Effort Sentence Examples
I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it.
Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right from wrong than others.
With a little effort she located a canteen.
It took too much effort to look up at the sun to measure time.
She made no effort to catch them, letting them fall at her feet.
With effort, she turned her head away.
With an effort, she managed to straddle the vehicle behind him.
I think Alex makes a concentrated effort to drive his father crazy.
In 1967 the effort was intensified.
It doesn't matter to me one way or another, but I wish you would at least make an effort at seeing his side of it.
AdvertisementHe didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
With effort, she rolled him onto his back.
He made an effort to relax.
Her small effort was rewarded with a warm sweet smile.
For her sake, he made an effort to behave, but he truly loved the openings she gave him.
AdvertisementHis words were controlled with effort, his body so tense, she thought he'd snap any second.
She needed to put more effort into taking advantage of life while she could.
The effort of healing him had given her a headache.
With effort, Deidre hauled herself up onto a branch, wrapped her legs around it in a careful balancing act then stretched upward for the next.
Another image flashed, and Deidre gasped, covering her face with her hands in an effort to block it.
AdvertisementMiss Keller's effort to reach out and meet other people on their own intellectual ground has kept her informed of daily affairs.
Fitzgerald made no effort to take the offered paper.
One more effort and I reach the luminous cloud, the blue depths of the sky, the uplands of my desire.
Natasha sat easily and confidently on her black Arabchik and reined him in without effort with a firm hand.
Howie's body began a strange movement we knew to be his effort to move more rapidly.
AdvertisementHe listened without saying a word as I revealed everything, including Julie's effort to collect the million dollars.
Saddened, she made an effort to stand on her own legs.
We five hirelings, as dissimilar as snowflakes, are tripping over one another in an effort to display mutual accommodation.
It took more effort than he thought to break the otherworldly connection binding them.
She tested it as she walked to see how much effort it would take to control.
She cut him off with effort.
Moral reform is the effort to throw off sleep.
But he made an effort not to throw the child down and ran with her to the large house.
Was it honor that forced him to put aside this time and effort to her gain, or was it something else?
The process causes physical difficulty and effort.
In looking at them again, she could see the time and effort that would've been required to keep them cleaned and sharpened.
The effort made her dizzy.
Unwilling to appease the man she didn't like, she made no effort to match his pace.
The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol.
She was sweating from the effort of walking out of the medical facility.
It is almost no effort for me to row around the lake, no matter how heavy the load may be.
I can't bear this waiting and I shall cry in a minute! and she turned away from the glass, making an effort not to cry.
There was only one way to find out... well, maybe two, but asking Sarah or Giddon was probably wasted effort.
As long as Quinn could place Howie in the past, we'd do everything in our power to support the effort.
She jogged after him with great effort as he strode through the maze.
Dinner was a quiet affair, cooked by the returning Fred O'Connor—hamburgers, a tad over-broiled, but the Deans appreciated the effort as they were busy with Bird Song's other chores.
Dean looked at her but made no effort to rise.
She rose with effort.
The city had struggled through the drabness of poverty and joblessness in an effort to raise itself from the ashes of long-dead industries.
With the air cleared of all the secrets, and both of them making a concentrated effort to get along, even the children appeared to be happier.
I can move you from one place to another with no effort.
In addition to these, notwithstanding government opposition, a series been given to the effort for improvement, and that the question had been seriously taken in hand by the imperial administration and the Duma.
In the case of Kazan and Astrakhan the annexation was effected without any great effort in 1552-54, and two years later the Bashkirs, who had likewise formed part of the great Mongol empire, consented to pay tribute.
When the patriots under Koscziusko made a desperate effort to recover the national independence the struggle produced a third partition (1795), by which the remainder of the kingdom was again divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria.
It was during this period that he read Homer and Longinus, having for the first time acquired some real mastery of Greek; and after the publication of the Essai, his mind was full of projects for a new literary effort.
So Haggai sees in Zerubbabel the representative of the 5 There is an obvious effort to preserve the continuity of tradition (a) in Ezra ii.
This is because, as noted before, technology amplifies the productive effort of people.
While the count was being turned over, one of his arms fell back helplessly and he made a fruitless effort to pull it forward.
But on entering Moscow he suddenly came to and, lifting his head with an effort, took Rostov, who was sitting beside him, by the hand.
It was plain that he was making an effort to listen, but could not do so.
At least he was finally making an effort to see his sister - and Katie was actually excited about his visit.
How he expected to achieve that by feigning interest in the goats was a mystery, but at least he cared enough to make an effort.
He was actually making an effort to please her as well.
When I get married it will be because I'm ready to put the effort into a permanent relationship.
She slowly moved from her position and crawled down the tree with effort, the movement sending pain through her tender wrist.
Katie watched him stand with effort.
The effort, while commendable, was not wholly successful.
Dean explained he'd promised Cynthia Byrne a report, detailed beyond the usual, in an effort to help her in obtaining a death certificate.
The annoying little details of the Byrne case were still squirming around in the morning, and in an effort to put one of them to bed Dean stopped by the Parkside Sentinel on his way to work.
Considering the fact that he makes such an effort at protecting you, I don't think he'd take your concerns lightly or think any less of you because you had them.
I wish you would make an effort to be available on your cell phone when we're apart.
To be honest, she hadn't given it much thought or effort.
The least she could do was make an effort to keep track of it.
They made an effort at being polite, but the sparkle had left their eyes.
The closer she got to the overcrowded, poor part of the city, the more people jammed the streets, shoving against her in an effort to escape the collapsing buildings.
With effort, she forced herself up and threw a dagger in the direction of the Other.
With effort that almost drove her to her knees, she reined in the demon, alarmed how much harder it was this time than when she'd killed the madman who was her father.
