Eighteen Sentence Examples
Brandon is eighteen, and Ashley will be soon.
So, when he was eighteen years old, he ran away from his pleasant home and went to sea.
But the literary partnership ceased in about eighteen years, when only the first portion of the plan had been completed, because each of the members felt he could work to better advantage separately than jointly.
For his son, before he was eighteen years old, he procured a deanery, four archdeaconries, five prebends and a chancellorship, and he sought to thrust him into the bishopric of Durham.
By judicious use of the railway Kitchener concentrated sufficient troops in the colony to cope with the attempt, and, after being hunted for eighteen days, De Wet escaped back into the Orange River Colony with the loss of all his guns, munitions of war and half his force.
If Terence was born in 185, he published his six plays between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.
Before he was sixteen he attended lectures at Owens College, and at eighteen he gained a mathematical scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1871 as senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman, having previously taken the degree of D.Sc. at London University and won a Whitworth scholarship. Although elected a fellow and tutor of his college, he stayed up at Cambridge only for a very short time, preferring to learn practical engineering as a pupil in the works in which his father was a partner.
In 1624 arrived eighteen families of Dutch Walloons, the first actual permanent settlers, as distinguished from traders.
Pepperrell served in the Massachusetts general court (1726-1727), and in the governor's council (1727-1759), of which for eighteen years he was president.
His Commentarius de Capellorum gente, giving an account of the family to which he belonged, was published by his nephew James Cappel (1639-1722), who, at the age of eighteen, became professor of Hebrew at Saumur, but, on the revocation of the edict of Nantes, fled to England, where he died in 1722.
AdvertisementChrist then raised the spiritual body of Jesus which remained on earth for eighteen months, initiating a small circle of elect disciples.
The direct taxes, which go to the local budget of Annam, consist primarily of a poll-tax levied on all males over eighteen and below sixty years of age, and of a land-tax levied according to the quality and the produce of the holding.
He won a scholarship at the age of sixteen, and was teaching literature at eighteen.
He was succeeded by his son, a youth of eighteen, called Singumin (Chenguza of Symes), who proved himself a bloodthirsty despot, and was put to death by his uncle, Bodawpaya or Mentaragyi, in 1781, who ascended the vacant throne.
In 1881 the king refused to sanction the law by which the ministers were to remain in office for a fixed term of eighteen months, and upon the consequent resignation of Canovas del Castillo, he summoned Sagasta, the Liberal leader, to form a cabinet.
AdvertisementThe lowest range of semicircular arches consists of twenty columns and the second of sixty; and above this is a row of eighteen windows in the same style separated by as many pilasters.
His Libro de Tasos fixed the tribute to be paid by the Indians, exempting all men under eighteen and over fifty.
According to it Catherine was the daughter of King Konetos, eighteen years old, beautiful and wise.
But when Candia was attacked by a large force, under the terrible vizir Keuprili, Morosini was sent to relieve the fortress in 1667; the siege lasted eighteen months, but Morosini, in spite of his prodigies of valour, was forced to surrender to save the surviving inhabitants.
This undertaking, the mathematical and scientific parts of which fell to Hutton's share, was completed in 1809, and filled eighteen volumes quarto.
AdvertisementHis greatest work, which made the Romans regard him as the father of their literature, was his epic poem, in eighteen books, the Annales, in which the record of the whole career of Rome was unrolled with idealizing enthusiasm and realistic detail.
He studied medicine in Paris at the newly established Ecole de Medecine, and was appointed by competition prosector when only eighteen years of age.
Eighteen months later the coronation took place at Moscow with great pomp, but a gloom was thrown over the festivities by the unfortunate incident of the Khodinskoe Polye, a great open space near the city, where a popular fete had been prepared and where, from defective police arrangements, a large number of men, women and children, roughly estimated at 2000, were crushed and trampled to death.
So far as is known at present, all sticklebacks construct a nest for the reception or the spawn, which is jealously guarded by the male until the young are hatched, which event takes place in from ten to eighteen days after oviposition.
In 1845 he established the St Joseph Valley Register, which he published for eighteen years and made an influential Whig and later Republican journal.
AdvertisementThe Bhutan government formally ceded all the eighteen Dwars of Bengal and Assam, with the rest of the territory taken from them, and agreed to liberate all kidnapped British subjects.
Among the fish may be mentioned the tunny, dolphin, mackerel, sardine, sea-bream, dentice and pagnell; wrasse, of exquisite rainbow hue and good for food; members of the herring family, sardines, anchovies, flying-fish, sea-pike; a few representatives of the cod family, and some flat fish; soles (very rare); Cernus which grows to large size; several species of grey and red mullet; eleven species of Triglidae, including the beautiful flying gurnard whose colours rival the angel-fish of the West Indies; and eighteen species of mackerel, all migratory.
This tribe includes some eighteen families of terrestrial, arboreal and marsh-haunting bugs, as well as those aquatic Heteroptera that live on the surface-film of water.
The birth of an heir to the throne (Prince Henry) in 1594 strengthened her position and influence; but the young prince, much to her indignation, was immediately withdrawn from her care and entrusted to the keeping of the earl and countess of Mar at Stirling Castle; in 1595 James gave a written command, forbidding them in case of his death to give up the prince to the queen till he reached the age of eighteen.
Within the first six months of his theatrical career he acted in eighteen characters of all kinds, and from the 2nd of December he appeared in his own name.
His precocity was extraordinary; at three years of age he was able to read, and in his thirteenth year he composed Greek and Latin orations and delivered them in public. When he was about eighteen he went to the university of Copenhagen and afterwards studied at Rostock and Wittenberg.
Wissmann remained in the country until 1891 as commissioner, and later (1895-1896) was for eighteen months governor of the colony - as the German sphere had been constituted by proclamation (1st of January 1897).
Just before his resignation he had been elected, with Mirabeau and Sieyes, a member of the department of Paris; and in that capacity did useful work for some eighteen months in seeking to support the cause of order in the turbulent capital.
Of the education of Herodotus no more can be said than that it was thoroughly Greek, and embraced no doubt the three subjects essential to a Greek liberal education - grammar, gymnastic training and music. His studies would be regarded as completed when he attained the age of eighteen, and took rank among the eplzebi or eirenes of his native city.
His intention was to publish in eighteen volumes the lives of the saints compiled from the MSS., at the same time adding sober notes.
For children between sixteen and eighteen years of age and for women the hours of labour in a factory are limited to ten a day, unless to prepare for a short day or a holiday, and the days to six a week.
Although he permitted the existence of a board of Nine Men to act as " tribunes " for the people it was originally composed of his selections from eighteen persons chosen at a popular election, and annually thereafter the places of six retiring members were filled by his selections from twelve persons nominated by the board.
Meteorological statistics are collected at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin and eight other stations; and observations of rainfall, temperature, and wind-directions are received from eighteen stations of the second class.
Except in one disturbed month, August 1884, when there were three changes of ministry in eighteen days, executives were more stable than in the colony's earlier years.
The borough is governed by a mayor, six aldermen, and eighteen councillors.
It was taken eighteen years later by the Seljuk Turks, five times by the Georgians between 1125 and 1209, in 1239 by the Mongols, and its ruin was completed by an earthquake in 1319.
Here Haydn wrote, in rapid succession, eighteen divertimenti which include his first symphony and his first quartet; the two earliest examples of the forms with which his name is most closely associated.
In 1869 an Irish lad, O'Connor, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment and a whipping for presenting a pistol at the queen, with a petition, in St James's Park; but this time it was the queen herself who privately remitted the corporal punishment, and she even pushed clemency to the length of sending her aggressor to Australia at her own expense.
With him he stayed for about eighteen months, and has as usual infinite complaints to make of his employer and some strange stories to tell.
At the age of eighteen he entered the service of the Eastern department of the ministry of foreign affairs, and spent more than twenty years in subordinate posts, chiefly in south-eastern Europe, until he was promoted in 1863 to the post of minister plenipotentiary in Persia.
The Unaka Ranges (including the Black and Smoky Mountains) have eighteen peaks higher than 5000 ft., and eight surpassing 6000 ft.
Eighteen miles lower down the distance from shore to shore is 27 m.
It is bounded by two circles equidistant from the ecliptic, about eighteen degrees apart; and it is divided into twelve signs, and marked by twelve constellations.
They were divided on the same principle; each opened at the spring equinox; the first Arab sign Sharatan was strictly equivalent to the Hindu Acvini; and eighteen constellations in each were virtually coincident.
Eighteen Chinese determinants were included in the Arab asterisms, and of these five or six were not nakshatra stars; consequently, they must have been taken directly from the Chinese series.
They bought practically all of what is now Essex county from the Indians for "fifty double hands of powder, one hundred bars of lead, twenty axes, twenty coats, ten guns, twenty pistols, ten kettles, ten swords, four blankets, four barrels of beer, ten pairs of breeches, fifty knives, twenty horses, eighteen hundred and fifty fathoms of wampum, six ankers of liquor (or something equivalent), and three troopers' coats."
