Either Sentence Examples
Either situation might be the case.
You must either jump overboard into the sea or be slain with your own sword.
He put a hand on either side of her.
There was no insult on either side.
It hasn't been easy - for either of us.
Besides, there was nothing to be gained in either case by saying anything – to either of you.
You better not tell either of them just yet.
The minimum is either set by a minimum wage law or determined by the demand and supply of that labor.
I don't like either the one or the other.
There was not the least sense in it for either the French or the Russians.
AdvertisementThe stranger sat without stirring, either resting or, as it seemed to Pierre, sunk in profound and calm meditation.
Behave as if you know nothing either, she said.
It kind of leaves you in trouble either way, doesn't it?
The rest either starve or get killed.
She could not lie either on her face or on her side.
AdvertisementNothing earth shattering there, nor anything Yancey would find either threatening or interesting.
General Sorbier must be ready at the first order to advance with all the howitzers of the Guard's artillery against either one or other of the entrenchments.
If you're concerned about a messed up head, either shave it all off or comb over the scars.
Either that or change my eye glass prescription.
Either black is particularly becoming to her or she really has greatly improved without my having noticed it.
AdvertisementHis father died shortly after Alex was born, so I never met either of them.
It was either an original or an excellent copy, signed by Andy Gordon.
Either he would give her due respect or he could find another sitter.
I didn't lose either of you!
Carmen glanced at Alex, but he either didn't notice her attention, or he was avoiding her eyes.
AdvertisementShe wasn't able to win either way.
At the Torzhok post station, either there were no horses or the postmaster would not supply them.
He kept looking to either side of the road for familiar faces, but only saw everywhere the unfamiliar faces of various military men of different branches of the service, who all looked with astonishment at his white hat and green tail coat.
Only so could I be completely happy; but now I have to choose, and I can't be happy without either of them.
But people who talk like that either do not know what they are talking about or deliberately deceive themselves.
Frankly, I don't know where to turn either way.
Please do not think either of these very unpleasant thoughts.
Nobody spoke, either time?
I've never flown before...either.
Everything is either yesterday, today or tomorrow.
Mr. Giddon is either on an extended vacation or he doesn't have a job.
The column moved forward without knowing where and unable, from the masses around them, the smoke and the increasing fog, to see either the place they were leaving or that to which they were going.
As a kid I was afraid of the dark and now that I'm all grown up, I don't much like being kept in the dark either.
We ought not to fight either for or against Austria.
Still smiling, the French officer spread out his hands before Gerasim's nose, intimating that he did not understand him either, and moved, limping, to the door at which Pierre was standing.
You don't seem to be doing too bad – in either department.
I'd have done it for you, and you wouldn't have to fix me a fancy breakfast either.
We have an out of state rental car and no one could possibly recognize either of us.
Lives have been lost because we've either not been believed or someone was too late following up.
Martha cataloged the recordings and continued to provide clear and precise notes that either Betsy or I conveyed on the tip line.
He hadn't wanted to believe one of his sons betrayed the rest of the Council, though he wasn't exactly surprised, either.
I don't know anything about either.
And, hopefully, Evelyn never raised her rent, either.
I'm not always sure about things here either.
And I don't believe in abortion either.
They weren't in Edith's room either.
I thought it odd none were found, but they didn't find the pilot or anyone else from the crash either.
The head office didn't think much of him either.
He did not lose sight either of the welfare of his army or of the doings of the enemy, or of the welfare of the people of Russia, or of the direction of affairs in Paris, or of diplomatic considerations concerning the terms of the anticipated peace.
No, I haven't seen it, but I won't be driving the forty miles every day, either.
If something occurs that is thought to be impossible, it either isn't impossible or it didn't occur.
However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us.
Unless he claims to be Donnie's father or he's adopted the boy, I doubt he'd have any rights to see him either.
I can't sleep either.
He wasn't going anywhere in the organization, but he didn't really want to, either.
But we can't just pretend he's gonna come strolling back in the door either.
There's no listing in the Scranton phone book for this guy either!
No, no, don't answer that either.
I'm not marrying your farm either.
In either case a grave crime has been committed which deserves a grave punishment.
I do not wish to flatter my townsmen, nor to be flattered by them, for that will not advance either of us.
She continually fancied that either he would never come or that something would happen to her before he came.
