Eliminated Sentence Examples
At the same time these corrupted forms should be eliminated as far as possible.
I think that possibility has been eliminated.
The last term, representing the Thomson effect, is eliminated in the case.
I haven't found any new replacement letters, but I've eliminated a lot of possibilities.
Perhaps Byrne was afraid someone would connect him to the theft, a fear that would be eliminated by his "death"—a fear that was turning out to be well founded.
Everywhere the supernatural elements are eliminated or subordinated, and the story becomes a drama of human motives, depending for its development on the interplay of human passions and activities.
She scrubbed herself down, angry at the Immortals as a whole for tolerating a system that screwed over their mates and eliminated free will.
Perhaps Byrne was afraid someone would connect him to the theft, a fear that would be eliminated by his "death"—a fear that was turning out to be well founded.
The military The return rule of the marquis de Sgur eliminated the plebeians of feud.2!from the army; while the great lords, drones in the Isin tothe hive, worked with a kind of fever at the enforcement offensive.
There were the seeds (o IppaTa) or miniatures of corn and flesh and gold in the primitive mixture; but these parts, of like nature with their wholes (the opocoAEprl of Aristotle), had to be eliminated from the complex mass before they could receive a definite name and character.
AdvertisementThese anastigmatic lenses, which are manufactured up to X 40, are chromatically and spherically corrected, and for a middle diaphragm the errors of lateral pencils, distortion, astigmatism and coma are eliminated.
In the apochromats the chromatic difference of the spherical aberrations is eliminated, for the spherical aberration is completely avoided for three colours.
This secures a double observation of each component of the polar motion, from which most of the systematic errors are eliminated.
The stronger chassis has eliminated the rattle which often bedeviled the MK IVs.
Ibandronic acid is eliminated by renal excretion only and does not undergo any biotransformation.
AdvertisementPain or discomfort from ill-fitting dentures can often be eliminated or reduced.
In order maximize efficiency, one of these steps should be eliminated for most frequent operations.
I guess Direct Mailers have just flat-out eliminated any effort at honestly communicating.
Nick was then handcuffed by Drusifer, which eliminated Nick from the matchup.
However, with the BioKab's specially impregnated surface this cross-contamination is eliminated and germs will not survive.
AdvertisementHundreds of years of Turkish rule eliminated the feudal nobility.
Properly performed stress testing has eliminated the need for stress radiographs in the majority of patient.
However, by the 1960s there began a gradual realization that poverty had in fact not been eliminated.
It also seems that the need for client-side shims, or some form of run-time on the client side, cannot be eliminated.
Conventional aseptic filling would be eliminated due to the risks involved and existing medicaments would be terminally sterilized, using new methods.
AdvertisementBristol west and quot we've eliminated auto insurance Tyler texas issue vehicle insurance.
The conquest of Jerusalem, and the erection of a Christian empire in Palestine, naturally welled the influx of pilgrims. And though in 1187 the Holy City again fell into the hands of the infidel, while in 12 9 1 the loss of Acre eliminated the last Christian possession in Palestine, the pilgrimages still proceeded.
These can be eliminated by an oxidizing fusion, and slagging or volatilizing the products resulting from this operation, or by electrolysis (see below).
If, however, one of the para positions in the hydrazo compound is substituted, then either diphenyl derivatives or azo compounds are formed, or what is known as the semidine change takes place (P. Jacobson, Berichte, 1892, 2 5, p. 99 2; 1893, 26, p. 681; 1896, 29, p. 2680; Annalen, 1895, 287, p. 97; 1898, 3 0 3, p. 290) A para mono substituted hydrazo compound in the presence of a hydrochloric acid solution of stannous chloride gives either a para diphenyl derivative (the substituent group being eliminated), an ortho-semidine, a para-semidine, or a diphenyl base, whilst a decomposition with the formation of amines may also take place.
If all conception of intermediary priesthood be eliminated, the Ulema may be said to be equivalent to the secular clergy of Roman Christendom (see Dervish).
I think that is the case with polio and smallpox, which means they weren't eliminated because they were easy, but because they were awful.
But hunger has numerous and complicated causes and can only be eliminated by addressing the chief ones.
We have eliminated debtors prisons, developed the idea of "women and children first," stigmatized child labor, made accommodations for conscientious objectors, widely adopted freedom of speech and the press and freedom of assembly, and a hundred more.
The large regional rainfall deficiencies built up through the 2003 drought have very largely been eliminated.
The US proposal for deactivation involves the removal of nuclear reentry vehicles (warheads) from those missiles destined to be eliminated.
Sony also has specific phase out plans for PVC and has eliminated brominated flame retardants in some products.
Improved output quality, with rework almost completely eliminated.
Other possible causes for sleepiness during the day will be eliminated by a general physical examination.