He divided them into eighteen classes, distinguishing plants according as they were woody or herbaceous, and taking into account the nature of the flowers and fruit.
Eighteen more islands are on the average as large as Jamaica; and more than a hundred are as large as the Isle of Wight."
For the next eighteen months he is entirely lost to view; when he reappears in April 1511, he is leaving More's house and taking the Moria to be printed privily in Paris.
Thus encouraged, he took out a patent for his process, and leaving the College of Chemistry, a boy of eighteen, he proceeded, with the aid of his father and brother, to erect works at Greenford Green, near Harrow, for the manufacture of the newly discovered colouring matter, and by the end of 1857 the works were in operation.
His censorship - which he retained for five years, in spite of the lex Aemilia which limited the tenure of that office to eighteen months - was remarkable for the actual or attempted achievement of several great constitutional changes.
Eighteen months later (Dec. 14, 1575), mainly through the influence of Jan Zamoyski, Stephen Bathory, prince of Transylvania, was elected king of Poland by the szlachta in opposition to the emperor Maximilian, who had been elected two days previously by the senate, after disturbances which would have rent any other state but Poland to pieces.
For the next eighteen months Chmielnicki ruled the Ukraine like a sovereign prince.
Rowland and Harris had been at work fully eighteen months before they met, at a service in Devynock church, in the upper part of Breconshire.
This is known as the first Methodist Association - held eighteen months before John Wesley's first conference (June 25th, 1744).
At the beginning of 1668 he defeated the voivode Jakov Bezobrazov, sent against him from Astrakhan, and in the spring embarked on a predatory expedition into Persia which lasted for eighteen months.
On the 23rd of July 1431 his legate opened the council of Basel which had been convoked by Martin, but, distrustful of its purposes and moved by the small attendance, the pope issued a bull on the 18th of December 1431, dissolving the council and calling a new one to meet in eighteen months at Bologna.
From the end of 1888 the amir passed eighteen months in his northern provinces bordering upon the Oxus, where he was engaged in pacifying the country that had been disturbed by revolts, and in punishing with a heavy hand all who were known or suspected to have taken any part in rebellion.
It is divided into eighteen books, of which the first sixteen deal mainly with sounds, word-formation and inflexions; the last two, which form from a fourth to a third of the whole work, deal with syntax.
On the introduction of the empire he was made one of the eighteen marshals of France, and, from June 1804 to September 1805, acted as governor of the recentlyoccupied Hanover.
In response to the demand for self-government, in September 1647 he and the council appointed - after the manner then followed in Holland - from eighteen representatives chosen by the people a board of nine to confer with him and the council whenever he thought it expedient to ask their advice; three of the nine, selected in rotation, were permitted to sit with the council during the trial of civil cases; and six were to retire each year, their successors to be chosen by the director and council from twelve candidates nominated by the board.
Thus in a Venetian story the ingenious Beppo ties up Death in a bag and keeps him there for eighteen months; there is general rejoicing; nobody dies, and the doctors are in high feather.
He accepted, and resigned his professorship. He went abroad with his pupil in February 1764; they remained only a few days at Paris and then settled at Toulouse, at that time the seat of a parlement, where they spent eighteen months in the best society of the place, afterwards making a tour in the south of France and passing two months at Geneva.
But while Luther's most not to take place for eighteen years.
He died in 1564, leaving the Society increased to eighteen provinces with a hundred and thirty colleges, and was succeeded by Francisco Borgia.
At one time he is said to have had in his pay fifty-three agents at foreign courts, besides eighteen persons whose functions were even more obscure.
In 1748 his father, Benjamin D'Israeli, then only about eighteen years of age, removed to England, where, before passing the prime of life, he amassed a competent fortune, and retired from business.
About eighteen months after they arrived in Canada the Doukhobors sent the Society of Friends a collective letter in which they sincerely thanked the English and American Friends for all the generous help of every kind they had received at their hands, but begged the Quakers to cease sending them any more pecuniary support, as they were now able to stand on their own feet, and therefore felt it right that any further help should be directed to others who were more in need of it.
With eighteen companions he set out; but on the borders of the Russian (Lithuanian) country he and all his company were massacred by the heathens (February 14, 1009).
At the age of eighteen he joined the Congregation of the Oratory and taught for a time in the colleges of his order at Pezenas, and Montbrison and at the Seminary of Vienne.
No part of Central America contains a greater diversity of tribes, and in 1883 Otto Stoll estimated the number of spoken languages as eighteen, although east of the meridian of Lake Amatitlan the native speech has almost entirely disappeared and been replaced by Spanish.
For the next eighteen years he so absolutely controlled both the foreign and the domestic affairs of Sweden that the period between 1720 and 1738 has well been called the Horn period.
Nevertheless the fortress did not fall into the possession of the French till 1406 after a blockade of eighteen months.
As regards the British farmer, it does not appear as if he had improved his position; for he has to send his wheat to greater distances, owing to the collapse of many country millers or their removal to the seaboard, while railway rates have fallen only to a very small extent; again the farmer's wheat is worth only half of what it was formerly; it may be said that the British farmer has to give up one bushel in nine to the railway company for the purpose of transportation, whereas in the 'seventies he gave up one in eighteen only.
When Aristotle at the age of eighteen came to Athens, Plato, at the age of sixty-two, had probably written all his dialogues except the Laws; and in the course of the remaining twenty years of his life and teaching, he expounded " the socalled unwritten dogmas " in his lectures on the Good.
After a delay of nine years, having at last obtained an adequate income, he married his cousin, Margaret Cox, who had already lived for eighteen years with his mother, the widow of John Ruskin of Edinburgh.
At eighteen he wrote a series of papers, signed Kata Phusin, i.e.
He joined the Society of Jesus in 1736, and in 1749 proceeded to Paraguay, where for eighteen years he worked devotedly first among the Guaranis, and then among the Abipones.
Educated at the Boulogne municipal college, where he distinguished himself and showed much artistic talent, he went to England in 1839 when eighteen as professor of French and drawing at a boys' school at Stratford-on-Avon.
He had already taken orders, and in 1835 began his eighteen years' tenure of the vicarage of Wymeswold in Leicestershire, from which seclusion the twicerepeated offer of a colonial bishopric failed to draw him.
Eighteen or twenty years later (180-185) a new war broke out with a different issue.
According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle the kingdom of Sussex was founded by a certain Ella or /Elie, who landed in 477, while Wessex owed its origin to Cerdic, who arrived some eighteen years later.
At Macao he spent some eighteen months in the Lazarist seminary, preparing himself for the regular work of a missionary.
On the 4th of May eighteen laymen met at Hull and expressed their conviction that the useful ness of Methodism would be promoted by its continued connexion with the Church of England.
Over and above the weight of political affairs, he bore resolutely for eighteen years the overwhelming burden of the presidency of a tribunal before which the whole of Europe came to plead.
In 1792 the building was demolished, and for a period of some eighteen years there was nothing of the kind.
From his tenth year, when he was kidnapped from his father's court by the rebellious vassals, till his assassination eighteen years later, his whole life, with one bright interval of military glory, was unrelieved tragedy.
The child-labour law of 1909 forbids the employment of children under eighteen years of age in blast furnaces, tanneries, quarries, in managing elevator lifts or hoisting machines, in oiling dangerous machinery while in motion, at switch tending, as brakesmen, firemen, engineers, motormen and in other positions of similar character.
This province is divided into the five Horba tribes, the eighteen Nyarong states in the valley of the upper Yalung, and the districts of Litang, Batang, Derge, Gartok Chiamdo and Draya.
There he remained for eighteen months, but shortly after his return to England he accompanied Groves and other friends on a private missionary enterprise to Bagdad, where he obtained personal knowledge of Oriental life and habits which he afterwards applied with tact and skill in the illustration of biblical scenes and incidents.
The building consisted of a circular Ionic colonnade (of eighteen columns), about 15 metres in diameter, raised on three steps and enclosing a small circular cella, probably adorned with fourteen Corinthian half-columns.
See also Percy Andreae, who collated eighteen MSS.
Thus Sisyphus fettered Death, keeping him prisoner till rescued by Ares; in Venetian folklore Beppo ties him up in a bag for eighteen months; while in Sicily an innkeeper corks him up in a bottle, and a monk keeps him in his pouch for forty years.
No fewer than eighteen convents were still standing in 1873.
Within eighteen months it passed through six editions.
He was educated by the Jesuits, entered the order at the age of eighteen, and became superior at Paris.
His father, William Arthur (1796-1875), when eighteen years of age, emigrated from Co.
The London Mission ship " Duff " in 1797 landed eighteen missionaries (mainly artisans) at Tahiti, ten more in the Tonga or Friendly Islands, and one on the Marquesas.
