Elementary Sentence Examples
The elementary education of the convicts' children is compulsory.
There are words for the elementary numbers, one, two, three; but " four " is usually expressed by " two-two."
After the first year or so of elementary work she met her pupil on equal terms, and they read and enjoyed good books together.
A more difficult question was that of religious education in the public elementary schools.
She'd known Evelyn since they were in elementary school, and she'd been renting a room from her for the past two years since graduating high school.
The elementary use of graphic methods is qualitative rather than quantitative; i.e.
We cannot investigate the vibrations in an elementary manner.
Thomson, Sound (5th ed., 1909), contains a descriptive account of the chief phenomena, and an elementary mathematical treatment.
Education is provided for at the university of Strassburg, in 21 classical and pro-classical schools, in 18 modern schools, and in nearly 4000 elementary schools.
Elementary education is administered by the provincial council, assisted by a permanent director of education.
AdvertisementIn December 1836 the emigrants beyond the Orange drew up in general assembly an elementary republican form of government.
For an elementary account of the theory of arches, hinged or not, reference may be made to a joint by more than one-eighteenth of its depth.
The proportion of children attending private schools to those attending the public elementary schools in 1912 was 144,000 to 4.5 millions, i.e.
The elementary schools in Hungary were a State concern and a means of Magyarization, whereas in Austria their direction was left by the State to the nationalities.
The number of elementary schools increased from 19,016 in two to 24,713 in 1913; the number of scholars from 3,49 0, 000 in 1900 to 4,630,000 in 1913.
AdvertisementAgain, it works zealously to bring the elementary schools under the sway of the Church.
At St Bartholomew's, St George's, the London Hospital, St Thomas's and others, probationers must enter for four years, and at St Bartholomew's they have to pass an entrance examination in elementary anatomy, physiology and other subjects.
In the years1880-1881Lord Selborne wrote to his son a series of letters on religious subjects, dealing in an elementary way with natural and revealed religion, the inspiration of the Bible and Biblical criticism.
Mention may also be made of his Elementary Greek Accidence and Lex Rex, a list of cognate words in Greek, Latin and English.
As in Burma, the Buddhist monasteries scattered throughout the country carry on almost the whole of the elementary education in the rural districts.
AdvertisementCalcium oxide or lime has been known from a very remote period, and was for a long time considered to be an elementary or undecomposable earth.
They reformed the judicature, introduced elementary education for the natives, and abolished slavery in Java as from the 1st of January 1860.
In Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia the standard of education - elementary, higher and technical - is excellent, and there are practically no illiterates - a state of affairs attributable to the interest which the Czech nation (imbued with the traditions of Comenius) had ever taken in education.
The Czechoslovak Government, between 1918 and 1921, set up some 2,000 additional elementary and some 40 higher schools in Slovakia and Russinia (including 80 new German schools), so that a vast improvement in the educational status of those countries is only a matter of time.
Since it came into being the republic had by 1921 founded 13 new agricultural schools, and in all there were 180 agricultural and forestry schools (higher and elementary), including the so-called " winter schools," while more than 50 periodicals appeared regularly for the technical instruction of those engaged in agriculture.
AdvertisementIn July 1801, under the consulate, there were two courses, (r) nine to twelve, - elementary knowledge, including elements of Latin; (2) above twelve, - a higher course, with two alternatives, " humanistic " studies for the " civil," and purely practical studies for the " military " section.
Among classical teachers an increasing number would prefer a longer course extending over six years for Latin, and at least three for Greek, and some of these would assign to the elementary school the first two of the proposed six years of Latin study.
The Mathesis universalis, a more elementary work, contains copious dissertations on fundamental points of algebra, arithmetic and geometry, and critical remarks.
The best elementary work on the history of Algeria is that of Cat, Petite histoire de l'Algerie (Algiers, 1889).
In 1851 Mr Spottiswoode published in the form of a pamphlet an account of some elementary theorems on the subject.
To this, the first elementary treatise on determinants, much of the rapid development of the subject is due.
His father, William George, a Welshman of yeoman stock, had left Pembrokeshire for London at an early age and became a school teacher there, and afterwards in Liverpool and Haverfordwest, and then headmaster of an elementary school at Pwllheli, Carnarvonshire, where he married the daughter of David Lloyd, a neighbouring Baptist minister.
Soon afterwards William George became headmaster of an elementary school in Manchester, but after the birth of his eldest son David his health failed, and he gave up his post and took a small farm near Haverfordwest.
They are almost exclusively of German stock and are Roman Catholics, Elementary education is much more advanced here than in any other Alpine province.
In 1891 elementary education was reorganized, and made compulsory, secular and gratuitous.
The last work contains an elementary treatment of Sellmeier's theory.
But many of the directions are much too serious and fundamental to have been given in this form; one can hardly imagine that Paul considered Timothy (or Titus) still in need of elementary advice and warning upon such matters, and especially on personal purity.
When they are regarded as typical figures of the later episcopi of the Church, the point of this emphasis upon elementary principles and duties is at once clear; they outline graphically the qualifications for the church offices in question.
John Casey, professor of mathematics at the Catholic university of Dublin, has given elementary demonstrations founded on the theory of similitude and coaxal circles which are reproduced in his Sequel to Euclid; an analytical solution by Gergonne is given in Salmon's Conic Sections.
In connexion with the public elementary schools throughout Canada, where the principles of agriculture are taught to some extent, manual training centres, provided out of funds supplied by the same public-spirited donor, are now maintained by local and provincial public school authorities.
In all the provinces elementary, and in some cases secondary, education is free, the funds for its support being derived from local taxation and from government grants.
Their proposers do not take even elementary precautions to be right.
The simple bodies which are the matter of the rest are not terrestrial earth, water, air, fire, and a different celestial aether, but whatever elementary bodies natural science, starting anew from mechanics and chemistry, may determine to be the matter of all other bodies whatever.
Compounds generally show spectra of resolvable bands, and if an elementary body shows a spectrum of the same type we are probably justified in assuming it to be due to a complex molecule.
He facilitated this awkward transition by adding to Kant's a priori forms of space and time an " a priori form of alternative causality," or, as he also called it, " an intuition of causality involved in the elementary exercise of perception," which is the key to his whole philosophy.