Taran resisted the draw with effort and stepped into the buzzing night.
She felt the thick, long proof of his arousal hard against her belly, but his effort to provide comfort rather than tend his own pleasure made her feel even safer in her killer's arms.
Was he pleased that Alex was making an effort to get along with her?
With great effort, he worked the knots free from her hair and braided it one last time.
He was able to hear thoughts and manipulate minds in addition to brute strength that allowed him to tear men in two with no effort.
As the elder brother, he took his role seriously, even if it was the only thing he put any effort into.
The knife wasn't like hers – dull enough she had to saw through things with effort.
The words were spoken with effort through his clenched teeth, as if the admittance was a personal insult.
Even them, he was able to read, if he was willing to expend the effort needed to do so.
Her breathing was ragged, her body shaking from the effect of his bite as well as her effort to fight his spell.
Muscles bunched and released beneath his smooth skin, the chiseled body even more defined from the effort of battle.
It explained the storm-cloud energy and how he'd broken her forearm with no effort.
With effort, he lifted his head.
Trusting complete strangers to take care of people I care about isn't exactly something I want to do, Jessi said with some effort.
With effort, she released a breath and sat back down.
An attack of the ague sent him home, and on recovery, having resolved to attend a high school and fit himself to become a teacher, he passed the next four years in a hard struggle with poverty and in an earnest effort to secure an education, studying for a short time in the Geauga Seminary atChester, Ohio.
Hayes, the new president, having chosen John Sherman to be his secretary of the treasury, an effort was made to send Garfield to the United States Senate in Sherman's place.
A Roman Catholic tribe, occupying an inaccessible district, they have hitherto defeated every effort of the Turks to encroach on their autonomy.
The fruitless siege of Parma in 1248 was the last effort of Frederick II.
The Ku Klux movement in its wider aspects was the effort of the first class to destroy the control of the second class.
All his acts were opposed, legislation was at a standstill and every effort was made to force Dr Saenz Pena to resign.
No great mountain chain was ever raised by a single effort, and folding went on to some extent in other periods besides those mentioned.
Little effort has been made to meet the increased sanitary requirements of the larger population and wider inhabited area.
This gave them not merely greater steadiness, but, what was far more important, the power of rallying and reforming for a second effort.
Gardiner (Cromwell, p. 315), that "what makes Cromwell's biography so interesting in his perpetual effort to walk in the paths of legality - an effort always frustrated by the necessities of the situation.
After Newton's time the first vigorous effort to restore the universality of the doctrine of energy was made by Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, and was published in the Phil.
In the first place it increased the visibility of the signalling instrument; in the second place it brought that instrument into the position in which it could most readily catch the operator's eye; and finally it eliminated the effort involved in associating one piece of apparatus with another and in finding that other.
The last king of the quasi-Italian succession, Berengar II., marquis of Ivrea (951961), made a vigorous effort to restore the authority of the regno; and had he succeeded, it is not impossible that now at the last moment Italy might have become an independent nation.
But Charles Charles Albert, who, whatever his faults, had a generous Albertre- nature, was determined that so long as be had an news the army in being he could not abandon the Lombards War, and the Venetians, whom he had encouraged in their resistance, without one more effort, though he knew full well that he was staking all on a desperate chance.
Unfortunately, on this, as on other critical occasions, deputies proved themselves incapable of common effort to promote general welfare.
An effort to encourage the development of the mercantile marine was made in the same year, and a convention was concluded with the chief lines of passenger steamers to retain their fastest vessels as auxiliaries to the fleet in case of war.
It established that all Italian cabinets since 1880 had grossly neglected the state banks; that the two preceding cabinets had been aware of the irregularities committed by Tanlongo; that Tanlongo had heavily subsidized the press, paying as much as 20,000 for that purpose in 1888 alone; that a number of deputies, including several ex-ministers, had received from him loans of a considerable amount, which they had apparently made no effort to refund; that Giolitti had deceived the Chamber with regard to the state banks, and was open tosuspicion of having,after the arrest of Tanlongo, abstracted a number of documents from the latters papers before placing the remainder in the hands of the judicial authorities.
In view of the violence of Extremist obstruction, an effort was made to reform the standing orders of the Lower House, but parliamentary feeling ran so high that General Pelloux thought it expedient to appeal to the country.
Yet the natural or physical theology of the philosophers - in contrast to mere myths or mere statecraft - seems a straightforward effort to reach faith in God on grounds of scientific reason.
On the contrary, even Christian theology makes at least the effort to show that the thought of God regulates the whole system of belief.
Starting from the wellknown fact that the habitual use of a limb tends to develop the muscles of the limb, and to produce a greater and greater facility in using it, he made the general assumption that the effort of an animal to exert an organ in a given direction tends to develop the organ in that direction.
Many of them lived in the various vihdras or residences situate throughout the island; but the main centre of intellectual effort, down to the 8th century, was the Maha Vihara, the Great Minster, at Anwradhapura.
Within a twelvemonth he became more widely known by his Castigo y Perdon, and by a more humorous effort, Los dos Guzmanes; and shortly afterwards he was appointed by the Moderado government to a post in the home office, which he lost in 1854 on the accession to power of the Liberal party.
The influence of physical environment becomes clearer and stronger when the distribution of plant and animal life is considered, and if it is less distinct in the case of man, the reason is found in the modifications of environment consciously produced by human effort.
Meditating, it is probable, emigration upon his release, he turned his attention while in prison to colonial subjects, and acutely detected the main causes of the slow progress of the Australian colonies in the enormous size of the landed estates, the reckless manner in which land was given away, the absence of all systematic effort at colonization, and the consequent discouragement of immigration and dearth of labour.