But a younger member of the household, Willie Douglas, aged eighteen, whose devotion was afterwards remembered and his safety cared for by Mary at a time of utmost risk and perplexity to herself, succeeded on the 2nd of May in assisting her to escape by a 1 It is to be observed that the above conclusion as to the authenticity of the Casket Letters is the same as that arrived at upon different grounds by the most recent research on the subject.
The corporation consists of a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors.
On the 6th of March 1889 his father, King Milan, abdicated and proclaimed him king of Servia under a regency until he should attain his majority at eighteen years of age.
Representatives of eighteen states, including Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, attended the Buffalo convention.
Maximilian was succeeded on the Toth of March 1864 by his son Louis II., a youth of eighteen.
The borough is under a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors.
The age of majority of the sovereign is eighteen.
In 1898 the queen, having reached the age of eighteen, assumed the government.
In addition, a force of native scouts, which ultimately reached a total of 860 men, was organized in eighteen companies, and partly armed with Snider rifles, to cover the advance of the main column, which started on the 27th of December, and to improve the road.
It consisted of fifty-three sail in all, of which eighteen were of the line.
The nominal strength of the Russian fleet was eighty-three sail of the line, of the Danish twenty-three, and of the Swedish eighteen.
The town was incorporated in 1867, and the corporation consists of a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors.
She had been instructed in Greek by Emerson at Concord when she was eighteen years old.
The preface to this work places Cerdic's assumption of the sovereignty six years after his landing, that is, in the year 500, and assigns him a reign of sixteen years, which makes his death fall eighteen years before 534, the date recorded in the annals.
The old man, for he was now seventy, remained in prison for eighteen months, when the government, vainly hoping to win his influence to their side, remitted the fine and released him.
His Historia Ecclesiastica, in eighteen books, brings the narrative down to 610; for the first four centuries the author is largely dependent on his predecessors, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagrius, his additions showing very little critical faculty; for the later period his labours, based on documents now no longer extant, to which he had free access, though he used them also with small discrimination, are much more valuable.
The next eighteen months were spent by John as lieutenant of Aquitaine, and it was not till November 1389 that he returned to England.
Hardly any scene even in this extraordinary city is more striking than the coup d'csil of this long street of tombs, preserving uninjured the records of successive generations eighteen centuries ago.
When successful, the journey, although about seven times the mileage of the old direct caravan route, took four months instead of eighteen, and was of course much less expensive.
It was printed without the real author's name on the 23rd of January 1656, and, being immensely popular, and successful, was followed by others to the number of eighteen.
At the age of eighteen he went to Athens, where the Platonic school was flourishing under the lead of Xenocrates.
From sixteen to eighteen he resided at home, and was left to his own devices.
But eighteen months passed away, and only three pupils came to his academy.
Any person of eighteen years, who has continuously resided with a local union for the space of two years, there acquires his domicile.
Promotion in the German army is excessively slow, the senior subalterns having eighteen to twenty years commissioned service and the senior captains sometimes thirty.
In addition there are eighteen chasseur or rifle battalions (Jager).
Essentially a German, not a Prussian, party, they were joined by the Nationalists from the annexed provinces of Hanover and Hesse; in 1871 they were greatly strengthened by the addition of the National representatives from the southern states; out of fourteen representatives from Baden twelve belonged to them, seventeen out of eighteen Wurttemberger, and a large majority of the Bavarians.
This did not seem to remove all danger, and in February 1888 the government introduced an amendment to the imperial Military Law extending the obligation for service from twelve to eighteen years.
Eighteen years later Paul Jones, in his ship the "Ranger," succeeded in capturing the "Drake," a British sloop-of war, in the neighbouring bay; but he left without molesting the town.
In 1678 the university registers which had been in his custody for eighteen years were removed, as it was feared that he would be implicated in the Popish plot.
But the work which gained him his reputation as the Homer of Rome, and which called forth the admiration of Cicero and Lucretius and frequent imitation from Virgil, was the Annales, a long narrative poem in eighteen books, containing the record of the national story from mythical times to his own.
As to the women, from the age of about fourteen to that of eighteen or twenty, they are generally models of beauty in body and limbs; and in countenance most of them are pleasing, and many exceedingly lovely; but soon after they have attained their perfect growth, they rapidly decline.
Resuming his office he raised eighteen of his friends to the rank of bey, among them Ibrhim and Murd, who were afterwards at the head of affairs, as well as Mahommed Abul-Dhahab, who was closely connected with the rest of All Beys career.
Lord Cromer was succeeded by Sir Eldon Gorst, who had served in Egypt eighteen years under him, and was at the time of his appointment to Cairo an assistant under secretary of state for foreign affairs.
After gallantly fighting for eighteen months he was compelled by the defection of his troops to surrender on the 21st of April 1884 to Karamalla, the dervish amir of the province.
For administrative purposes the country is divided into eighteen counties (Amter, singular Amt), as follows.
He at last resolved to do so during a journey which he made with the king to south Germany in 1730, when he was eighteen years of age.
They had eighteen children, of whom Albrecht was the second.
In June 1839 he was tried in the United States for a breach of the neutrality laws, and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment, of which he served over eleven.
A curious find was a grave containing burials of eighteen men fettered with iron collars and shackles.
But in no fewer than eighteen counties the proportion of Gaelic-speaking persons was under I %.
King David, a lad of eighteen, had returned from France and had removed this Douglas from the sheriffdom of Teviotdale, superseding him by Alexander Ramsay.
On his death in 1443, his son, William, a lad of eighteen, became earl, and waged private war on Crichton, while he allied himself with Livingstone.
In July 1469 James, then about eighteen, married Margaret, daughter of King Christian of Norway, who pledged the Orkney and Shetland Isles for her dowry, which remains unpaid.
Charles had some s000 men, Cumberland had nearly 9000 and eighteen well-served guns.
The young hound begins cub-hunting when he is some eighteen months old, and as a rule is found to improve until his third or fourth season, though some last longer than this.
Commerce.-Ecuador has no merchant marine beyond a few small vessels engaged in the coastwise traffic, some eighteen or twenty river steamers on the Guayas and its tributaries, and a number of steam launches, towboats and various descriptions of barges engaged in the transportation of produce and goods on the rivers.
At the grammar school of Stuttgart, where Hegel was educated between the ages of seven and eighteen, he was not remarkable.
His main productions were a diary kept at intervals during eighteen months (1785-1787), and translations of the Antigone, the Manual of Epictetus, &c. But the characteristic feature of his studies was the copious extracts which from this time onward he unremittingly made and preserved.
They appeared in eighteen volumes in 1832, and a second edition came out about twelve years later.
The best elements in Goethe's genius came from his mother's side; of a lively, impulsive disposition, and gifted with remarkable imaginative power, Frau Rat was the ideal mother of a poet; moreover, being hardly eighteen at the time of her son's birth, she was herself able to be the companion of his childhood.
At eighteen she was so impressed by a sermon of St Francis that she was filled with the desire to devote herself to the kind of life he was leading.
The town is governed by a mayor, six aldermen and eighteen councillors.
Legendre, who recommended that it should be published in the Recueil des savants strangers, an unparalleled honour for a youth of eighteen.
Although in his sixty-fourth year, he undertook to observe the moon through an entire revolution of her nodes (eighteen years), and actually carried out his purpose.
Purely commercial matters are dealt with by the chamber of commerce, composed of a praeses, eighteen members and a secretary.
The nominal head was the king's brother Charles, duke of Berry, then eighteen years old, a weak character, the tool of the rebels as he was later the dupe of the king.
New land may be taken up for cultivation, or old land may be abandoned; and occasional remissions are permitted under no less than eighteen specified heads.
In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.
Megasthenes mentions that India was divided into one hundred and eighteen kingdoms; some of which, such as that of the Prasii under Chandragupta, exercised suzerain powers.
Upon it in 1147 there followed the second crusade; and in that crusade Baldwin III., now some eighteen years of age, played his part by the side of Conrad III.
The duration had been at first fixed at eighteen months, but it was proved that the prisoners' minds had become enfeebled by this long isolation, and the period was limited to nine months.
Mohallab, reinforced by the army of Irak, at last succeeded, after a struggle of eighteen months, in subjugating the Kharijites and their caliph Qatara b.
Hajjaj, afraid lest his communications with Syria should be cut off, pitched his camp at Dair Qorra, eighteen miles west from Kufa towards the desert, where Mahommed, the brother of the caliph, and Abdallah, his son, brought him fresh troops.
For eighteen months Khalid remained in prison.
The lieutenantgovernor died when shut up in the fort at Agra, and Oudh was only reconquered after several campaigns lasting for eighteen months.
For about eighteen months all the departments were practically under Japanese control.
The secular affairs of the Parsees are managed by an elective committee, or panchayat, composed of six dasturs and twelve mobeds, making a council of eighteen.
Other mineral products of the state are 1 The breed of horses in Wyoming has improved rapidly; in 1904, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture purchased eighteen mares and a stallion in hope of improving the American carriage horse, six of the mares were from Wyoming and were principally of Morgan stocks.