Such general statements of the theory of motion as that of Lagrange, while releasing us from the rather narrow and strained view of the subject presented by detailed analysis of motion in terms of force, have also suggested a search for other forms which a statement of elementary principles might equally take as the foundation of a logical scheme.
Now by elementary algebra we know that if the number of independent equations be equal to the number of unknown quantities all the unknown quantities can be determined, and can possess each one value only.
They are regulated by the Children Act 1908, which repealed the Industrial Schools Act 1866, as amended by Acts of 1872,1891 and 1901, and parallel legislation in the various Elementary Education Acts, besides some few local acts.
More generally, philosophic rationalism is opposed to empirical theories of knowledge, inasmuch as it regards all true knowledge as deriving deductively from fundamental elementary concepts.
Deformed and constitutionally feeble, he received his elementary education from a tutor, and left home only when sufficiently advanced to enter upon a course of philosophy at the College de la Marche, and subsequently to study theology at the Sorbonne.
Besides the regular elementary schools there are the Perth Academy (1807) with which was subsequently amalgamated the Burgh Grammar.
Laws were first enacted against private schools, then against elementary schools, and in1906-1907measures were passed which practically closed all mission schools.
The only geometry known to the Egyptian priests was that of surfaces, together with a sketch of that of solids, a geometry consisting of some simple quadratures and elementary cubatures, which they had obtained empirically.
He was undoubtedly a clear-sighted and able mathematician, who handled admirably the severe geometrical method, and who in his Method of Tangents approximated to the course of reasoning by which Newton was afterwards led to the doctrine of ultimate ratios; but his substantial contributions to the science are of no great importance, and his lectures upon elementary principles do not throw much light on the difficulties surrounding the border-land between mathematics and philosophy.
Nature-study, continued in the secondary schools, is an essential part in the curriculum of these schools, and elementary general history, English, French and German are among the optional subjects.
The isolation of the elementary bodies and the investigation of their properties was one of his favourite pursuits.
Though all this is elementary to-day, not only was it unknown, indeed unguessed, at the time of the invention of the Bessemer process, but even when, nearly a quarter of a century later, a young English metallurgical chemist, Sidney Gilchrist Thomas (1850-1885), offered to the British Iron and Steel Institute a paper describing his success in dephosphoriz ing by the Bessemer process with a basic-lined converter and a basic slag, that body rejected it.
The tufa, sperone and peperino were easy to quarry, and could be employed by those who possessed comparatively elementary tools, while travertine, which came into use later, was an excellent building stone, and the lava (selce) served for paving stones and as material for concrete.
Elementary instruction is mostly provided by the communal schools.
To sum up, it may be said that Hume enunciated the principle that " everything in the world is purchased by labour, and our passions are the only causes of labour "; and further, that, in analysing the complex phenomena of commerce, he is superior sometimes to Adam Smith in that he never forgets that the ultimate causes of economic change are the " customs and manners " of the people, and that the solution of problems is to be sought in the elementary factors of industry.
It is an elementary introduction to the study of Hebrew, the first of its kind, in which only the most indispensable definitions and rules have a place, the remainder being almost wholly occupied by paradigms. Moses Kimhi was the first who made the verb paqadh a model for conjugation, and the first also who introduced the now usual sequence in the enumeration of stem-forms. His handbook was of great historical importance as in the first half of the 6th century it became the favourite manual for the study of Hebrew among non-Judaic scholars (1st ed., Pesaro, 1508).
There is a university at Bonn, and elementary education is especially successful.
A new university was formed at Liege, normal schools for the instruction of teachers were instituted, and numerous elementary schools and schools for higher instruction were established over the country.
He was even unable, in dealing with the elementary conceptions of geometry, to work out with any consistency the few original thoughts he had, and thus became the easy sport of Wallis.
Education is general and compulsory throughout the empire, and all the states composing it have, with minor modifications, adopted the Prussian system providing for the establishment of elementary schools Vol ksschulenin every town and village.
There were also in Germany in the same year 643 private schools, giving instruction similar to that of the elementary schools, with 41,000 pupils.
She abolished serfdom, granted municipal rights to the cities, established an admirable system of elementary and secondary education, and invited all classes to compete for civil offices; and ample means were provided for the approaching struggle by drastic military reform.
They demanded, therefore, that all higher schools and universities should remain German, and that so far as possible the elementary schools should be Germanized.
Beust promised them that there should be a special minister for Galicia, a separate board for Galician education, that Polish should be the language of instruction in all secondary schools, that Polish instead of German should be the official language in the law courts and public offices, Ruthenian being only used in the elementary schools under strict limitations.
All the schools were under the control of the Church; the bishops could forbid the use of books prejudicial to religion; in elementary schools all teachers were subject to the inspection of the Church, and in higher schools only Roman Catholics could be appointed.
The law of 1867 required that the education in the elementary schools in the Slav districts should be given in Czech or Slovenian, as the case might be.
Then not only were a large number of Czech elementary schools founded, but also many middle schools were given to the Czechs, and Czech classes introduced in German schools; and, what affected the Germans most, in 1882 classes in Czech were started in the university of Prague - a desecration, as it seemed, of the oldest German university.
Upon the completion of unity, elementary schools were founded everywhere; but, though education was free, the indigence of the peasants in some regions prevented them from taking full advantage of the opportunities offered.
In these latter schools an excellent elementary secular education is given, in addition to the instruction in the Koran, to which half the school hours are devoted.
Written records were few at the time when the pantheon was built up, so that the process of construction cannot be followed historically from stage to stage; but it is possible by arguing backwards from the later facts to discern the main tendencies at work, and the principal elementary cults that served as the materials.
Of the two conflicting sentiments, the favour of the young, gaining as years passed away, naturally prevailed; sophistry ceased to be novel, and attendance in the lecture-rooms of the sophists came to be thought not less necessary for the youth than attendance in the elementary schools for the boy.
That, whereas before the time of Protagoras there was little higher education in the colonies and less in central Greece, after his time attendance in the lecture-rooms of the sophists was the customary sequel to attendance in the elementary schools, is a fact which speaks for itself.
Now it is true that before 447 B.C., besides the teachers of writing, gymnastics and music, to whom the young Greek resorted for elementary instruction, there were artists and artisans who not only practised their crafts, but also communicated them to apprentices and pupils, and that accordingly the Platonic Protagoras recognizes in the gymnast Iccus, the physician Herodicus, and the musicians Agathocles and Pythoclides, forerunners of the sophists.
