Electron Sentence Examples
Electron transfer through proteins (e.g. cytochrome c ).
When a current passes from an electrolyte to a metal, the electron must be detached from the atom it was accompanying and chemical action be manifested at the electrode.
The energy of the photon absorbed by chlorophyll is coupled to electron transport.
Yz, the primary electron acceptor of the OEC, sits to the left, approximately 3.4 Angstroms away from the chloride.
Three scanning electron beams hit the phosphor screen at slightly different angles to excite different phosphors to produce red, green and blue dots.
The key is that electron positron annihilation produces not one but two gamma rays.
See the scanning electron microscope photomicrograph and figures below.
The conversion of electron energy into X-ray photons is also more efficient with fast rather than slow electrons.
Readings were corrected for energy, temperature and stand-off of the electron applicator from the patient surface.
In modulation doping, facing layers of gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide squeeze electrons into an essentially two-dimensional electron gas, or 2DEG.
AdvertisementThe methods which represent experimental work most closely are those that include electron correlation.
Extension of the direct methods approach to structure solving by X-ray or electron crystallography based on the principle of maximum entropy.
See electron cyclotron resonant heating, ion cyclotron resonant heating, lower hybrid heating.
Above the Chandrasekhar mass (1.4 solar masses) the electron degeneracy can no longer support white dwarfs.
Analysis of PCP acetate was by gas chromatography with electron capture and finally with mass spectrometric detection.
AdvertisementThis is a reason why D syntheses are performed in studies of electron densities by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
Our research and consultancy activities are supported by a large advanced equipment base ranging from the latest electron microscopes to high performance computing hardware.
As such it provides a viable alternative to a single channel electron multiplier particularly in restricted space applications such as field portable leak detectors.
Tungsten is practically the only material used for electron emitters.
The picture on the cover shows a scanning electron micrograph of sensory neurons from the olfactory epithelium of an adult mouse.
AdvertisementA composite fermion consists of an electron (or hole) bound to an even number of magnetic flux quanta.
By detecting the gamma rays produced, it is possible to measure the electron velocities in the sample under review.
More refined surface hardening can be achieved with lasers or electron beams.
There is also full diagnostic and research laboratory support including histopathology, microbiology, proteomics and electron microscopy.
The black lines show the magnetic field lines in the sample, measured using electron holography.
AdvertisementThe fine white lines are the magnetic field lines in the cell, which were measured using off-axis electron holography.
Diagnosis is based on haemagglutination tests or negative staining electron microscopy on liver homogenates.
Rotavirus can be detected by electron microscopy, enzyme immunoassay (EIA ), or PCR.
The superconductor was then incinerated in a furnace... A moving electron is flying compared to the motion of the heavier ions.
Suppose you had a single hydrogen atom and at a particular instant plotted the position of the one electron.
An image is created on the CRT surface by varying the electron beam intensity for each pixel.
In the most highly ionized regions of our models, the dominant heating process is electron recoil following Compton scattering.
A new method of monitoring the ionosphere based on radio tomography can be used to create two-dimensional images of electron density.
The feedback process which destabilizes these irregularities is associated with the heating effect of parallel electron currents in the collisional lower ionosphere.
In the section on electrode kinetics we saw how the electrode voltage can effect the rate of the electron transfer.
Since electron ionization is a gas phase technique, it may not be suitable for involatile or thermally labile compounds.
Also, there are six types of particles including the electron, called leptons.
Szilard's ideas included the linear accelerator, cyclotron, electron microscope, and nuclear chain reaction.
Chen's method describes how to make a " master " or mold of a chip, using electron beam lithography.
The electron has an associated spin and so magnetic moment.
Scanning electron micrograph of a fallen mesa of graphite.
Electron probe microanalysis was employed to determine the chemical composition and the distribution of elements within the specimen.
They were characterized via scanning electron microscopy, complex impedance measurements, electron probe microanalysis and dielectric lifetime testing.
Human egg with follicle cells A scanning electron micrograph of a human egg cell sitting on the point of a pin.
This picture shows an electron micrograph of a nucleus.