At thirty years of age he appeared in public, and after a short period (we cannot determine how long, but possibly eighteen months) he was crucified, upon the accusation of his countrymen, by the Roman authorities.
For the construction and upkeep of roads a tax varying from one to ten pesos is levied on all males over eighteen years old.
To keep pace with the increase of duties Julius Caesar increased the number of praetors successively to ten, fourteen and sixteen; after his time the number varied from eight to eighteen.
He was for eighteen years in charge of the work at the Certosa.
Even greater was the support it received later on from the Puranas, a class of poetical works of a partly legendary, partly discursive and controversial character, mainly composed in the interest of special deities, of which eighteen principal (maha-purana) and as many secondary ones (upa-purana) are recognized, the oldest of which may go back to about the 4th century of our era.
Eighteen months after the publication of the Syllabus broke out the Austro-Prussian War (June 1866), when the one faithful ally of Rome was trampled under the feet of the archProtestant Hohenzollerns.
York, however, contrived to put off his departure for eighteen months.
By the new constitution the grand-duchy was to be divided into not less than twelve and not more than eighteen constituencies, electing members in proportion to population.
Only four towns in North Wales are included in these eighteen, and the combined populations of these four - Wrexham (14,966), Festiniog (11,435), Bangor (11,269) and Holyhead (10,079) - fall far below that of Merthyr Tydfil (69,228), the fourth largest town in Glamorganshire.
During the eighteen years in which he held this post he rendered valuable services to the territory and to the nation; he extinguished the Indian title to large tracts of land, instituted surveys, constructed roads, and explored the lakes and sources of the Mississippi river.
At the age of eighteen he entered a business at Bordeaux.
After holding various official posts under the Prussian government he became professor at the university of Berlin in 1821, and eighteen years later foreign member of the Institute of France.
Two years later, on the death of Cuvier, he obtained the chair of comparative anatomy, which he continued to occupy for the space of eighteen years, proving himself no unworthy successor to his great teacher.
Sweden's reward for the exertions and sacrifices of eighteen years was meagre, almost paltry.
In 1786 Gustavus created the Swedish Academy, on the lines of the French Academy, but with eighteen members instead of forty.
Under the law of the 5th of September 1900, military service is obligatory for all citizens between eighteen and forty-five years, all young men of twenty-one years being required to serve a certain period with the regular force.
In 1037 Seljuk princes were recognized in Merv and Nishapur, and in the ensuing eighteen years the Seljuks conquered Balkh, Jorjan, Tabaristan, Klwarizm, Hamadan, Rai, Isfahan, and finally Bagdad (1055).
It is difficult to assign dates to a few events recorded in Persian history for the eighteen years following the death of Abd ulLatif; and, were it not for chance European missions, the same difficulty would be felt in dealing with the period after the death of Abu Said up to the accession of Ismail Sufi in 1499.
According to IsmaiI Zeno, who seems to have carefully recorded the events of the time, he left his temporary home on an island of Lake Van before he was eighteen, and, passing into Karabakh,3 between the Aras and Kur, turned in a south-easterly direction into Gilan.
On his way he came to the town of Yezdikhast, where he demanded a sum of money from the inhabitants, claiming it as part of secreted revenue; the demand was refused, and eighteen of the head men were thrown down the precipice beneath his window; a saiyid, or holy man, was the next victim, and his wife and daughter were to be given over to the soldiery, when a suddenly-formed conspiracy took effect, and Zakis own life was taken in retribution for his guilt (1779).
He was then fifty-seven years of age, and had ruled over part of Persia for more than eighteen yearsover the kingdom generally for about three years, and from his coronation for about one year only.
In April 1850, after a siege of more than eighteen months, fortune turned against the bold insurgent, and negotiations were opened for the surrender of the town and citadel.
Psalms i.-cviii., with some omissions, are recited at Matins, twelve each day from Monday to Saturday, and eighteen on Sunday.
He treated the relations of church and state in L'Eglise et Petal (Brussels, 3 vols., 1858-1862; new and revised edition, 1865), and the same subject occupied a large proportion of the eighteen volumes of his chief historical work, Etudes sur l'histoire de l'humanite (Ghent and Brussels, 1 8551870), which aroused considerable interest beyond the boundaries of Belgium.
C. Wroughton - and seven men, besides eighteen wounded.
The abandonment of the Orange River Sovereignty marked the close of the eventful period in South African history which began eighteen years before with the Great Trek.
Immediately on the outbreak of the controversy, Fenelon was exiled to his diocese, and during the last eighteen years of his life he was only once allowed to leave it.
In size and value the new buildings generally exceed their predecessors, buildings eight to eighteen storeys in height being characteristic in the Market Street section.
The right of suffrage is exercised by all male citizens, twenty-one years of age, or over, if single, and eighteen years, or over, if married, who can read and write, and own real estate or have an income of 200 bolivianos a year, said income not to be compensation for services as a servant.
From ' At Yuma, Phoenix and Tucson, the records of twenty-six, eighteen and fifteen years respectively show a rate of evaporation 35.2, 12.7, and 7.7 times as great as the mean annual rainfall, which was 2.84 in., 7.06 in.
From the 3rd century the use of the Hallel was extended to other occasions, and was gradually incorporated into the liturgy of eighteen festal days.
At the age of eighteen' he was teaching rhetoric, and a little later dogmatic theology, at the college of Olinda, besides writing the "annual letters" of the province.
After a feeble and ineffectual reign of eighteen months Louis died at Compiegne on the Loth or 11th of April 879.
Its portico supported by eighteen colossal Ionic columns is reached by a wide flight of steps.
The city is divided into twelve radial systems, each with a pumping station, and the drainage is forced through five mains to eighteen sewage farms, each of which is under careful sanitary supervision, in respect both of the persons employed thereon, and the products, mainly milk, passing thence to the city for human consumption.
Left an orphan at eighteen, with an estate heavily encumbered, he was by special decree of the grand duke of Tuscany declared of age.
The scenes are partly mythological (labours of Heracles), partly purely heraldic. Eighteen panels were transported to the Louvre in 1838; other fragments rewarded the Americans, and a scientific ground-plan was drawn.
At Brant Broughton for eighteen years he spent his time in study, the first result of which was his treatise on the Alliance between Church and State (1736).
He came to the throne at the age of eighteen in the midst of the Chaldean invasion of Judah, and is said to have reigned three months.
Having at the age of eighteen become a member of the Society of Jesus, he studied theology at Coimbra, and afterwards became professor in the university of Evora, Portugal.
The most remarkable of these sieges lasted eighteen months, from June 1218 to November 1219, and ended in the capture of the town, which was, however, held but for a brief period.
However this may be, before he had time to mature his schemes, and when he had been the director of Russian policy for only eighteen months, he died suddenly of heart disease when travelling with the emperor on the 30th of August 1896.
With a mixed crew of eighteen or twenty men he left the Texel in the "Half-Moon" on the 6th of April, and by the 5th of May was in the Barents Sea, and soon afterwards among the ice near Novaya Zemlya, where he had been the year before.
The government of the city is vested in a council consisting of the mayor and four controllers elected annually and eighteen aldermen (three from each of the six wards into which the city is divided).
The north-east line, with fifteen islands, is called Ratak, the other, numbering eighteen, Ralik.
These qualities adhered to him through life, and he had scarcely left Harrow, at the age of eighteen, when the death of his father (April 17, 1802) raised him to the Irish peerage.
In May and June the sun shines from eighteen to twenty hours and diffused twilight fills the rest of the day.
The Itzas were one of the eighteen semi-independent Maya states, whose incessant internecine wars at length brought about the dismemberment of the empire of Xibalba and the destruction of Mayan civilization.
Manaoag includes the town proper and eighteen barrios.
In 1909 the Senate had eighteen and the House forty-five members.
In 1909 there were 685 public schools in the state; the total number of pupils of school age (six to eighteen years) was 102,050, the number enrolled in the public schools was 84,804, and the average daily attendance was 66,774; the total number of teachers was 2255 (1645 women), and the average monthly salary of men teachers was 888.13 and of women $57.44; and the total expenditure for public education was $2,762,581 for the year, being more than twice as much as was expended by the state ten years before.
Under a law of 1905, amended in 1907 and 1909, provision is made for separate juvenile courts in all districts in which there are cities of the first (Salt Lake City) or the second class (Ogden, Logan and Provo) with jurisdiction over children under eighteen years of age; and similar jurisdiction is given to district courts elsewhere.
His pupil, Samuel Hopkins, in 1765 published two volumes from manuscript containing eighteen sermons and a memoir; the younger Jonathan Edwards with Dr Erskine published an edition in 4 volumes (1744 sqq.), and Samuel Austin in 1808 edited an edition in 8 volumes.
The work was probably done in or about 1470, when Leonardo was eighteen years old.
He remained abroad for eighteen months.