The results show in Table 3 that the early intervention virtually eliminated the potential tail of underachievement.
Bristol west and quot we 've eliminated auto insurance tyler texas issue vehicle insurance.
This theory cannot be entirely eliminated, owing to lack of unassailable evidence for a North American origin.
In fact, until the roots of fear are eradicated, no undesirable trait can be fully eliminated.
The project has virtually eliminated the company 's wastewater discharges.
However, weed infestation in peas was not eliminated by cultural means.
Large trees with natural breeding cavities, usually woodpecker holes, have been virtually eliminated from the plains.
Fine lines may be entirely eliminated and deeper wrinkles diminished.
The controls on the front are easy to access so awkward reaching to the sides or back to fumble for switches or buttons is eliminated.
Widespread use of DDT mostly eliminated the problem, but since DDT was outlawed, these buggers are back and infesting homes, hotels, and even theater seats.
Technology has come such a long way throughout the 1990's and it has virtually eliminated the market for such televisions that operate in this manner.
Cats have an excellent sense of smell and will be drawn to the area if all traces of the urine smell are not eliminated.
Its residual effect eliminated ear mites within 17 days and reduced the risk of a re-infestation.
The trouble with so many of the pathogenic causes of respiratory infections is that they cannot be eliminated.
The acquisition eliminated some competition in the field and allowed for the merging of the two companies' various branches of administration as well as their customer fields, numbering in the millions.
The court system did not protect naturopaths, insurance refused coverage for naturopathic treatment and the legislature eliminated funding for naturopathic study and education.
Now came the twist - there would be two eliminations again this week - the first person would be eliminated after the pitches, and the second after the task was completed.
Textures and colors should be eliminated when possible, unless they have a particular design emphasis.
Not only did it keep my eye shadow budge-proof all day, it eliminated some minor redness.
Many issues with ear infections or stomach problems were eliminated through raw diets.
Otherwise, dogs can't render the nutrients during digestion, and the bulk of them pass through the system and are eliminated.
Flesh-colored stockings were worn on the stage by comediennes, chorines, and cancan dancers revealing limbs that had been all but eliminated from the fashionable silhouette.
Once you've eliminated the mildew, the best way to avoid a recurrence is to keep things clean and dry.
In a renovation windows can be totally changed or eliminated all together.
The advantage of factory direct merchandise is that suppliers have eliminated many of the costs of maintaining brick-and-mortar stores and can pass the savings on to you.
It's better for the animals who live on the farm because the food source of insects isn't eliminated and the ecosystem is in good shape.
Bad breath due to improper digestion is also eliminated.
Just the required amount of milk needs to be reconstituted at a time, which means that waste is eliminated.
Less Toxins - Many of the disease concerns associated with commercially raised beef are eliminated through the use of organic beef products.
This natural ingredient may help speed the healing process after you have eliminated the flea problem.
Regular inspections do help to increase the effectiveness of WV mine safety policies, but the threat to health and safety cannot be eliminated.
When the addictive behavior is eliminated, the symptoms typically cease.
Rigid screening processes seemed to have nearly eliminated the disease in many African countries, but relaxed measures have led to endemic surges since 1965.
In this way, you may have directly bounced out three balls, but as a result, six, nine, maybe even twelve balls are going to be eliminated!
Within a few years the dolls were being made of rose-colored plastic which eliminated crazing and made the dolls more durable.
One of the most recent and most notable instances of this occurred in 2010 when Apple eliminated several iPhone applications that did not comply with its standards.
During the elimination phase, which generally lasts between one and two weeks, as many known allergy-producing foods as possible are eliminated from the diet.
The goal of the World Health Organization (WHO) is to have polio eliminated from the planet by the year 2005.
The prognosis depends on how soon the diagnosis is made and how soon fructose and sucrose are eliminated from the child's diet.
If a sore throat is caused by environmental factors, the aggravating stimulus should be eliminated from the sufferer's environment.
In one study, most recurrent canker sores were eliminated just by avoiding SLS-containing toothpaste for three months.
Benign brain tumors rarely recur, but sarcomas can reappear after treatment was believed to have eliminated every cell.
Snags and breaks are virtually eliminated due to the iron's smooth plates.
When the mortgage was fully paid, you eliminated your debt and left yourself with a home full of equity.
You earn no points this way and will get eliminated quickly.
As you ask questions, your opponent will either say yes or no, and as answers are given, characters are eliminated.
The unit uses small windows to close over the faces of the characters once they have been eliminated.
If you're on the other side, trying not to get eliminated, you'll want to make sure you sound easy-going and fun.
If you're eliminated, step offstage with good grace.
Having eliminated the profiles you were not interested in, you then send out emails to the remaining fifteen.
It can be eliminated if necessary for space considerations without affecting the reader's overall understanding of the article.