Those who were to remain in Moscow walked on either side of the vehicles seeing the travelers off.
Together they felt more in harmony with one another than either of them felt with herself when alone.
I don't like publicity and I didn't want to subject my family to it either.
He so insisted on multiple times that none of us either questioned him.
It wasn't either of your faults.
I won't volunteer I heard a siren, but if I'm pressed, I won't deny it either.
I didn't mean for him to blow his brains out either!
She wasn't going to have much time to prepare herself, either.
She'd never been attacked by a demon, either.
He was almost grateful he'd never trusted either Deidre completely.
You don't trust me, either.
He would never hurt her, but he'd never again touch her as he had the other day, either.
I never stopped loving you either, Deidre.
They'd been either enamored by her beauty or terrified of her, rightly so.
Most were either boots of various kinds or running shoes, but there were a few more stylish pairs.
A knock at the door distracted his response, which wouldn.t bode well for either of them.
Dean's marriage to Cynthia hadn't helped break the tie as she wisely refused to divulge to either of them how she voted.
She's not stupid either, but I'll bet she'd starve if she didn't have a bank account to tap.
Plus, Janet is either late or missing, Fred never even came home last night, I don't think I made enough breakfast rolls, and there's a stack of luggage in the hall.
My guess is Shipton either said something to someone before he croaked or he's still alive and talking.
Everything we knew about Edith Shipton came either from her directly or through Donald Ryland.
I can give no aid on that account, for I have no recollection of how I came to be here, either.
His fingers left her neck, working down the muscles on either side of her spine.
And when you get around to wondering, Lori had enough respect for you and I that she wouldn't horn in on our relationship, either.
He secured it with a shoe on either side.
I transferred him to Norfolk but he didn't fit in there either and now he's gone.
He added, but I haven't seen any body float up either.
On the other hand, he hadn't been all that certain about his heart then, either.
Neither did she, but she wasn't claiming that they were hers, either.
Either way why don't you take a drive down here to headquarters in the next hour or maybe I should send a car up there for you.
I could tell from Julie's voice, she was either crying of close to it.
I don't know why either.
A narrow, lit walkway extended all the way down the corridor, the only part of the hall out of reach of the arms of the prisoners on either side.
He wasn't a lightweight either.
They didn't find the Horsemen or her micro either?
Maybe I just didn't fit in at home either.
The motel consisted of 40 units on two floors, ten to either side of a main entrance that led to the office and restaurant.
He either sends in out-of-towners like this guy or gets big-dollar local counsel.
Once in a while they did things together socially, usually to fulfill mandated coupling at necessary functions and seldom for the entertainment of either.
But it doesn't make sense either; nobody patches tires anymore.
He half-hoped Fred would either be out socializing or asleep but lost on both counts.
There were two units on either side, on both floors, divided by a central hall and staircase.
When Dean returned to Collingswood Avenue, Fred was knee-deep in either his notes or another mystery novel, Dean didn't notice which.
He's either Billie or Willie Wassermann.
I guess I can say marriage isn't in either of our plans.
Either way, it's out of our jurisdiction.
I don't think his finances are any too strong either.
You didn't recognize either of them?
I couldn't take the chance—with either of you.
It wouldn't have been under shelter at my apartment, either.
They made no sounds at all, either in flying or trying to speak, and they conversed mainly by means of quick signals made with their wooden fingers or lips.
So realistically, we know that we either must end war, or face the prospect that war will end us.
But either from fatigue or want of sleep he was ill-disposed for work and could get nothing done.
On the twenty-fourth of August the battle of the Shevardino Redoubt was fought, on the twenty-fifth not a shot was fired by either side, and on the twenty-sixth the battle of Borodino itself took place.
No, he wouldn't listen to her either.
I couldn't give the baby up, either.
Either he got smart fast or someone tipped him off.
I tagged both with GPS and a speck of C4, so if you lose either, we can blow it up.
She held her breath, not wanting to draw the attention of either creature.
The room was otherwise arranged as if for a wedding with two sets of neatly lined chairs on either side of a long aisle.
He will be forever stuck between the two worlds, the good and the evil, without entering either or leaving either behind.
When the meal ended and the dishes were put to bed, the three withdrew to the parlor, now empty of guests who were either dining uptown or waiting in line to do so.
