obtained by the process of elimination known by his name, and since restated by Arthur Cayley.
All chlorides, except those of silver and mercury (and, of course, those of gold and platinum), are oxidized by steam at high temperatures, with elimination of hydrochloric acid.
This resulted in 1901 in the complete elimination of the Socialists from the diet.
Any silicate present is also converted into bicarbonate with elimination of silica, which must be filtered off.
From these acyl derivatives the elements of water are removed, either by simple heating or by boiling their aqueous solution; this elimination is accompanied by the formation of the azoxime ring.
For the exact determination of the last element the census affords no precise data, but affords material for various approximations, based either upon the elimination of the probable progeny of immigrants since 1790; on the known increase of the whites of the South, where the foreign element has always been relatively insignificant; on the percentage of natives having native grandfathers in Massachusetts in 1905; or upon the assumed continuance through the 19th century of the rate of native growth (one-third decennially) known to have prevailed down at least to 1820.
Some non-depolarising muscle relaxants depend on the kidney for elimination.
Glacial elimination has been less severe, or rather there has been, at any rate on the Atlantic side, an unimpeded return of Miocene types.
The effect may, however, also be due to chemical change known as condensation, and be accompanied by the elimination of the elements of water.
It possesses only slight influence over the heart and respiration, but it has a specific effect on mucous membranes as the elimination of the drug takes place largely through the lungs, where it aids in loosening bronchial secretions.
He admired the security measures, noting that it was impossible for anyone to reach the landmines, unless the biohazard elimination field was down.
It has been the habit of biologists to use the terms variation, selection, elimination, correlation and so forth, vaguely; the new school, which has been strongly reinforced from the side of physical science, insists on quantitative measurements of the terms. When the anatomist says that one race is characterized by long heads, another by round heads, the biometricist demands numbers and percentages.
It's a feds hospital, wrapped in armor and surrounded by one of those biohazard elimination fields and landmines.