For instance, if you are both lactose intolerant and gluten sensitive, but you only eliminated gluten in your diet, your symptoms may improve over the course of your program, though they will not improve entirely.
Once you have eliminated all possible offending foods and your body has had a chance to throw off the bad effects of the past, it is time to gradually add foods back into your diet; one food at a time and one day at a time.
With water and earth eliminated, the remaining two elements are the winners of Gemini's affection.
Everyday stresses cannot be completely eliminated, but there are things you can do to help reduce the problematic, ongoing stress.
By requiring uniforms, clothing that is typically associated with gangs is eliminated, and at least some of a gang's influence is reduced.
Some children might only be able to afford used uniforms, while other may purchase top of the line items, thus socio-economic issues aren't automatically eliminated with uniform requirements.
While obvious gang symbols such as colors, bandannas, and sports logos may be eliminated, some gangs can establish their "colors" with a simple variation on buttoning their shirt, tying their tie, or even the way they lace their shoes.
After the investigator had looked at the tape and eliminated the idea that the sun's reflection or hoaxers were responsible for this phenomenon in some way, he put another theory to the test.
Whether you believe or not in the ability of the psychic, after you have eliminated the possibility of every physical or mental health disturbance and other illnesses, what remains is probably psychic in nature.
Many diabetics suffer from foot pain and foot-related diseases that can be eliminated by wearing diabetic dress shoes.
Visitors vote and each week, 2 contestants are eliminated. 2007's winner was James Scott (EJ, Days of Our Lives).
As a result of their large salaries and the show's budget cuts, Hall and Hogestyn were eliminated from the cast.
Messages posted in other languages will be eliminated.
Thankfully, modern technology has removed the barbarism from tattoo removal, and tats can now be eliminated far more safely and effectively.
If someone fails to follow the directions, he is eliminated from the game.
Of those not under the bankruptcy umbrella, expect routes to be suddenly rerouted or eliminated and planes parked.
Finally, to qualify for home-based business tax deductions, the deductions cannot exceed your company profits; otherwise the amounts will be reduced or eliminated.
Once you've eliminated the usual suspects of old sippy cups and gym bags, it's time to start using your nose to narrow down the problem.
This type of defensive cleaning also requires a little organization because the big cleaning supplies don't need to come out for every mess and rather than letting the mess accumulate, the dirt, like clutter, is eliminated early.
Whether entire food groups are eliminated, or emphasis is placed on one single food, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, sticking to a restrictive plan does not teach lifelong eating habits.
Fast food and junk food, items that are high in fat, salt and sugar, should also be limited or eliminated.
When these categories are eliminated, many of the symptoms of IBS are as well.
During this time, supporters claim that the body will cleanse itself and many of the unwanted build-ups of impurities and toxins will be eliminated from the body.
Excess ketones are eliminated through urination.
Most people will stop experiencing intestinal damage as soon as all gluten consumption is eliminated.
Processed foods such as microwave meals and fast food should be kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether whenever possible.
Certain foods like those containing carbohydrates are extremely restricted or completely eliminated altogether.
The fat is carried through your system and eliminated with the rest of your waste.
This usually accompanies an elimination diet as eliminated foods are gradually added back into the diet.
For people who want a specific acid reflux diet, there are some foods that tend to contribute to heartburn and they can be eliminated.
After you have eliminated unhealthy foods, you have many options available to you that will not only prove satisfying, but also help keep you feeling full so that you are less likely to snack on something you shouldn't.
Cutting back on saturated fat grams may be an important step toward healthy eating, but trans fats should really be eliminated altogether.
There is also some concern about what you have eliminated from your diet.Fruits and vegetables provide valuable sources of antioxidants, chemicals which destroy cancer-causing free radicals.
Fatty Meats - Red meat, bacon, and sausage are all very fatty types of meat that may need to be eliminated completely depending on how much you need to cut fat from your diet.
A raw food diet is often lower in fat and calories, as fats and oils used in the cooking process are eliminated.
It is equally important to recognize the foods that need to be eliminated or reduced while changing your eating habits.
This practice will be entirely eliminated by the year 2014.
Season 1 of American Idol was the only season in which two members of the top 10 were voted off in the same week, when EJay Day and Jim Verranos were eliminated in the first round of voting.
Hudson made it to the final six before being eliminated.
Some fans of the show believe the only reason she was eliminated rather than LaToya London is because of an outbreak of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in the area surrounding Hudson's hometown of Chicago.
Hough did return, but she and Cody were eliminated.
Hudson reached the top seven contestants on the show and was only in the bottom two on three occasions (one of which being the time she was eliminated).
After being eliminated from American Idol two weeks later for performing the track Weekend in New England by Barry Manilow, Hudson moved on to movies for a while.
Other items, such as party favors, hats, and other personalized gear can usually be eliminated from teen parties to keep the theme under control.