Whatever either of us had, so did the other.
I suppose Paul recognized my name, either before or soon after we first met, back when I was a teenager.
She'd worn either sandals or tennis shoes.
She never offered to heal him, either, when she had been Death and he was her servant.
She didn't factor her transition into a human, either.
Deidre shifted, aware again that she was now defenseless against the creatures that used to either fear her or at least, respect her power.
The woman before him was completely different than either woman.
We are both culpable for sending the only innocent soul either of us has ever known to Hell.
Either one, I can get into.
It wasn't a no, but it wasn't a yes either.
Giovanni pitied Katie, and yet, Rhyn suspected he knew more about the woman than either the man before him or Hannah.
Either way, she feared seeing him again before she had her it.s-not-me-it.s-you speech ready.
You won't either, will you?
It seems like he either shot himself or died of venereal disease.
If she opens her mouth, he either doesn't listen or whacks it shut.
Bird Song was as quiet as a tomb, with Janet either the most silent domestic on record or snoozing away in an unoccupied room.
Either that, or someone up here waited until he was out of sight before they took out the knife.
I didn't lie to him when I told him no one named Shipton was registered at Bird Song but I saw no reason to go out of my way and help him either.
Because if he is, he's either grossly mistaken, a damned liar or setting me up!
Jerome Shipton didn't show up for a day or two and Ryland hadn't arrived yet either.
Either Jerome Shipton would have seen the cut and not used the rope, or he would have fallen so far he'd be whispering to Lucifer, not Jake Weller.
And, if she had cut the line earlier, it would have either been noticed by Shipton or he would have fallen the entire distance of more than a hundred feet from the edge to his certain death.
Dean was reluctant to even consider either option.
Shipton's fall did not fit either category.
They were all gathered, either in Edith's room or nearby in the hall—Corday, Fitzgerald and a number of uniforms who seemed to come and go.
I'm not condoning what he did, but I'm not completely condemning it either!
We can wonder what happened to the pen and who raided her panties but we'll probably never know the answer to either question.
Edith Shipton wasn't a saint either, nor do I think she was near as bewildered about life as she let on.
Either his words or his soothing voice caused the woman to abandon what little self-control she possessed; she threw her arms around him, sobbing.
Two formidable men stood on either side.
You women have to beat that horse until it either dies or gets up and runs.
No, I don't feel like eating either.
Yes, but I won't do that either, for the same reason.
Jackson stood in front of the open refrigerator, taking out bags one at a time, tasting, then either putting them back or on the table.
Sarah sat on the counter with one leg on either side of Connor, kissing him.
Elisabeth had covered him with a blanket and either gone upstairs or home.
I couldn't bear it if anything happened to either of you.
I don't think so either, but you never know what vampirism will do to a person.
Elisabeth and Jackson hugged her from either side and Jackson stroked her hair.
He squatted down in front of Sarah with his hands on either side of her.
The werewolf either slipped through or broke the remaining chains.
Elisabeth put her hands on either side of his face.
Now there was a thought - not a very nice one, either.
Yes, and I didn't believe you then, either.
Yet somehow Alex pulled it off without appearing either.
That would explain the fact that you didn't write either, wouldn't it?
His fingers were gently massaging the muscles on either side of her backbone - warm and relaxing.
Well, you're not - either one.
With Alex, the relationship seemed to be either grinding up a long hill or plunging perilously toward the depths of despair.
Frankly, I don't think either of us can stand up to this kind of pressure.
You're not doing so well at holding your man, either.
From the expression on Lori's face at those times, she didn't think the romance was over either – at least not for Josh.
He planted his hands on either side of her and lowered his face to her level, forcing her to meet his gaze.
Your performance on the couch makes me think you're not above taking what you want, either, she reminded him.
There was no key fob, either.
He kept his hands behind his back and tasted her, enjoyed her, tested her without pushing either of them over the edge.
The world was falling apart around them, and he couldn't risk either of their mental states in a relationship that may not see both of them surviving.
Every moment he spent with her, he felt like he was getting farther and farther away from his ability to walk away without either of them getting hurt.
She has no sense for first aid, either.
They were going to find her either way, though he wanted nothing more than to see her well.
You don't cook, either.
Elise had a one-track mind and less diplomacy than either of them.
So-called experts can't fix that either.