Under Spanish rule the Church established colleges and seminaries for training priests, but the Spanish system of secular schools for elementary instruction, established in 1863, accomplished little; the schools were taught by unqualified native teachers and the supervision of them was very lax.
Besides the elementary schools there are at Manila the Philippine Normal School, the Philippine School of Arts and Trades, the Philippine School of Commerce and the school for the instruction of the deaf and blind, and in 1908 the Philippine legislature passed an act for the establishment of a university of the Philippines.
The Method of Mixture consists in imparting the quantity of heat to be measured to a known mass of water, or some other standard substance, contained in a vessel or calorimeter of known thermal capacity, and in observing the rise of temperature produced, from which data the quantity of heat may be found as explained in all elementary text-books.
According To The Elementary Kinetic Theory Of An Ideal Gas, The Molecules Of Which Are So Small And So Far Apart That Their Mutual Actions May Be Neglected, The Kinetic Energy Of Translation Of The Molecules Is Proportional To The Absolute Temperature, And Is Equal To 3/2 Of Pv, The Product Of The Pressure And The Volume, Per Unit Mass.
Davy, on the other hand, could see no reason to suppose it contained oxygen, as they surmised, and ultimately they had to accept his view of its elementary character.
Meanwhile prison discipline in the elementary stage, as inflicted on lesser offenders, was continually discussed.
This makes them omit sensory judgments, and count only those which require ideas, and even general ideas expressed in general terms. Sigwart, for example, gives as instances of our most elementary judgments, " This is Socrates," " This is snow "- beliefs in things existing beyond ourselves which require considerable inferences from many previous judgments of sense and memory.
But the divorce of science of nature from mathematics, the failure of biological inquiry to reach so elementary a conception as that of the nerves, the absence of chemistry from the circle of the sciences, disappointed the promise of the dawn and the relative achievement of the noon-day.
Perhaps to the student there is no part of elementary mathematics so repulsive as is spherical trigonometry.
Tait's Elementary Treatise on Quaternions appeared (Cambridge).
The obvious importance, especially to scattered villages or tribes, of systematic joint action in the face of a common danger makes it reasonable to infer that federation in its elementary forms was a widespread device.
There are numerous elementary schools, at which the teaching is free and compulsory, besides ten colleges for secondary or technical education, and two universities.
The state of elementary education is comparatively good, rather more than two-thirds of the population being able to read and write, and the ratio of crime is proportionately low.
The elementary schools are maintained from the proceeds of the state school funds, consisting of interest on the literary fund, a portion of the state poll tax, a property tax not less than one mill nor more than five mills on the dollar, and special appropriations; county funds, consisting principally of a property tax; and district funds, consisting principally of a property tax and a dog tax.
DefinitionsAn elementary combination in mechanism consists of two pieces whose kinds of motion are determined by their connection with the frame, and their comparative motion by their connection with each otherthat connection being effected either by direct contact of the pieces, or by a connecting piece, which is not connected with the frame, and whose motion depends entirely on the motions of the pieces which it connects.
In the investigation, therefore, of the comparative motion, of the driver and follower, in an elementary combination, it is unnecessary to consider relations of angular direction, which are already fixed by the connection of each piece with the frame; so that the inquiry is confined to the determination of the velocity ratio, and of tbe directional relation, so far only as it expresses the connection between forward and backward movements of the driver and follower.
The first systematic classification of elementary combinations in mechanism was that founded by Monge, and fully developed by Lanz and Btancourt, which has been generally received, and has been adopted in most treatises on applied mechanics.
In the Reiileaux system of analysis of mechanisms the principle of comparative motion is generalized, and mechanisms apparently very diverse in character are shown to be founded on the same sequence of elementary combinations forming a kinematic chain.
A pair of convex screws, each rotating about its axis, are used as an elementary combination to transmit motion by the sliding contact of their threads.
The comparative motion of the first driver and last follower is obtained by combining the proportions expressing by their terms the velocity ratios and by their signs the directional relations of the several elementary combinations of which the train consists.
Supposing all the wheels to be in outside gearing, then, as each elementary combination reverses the direction of rotation, and as the number of elementary combinations m 1 is one less than the number of axes rn it is evident that if m is odd the direction of rotation is preserved, and if even reversed.
It was shown by Young that, to do this with the least total number of teeth, the velocity ratio of each elementary combination should approximate as nearly as possible to 3.59., This would in many cases give too many axes; and, as a useful practical rule, it may be laid down that from 3 to 6 ought to be the limit of the velocity ratio of an elementary combination in wheelwork.
Shouid B/C be greater than 6, the best number of elementary combinations m I will lie between log Blog C nd log Blog C
Let Ti be the tension of the free part of the band at that side towards which it tends to draw the pulley, or from which the pulley tends to draw it; 1, the tension of the free part at the other side; T the tension of the band at any intermediate point of its arc of contact with the pulley; 0 the ratio of the length of that arc to the radius of the pulley; do the ratio of an indefinitely small element of that arc to the radius; F=TiT2 the total friction between the band and the pulley; dF the elementary portion of that friction due to the elementary arc do; f the coefficient of friction between the materials of the band and pulley.
Then, according to a well-known principle in statics, the normal pressure at the elementary arc do is TdO, T being the mean tension of the band at that elementary arc; consequently the friction on that arc is dF =JTdo.
The first name is that of Theagenes of Rhegium, contemporary of Cambyses (525 B.C.), who is said to have founded the " new grammar " (the older " grammar " being the art of reading and writing), and to have been the inventor of the allegorical interpretations by which it was sought to reconcile the Homeric mythology with the morality and speculative ideas of the 6th century B.C. The same attitude in the " ancient quarrel of poetry and philosophy " was soon afterwards taken by Anaxagoras; and after him by his pupil Metrodorus of Lampsacus, who explained away all the gods, and even the heroes, as elementary substances and forces (Agamemnon as the upper air, &c.).
After the usual education of a boy in grammar and elementary classical studies, his father, Piero, sent him to the universities of Ferrara and Padua, where he stayed until the year 1505.
The precision of his earlier work is evidenced by his Micrometric Measurements of the Elementary Parts of Man and Animals (Leipzig, 1834).