After 1608 this assembly Consti= consisted of nineteen members, one representing the tution nobility (ridderschap), and eighteen, the towns.
By the use of this form of construction buildings were carried to the height of eighteen or nineteen storeys.
When his elder brother, Louis X., died, on the 5th of July 1316, leaving his second wife, Clemence of Hungary, with child, Philip was appointed regent for eighteen years by the parliament of Paris, even in the event of a male heir being born.
Garnet supervised the Jesuit mission for eighteen years with conspicuous success.
He graduated in 1825, at the age of eighteen, with honours, among others that of writing the "class poem" - taking the fourth place in a class of thirty-eight.
Arriving in Naples at the age of eighteen, he devoted himself to the study of law, but his legal pursuits were much surpassed in importance by his literary labours.
He began his career as a journalist, at the age of eighteen, in Cork.
Mustiola is a basilica with a nave and two aisles, with eighteen columns of different kinds of marble, from ancient buildings.
Eighteen industries in 1905 employed nearly three-fifths of the wage-earners in factories and were represented by nearly two-thirds ($293,882,705) of the total product.
It is quite certain that Bunyan was, at eighteen, what, in any but the most austerely puritanical circles, would have been considered as a young man of singular gravity and innocence.
The length of their life is difficult to assign, because there is some tendency for a new group to arise where an old one has disappeared; but one is recorded which appeared in the same place for eighteen months; the average is perhaps two months.
The Republic of New Granada was founded on the 21st of November 1831; and in 1832 a constitution was promulgated, and the territory divided into eighteen provinces, each of which was to have control of its local affairs.
Prematurely born at Buda on the ist of July 1506, it required all the resources of medical science to keep the sickly child alive, yet he developed so precociously that at the age of thirteen he was well bearded and moustached, while at eighteen his hair was silvery white.
After being educated by the Jesuits of Rouen, Corneille at the age of eighteen was entered as avocat, and in 1624 took the oaths, as we are told, four years before the regular time, a dispensation having been procured.
For the next eighteen months he was the absolute master of the Ukraine, which he divided into sixteen provinces, made his native place Chigirin the Cossack capital, and entered into direct relations with foreign powers.
In 15 70 he sustained no fewer than three hundred and eighteen theses at a disputation in Mantua, with such applause that the duke made him court theologian.
Eighteen months had now elapsed since the turning-point of Gotama's career - his great struggle under the Bo tree.
The ox is very generally used as a draught animal in country districts remote from railways; sixteen or eighteen oxen being harnessed to a wagon carrying 3 to 4 tons.
By a law passed in 1878 every able-bodied man between eighteen and fifty is liable to military service without as well as within the limits of the state.
Only four of the eighteen piles are left; on one of them stands the chapel of Saint-Benezet, a small Romanesque building.
The age of admission to the Samaj is eighteen, and members are expected to contribute to its funds at least 1% of their income.
The city comprises eleven wards and eighteen ecclesiastical parishes, and is under the jurisdiction of a council with lord provost, bailies, treasurer and dean of guild.
Aided by his faithful friend Maximilien de Bethune, baron de Rosny and duc de Sully (q.v.), he reformed the finances, repressed abuses, suppressed useless offices, extinguished the formidable debt and realized a reserve of eighteen millions.
This history (Rerum Gestarum Libri XXXI.) was originally in thirty-one books; of these the first thirteen are lost, the eighteen which remain cover the period from 353 to 378.
In 1766, when only eighteen, he was candidate for the chair of mathematics in Marischal College, Aberdeen, and, although he was unsuccessful, his claims were admitted to be high.
Huygens, in a letter dated the 8th of June 1694, wrote to Leibnitz, " I do not know if you are acquainted with the accident which has happened to the good Mr Newton, namely, that he has had an attack of phrenitis, which lasted eighteen months, and of which they say his friends have cured him by means of remedies, and keeping him shut up."
Thus 1820 might be read as one thousand eight hundred and twenty if it represented a number of men, but it would be read as eighteen hundred and twenty if it represented a year of the Christian era; while is.
This difficulty is not always recognized by teachers, who forget that they themselves had to be told that eighteen means eight-and-ten.
Here he studied until he was eighteen.
The Danes hailed his son Canute, a lad of eighteen, as king, but many of the English, though they had submitted to a hard-handed conqueror like Sweyn, were not prepared to be handed over like slaves to his untried successor.
Canute had been an impressionable lad of eighteen or nineteen when he was crowned; he was ready and eager to learn and to forget.
The bishops registers of the diocese of Norwich show that many parishes had three and some four successive vicars admitted in eighteen months.
The men of the 14th century, who commanded armies and executed coups detat at eighteen, were often worn out by sixty.
The tool selected was one Perkiri Warbeck, a handsome youth of seventeen or eighteen, the son of a citizen of Tournai, who had lived for some time in London, where Perkin had actually been born.
In 1531 the clergy in convocation, terrified by the charge of praemunirc brought against them for recognizing Wolseys legatine authority, paid Henry a hundred and eighteen thousand pounds and recognized him as supreme head of the church so far as the law of Christ would allow.
Briefly stated, his proposal was that no child under nine years of age should be employed in a factory, and that no young person under eighteen should be employed for more than twelve hours a day.
For thirty years he took an active part in the business of the Royal Astronomical Society, editing its publications, supplying obituary notices of members, and for eighteen years acting as one of the honorary secretaries.
Twenty years later Pierre Esprit, Sieur de Radisson, and Medard Chouart, Sieur des Groseilliers, started (16J4) from Quebec, crossed Lakes Huron and Michigan, wintered in Wisconsin, ascended the Fox, crossed to the Wisconsin and possibly reached the Mississippi river eighteen years before Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet.
The Benjamin D'Israeli, Lord Beaconsfield's grandfather, who came to England in 1748, was a younger son sent at eighteen to try his fortune in London.
This he did with an industry stiffened by matchless self-confidence and by ambitions fully mature before he was eighteen.
The government in which Disraeli was again financial minister lasted for less than eighteen months (1858-1859), and then ensued another seven years in the cold and yet colder shade of Opposition.
Subsequently, at Hydra, he put to flight eighteen Turkish vessels.
The long, sparingly branched stem bore at the somewhat swollen nodes whorls of six to eighteen wedge-shaped or linear leaves, which did not alternate in successive whorls.
After studying law at Vienna, in 1829 he entered the public service, and during the next eighteen years was constantly occupied, chiefly in Lower Austria.
An instance of this is given in the Philosophical Transactions (1768), where it is stated that one seedling plant in the Cambridge botanic garden was divided into eighteen parts, each of which was replanted and subsequently again divided, till it produced sixty-seven plants in one season.
Still to be provided for is the interest on the operating expenses for eighteen months, which will, at 8%, be 48 cents per acre.
This charter was confirmed in 1611 and 1689, and held force until the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835, which established six aldermen and eighteen councillors.
The best-known volcano is Hekla (5108 ft.), which was in eruption eighteen times within the historic period down to 1845.
Eighteen newspapers are issued (once and twice a week), besides several journals, and Iceland has always been distinguished for her native literature.
In the national army, which is organized in 5 divisions, with headquarters at Nish, Belgrade, Valyevo, Kraguyevats and Zayechar, every able-bodied citizen must serve (for two years in the artillery and cavalry or eighteen months in other branches) between his 21st and his 45th year.
Eighteen observatories scattered north and south of the equator divided the sky among them; and the outcome of their combined operations aimed at the production of a catalogue of at least 2,000,000 strictly determined stars, together with a colossal map in 22,000 sheets, showing stars to the fourteenth magnitude, in numbers difficult to estimate.
As a child she was interested in the stories of martyrs, and at the age of eighteen left home one morning, and applied for admission at the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation.
The city is governed by a mayor, a board of aldermen (one from each of eight wards) and a common council of eighteen members (two or three from each ward, according to population), elected in December every other year.
Meanwhile he had clandestinely married in 1671 a cousin of Lauderdale, Lady Margaret Kennedy, daughter of John Kennedy, 6th earl of Cassilis, a lady who had already taken an active part in affairs in Scotland, and was eighteen years older than Burnet.
In ecclesiastical matters he threw in his lot with Thomas Tillotson and John Tenison, and at the time of the Revolution had written some eighteen polemics against encroachments of the Roman Catholic Church.
The ensuing period of eighteen years is the best known in Irish history.
All these personages were undistinguished figures beyond whom might be discerned the cold clear-cut profile of Marie de Medicis secretary, now a cardinal, who was to take the helm and act as viceroy during eighteen years.
His residence at Padua, which extended over a period of eighteen years, from 1592 to 1610, was a course of uninterrupted prosperity.
The great cities in Castile and Leon succeeded finally in reducing the right of representation to a privilege of eighteen among them, with the good will of the king, who found it easier to coerce or bribe the procurators of eighteen towns than the representatives of a hundred and fifty.