Any single effort in apologetics may be termed " an apology."
But not all quarters are responsible; and in the effort to grasp scientifically, i.e.
A situation - hazardous in spite of its comic substratum - between Thaumasta and the pretended Parthenophil is conducted, as Gifford points out, with real delicacy; but the comic scenes are merely stagy, notwithstanding, or by reason of, the effort expended on them by the author.
The form of the torque curve, or crank effort curve, as it is sometimes called, is discussed in the article Steam Engine, and the torque curve corresponding to actual indicator diagrams taken from an express passenger engine travelling at a speed of 65 m.
The subject of this youthful effort was suggested, its author says, by a refinement of vanity - " the desire of justifying and praising the object of a favourite pursuit," namely, the study of ancient literature.
Its object was the foundation of a Jewish state in Palestine, but though it aroused much interest it failed to attract the majority of the emancipated Jews, and the movement has of late been transforming itself into a mere effort at colonization.
At the ecclesiastical council which took place at Paris in 1406 Pierre d'Ailly made every effort to avert a new withdrawal from the obedience and, by order of the king, took the part of defender of Benedict XIII., a course which yet again exposed him to attacks from the university party.
So long as the intervening territory was a wilderness no effort was made to define the boundary line.
The first effort is theoretical or speculative; the second, practical.
It was a noble effort to secure a lasting settlement of the slavery question, but he was bitterly denounced throughout the north as a renegade.
It is a proof of the dominating force of his father's character that it cost the younger Mill such an effort to shake off his stern creed about poetry and personal emotion.
It was characteristic of the closeness with which he watched current events, and of his zeal in the cause of "lucidity," that when the Reader, an organ of science and unpartisan opinion, fell into difficulties in 1865 Mill joined with some distinguished men of science and letters in an effort to keep it afloat.
It must be remembered also that economic work in modern times is carried on by consciously or unconsciously associated effort, and although it must always require high qualities of judgment, capacity and energy, many of the difficulties which at first sight appear so insuperable give way when they are attacked.
This is largely a question of the organization of economic studies, and it is of the greatest importance that, if possible, such an effort should be made to present in a connected form the best results of modern criticism and analysis.
To this period belongs his first crude literary effort, a polemic against a Genevese pastor who had criticized Rousseau.
General du Teil, younger brother of the baron, had recently published a work, L' Usage de l'artillerie nouvelle; and it is now known that Bonaparte derived from this work and from those of Guibert and Bourcet that leading principle, concentration of effort against one point of the enemy's line, which he had advocated at Toulon and which he everywhere put in force in his campaigns.
Sir John Moore and the statesmen of Austria - the heroic Stadion at their head - failed in their enterprise; but at least they frustrated the determined effort of Napoleon to stamp out the national movement in the Iberian Peninsula.
The emperor Francis made a last effort to influence his son-in-law through Marie Louise.
Its aim may be described shortly as an effort to humanize theology.
He rushed to Antwerp when there were hopes of saving it from the Germans, but though he exerted himself indefatigably both in diplomacy and in the actual work of defence, and sent a British naval division to help, the effort was in vain.
Green's teaching was, directly and indirectly, the most potent philosophical influence in England during the last quarter of the 19th century, while his enthusiasm for a common citizenship, and his personal example in practical municipal life, inspired much of the effort made, in the years succeeding his death, to bring the universities more into touch with the people, and to break down the rigour of class distinctions.
After Klissow, Augustus made every effort to put an end to the war, but Charles would not even consider his offers.
The effort was too much for him; he left the church exhausted, took to his bed, and died at Metz on the 13th of September 1565.
The rivers when they debouch from the 'mountains assume an eastern trend in their effort to reach the sea.
He differs from Schopenhauer in making salvation by the "negation of the Will-to-live" depend on a collective social effort and not on individualistic asceticism.
The idea of transmutation, in the country of its origin, had a philosophical basis, and was linked up with the Greek theories of matter there current; thus, by supplying a central philosophical principle, it to some extent unified and focussed chemical effort, which previously, so far as it existed at all, had been expended on acquiring empirical acquaintance with a mass of disconnected technical processes.
In this effort they were aided by the fact that Jackson was a high Mason and frequently spoke in praise of the Order.
No sustained effort was made to ward off the inroads of the Danes and others, who were constantly attacking the borders of the Empire.
Alexander, overwhelmed with grief, shut himself up in Castle St Angelo, and then declared that the reform of the church would be the sole object of his life henceforth - a resolution which he did not keep. Every effort was made to discover the assassin, and suspicion fell on various highly placed personages.
The earthly kingdom of Christ is reserved for those who have endured the most terrible tribulation, who have withstood the supreme effort of the worldpower - that is, for those who are actually members of the church of the last days.
In the early periods of the history of other countries this seems to have been the case even where the dog was esteemed and valued, and had become the companion, the friend and the defender of man and his home; and in the and century of the Christian era Arrian wrote that "there is as much difference between a fair trial of speed in a good run, and ensnaring a poor animal without an effort, as between the secret piratical assaults of robbers at sea and the victorious naval engagements of the Athenians at Artemisium and at Salamis."
The chief point of interest in the history of Friends in America during the 18th century is their effort to clear themselves of complicity in slavery and the slave trade.
As regards the latter consideration, it is enough to say that nowhere has productive industry developed itself in the form of voluntary effort; in every country of which we have any knowledge it was imposed by the strong upon the weak, and was wrought into the habits of the people only by the stern discipline of constraint.
Its systematic effort is, in his own words, " pro libertate, quam et fovere et tueri Romanis legibus et praecipue nostro numini peculiare est."