When you turn off the music, the person left holding the crab is eliminated.
One chef is eliminated at the end of each show until the eventual finale when one chef is named Top Chef and earns a cash prize as well as other prizes.
Although the previews do not reveal who will next be eliminated, the previews attempt to intrigue viewers enough to have them tune in next week.
Teams who finish each leg last can be eliminated, therefore whittling down the margin of competitors.
Anyone who doesn't receive a rose is eliminated and must go home.
The producers invited Willa Ford, eliminated the previous week, but she declined.
Undoubtedly the most successful reality program of all, and television in general, American Idol follows the journey of pop star wannabes who are, you guessed it, eliminated until the last singer is standing.
The team to arrive last has a chance of being eliminated.
Team members could be eliminated if they approach the pit stop, where the check-in mat and host Phil Keoghan are located.
For most of the legs of each race, the final team to arrive is eliminated.
America's Next Top Model is a reality show where aspiring models compete in challenges to survive being eliminated and to ultimately become…well, America's Next Top Model.
Based on the quality of the pictures and the attitude of the models for the current challenge, models may stay for another week or be eliminated.
Each week, one pair is eliminated, until the final remaining duo becomes the winner.
One contestant is eliminated every episode, although occasionally there will be no eliminations and once in a while more than one contestant is asked to leave.
Some contestants go on to lose more weight after being eliminated from the show by using the skills learned during the contest and competing at home for a $100,000 prize.
Bill's brother Jim won from amongst the eliminated contestants for the "at home" prize of $100,000.
Ali was the first female winner of the American version of The Biggest Loser and the first to win after being eliminated in an earlier week.
Eliminated after week 4, Ali returned in week 11.
Each week a man is eliminated by Tiffany, who is assisted by her aggressive and outspoken mother.
Trump and two of his sidekicks evaluate the three members and decide who will be eliminated.
The team that fails to complete the task up to specific standards is taken to Donald Trump's boardroom where it is decided who will be eliminated or fired.
If an individual or team did not perform the stunt, didn't do it fast enough or couldn't complete it, they were eliminated.
Jessica Sierra made it the top 10 before being eliminated during the fourth season of American Idol.
Oshun - The man who knew he wanted to cut hair from the age of 10 was eliminated in the first episode.
Daniel - This farm boy from Florida was eliminated in episode nine.
Glenn - Originally a chemical engineering major in college before entering the world of cosmetology, Glenn was eliminated in round six.
Meredith - After being eliminated in episode four, Meredith returned to her hometown of Chicago.
During the course of the show, contestants are segregated into tribes and are eliminated via voting that is done by fellow tribe members at "tribal councils."
The contestants are put through various challenges after receiving lessons from experts, and at the end of each episode one contestant is eliminated, or "expelled."
One person is eliminated each week from the bottom of the group who have lost the least percentage amount of their body weight.There are many international versions of the show and they all have similar formats.
As the cast dwindles in number, everyone else plots and schemes to get someone else eliminated.
The bachelor who does not receive a rose is the person who is eliminated during that round.
Aside from the first elimination ceremony, during which several contestants are sent home, there is typically only one bachelor eliminated each round.
One of the elimination ceremonies during the fourth cycle of show caused viewers (and late night comedians) much amusements when eliminated suitor Ron said, "Deanna didn't reject me tonight.
A panel of judges critiques their work and decides which interior designer will be eliminated from the competition.
Each episode of Fear Factor contained three rounds of stunts, and during each a round a contestant (or a few contestants, depending on the format), were eliminated from the game.
Contestants that refused to complete the challenge were automatically eliminated, as were contestants who did not complete the challenge successfully.
The contestants who either refused to participate or who do not successfully complete the challenge are eliminated.
The contestants go through various challenges - at first within groups, then later on in the series as individuals - to see who gets eliminated.
After the first episode 10 of the participants are eliminated, then one from each gender is eliminated until two are left.
Many of the reasons that a contestant was eliminated was Tila just did not feel an emotional connection.
One girl was eliminated because she had a problem with monogamy.
Vanessa's attack on Brandi was much talked about.That's Amore is a competitive dating show with former contestant Domenico, who was eliminated in Episode 4 of season one.
She was eliminated in the first episode.
She was eliminated in the second episode.
She was eliminated in the third episode.
She was eliminated in the fourth episode.
She was eliminated in the sixth episode.
Angela Anderson has also only been one film (Golden Elliot) and was eliminated on the seventh episode.
She was eliminated in part one of episode eight.
She was eliminated in the second part of episode eight.
The judges would then go through the positives and negatives of each girl and choose one to be eliminated.
During each episode someone could win immunity from being eliminated by winning the challenge.
If a girl was in danger of being eliminated she may not receive a "callback".
Girls were eliminated in each episode until only one remained.