The representatives of the third estate were confined by the indifference of the Castilians to eighteen towns, whose procurators were named by the councils either from among themselves in rotation, or from particular families.
Throughout his reign he respected the claim of the Cortes that no new taxation should be raised without its consent, but as he had to deal only with the representatives of eighteen cities, who could generally be bribed, he rarely failed to secure what he demanded.
It was only defeated by the hard fighting of eighteen of the palace guards at the head of the main staircase.
In about eighteen months they managed to drive the rebels into the eastern districts of the island, Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba, and induced all but a few irreconcilable chiefs to accept a convention that became famous under the name of the peace treaty of Zanjon.
At the age of eighteen he attracted the notice of the elder Scaliger, and was invited to lecture in the archiepiscopal college at Auch.
At the age of eighteen Cowper entered a solicitor's office in Ely Place, Holborn.
His friends were informed, and he was sent to a private lunatic asylum at St Albans, where he remained for eighteen months under the charge of Dr Nathaniel Cotton, the author of Visions.
For the next eighteen months he was occupied in preparing for war with Austria.
The vertebral column consists of seven cervical, eighteen dorsal, six lumbar, five sacral, and fifteen to eighteen caudal vertebrae.
The ribs are eighteen or nineteen in number on each side, flattened, and united to the sternum by short, stout, tolerably well ossified sternal ribs.
He ran or walked over for eighteen races, and was never beaten.
In a period of 30 years (1869-1898) there were, according to the state Board of Agriculture, four seasons whose crops could reasonably be classed as failures, three more as " short," one as fair, eighteen as good, and four as great.
There are seventeen pairs in P. capensis and eighteen in P. balfouri, while in P. jamaicensis the number varies from twenty-nine to forty-three.
His reign began with the seizure for eighteen months of Constantinople by his brother-in-law Artavasdes, who temporarily restored the images.
He succeeded Fahlcrantz in 1866 as one of the eighteen of the Swedish Academy, and in 1870 became minister for education (Ekklesiastikminister) in the Adlercreutz government, upon the fall of which in 1875 he retired for a time into private life.
Yet the fact that the long, soft Conchoderma auritum stands exposed on the Coronula, sometimes ten on one, indicates that the whale can have little chance of evicting its tenants, even at the expense of rubbing off the eighteen flattened horns of its own skin embedded in cavities round the domed base of the Coronula shell.
But this pontiff died soon after his election; and after a delay of eighteen months, during which Frederick marched against Rome on two occasions and devastated the lands of his opponents, one of his partisans, Sinibaldo Fiesco,was chosen pope, and took the name of Innocent IV.
The former is composed of eighteen members elected for six years.
Splits in the Conservative ranks forced Canovas to resign at the end of 1893, and Sagasta came in for eighteen months.
At eighteen he became a pupil of Heinrich Pestalozzi, and afterwards studied at Heidelberg.
In all thirteen men, eighteen women, and twenty-four children had been butchered.
The act for establishing the Tennessee Reformatory for Boys provides that the institution shall be governed by a board of trustees consisting of the governor and five other members, one retiring each year; that boys under eighteen years of age who are convicted of a penitentiary offence shall be sent to it; that the trustees may transfer incorrigible boys to the penitentiary, put others out in', the service of citizens on probation, or recommend them to the governor for pardon.
I was enthralled—an eighteen year old at the time, but I never forgot him.
He and his army almost decimated our population in the eighteen hundreds... can I ask you a question?
Ignorant of the world, we stood aghast at the charge of eighteen pence for each.
The accumulation of poisonous alkaloids can result in liver sclerosis, which may not be obvious for up to eighteen months.
At eighteen he was in the full county side batting at number eleven.
The outer ward is nearly square, and its walls are nine feet in thickness and eighteen feet in height, surmounted by battlements.
The long vaulted casemates that today face the parade were known as Eighteen Gun Battery.
At eighteen my sister turned down the right of dual citizenship which I would love to have the opportunity of.
They lost eighteen of their aircraft and the raid broke up in utter disarray although a few bombs did fall on land.
One of my fellow examinees told me he'd been working for the exam for eighteen months, and he looked pretty relaxed!
Heke had withdrawn eighteen miles inland and his tribe had erected a formidable fortification.
We now have eighteen en-suite bedrooms with lots of original romantic four-poster, half-tester antique beds and beamed suites.
About a quarter of a mile behind these eighteen pounder guns there were 4.5 inch howitzers.
He succeeded his father on the throne in early manhood, probably about sixteen or eighteen years of age.
Eighteen steps had step nosings, 11 of which were colour-contrasted.
At the age of eighteen months, however, he contracted polio, which would leave him lame for the rest of his life.
In our eighteen hundred miles of driving, we found only one road that had several potholes in it.
Oakes became a local preacher at the age of eighteen.
It was the first time I'd seen her for about eighteen months, and even through the glass partition she looked rough the glass partition she looked rough.
Foreground left is HMS Snake, an eighteen gun sloop from Nelson's era.
In 1913 Annie Kenney was sentenced to eighteen months in prison and like other suffragettes she went on hunger and thirst strike.
He was promoted to chief superintendent in 1997 taking over command of Brompton division for eighteen months.
A silver tankard was bought with John Kyrle's money, weighing somewhat over eighteen ounces.
Servants often worked eighteen hours a day with only half a day off once a week, for very low wages.
A military career was not initially on the cards as he left school and worked as an apprentice watchmaker and pawnbroker for eighteen months.
My daughters wooed, engaged and married by _machinery!_ And you're only eighteen; do you hear me?
Eighteen quid's worth of gasoline is about the same price as a decent bottle of whiskey isn't it?
Train with ' Drops Of Jupiter ' looks set to be this years yo yo record as it climbs to number eighteen.
Nineteen judges elected for terms of eight years in eighteen circuits compose the circuit court, the judges of which have original jurisdiction of matters involving more than $50; of all cases of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition; of all cases in equity; and of all crimes and misdemeanours.
He graduated from Yale in 1735, studied theology for a time under Jonathan Edwards, was licensed to preach when scarcely eighteen years old, and from 1740 until his death, on the 6th of March 1790, was pastor of the Congregational church at Bethlehem, Connecticut.
Il mourut l'an 1616, et fut enterre hors la Porte Occidentale d'Edinbourg, dans l'Eglise de Sainct Cudbert.'" There can be no doubt that Napier's devotion to mathematics was not due to old age and the gout, and that he died in 1617 and not in 1616; still these sentences were written within eighteen years of Napier's death, and their author seems to have had some special sources of information.
It was in 1788, eighteen years after Captain Cook explored the east coast, that Port Jackson was founded as a penal station for criminals from England; and the settlement retained that character, more or less, during the subsequent fifty years, transportation being virtually suspended in 1839.
Emperor and king of Sicily, he was the natural enemy of popes, who could not tolerate so overwhelming a rival, After Fredericks death, the popes carried on their war for eighteen years against his descendants.
A passage in a treatise falsely ascribed to him (De Disciplina Scholarium) and a misinterpretation of a passage in Cassiodorus led early scholars to suppose that he spent some eighteen years in Athens pursuing his studies, but there is no foundation for this opinion.
Its fortifications were strengthened by the tyrant Nabis, but in 195 B.C. it was invested and taken by Titus and Lucius Quintius Flamininus, and, though recovered by Nabis two or three years later, was recaptured immediately after his murder (192 B.C.) by Philopoemen and Aulus Atilius and remained in the Achaean League until its dissolution in 146 B.C. Subsequently it formed the most important of the Eleutherolaconian towns, a group of twenty-four, later eighteen, communities leagued together to maintain their autonomy against Sparta and declared free by Augustus.
For some eighteen months Ælfwyn seems to have wielded her mother's authority, and then, just before the Christmas of 919, Edward took Mercia into his own hands, and Ælfwyn was "led away" into Wessex.
He set at naught the jealousy of his superiors and brother friars, and despite the want of funds, instruments, materials for copying and skilled copyists, completed in about eighteen months three large treatises, the Opus Majus, Opus Minus and Opus Tertium, which, with some other tracts, were despatched to the pope.
In Maxwell's Manual, pp. 120 seq., no less than sixteen terms are given to express the different kinds of striking, as many for the different kinds of speaking, eighteen for the various modes of carrying, &c. An unnecessary distinction has been made between High Malay and Low Malay.
Early on the 1st of July he was dead, and his son Abd-ul-Mejid, a lad of eighteen, reigned in his stead (see Mahmud Ii.).
Eighteen years later, in 1638, it was besieged by Sultan Murad IV., with an army of 300,000 men and, after an obstinate resistance, forced to surrender, when, in defiance of the terms of capitulation, most of the inhabitants were massacred.
Of the twenty-four cities which originally composed the league, only eighteen remained as members by the reign of Hadrian (see Achaean League).
Suspended after the collapse of the Hungarian revolt in 1849 for some eighteen years, the constitution was restored in 1867 under the terms of the Compromise (Ausgleich) with Austria, which established the actual organization of the country (see History, below).
