Elapse Sentence Examples
Probably several months elapse before the young larvae are excluded.
But sufficient time must be allowed to elapse before pumping out the water, as otherwise the fire may break out again.
Five years more were to elapse before he became master of the west and north.
When the weather is temperate, mushrooms will appear in about a month after the bed has been made, but at other times a much longer period may elapse.
When Mahomet spoke of the goodness of the Lord in creating the clouds, and bringing them across the cheerless desert, and pouring them out on the earth to restore its rich vegetation, that must have been a picture of thrilling interest to the Arabs, who are accustomed to see from three to five years elapse before a copious shower comes to clothe the wilderness once more with luxuriant pastures.
Explorations by botanists of the United States Department of Agriculture have been made in many localities, in Jalisco, Zacatecas, Michoacan and Tamaulipas, but many years must elapse before the whole ground can be covered.
One whole summer, sometimes two, must elapse before the layers will be fully rooted in the case of woody plants; but such plants as carnations and picotees, which are usually propagated in this way, in favourable seasons take only a few weeks to root, as they are layered towards the end of the blooming season in July, and are taken off and planted separately early in the autumn.
The steelwork which is exposed to the weather should be painted about every three years, but when it is under cover an interval of five years may elapse.
Seeds germinate readily in a cold frame, but a few years elapse between sowing and flowering.
Easy Closets.com - Time elapse video and a downloadable online manual makes installing closets look much easier.
AdvertisementIn the case of the greater number of the fixed stars this is so slow that centuries may have to elapse before motion can be deduced.
As some months must elapse before they could sail for Palestine, Ignatius determined that the time should be spent partly in hospital work at Venice and later in the journey to Rome.
But notwithstanding this, the relation is broken off, and years elapse before David gains hold upon the Hebrews of north Israel, the weakness of the union being proved by the ease with which it was subsequently broken after Solomon's death.
Forty years were now to elapse before any further efforts were made by the Spaniards to colonize any part of the territory of the river Plate and lower Parana.
When the bark has been removed a period of from three to four years must elapse before it is so fully renewed as to render fresh incisions possible.
AdvertisementThat many years, perhaps two generations, must elapse before the more serious of these changes would be accepted by Turkish Moslems was well understood.
A judicial reference falls like the other by the elapse of a year; and the court cannot review the award on the ground of miscarriage.
It remains to give a brief analysis of the qualifications and functions of the archons after the year 487 B.C. After election (in the time of Aristotle in the month Anthesterion; in the 3rd century in Munychion) a short time had to elapse before entering on office to allow of the dokimasia (examination of fitness).
In prescribing this drug it must be remembered that fully three days elapse before it gets into the system, and thus it must always be combined with other remedies to tide the patient over this period.
Carter (U.S. Marine Hospital Service) that although the incubation of the disease was 5 days, 15 to 20 days had to elapse before the "infection" of the house, and from Ross's demonstration of the part played in malaria by the Anopheles.
AdvertisementWhen on the 19th of March the news reached him at Naples of the rising in Gaul, he allowed a week to elapse before he could tear himself away from his pleasures, and then contented himself with proscribing Vindex, and setting a price on his head.
Aphasia due to the local trouble and general decay then progressed rapidly together, and even then at 76, two more years were still to elapse before "he exchanged the sleep of idiocy for the sleep of death."
A complete survey was ordered by the law of the 1st of March 1886,but many years must elapse before its completion.
Thirteen years previously the government had endeavoured to secure greater fixity and permanence of tenure by providing that at least twelve years must elapse between every two redistributions of the land belonging to a mir amongst those entitled to share in it.'
The development of other species of Vitis, such as the curious succulent species of the Soudan and other parts of equatorial Africa, or the numerous kinds in India and Cochin China, is of course possible under suitable conditions; but it is obvious that an extremely long period must elapse before they can successfully compete with the product of many centuries.
AdvertisementThere must be a session of parliament every year, so arranged that twelve months shall not elapse between the last day of one session and the first sitting of the next session.
So, on the one hand, the year of the disaster sees the death of the Israelite king, and Amaziah survives for fifteen years, while, on the other, twenty-seven years elapse between the battle and the accession of Uzziah, the next king of Judah.'
Some time must elapse before absolute uniformity in the transliteration of these proper names is to be expected; and since different scholars still adopt varying spellings of Babylonian and Assyrian proper names, it has been considered undesirable in this work to ignore the fact in individual articles contributed by them.
Very often two or three hours elapse before the stag breaks, but a run over the wild country fully atones for the delay.
When they were over he allowed five more days to elapse before he would take his lute, of which he had been devotedly fond, in his hands.
In accurate comparisons, therefore, it is necessary that the coils to be compared should be immersed in melting ice, and that sufficient time should be allowed to elapse between the measurements for the heat generated in the coil to be removed.