His education was only elementary and very defective, except in mathematics, in which he was largely self-taught; and although at his death he left a considerable library, he was never an assiduous reader.
The recognition of even the most elementary rules has been a very slow process, as the course of financial history abundantly proves.
These experiments furnished the first elementary forms of electric motor, since it was then seen that rotatory motion could be produced in masses of metal by the mutual action of conductors conveying electric current and magnetic fields.
Weber at the same time deduced the mathematical laws of induction from his elementary law of electrical action, and with his improved instruments arrived at accurate verifications of the law of induction which by this time had been developed mathematically by Neumann and himself.
A general system of grants in aid of elementary schools was established in 1882.
There are some 300 connected with the Greek Orthodox Church, and 160 elementary Moslem schools.
And above all things the young and the ignorant are to be instructed, the former by a regular gradation or ladder of parish or elementary schools, secondary schools and universities.
She published in 1897 a biography of the Swedish author, Almqvist; in 5899 she collected her finest essays in the volume called Thought Pictures; in 1900 appeared, under the title Human Beings, studies of the Brownings and of Goethe; but the finest of Ellen Key's books is The Century of Childhood (1901), a philosophical survey of the progress of elementary education in the last hundred years.
With George Richard Crooks (1822-1897), his colleague at Dickinson College and in1880-1897professor of historical theology at Drew Seminary, McClintock edited several elementary textbooks in Latin and Greek (of which some were republished in Spanish), based on the pedagogical principle of "imitation and constant repetition."
The degree of elementary Greek culture needful for the understanding of Galatians cannot be shown to have been foreign to the inhabitants of north Galatia.
John Wallis, discussing this fraction in his Arithmetica finitorum (1656), gives many of the elementary properties of the convergents to the general continued fraction, including the rule for their formation.
Immediately after the Greek revolution, Prince John Sturdza took an active part in subduing the roving bands of Greek Hetairists in Moldavia; he transformed the Greek elementary schools into Rumanian schools and laid the foundation for that scientific national development which Prince Michael Sturdza continued after 1834.
In the following year appeared the Elementary Lessons on Logic, which soon became the most widely read elementary textbook on logic in the English language.
In 1907 there were 75 assisted elementary schools with nearly -8000 scholars.
After the suppression of the rising (January 1899) confidence in the British administration largely increased among the tribes, owing to the care taken to preserve the authority of the chiefs whilst safeguarding the elementary rights of the people.
The control of elementary education was also guaranteed to the provincial councils up to 1915, and thereafter until parliament otherwise provides.
This was a point of importance, inasmuch as, by the Act of Union, elementary education was left (for five years) in the hands of the provinces.
The most elementary part of nature is pure ether, which is possessed of divine reason.
If we suppose a normal v less than E to be drawn from the surface S into the liquid, we may divide the shell into elementary shells whose thickness is dv, in each of which the density and other properties of the liquid will be constant.
There are also eight Real-gymnasia (or " modern " schools), numerous Real-schulen (commercial schools), public high schools for girls, and commodious and excellently organized elementary schools.
In 1881 appeared his Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism, twice reprinted in 1882 and 16 times in the ensuing 12 years.
Finally, at the head of all the public elementary and secondary schools of the state is the state superintendent of public instruction, elected for a term of two years; he is ex officio a member and secretary of the state board of education, and a member, with the right to speak but not to vote, of all other boards having control of public instruction in any state institution.
In it he disproved the idea advanced by Gay Lussac that potassium was a compound of hydrogen, not an element; but on the other hand he cast doubts on the elementary 1 Edmund Davy (1785-1857) became professor of chemistry at Cork Institution in 1813, and at the Royal Dublin Society in 1826.
His fourth Bakerian lecture, in November 1809, gave further proofs of the elementary nature of potassium, and described the properties of telluretted hydrogen.
Others were pioneers of elementary education, establishing free day schools long before they were thought of by the state.
The payments which the county council have to make in substitution for the local grants formerly made out of Imperial funds include payments for or towards the remuneration of the teachers in poorlaw schools and public vaccinators; school fees paid for children sent from a workhouse to a public elementary school; half of the salaries of the medical officer of health and the inspector of nuisances of district councils; the remuneration of registrars for births and deaths; the maintenance of pauper lunatics; half of the cost of the pay and clothing of the police of the county, and of each borough maintaining a separate police force.
As to higher education the local education authority must consider the educational needs of their area and take such steps as seem to them desirable, after consultation with the Board of Education, to supply or aid the supply of education other than elementary, and to promote the general co-ordination of all forms of education.
The evaluation of the area of the curve had made Roberval famous in France, but Descartes considered that the value of his investigation had been grossly exaggerated; he declared the problem to be of an elementary nature and submitted a short and simple solution.
In the House of Commons he was a prominent supporter of Charles Bradlaugh; he was the first to advocate old age pensions, and in 1890 carried a proposal to free elementary education in Scotland.
Elementary education has proceeded with great rapidity, and there are ninety public elementary shools in the city, twenty-three ecclesiastical gratuitous schools and many evangelical schools at a very small payment.
Mitscherlich, who, by the elementary analyses of lactates, proved the existence of this acid as a distinct compound.
It was in these circumstances that he dictated to his servant, a tailor's apprentice, who was absolutely devoid of mathematical knowledge, his Anleitung zur Algebra (1770), a work which, though purely elementary, displays the mathematical genius of its author, and is still reckoned one of the best works of its class.
The Elementary Education Bill (see Education) was introduced on the 17th of February 1870.
The council was also given, for five years following the establishment of the Union, control of elementary education.
The schools are divided into public undenominational elementary schools; day schools and industrial institutions for the natives; mission schools to which government aid for secular instruction is granted; private farm schools, district boarding schools, training schools for teachers, industrial schools for poor whites, &c. In 1905 2930 primary schools of various classes were open.
Parker (Elementary Biology) cites a passage from Alexander Ross, who, commenting on Sir Thomas Browne's doubt as to "whether mice may be bred by putrefaction," gives a clear statement of the common opinion on abiogenesis held until about two centuries ago.
The commercial production of sulphuric acid imperatively requires that the nitrogen oxides (which originally were always introduced in the shape of nitric acid) should be available as long as possible, before being lost mechanically or by reduction to the inactive forms of nitrous oxide or elementary nitrogen.