As the women are eliminated from the show they are dropped off in the city where the tour bus is currently parked.
Contestants are physically attractive, but if their personality traits don't match their outward appearances they find themselves eliminated.
However, after a contestant is eliminated, they are told the real concept of the program.
Following this revelation, they are shown a montage of video clips that highlights the eliminated contestant's actions that led to his or her elimination.
The girls live on two tour buses going through challenges and events in order not to be eliminated.
The eliminated women are left in the theater while the remaining women drive away in the tour bus.
If none of the men express interest, then that woman is eliminated.
The news wasn't easy for Michael to swallow, and Erica was eliminated.
Eliminations occur in a hottub, which raises the embarrassment level when the cut bro must be eliminated in some humiliating way.
On the high-rise of Brody's apartment, Gary is eliminated while the rest of them are washed off by bikini-clad girls.
The girls were thrown into challenges to see who would win, and then at the end of the episode a girl (or sometimes more than one girl) would be eliminated.
Scott was eliminated, leaving viewers wondering how the show would turn out.
Kandice Hutchinson, a 22 year old contestant from Texas, was eliminated in the second episode of the show.
Chance was the first to be eliminated from this alliance, but overall this group became the one to beat.
They managed to keep their alliance a secret from the rest of the house, and they successfully manipulated a number of eliminated cast members.
The Entertainer eliminated Heat, and eventually, The Entertainer eliminated Heather as well.
The others were eliminated by members of other alliances.
At the end of each episode, one or more bachelorettes are eliminated from the show during the Rose Ceremony.
Since each season was a tournament, losing one match eliminated you from competition.
When a contestant is eliminated, his girlfriend must then decide whether she is going to stay with him or if she will go home alone.
Winners of the Execution Ceremony stick around to play another day, while the losers are eliminated from the game.
In the season finale, Erica was eliminated by the Death Box, and Ted ended up winning the game and the prize money.
Since it's up to the bachelor who he wants to go on a date with some of the contestants are left feeling as though they didn't get a chance, especially if they are eliminated early.
The end of each episode has a "Rose Ceremony" in which one or more of the women get eliminated.
On the other hand, he gives reasons why he eliminated this girl or that girl.
Each eliminated girl is allowed a few moments in the limo to give a few parting words.
Her alliance with Krista, Heather and Lacey helped take her far in the house, though she was ultimately eliminated by Michaels after he decided their connection was purely physical.
They eliminated her as soon as they learned of the spitting incident.
Each week at least one of the chefs is eliminated, and the winner receives a head chef job at one of Ramsay's restaurants.
The premise of the show is a modeling competition with weekly challenges and tasks to determine who should stay and who should be eliminated.
During season one, at the end of each episode, the bottom three contestants were announced and viewers got to vote to determine which one would be eliminated.
At the beginning of the following episode, the eliminated model would be announced before new challenges were assigned.
Those moving on to the next episode are given blazers for The Gentleman's Club, while those eliminated must pack up and move out immediately.
Eliminations begin with the Blackball Ceremony, in which all of the G's vote for the man they would like to see eliminated.
The losers of the duel are eliminated from the game and sent home.
One feature of Daisy of Love that sets it apart from other VH1 reality shows is the number of contestants who eliminated themselves from the competition.
Nothing will get you eliminated from a reality show application process quicker than ignoring directions.
If a show requires submitting a five minute audition tape and you send in a 20 minute highlight reel, don't be surprised if you are eliminated early in the process.
Based on their performance in the lip synch battle, the judges decide who gets to stick around and who is eliminated.
Contestants are normally eliminated after losing a round of the game or leg of the race.
The last team to check in is eliminated.
He withdrew from the competition and Amy Finley, who was eliminated in week 7, was called back and ultimately won the show.
The competition resembles the family edition of The Amazing Race, except that contestants are eliminated through challenges rather in an actual race against each other.
The other three contestants each week are all eliminated.
One or more chefs are eliminated each week.
The winning chef gets to move on in the competition while the others are eliminated.
The participants are eliminated one by one until the final groomer standing is crowned the winner.
Just as its name suggests, the groomer who makes the worst impression on the judges after this competition is eliminated from the game, although past performances on other challenges is also considered.
Viewers get to vote each week on their favorites, with acts being eliminated in each round until the finale.
To keep up with the show and find out who has been eliminated each week, or to watch full episodes of Hell's Kitchen online, visit the network site at FOX.com.
In a twist, one of the women she clashed with the most, Julann Wygal, was eliminated the night after Sarah left when Sabato, Jr. thought she was selfish because she became angry when Sabato, Jr. showed concern over Sarah's wellbeing.
He eliminated her on the spot and she never even made it into the suite that the women share.
No one is eliminated in the traditional reality television method.