He gave the principal prayer, consisting of eighteen benedictions, its final revision, and declared it every Israelite's duty to recite it three times daily.
The State Training School is for the reformatory training of children between eight and eighteen years of age who have been found guilty of any crime other than murder, manslaughter or highway robbery, or who for some other cause have been committed to it by a court of competent jurisdiction.
It returned two members to parliament in 1302, but no charter of incorporation was issued until that of Elizabeth in 1590, instituting a common council of a mayor and eighteen burgesses, three of whom were to be elected capital burgesses, with a recorder, steward of the borough court, two sergeants-at-mace, and a court of record every three weeks on Monday.
Indeed the two states may contradict each other, as in the case of the 4th-century Christian pilgrim to Jerusalem who boasted that she had not washed her face for eighteen years for fear of removing therefrom the holy chrism of baptism.
The government was henceforth to be in the hands of a redo nieustajaca, or permanent council of thirty-six members, eighteen senators and eighteen deputies, elected biennially by the sejm in secret ballot, subdivided into the five departments of foreign affairs, police, war, justice and the exchequer, whose principal members and assistants, as well as all other public functionaries, were to have fixed salaries.
Hard by is the kitchen garden (o), the beds bearing the names of the vegetables growing in them, onions, garlic, celery, lettuces, poppy, carrots, cabbages, &c., eighteen in all.
Upon his death in 465 - said to be due to the poison of Ricimer - this emperor-maker ruled the West for eighteen months without an emperor, and then accepted Leo's candidate Anthemius, diplomatically married his daughter, and for some time lived in peace with him.
At the 18th session of the council of Trent (26th February 1562), in consideration of the great increase in the number of suspect and pernicious books,.and also of the inefficacy of the many previous "censures" which had proceeded from the provinces and from Rome itself, eighteen fathers with a certain number of theologians were appointed to inquire into these "censures," and to consider what ought to be done in the circumstances.
The cost of everything from random-access memory (RAM) to disk storage space seemed to be shrinking by half every eighteen months.
Eighteen years of conflict have not seen a military solution to the rebellion in the north.
The juvenile or developmental " retriever cataracts " can be diagnosed at six to eighteen months of age.
It was the first time I 'd seen her for about eighteen months, and even through the glass partition she looked rough.
There are eighteen computers in the Computing and Teaching lab, two of which also have a flatbed scanner directly connected.
Foreground left is HMS Snake, an eighteen gun sloop from Nelson 's era.
A silver tankard was bought with John Kyrle 's money, weighing somewhat over eighteen ounces.
Brown was undaunted by the fact that he was accompanied by only eighteen followers.
Eighteen quid 's worth of gasoline is about the same price as a decent bottle of whiskey is n't it?
Simply Boxes draws on eighteen years experience within the packaging industry.
Mirza has already served eighteen years in prison in what has been a clear miscarriage of justice.
Most children can begin potty training somewhere between the ages of eighteen months and three years.
Some start as early as eighteen months, while others may not begin until they've reached their third birthday.
Some children begin potty training as early as eighteen months, while others may wait until they are three years or more.
Eighteen karats is 75 percent gold, while 12 karats is about 50 percent pure.
Eighteen to twenty-gauge models are the sturdiest options.
Eighteen of the 50 United States have laws against owning exotic animals.
Either offer can be valid for six to eighteen months, or until the transferred balance is completely paid.
You might be able to extend an introductory period from six to eighteen months.
On the Walnut Creek Furniture website are samples of eighteen of the most popular finish choices and there are many more available.
Arizona Leather has eighteen retail store locations in three states with only one discount clearance outlet, the Arizona Leather Clearance Center located in Chino, California.
The bags were 17.25" by 16" X 6" and sold for around eighteen dollars.
The Classic line is available in eight colors in twelve ounce, eighteen ounce, twenty-seven ounce, and forty ounce sizes.
Made of stainless steel it has a slim design that comes in a twelve ounce, eighteen ounce, and twenty-seven ounce sizes and fits most cup holders.
The shades are translucent and come in eighteen earthy colors.
Keep in mind that a teen, by definition, is from around thirteen to eighteen (preteens are a bit earlier).
Let It Ring requires eighteen plus characters and a variable male-female chorus of at least sixteen.
If you are trying to get any jobs like the ones listed above before you are eighteen, you will not be able to get a work permit for them and will not be hired by the company.
While in most states and cases the legal age for teenagers leaving home is eighteen, some teens leave home when they are as young as sixteen.
While not all teens want to leave home at such a young age, those with family problems, drug addictions, or those who want to go into the military at a younger age than eighteen often will want to escape their parent's home.
In America, a teenager is not considered an adult until he or she is eighteen.
While not all homes are ideal for a teenager to stay in, a lot of teens have a good home life and should not move out when they are sixteen or eighteen.
A doctoral degree adds an additional eighteen months to two years onto the education.
Most cruise lines will permit children to sail as young as eighteen months or just one year old, though policies vary.
The vet also said it may heal naturally by keeping him in his kennel for twelve to eighteen weeks.
In my honest opinion, it is unacceptable to keep your dog crated and untreated for up to eighteen weeks.
Regardless of materials, the skirts measure approximately twelve to eighteen inches in length and twenty to twenty-two inches in width, excluding the cord.
This shrub grows over eighteen inches annually, reaching a mature height and spread of about eight feet.
Though not large, the flowers are good in color, composed of eighteen cupped and shapely petals.
The fern-like foliage spreads twelve to eighteen inches with about the same height.
Traditionally, an asparagus trench is dug about eighteen inches wide and about two and a half to three feet deep.
Fill the bottom of the trench with a drainage layer of rubble or gravel, followed by a foot or eighteen inches of rotted manure.
Many modern growers dig shallower trenches, twelve to eighteen inches deep.
They take the form of six diagrammed lines that are interspersed with some numbers, zero through eighteen.
If you prefer a chunkier style, you might enjoy mega charms that are eighteen millimeters wide.
Medium bands hold up to eighteen charms.
A grade of 18k would be eighteen parts of gold to six parts of other metals.
With locations in eighteen states, the company is one of the few to offer housing options that fit the needs of seniors at all economic levels.
However, if you are under eighteen, the odds are very good that you'll probably need to discuss this issue, and price, with your parent(s).
Hold the reading material roughly eighteen inches from your eyes-whatever's most comfortable for you.
The strap is both adjustable and removable and are designed for children zero to eighteen months.
The eighteen hole Arizona Grand Golf Course is a highly rated facility that blends magnificently with the surrounding desert landscape.
Within a year there were twelve saleswomen selling eighteen different fragrances door to door.
Eighteen percent and 14 percent of these same respective ages were cared for by a nonrelative in a home environment.
The optimum feng shui bed height for the most restful sleep (not to mention healthy love life) is eighteen inches off the floor, measuring from the floor to the top of the mattress.
The Dugger family has eighteen natural born children, and there probably aren't many homeschool families that can beat that number, but many families have five or more in their family.
In 2003, Consumer Reports tested eighteen pregnancy tests for accuracy and ease of use.
You don't need a prescription if you're over eighteen, though you will have to speak with the pharmacist and show your ID for age verification.
At age eighteen, Ashley Paige left Florida, hopped a bus and headed to Los Angeles to live her dream of being a fashion designer.
The High Boy is more like a standard lawn chair, sitting about eighteen to twenty-four inches off the ground.
Here, the traditional fifteen-inch inseam is replaced by one that is eighteen inches in length; falling a bit lower than the mid thigh.
You must be eighteen years or older and hold a high school diploma or the equivalent.
Once you click the "over eighteen" enter button, the world of Malibu swim unfolds before you.
By age eighteen, Forbes Magazine had her pegged as one of the tope ten money earning models in the world.
Most legitimate swimsuit models who are in their teens are eighteen or nineteen and thus legal.
In addition to these basic styles, you can also find no less than eighteen fashionable variations, so what you'll eventually wind up with a nearly custom suit.
If you're a size eighteen, order a large.
Also, just like a game played on the golf course, most versions of the card game Golf consist of nine or eighteen deals, which is equal to the number of holes played on a golf course.
These are tall, fairly thin candles with numbers from one to twenty-one (or sometimes up to thirteen or eighteen) printed on one side, starting from the top.
Most dating sites require participants to be at least eighteen.
Chat Avenue doesn't even require registration, nor does it require you to be eighteen to chat there.
A University of Texas study showed that even without all the traditions and barriers of historical courtship, couples take an average of eighteen months to decide to tie the knot.
Lower karat values are also less expensive so considera 12- or 14-karat ring instead of an eighteen carat ring.
Most engagements last between twelve and eighteen months, during which time the couple can budget appropriately for a more expensive diamond ring to accompany the wedding ceremony.
There are eighteen very unusual settings in this collection.
The vinyl coin purse comes in eighteen colors, including translucent greens, pinks and purples.