To view an electron micrograph of calicivirus particles, click here.
Magnification bars should be given on electron and light micrographs.
Thus, the electron micrograph normally displays a wide range of particle views.
The majority of the collection are transmission electron micrographs.
A very high resolution electron micrograph shows that each myofibril is made of parallel filaments.
Space probes, electron tunneling microscopes extend our sensory range.
Only with the use of an electron microscope are these " ghost " mast cells seen.
Atomic resolution is possible using electron microscopes and scanning probe microscopes.
Image was acquired using field emission gun scanning electron microscopy.
The UT maximum of the integrated column brightness does not necessarily correspond to the maximum in electron precipitation.
Dr. Ben Murdin (appointed 8/96) is an expert in experimental time-resolved spectroscopy using free electron lasers.
If S is the area of the orbit described in time T by an electron of charge e, the moment of the equivalent magnet is M = eST; and the change in the value of M due to an external field H is shown to be OM = - He'S/47rm, m being the mass of the electron.
Electric waves are produced wherever electrons are accelerated or retarded, that is, whenever the velocity of an electron is changed or accelerated positively or negatively.
The theoretical resolution is never obtained due to lens aberrations which are difficult to fully compensate for in electron optical systems.
Enhanced waves in these regions could play a major role in electron acceleration to relativistic energies during periods of prolonged substorm activity.
The experiment is located at the proton electron accelerator HERA at DESY in Hamburg, Germany.
Oxygen is only involved at the very last stage of respiration as the final electron acceptor, but without the whole respiratory chain stops.
Some microorganisms however obtain their ATP by anaerobic respiration using a chemiosmotic mechanism where oxygen is not the ultimate electron acceptor.
In addition, the RC I provided electrons to soluble electron acceptors (ferredoxin) for use in organic synthesis.
This produces an electron which adds to the benzene ring to generate a radical anion.
Like the search for top quarks at Fermilab, the search for electron antineutrino interactions at Los Alamos is a numbers game.
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Convergent beam electron diffraction In many materials, the crystal structure of minority phases is not known.
Here we report the measurement of electron diffraction patterns from these crystals.
This in turn involves bond dissociation, gain of an electron by the halogen, and hydration of the halide ion.
We are using FT-ICR MS (and specifically electron capture dissociation) along with molecular modeling to probe their gas phase structures.
This BSE image of a zoned dolomite shows an electron microprobe traverse, outlined in red, with analysis spots at 2 µm intervals.
A free radical is an atom or compound which contains an unpaired electron.
The main sink route of SF 5 CF 3 from the earth's atmosphere is low-energy electron attachment in the mesosphere.
The image was acquired using electron holography in a field emission gun transmission electron microscope.
The image was taken on a scanning electron microscope.
They can only be seen using an electron microscope.
Back to Test Services EDAX ANALYSIS NPL has 3 electron microscopes available for image analysis and elemental analysis.
A picture of a high resolution electron microscope, which is able to see atoms, is shown in Fig.
If there is, HERA, the most powerful electron microscope in the world, may be the first to know.
Electron microscopy reveals that elastic fibers are composed of bundles of small fibrils approximately 11 nm in diameter embedded in an amorphous material.
For electron microscopy, a conical tip with a flat emitting surface at the apex has proven to be the optimum design.
By contrast, the heat needed to remove the electron has only fallen by 54 kJ mol -1.
In order to determine the surface morphology and orientation texture of the films, scanning electron microscopy, SEM, was performed.
The glasses used to manufacture Burle electron multipliers have been specially formulated to produce low background noise.
For example, there is a particle called the muon which is a heavier cousin of the electron.
A positive muon can, during it's short lifetime, trap an electron to form muonium.
Leptons A family of particles consisting of the electron,the muon and the tau, along with their neutrinos.
Currenly has the best limit on electron neutrino to muon neutrino oscillations.
Of these, only the neutrino has been proved to exist and the electron neutrino, at least, has little or no mass.
The fusion processes at the heart of Sun emit neutrinos of the electron variety.
The counting efficiency computation for electron capture nuclides is not considered.