His dancing partner is Chelsie Hightower, who started on Dancing with the Stars in Season 8, after being eliminated from another dancing show, So You Think You Can Dance in 2008.
They didn't fare as well in their second attempt, and were the fourth team eliminated.
On the show she was eliminated, she did the Rumba to the song "You Give Me Something."
The show, called Seducing Cindy, was a dating program in which Margolis started out with 24 suitors, and eliminated them a few at a time in the same style as The Bachelor.
The team with the lowest score was eliminated each week.
Instead, the villains eliminated Courtney Yates, and JT became the first casualty after the two tribes merged.
Both were eliminated early in the game, but Hawk threatened to sue over the incident.
Each week, these same viewers tune in to see how the performers they like have fared, and to hope the ones they don't enjoy are eliminated.
By comparison, learning who is eliminated from a talent-based show three hours before it airs in your time zone becomes a much smaller spoiler.
As each bride-to-be is eliminated, host Shanna Moakler tells her, "Your wedding will still go on, it just won't be perfect."
Daniel was the first person eliminated from the series, followed by Mario, Starr, Vanessa and then Nora.
Alexandra, Kevin and Robert were then eliminated, followed by Austin.
After the challenges have been judged, contestants are eliminated based on their work.
The dancing pair with the lowest combined score each week is eliminated.
You can easily scroll through their DWTS section to find out who was eliminated each week.
Each week one model is eliminated by a panel of judges until the finale, when the winner is crowned.
Viewers vote for their favorites, with those contestants with the fewest votes being eliminated.
The voting is usually done by the other teams, although sometimes losing teams are asked to decide which of their members will be eliminated.
After a certain number of people are eliminated from the show, the teams are dissolved and contestants compete individually.
On the finale episode, one of the Final Four is eliminated from the show after being voted off by the viewers.
Each episode of Face Off features a challenge known as the Spotlight Challenge, which is used to determine who will be eliminated.
The re-imagination, however, eliminated that possibility.
The surprise attack on Caprica eliminated all the daggits so making the prototype is a good thing because many citizens wanted to replace their recently lost daggits.
The question this raised was whether or not that eliminated all the people shown in the photo as the possible fifth.
The external hoses were eliminated and made to look like part of the helmet.
Only a few drops are needed per application, and the tag should be eliminated in anywhere from two to six weeks.
These rashes can often be treated and eliminated under a doctor's care.
Once eliminated, more jewels slide down and the game continues.
In 1922 the coats and leggings were eliminated from the uniforms of the Boy Scouts.
The Army White Mess uniform (as opposed to Dress Whites which will be eliminated in the future), is a U.S. Army formal uniform.
However, instead of writing the code yourself and putting it on a static page stored on your server, the pages are created and eliminated as called for.
Howie's temporary absence eliminated the problem, at least for now; no trips back to a crime scene resulted in no tips to convey.
We've eliminated every other type of food, and the drugs might help you accept that you cannot eat.
He'd done as he promised Jule and eliminated the threat.
Even his many years absence from visiting Ouray no longer eliminated him as a suspect now that the age of the bones was uncertain.
I've eliminated innumerable enemies of yours the past few years.
Her presence reduced Cynthia's domestic chores and eliminated the need for Dean and Fred to pick up more than the occasional dust rag.
In Dean's mind, her attitude and actions eliminated any thought that she might have read or learned of Annie's final hours earlier.
The lunchtime pastrami more than eliminated the need for an early dinner, so he drove home, changed into shorts and set out at a leisurely pace on his 18-speed touring bike.
While the lawyer's death did nothing to undo the damage his note had caused to Cynthia, it at least eliminated her need for any further dealings with the miscreant.
A sensible effect remained, however, after the influence of splashing was eliminated.
But in OS measures index error can be eliminated by bisecting both stars with the same web (or different webs of known interval fixed on the same frame), and not employing the fixed web at all.
The disturbing conditions of will, life and organic forces are eliminated from the problem; he starts with the clear and distinct idea of extension, figured and moved, and thence by mathematical laws he gives a hypothetical explanation of all things.
In the first place it increased the visibility of the signalling instrument; in the second place it brought that instrument into the position in which it could most readily catch the operator's eye; and finally it eliminated the effort involved in associating one piece of apparatus with another and in finding that other.
The number of post offices (including collettorie, or collecting offices, which are rapidly being eliminated) increased from 2200 in 1862 to 4823 in 1881, 6700 in I891 and 8817 in 1904.
None of these acts applies to the trial of bishops, who are left to the old jurisdictions, or whatever may be held to be the old jurisdictions (with that of the Roman See eliminated).
The roadway, tracks and rolling stock are so well maintained that those causes which lead to the worst derailments have been eliminated almost completely, and the record of serious collisions has been reduced nearly to zero by the universal use of the block system and by systematic precautions at junctions.