The great motor of the parallel effort in England was the Christian spirit; in France it was the enthusiasm of humanity which was associated with the revolutionary movement.
But in spite of every such effort opinion steadily grew.
The Egyptians, by whom `Amr was greatly beloved, were so much dissatisfied by this act, and even showed such a tendency to revolt, that the Greek emperor determined to make an effort to reduce Alexandria.
Arriving in Dublin at the end of October he received information to the effect that seventeen counties were ready to take up arms if a successful effort were made in Dublin.
Stanley's discoveries "Congo" has become the general name for the river from its mouth to Stanley Falls, despite an effort on the part of Stanley to have the stream re-named Livingstone.
The government of intervention at first directed its main effort simply to holding the country together, without undertaking much that could divide public opinion or seem of unpalatably foreign impulse; and later to the establishment of a few fundamental laws which, when intervention ceased, should give greater simplicity, strength and stability to a new native government.
This effort to shelve the dispute was quite in vain.
In the effort to reduce the practice of economy to a fine art he arrived at the conviction that the less labour a man did, over and above the positive demands of necessity, the better for him and for the community at large; he would have had the order of the week reversed - six days of rest for one of labour.
Rachel's division now arrived and made a most gallant effort to cover the retreat, but their order being broken by the torrent of fugitives, they were soon overwhelmed by the tide of the French victory and all organized resistance had ceased by 4 P.M.
It was designed to hold the enemy in position by the vigour of its attack, thus neutralizing his independent will power and compelling him to expend his reserves in the effort to rescue the troops engaged.
There was no final decisive effort as at Wagram and the Guard was not even called on to move.
Kutusov had now overtaken the French, but fortunately for them he made no effort to close with them, but hung on their flank, molesting them with Cossacks and picking up stragglers.
Nowhere, however, were the keenness and clearness of his intellect more conspicuous than in this brilliant effort, which, if it failed in its immediate object, was highly effective in secondary results.
Even where settlements have been located, constant effort is required to keep the vegetation down.
The naval revolt of 1893-1894, however, had aroused the spirit of militarism in the ruling classes, and the effort to perfect the organization and equipment of the army, strengthen the fortifications of Rio de Janeiro, and increase the navy, have kept expenditures in excess of the revenues.
Nevertheless President Peixoto made no effort to reform the methods of administration.
But his most distinguished effort at the bar was undoubtedly the speech for the House of Commons in the famous case of Stockdale v.
We find, however, as late as 1473 the attempt made to bind all teachers in the university of Paris by oath to teach the doctrines of Realism; but this expiring effort was naturally ineffectual, and from 1481 onward even the show of obedience was no longer exacted.
In 1830 Cobden learnt that Messrs Fort, calico printers at Sabden, near Clitheroe, were about to retire from business, and he, with two other young men, Messrs Sheriff and Gillet, who were engaged in the same commercial house as himself, determined to make an effort to acquire the succession.
That effort was followed by great physical prostration, and he determined not to quit his retirement at Midhurst until spring had fairly set in.
It is significant for the whole future of Hungary that no effort was or could be made by Stephen to weld the heterogeneous races under his crown into a united nation.
The discordance of their results incited Laplace to a searching examination of the whole subject of planetary perturbations, and his maiden effort was rewarded with a discovery which constituted, when developed and completely demonstrated by his own further labours and those of his illustrious rival Lagrange, the most important advance made in physical astronomy since the time of Newton.
No effectual resistance was offered, despite a gallant effort here and there; the disorganization of the country was complete.
In 1009, however, in accordance with a resolution made by the witan in the preceding year, !Ethelred collected such a fleet "as never before had been in England in any king's day"; but owing to a miserable court quarrel the effort came to nothing.
That effort had, however, failed.
In Johannes 1 Jameson, speaking at Durban on the 9th of August 1910, declared that the raid was not racial in the sense usually understood, but an effort towards federation.
Buller's operations, too, had cost at Colenso r roo men, at Spion Kop r 700, at Vaalkrantz 400, and now in the last long-drawn effort 16 oo more - over s000 in all.
In the south-eastern Transvaal Botha made a new effort to invade Natal, but, although he captured 300 men and three guns in an action on the 17th of September at Blood River Poort near Vryheid, his plans were rendered abortive by his failure to reduce the posts of Mount Prospect and Fort Itala in Zululand, which he attacked on the 26th, and he only escaped with difficulty from the converging columns sent against him.
When work restarted after the war, the mine owners offered the Kaffir workmen little more than half the wages paid in 1898; but this effort at economy was abandoned, and the old rates of pay were restored in January 1903.
The threat of the growing power in the Aegean of Venice, which had acquired Cyprus in 1489, at last roused him to a more serious effort; and in 1499 the war broke out with the republic, which ended in 1502 by the annexation to Turkey of Lepanto and Modon, Coron and Navarino in the Morea.
He soon began to prove himself possessed of that systematic spirit of conduct and effort which appeared so much ink his life and character.
As a ruler of the Church he showed wisdom and courage, and disregarded any effort to influence his policy by clamour.
No effort is made to improve the Venezuelan product, a part of which is exported to Cuba for cigar making.
When the fleet went on to the coast of North America during the hurricane months of 1781 he was sent to serve with Admiral Graves (1725?-1802) in the unsuccessful effort to relieve the army at Yorktown.
While trying to feed his army he omitted to fight it, and, with the chance of overwhelming the Prussians by one great effort of marching, he delayed the necessary orders till too late, and the Prussian II.
Summoned before the imperial court of justice, Albert refused to appear and was placed under the ban; while the order, having deposed the grand master, made a feeble effort to recover Prussia.