He'd either played everyone around him like the politician he was, or he'd simply seized on an opportunity that she and Brady created.
Then I must warn you. If I find either of you, I am obligated by rules much older than the Immortal Code to do what I must.
You've told me that twice. It's not like I want to be here, either.
She didn't know how either of them could make it back to each other, but they had to.
He doesn't belong in either world.
The crack grew fast, flying down the trail towards Gabriel. The sound of the earth tearing grew louder. The trees on either side of her expanded, quickly doubling and then quadrupling in size. Afraid of being crushed between them, Katie darted off the trail towards Andre, who ran ahead of her.
Thunder cracked overhead. Rhyn had ignored the rain, accustomed to being miserable. Hell was either broiling or freezing, and the Alps were just as cold. The underworld's chilled rain didn't compare.
No amount of make-up could ever cover it up either.
A man either cheats or he doesn't.
If something happened to either, she wasn't sure what she'd do.
They are all either breeding stock or are recovering from injury and intended to be reintroduced into the wild.
Aaron isn't loaded, but he isn't hurting, either.
But the truth is, there's nothing stopping either of them from striking in the same spot repeatedly.
Unfortunately, Descartes is too lordly a philosopher to explain distinctly what either understanding or will may mean.
But when this happened, Cartesianism was no longer either interesting or dangerous; its theories, taught as ascertained and verified truths, were as worthless as the systematic verbiage which preceded them.
Most frequently he will be required either to protect a good bowl or to rectify a possible error of the leader.
If he pass between the jack and either bowl he scores one, although it is not easy to see what driving he has done.
The played bowl must itself run into the ditch without touching either of the stationary bowls.
Prussia should probably be further subdivided, either with each province getting its own category, or grouping provinces together.
They were the king's lieutenants for judicial and administrative purposes and were established in the 12th century, either by Alexander I.
Their only obligation to the Turkish government is to furnish a contingent in time of war; the only law they recognize is either traditional custom(adet) or the unwritten Kanun-i Leks Dukajinit, a civil and criminal code, so called from its author, Leka Dukajini, who is supposed to have lived in the 13th or 14th century.
To regulate the heat it is necessary either to instal a number of small radiators or to divide the radiators into sections, each section controlled by distinct valves; steam may then be admitted to all the sections of the radiator or to any less number of sections as desired.
A notable feature of modern boiler construction is the mode of building the apparatus of cast iron in either horizontal or vertical sections.
New members are either catechumens or members transferred from other churches.
Presbytery meetings are either ordinary or occasional.
Occasional meetings are either in hunt effectum or pro re nata.
The presbytery fixes the former for specific business; the latter is summoned by the moderator, either on his own initiative or on the requisition of two or more members of presbytery, for the transaction of business which has suddenly emerged.
The general assembly is representative of the whole Church, either, as in the Irish General Assembly, by a minister and elder sent direct to it from every congregation, or, as in the Scottish General Assemblies, by a proportion of dele- Assembly.
Bills may be proposed either by ministers (in the name of the president of the republic), or by private members, and may be initiated in either chamber, but money-bills must be submitted in the first place to the Chamber of Deputies.
Either house may pass a vote of no confidence in the government, and in practice the government resigns in face of the passing of such a vote by the deputies, but not if it is passed by the Senate only.
He may either dismiss the case at once by an order of non-lieu, or order it to be tried, when the prosecution is undertaken.
It is perhaps as much from the impulse which Ernesti gave to sacred and profane criticism in Germany, as from the intrinsic excellence of his own works in either department, that he must derive his reputation as a philologist or theologian.
The southern end rises in the conical Mount Oros, and the Panhellenian ridge stretches northward with narrow fertile valleys on either side.
It may open either forward or backwards; and although present in the great majority of the species, and enclosing the teats, it may, as in many of the opossums, be completely absent, when the teats extend in two rows along the whole length of the under-surface of the body.
The tail is rudimentary, the first hind-toe opposable, the first pair of upper incisors very large, but the second and third either absent or small and placed partially behind the larger pair; and only five pairs of cheek-teeth in each jaw.
The tail is long and in some cases prehensile; the first hind-toe may be either large, small or absent; the dentition usually includes three pairs of upper and one of lower incisors, and six or seven pairs of cheekteeth in each jaw; the stomach is either simple or sadculated, without a cardiac gland; and there are four teats.