Hubert and Mauss interpret this to mean that the sanctity of the remainder of the herd was concentrated on a single animal; the god, incarnate in the herd, was eliminated by the sacrifice, and the cattle saved from the dangers to which their association with the god exposed them.
Nineteenth-century pictures have been eliminated as foreign to the character of the collection, and inferior works relegated to a side passage.
An important class of compounds, termed amines (q.v.), results from the condensation of alcohols with ammonia, water being eliminated between the alcoholic hydroxyl group and a hydrogen atom of the ammonia.
If secondary effects are eliminated, the deposition of metals also is a reversible process; the decomposition voltage is equal to the electromotive force which the metal itself gives when going into solution.
The existence of such a relation, as 0-1+0-2+.,.+cr2=0, necessitates the vanishing of a certain function of the coefficients A2, A 3, ...A 9, and as a consequence one product of these coefficients can be eliminated from the expanding form and no seminvariant, which appears as a coefficient to such a product (which may be the whole or only a part of the complete product, with which the seminvariant is associated), will be capable of reduction.
The temperature is then raised, and the scum which forms on the surface is withdrawn until pure litharge forms, which only takes place after all the tin, arsenic and antimony have been eliminated.
The most careful determinations are affected by systematic errors arising from those diurnal and annual changes of temperature, the effect of which cannot be wholly eliminated in astronomical observation; and the recently discovered variation of latitude has introduced a new element of uncertainty into the determination.
This extraneous influence may, however, be eliminated by surrounding the rod with a coil of wire carrying a current such as will produce in the interior a magnetic field equal and opposite to the vertical component of the earth's field.
In social economy his views are very vague; he preserves the family, country and property, but finds in all three, as they now are, a despotism which must be eliminated.
Horne, thereupon, by a bold libel on the Speaker, drew public attention to the case, and though he himself was placed for a time in the custody of the serjeant-at-arms, the clauses which were injurious to the interest of Mr Tooke were eliminated from the bill.
A linear error in the spacing, and a general curvature of the lines, are eliminated in the ordinary use of a grating.
By heating with phosphorus pentachloride an alkyl group is eliminated and a chlorcarbonic ester formed.
If the asymmetric system adjoining the COH group, which is that introduced in synthesizing the hexose from the pentose, be eliminated, the formulae at disposal for the two pentoses are CH 2 (OH) - - - COH CH 2 (OH)+-- COH.
The last wars of the League with the Scandinavian powers in the 16th century, which left it shorn of many of its privileges and of any pretension to control of the Baltic basin eliminated it as a factor in the later struggle of the Thirty Years' War for that control.
In fact, it is thought by some French students of the country that the Arab element will probably be eliminated from Tunisia, as it is the most unsettled.
The original scheme included 15 other railways, with an aggregate mileage of only 353 m.; but these were eliminated as being lines of local interest only.
His purely political career ended in 1802, when he was eliminated with others from the tribunate for his opposition to Napoleon.
This difficulty was overcome by first filling the cylinder with porous briquettes and then soaking them with a fixed percentage of acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by the bricks the quantity of acetone soaked into the brick will absorb ten times the normal volume of the cylinder in acetylene for every atmosphere of pressure to which the gas is subjected, whilst all danger of explosion is eliminated.
This complication is eliminated in Scott's sight by simply levelling the cross axis of the telescope.
Personal error is to a great extent eliminated, power of vision extended, the sight is self-contained, there is no fore-sight, a fine pointer in the telescope being aligned on the target.
But when the wind is steady its effect may be eliminated by " reciprocal " observations, that is, by observations of the time of passage of sound in each direction over the measured distance..
Thus the Germanic element in the law regarding appointment to bishoprics was eliminated.
After all care has been taken in laying and pointing, in accordance with the rules of theory and practice, absolute certainty of hitting the same spot every time is unattainable, as causes of error exist which cannot be eliminated, such as variations in the air and in the muzzle-velocity, and also in the steadiness of the shot in flight.
Locke, who had been educated at Winchester and had lectured on Greek at Oxford (1660), nevertheless almost completely eliminated Greek from the scheme which he unfolded in his Thoughts on Education (1693).
Ostensibly it is written in opposition to Whiston's attempt to show that the books of the Old Testament did originally contain prophecies of events in the New Testament story, but that these had been eliminated or corrupted by the Jews, and to prove that the fulfilment of prophecy by the events of Christ's life is all "secondary, secret, allegorical, and mystical," since the original and literal reference is always to some other fact.
Hydrochloric acid converts it into chloraniline, nitrogen being eliminated; whilst boiling sulphuric acid converts it into aminophenol.
America has been the pioneer of the view that peace is the normal condition of mankind, and that, when the causes of war are eliminated, war ceases to have a raison d'être.
The creation of the Hague Court and of a code of law to be applied by it have further eliminated causes of difference.