Zyrowski, Lamartine (1896); and perhaps best of all in the Preface to Emile Legouis' Clarendon Press edition of Jocelyn (1906), where a vigorous effort is made to combat the idea of Lamartine's sentimentality and femininity as a poet.
So that while we admire the variety of his work, we also admire the competence of his effort.
According to Sydenham, a disease is nothing more than an effort of nature to restore the health of the patient by the elimination of the morbific matter.
In the brief Traite de metaphysique the author makes his grand effort, but scarcely succeeds in doing more than show that he had no real conception of what metaphysic is.
In view of what had occurred the Allied Governments decided that in further operations full use must be made of the gathering army, and from this time onwards the military began to assume the principal role in the effort of the Entente to secure command of the Dardanelles.
The effort at Helles was to be entrusted to the 29th Division, supported by the Royal Naval Division, and ultimately to be reinforced by the French division.
A firm footing was gained on shore by the assailants at three out of the five points where disembarkation was attempted, while the effort was also, within restricted limits, successful at the two remaining points.
Two brigades of Birdwood's force were thereupon temporarily transferred to Helles by night, and on the 6th and following two days a mighty effort was made by the invaders to push forward in this southern area and to win the high ground that stretches across the peninsula about 5 m.
The effort, however, failed, and further offensives in this quarter were abandoned for the moment.
The responsible authorities on the spot perceived that the process of gradually removing the huge accumulations of impedimenta that were massed about the landing-places and of reembarking the troops must take place during the dark hours and step by step, every effort being made to keep the Turks unaware of what was in progress.
Most authorities on the art of war agree that the collapse of the Entente in this memorable campaign was primarily due to the abortive naval effort to force the Dardanelles.
And the many fascinating character-sketches, which he has added to the portrait gallery of Scripture, are drawn clearly and without signs of effort.
An effort at a more direct mechanical process is embodied in the inventions of Foucault which are at present being developed in Germany and Belgium; in this process the glass is drawn from the molten bath in the shape of flat sheets, by the aid of a bar of iron, previously immersed in the glass, the glass receiving its form by being drawn through slots in large fire-bricks, and being kept in shape by rapid chilling produced by the action of air-blasts.
This horrible outrage, which lasted more than an hour, happened, too, in the presence of numerous troops, drawn up in the Riddarhus Square, who made not the slightest effort to rescue the Riksmarskalk from his tormentors.
The early church Fathers use the word most frequently in the restricted sense, although an effort has been made to read the wider meaning in Tertullian.
Every effort should be made to prepare a good mealy tilth by suitable ploughing, harrowing and consolidation.
New Zealand has attempted to produce tobacco as a commercial crop, but the effort was abandoned several years ago.
The fall of Sana made a deep impression t Constantinople, every effort was made to hasten out reinforcements, the veteran Ahmad Feizi Pasha was nominated to the supreme command, and Anatolian troops in place of the unreliable Syrian element were detailed.
A remnant of the nation took refuge in an island of the Caspian (Siahcouye); others retired to the Caucasus; part emigrated to the district of Kasakhi in Georgia, and appear for the last time joining with Georgia in her successful effort to throw off the yoke of the Seljuk Turks (1089).
Its purpose is to foster learning and literary effort, and it is a popular and prominent feature in the intellectual life of the country.
This was the last effort of the Indians to throw off the Spanish yoke and the rising was by no means general.
Probably it was not the fruit of a single effort of its author.
After this, in preparation for a grand combined effort of all the Union forces, Grant was placed in supreme command, and the rank of lieutenant-general revived for him (March 1864).
Recognizing that he would be indispensable so long as the Thirty Years' War lasted, she used every effort to bring it to an end; and her impulsive interference seriously hampered the diplomacy of the chancellor, and materially reduced the ultimate gains of Sweden.
The retirement was terribly costly, and but for the steadiness of Lannes the French must have been driven into the Danube, for the archduke's last effort to break down their resistance was made with the utmost fury.
When he had thoroughly meditated every sentence, he sat down to write, and then, such was the grip of his memory, the exact order of his thoughts came back to him as if without an effort, and he wrote down precisely what he had intended to write, without the aid of a note or a memorandum, and without check or pause.
The most noteworthy effort was the casting by Ono Goroymon in 1252 of the well-known bronze image, the Kamakura Daibutsu.
It is scarcely possible to imagine a higher effort of hand and eve than this nunome-zOgan displays, for while intricacy and elaborateness are carried to the very extreme, absolute mechanical accuracy is obtained.
Reiun sculptured simply a man poised on the toes of one foot, the other foot raised, the ar-rn extended, and the body straining forward in strong yet elastic muscular effort.
In short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.
All the products of this new effort are porcelains proper.
The difficulty of obtaining clear, rich tints was nearly prohibitive, and though success, when achieved, seemed to justify the effort, this class of ware never received much attention in Japan.
When Pemberton's army was besieged in Vicksburg by Grant, Johnston used every effort to relieve it, but his force was inadequate.
The rivalry was not without benefit to the literary public, as the conductors of each used every effort to improve their own review.
If it was desired to get rid of these, an effort was made to impute to them some deviation from the rule of faith; and under this pretext the church freed herself from the Montanists and the Monarchians.
After this the main effort of his life was to realize visions of beauty suggested by classic myth and history.
In the various provinces of poetry, while there is little novelty or inspiration, there is abundance of industry and ambitious effort.
The imitative impulse, which had much of the character of a creative impulse, and had resulted in the appropriation of the forms of poetry suited to the Roman and Italian character and of the metres suited to the genius of the Latin language, no longer stimulated to artistic effort.
A generation later, in what might be called the expiring effort of Latin poetry, appeared two writers of much greater merit.
The permanent gain to the service due to his exertions was far more than formal, for it is to him that the general staff owes its tradition of thorough and patient individual effort.