As an illustration, we may take the elementary processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The grouping method introduces multiplication into the definition of large numbers; but this, from the teacher's point of view, is not now such a serious objection as it was in the days when children were introduced to millions and billions before they had any idea of elementary arithmetical processes.
This, in an elementary treatment of the subject, must be regarded as axiomatic; but it is really a simple case of mathematical induction.
In consequence of this limitation of the power of perception of number, it is practically impossible to use a pure denary scale in elementary number-teaching.
Thus we speak of counting up to a certain number; and similarly mathematicians speak of high and ascending powers, while engineers speak of high pressure, high speed, high power, &c. This tendency is probably aided by the use of bricks or cubes in elementary number-teaching.
The development from the name-series to the quantitative conception is aided by the numbering of material objects and the performance of elementary processes of comparison, addition, &c., with them.
The failure to observe the distinction between an identity and an equality often leads to loose reasoning; and in order to prevent this it is important that definite meanings should be attached to all symbols of operation, and especially to those which represent elementary operations.
They are not suitable for elementary purposes, as the arithmetical relations involved are complicated and difficult to grasp.
In the first place, an operation then corresponds more closely, at an elementary stage, with the concrete process which it represents.
For elementary work the multiplicand may come immediately after the multiplier, as in D; the last figure of each partial product then comes immediately under the corre up to the multiplication of decimals and of approximate values of numbers, is to place the first figure of the multiplier under the first figure of the multiplicand, as in E; the first figure of each partial product will then come under the corresponding figure of the multiplier.
Of the two kinds of division, although the idea of partition is perhaps the more elementary, the process of measuring is the easier to perform, since it is equivalent to a F series of subtractions.
Recent English works have been influenced by the brief Report on the Teaching of Elementary Mathematics, issued by the Mathematical Association (1905); but this is critical rather than constructive.
In the United States of America the Report of the Committee of Ten on secondary school studies (1893) and the Report of the Committee of Fifteen on elementary education (1893-1894), both issued by the United States Bureau of Education, have attracted a good deal of attention.
The ministry of 1886, which endured till 1892, gave to London a county council; introduced representative government into every English county; and made elementary education free throughout England.
In 1830 appeared the first edition of his well-known Elements of Arithmetic, which did much to raise the character of elementary training.
His first work, An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics (1819), co-operated with those of Peacock and Herschel in reforming the Cambridge method of mathematical teaching; to him in large measure was due the recognition of the moral and natural sciences as an integral part of the Cambridge curriculum (1850).
Their services to society and the Church include 6 houses for fallen women, 7 orphanages, 9 elementary and high schools and colleges, 5 hospitals, mission work in 13 parishes and visiting in several " married quarters " of barracks.
Elementary education is compulsory.
In his fifteenth year, after passing through the usual elementary studies, he entered the Society of Jesus.
He shows elaborately how the pleasures and pains of " imagination, ambition, self-interest, sympathy, theopathy, and the moral sense " are developed out of the elementary pleasures and pains of sensation; by the coalescence into really complex but apparently single ideas of the " miniatures " or faint feelings which the repetition of sensations contemporaneously or in immediate succession tends to produce in cohering groups.
In the towns and fishing villages there are a few elementary schools, but often the children are instructed at home; in some places by peripatetic teachers.
It is an elementary principle of mechanics that this force varies directly as the product of the distance of the moving body from the centre of motion into the square of its angular velocity.
Meanwhile, the elementary requirement of making visual acquaintance with the stellar heavens was met, as regards the unknown southern skies, when Johann Bayer published at Nuremberg in 1603 a celestial atlas depicting twelve new constellations Bayer.
We perceive then that the fundamental problems of sidereal science are closely linked up with the elementary and indispensable procedures of celestial measurement.
In addition to instruction in the ordinary branches, the teaching in the district schools of the elementary principles of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, stock-feeding, forestry, building country roads and domestic science is required.
A large proportion of the public officials and judiciary were also disaffected; their removal from their posts was a matter of elementary prudence for a Government engaged in a war of such magnitude.
The maximum local tax levy is eight-mills for elementary schools and two-mills for high schools.
In 1900 there were also 19 real-gymnasia, teaching science, art and modern languages, as well as classics and mathematics; 1400 elementary schools; and a few special institutions, such as the naval and military academies of Fiume, ecclesiastical seminaries and commercial colleges.
The gods of New Zealand, the greater gods at least, may be called " departmental "; each person who is an elementary force is also the god of that force.
He also wrote a number of elementary educational works, based on the principles of the school of Port Royal.
The elementary spatial relation Herbart conceives to be "the contiguity (Aneinander) of two points," so that every "pure and independent line" is discrete.
In his Psychology Herbart rejects altogether the doctrine of mental faculties as one refuted by his metaphysics, and tries to show that all psychical phenomena whatever result from the action and interaction of elementary ideas or presentations (Vorstellungen).
These simple elementary ideas were eminently capable of development and investigation, and were not only true but the prelude to further truth; while those they superseded defied inquiry by their vagueness and obscurity.
Consider an elementary couple of two metals A and B for which s has the values s and s" respectively, with junctions at the temperature T and T+dT (absolute), at which the coefficients of the Peltier effect are P and P+dP. Equating the quantity of heat absorbed to the quantity of electrical energy generated, we have by the first law of thermodynamics the relation dE/dT =dP/dT+(s' - s").
Returning again to the equations already given in § i i for an elementary thermocouple, we have the following equivalent expressions for the E.M.F.
Elementary education is chiefly in the hands of the various denominations, whose schools are assisted by government grants-in-aid.
A brief paper entitled "Speculative Ideas on the Constitution of Matter" (1863) possesses special interest in connexion with work done since his death, because in it he expressed the view that the various kinds of matter now recognized as different elementary substances may possess one and the same ultimate or atomic molecule in different conditions of movement.
Elementary education, the medium of instruction being Arabic, is given in kuttabs or village schools.
Foals are weaned when five or six months old, often in October, and require to be housed to save the foal-flesh, and liberally but not overfed; but from the time they ate a month old they require to be " gentled " by handling and kindly treatment, and the elementary training of leading from time to time by a halter adjusted permanently to the head.
The recognition of the importance of hypotheses has led to various attempts at drawing up exact rules for their formation, but logicians are generally agreed that only very elementary principles can be laid down.
