Eh Sentence Examples
Eh? he asked, turning to the assistant.
You also MUST have a PC connected by wire to log onto the server, cool safety feature eh?
Even the simplest rhythms and lead lines can become dramatic, counter rhythmical textural effects can't say fairer than that, eh?
Great minds think alike Derek - what do these kids know eh?
Not the best was to get him back then eh?
But hey they just lend money to people to buy houses so what do you expect them to say eh!
When you've got to go you've got to go but that probably wasn't the best place to be going eh?
Jeez, the things you have to do to get a confirmation eh?
Oh, your poor sister - some people have all the bad luck eh?
Feudal Culture & Society With a few exceptions, the society and culture of the EH world is that of western European feudalism.
AdvertisementBut I don't want free hair restorer, tho a nice crisp fiver wouldn't be bad, eh?
Letâs remember folks, ripples & snowballs happen on both bears and bulls eh!
What do you think of such treatment as that from the ' best papa in the world, ' eh?
But you hurt somebody 's feelings and eh, you cannot kiss it better.
She throws a strop saying " What's the bloody point, eh?
AdvertisementAh, but I am but a humble supplicant at the altar of democracy, eh Polly?
Well, our ancestors seem to have covered all grounds like the local weatherman, eh?
Page 7 1 [Tetsusaiga (untransformed) stabs into Toukajin's stomach.] FX Tetsusaiga *slice through air* fx stomach whump Toukajin Eh.
Especially if he had a big wrench, eh?
We then have the polygon of forces Exaf, the reciprocal figure of the lines meeting at that point in the frame, and representing the forces at the point Exaf; the direction of the forces on EH and XA being known determines the direction of the forces due to the elastic reaction of the members AF and EF,, showing AF to push as a strut, while EF is a tie.
AdvertisementThe master was certainly puzzled by his pupil; he saw his ability, and, when Millet in his poverty could not longer pay the monthly fees, arranged for his free admission to the studio, but he tried in vain to make him take the approved direction, and lessons ended with "Eh, bien, allez a votre guise, vous etes si nouveau pour moi que je ne veux rien vous dire."
It's a bad business, eh?
However, I think the regiment is not a bad one, eh?
So you're a messenger of victory, eh?
So it seems you're a hero, eh?
AdvertisementIt's a good day, eh?
And how well he looks on his horse, eh?
If you want me to do as you wish, eh?
What is it you have got into your heads, eh?...
What are you thinking of, eh?
Those verses... those verses of Marin's... how do they go, eh?
So when you think you 're cool scooting around, all I see is a fat red Po saying " Eh oh " !
Many skeptics are false, so therefore ALL skeptics are false eh?
She throws a strop saying What 's the bloody point, eh?
In effect, this is an auxiliary clutch enabling the user to disengage instantly the drive tot eh rear roller.
Page 7 1 [Tetsusaiga (untransformed) stabs into Toukajin 's stomach.] fx Tetsusaiga *slice through air* fx stomach whump Toukajin Eh.
Wan eye wiz shut an ' eh ither wan wiz hardly open.
Pronounced DOL - cheh eh gab - ARNA, the clothing company is headquartered in Milan, Italy.
Some of the songs you can find on later versions of DDR, but if you want to be a true DDRist (I guess I made another term up, eh?) with a complete collection, then you need this one.
Yep, Dante's a demon hunter, and he's half-demon himself (sounds a little like Blade, eh?).
Eh, Sasha killed a couple of demons he really shouldn.t have.
Nothing like a restful stay in the sticks and a good night's sleep to freshen you up, eh?
Jackson patted him on the back, "Rough night, eh mate?"
One night and you're trying to change me already, eh?
The latter indeed tolerated the gosesn (soothsayer) as they did the seer (ro`eh).
From E draw EH perpendicular to OB, and EK to OA.
People in Scotland start saying " A bit hill billy... eh?
If you're a law-abiding citizen with nothing to hide you've nothing to fear, eh?
Two weeks in Marbella, eh, you lucky devil.
Eat Smaller Amounts More Often Eat More Often - sounds good eh!
See what we've done there, clever eh.
Yet as a kid - I hated the stuff - weird eh!
He's at his best in central defense and midfield - let's just leave him there eh?
Well, at least it's on UK TV now eh?
What is all this P24 and P46 stuff eh?
Any way, we're having a bit of fun eh?
Well, they sure don't seem to be living in the real world eh?
Another year older, but wiser too, thats the main thing eh?
Admit it, she looks foxy on the cover eh?
It comes on apace; my sumachs and sweetbriers tremble.--Eh, Mr. Poet, is it you?
Eh, Makeev? queried the doctor, in a tone of indifference.
For a hunt and a gallop, eh? asked Nicholas, scratching Milka behind the ears.
Really, eh? said he.
Eh? said Anatole, with a good-humored laugh.
Eh? said Anatole, making a grimace.
Eh? repeated Anatole, sincerely perplexed by a thought of the future.
Eh, Prince! said the trembling voice of Timokhin, who had run up and was looking down on the stretcher.
When there are two ovules in the same cell, they may be either collateral, that is, placed side by eh 1 h FIG.
Forgive us for Christ's sake, eh? said the peasants, smiling joyfully at him.