The gross errors of his policy - the renewal of the war with Holland in 1621, the persistence of Spain in taking part in the Thirty Years' War, the lesser wars undertaken in northern Italy, and the entire neglect of all effort to promote the unification of the different states forming the peninsular kingdom - were shared by him with the king, the Church and the commercial classes.
The boy was of an easy-going and pleasure-loving disposition, averse from sustained effort of any kind, and sensual by nature.
Of such character have been the state-aided emigration from Ireland, and the assisted emigration of paupers, criminals and other persons in the effort to relieve a congested population, or simply from the desire to get rid of undesirable members of the community.
Finally, we have the expulsion of the Jews from Russia as an example of the effort of a community to get rid of an element which has made itself obnoxious to the local sentiment.
He made an unsuccessful and costly effort to establish a Catholic university at Kensington, and he also made provision for a diocesan seminary of strictly ecclesiastical type.
This was the last great effort in constructive theology of the Reformation period.
For the first time the elected members were placed in a majority; they were given three seats in the executive council; in local questions the government had to make every effort to carry the majority by persuasion.
Soon after, Edward made a successful effort to throw off his degrading dependence on his mother and her paramour.
Another feature of the time was the strenuous effort made by Edward to establish his numerous family without too great expense.
In 1372 Edward made his final effort to lead an army, but contrary winds prevented his even landing his troops in France.
With drums beating and colours flying, every unit within call went forward for the final effort.
The mere fact of the effort being made would have given the battle of Gravelotte the moral effect of a victory, and the reaction in the German ranks from the feeling of over-confidence, which had mastered them after the early successes of Spicheren and Woerth, must have had most far-reaching consequences.
Another effort was made on the morrow to complete the operation.
He took a share in the unsuccessful attempts to raise the siege of Athens in 1827, and made an effort to prevent the disastrous massacre of the Turkish garrison of fort S Spiridion.
The spontaneous yet successful effort made by President Roosevelt in 1905 to bring together the Russian and Japanese governments, and to secure their appointing delegates to discuss terms of peace, although not strictly mediation, was closely akin to it.
The Council of State saw the necessity for making a strong effort against Tromp, who ranged the Channel unopposed.
A last effort was therefore made to regain the command of the sea.
In 1673 the allies made an effort to invade Holland from the sea coast.
What is most remarkable in it is his concentrated effort to realize the exact political weight of the German nation, and to penetrate the causes of its strength and weakness.
In 1830 when the Belgian provinces separated from Holland, an effort was made to include Luxemburg in the new kingdom of the Belgians; but in November 1831 the powers decided that part of the grand-duchy should be retained by the king of Holland, who refused to accept this arrangement.
It effected a revolution in his mode of thinking; so completely did the Kantian doctrine of the inherent moral worth of man harmonize with his own character, that his life becomes one effort to perfect a true philosophy, and to make its principles practical maxims. At first he seems to have thought that the best method for accomplishing his object would be to expound Kantianism in a popular, intelligible form.
In 1813 began the great effort of Germany for national independence.
To prevent the introduction of the Stamp Act, which he characterized as " the mother of mischief," Franklin used every effort, but the bill was easily passed, and it was thought that the colonists would soon be reconciled to it.
Franklin's works were not collected in his own lifetime, and he made no effort to publish his writings.
Williams remained in Uganda, where the outlook was now fairly promising, and every effort 1 Since reduced to one.
In 1901, however, a more serious effort was made to establish some kind of government in the southern province of Dutch New Guinea, at Merawkay, where a small Dutch-Indian garrison was stationed with the professed object of preventing raids by bands of savages into the British territory near by.
France, he observed, needed the spur to practical energy which the Americans had at hand in the effort to subdue the difficulties placed in their way by nature.
The next effort of Talleyrand was to screen France under the principle of legitimacy and to prevent the scheme of partition on which several of the German statesmen were bent.
This direction of effort was particularly noticeable under the early Ptolemies, Alexandria.
There he gained a large practice, and did much, both by example and by more direct effort, to diminish drunkenness among the lower classes.
He emphasized the importance of our active experiences of movement and effort, and though his theory of a central innervation sense is no longer held as he propounded it, its value as a suggestion to later psychologists is great.
A last effort on the part of John to possess himself of it, in 1214, led to the taking of Angers (17th of June), but broke down lamentably at the battle of La Rocheaux-Moines (2nd of July), and the countship was attached to the crown of France.
An unsuccessful effort was made at the conference of Poissy to bring the two religious parties together; Beza had an opportunity to defend the Calvinistic cause, and Lainez, the general of the Order of Jesus, that of the bishop of Rome.
It is to be remedied not by giving up the idea of the Infinite but by ceasing to think of the Infinite as of a being endowed with a static perfection which the finite will merely reproduces, and definitely recognizing the forward effort of the finite as an essential element in Its self-expression.
But the most rigorous application of the doomage law has only proved its complete futility as an effort to reach unascertained corporate and personal property.'
In 1583 he perished in an effort to establish a colony in Newfoundland.
The moving of vast objects by these simple processes shows what great numbers of men could be enlisted in a single effort, and how high a grade of government it was which could hold them together and feed them.
But the new creative effort in language was accompanied by considerable crudeness of execution, and the novel word-formations and varieties of inflexion introduced by Pacuvius exposed him to the ridicule of the satirist Lucilius, and, long afterwards, to that of his imitator Persius.
Corps from Metz, having the longest distance to go, started first (on June 6), and soon the whole army was The in motion for the selected points of concentration, French every effort being made to hide the movements of the concen.
His cavalry gained contact before noon with Thielemann's corps, which was resting at Gembloux, but the enemy was allowed to slip away and contact was lost for want of a serious effort to keep it.
