Egyptologist Sentence Examples
It was the work of Amenemhe III., of the 12th dynasty, who lived about 2300 B.C. It was first located by the Egyptologist Lepsius to the north of Hawara in the Fayum, and (in 1888) Flinders Petrie discovered its foundation, the extent of which is about l000 ft.
Karl Peter Lepsius (1775-1853), the antiquary and his more distinguished son Richard the Egyptologist, were born at Naumburg.
The Egyptologist who has long lived in the realm of conjecture is too prone to consider any feries of guesses good enough to serve as a translation, and forgets to insert the notes of interrogation which would warn workers in other fields from implicit trust.
His son JOHANN PETER ADOLF ERMAN (1854-), a famous Egyptologist, was born in Berlin on the 31st of October 1854.
Egyptology exhibition records the explorations of the 5th Earl of Carnarvon who, with Egyptologist Howard Carter, uncovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.
The company is well known for its clean ships, friendly staff, and professional Egyptologist guides.
This cruise also has an Egyptologist on board as well.