There are a polytechnic, ten high schools, navigation and trade schools, institutes for the blind and the mentally deficient, and numerous elementary schools.
On his return to his native country in 1687 he completed his elementary education at Perth and Edinburgh, and in 1696 graduated at the university of St Andrews.
In 1865, at the particular wish of the king, Charles XV., Wennerberg entered official life in the department of elementary education.
To this struggle was due the greatest of his writings, and the greatest individual contribution to the adoption of the new government, The Federalist, which remains a classic commentary on American constitutional law and the principles of government, and of which Guizot said that " in the application of elementary principles of government to practical administration " it was the greatest work known to him.
Extreme modesty, almost amounting to diffidence, was combined with the utmost kindliness in Lord Kelvin's bearing to the most elementary student, and nothing seemed to give him so much pleasure as an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the humblest scientific worker.
Both are 'abridgments and both are by the same hand; but the style and Latinity and the elementary mistakes (especially in the rendering of the Greek originals) are held to prove that they cannot have been the work of so distinguished a scholar as C. Julius Hyginus.
Starting from simple elementary propositions, Steiner advances to the solution of problems which analytically require the calculus of variation, but which at the time altogether surpassed the powers of that calculus.
Avoid, at one extreme, explaining very elementary things and, at the other, not explaining very abstruse things.
In elementary arithmetic the two-dimensional character of the paper is sometimes used.
The majority of people are not even spiritually awakened, while among those who are awakened many are at quite an elementary stage.
Educated at a local elementary school, he left at fourteen be become an errand boy.
An almost classical permutation group of small degree is examined with some elementary GAP 3 commands.
Rules specify how these elementary pitch movements can be combined to create intonation contours for entire messages.
When elementary particles collide at high energies they diffract off each other, just like waves of light diffract around apertures in ordinary optics.
Note that this function may for many matrices not be the best choice for computing all elementary divisors.
An upper bound d for the highest power of p appearing in an elementary divisor of A must be given.
He would probably been called a dreamer, lacking in understanding of the most elementary " laws of nature " .
Whilst this makes it very accessible, it also means that most of its considerable bulk is dedicated to fairly elementary mathematics.
This understanding is a picture of the whole, however elementary.
However, it may be argued that these are examples of relatively elementary quality standards in project management.
The identity of the killer shouldn't come as too much of a surprise; it's rather elementary my dear Smokey.
Now that the binaries of these very elementary tools are static, you can be sure they will work every time you need them.
All this may seem elementary, even insulting to the student's natural good manners.
By freezing frames and jumping to specific performances and explanations, mastering these tricks becomes elementary for everyone.
You sometimes get landed with providing elementary IT courses for new students.
The Large section had elementary, Starters, Novice and Senior.
The theory describes the elementary particles as microscopic stringlike objects with a size of around 10-35m.
When your baby gurgles and coos, this is her first elementary conversation with you.
To maintain that they must intervene is to betray ignorance of the elementary principles of prophetic interpretation.
This paper offers a glimpse of how Euler used infinitesimals and infinite series to compute differentials for the elementary functions.
Make sure you've got a decent ISP with 99% uptime or better - that's of course elementary.
Two alternatives for pursuing elementary licensure were made available.
We shall concentrate on a particularly nice class of codes called linear codes, a beautiful application of elementary linear algebra.
Tutorial support for the elementary mathematics needed for this module will be provided for those who require it.
Amount of substance mole mole mol The amount of substance that contains as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.
In the process of fusing hydrogen to form helium, the nuclear reactions also produce elementary particles called neutrinos.
Particle Accelerators are devices used to accelerate charged elementary particle Accelerators are devices used to accelerate charged elementary particles or ions to high energies.
The level is appropriate for students with an understanding of some elementary physics.
The " Young Turk " party will run up against this elementary fact of capitalist political economy and hard reality.
One of the most elementary forms of discernment is (rather absurdly) called psychometry.
The result of this is that the provably recursive functions of the theory are now exactly the Kalmar Elementary functions.
Later parts of the module will assume familiarity with elementary material on vectors in 2 and 3 dimensions including scalar and vector products.
It's a step-by-step guide for would-be antiques sleuths - with all the information you need to make your own research elementary.
Even at an elementary level one can often use complex numbers to solve problems which are otherwise not very tractable.
Relationships and common formulae from elementary trigonometry, including the basic properties of sine and cosine.
Dalton was of the opinion that it was possible to determine the weights of the elementary atoms in terms of any one by the analysis of compounds.
Of these, the former endeavours to explain the most elaborate psychical activities of men as developments of elementary forms of conscious processes in the animal kingdom as a whole; the latter is a defence of the theory of natural selection against the attacks of St George Mivart, and appeared in an English edition on the suggestion of Darwin.
Of his writings on social and political questions may be mentioned Die Erziehung des Weibes (1865); Ueber die nationals Entwicklung and Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften (1865); Die Aufgaben der Naturwissenschaften in dem neuen nationalen Leben Deutschlands (1871); Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat (1877), in which he opposed the idea of l - L eckel - that the principles of evolution should be taught in elementary schools - on the ground that they were not as yet proved, and that it was mischievous to teach a hypothesis which still remained in the speculative stage.
The Newtonian theory is an analysis of the elementary movements which in their combination determine the planetary orbits, and gives the formula of the proportions according to which they act.
These treatises are valuable contributions to the important branches of mathematics in question, and Boole, in composing them, seems to have combined elementary exposition with the profound investigation of the philosophy of the subject in a manner hardly admitting of improvement.
Nevertheless, many schools are still defective, both from a hygienic and a teaching point of view; while the economic position of the elementary teachers, who in Italy depend upon the communal administrations and not upon the state, is still in many parts of the country extremely low.
Diderot, too, in his varied intellectual activity, found time to speculate on the genesis of sensation and thought out of a combination of matter endowed with an elementary kind of sentience.
Thus an organized individual (tout organise) " is a composite body consisting of the original, or elementary, parts and of the matters which have been associated with them by the aid of nutrition "; so that, if these matters could be extracted from the individual (tout), it would, so to speak, become concentrated in a point, and would thus be restored to its primitive condition of a germ; " just as, by extracting from a bone the calcareous substance which is the source of its hardness, it is reduced to its primitive state of gristle or membrane."2 " Evolution " and " development " are, for Bonnet, synonymous terms; and since by " evolution " he means simply the expansion of that which was invisible into visibility, he was naturally led to the conclusion, at which Leibnitz had arrived by a different line of reasoning, that no such thing as generation, in the proper sense of the word exists in nature.