The broad molars are either bluntly tuberculated or transversely ridged; the outer side of the hind part of the lower jaw has a deep pocket; and the hind-limbs are generally very long, with the structure of the foot similar to that of the bandicoots.
Besides these interesting European fossils, a certain number of didelphian bones have been found in the caves of Brazil, but these are either closely allied to or identical with the species now living in the same region.
The same deposits have yielded remains of small mammals whose dentition approximates more nearly to that of either polyprotodont marsupials or insectivores; and these may be conveniently noticed here without prejudice to their true affinities.
Boron nitride BN is formed when boron is burned either in air or in nitrogen, but can be obtained more readily by heating to redness in a platinum crucible a mixture of one part of anhydrous borax with two parts of dry ammonium chloride.
Some of the latter were either not conquered by the Israelites until long after the invasion, or, if conquered, were not held by Levites; and names are wanting of places in which priests are actually known to have lived.
They who come rarely to the woods take some little piece of the forest into their hands to play with by the way, which they leave, either intentionally or accidentally.
Having descended the hill at a trot, he no longer saw either our own or the enemy's fires, but heard the shouting of the French more loudly and distinctly.
Speranski went on to say that honor, l'honneur, cannot be upheld by privileges harmful to the service; that honor, l'honneur, is either a negative concept of not doing what is blameworthy or it is a source of emulation in pursuit of commendation and rewards, which recognize it.
Without replying either to his wife or his mother-in-law, Pierre late one night prepared for a journey and started for Moscow to see Joseph Alexeevich.
He wrote the words L'Empereur Alexandre, La nation russe and added up their numbers, but the sums were either more or less than 666.
The thought that both her sons were at the war, had both gone from under her wing, that today or tomorrow either or both of them might be killed like the three sons of one of her acquaintances, struck her that summer for the first time with cruel clearness.
But then so was the scream of a mountain lion, and she had never seen one of those, either.
In fact, he was under no obligation to help her get back, either.
It wasn't as though she could explain her sudden Jekyll and Hide personality, either.
I've already told her, but she won't listen to me either.
His hands worked up her back moving gradually as he massaged every inch of the muscles on either side of her spine.
Len said he didn't say anything either.
Probably, but I wouldn't be working off that cake and ice cream, either.
I don't think he does either.
And maybe Yancey wasn't either.
I figured that if Giddon was using a pseudonym, he would have to either do his banking with his own name or fill out some kind of paperwork to do business under another name.
Don't spend a half hour selecting what you need, either.
It wasn't like he was such a fine catch, either.
And now you're trying to tell me that I don't fit into them either.
And I don't smoke, either.
Yet working girls his age were usually either wives or soiled doves.
Still, leaving them wasn't going to be easy for her either.
Hopefully, they don't see us either.
She didn't want to jump into marriage with a man she hardly knew, but she didn't want to chance loosing him, either.
Suddenly strong fingers began working her shoulder muscles, delightfully descending to the muscles on either side of her spine.
Of course, she had never given it much thought, either.
You're not sour either.
And having guests here won't make me crawl into bed with you again, either.
I didn't want to lose you, but I didn't want you to be unhappy like mother either.
Directing our tips was not an easy chore either.
I promised all of you I wouldn't go into your lives and I won't go into mine either.
I'm not doing it for Howie either.
Betsy kissed me on the lips and whispered, "I don't want to stay alone either."
No judge would sign a search warrant on the place where he lived in California either.
However, his knowledge of us, and especially me, was either limited or incorrect.
The ceiling above us was divided with half the room beneath a concrete slab and the remainder under what appeared as thick planking, well out of reach to either of us.
Fifty one abductors are either in prison or awaiting trial on serious sexual offenses.
You shouldn't go either.
Several of the rooms on either side were open, revealing couples in various stages of undress, a room with junkies shooting up and potheads lighting up, and a room filled with what looked like people sleeping.
The silver of her eyes flared and swirled as she gazed at him, an indication she was reading either his future or his mind.
He hadn't heard from either Damian or Jule in two weeks.
He didn't have time for either.
He'll never, ever let you down, but he's not the warm, fuzzy type who will hug you when you're down, either.
She placed her hands on either side of his and closed her eyes, concentrating.
