Egyptologists Sentence Examples
Scholars in England, America and Denmark, as well as in Germany, have taken part in this great enterprise, and though the completion of it may be far off, the collections of classified material already made are very valuable for consultation.i At present Egyptologists depend on Heinrich Brugschs admirable but somewhat antiquated Wrterbuch and on Levis useful but entirely uncritical Vocabolario.
Lauth and other Egyptologists, and have been referred to as the two most ancient maps in existence.
Now one of the kings, who corresponds with Amenhotep IV., is Burnaburiash (Burna-buryas), king of Babylon, and Egyptologists and Assyriologists are agreed that the date of these monarchs was c. 1400 B.C. The conquest of Canaan, consequently, could not have taken place till after 1400 B.C. (ii.) It is stated in Ex.
Egyptologists are at variance on the question whether this alphabet was the original, or had any influence upon the development of the Phoenician alphabet.
According to Egyptologists, the word means "the temple at the entrance of the lake."
While the Assyriologists have been making these astonishing revelations, the Egyptologists have not been behindhand.
By the lastnamed he finally exploded a fallacy which had up to that time vitiated the chronology of contemporary Egyptologists.
Unfortunately Egyptologists have rarely a wide knowledge of the myths of the lower races, while anthropologists are seldom or never Egyptologists.
Egyptologists generally hedge our bets and just transliterate aHaw in both cases.
The most recent work of Egyptologists proves a systematic civilization to have existed in the valley of the Nile at least 6000 to 7000 years ago (see Chronology).
AdvertisementTestimonials on the site detail the fabulous storytelling of the Egyptologists who go along for the ride.
There is no doubt you will be awed and inspired by the area surrounding the Nile, thanks to one of the knowledgeable Egyptologists that will be traveling with you.
Many people believe that the ancient Egyptians were the first to believe in reincarnation, but most Egyptologists disagree.