And this demonstration has been completed by the final establishment of the cell theory (see Cytology), which involves the admission of a primitive conformity, not only of all the elementary structures in animals and plants respectively, but of those in the one of these great divisions of living things with those in the other.
Led thereto by speculations on gases, Dalton assumed that matter was composed of atoms, that in the elements the atoms were simple, and in compounds complex, being composed of elementary atoms. Dalton furthermore perceived that the same two elements or substances may combine in different proportions, and showed that these proportions had always a simple ratio to one another.
He recognized that if an elementary atom had parts, his theory demanded that these parts should carry different electric charges when they entered into reaction, and the products of the reaction should vary according as a positive or negative atom entered into combination.
The synthesis of nitric acid by passing electric sparks through moist air by Cavendish is a famous piece of experimental work, for in the first place it determined the composition of this important substance, and in the second place the minute residue of air which would not combine, although ignored for about a century, was subsequently examined by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay, who showed that it consists of a mixture of elementary substances - argon, krypton, neon and xenon (see Argon).
Lanthanum has retained its elementary character, but recent attempts at separating it from didymia have led to the view that didymium is a mixture of two elements, praseodymium and neodymium (see Didymium).
But the number of state-aided elementary schools is continually increasing, as the spread of the Magyar language to the other races through the medium of the elementary schools is one of the principal concerns of the Hungarian government, and is vigorously pursued.'
The difficulty first arises in elementary mensuration, where it is partly met by associating arithmetical and geometrical measurement with the cardinal and the ordinal aspects of number respectively (see Arithmetic).
The five processes of deduction then reduce to four, which may be described as (i.) subtraction, (ii.) division, (iii.) (a) taking a root, (iii.) (b) taking logarithms. It will be found that these (and particularly the first three) cover practically all the processes legitimately adopted in the elementary theory of the solution of equations; other processes being sometimes liable to introduce roots which do not satisfy the original equation.
Discussing the theory of capillary attractions, Young' found that at a rough estimate " the extent of the cohesive force must be limited to about the 250-millionth of an inch " (=10 8 cms.), and then argues that " within similar limits of uncertainty we may obtain something like a conjectural estimate of the mutual distance of the particles of vapours, and even of the actual magnitude of the elementary atoms of liquids..
In the same way, the elementary conception of the sphere involves the idea of sphericity, which would be tested in a similar way, and is in fact so tested, at an early stage by tactual perception, and at a more advanced stage by mechanical methods; the next step being the circularity of the central section, as roughly tested (where the sphere is small) by visual perception, i.e.
But these cannot be considered the actual progenitors of Neoplatonism; their philosophic method is quite elementary as compared with the Neoplatonic, their fundamental principles are uncertain, and unbounded deference is still paid to the authority of Plato.
Though the Shorter Catechism, closely associated as this has been from the first with Scottish public elementary education, has had very great influence in forming and training the character of Presbyterians in Scotland, America and the British colonies, it is, like most other catechisms drawn up by dogmatic theologians, more admirable as an epitome of a particular body of divinity than as an instruction for the young and the unlearned.
Like many other predominantly religious characters, he had no appreciation of poetic beauty; and if we may believe one anecdote related of him, at a time when every one made verses, he affected ignorance of the most elementary rules of prosody.
The county council or the council of a county borough is now in every case the local education authority, except that non-county boroughs with a population of over 10,000, and urban districts with a population of over 20,000, may be the local education authorities for elementary education only, but they may relinquish their powers in favour of the county council.
Living substance (see Protoplasm), as it now exists in all animals and plants, is particulate, consisting of elementary organisms living independently, or grouped in communities, the communities forming the bodies of the higher animals and plants.
Such statements, however, arc capableof logical proof, and are generalizations of results obtained empirically at an elementary stage; they therefore belong more properly to the laws of arithmetic (§ 58).
Mensuration of the Platonic Solids.-The mensuration of the regular polyhedra is readily investigated by the methods of elementary geometry, the property that these solids may be inscribed in and circumscribed to concentric spheres being especially useful.
I described it as the elementary quantum of action.
The motor programs producing the elementary speech sounds can be redirected to produce bodily movement other than that of the articulatory organs.
We demonstrated that Chp2 binds both C. abortus elementary bodies and reticulate bodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
It 's a step-by-step guide for would-be antiques sleuths - with all the information you need to make your own research elementary.
Elementary textbooks contain detailed discussions of the factors influencing power in a statistical test.
The parents of the community disagree with the school board's decision to integrate both elementary schools into one.
Change your baby's bed to a toddler bed and keep the same colors and designs, and the theme you choose could last for your child into elementary school.
Many of these will also follow your baby as he transitions into a toddler and even into his elementary school years.
Baby signing is the process of applying elementary gestures to common words or commands.
Do the teachers have degrees in early or elementary childhood?
While day cares may cater to all ages of children, from newborns to after school elementary care, preschools usually focus on toddlers up to kindergarten age.
You might want to use colors that can be incorporated into an older child's room as your baby grows into a toddler and eventually enters elementary school.
The jungle theme can continue to be reworked as your baby grows, and it will continue to fit the room even when he or she is in elementary school.
Some parents even request their twins be divided into different classrooms during elementary school, to ensure each child is able to practice his or her own unique individuality.
If your boy is in preschool, kindergarten or elementary school, then he might be in need of a wardrobe that includes clothes that can be worn all day.
Whether your daughter is in pre-school, kindergarten or elementary school, you want the clothes to last through a year.
Encouraging children to read puts them on the path to a successful life, so it should come as no surprise that Scholastic book clubs are very popular in elementary schools across the United States.
The Magic Treehouse books are a delightful series of chapter books perfect for boys and girls in elementary school.
Targeted to elementary school readers, this is a good series of chapter books for first graders, who are usually just beginning to read simple stories on their own.
Older elementary age students may enjoy the tales as entertaining and easy to read.
A child can begin with the series at a young age and work his way through all of the books as he completes elementary grade levels, enjoying the stories of Jack and Annie as they tackle new adventures through different eras.