Several works have obtained successful results achieved by combining occultation and ground GPS data to estimate the local three-dimensional structure of ionospheric electron density.
Those include optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopes.
Each of the four compass points around the atom symbol in a Lewis diagram represents one of the four possible positions for electron pairs.
We accept payment by Visa Electron, Visa, Switch, Maestro, Mastercard, JCB, Solo, check or cash.
When light strikes a photocathode inside the tube, an electron is emitted, which accelerates toward the first anode in a multiplier unit.
Electron microscopy experiments have been carried out on sections of rat pituitary gland.
So we have certain atoms that fall apart and produce positrons, which are promptly annihilated by the first electron they meet.
Free radicals are highly reactive, always ready to give away the odd electron, or to accept one.
You will probably be familiar with working out the shapes of simple compounds using the electron pair repulsion theory.
The process, called inverse electron spin resonance, uses the magnetic field to deflect electrons and to modify their magnetic direction.
The purple bacteria evolved oxygen respiration by reversing the flow of molecules through their carbon fixing pathways and modifying their electron transport chains.
Many viruses with isometric and rod-shaped particles have been detected by serology and electron microscopy techniques.
In this particular case, the analysis is applied to elemental dot maps produced by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
However, electron spin is very familiar to us in another way -- it's at the heart of magnetism.
The coupled reaction of electron transfer with H + ejection becomes spontaneous.
At higher magnifications, using a scanning electron microscope, fatigue striations can be observed (Figure 7 ).
The complex 7 is expected to be particularly stabilized by the presence of highly electron withdrawing substituents.
The electron microscope image shows sections of a lead zirconate titanate (PZT) plate diced using the CVL.
The electron microscope made this possible by playing the role of a " laboratory totem " for a growing tribe of molecular biologists.
We aim to produce single electron transistors for high speed, low noise applications.
Atomic scale characterisation of metal-insulator phase transitions in strongly correlated electron systems.
For functional studies we reconstitute purified enzyme into liposomes, to analyze coupling between electron transfer and proton translocation.
It has also been shown to disrupt the normal function of the electron transport chain within mitochondria.
The machines used to take X-ray pictures produce X-rays with energies of around 120,000 electron volts.
Spintronics Electronics that exploits the spin of an electron in some way, rather than just its charge.
However, electron spin is very familiar to us in another way -- it 's at the heart of magnetism.
At higher magnifications, using a scanning electron microscope, fatigue striations can be observed (Figure 7).
The electron wave is created by exciting a core hole electron with synchrotron radiation or x-rays.
Electron neutrino identification and background systematics studies in the Near and Far Detectors as part of muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillation analysis.
Four electron pairs arrange themselves in space in what is called a tetrahedral arrangement.
A current EPSRC-funded project is studying the use of electron and proton beams for the processing of thermosetting polymers and composites.
From tritium decay experiments comes an upper limit of 2.2 eV for the electron neutrino.
A comparison of electron emission characteristics of LaB 6, CeB 6 and tungsten at typical operating temperatures.
In this case, Wachs chose to use titanium compounds to tailor the electron density of clusters of vanadium oxide on a silica support.
Electron donating groups, however, will make for weaker acids.
Evidence for enhanced substorm activity and whistler mode chorus associated with electron acceleration to relativistic energies.
On a conventional TV, an electron beam scans the picture from top to bottom, resulting in horizontal lines going across.
A free radical is an unstable molecule with a missing electron.
The same thing happens in your body as the free radicals oxidize your cells, stealing the missing electron from the body's cells so it can become stable.
Irradiated food is exposed to radiation, either through gamma rays, x-rays or electron beams, in an effort to kill microorganisms that can cause it to rot.
There are additional electronics, but they simply help clarify the final image by carefully controlling the "gain" of the electron flow and reducing interference from outside electrical fields that could blur the screen.
Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body in search of an electron.
When they find one, they take control of it, thus turning the previously stable molecule into a free radical as well -- again in search of an electron.
Be sure to be proud of that and show it off with an electron clock!