She scooted forward and placed her hands on either side of his face.
I didn't know about ikira, either.
It appears as if either you, Damian, or you, Jonny, sent someone to kill her.
I'm not, uh, restricted to either realm, Darian said.
She never did, and yet she never surrendered either.
You have no loyalties to either God.
You're mine either way.
Deidre shook her head, not seeing this either.
Darkyn can read either to find out who grabbed her.
He planted a hand on either side of her, dark eyes piercing.
In either case, Deidre never put a stupid deal over the life of another suffering as she had.
She shouldn't either, she said quietly.
Deidre wasn't certain if there was any affection for his daughter, though his persistence in healing her was a sign of either care or obligation.
He wasn't angry, but he wasn't himself either.
If either of you summons your mates, I'll kill the other.
They inched forward, one behind the other, hands at their sides lest they rub the slime of the rock walls that wept on either side.
Then, with a rush of confidence, she added, But I'm not a moron either.
Say it wasn't supposed to be where it was, but the person who found it wasn't supposed to be there either.
While Dean was fully exonerated from any wrongdoing in the unfortunate affair, either Fitzgerald failed to agree with the determination or simply despised being judged wrong.
I'm not sure that makes much sense either.
I wouldn't do it if we were the first but unfortunately, we won't be the last, either.
Either that or scare us badly.
Neither of them lawyers had a problem with me either.
It could be either.
When he spoke, it didn't sound as if either beer was his first.
The boys don't seem to like you very much either.
In spite of being born here, I never visited either.
Either Cynthia's presence relaxed her or she'd decided David Dean was not a combatant from the enemy camp.
Dean recognized the markings as a rental from town, but it was not the same vehicle either of the Dawkins brothers were driving.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
After a few words of greeting, each candidate was directed to stand on either side of the raised platform.
I think there's a good chance it was either her or Fitzgerald.
Never heard about Josh either, but nobody gave a hoot about him.
Either one of them might have stolen the bony digit from Cynthia's jewelry case and fired a gun at the Lucky Pup Mine.
Common sense tells us the obvious is usually where the truth rests and the obvious is either Fitzgerald or someone in the Dawkins family.
The WWW news was either negative or tardy because each took turns bickering at the other until Dean was ready to toss the entire family.
She turned and left before either Dean could respond, lighting her cigarette as she went.
David Dean harbored serious doubts about leaving Lydia Larkin's apartment without either contacting the police or calling an ambulance—or maybe a lawyer.
He had no right to invade the privacy of her bedroom either, in spite of having been invited into its sanctum on his previous visit.
But you're not telling me the whole story either, are you?
By the way, you don't have anything to worry about with the election either.
You think either one of us wanted that?
As confused as he felt, Gabriel would never let anyone hurt either Deidre, no matter whose mate she was.
They'd be completely cut off from either deity in the underworld.
Gabriel said nothing, troubled by the idea of either girl being unable to help herself.
Life hadn't always been so generous with either of them.
Of course, she doesn't want the farm either, so she'll sell that.
He was as tall as Josh, but he was built heavier – and not as good looking either.
Tangling with either has got to be less dangerous than answering your domestic questions.
I didn't say you were – and I didn't say what I was doing with that man, either.
And that she doesn't really want either of us?
It wasn't something either of them wanted to do, but the situation had grown out of control.
All the answers had either died with Josh or would likely remain a secret with Lori.
Alex didn't respond to either of them.
He was not rough, though he wasn't gentle, either.
It simply hadn't been expressed – by either of them.
Lori didn't deserve what he did to her, but she hadn't exactly given him a reason to respect her, either.
He ate without waiting for her, his eyes either glued to her or the door.
While she didn't fear dying anymore, she was in no hurry to die, either.
He strode through a curtained doorway in the corner and down a long hallway almost too narrow for either of them to fit.
He hadn't made up his mind about either woman yet.
None of my dealers can either, if I can't be directly involved in her death.
Either she was dead and didn't know it, or she was close enough to take matters into her own hands.
Either I'm already dead, and nothing happens.
He wasn't human, either.
He braced his arms on either side of her.
He kept his voice firm and cold, unwilling to give on either point.
He'd never entered into a private one before and didn't know if his predecessor had either.
We don't put all our cards on the table at once, either.
Uncertain what to do with either, she kept them.