The online Disney Children's book club has many great features for toddlers, preschoolers, elementary age kids, teens, and families.
Pre-schoolers and elementary students can find books at StoryPlace.
Elementary Library stories are accompanied by printable activities and reading lists.
Mystery is a high-interest area for many elementary school boys, and Encyclopedia Brown is a boy detective who makes it simple for readers to try to crack cases right along with him.
Summer reading programs are events that are organized for elementary school students to encourage them to read during the summer months.
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of summer reading programs in preventing summer reading loss for elementary school students, download the suggested reading list available on the Arkansas State Library website.
Elementary school students can begin planning for college expenses by establishing a savings account, and many banks offer great student plans to encourage such financial responsibility.
Who pays for the elementary, secondary and college education of the children?
Texas, as well as many other states, has an active group of people wanting to learn more about conservation and is actually implementing programs to educate children in elementary, middle and high schools.
Crude and elementary to us now, but they are certainly the forerunner of modern decorative painting techniques.
One of the primary goals of Gamequarium is to advance student academic success through the use of technology within elementary and secondary schools.
Colleges will have the most resources available, but even elementary and secondary schools offer access to specialized collections as part of teaching students how to perform effective online research.
The World Book Online for Kids is made for elementary school students with articles based on what they should be learning appropriate to their age level.
The Cricut is so easy to use that even an elementary school student can prepare professional looking presentations!
These elementary skills will prepare you for carving.
Some elementary schools make anger management courses available to children as young as five or six years of age.
Anger management programs for elementary students encourage emotional maturity, while teaching the necessary skills to cope with anger, teasing, bullying, and criticism.
Most elementary anger management programs target at-risk children, such as those with a history of discipline problems at school.
Elementary students must cope with disrespect, failure, criticism, peer pressure, and social rejection.
Middle school (also known in some places as junior high or intermediate school) is the step in education between elementary or grammar school and high school (secondary school).
Middle schools funnel students from several different elementary schools together to form their student body.
Classes tend to be a bit more structured and ask more of the students in junior high compared to elementary school.
You'll probably be taking more classes, have more homework and feel more pressure to do well than you did in elementary school.
As mentioned earlier, you might find that classes are more difficult than they were in elementary school and that you have a lot more homework.
The social situation is a lot different from elementary school as well.
Middle school teachers are not as accessible as elementary school teachers, but they still have your child's success at heart and should be willing to talk to you about any problems your child is having.
While cliques tend to be associated with junior high and high school students, they have been discovered within groups in elementary school.
Middle school math can be a rude awakening compared to the math skills that were required in elementary school.
Math in elementary school builds the foundation for what middle schoolers have to learn, and it can be pretty intimidating.
Around late elementary school or junior high, many boys begin to look at the girls in their class, church group, or sports league in a romantic way for the first time.
Homework middle school expectations change drastically from when your child was in elementary school.
Though many upper elementary students have homework, it is usually a few times a week and rarely takes more than a half hour.
You will also be able to prepare yourself for any possible difficulties in subjects your child struggled with in elementary school.
Bullying in middle schools, as well as in elementary and high school, is a prominent problem.
Alberta Distance Learning Center offers instruction from elementary to senior high school.
Vista Virtual School is part of ADLC and offers classes from elementary through senior high school, a French immersion program, and a Christian-based program.
Complementary classes for elementary school students include Art, Bible, French, Music, Physical Education, Environmental and Outdoor Education.
Women have long associated jewelry with close relationships, from the friendship bracelets that we wore in elementary school, to the engagement ring we received that has caused all of this wedding planning!
You won't feel like your back in elementary school on a luxury bus limousine.
Many couples may initially assume that cupcakes are a relatively simple treat suitable only for elementary school lunchboxes, but in fact there are many reasons why cupcakes are the perfect choice for even the most sophisticated wedding.
On April 5, 2007, Alabama Governor Bob Riley signed a bill that would appropriate $32 million to rebuild the schools leveled by the tornadoes -- Enterprise High School and Hillcrest Elementary School.
After graduation, she worked as an elementary school music teacher during the day and performed with different bands at night and on the weekends.
Bacon's mom worked as an elementary school teacher while his dad worked as an architect in the greater Philadelphia area.
Born in 1990 and raised in Los Angeles, Kristen's career got started after an agent spotted her in an elementary school play.
There are also clothing options for toddlers and elementary school age children such as seasonal tees, jeans, skirts and shorts to outerwear and even sleep and swimwear.
Perfect for elementary schoolers and tweens, your child will love shopping here, and if you're looking for a birthday present for a little lady in your life, you can't go wrong with Justice.
It may start innocently enough with copying most of your information from the encyclopedia for an elementary school report, and soon repeating the words you find in reference materials becomes the only research method you know.
Courses are numerous but include animal science, business majors, medical, dental and optometry courses and elementary education.
Walden University Online offers master's of education degrees in adolescent literacy and technology, elementary reading and literacy, elementary reading and mathematics, and literacy and learning in the content areas.
Alaska's Grand Canyon University has two Master of Education programs for reading and literacy, one for elementary education and one for secondary education.
Personal trainers and fitness instructors can translate their life and professional experience into a physical education degree allowing them to become teachers, coaches and other instructors at elementary, middle and high schools.
The best physical education instructors make it fun for their students whether it's games in elementary school, or specialized instruction at upper levels, such as dance, gymnastics, weight lifting and more.
Students can enroll in the elementary, middle school and high school classes at any time and they can progress at their own rate at University of Missouri distance learning.
Middle schools are often larger and more intimidating then their elementary school counterparts, and an unsafe, dangerous bus ride can inhibit students' willingness to learn and work their hardest in middle grade levels.
Elementary school students may be sufficiently chastised with a few harsh words, but middle school students who engage in unsafe bus behavior may need harsher disciplinary measures to enforce the necessity for safe buses.
Each year, an astounding 205,860 preschool and elementary children receive emergency department care for injuries sustained from, or on, playground equipment.
During Fire Safety Week, fire departments throughout the United States hold community and school events with many focused on elementary and preschool children.
Rather than give elementary school students a lecture about stranger safety, you can present some different scenarios and ask them what they would do in a given situation.
If you don't have a particular organization in mind, simply offering to read stories at your local elementary school can make a big difference in children's lives.