He developed a great research laboratory of experimental physics, attracting numerous workers from many countries and colonies; advances were made in the investigation of the conduction of electricity through gases, in the determination of the charge and mass of the electron and in the development of analysis by means of positive rays.
This ultimate unit of electric quantity Professor Johnstone Stoney called an electron.'
Electron Transport System- Hydrogen ions produced during the 3 preparatory steps of aerobic respiration are carried by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD ).
This is the reverse of the electron affinity of the chlorine.
One was a new neutral particle called the axion, less than one-millionth of the mass of an electron.
The process starts with a laser beam or electron beam writing a pattern on fused silica or silicon.
Electron transparent cross-sections through the deformed region were prepared using a focused ion beam.
The lost electron will be given to another element (see notes on ionic bonding ).
Application of the 18 electron rule to metal carbonyl complexes.
Difference electron density for a molecule of AMPPNP is observed in the kinase active site cleft.
The numerical relations existing between the trunk series and the branch series make it somewhat difficult to believe that they belong to different vibrating systems. But while we should undoubtedly hesitate on this ground to adopt Fredenhagen's 3 view that the two branch series belong to the element itself and the trunk series to a process of oxidation, we cannot press the argument against the view of Lenard, because the addition or subtraction of an electron introduces two vibrating systems which are still connected with each other and some numerical relationship is probable.
The mass of the electron or corpuscle is 7 0 X1028 gramme and its diameter is 3 X I 013 centimetre.
The MBE system features reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) that can be carried out during growth.
The figure on the right shows an example of a remanent magnetic state recorded using electron holography.
Surfaces exposed to acidic soft drinks were compared with control surfaces under a scanning electron microscope.
A colour-enhanced, scanning electron micrograph of the lining of the upper vagina.
Microstructures were studied using a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
A schematic drawing of the scanning electron microscope is also provided with a SEM image.
The program computes a self-consistent field, then uses the electron map that lies over the nuclear position to predict the NMR tensors.
The view that visible radiation must be excited by the impact of such an electron is therefore quite consistent with the view that there is no essential difference between the excitement due to chemical or electrical action and that resulting from a sufficient increase of temperature.
The difficulty that a number of spectroscopic lines seem to involve at least an equal number of electrons may be got over by imagining that the atom may present several positions of equilibrium to the electron, which it may occupy in turn.
His doctoral thesis was concerned with the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in semiconductor heterostructures.
These worms live in the small intestine of cats Electron Microscope Image Breed Occurrence There are no specific breed predispositions.
For those orbits whose projection upon a plane perpendicular to the field is righthanded, the period of revolution will be accelerated by the field (since the electron current is negative), and the magnetic moment consequently increased; for those which are left-handed, the period will be retarded and the moment diminished.
Thomson in 1897 and 1898 4 resulted in the establishment of the electron theory, which has already effected developments of an almost revolutionary character in more than one branch of science.
One or more of the electrons may be detached from the system by a finite force, the number so detachable depending on the valency of the atom; if the atom loses an electron, it becomes positively electrified; if it receives additional electrons, it is negatively electrified.
The equations finally arrived at are DX2(A2_ 2) (x2_ A2m)2+g2A2 ' DgA3 (A A l m) 2 +g 2 A2 ' where is the wave-length in free ether of light whose refractive index is n, and A m the wave-length of light of the same period as the electron, is a coefficient of absorption, and D and g are constants.
Leaving the consideration of radical changes of a vibrating system out of account for the present, the minor differences which have been observed in the appearances of spectra under different sparking conditions are probably to a large extent due to differences in the quantities of material examined, though temperature must alter the violence of the impact and there is a possible effect due to a difference in the impact according as the vibrating system collides with an electron or with a body of atomic dimensions.
Hence the mass of an electron is y ff l iT uth of that of a hydrogen atom.
The fact that in certain simple cases where a line when looked at equatorially splits into a triplet, the ratio of the charge to the mass is found by Lorentz's theory to be equal to that observed in the carrier of the kathode ray, shows that in these cases the electron moves as an independent body and is not linked in its motion to other electrons.