But Lobau's heroic efforts had not been in vain; they had given his master time to make his last effort against Wellington; and when the Guard was beaten back the French troops holding Plancenoit kept free the Charleroi road, and prevented the Prussians from seizing Napoleon's line of retreat.
Similarly its ecclesiastical statesmen have been developing the full possibilities of its polity, to suit the demands of the time for coordinated effort.
B ut more important and less speculative is the hero's aspect as a national type or an amalgamation of tribal types of physical force, of dauntless effort and endurance, of militant civilization, and of Hellenic enterprise, " stronger than everything except his own passions," and " at once above and below the noblest type of man " (Jebb).
Late in the same year or early in 1615 a stockaded trading post called Fort Nassau was erected on Castle Island, now within the limits of Albany, and a few huts were erected about this time or earlier on the southern extremity of Manhattan Island; but no effort at colonization was as yet made.
The Salonika area became at last the third chief zone of Allied military effort, but no great success attended the expedition until near the close of 1918.
Gifted with a great capacity for work, a remarkable memory and an unbiassed and critical mind, he produced without great effort a number of learned pamphlets and books on the most varied subjects.
On the 27th of March 1808 he was able to attend a performance of the Creation, given in his honour, but it was his last effort, and on the 31st of May 1809 he died, aged seventy-seven.
The extreme licence of the Heliopolitan worship is often animadverted upon by early Christian writers, and Constantine, making an effort to curb the Venus cult, built a basilica.
Japan had had to put forth her supreme effort for the battle, while of Russia's whole strength not one-tenth had been used.
As a public speaker his style was incisive, forceful and often eloquent, although he made no effort to practise oratory as an art.
After a short period of German government, which was highly beneficial to the country, Galicia received after the Constitution of 1867 an exceptional position which was gradually consolidated; the German officials were removed, and the Polish members in the Reichsrat (who represented 71 votes) held the balance between the parties, which brought Galicia, without any effort, great financial advantages at the cost of the other Crown territories.
But the last great effort to overthrow Richelieu was closely connected with the king.
The work was characterized by the great pains taken to ascertain the true authorship of hymns which were either anonymous or attributed to those who had not composed them, and by a like effort to exclude all variations grafted on the ' In 1867 he founded an association for the improvement of legal education, in the hope of bringing about the establishment or the restoration of "a general school of law in London on a scale worthy of the importance of the law and of the resources of the Inns of Court."
Meanwhile Sultan Mahmud, now wide awake to the danger, had been preparing for a systematic effort to suppress the rising.
The rest followed, without the Greeks making any effort to intercept them.
Meanwhile from the north the Ottomans were making another supreme effort.
When intercourse with the West began, and more especially when Western methods of government and education were first adopted in Siam, the tendency to utilize European words was very marked, but recently there has been an effort to avoid this by the coining of Siamese or Bali compound words.
In the effort to escape from the vulgar, words of Sanskrit origin have been freely adopted and many Cambodian words are also used.
The survivors of the party made an effort to re-enter the Convention after the fall of Robespierre, but it was not until the 5th of March 1795 that they were formally reinstated.
No systematic effort was made by the imperial authorities to put an end to the movement until the reign of Decius (250-251), whose policy of suppression was followed by Diocletian (303 ff.) and continued for some years after his abdication.
Under his successors, except during the brief reign of Julian (361-363), when the effort was made to reinstate paganism in its former place of supremacy, the Church received growing support, until, under Theodosius the Great (379-395), orthodox Christianity, which stood upon the platform adopted at Nicaea in 325, was finally established as the sole official religion of the state, and heathen worship was put under the ban.
Indeed, the early conviction of the essential difference between the life of this world and that of the next lived on, and, as the Church became increasingly a worldinstitution, found vent in monasticism, which was simply the effort to put into more consistent practice the other-worldly life, and to make more thoroughgoing work of the saving of one's soul.
It was in the effort to find such safeguards that steps were taken which finally resulted in the institution known as the Catholic Church.
In the course of the new intellectual life, by which after three hundred years of subjection the Czech nation again entered the ranks of the living peoples of Europe, scientific effort early resumed its due place.
It was intended as an effort to conciliate the Poles, and was opened by the emperor William IL, with imposing ceremonies, on the 10th of August 1910.
Their formation from buds which normally would have yielded leaves and shoots is explained by Parfitt as the outcome of an effort at fructification induced by oviposition, such as has been found to result in several plants from injury by insect-agency or otherwise.
Elizabeth has been censured for having made no effort in later years to clear her mother's memory; but no vindication of Anne's character could have rehabilitated Elizabeth's legitimacy.
Just as the Later Roman empire was at once the supreme effort of the old world and the outcome of its exhaustion, so Neoplatonism is in one aspect the consummation, in another the collapse, of ancient philosophy.
His journal and letters show how he was led from a sustained effort to attain the morality of the Gospel to a profound spiritual revolution.
The investigation of all new applications for relief was committed to the deacon of the district, and every effort was made to enable the poor to help themselves.
His lectures kindled the religious spirit among his students, and led some of them to devote themselves to missionary effort.
His efforts to induce the Whig government to assist in this effort were unsuccessful.
But Schelling did not merely borrow, he had genuine philosophic spirit and no small measure of philosophic insight, and under all the differences of exposition which seem to constitute so many differing systems, there is one and the same philosophic effort and spirit.
He made no effort to win over Vladimir to the Roman obedience, but devoted himself to the conversion of the pagan Pechenegs who inhabited the country between the Don and the Danube.