While putting an end to the injustice of exclusion, it would obviously reduce the danger of nations seeking colonial aggrandizement with a view to imposing exclusion, and thus one of the chief temptations to colonial adventure would be eliminated.
A carefully made ship's compass is usually employed, though in some cases the compass card, with its attached magnets, is made reversible, so that the inclination to the zero of the card of the magnetic axis of the system of magnets attached to the card can be eliminated by reversal.
Galileo proceeded to measure the motion of a body on a smooth, fixed, inclined plane, and found that the law of constant acceleration along the line of slope of the plane still held, the acceleration decreasing in magnitude as the angle of inclination was reduced; and he inferred that a body, moving on a smooth horizontal plane, would move with uniform velocity in a straight line if the resistance of the air, and friction due to contact with the plane, could be eliminated.
Strychnine is eliminated by the kidneys as strychnine and strychnic acid.
Blagden (Ber.,1900,33,p.2544), who consider that three simultaneous reactions occur, namely, the formation of labile double salts which decompose in such a fashion that the radical attached to the copper atom wanders to the aromatic nucleus; a catalytic action, in which nitrogen is eliminated and the acid radical attaches itself to the aromatic nucleus; and finally, the formation of azo compounds.
In accordance with this decision, Biarni Heriulf son's adventure should be eliminated, the priority of discovery given to Leif Ericsson, and the honour of being the first European colonists on the American continent awarded to Thorfinn Karlsefni and his followers.
The Vallombrosians (1038) near Florence maintained a cenobitical life, but eliminated every element of Benedictine life that was not devoted to pure contemplation.
The external heat-loss was eliminated by comparing observations taken at the same mean temperatures during heating and during cooling, assuming that the rate of loss of heat f(S) would be the same in the two cases.
Such was the second partition of Poland (January 23, 1793), which eliminated the " buffer state " on which Austrian statesmanship had hitherto laid such importance, and brought the Austrian and Russian frontiers into contact.
The charter of 1908 is a revision of this proposed charter of 1905 with the objectionable features eliminated; it was adopted by a large majority vote.
The existing procedure was simplified and accelerated; the working of the courts was greatly improved by a carefully organized system of inspection and control; the incompetent judges were eliminated and replaced by men of better education and higher moral character; and for the future supply of wellqualified judges, barristers, and law officials, an excellent school of law was established.
Some heat is generally lost in transferring the heated body to the calorimeter; this loss may be minimized by performing the transference rapidly, but it cannot be accurately calculated or eliminated.
The methods depending on change of state are theoretically the simplest, since they do not necessarily involve any reference to thermometry, and the corrections for external loss of heat and for the thermal capacity of the containing vessels can be completely eliminated.
The thermal capacity of the scale-pan, &c., can be determined by a separate experiment., or, still better, eliminated by the differential method of counterpoising with an exactly similar arrangement on the other arm of the balance.
These Losses Were As Far As Possible Eliminated By Combining The Trials In Pairs, With Differ Ent Loads On The Brake, Assuming That The Heat Loss Would Be The Same In The Heavy And Light Trials, Provided That The External Temperature And The Gradient In The Shaft, As Estimated From The Temperature Of The Bearings, Were The Same.
These Variations, So Far As They Were Of A Purely Accidental Nature, Would Be Approximately Eliminated On The Mean Of A Large Number Of Trials, So That The Accuracy Of The Final Result Would Be Of A Higher Order Than Might Be Inferred From A Comparison Of Separate Pairs Of Trials.
The Heat Loss Hdo Is Determined And Eliminated By Varying The Flow Of Liquid And The Electric Current Simultaneously, In Such A Manner As To Secure Approximately The Same Rise Of Temperature For Two Or More Widely Different Values Of The Flow Of Liquid.
If given in excess the drug is eliminated by way of the intestines and kidneys.
The set harangue of teacher to pupil, in which steps in argument are slurred and the semblance of co-inquiry is rendered nugatory, must be eliminated.
When Berkeley has eliminated the literal materialism of Locke's metaphors of sense-perception, Hume finds no difficulty in accepting the sensations as present virtually in their own right, any nonsensible ground being altogether unknown.
The effect of variation of the specific heat is more important, but is nearly eliminated by the form of the equation.
When taken into the body the drug is partly oxidized and partly eliminated unchanged.
But, as Tiele pointed out, the " individual " element cannot be eliminated from the " race-religion," where each myth has been first uttered, each rite_ first performed, by some single person.
Practice, however, in treating copper matte differs essentially from the treatment of pig iron, inasmuch as from 20 to 30% of iron must be eliminated as slag and an equivalent quantity of silica must be supplied.
Favourable variations of constitution will soon show themselves, and these should be carefully selected to breed from, the tender and unhealthy individuals being rigidly eliminated.