Rounding out the look is the dual leather strap that is eighteen inches in length and features an eight inch drop.
Cosmo Girl is the teenage companion (both in print and online) to Cosmopolitan (a magazine geared towards women eighteen and up).
Typically, between eighteen months and three years is the starting point.
Five dollars a week can add up to several thousands dollars by the time each child reaches eighteen.
Emotiv Systems Inc., another company also based in California, has developed a gel-free headset which has eighteen sensors.
Tracy Martin was a married, 33-year-old mother of twins who died in a fatal car crash on June 30 only eighteen days before the surveillance video surfaced on the news.
Because many toddlers are not sure on their feet until between fifteen and eighteen months (or more), you want to give them ample time to learn to walk barefoot before introducing footwear.
Season one of Gossip Girl featured eighteen episodes in the abbreviated 2007-2008 television season.
Jason lived with his grandmother Adele Stackhouse after the death of his parents, but moved out at eighteen to return to the home his parents had lived in.
Though the price is high, The Four Seasons treats children like royalty and children under the age of eighteen stay free.
The onset of Rett's disorder usually occurs between the ages of six and eighteen months with a gradual appearance of mental and physical symptoms.
This disorder strikes after approximately six to eighteen months of typical development.
Touring editions are often less expensive than other models and this owner felt the eighteen combined gas mileage promised from Honda was incorrect, claiming only fourteen miles per gallon were achieved.
The Clunker - Your clunker, or the vehicle you want to trade in, must be in drivable condition and have a combined fuel efficiency of eighteen miles per gallon or less.
Landmark Dental has a waiting period of eighteen months for any major dental work, but no waiting period for routine appointments.
Strap on one of the modern push up bras and help your chest defy gravity as if you were eighteen again.
The night it aired on Easter, the local minor league baseball team let us use their field and we had an eighteen foot inflatable screen and invited everyone who worked on the house to come out and watch it there.
Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have eighteen children ranging in age from 21 to just one year.
She has also said that the cameras will be on hand several times a year, until the babies are eighteen years old.
Their money will go into a trust fund, to be made available to them when they are eighteen.
Alexis Neiers - Eighteen year old Alexis became the focal point of the show thanks to her legal troubles.
Isaac Asimov sold his first short story, Marooned off Vesta, to Amazing Stories when he was eighteen.
Since eighteen currencies are supported, it's a great way to gather donations from all over the world!
Eighteen collegiate teams, including the University of Arkansas and Virginia Military Institute, have switched their programs to Reebok gear.
Betsy is standing on one leg and she's holding a Time magazine, open to page eighteen.
She'd stayed after she turned eighteen, because he was the only one who understood her strange gift.
My parents died in a house fire when I was eighteen.
Sorry you'll miss out on the other eighteen.
All persons under the age of eighteen must complete and mail a consent of minors use of the ice park in the box below.
Faenza held out, for the people were devoted to their lord, Astorre Manfredi, a handsome and virtuous youth of eighteen.
Although acting as minister of foreign affairs he was never made chancellor; but he was the political mentor of Catherine during the first eighteen years of her reign.
For the next eighteen years its freedom from Danish attack made Sherborne the capital of Wessex.
In later life he was accustomed to say that he knew as much about mathematics when he was eighteen as ever he knew; but his reading embraced nearly the whole round of knowledge - history, travels, poetry, philosophy and the natural sciences.
For some eighteen months Ælfwyn seems to have wielded her mother's authority, and then, just before the Christmas of 919, Edward took Mercia into his own hands, and Ælfwyn was "led away" into Wessex.
In the eighteen years which elapsed between 533 and the composition of the Getica of Jordanes, great events, most disastrous for the Romano-Gothic monarchy of Theodoric, had taken place.
Lovering is first mentioned as master in 1619, so that Taylor probably spent seven years at the school before he was entered at Gonville and Caius College as a sizar in 1626, 1 eighteen months after Milton had entered Christ's, and while George Herbert was public orator and Edmund Waller and Thomas Fuller were undergraduates of the university.
The Great (242-187), Callinicus's younger son, a youth of about eighteen, now succeeded to a disorganized kingdom (223).
Napoleon wished to postpone the rupture for fully eighteen months, as is shown by his secret instructions to Decaen.
Every lineal descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger of the "Mayflower" is eligible to membership. Branch societies have since been organized in several of the states and in the District of Columbia, and a triennial congress is held in Plymouth.
However, Nitzsch had not as yet seen his way to proposing any methodical arrangement of the various groups of birds, and it was not until some eighteen months later that a scheme of classification in the main anatomical was attempted.
Eustace was knighted in 1147, at which date he was probably from sixteen to eighteen years of age; and in 1151 he joined Louis in an abortive raid upon Normandy, which had accepted the title of the empress Matilda, and was now defended by her husband, Geoffrey of Anjou.
It consists of two storeys with open colonnades, forming a long loggia on the ground and first floors, with seventeen arches on the sea front and eighteen on the other facade.
After an interval of about eighteen months, however, he definitively betook himself to an academic career, "habilitating" in Heidelberg, where two vacancies had occurred in the theological faculty of the university.
In 1435 he had married a girl of eighteen named Vaggia, of the famous Buondelmonte blood.
The estates of the county had the bishop of Cahors for president; other members were the bishop of Montauban and other ecclesiastics, four viscounts, four barons and some other lords and representatives of eighteen towns.
Robert Key at Saham Tony in 1832 won over a young woman who converted her brother, Robert Eaglen, who, eighteen years later at Colchester, proved so decisive a factor in the life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
In 1548 Tartaglia accepted a situation as professor of Euclid at Brescia, but returned to Venice at the end of eighteen months.
Eventually the civil code with some changes was adopted in twenty-four states, and the criminal code in eighteen, and the whole formed a basis of the reform in procedure in England and several of her colonies.
Ignatius, now a priest, waited for eighteen months before saying Mass, which he did for the first time on the 25th of December 1538 in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.
Duke John of Saxony had placed him on the commission for church visitation in Thuringia, and in 1529 appointed him pastor and superintendent at Eisenach, where for eighteen years he administered church affairs with tact, and fostered the spread of education.
He was at that period between seventeen and eighteen years old, and at nineteen, he says, "I married, or rather I was married."
In order to dominate the Sacred College more completely he created twelve new cardinals, among them his own son Cesare, then only eighteen years old, and Alessandro Farnese, the brother of Giulia Bella, one of the pope's mistresses, creations which caused much scandal.
At the end of eighteen months his master returned, and, the moment his voice was heard, the wolf recognized him and lavished on him the most affectionate caresses.
He commanded the fathers to disperse, and appointed Bologna as their meeting-place in eighteen months' time, his intention being to make the session of the council coincide with some conferences with representatives of the Greek church, which were to be held there with a view to union (18th December 1431).
This post he held for eighteen months only, but in that brief period he obtained a reputation as a social and municipal reformer.
When he had attained the age of eighteen or nineteen years, Cosimo received him into his household, and determined to make use of his rare disposition for scholarship in the development of a long-cherished project.
Nearly allied is Neophocaena phocaenoides, a small species from the Indian Ocean and Japan, with teeth of the same form as those of the porpoise, but fewer in number (eighteen to twenty on each side), of larger size, and more distinctly notched or lobed on the free edge.
Nevertheless by mid=day their strength was well-nigh exhausted, whilst the Prussian reserve, eighteen battalions of guards under Kalckreuth, stood intact and ready to engage.
Meanwhile rumours from the battle-field at Jena, magnified as usual, began to reach the staff, and these may possibly have influenced Kalckreuth, for when appealed to to attack with his eighteen battalions and win the day, he declined to move without the direct order of the commander-in-chief to do so, alleging that it was the duty of a reserve to cover the retreat and he considered himself personally responsible to the king for the guards entrusted to his care.
From about the age of eighteen he dropped his baptismal names of Lewis Balfour and called himself Robert Louis, but was mostly known to his relatives and intimate friends as "Louis."
While still a lad he became successively bishop of Bremen, bishop of Verden and coadjutor of Halberstadt, while at the age of eighteen he was the chief commandant of the fortress of Stade.
When Holland rose in revolt against French domination in 1813, after eighteen years of exile he landed at Scheveningen (on the 19th of November) and was on the 3rd of December, amid universal rejoicing, proclaimed prince sovereign of the Netherlands.
By the treaty of the eighteen articles, however, concluded at London on the 29th of June 1831, the kingdom of Belgium was recognized, and Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was elected king.
Other connubial speculations foundered on the personal dislike of the princess for the various suitors proposed to her, so that on the death of her mother (May 1727) and the departure to Holstein of her beloved sister Anne, her only remaining near relation, the princess found herself at the age of eighteen practically her own mistress.
According to Nordenskjold r it numbers only twenty-nine species of mammals, of which seven are marine and seventeen or eighteen may be safely considered as living beyond the forest limit.
There are nevertheless eighteen scientific societies in Siberia, which issue publications of great value.