The policy adopted by the early emperors of encouraging, within the limits of a uniform system, the independence and civic patriotism of the towns, was superseded in the 3rd and 4th centuries by a deliberate effort to use the towns as instruments of the imperial government, under the direct control of the emperor or his representatives in the provinces.
In the same way a woman reappeared to her husband in Glencoe in the last generation, but he was wooing another lass and did not make any effort to recover his wife.
No further effort was made to force on the union, and on the 16th of April the war was formally ended.
The prominent features of his character seem to have been cunning, ambition and avarice, combined with want of courage and aversion from effort.
Though the English, led by Sir Hovenden Walker, made in 1711 an effort to take Quebec which proved abortive, they seized Nova Scotia; and when the treaty of Utrecht was made in 1713, France admitted defeat in America by yielding to Britain her claims to Hudson Bay, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
It is on this account that the valves of a dead Lamellibranch always gape; the elastic ligament is no longer counteracted by the effort of the adductors.
President Hayes endeavoured in vain to induce Congress to appropriate money for a Civil Service Commission; and whenever he made an effort to restrict the operation of the traditional "spoils system," he met the strenuous opposition of a majority of the most powerful politicians of his party.
No effort was made to execute the decision, and in 1798 the Eleventh Amendment to the Federal Constitution was adopted, taking from Federal courts all jurisdiction over any suit brought " against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state."
In 1724 he was nominated to the rich deanery of Derry, but had hardly been appointed before he was using every effort to resign it in order to devote himself to his scheme of founding a college in the Bermudas, and extending its benefits to the Americans.
This is not the first effort made by Turkey to colonize Cyrenaica.
In 1869 Ali Riza Pasha of Tripoli tried to induce settlers to go to Bomba and Tobruk; and in 1888 an abortive effort was made to introduce Kurds.
An effort made in 1619 obtained greater success, and, the materials being present, the Virginian settlers were strongly urged to devote attention to the profitable industry of silk cultivation.
A loss of £120,000,000 sterling within 13 years, falling on a limited area, and on one class within these two countries, constituted indeed a calamity on a national scale, calling for national effort to contend with its devastating action.
The rise of arbitration as a method of settling international difficulties has carried it a step further, and now the Hague Peace Conventions have given pacific methods a standing apart from war, and the preservation of peace has become an object of direct political effort.
This brings us down to the greatest deliberate effort ever made to secure the peace of the world by a general convention.
It is to be hoped that this special view of the meaning of the clause will be met in the future, as in some recent treaties, by specifically dealing with the exceptions.2 The Utility of Popular Effort.
It seems to have been the first great popular effort ever made deliberately by a representative body of the middle class of a nation for the promotion of international friendship without the aid of diplomacy and without official assistance or even countenance of any kind.
As yet no means are known which call so much into action as a great war, that rough energy born of the camp, that deep impersonality born of hatred, that conscience born of murder and cold-bloodedness, that fervour born of effort in the annihilation of the enemy, that proud indifference to loss, to one's own existence, to that of one's fellows, to that earthquake-like soul-shaking which a people needs when it is losing its vitality."
The native rulers of India seem to have made no effort to relieve the sufferings of their subjects in times of famine; and even down to 1866 the British government had no settled famine policy.
The Pathan, however, is a slovenly cultivator and slow to adopt any new methods which involve increased effort.
The situation was grave in the extreme, but Enghien resolved on Turenne's account to renew the attack, although only a quarter of his original force was still capable of making an effort.
No time was lost in the effort to carry out the project, but Groot died before a foundation could be made.
Missionary effort was particularly fruitful in Hilo, where Titus Coan (1801-1882), sent out in 1835 by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, worked in repeated revivals, induced most of his church members to give up tobacco even, and received prior to 1880 more than 12,000 members into a church which became self-supporting and sent missions to the Gilbert Islands and the Marquesas.
With Laromiguiere he distinguishes attention as an active effort, of no less importance than the passive receptivity of sense, and with Butler distinguishes passively formed customs from active habits.
But, under the influence of Trendelenburg's attempt to reconcile thought and being by assigning motion to both, his Wirklichkeitsphilosophie, in a similar effort after a unity of being, lands him in the contention that matter is absolute being, the support of all reality underlying all bodily and mental states.
One cannot but feel regret at seeing the Reformed Churches blown about by every wind of doctrine, and catching at straws now from Kant, now from Hegel, and now from Lotze, or at home from Green, Caird, Martineau, Balfour and Ward in succession, without ever having considered the basis of their faith; while the Roman Catholics are making every effort to ground a Universal Church on a sane system of metaphysics.
The Borgia's foremost thought had been for his family; Julius devoted his effort to the Church and the papacy.
In his treatment of subject, Guerin attempted to realize rococo graces of conception, the liveliness of which was lost in the strenuous effort to be correct.
His most ambitious effort was his attempt to effect a conversion of consols in 1884, but the scheme proved a failure, though it paved the way for the subsequent conversion in 1888.
The girl had spared no effort to ingratiate herself, not only with the empress, but with the grand-duke and the Russian people.
Shortly afterwards Alexius made an effort in conjunction with Murtzuphlos (Alexius V.) to recover the throne.
With the increase in weight and size the effort required has increased, and power training has sometimes been necessary.
At the annual festival of Apollo a criminal was obliged to plunge from the summit into the sea, where, however, an effort was made to pick him up; and it was by the same heroic leap that Sappho and Artemisia, daughter of Lygdamis, are said to have ended their lives.
To the outward eye his gigantic strength and herculean build lent him the appearance of health and vigour, but forty years of unintermittent toil and anxiety had told upon him, and during the last two-and-twenty years of his reign, by which time all his old self-chosen counsellors had died off, he apathetically resigned himself to the course of events without making any sustained effort to stem the rising tide of Protestantism and democracy.